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Conscription into the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces. How many years did conscripts serve in the army in the USSR?

Completion of conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1. Legal basis for conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
2. Features of military service by conscripts.

Legal basis for conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Military conscription appeared in our country many centuries ago. A well-organized army still existed in the Moscow state. The nobles performed permanent service, and the rest of the population was called up only in cases of special need.

At the beginning of the 20th century. The period of active service in the infantry and foot artillery was 3 years, in other branches of the ground forces - 4 years, in the navy - 5 years. Some categories of citizens were provided with benefits. For example, the period of military service for young people who graduated from a 1st category educational institution (as well as 6 classes of a gymnasium) was 2 years. Those who were completely unable to bear arms for health reasons were completely exempt from service. Some church ministers were also exempted from military service.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, the Decree of 1918 “On forced recruitment into the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” had a pronounced class character and provided for compulsory military service for workers who had reached the age of 18. Later, in 1930, a new Soviet law was adopted - “On Compulsory Military Service” - according to which the defense of the USSR with arms in hand was carried out only by working people. The non-labor classes were assigned to perform other duties - serving the army. Thus, the class approach to the performance of military service duties by citizens was preserved.

4 years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, a law was passed according to which the conscription of male citizens was carried out once a year in November-December. In addition, new terms of service were established in the Armed Forces of the USSR: in the Ground Forces and Air Force - 3 years, in the Navy - 4. Later, in 1968, the period of military service was reduced to 2 years in the Ground Forces and up to 3 - in the Navy. Institute graduates who did not receive military training served for 1 year. In addition to the autumn conscription, a spring conscription was also introduced.

Currently, the legal basis for military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws “On Military Duty and Military Service” (with amendments and additions), “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On Defense”, Regulations on Procedure military service and other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of defense, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation.

On June 14, 2006, the State Duma of Russia adopted amendments to the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, establishing for male citizens conscripted from October 1, 2007, the period of conscription service in the army is 18 months, and from January 1, 2008 - 12 months and at the same time canceling a number of previously existing deferments from conscription, significantly reducing the number of military departments in civilian universities and tightening the requirements for their graduates.

In accordance with the current legislation, male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, who are registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserve, are subject to conscription for military service. All citizens are required to be registered with the military, with the exception of:
- exempted from military duty in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”;
- undergoing military service;
- serving a sentence of imprisonment;
- female persons who do not have a military specialty;
- permanent residents outside the Russian Federation.

Citizens who have been granted a deferment from conscription for military service are not called up for military service.

Reasons for deferment:
1. Education in high school, vocational school, technical school, college, university (with some reservations).
2. Postgraduate studies.
3. Fitness category “temporarily unfit” due to health reasons.
4. Constant care for father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, if there are no other persons obligated by law to support these citizens, and also provided that the latter are not on full state support and are in need for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at the place of residence of citizens called up for military service, in constant outside care (assistance, supervision). In fact, the last requirement is tantamount to having a Group I disability.
5. Guardianship or trusteeship of a minor brother or minor sister in the absence of other persons obligated by law to support these citizens.
6. Having a child, provided that he is raised without a mother.
7. Having two or more children.
8. Having a disabled child under three years of age.
9. Entry into service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the criminal executive system, bodies for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and customs authorities of the Russian Federation immediately upon graduation from educational institutions of higher professional education of the above bodies and institutions, respectively , in the presence of higher professional education and special titles - for the duration of service in these bodies and institutions.
10. Having a child and a wife whose pregnancy is at least 26 weeks.
11. Election as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a deputy of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a deputy of representative bodies of municipal entities or the head of municipal entities and the exercise of their powers on an ongoing basis - for the term of office in these bodies.
12. Registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on elections as candidates for positions filled through direct elections or for membership in bodies (chambers of bodies) of state power or local government bodies - for the period up to and including the day of official publication (promulgation) of the general election results, and in case of early retirement - up to and including the day of retirement.

A citizen is exempt from conscription for military service if he:
- declared unfit or partially fit for military service due to health reasons;
- has already completed or is undergoing military service in the Russian Federation;
- has already completed or is undergoing alternative civilian service;
- completed military service in another state in cases provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

A citizen has the right to be exempt from conscription if he:
a) has an academic degree provided for by the state scientific certification system;
b) is a son (sibling):
- a serviceman who was undergoing conscription military service, who died (died) in connection with his performance of military service duties, and a citizen who was undergoing military training, who died (died) in connection with his performance of military service duties during military training;
- a citizen who died as a result of an injury (wound, injury, concussion) or illness received in connection with the performance of military service duties during conscription, after dismissal from military service or after expulsion from military training or the end of military training.
Whether to use this right is up to the citizen to decide for himself. If yes, then it is advisable to officially declare this by writing a corresponding application to the draft commission.

Features of military service by conscripts

Conscription for military service of citizens who are not in the reserve includes:
- attendance at a medical examination and meeting of the draft commission;
- appearing at the time and place specified in the military commissariat’s agenda for sending to the place of military service and staying at the military commissariat before the start of military service.

To conduct the draft, a draft commission is created. A citizen subject to conscription for military service undergoes a medical examination. Based on its results, as well as taking into account other data, the draft commission makes one of the following decisions:
- about conscription for military service;
- about referral to alternative service;
- on granting a deferment from conscription for military service;
- on exemption from military duty.

Those who are found fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions during a medical examination are subject to conscription for military service. As a rule, citizens who have a category of fitness for military service with minor restrictions are not sent to the Air Force, Marine Corps, floating personnel of the Navy and some other units.

Citizens declared temporarily unfit for military service are granted a deferment from conscription for examination and treatment for a period of 6 or 12 months.

Those deemed to be of limited fitness are enlisted in the reserves, and once every three years they are subject to examination until they reach the age of 27. Those declared unfit for military service are removed from the military register.

The beginning of military service for citizens who are not in the reserve and called up for service is considered the day they are awarded the military rank of private.

The term of military service is calculated from its first day. It does not count time:
- stay in a disciplinary military unit and the time of serving a disciplinary arrest;
- unauthorized abandonment of a military unit or a place of military service established outside a military unit, regardless of the reasons for abandonment for more than 10 days.

For a soldier released from a disciplinary military unit, subject to his impeccable military service, the time spent in the disciplinary military unit can be counted towards the period of his military service in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for military service.

For military personnel, special uniforms and insignia are established.

The first military rank of private is assigned to a citizen of the Russian Federation who does not have a military rank, called up for military service, upon his departure from the military commissariat to the place of military service. The military rank of sailor is assigned to a serviceman called up for military service when he is included in the lists of personnel of a military unit where the state provides for the military rank of sailor.

The next military rank is assigned to a serviceman on the day of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, if he occupies the corresponding position.

A serviceman may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule for special personal merits, but not higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position he occupies.

In addition, military personnel undergoing conscription military service and holding the military rank of sergeant (sergeant major) may be assigned military ranks ahead of schedule. This category also provides for the assignment of regular military ranks one step higher than the military rank provided for the occupied full-time military position: sergeants (foremen) - not higher than the military rank of foreman (chief ship foreman).

While serving a sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest, a serviceman cannot be assigned another military rank.

Military personnel called up for military service are appointed to regular military positions in accordance with the military registration specialties they received.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen are appointed to military positions by order of the commander of a regiment, a separate battalion (separate company) or equal commanders (chiefs).

When appointing a military position, the serviceman’s education, professional, moral and psychological qualities and state of health are taken into account.

The appointment of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen to senior military positions is made depending on their suitability for these positions and the availability of vacancies.

The preferential right of appointment to senior military positions is enjoyed by military personnel who are undergoing conscription military service, have class qualifications, are excellent in combat training and have no disciplinary sanctions.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, recognized by a military medical commission as fit for military service or fit with minor restrictions, but not fit for military service in a specific specialty, are appointed to military positions, the duties for which they can perform taking into account their state of health. If there are no such military positions in a military unit, then the military personnel are transferred to other military units. Sailors and petty officers who are serving on ships and vessels of the Navy and are recognized for health reasons as unfit for military service on them are transferred to coastal military units of the fleet.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, as a rule, perform military service in those military units to which they were sent upon conscription or arrived after completing training in military training units.

Military personnel undergoing conscription service may be sent (including as part of subunits, military units, formations) to perform tasks in armed conflicts (to participate in hostilities) after they have completed military service for at least 6 months and after training in the relevant specialty.

Transfers of military personnel to a new place of military service from one military unit to another within the Armed Forces are carried out in the following cases: according to official necessity; in order of promotion; for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission; in connection with organizational and staffing events.

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are transferred to a new place of military service without their consent.

Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, having sick and retired parents, who during the period of military service acquired the right to perform it near the place of residence of the family, upon presentation of the appropriate documents, can be transferred to a new place of military service for family reasons.

The special significance of military service is manifested in more stringent sanctions for violations or evasion of military duties. For example, for unauthorized abandonment of a unit, a military serviceman may be held criminally liable, while other civil servants face a more lenient punishment for a similar violation.

The day of the end of military service is considered the day a serviceman is excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit in connection with his dismissal from military service.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who have served the established terms of conscription military service, if they have not expressed a desire to continue military service under a contract, are dismissed from military service.

Military personnel discharged from military service must be fully provided with the established types of allowances on the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit. Until all necessary settlements are made with military personnel, they are not excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit without their consent.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen discharged from military service who have served in conscription are sent to military commissariats at their place of residence. Sending them to other points is permitted only in cases of a change in the place of residence of their families, confirmed by documents.

Before leaving military service, military personnel are explained the rights and benefits provided for them by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the leadership of the state and the Armed Forces is currently considering new ways to create a mobilization reserve in the country.

Thus, in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in 2013, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed, without abandoning deferments for students, to change the system of military training in universities; to give all students the opportunity to undergo military training during their studies and subsequent military training and obtain a military specialty. This mechanism will make it possible to train the required number of reservists in the most popular, primarily technical, military specialties, without conscripting them into the Armed Forces.

When considering the first question, the leader of the lesson must emphasize that military service is a special type of federal public service performed by citizens in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies. Its passage is a process regulated by law of changing the legal status of military personnel in connection with the occurrence of certain legal facts during the performance of military service from the moment of its beginning to its end.
When studying the second question, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that along with the rights, a citizen subject to conscription for military service also has responsibilities in accordance with Russian legislation. The Russian Federation has established legal regulation in the field of conscription and military service in order for citizens to fulfill their constitutional duty and responsibility to protect the Fatherland. Russian legislation determines the procedure for conscripting citizens into military service and the procedure for completing it for this category.

Recommended reading:
1. Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53-F3 of March 28, 1998.
2. Federal Law “On Defense” No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996.
3. Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” No. 76-FZ of May 27, 1998.
4. Regulations on the procedure for military service (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237 of September 16, 1999).
5. Address of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2013.

Major Boris IVANOV


What is military service? For some citizens, military duty is a matter of honor, an opportunity to maintain a family tradition, to defend the Motherland with arms in hand; for others, it is a duty imposed by the state on the male population of the country; for others, it is time wasted. Military service with the beginning of perestroika, the era of glasnost and democracy ceased to be prestigious. And the point is not even that patriotic values ​​have begun to play a lesser role in the life of society. The whole point is that this school turned out to be almost universally infected with the phenomenon of hazing. And the recruits who came to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were forced not to study the art of war, mastering the necessary skills, but to solve the most important question for themselves: how to survive in the army? Recruitment campaigns have turned into an all-out pursuit of conscripts. Spring is still perceived by young people of military age and their parents on a par with a natural disaster.

On the positive side of the issue

Over the past years, the political and socio-economic situation in Russia has changed several times. Today the state is doing everything possible to ensure that service in the ranks of the Russian Army becomes in demand among young people. Words about honor and duty sound beautiful, but most young people are pragmatic, and therefore it is quite natural that they are, first of all, interested in a list of the advantages of serving in the army, and not just discussions about spiritual and physical maturation in it. As numerous surveys show, for many conscripts the issues of successful employment after fulfilling their duty to the Motherland and prospects for career growth are pressing.

In 2013, Russian President V.V. Putin signed a Decree that largely changed the attitude of young people to military service. All who have completed this type of service are given preference when occupying government positions.

Demobilized conscripts are given advantages when entering economic and management higher education institutions. For those who did not serve in the army without legal grounds, the path to civilian service is closed. By law, they do not have the right to hold unelected state and municipal positions. The state also provides benefits for parents of conscripts, which not everyone knows about. This primarily concerns social benefits. The wife of a conscript soldier also has the right to receive a one-time social benefit if she is expecting a child and her pregnancy is 180 days or more. In order to receive a payment, you must contact the social security department at your place of residence. A child of a citizen who is serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has the right to receive state support until he turns three years old or his father’s service in the army ends.

If it is time for the child to attend kindergarten, he has the right to priority enrollment in a preschool institution.

Parents of conscripts have the right to preferential payment for utilities. To resolve the issue, you need to contact the housing and communal services or management company, providing documents that your son is in military service. The category of documents required for this includes:

  • a certificate from the military unit where the citizen serves;
  • a certificate from the branch of the military commissariat that called him up for service.

However, when calculating the amounts for payment of housing and communal services, the following point must be taken into account: if the parents of a conscript live in an apartment building and they have individual metering devices installed (meters for electricity, light, water), they will pay for “utilities” at a reduced price. If there are no individual meters, there will be no preferential payment. Human rights activists consider this practice illegal, but this rule still remains in force.

And another important nuance: parents of conscripts pay payments for general household services on the same basis as all other citizens, since this category of payments does not have benefits.

If payment for utilities is made based on the number of people living in the apartment, based on the certificate, the calculation is carried out without taking into account the conscript. In order for payment to be calculated taking into account the benefits, the parents of the new recruit must submit a corresponding application to the housing and communal services or management company. Experts advise filling out the application in two copies: keeping one of them, which indicates the date of registration of the incoming document, as well as a copy of the certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or military unit, in case they are “lost” by the public utilities. This rule is recommended to be observed by the relatives of the conscript who submits documents to the USZN. If rights are violated, bureaucratic red tape begins; you must immediately contact the prosecutorial authorities or the court.

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About the negative realities of life

The best option is military service, when the young man graduated from a university where there is a military department, as a result of which he has a military rank. The hardest thing to carry out military service is for privates who are not psychologically prepared for military life.

Sociologists say: a person’s adaptation to a new social environment lasts from six months to several years, but those government agencies that recruit into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation do not take such subtle matters into account. Commanders of military units do not think about this issue either.

All attempts to revive DOSAAF in Russia, despite legislative support, still remain at the level of good intentions. The reason for this is banal: to conduct classes and training with young people who will be sent to the army, an appropriate material base is needed, which does not exist. Children who attend military-historical and military-sports clubs at their place of residence, which successfully operate in various regions of Russia, find themselves in a more advantageous position compared to their peers. Such conscripts are least likely to have questions about how to serve, especially since in the clubs they will acquire skills in using pneumatic weapons, learn hand-to-hand combat techniques and, as a result, have fairly high-quality physical and moral preparation for the “school of courage.”

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A simple and complex “school of courage”

How can those who are not ready to bear the rigors of military service survive in the army? Discipline can be instilled in a young person even when childhood is behind him. But if parents continue to perceive the army as a place where an undisciplined son will be betrayed, nothing good will come of it. Another line of behavior is no less dangerous when the conscript is told: The armed forces are a breeding ground for hazing. Instead of discussing in advance with your son the tactics of behavior in that situation if he is faced with hazing. First of all, care must be taken that the conscript:

  • knew about his rights and responsibilities as a military member;
  • understood that the Criminal Code of Russia provides for criminal liability for hazing;
  • had information about contact numbers and addresses where to contact if faced with hazing.
  • I knew by heart the contacts of the local branch of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers and the regional military prosecutor's office.

There are many positions in the army and for every taste. Every young person who joins the ranks will be able to realize their abilities to the maximum. Military service will turn any young man into a real man, capable of making responsible decisions and ready to protect his loved ones. It strengthens character, cultivates the best human qualities through physical and spiritual development, and prepares young people for adult life, full of trials and difficulties.

Conscription or military service

A citizen entering this type of service does not have any civil support or preferences, unlike contract army employees. First of all, the future fighter needs to be present in the military register. Conscription commissions, which select young people into the armed forces, are located within municipal districts, urban districts, and in intra-city territories. Military commissars in these institutions occupy the highest representative and leadership positions. It was the same in the Red Army.

Upon summons, conscripts are subject to a medical examination, after which their suitability for service is determined. Conscription also includes sending the future soldier to the military commissariat and his presence here before service begins. In the future, he will have the status of a military personnel.

in the Armed Forces

Foreign citizens can also hold contract positions in the army. They serve on a par with others in certain positions. This applies only to ranks that can be filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of the Russian Army. The contract position is paid and involves state social support for each fighter who has Russian citizenship.

Certain requirements are put forward for the fighters of these units: age, education, physical and mental condition, special professional training (when assigning a category). A conscript soldier who wishes to serve under a contract is provided with a list of vacant positions in the army. After submitting an application, a citizen must undergo testing and inspections that determine his physical characteristics, level of military training, and professional qualities. Then follows the issuance of a military ID and enrollment in contract service in the armed forces. Here, as an ordinary rifleman, you can earn about 18 thousand monthly; with increasing length of service, both the social package and salary increase.

Positions in the armed forces

The draft board determines what military and professional obligations a soldier will have. Psychological and professional selection, educational and special training, and the results of the medical commission influence the position and rank in the army. Military personnel are obliged to improve their military and physical training, follow orders, take measures to preserve their health, refrain from addictions, and comply with the regulations.

The regiment commander occupies a leadership position and is responsible for various incidents and violations that could lead to death or serious bodily injury, for taking action against criminal actions of employees, for the safety in the operation of weapons and military equipment and for fire safety, and monitors the health of soldiers . Shooting, exercises and various activities are supervised by his deputy. Deputies for logistics, educational work, and weapons supervise the relevant units.

Positions in the army such as chief of artillery and regimental services involve responsibility for environmental protection and safety during military events, the proper use of equipment, ammunition and the safety of equipment and military weapons.

Salaries and ranks of contract workers

Qualification, length of service, conditions that threaten life and health, possession of special skills and knowledge of foreign languages, work with state secrets - all this affects contract service in the army, position, salary, and social benefits. A squad commander with up to 5 years of service receives a salary of about 33 thousand, a sergeant with up to 10 years of service receives about forty, and the highest salary, taking into account allowances, for a platoon commander (sergeant major) is almost 60 thousand.

Material support is provided from the state - military personnel receive bonuses for special merits, they have the opportunity to obtain housing. If during his service the military man was not provided with housing and he was forced to enter into a lease, then this amount can be partially compensated. When moving, you are also entitled to benefits and housing.

Features of women's positions in the army

A female citizen can be hired for any vacant positions in the army. There are also requirements for age, health and professional training. Mostly women occupy positions in the medical, food, and clothing services, and become rear commanders.

The chiefs of the medical regimental service are obliged to carry out treatment and preventive measures, monitor the conditions in which the soldiers serve, identify soldiers with physical and mental disabilities, medically check the quality of water and food products, the sanitary condition of the premises, prevent and prevent the risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases and etc. The regimental psychologist is engaged in strengthening discipline in military units and especially monitors the condition of psychologically unstable employees. Food service workers monitor good quality food and the maintenance of warehouse and canteen facilities.

What can a soldier become?

Nowadays, economic duties in the army are performed by appropriate employees, while soldiers receive the rank of private, and then can take on an officer position. In the army, these include the positions of lieutenant), senior officer (major), senior officer (marshal, general, admiral). Lieutenants rise to the rank of captains and captain-lieutenants, and majors become colonels.

Depending on the type of armed forces (ground, air force, naval, missile, airborne, defensive or engineering), fighters can occupy technological, operator, command, driver and other positions. For example, an information specialist could prove himself as an operator in the computing department, a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology could try himself as a chemist or a specialist in the operation of chemical (flame-thrower, incendiary, thermal, radiation) means, and office engineers become telephone operators. craftsmen or mechanics.

Company positions

As a soldier or sailor, a citizen is responsible for the safe operation of equipment and weapons. The responsibilities of the company sergeant major include keeping living and working premises clean and tidy and supervising lower-ranking employees. The platoon commander is responsible for military education, discipline of soldiers, and the correct use of equipment and weapons.

His deputy for armament - a senior technician - carries out work on maintaining technical equipment and implementing fire-fighting measures. The obligations of the deputy for educational work include meeting the needs of the staff, resolving disputes and conflicts, and conducting pedagogical activities. All of the above responsibilities are within the competence of the company commander.

How to choose a suitable specialty

All specialties that are provided in the army are taught there. With this experience, the soldier can continue to serve on a contract basis in the future. Of course, you cannot choose a branch of the military; this is determined by the relevant commission. And you can easily occupy any position according to your skills, abilities and physical characteristics.

For many young guys, serving in the army with all its reasonable restrictions, discipline and strict order becomes not a burden, because they find something they are good at, which they did before the army. You only need to choose based on your abilities, and not on the principle of “what is easier,” then the service will seem easy and interesting.

Civilian and alternative positions in the military

Medical and consumer services for soldiers, logistics, repair and construction, and cultural and leisure work are carried out by civilian employees in the army. These support functions ensure the full functioning of the military unit.

Alternative service involves the conscript being located not in a military unit, but in a state enterprise, where he works for 18 or 21 months. At this time, the citizen is deprived of the right to additional income. He is protected by the Labor Code, but does not have the opportunity to terminate the employment contract on his own initiative. Only citizens recognized as fit for military service can be involved in such work.

Obtaining a specialty before starting service

You can obtain a military specialty even before the start of conscription. Young men aged 17 years, including students of vocational schools, technical schools, and colleges, can receive such training. The selection is carried out by the military commissariat with the help of representatives of educational organizations. They form lists of citizens and indicate the military specialties in which they will be trained.

Before the start of training, a control medical examination and interview are carried out. Young people must correspond to the chosen branch of the military and have no criminal record. At the end of the training, the graduate already has the position of driver of cars or military vehicles, a specialist in the operation of various equipment (airfield mobile electrical units, gas production and charging stations, etc.).

The Federation, unofficially called the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, whose number in 2017 is 1,903,000 people, is supposed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, protect its territorial integrity and the inviolability of all its territories, and carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties.


Created in May 1992 from the Armed Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the RF Armed Forces at that time had a much larger number. It consisted of 2,880,000 people and had the largest stockpiles of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction in the world, as well as a well-developed system in the means of delivering them. Now the RF Armed Forces regulate the number in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

There are currently 1,013,000 military personnel in the Armed Forces since the last published presidential decree came into force in March 2017. The total strength of the RF Armed Forces is indicated above. Military service in Russia is carried out both by conscription and by contract, and in recent years it has prevailed. Upon conscription, young people go to serve in the army for one year, their minimum age is eighteen years. For Russian military personnel, the maximum age is sixty-five years. Cadets at special military schools may be slightly younger than eighteen years of age at the time of enrollment.

How does picking happen?

The army, air force and navy accept officers into their ranks for service solely and exclusively on a contract basis. This entire corps is trained in relevant higher educational institutions, where upon graduation cadets are awarded the rank of lieutenant. During the period of study, second-year students enter into their first contract for five years, thus, service begins within the walls of a military educational institution. Citizens who are in the reserve and have an officer rank often replenish the number of personnel of the RF Armed Forces. They can also enter into a contract for military service. Including those graduates who studied at military departments of civilian universities and were assigned to the reserves after graduation, also have the right to conclude a contract with the Armed Forces.

This also applies to military training faculties and its cycles at military training centers. Junior command and rank and file personnel can be recruited both by contract and by conscription, to which absolutely all male citizens from eighteen to twenty-seven years of age are subject. They serve for conscription for one year (calendar), and the conscription campaign is carried out twice a year - from April to July and from October to December, in spring and autumn. Six months after the start of service, any serviceman of the RF Armed Forces can submit a report on concluding a contract, the first contract is for three years. However, after forty years, this right is lost, since forty is the age limit.


Women are extremely rare in the RF Armed Forces; the vast majority are men. Among almost two million there are less than fifty thousand, and only three thousand of them have officer positions (there are even twenty-eight colonels).

Thirty-five thousand women are in sergeant and soldier positions, and eleven thousand of them are warrant officers. Only one and a half percent of women (that is, approximately forty-five people) occupy primary command positions, while the rest serve on headquarters. Now about the important thing - the security of our country in case of war. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between three types of mobilization reserve.


The current mobilization reserve, which shows the number of conscripts in the current year, as well as the organized one, where the number of those who have previously served and were transferred to the reserve is added, and the potential mobilization reserve, that is, the number of people who can be counted on in the event of war when mobilized into the army. Here the statistics reveal a rather alarming fact. In 2009, there were thirty-one million people in the potential mobilization reserve. Let's compare: in the USA there are fifty-six of them, and in China - two hundred and eight million.

In 2010, the reserve (organized reserve) amounted to twenty million people. Demographers calculated the composition of the RF Armed Forces and the current mobilization reserve; the numbers turned out to be bad. Eighteen-year-old men will almost disappear in our country by 2050: their number will decrease fourfold and amount to only 328 thousand people from all territories. That is, the potential mobilization reserve in 2050 will be only fourteen million, which is 55% less than in 2009.


The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consists of private and junior command personnel (sergeants and sergeants), officers who serve in the troops, in local, district, central government bodies in various positions (they are provided for by the staff of the units), in military commissariats, in commandant's offices, in representative offices abroad. This also includes all cadets who study at educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military training centers.

In 2011, the entire structure of the strength of the RF Armed Forces did not exceed one million people; this was the result of a long-term and powerful reduction from 2,880,000 people in the Armed Forces in 1992 to one million. That is, more than sixty-three percent of the army disappeared. Already by 2008, slightly less than half of all personnel were midshipmen, warrant officers and officers. Next came the military reform, during which the positions of midshipmen and warrant officers were almost eliminated, and with them more than one hundred and seventy thousand officer positions. Fortunately, the president responded. The cuts stopped, and the number of officers returned to two hundred and twenty thousand people. The number of generals of the RF Armed Forces (army generals) is now sixty-four people.

What do the numbers say?

We will compare the size and composition of the Armed Forces in 2017 and 2014. Currently, the military command and control bodies in the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Armed Forces comprise 10,500 military personnel. The General Staff has 11,300. The ground forces have 450,000 people, the air force has 280,000. The navy has 185,000, the strategic missile forces have 120,000, and the aerospace defense forces have 165,000 people. make up 45,000 fighters.

In 2014, the total strength of the RF Armed Forces was 845,000, of which ground forces were 250,000, Navy - 130,000, Airborne Forces - 35,000, Strategic Nuclear Forces - 80,000, Air Force - 150,000, and - attention! - command (plus service) was 200,000 people. More than all the air force personnel! However, the figures for 2017 indicate that the size of the Russian Armed Forces is growing slightly. (And still now the main part of the army is men, 92.9% of them, and there are only 44,921 female military personnel.)


The RF Armed Forces, like the military organization of any other country, has general military regulations, which are a set of main rules, through which, in the process of studying, military personnel develop a general idea of ​​how to protect the country’s own rights and interests from external, internal and any other threats. In addition, studying this set of rules helps to master military service.

The Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the most important part when undergoing initial training for service; with its help, a soldier or sailor becomes familiar with the basic terms and concepts. There are four types of regulations in total, and each must be carefully studied by absolutely every military personnel. From there, general duties and rights, features of the routine, and rules of interaction become known.

Types of statutes

The disciplinary charter reveals the essence of military discipline and dictates the responsibilities for observing it, talks about various types of penalties and rewards. This is how it differs from the Internal Service Charter. It defines the prescribed measures of responsibility for certain violations of the statutory rules. The Charter of the Guard and Garrison Service of the RF Armed Forces contains the designation of the goals, order of organization and performance of guard and garrison service. It also contains the rights and obligations of all military officials and persons performing official duties.

The drill regulations determine the order of movement with and without weapons, drill techniques, types of formation of units with equipment and on foot. After carefully studying the regulations, each serviceman is obliged to understand the essence of military discipline, understand ranks, be able to allocate time, bear the responsibilities of a duty officer and orderly in a company, perform the tasks of a guard, a sentry, and many others.


RF Armed Forces - President V.V. Putin. If aggression is undertaken against Russia or an immediate threat arises, it is he who will have to introduce martial law on the territory of the country or in certain areas in order to create all the conditions for preventing or repelling aggression. At the same time or immediately, the President reports this to the Federation Council and the State Duma in order to approve this decree.

The use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the country is possible only after receiving the appropriate resolution of the Federation Council. When there is peace in Russia, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief leads the overall leadership of the Armed Forces, and during war he oversees the defense of Russia and repelling aggression. Also, it is the president who forms the Security Council of the Russian Federation and heads it; he also approves, appoints and dismisses the high command of the RF Armed Forces. His department houses and approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, as well as the concept and plan for the construction of the Armed Forces, the mobilization plan, civil defense and much more.

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defense of the RF Armed Forces is the governing body of the RF Armed Forces, its tasks are to develop and implement state policy in terms of the country's defense, legal regulation and defense standards. The Ministry organizes the use of the armed forces in accordance with federal constitutional laws and international treaties, it maintains the necessary readiness, carries out measures for the construction of the armed forces, and ensures social protection of military personnel, as well as members of their families.

The Ministry of Defense takes part in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of international cooperation. Under his department are military commissariats, command and control bodies of the RF Armed Forces in military districts, as well as many other military command and control bodies, including territorial ones. It is headed by someone appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation. A board works under his leadership, which includes deputy ministers, heads of services, and commanders-in-chief of all branches of the RF Armed Forces.

RF Armed Forces

The General Staff is the central body of military command and control of the Armed Forces. Here the coordination of the activities of the border troops and the FSB of the Russian Federation, the National Guard, railway, civil defense and all others, including the foreign intelligence service, is carried out. The General Staff includes main directorates, directorates and many other structures.

The main tasks of the Ministry of Defense of the RF Armed Forces are strategic planning for the use of the Armed Forces, troops and other formations and military bodies, taking into account the military administrative division of the Russian Federation, carrying out mobilization and operational work to prepare the Armed Forces, transferring the Armed Forces to the composition and organization of wartime. The General Staff organizes the strategic and mobilization deployment of the armed forces and other troops, formations and bodies, coordinates the activities of military registration activities, organizes intelligence activities for defense and security, plans and organizes communications, as well as topographic and geodetic support of the Armed Forces.

The staff strength of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces) from January 1, 2018 - by 293 people, or 0.016%, from 1 million 903 thousand 51 people to 1 million 902 thousand 758 people.

At the same time, the number of military personnel remained the same: 1 million 13 thousand 628 people. The TASS-DOSSIER editors have prepared a report on how the staffing levels of the Russian armed forces have changed.

Number of armed forces after the collapse of the USSR

The number of military personnel in the USSR Armed Forces by the end of 1991 reached 3.7-3.8 million people (not including civilian personnel). On May 7, 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree “On the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” This document, among other things, required the Ministry of Defense to develop and submit proposals for “reducing the size and combat strength of the RF Armed Forces.” At that time, according to various estimates, there were 2.5-2.8 million military personnel in Russia.

According to data from open sources, by 1994 the number of military personnel in Russia decreased to 2.1 million, by 1996 - to 1.7 million (40% compared to 1992). On May 31, 1996, Yeltsin signed the Law on Defense. Article 4 of the document stated that the powers of the head of state include approving the staffing levels of military personnel of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies. From this moment on, the number of military personnel is established by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. A total of seven such decrees have been published since 1997 (excluding the decree of November 17, 2017).

Decrees on the number of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces

On July 16, 1997, Yeltsin, by decree “On priority measures to reform the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and improve their structure,” established the regular number of military personnel of the Armed Forces at 1.2 million people from January 1, 1999. On March 24, 2001, there was a further reduction in the number of personnel of the Armed Forces. By Putin's decree "On ensuring the construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, improving their structure," the number of military personnel from January 1, 2006 was reduced by 16.7% - to 1 million.

On November 28, 2005, by his decree, Putin for the first time since the collapse of the USSR increased the number of military personnel (by 13%) - from 1 million to 1 million 134 thousand 800 people (from January 1, 2006). The same decree for the first time established the staffing level of the RF Armed Forces (including civilian personnel) - 2 million 20 thousand 500 people.

On January 1, 2008, Putin left the number of military personnel unchanged from the date of signing the decree, slightly reducing only the total staffing strength of the Armed Forces - to 2 million 19 thousand 629 people.

On December 29, 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, by decree “On some issues of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” again reduced the total number of military personnel by 12%, to 1 million. Moreover, as part of the military reform launched by Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the liquidation of the institute was announced midshipmen and warrant officers, as well as a reduction in the central apparatus and management of the Ministry of Defense by 2.5 times - from 22 thousand to 8.5 thousand people. In the same 2008, Serdyukov promised to reduce the officer corps of the Armed Forces by 2.3 times - from 355 thousand to 150 thousand.

However, already in 2011, the scale of the reduction in the officer corps was reduced. The institution of midshipmen and warrant officers was returned to the Armed Forces by the new Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. In April 2015, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov said that the number of officer corps in Russia is about 200 thousand people.

On July 8, 2016, Putin signed a decree “On the staffing level of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” which left the number of military personnel unchanged (1 million), but increased the total number of armed forces by 542 people - up to 1 million 885 thousand 371 people.

On March 28, 2017, Putin for the first time since 2005 increased the number of military personnel in the Armed Forces by 1.3% - from 1 million to 1 million 13 thousand 628 people. By the same decree, the total staffing level of the Armed Forces (including civilian personnel) was increased from January 1, 2017 by 0.6% - to 1 million 897 thousand 694 people, and from July 1, 2017 - by another 0.3% - to 1 million 903 thousand 51 people.