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Duo rabbits biography. Vladimir Danilets. Films and television

Few people do not know a wonderful joke about rabbits, which are not only valuable fur. One of its authors, Vladimir Moiseenko, is an artist familiar to the viewer in a comic role. His style is a conversational genre, in which the actor succeeded so much that he was awarded the title of laureate. But the main proof of Vladimir’s talent as a comedian is the laughter of the audience, which invariably accompanies his performances.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Moiseenko is the story of life at the junction of two states. The future artist was born on March 19, 1963 near Leningrad, in the village of Glebychevo, Vyborg district. Moiseenko hardly lived there - his father was a military pilot, and when the boy was 8 months old, the parents and the child moved to Kyiv. In the capital of Ukraine, he completed 8 classes of high school.

As a child, it was difficult to call the actor a good boy. Volodya grew up on Shulyavka, a disadvantaged Kyiv street. Near Shulyavka there is Pushkinsky Park, where the boys had fun. From the outside, this fun looked like hooliganism, so Moiseenko was removed from the police register in the children’s room only in the 8th grade. And immediately after this, the young man changed his lifestyle - he signed up for the young vigilantes, which made the local police officer laugh.

After school, Volodya entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School. There, at the stage of entrance exams, the young man met his main pop partner and namesake.

Over the years of study, the comedians became friends and subsequently worked together at Ukroconcert, adding full-fledged creative cooperation to their friendship.

Creativity and humor

For the first time, Vladimir was advised to perform together with Danilets by his classmates. As a result, the student duet became the beginning of a long joint artistic journey, and in 1987 the duet “Rabbits” was formed.

Scene "Rabbits"

In addition to Ukroconcert, Moiseenko managed to work at both Kievconcert and the Little Humorous Theater. Just 2 years after the formation of the duet, Danilets and Moiseenko became laureates of the All-Union Conversation Artists' Competition. But real popularity came on January 6, 1990. Then the “Full House” program showed the number “Rabbits”, which instantly won the hearts of people. Times were difficult, and the chance to laugh was highly valued.

1991 brought the duo another award: participating in “MORE SMEHA”, an international festival in Riga, the “Rabbits” became laureates of the Cup. In 1998, Vladimir was awarded the title of People’s Artist of Ukraine, and in 2000 he received the “Golden Pen” for the program “Awake and Sing” on the Inter TV channel.

Sketch “Victim of Advertising”

However, over time, they had to tour more on foreign soil: in their homeland, the duo was required to perform exclusively in Ukrainian. In an interview with the portal in 2011, the artist said that then “Rabbits” was helped by his acquaintance with the Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Kravchenko. In Russia, comedians starred extensively and productively in the programs “Curved Mirror”, “Full House” and “Funny Panorama”.

On stage, Vladimir Moiseenko is used to giving his all. This is illustrated by the situation when he fainted while performing a number. The actor was performing a pantomime about a weightlifter, and the shirt had a very tight collar. And when Vladimir tensed too much, imitating the efforts of an athlete, a vessel in his neck was pinched.

Sketch “For a healthy lifestyle”

As a result, according to the script, the character fainted, and the artist himself fell. What is typical is that the audience did not notice this, because Vladimir came to his senses after half a minute and went backstage. Only my colleagues found out about what happened then.

Since 2010, the comedian began to try himself in a new role - as a film actor. Now he has 4 musical films and experience in dubbing - in the cartoon “Babay” the 1st and 2nd heads speak in his voice.

Personal life

In addition to acting, Moiseenko has loved sports since his youth. He is a candidate master of sports in basketball, skiing and scuba diving.

The comedian's "serious" problem is buying clothes. His non-standard build is easy to see in the photo. Moiseenko's height is 195 cm, and his weight is 90 kg. Tall and thin, he usually has to buy his clothes abroad.

Vladimir does not seek to disclose details of his personal life. The actor's wife's name is Ekaterina. In 1992, the couple had a daughter, Elizaveta, and in 2003, a son, Ilya. Danilets, who became Lisa’s godfather, jokes that since the son is Ilya Vladimirovich, then the grandson will probably be Vladimir Ilyich. With the artist’s encouragement, the whole family skis Moiseenko.

From rare interviews on a personal topic, it is not difficult to understand that Vladimir values ​​children and close communication with them. Moiseenko’s educational credo is to teach children not to lie and, accordingly, to never deceive them.

The lives of Elizabeth and Ilya are reliably protected from the press by their parents.

Vladimir Moiseenko now

The “Rabbits” duet continues to be in demand and loved by viewers. Vladimir tours a lot in Russia and foreign countries.

In 2016, an unpleasant situation happened to the duo - due to the worsened relations between Russia and Ukraine, the public at home considered the performance of “Rabbits” on the New Year’s light of the Russia-1 TV channel as a betrayal. Zealous patriots even collected signatures for a petition to deprive Vladimir of the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

However, today the actor continues to perform in Ukrainian cities. For example, in August 2018, the duo “Rabbits” took part in a charity concert held in Zhitomir. The purpose of the performance was to raise money for the treatment of the Ukrainian singer.

The main performances of the actor still take place in Russia.


  • "Rabbits"
  • "Advertising Victim"
  • "Best friend"
  • "Hypnosis"
  • "Best Friend's Wife"
  • "Pavlo and Galya"
  • "Chess Player"
  • "Experiment"
  • "Rozhalnik"
  • "Athlete"

And Vladimir Moiseenko. They work in Russian and Ukrainian.


In addition to Pertsov, Natalya Korosteleva, Maryan Belenky, Liliya Motsar and other authors wrote for “Rabbits.”

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An excerpt characterizing the Rabbits (comedian duo)

Rostov even noticed that Denisov was unpleasant when he was reminded of the regiment and, in general, of that other, free life that was going on outside the hospital. He seemed to be trying to forget that former life and was only interested in his business with the supply officials. When Rostov asked what the situation was, he immediately took out from under his pillow the paper he had received from the commission and his rough answer to it. He perked up, starting to read his paper and especially let Rostov notice the barbs that he said to his enemies in this paper. Denisov’s hospital comrades, who had surrounded Rostov—a person newly arrived from the free world—began to disperse little by little as soon as Denisov began to read his paper. From their faces, Rostov realized that all these gentlemen had already heard this whole story, which had become boring to them, more than once. Only the neighbor on the bed, a fat lancer, sat on his bunk, frowning gloomily and smoking a pipe, and little Tushin, without an arm, continued to listen, shaking his head disapprovingly. In the middle of reading, the Ulan interrupted Denisov.
“But for me,” he said, turning to Rostov, “we just need to ask the sovereign for mercy.” Now, they say, the rewards will be great, and they will surely forgive...
- I have to ask the sovereign! - Denisov said in a voice to which he wanted to give the same energy and ardor, but which sounded useless irritability. - About what? If I were a robber, I would ask for mercy, otherwise I’m being judged for bringing robbers to light. Let them judge, I’m not afraid of anyone: I honestly served the Tsar and the Fatherland and did not steal! And demote me, and... Listen, I write to them directly, so I write: “if I were an embezzler...
“It’s cleverly written, to be sure,” said Tushin. But that’s not the point, Vasily Dmitrich,” he also turned to Rostov, “you have to submit, but Vasily Dmitrich doesn’t want to.” After all, the auditor told you that your business is bad.
“Well, let it be bad,” Denisov said. “The auditor wrote you a request,” Tushin continued, “and you need to sign it and send it with them.” They have it right (he pointed to Rostov) and they have a hand in the headquarters. You won't find a better case.
“But I said that I wouldn’t be mean,” Denisov interrupted and again continued reading his paper.
Rostov did not dare to persuade Denisov, although he instinctively felt that the path proposed by Tushin and other officers was the most correct, and although he would consider himself happy if he could help Denisov: he knew the inflexibility of Denisov’s will and his true ardor.

In the 90s, the phrase “Rabbits are not only valuable fur” became a catchphrase. It belongs to a member of a colorful duo founded in 1987. The miniature gained such wide popularity that the permanent member of the duet, Vladimir Danilets, is still associated with the image of Ivan Opanasovich from the collective farm “Ilyich’s Revenge”.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Danilets comes from the Chernihiv region. The father of the future artist worked as a teacher. The mother worked in social security. Mutual understanding and love reigned in the family. Vladimir claims that he got the start that allowed him to make a successful career in childhood. Parents instilled in their children hard work, determination and other qualities necessary in any profession.

Vladimir has an older sister. She advised her brother to enroll in a variety and circus school after school. Vladimir appeared on stage for the first time at the age of seven. The boy performed the song without feeling any fear or confusion.

Since the debut turned out to be successful, Vladimir was subsequently invited to concerts at the regional level. Since childhood, the artist has been playing several instruments. As a schoolboy, he became famous in his native village for his drum solo.

Vladimir entered the variety and circus school on his second attempt. After leaving school, he worked as a bricklayer for a year. In the second year, students took a vocal exam. Vladimir was so confused that the commission declared him unsuitable for the stage. After the exam, a teacher approached him and advised him to abandon his artistic career and return to construction.

Although work at a construction site guaranteed a stable salary and the opportunity to get an apartment in Kyiv, Vladimir did not give up his dream and did not become a bricklayer. The student continued to work hard and hard. He showed good results in acting classes.

Vladimir Moiseenko and Vladimir Danilets

The stage teacher, having learned about Danilets’s possible expulsion, supported him. However, he noted that Vladimir will be able to make a successful career only in the conversational genre. Thanks to the perseverance, abilities and support of the teacher, who sometimes studied with Vladimir for eight hours a day, I was able to successfully graduate from college.

The famous duet formed after attempts to build a solo career. This is not to say that they were unsuccessful. Danilets’ biography includes participation in both republican and all-Union competitions. But the fame and love of the audience for the comedian came as part of the “Rabbits” duet. I have known the artist since my student days.

Humor and creativity

Once, before creating the miniature “Rabbits,” during a competition, an administrator approached the young artist and suggested shortening his performance. Danilets did not agree. Instead of five minutes, I spent fifteen minutes on stage. It was the “Wedding” number, which included dances and songs written by Danilets. The miniature was a stunning success. The artist was called for an encore twice. Since then, the comedian made a vow to himself: never to deviate from the plan.

In 1987, Danilets first appeared on stage in tandem with Moiseenko. Four years later, the artists met Evgeniy Perebiinos. The duo's repertoire now includes a miniature composed by Vladimir Pertsov for other artists.

This is a small scene with the participation of two characters: a simple-minded and simple-minded collective farm chairman and a hot-tempered journalist. The content of the miniature is simple. However, the sparkling humor and artistry of Danilets and Moiseenko brought the number incredible audience success.

The artists were given the nickname “Rabbits,” which they first tried to get rid of. Then they resigned themselves and named the duet after the popular number. For 15 years, Danilets and Moiseenko pronounced the same dialogue on stage, which the audience already knew by heart.

In 2006, the Rabbits decided to take a break. For six years the skit, which has become a classic of pop art, was not shown. In 2012, at a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the duo, they again appeared before the audience in old, but by no means forgotten images.

Over the course of 30 years, Danilets received countless rabbits as gifts: live and plush. He brought the latter home to the children. Danilets gave the living into good hands. Despite all the benefits and quality of dietary meat, the artist never gave these cute animals for slaughter.

The success of the duet lies in the comical external contrast of the artists: the tall and fit Moiseenko (height 195 cm) and the charming, plump, but at the same time agile and flexible Danilets. The latter, due to his height and weight, had to play women.

The scene with Indian motifs was loved by the audience in the 90s. But as the years have passed, the public's demands have changed. Today there are much fewer fans of Indian cinema. Artists have to adapt to the realities of the times. Now the “Rabbits” repertoire includes over 300 numbers.

Vladimir Danilets appears on Russian television and participates in projects. The artist plays the guitar, recorded several of his songs, and sometimes acts in films. Danilets often goes on tour, but in an interview he once admitted that he only feels comfortable at home, in Kyiv. Danilets and Moiseenko have a forty-year friendship. On a joint page in "Instagram" comedians post photos taken both at concerts and after hours.

Personal life

The artist met his wife Lyudmila in the late 70s. In 1980, daughter Lilia was born. 12 years later - Angelina. Danilets’s youngest daughter followed in her father’s footsteps: she graduated from a variety and circus school. Angelina works in the conversational genre and starred in the series.

According to the artist’s confessions, his personal life was as successful as his professional one. Family relationships are built on the basis of mutual understanding. He calls his daughters every day. Vladimir Danilets has a grandson.

Vladimir Danilets now

At the end of 2017, “Rabbits” came on tour to Russia. The concert halls were not crowded. Thus, a little more than two hundred tickets were sold at the box office in the city of Pavlovsk. Mostly older audiences came.

To questions from journalists about whether the events in Ukraine had an impact on his work, Danilets answered laconically:

“There are difficulties, but I won’t talk about them.”

Danilets’ participation in Russian television projects caused outrage among Ukrainian activists. In addition, the page of the artist’s wife was blocked on Odnoklassniki: Lyudmila Danilets reposted posts by DPR supporters.


  • 1987 – founding of the duo “Rabbits”
  • 1994 – “Full House”
  • 2006 – “Jumble”
  • 2007 – “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”
  • 2007 – “Distorted Mirror”
  • 2009 – “Funnier than Bunnies”
  • 2010 – “Morozko”
  • 2011 – “The New Adventures of Aladdin”
  • 2012 – “Little Red Riding Hood”
  • 2013 – “Three Heroes”

Comedy shows are highly popular on all television channels. Many artists, starting with a small performance as part of the program, subsequently become famous and beloved by the people. Vladimir Danilets and Vladimir Moiseenko went this way. With their number "Rabbits", which they presented as part of a humorous program, they quickly gained universal recognition.


Vladimir Moiseenko was born into the family of a military pilot in 1963, on March 19. At that time they lived in the Leningrad region. Vladimir was not yet a year old when the whole family moved to Kyiv. In the same city, he entered school, after which he successfully passed the exams and became a student at the variety and circus school. There, during the entrance exams, he met Danilets.

After passing the entrance exams, Vladimir Moiseenko successfully studied and graduated from college, being assigned to Ukrkoncert. Meanwhile, his partner was drafted into the army in 1978, almost immediately after enlistment. He returned when Vladimir was already in his 3rd year.

In 1983, it was Moiseenko’s turn to join the army. All the time after they met, the future partners continued to be strong friends, even though they started working in different teams.

In 1987, the two Vladimirs began performing together. Two years later, the duo was invited to the Full House program, and since then their popularity has been growing every year. They participate in many television and concert programs and perform solo concerts.

The humorous duo also have experience working in films. In 2009, Vladimir Moiseenko starred in one of the series of the television magazine “Yeralash”. Together with their partner, they participated in New Year's concert films.

Meeting and working with a partner

Vladimir Moiseenko met his future partner at the entrance exams to the circus school, at which time they both completed 8 grades. One was very worried that he wouldn’t get in, the other was completely calm, because he didn’t expect the competition to take place.

After graduation, the guys performed in different groups, but met and became friends in the same company. So, at one of the parties, after a lot of joint jokes, friends gave them the idea of ​​performing together. After some time, Vladimir Moiseenko and his permanent partner begin to prepare a joint performance.

After some time, the guys got a director, Evgeniy Perebiinos, who works with them to this day. Work begins on creating a humorous program for performances. Training takes place daily for several hours. The team is starting to gain popularity.

Soon the duo was invited to perform in the Distorting Mirror project, where they successfully worked for several years. With this program and the “Full House” project, the duo of comedians tours the CIS countries, and also performs in America and Europe for Russian-speaking viewers.

The numbers are written not only by Vladimir Danilets and Vladimir Moiseenko, the team has several authors with whom the comedians work constantly. They are also open to new ideas and constantly receive letters from viewers with humorous sketches. Those who are hired are paid, as the comedians themselves say. Some numbers are written by famous artists, such as Zhvanetsky, who gave them a couple of scripts.

The duo's activities led to the creation of the "Little Humorous Theater". In addition to comedians, this organization includes an administrator, sound engineer, director, accountant, make-up artist and many others, without whom it would be difficult to work productively.

Popular numbers

Danilets and Moiseenko are “Rabbits,” as fans and simply lovers of good humor are used to calling them. The number under this name was one of the first that this couple presented. Together with him they toured throughout Ukraine and Russia.

Viewers first saw him in the Full House program, which aired in January 1990. After which the phrase “rabbits are not just fur” could be heard on public transport, at work and in shops. And the faces of the performers became recognizable.

Another number that can be considered famous is called “Tractor”. In it, a representative of a foreign manufacturer of agricultural machinery presents its products. Similar numbers can be listed in dozens. They have one thing in common: light humor, associated with everyday issues and incidents. The comedian duo rarely resorts to political issues.

Films and television

Since 2010, Vladimir Moiseenko has annually starred in New Year's films, which are aired on the holiday night. The first such project, but not the debut for the artist, was the film “Morozko” with the participation of a large number of famous artists and singers. The next year, the work was in a similar film called “The New Adventures of Aladdin.”

In 2012 and 2013, similar projects also did not take place without the participation of the humorous duo. In addition, Vladimir worked on the voice acting of the Ukrainian-produced cartoon “Babay”.

Awards and achievements

Throughout the existence of the humorous duo, Vladimir Moiseenko and Vladimir Danilets received a number of awards and prizes. One of the first is the Arkady Raikin Cup, which was received in Riga at a humor competition. For the program “Awake and Sing”, the comedians became owners of the “Golden Pen”.

The comedy team is regularly given rabbits as gifts. They can be soft, ceramic, glass, wood and even alive. Danilets and Moiseenko gratefully accept the gifts, because rabbits are not only valuable fur, as they say in their famous number.

Toys and figurines usually end up with children; live rabbits are placed in good hands where they will not be eaten. One “eared” Dutch breed lived with Vladimir Moiseenko for a long time. Another couple were taken to the village by the parents of the project director, and now the 3rd generation of gifts is growing up there.

Once at a concert in the hall, a woman laughed so hard that she went into labor. The concert was suspended and an ambulance was called. This was about 18 years ago, now the woman comes to concerts with her adult son.