Repair Design Furniture

How to seal a frame pool at home. What and how to seal an inflatable pool? How to seal an intex frame pool

Leaks in used frame pools are quite common, and if it is not possible to call a specialist, you will have to fix the problem yourself. It is quite possible to do this.

Experts say that it is not so much the process of eliminating the hole itself that is difficult, but rather the search for it. Let's look at what is needed for repairs and what the algorithm of actions is.

What to prepare to seal a hole in a frame pool

To eliminate leaks in frame pools, ready-made repair kits are sold. They can be purchased at markets in fishing departments or in swimming pool stores.

The repair kit includes:

  • Self-adhesive underwater repair patches. Allows you to carry out repairs directly in the water. It is necessary to cut the patch to the required size. It will cover the hole.
  • If there is no patch, a piece of PVC material from which inflatable boats are made will do. For example, you can buy a pillow for a PVC boat.
  • Glue. Intex sets include superglue Vinyl Cement cold welding. It contains ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, acetone and polyurethane rubber.

Other adhesives can also be used.

Masters who have already repaired a frame pool recommend the following products:

  • Rubber glue "Moment": Designed to work with hard and foam rubber, it produces a durable, elastic and, especially important for swimming pools, waterproof seam. Convenient for home repairs and inexpensive.
  • Plumbing sealant– fills holes and cracks, does not turn yellow, does not crumble, is not afraid of water and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Roofing bitumen aluminum tape– designed for working with roofing, but according to reviews, it can keep the pool from leaking for some time. It is a foil with an adhesive coating. The tape is resistant to moisture and has good sealing properties against environmental influences.

Also, depending on the chosen technology, you may need a hair dryer (preferably an industrial one), a brick or any other press.

We seal the frame pool with Intex

The first thing to do is find the location of the leak. Water does not always decrease due to defects in the bowl or bottom.

It may evaporate or leak due to a faulty gasket in the filtration system.

There are other, faster ways to find damage:

  • Buy a special coloring pigment. This substance is used to check the health of artificial reservoirs. It will help you quickly find the defective area.
  • It is better to start looking for damage to the bowl with the valve in the drain part. Also, water often appears outside the pool, entering through small cracks.
  • At the bottom, accumulations of dirt (silt) around the defect will help you find the leak.

When the damage is found, we begin to eliminate it.

  1. Degrease the surface at the leak site.
  2. We apply glue to two patches - one will be on the outside and the other on the inside. We apply them to the site of damage.

If a leak is found in the bowl, it is imperative to drain the water from the pool, since the surface under the patch must be dry. We seal the bowl by placing a patch with glue applied to it on the cut.

Repairing the bottom of a frame pool in the same way as the bowl.

  • We roll the surface and heat the patches applied to the defect with a hairdryer. From above, if we are repairing the bottom, we press it down with a heavy object, for example, bricks. Let it dry for a day.

Regardless of which method you choose - with or without heating the patch, the sizing area should never be sanded - this will lead to new damage.

Is it possible to repair a frame pool without draining the water?

If you don’t want to drain the water, you can try to repair the pool directly with water.

To do this, we buy self-adhesive underwater repair patches from Intex and press them to the defective area from the inside. Hold the patch for a minute.

Unfortunately, this technique will only provide temporary results, and the pool may leak again.

  • In practice, ready-made Intex repair kits have proven the most effective - this option is more preferable for high-quality repairs.
  • If the cracks are very small and you don’t want to mess around, try sealing them with sealant. With significant holes, you still can’t do without a patch.
  • Be careful when operating the pool.

If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, contact a specialized company for help.

Unfortunately, the disadvantage of a frame pool is the fragility of the material from which it is made. And therefore, sometimes a frame pool requires repairs along the seams or a patch.

How to repair a frame pool with your own hands? Read here.

Often, the restoration of the bowl is carried out by a specialist, but it is quite possible to repair a frame pool yourself. To do this, you need to have special working materials and have some knowledge and skills.

Minor cracks and defects can be repaired using a sealant designed to restore the functional characteristics of the pool. More serious damage should be sealed using a special glue for polyvinyl chloride or traditional “Moment”. You can also use self-adhesive patches.

Cunning Tricks

Repairing frame pools is not a difficult matter; it is more important to find a leak in a multi-ton bathtub. If your pool has a filter, the gasket may be loose and needs to be replaced. If this is not the reason, then you need to carefully review the film. If the crack is at the bottom, then dirt will accumulate around it. If you cannot find the leak, then a special dye will help. This could be either a small hole, or cracks from wear and tear of the material in an unheated room, or a mechanical cut from an animal or a piercing object. In any case, when you find a hole in your pool, . Since the strength and quality of the patch will be better if the work is done under dry conditions.

ADVICE!A special coloring pigment for testing in swimming pools and hydraulic systems can help you find a leak, which will leave a mark where the hole is located. This substance will save you time searching if the damage is minor.

Instructions for the case

So, in order to repair an Intex or Bestway frame pool with your own hands you need:

  • special patch for rubber boats. Such a kit, along with glue, can be purchased either at a store that sells the same boats, or where they are repaired.
  • a hair dryer for drying glue or a weight if the hole is at the bottom of the pool.


  • First, dry and degrease the repair area.
  • Cut two patches as they will be glued on both sides.
  • Glue with glue, apply patches to the repair area and dry with a hairdryer.
  • If this is the bottom, then all the same operations are performed and a load is placed.

You will be able to use this pool within 24 hours.

If you don't want to drain your pool, there are special waterproof adhesives and sealants, or self-adhesive underwater repair patches, but these are only temporary. So it’s better not to waste your time and money, but to do it right away with high quality. After all .

How and with what to seal a frame pool - watch our video:

Seam repair

If a frame pool requires repair along the seam, then the principle is the same. But it is still possible to put the seam on top of each other, go over the place with a hair dryer and seal it with sealant. But do not forget that this procedure is only done when the pool is drained.

Every year the number of swimming pools in summer cottages and in private houses increases many times over. Temporary frame pools, which are distinguished by their large dimensions and good durability, are in great demand. Such pools are very convenient to use and, with a proper cleaning system, can last the entire season without completely replacing the water.

Rules for using a frame pool

  • - It is necessary to install the frame of the future pool on a flat surface where there are no sharp objects, stones or branches.
  • - The base for the pool must be rigid so that the bowl does not deform.
  • - It is also prohibited to allow pets into the structure as they can break through the material with their teeth and claws.

These basic rules help protect the pool from possible punctures or damage. But it’s impossible to foresee everything, and you’ll probably someday encounter the problem of a pool leaking, for whatever reason. Then you will need to seal the frame pool, and now we will tell you how to do this.

Step 1.
The first thing to do is find the location of the water leak. Of course, if the location of the leak is known immediately, then this point can be skipped, but if the hole is not found, then we proceed to the search. First, you should look for a leak near all the pool valves, because... these are the places most susceptible to damage, and only after that move to the walls and bottom of the bowl. There are several ways to find the puncture site. One of the most effective methods is the use of special coloring pigments, which will allow you to detect the location of a water leak due to the bright color of the water at the puncture site. This method is good for checking the sides of the bowl, but can also help with a puncture in the bottom of the bowl. A hole in the bottom of the bowl can also be easily detected by grains of dirt that accumulate tightly around the puncture.

Step 2.
Once you have found the location of the water leak, you can begin sealing. Sealing can be done both with the pool drained of water and with the bowl full of water. It all depends on the materials and adhesives used.

Step 3.
When gluing an empty or half-deflated, to the level of a puncture, frame pool, it is necessary before gluing clean the leak area. You can clean the glued area with fine sandpaper, then wipe the surface dry with a clean rag. After cleaning the adhesive area, you need to prepare two vinyl (or similar) patches. When cutting out patches, remember that the ideal shape for gluing would be an oval or circle. This is because corner patches are highly exposed to water and will peel off over time.

Step 4.

After cutting out the patch, make applying fixation glue on the surface of each of the patches and on the surface of the puncture site from the inside and outside. Wait about 3 minutes and press the patches onto the pool surface on both sides. Pressing the patch against the area to be sealed, begin squeezing air from the center to the edges until the patch is perfectly flat and even.

Step 5.
When sealing a filled frame pool, you must use waterproof patch. With this type of gluing, a waterproof patch is used from the inside of the pool, and a “dry” patch is additionally installed on the outside at the leak site. Cleaning is done only from the “dry” patch side. The shape for both patches is also chosen to be round or oval so as not to cause peeling. After preparing the patches, fixing glue is applied. In this case, glue is applied to each of the patches, and from the outside of the pool, glue is applied to the surface of the break. On the inside, which is filled with water, no glue is applied to the surface! After applying the glue, the waterproof patch should be folded in half for 3 minutes to prepare the adhesive base. After 3 minutes, the patches are pressed against the sealing area, and air is squeezed out from the center to the edges.

Repair kits, special kits and pool sealants can be purchased at specialty stores. Also, such kits and kits can be included with the pool, which is very convenient and is practiced by many manufacturers. In any case, using the sealing methods listed above, you can extend the “life” of your frame pool for a long time, so that it will please you and your family for a long time.

Even proper operation of the pool does not exclude the possibility of leakage. Any container with water becomes completely unusable, or a local leak begins. In such a situation, it is advisable to call a pool repairman, but repairing the tank yourself is cheaper and faster. Let's look at leaks in the main types of pools and how to fix them.

If there is a leak in the pool, you need to find the cause

Checking the tank before repair

There is a possibility of a drop in water level as a result of evaporation. Make sure this factor does not apply to your situation.

  1. Carry out the following experiment: fill the tank to 95% and place a vessel with water in it.
  2. Fill the container to the same level as the pool and mark the water level with a marker.
  3. Leave the pool unused for one day and do not use it.
  4. Check back in a day. If the indicators have decreased by the same level, there is no leak, but water simply evaporates.

Eliminate the piping problem.

  1. To do this, take measurements of the water column throughout the day with the pump turned off and running.
  2. When the liquid disappears at a faster rate while the filters are running, there is a problem with the plumbing. If the leaks are equal in both cases, start looking for a hole.

Looking for a leak

How to find a hole? When searching for leaks, it is rational to use paint pigment. A similar drug is used for testing swimming pools and hydraulic systems. This component leaves a mark in the place where there is a water leak.

  1. A leaking bowl is a problematic place to find a leak. The first step when looking for a leak is to check the drain valve. Often the valve simply wears out, which leads to microcracks.
  2. If there is a hole at the bottom of the pool, the search begins from places where dirt accumulates. This is due to the small size of the hole through which water passes but silt does not.

To carry out quality repair work, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the pool.

High-quality repair work requires a full examination of the dry pool, and the patch should be applied exclusively to a dry surface.

Inflatable pool repair

A rubber artificial pond is a popular way to relax. Such a container is suitable for small summer cottages, apartments, and outdoor recreation. But it is this tank that is exposed to the environment more than others - the slightest prick with a sharp object leads to a hole in the body.

In such situations, the question arises: how to seal an inflatable pool? There are a couple of options:

Option one

A number of manufacturers produce a factory repair kit complete with the pool. This set includes several patches with an adhesive layer, which can be simply applied to the damaged area. There are options with separate patches and glue packaging. If the repair kit was not sold with the pool, go to a store that specializes in the distribution of air mattresses and containers. The seller will tell you how to seal the pool, what material to use for the patch and select glue for pools.

Option two

If you don't have an inflatable store nearby, go to an auto repair shop or auto parts store. There you can easily purchase a repair kit for rubber inner tubes of cars.

If it is impossible to buy ready-made patches, you can seal the pool with improvised means. The patch is made from parts of old inflatable rings, mattresses, and toys. The only thing you have to buy in the store is waterproof glue. But for simple designs, “moment”, “505” and “Glue-second” are suitable.

The material for the patch should be selected according to the type of pool material. In the manufacture of inflatable containers, vinyl, polystyrene and rubberized fabric are used. Take this into account when choosing a material to seal a leak.

Children should not be allowed near the pool for 24 hours after repair work has been carried out.

After repairs, children should not be allowed into the pool for 24 hours. This will allow the glue to set well, which will eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction in the child. If you are at the dacha when you fix the leak, leave the tank outside for ventilation.

Follow the correct DIY repair sequence:

  1. Locate the leak. To do this, apply soap to the wall in the area where you hear the sound of air descending. A soap bubble will begin to appear at the leakage point.
  2. Degrease the surface with solvent or alcohol.
  3. Apply glue to the patch, completely covering its surface. Apply the material with glue to the puncture site and press firmly (put it under a press).
  4. Before using it, check the quality of your work.

PVC pool repair

Polyvinyl chloride is a mixture of chemical elements: chlorine, carbon and hydrogen. This material, obtained artificially, has found wide application in industry. Based on their structure, soft, semi-soft and hard materials are distinguished. Depending on this criterion, a patch (PVC film) is also selected. You will have to choose a suitable glue, because not all adhesive mixtures are capable of sealing PVC. It must be sealed with a highly elastic adhesive with a high level of adhesion, and it must be moisture resistant. Characteristics of high-quality glue:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • sensitivity to sunlight;
  • ability to withstand mechanical stress.

If you decide to seal a PVC pool, start by cleaning the surface. Abrasive paper is suitable for this process. Then the cleaned area is degreased. The glue is applied to one of the surfaces (patch or pool), pressed for a couple of minutes and allowed to sit for 24 hours.

Even large holes can be repaired. Selecting the right repair kit will allow you to seal your pool with your own hands.

How to seal a frame tank?

  1. Small cracks can also be sealed with special sealants. Cans of a similar adhesive mixture are sold in specialized stores.
  2. Serious damage will have to be dealt with. You will need adhesive and film material to seal the hole. This set is available in stores that sell frame pools.
  3. On a note. There is a special kit that allows you to repair the tank without draining the water. But they are used exclusively in cases where you know the location of the hole. A waterproof patch will last a long time if applied correctly, but it is best to match the inner waterproof patch with the outer dry patch.
  4. People who specialize in repairing frame ponds recommend using the following materials for repairs:
  • Rubber adhesive "Moment" is suitable for gluing rubber elements. The result of gluing is a waterproof seam that has the necessary strength and elasticity. Cheap and fast helper in home repairs.
  • Plumbing sealants can help fill a small gap or hole. This type of material is UV resistant and does not react with water.
  • The use of roofing bitumen-aluminum tape allows you to keep the pool from leaks for a long time. Externally it resembles foil with a base for gluing.
  • Soldering the seams is done using an industrial hair dryer. Heating to high temperatures will allow the two sides of the gap to be firmly glued together.

An industrial hair dryer is necessary for soldering seams.

Repair of a stationary pool

In this situation, it is customary to use the services of specialists, because the facing materials of such structures are films and tiles. But if you want to fix the leak yourself, remember a number of rules:

  1. Carry out a thorough inspection of the bowl. Any peeling, cracks or dents may be causing a leak.
  2. When the cause of the leak is found, remove the facing layer. If the finishing material is tile, you need to remove at least four pieces. This will help to examine the surface for dampness. The film is dismantled in a different way - they cut out a place within a radius of 20-30 cm around the hole or remove a whole sheet of material.
  3. The bedding layer near the leak will be damp. This involves complete dismantling of the waterproofing material and plaster.
  4. If there are cracks, use a sealant to seal small pores.
  5. Reapply layers of waterproofing and plaster to level the surface.
  6. After the solution has completely dried, proceed to laying a new facing layer.

Don't forget about sealing. The junction of the old and new cladding ball must be properly insulated. This will protect the results of your work from “relapse” of holes.

How to avoid leakage?

More than half of the leaks are due to the fault of the owners. Improper operation and violation of safety regulations leads to holes, the repair of which takes time. Avoid a number of actions that lead to the integrity of the reservoir bowl:

  • do not use sharp objects in or near the pool, because a slight touch with the tip of a knife or needle will damage the coating of the walls or bottom of the tank;
  • try to keep pets away from the pool, their teeth and claws can cut the lining of the tank; It is undesirable to sit on the walls of frame ponds - the material of the walls cracks under the weight of a person, and microcracks
  • lead to leaks;
  • You cannot push off too hard from the walls of the tank, because sudden pressure at one point leads to dents and cracks.

Proper operation will allow the pool to serve its owners for a long time.

In the sultry summer heat, the only salvation at the dacha is a swimming pool with cool water. Particularly popular among owners of private houses with average incomes are prefabricated structures from the foreign manufacturer Bestway. They are distinguished by increased quality and long service life. But they, like any others, are not insured against damage. Due to the fact that the price of a Bestway pool is quite high, and not everyone can afford to buy a new one, it is important to know how to seal it correctly.

How to determine the damaged area?

Whether it is really a leak or just evaporation can be checked by filling a bucket or basin with water and placing it in the pool. A marker marks the level of fullness of the container on the inner and outer surfaces. If after a day the losses in the bucket and the pool are the same - evaporation. If the water level outside the container has dropped, but not inside, there is a leak.

If the leak has formed on the bottom, you can determine the specific location by the particles of dirt accumulating around it or by obvious leaks from under the pool. It is also recommended to inspect the gasket in the filter head, the drain valve on the pool bowl and the pipe connection.

How to repair damage?

To seal a frame pool, the manufacturer Bestway recommends purchasing a universal repair kit, which includes:

  • patch based on vinyl material;
  • special adhesive composition.

To seal the PVC with the highest quality possible, it is recommended to completely drain the pool of water, dry the defective area and thoroughly degrease it with white spirit. Small cracks and other defects can be repaired using a sealant designed to restore the functional characteristics of the pool.

The puncture is sealed using a special glue for polyvinyl chloride or the traditional “Moment”, when using which the place to be repaired must be pressed with a heavy object for 10-12 hours. Before use, you need to study in detail the instructions for use of the selected adhesive composition. The use of self-adhesive patches is allowed.

You can seal the pool without first draining the water. For this method of repairing frame pools, special repair kits are available for sale, which contain waterproof (adhered to the inside) and regular (for external use) patches.