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Dmitry Medvedev's audio system. Hi-End equipment by Dmitry Medvedev Audio system by Dmitry Medvedev

After the TV report, photographs of an informal breakfast circulated on federal RuNet channels Dmitry Medvedev And Vladimir Putin at the presidential residence in Gorki-9. “Tandem” had a modest breakfast - bread and milk. But in some photographs, the guarantor of the constitution proudly posed in front of a stand with audio equipment. Product fan Apple and nanotechnology turned out to be a lover of the sacramental "warm tube sound": in his collection there was a place for a reel-to-reel tape recorder, a vinyl player, and speakers for $75 thousand. Meticulous audiophile bloggers identified the components of the “presidential kit”, rating it $200 thousand. The annual income of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is 67 thousand euros.

A few photographs were enough for Russian bloggers to identify the president of the country as an audiophile, who is not embarrassed to pay up to 200 thousand dollars. In a report from the breakfast of the president and prime minister at Medvedev’s Gorki-9 residence, the attention of bloggers was drawn to an unusual audio system. Audiophiles compared images and information in catalogs of various companies, finding out that the president has a vinyl record player in a place of honor. Avid Acutus Reference SP with power supply. In Russia, such a unit is sold for $31.000 .

The presidential collection included a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Technics RS-1500US, discontinued, which is sold only in used form for $2000-3000 . With automatic reverse function, 3-speed, 3-motor. The age of the system is approximately 10-12 years. It has been suggested that the system is designed to listen to eavesdropping recordings from the KGB archives (pictured below).

On the second shelf on the left of the President there is a power supply for the player Avid cost 320-350 thousand rubles, on the right – a phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage behind 220-240 thousand rubles (pictured below).

On the third shelf is a CD player Naim CDX2. It has three modifications, outwardly indistinguishable. If this is a basic modification, then it’s worth 200-220 thousand rubles, If CDX2.1- something more expensive by 50 percent, If CDX2.2- expensive 100 percent. System age – from 2 to 5 years (pictured below).

The hit of the collection is the acoustic system Daniel Hertz: speakers M1(costs 75 thousand dollars from a Swiss manufacturer), monophonic power amplifiers M5 TELIKOS(4 blocks of 5-6 thousand dollars), preamplifier M6 (7-8 thousand dollars). The latest system was presented less than a year ago (pictured below).

Bloggers also identified some types of cables and connectors, some of which cost up to $3000 a piece. It was not possible to determine some of the equipment, but based on the main components it was calculated that the kit “pulls” on $200 thousand dollars. Its cost can be half as low if the equipment was purchased on the “secondary market,” writes the author of the “investigation.” davnym-davno. Which is unlikely, given the status of the owner and the fact that much of the equipment is undoubtedly new. " As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly, better in sound. True, it should be noted that if the president decides to sell this particular set (if it is his personal property and not state property), he will get three times more for it (after all, the equipment is from the president’s room), and for this money he will be able to purchase a set more expensive and more refined" - ironically yarosh .

Meanwhile, President Medvedev's annual income is at most half the cost of the equipment - 67 thousand euros. “I saved money on breakfast,” the bloggers state, nodding at the photo of the president and prime minister eating rye bread.

– That is, even the highest official of the state demonstratively does not want to live on one salary... Pzdts! And he plays “deep purple” at full volume? - If Vladimir Vladimirovich doesn’t mind, then he just turns it up sometimes.) I think he’s not allowed to reach full volume after all...”, commented on the blog chibis .

Presidential penchant for "warm tube sound" found many more sympathizers among the male population of Runet than the guarantor’s love for iPhones. " This is the second time in a week that Bear has received respect. Soon, without noticing it, I will begin to support it... Very cool technology, I kindly envy that someone is enjoying it...». « Oh cool! And Medvedev knows a lot about such devices. :) Unless, of course, the selection of equipment was not done by the “staff”... but this is unlikely... everything is too collectible and non-standardly assembled... to the taste of one person. He knows a lot about it! :)" True, some evil bloggers claim that this is the response of citizens who have recognized similar signs of anal fixation in the president. " Even very modestly. But it is clear that they are not homeless. They don't indulge in multi-channel sound. The audio wall is not being built. Then, the president did not promise during the election campaign that he would listen to music on Sonate-214 “, note the “moderates”.

At the suggestion of the owner of LiveJournal under davnym_davno bloggers estimated the cost of a set of presidential musical equipment at 200 thousand dollars (more than 6 million rubles). Meticulous bloggers also recalled that in the personal use of President Medvedev, who is fond of photography, a Leica S2-P camera worth about 2 million rubles, as well as a Breguet watch worth 32 thousand dollars, were previously seen.

On the top shelf from left to right

Avid Acutus Reference turntable. In Moscow you can buy it for 620-640 thousand rubles, in a gold-plated case - 40 percent more expensive. Medvedev’s seems to be not gold plated, but regular chrome plated. The age of the system is approximately 5-7 years. Judging by the location of the wires, the system is inoperative. Perhaps it broke down, and there are no qualified repairmen with access to the presidential residence.

Reel-to-reel tape recorder Technics RS-1700US with automatic reverse function. 3-speed, 3-motor. The age of the system is approximately 10-12 years. In Moscow you can buy for 100-120 thousand rubles. You can find it on eBay 8-10 times cheaper, but it is unknown whether it will work. It was suggested that the system was designed to listen to eavesdropping recordings from the KGB archive.

On the second shelf: on the left - the power supply of the Avid player worth 320-350 thousand rubles, on the right - a phono preamplifier with its power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage for 220-240 thousand rubles.

On the third shelf is a Naim CDX2 CD player. It has three modifications, outwardly indistinguishable. If this is a basic modification, then it costs 200-220 thousand rubles, if CDX2.1 it is 50 percent more expensive, if CDX2.2 is 100 percent more expensive. The age of the system is from 2 to 5 years.

Daniel Hertz acoustic system: M1 speakers (costs 75 thousand dollars), monophonic power amplifiers M5 TELIKOS (4 blocks of 5-6 thousand dollars each), M6 preamplifier (7-8 thousand dollars). The newest system was presented less than a year ago. Russian dealers still don’t sell it to this day (one was found, but the price list is not made public), apparently they ordered directly from the manufacturer.

On the bottom shelf on the right is an Isotek Aquarius Black surge protector. In Moscow you can buy it for 50-60 thousand rubles.

It has not yet been possible to discern what kind of equipment is installed at the bottom left. Whoever succeeds, tell me.

The painting on the wall is the work of Ekaterina Bebutova "Still Life. Glass". 1923. Oil on canvas, 58x49 from the collection of the State Russian Museum.

© REUTERS/RIA-Novosti, Dmitry Astakhov

01/05/2010, Russia, Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana | That's how Medvedev has the camera in his hands! This medium format Leica S2-P (body) costs more than a million rubles.

According to Materials: davnym_davno , drugoi ,


At the suggestion of the owner of LiveJournal under the nickname davnym-davno, bloggers appreciatedthe cost of a set of presidential musical equipment is 200 thousand dollars(more than 6 million rubles).

So, the already famous photograph of Dmitry Medvedev’s audio center from the Gorki-9 residence shows:

Vinyl record player Avid Acutus Reference SP with power supply. In Russia it sells for$31000

Reel-to-reel tape recorder Technics RS-1500US . The model has been discontinued and is now sold only used$3000-4000

Phono stage with its own power supplyAvid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage - $8000

Amplifier M5 TELIKOS, $6000 per piece (there are 4 of them in the main photo, two on the left and on the right)

Next, the surge protector Isotek Aquarius Black .In Moscow it can be purchased for$1700-2000

There is some other equipment on the bottom shelf, which has not yet been identified. + cables and connectors, some of which cost $3000 each. In total, the entire system (without yet unidentified equipment and stand) costs $175,000

Leica S2-P camera costs without lensmore than 1 million rubles(with a lens one and a half to two)

Previously, Dmitry Medvedev was spotted using a Leica S2-P for personal use

Oddly enough, even the powers that be have small weaknesses in the form of hobbies. Here is a post about the audiophile inclinations of the former Russian president. Few people will appreciate this unobtrusive hobby, and it is unlikely that ordinary people will allow themselves such expenses. But there will still be connoisseurs, as here, and they will estimate the approximate cost of the hobby. ...

Photos from Reuters from a meeting during a working lunch between Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin at their Gorki residence outside Moscow became the number two topic on the Internet last week. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister came to the meeting with bread and dairy products that he brought from the Golden Autumn 2010 agricultural exhibition, bloggers did not pay attention to “bread and salt.” Oddly enough, the President's music audio center was subjected to detailed analysis.

Blogger Sasha Chibis examined the President's audio center in detail in the photograph and gave a rough estimate of the cost of the audio system used by Dmitry Medvedev.

These are the components into which the complex of the audio center of the President of Russia was broken down by director, applied branding consultant and DJ Sasha Chibis, calling Dmitry Medvedev an aesthete and a “sound lover.”

Well, now for more details about the components:

This is an Avid Acutus Reference SP turntable with power supply.
In Russia it sells for $31,000:

And this is a Technics RS-1500US reel-to-reel tape recorder. The model has been discontinued and is now sold only used for $2000-3000:

A lover of classic hard rock cannot appreciate the beauty of Smoke On The Water without the warm tube sound. You can’t do without a phono stage with its own power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage for $8000:

Dmitry Anatolyevich plays the CD on a Naim CDX2 (the basic version costs $7,000, the top version costs $14,000):

The most expensive component turned out to be Daniel Hertz M1 speakers at $75,000 per pair.

Also identified in the photo is a Daniel Hertz M6 1 MegOhms preamp ($8000 from the manufacturer), 4 M5 TELIKOS amplifiers at $6000 each, cables and connectors (some of them at $3000 each).

In general, the blogger believes that Dmitry Medvedev estimates the sound quality on a system costing about 200 thousand dollars.

“I contacted an expert on this type of technology, he generally agrees with the estimates given, however, he believes that the cost of the speakers may be overestimated, since the price is difficult to determine from the picture. In addition, the prices from the review are very approximate values, such equipment can only cost so much at the time of sale, and the market price for equipment that has already been in at least some use is halved. Thus, if the initial estimates are correct, then the kit costs $100 thousand, not $200.

As the expert with whom I spoke told me, this is a pretentious set, but there is nothing special about it, in Russia there are sets that are cooler and more expensive, and most importantly better in sound,”— the blogger completes his research.

Bloggers found Medvedev's audio system worth $200 thousand

Photos of an informal meeting at which Dmitry Medvedev received Vladimir Putin at his Gorki-9 residence caused an unprecedented stir among bloggers. And the point is not that the GDP literally put DAM on black bread and kefir, but the expensive audio system, which the president did not fail to demonstrate to the prime minister. According to bloggers, the cost of such audio equipment varies from 100 to 200 thousand dollars. In addition, some of them are confident that Medvedev “uses this audio system to listen to recordings from the KGB archives.” Well, everyone has their own music for the night.

On October 1, President Medvedev met with Prime Minister Putin in Gorki-9. Then the leading media only paid attention to the fact that the GDP treated the DAM with black bread and milk. However, the very next day, blogger davnym-davno published a post on his LiveJournal describing the audio system that the president demonstrated to the prime minister at the meeting.

After this, the blogosphere literally exploded, speculating about the cost of the presidential miracle technology. A LiveJournal user under the nickname yarosh approached this issue more thoroughly than others. In his opinion, the equipment could cost 200 thousand dollars. This is what he writes in his diary:

I contacted an expert on this type of technology, he generally agrees with the estimates given, but believes that the cost of the speakers may be overestimated, so it’s difficult to determine the price from the picture. In addition, the prices from the review are very approximate values, such equipment can cost so much only at the time of sale, and the market price for equipment that has already been in at least some use is halved. Thus, if the initial estimates are correct, then the set costs 100 thousand dollars, not 200.

A reel-to-reel tape recorder, presumably a Technics RS-1500US, attracted particular attention from bloggers. This discontinued model, according to bloggers, is only suitable for “wiretapping recordings from the KGB archives, there is nothing else to listen to on it, and such information is not digitized for fear of leakage.”

In addition, bloggers advised the president to sell the kit at 3 times the price and buy himself a system that is “cooler and more expensive, and most importantly better sounding.”

So, this is the technique that blogger davnym-davno looked at in the photographs.

On the top shelf from left to right are:

Avid Acutus Reference turntable. In Moscow you can buy for 620-640 thousand rubles. The system is approximately 5-7 years old. Judging by the location of the wires, the system is inoperative. It may have broken down, and there are no qualified repairmen with access to the presidential residence.

Reel-to-reel tape recorder Technics RS-1700US with automatic reverse function. 3-speed, 3-motor. The age of the system is approximately 10-12 years. In Moscow you can buy for 100-120 thousand rubles.

On the second shelf: on the left is the power supply for an Avid player worth 320-350 thousand rubles, on the right is a phono preamplifier with its power supply Avid HiFi Pulsar Phono Stage for 220-240 thousand rubles.

On the third shelf is a Naim CDX2 CD player. It has three modifications, outwardly indistinguishable. If this is a basic modification, then it costs 200-220 thousand rubles, if CDX2.1 it is 50 percent more expensive, if CDX2.2 is 100 percent more expensive. The age of the system is from 2 to 5 years.

Daniel Hertz acoustic system: M1 speakers (cost 75 thousand dollars), monophonic power amplifiers M5 TELIKOS (4 blocks of 5-6 thousand dollars each), M6 preamplifier (7-8 thousand dollars). The newest system was presented less than a year ago. Russian dealers still don’t sell it to this day (one was found, but the price list is not made public), apparently they ordered it directly from the manufacturer.

On the bottom shelf on the right is an Isotek Aquarius Black surge protector. In Moscow you can buy it for 50-60 thousand rubles.