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Collective consciousness and how it is formed. Social collective consciousness: concept and role. Unified Intelligence and Its Implications

– People often use the concept of “collective consciousness.” Does it really exist and why do separate groups of people, united by a common profession, a common cause or goal, think similar to each other? Is it because a group of such people begins to unite a collective consciousness, or some common egregor?

– In fact, the kind of egregors that a person imagines, namely, some plasma volumes of independently thinking matter, do not exist. Collective consciousness can be called that common computer to which this or that group of people is connected. So, for example, artists associated with music are connected to one computer, artists to another, poets to a third, traders to a fourth, politicians to a fifth, and so on.

– And if an artist or poet works on his own, is he connected to this computer?

– No, someone who works on his own and is not associated with any specialized societies is not connected to a common computer that unites, for example, all members of the “union of artists” or “union of writers.” Only those individuals who unite in some kind of public organizations are connected to the computer.

– So the fact that groups of people begin to think like each other is explained by their joining a common computer?

– Are football fans also starting to have a collective consciousness working from their common computer?

– Now it’s clear why each of them individually thinks interestingly and, it would seem, correctly, but when they are all together, they begin to create outrages. And their collective actions may contradict their internal beliefs.

– Their collective consciousness is just a common computer. Whatever he leads them to, those ideas they will defend together. The process of managing them and the program of this layer of people are located in the computer.

– Or take traders, entrepreneurs - they are all united by one idea: how to profit as much as possible from the needs of the lower strata. While they were not associated with trade, each of them was moderately honest and decent. And when they came to trade, they began to “grab” money. Are these ideas being instilled in them through a computer?

– “Grabbing”, naturally, is not suggested. They already have such a “disease”, these are their character traits and future karma. And through the computer they are instilled with a program of actions that they must implement.

– What happens when an individual connects to a shared computer? Why does a person change the principles of his behavior?

– When a person enters a society, he is directly connected to a public computer that expresses the program of this group. The general computer, which is controlled by a higher Determinant, is more important than the computer of a person’s personal Determinant, therefore the order from Above is more important (see diagram 1).

Scheme No. 1

Explanation of the diagram: The “o” connection remains constant throughout a person’s life.

The connection of “a” (to social consciousness) changes depending on the level of development of a person and his hobbies (this is a school - a class; a group - a factory: a work team; a writer - a writing organization, etc.).

– What is the mechanism of this collective suggestion?

– All those members of a particular society who obey the general suggestion enter a given computer, forming a collective consciousness. And those who do not obey the idea sent to them and put their own higher, they leave this social consciousness, that is, they disconnect from the computer. But, as a rule, they are a minority. The collective consciousness and the program of the collective consciousness always win.

– How does collective consciousness, that is, a common computer, work? Does he drop some kind of force field on the collective under his care, uniting people together, so that they begin to create or steal everything?

– The field for theft is not excluded. This is a personal matter.

- And for creation?

- Yes. More precisely, this is not a field, but also the action of one computer. Everyone who creates something specific is related to one computer, just as those who destroy it are to another. And all the threads from creative people lead to one place. There is no field. “Field” is a figurative concept. Specifically, there is a connection, in your opinion – a thread connection, between each person and the computer. These are a kind of “wires” that conduct signals from the Determinant to a person and back.

– Is there some kind of collective consciousness among the Determinants?

– For the Determinants it’s completely different. Collective consciousness, as a rule, is present in material ones: people and all living things (birds, herds of animals, insects, etc.).

- So there is no Higher?

– Other laws apply above. There are Levels. And the Essences that belong to them are united precisely by their Levels. They are united stepwise according to the Levels of their consciousness. And people, even in terms of development levels, are all different. Therefore, on Earth all kinds of associations are required according to interests, and, consequently, according to Levels of consciousness. However, we can say that the Absolute is also a collective consciousness for everyone, because It gives a program to all lower Levels of the Hierarchy and unites with this orientation. This is the pyramid of the Hierarchy of collective consciousness.

Social solidarity is the main force that cements and unites society, creating a social whole. It arises as a logical consequence of the social division of labor, i.e. specialization and distribution

division of people by profession. Individuals connected by labor functions into a unified system of social relations become not just holders of professional roles, but also socially mature individuals

Studying the evolution of human society, Emile Durkheim(1 856-191 "\ encountered a special phenomenon, which he called collective, or general, consciousness. The French sociologist meant by it “a set of beliefs and feelings common to members of the same society, which forms a certain system that has its own life” 1 . One’s own life, a certain system, indicate here the ontological status of collective consciousness. It has a special, “separate reality”, in other words, it exists objectively, regardless of our will and consciousness, although such a reality cannot be photographed or measured with any physical device.

Collective consciousness is “something completely different from private consciousness, although it is realized only in individuals. It is a mental type of society, a type that has its own way of development, its own properties, its own conditions of existence,” explains Durkheim 2 . To designate a special reality, a special term is needed.

Collective consciousness has real power to influence individual behavior. The group and collective act and feel completely differently from individual, isolated individuals. We are all built in such a way, Durkheim argues, that at any time - in hard times or days of triumph - we love the company of those who think and feel like us. Citizens prefer the company of their compatriots, especially when they find themselves in a foreign land. Individuals are attracted to each other due to common beliefs and similar feelings, which constitute the conditions of existence of the collective, the most important prerequisite for their spiritual existence.

For society, collective consciousness has a special and preferable value. If common beliefs, ideals and traditions dear to everyone are threatened, then everyone defends them together. Common values ​​and feelings can be destroyed as a result of the invasion of enemies or the crimes of their compatriots themselves. Insulting common beliefs is regarded as a grave crime and is punished especially severely. In this way, the collective protects itself from the attacks of an aggressive personality who does not take into account laws and customs, gaining even greater unity in this struggle.

The more the collective consciousness, as a unique voice of public conscience, regulates the social life of society, the closer and stronger the connection between the individual and the group. The fabric of social relations is compacted thanks to collective consciousness, i.e. the presence of common interests and beliefs, beliefs and aspirations. The division of labor and the specialization of individuals to perform a specific function introduce diversity into society. But the greater the diversity, the stronger the desire in people for unity and exchange of activities. A symbol of exchange, its legal

1 Durkheim E. On the division of social labor. Odessa. 1900. P. 63.

2 Ibid. P. 63.

What form does the contract take in Durkheim? Exchange involves taking on mutual obligations. From this comes cooperation and cooperation. “Cooperating really means sharing a common activity among ourselves. If this latter is divided into activities that are qualitatively similar, although related to each other, then we have a division of labor of the first degree, or simple. If they are of a different nature, then we have a complex division of labor, or actual cooperation” 3.

A developed form of cooperation is expressed by agreement. Agreements between buyer and seller, entrepreneur and workers, lending and borrowing, principal and attorney represent a well-known form of interaction and cooperation. Their relations are regulated by law or law, on which the social institutions of society are based. We can say that such relations are already somehow organized. Although these are not yet labor organizations in the strict sense. In a strict sense, cooperation and labor organizations are not cells or a mirror of collective life, collective consciousness. The relations between the employer and the workers are too special to be the subject of general feelings or ideas. Citizens do not always have to act as a creditor, guardian, entrepreneur, etc. Here we are talking about special groups, the relationships in which are regulated by technical rules, i.e. administration. Violation of the rules in these groups does not cause general indignation or condemnation, and does not threaten the integrity of society. Few people worry about the ruin of this or that entrepreneur, only people close to him.

Small parts of society, organized within themselves, also strive for integrity and solidarity, just like society as a whole. They also develop a collective, or rather, group consciousness. The relationship between group and collective consciousness is as complex as between social and individual.

Collective consciousness is a set of common interests, beliefs, convictions, feelings, values ​​and aspirations among members of the same society. K.s. - “a mental type of society, a type that has its own way of development, its own properties, its own conditions of existence.” It has a special, “separate reality” - it exists objectively, regardless of our will and consciousness, but is realized only in individuals.

Individuals are attracted to each other due to common beliefs and similar feelings. The latter constitute the conditions for the existence of the collective, the most important prerequisite for their spiritual existence. The more the collective consciousness as the “voice of public conscience” regulates the social life of society, the stronger and stronger the connection between the individual and the group.

Small parts of society, organized within themselves, also strive for integrity and solidarity, like society as a whole; they develop group consciousness.

The state of society - normal or pathological - depends on the degree of solidarity. Durkheim introduced a new concept for sociology - anomie (pathology of society) - a feeling of lack of norms that arises in periods of transition and crisis, when old norms and values ​​cease to operate, and new ones have not yet been established.

Pathological forms of the state of society: anomie, social inequality, routinization of labor, degradation of the workforce, class conflicts. The main way to solve the problem is reforms.

Social facts

A “social fact,” according to Durkheim, is any course of action, whether clearly defined or not, but capable of exerting external pressure on the individual and at the same time having its own existence, independent of it. At birth, an individual finds ready-made laws and customs, rules of conduct, religious beliefs and rituals, language, and a monetary system that function independently of him. These images of thoughts, actions and feelings exist independently, objectively.

A consequence of the objectivity of social facts is another characteristic of them - pressure exerted on individuals, forcing them to take a certain action. Every person experiences social coercion. Legal and moral rules, for example, cannot be broken without the individual feeling the full weight of general disapproval. The same is true with other types of social facts.

Social facts are modes of action, ways of thinking and feeling that exist outside the individual (that is, objectively) and have normative and coercive force in relation to him.

Social facts are, in turn, divided into facts of collective consciousness (ideas, feelings, legends, beliefs, traditions) and morphological facts that ensure order and connection between individuals: population size and density, housing shape, geographical location, etc.

The facts of collective consciousness include the following classes of phenomena: general ideas and feelings, moral maxims and beliefs, moral norms and legal codes of conduct, economic motives of people and interests of people.

According to the degree of consolidation of people, structural (anomic) facts, institutional facts and social trends, manifested in the formation and implementation of public opinion, differ.

Different types of facts underlie the formation of social forms: simple (or complex) society, which correspond to mechanical and organic solidarity of people.

Master Ibrahim Hassan and the Blue Solara

November 15, 2015

(Transcription: Grace)

I'll be on the move over the next few days, so updates will be sketchy. I will definitely write focusing on the main points because the information is critical and requires cross-referencing. This webinar lasts over 3 hours, but you won't even notice it due to the pace, nature and content of the webinar.

Please watch the webinar here:


Soon after PM (Enlightened Master) Ibrahim Hassan began speaking, I realized that his energy signature was quite different from the previous webinar. I didn't have much time to think about it because my attention quickly turned to what he and Blue Solara were saying. As the webinar progressed towards the question and answer (Q&A) session, there was an aha moment for me and it became clear to me why I was feeling the difference in the energies. There were a lot of Beings of Light who were with PM from the very beginning! His energy signature was combined with them, creating an entirely new frequency. After finishing the 3 hour session, I felt very inspired, even though it was already 1am, coupled with two global meditations happening within the next few hours! This can only mean one thing - it was a very charged webinar :)

** Update:

These notes serve as references of sorts. I highly recommend that you “participate” in the webinar while watching the video. It is my deep conviction that during the web seminar there are quite a lot of activations that are very likely to be useful. And obviously, these notes are of an auxiliary nature; you will receive more detailed information after watching the video.

Note: (my own comments appear in parentheses).

This webinar is presented by: Enlightened Master (EM) Ibrahim Hassan and Blue Solara (GS).

This webinar will cover the following topics:

  • Factors that support collective consciousness
  • Decisions that were made by Gaia (Mother Earth) on October 12, 2015
  • Collective Consciousness and its wobbling onto a new Time Line
  • The Natural Ascension Group and Their Plan
  • The influence of the Collective Consciousness on the possibilities of the New Time Line in the following aspects:
  • Blue Pulse and Event
  • MPS (Magnetic Pole Shift)
  • Ascension Plan
  • Ascension Scenarios
  • Classification of people by dimensions
  • The Event and the Original Plan
  • Implants in our energy systems and their impact on Ascension.

A short, beautiful meditation begins at the 4 minute mark to establish frequency and connection.

PM announced the presence of a group of Beings of Higher Consciousness, of different races and from different dimensions, spreading their energy to the participants, as well as to the Planet (at this point I did not know that they had already connected / merged with PM).

Consciousness is the awareness or interaction between the non-physical aspects of the Self and the physical aspect or manifest holographic “reality”.

Collective Consciousness is the collective free will and awareness of beings on the planet who are sufficiently aware of the nature of their “reality” and its relationship to the new Time Line on which we find ourselves and decide our destiny.

Even our individual consciousness is “collective” in nature, embracing all aspects of our Self - past, future, parallel, higher, internal, etc. Then when we raise our vibrations and activate our Wisdom Light Codes, we can connect with all aspects of our Self; we have our own individual “collective consciousness”.

This is a planet with 100% free will, we decide our destiny (yes, our free will can be hacked or manipulated through deception, ignorance, ignorance, delusion, control, etc... but in the end, free will is exercised. If we If we understand this, then we will be able to see that it is also free will that allows us to get out of this situation, but this time in full, armed with true knowledge).

Unfortunately, the collective consciousness of humanity is currently (mostly) at a low level.

PM and Blue Solara talk about this in more detail in a previous update, according to which on October 12, 2015, Mother Gaia, in conjunction with the Council of Light and other Councils, decided to resume preparations for her own (and already belated) Ascension due to the short period of time of the “Front Door” " - alignments between dimensions between 2012 and the end of 2017, as well as the impending vast changes to the Earth.

The GFS/GKS (Galactic Federation of Light/Galactic Confederation of Light) have already erected a barrier around the planet in order to mitigate the effects of the energies so that the transition will be safer and smoother. However, this protective barrier at the same time also suppresses/extinguishes Mother Gaia and the Ascension process of Humanity.

Humanity's original plan is to use the period from 2012 to 2017. "Door of Exit" time frame in preparation for Ascension.

As a result of Mother Gaia's decision on October 12, 2015 to resume her own Ascension process, as well as the further Ascension of Humanity, the protective barrier is gradually being lowered in order to allow higher vibrations to penetrate the Planet.

Why didn't this happen on December 21, 2012? Humanity simply was not ready, there were only a few thousand people ready for Ascension, and therefore the transition would have been very chaotic.

PM emphasizes that he is not talking about the Veil of the Archons - this is a completely different thing.

Natural Ascendedno(23rd minute)

Also October 12, 2015 saw the launch of the first wave of Ascension for the so-called "Natural Ascension" group, requiring 4-6 months of preparation (obviously, however, this is just my opinion - I cannot confirm, but I feel that my update "Next Phase? " has some correlation with this).

The “Natural Ascension” group are beings with higher consciousness and ready for the Ascension process; Currently, there are about 54 million Entities, including 144,000 Masters associated with Sanat Kumara (Kumara volunteers or Order of the Star), Star Children, Beings of Light, Supreme Beings from other Universes.

The Collective Consciousness of the Natural Ascension group will add significant weight and influence to the overall state of the collective consciousness. As people of the Earth, they have the right to choose their destiny. By June 12, 2013, this group has reached its readiness - they have transcended their thinking, they have their own "own" belief system, coming from a higher perspective and consciousness, going beyond established belief systems, free from control and domination.

Natural Ascension (NA) means that no technical support is required in order to ascend (such as Chambers of Light). They will activate their DNA and Merkabah and will go through Ascension, transforming into physical or non-physical bodies.

The Avatar Network has been connected to the EB group since August 2014 in order to strengthen the Collective Consciousness, similar to a superpower with veto power.

For most of this group, the internal Ascension is almost complete, transcending all thoughts into the 5th dimension and beyond. All these 54 million come from the 5th dimension and above, now they are forming their Light Bodies.

(More detailed explanation in the next webinar).

Now they are connected with the internal planes and have the opportunity to use their etheric and astral bodies, bio-location. They have most of the chakras open along with the infrastructure of these 13 chakras. Therefore, they are able to feel, see, interact with the Beings of Light around them.

Currently, they are all at different levels of consciousness:

- One in the 13th dimension,

— Two in the 12th dimension,

- 316 between 11 and 12 dimensions,

- Thousands in the 10th dimension,

After the process of building the Body of Light, the "junk" DNA will be activated (I call it the God Code); after its activation, all memory will be restored, some of them already have various levels of such memory restoration.

Then Merkabah will be connected to the Laws of the Universe, will no longer be connected to the Matrix, favoring manifestation (the ability of the creator), complete liberation!

Will the transformation be physical or non-physical?

After a preparatory 4-6 months, a decision will be made in collaboration with the High Council regarding their participation in a specific Ascension moment of transformation:

(I) from a 3D body into a 5th or higher dimensional crystalline physical body with 12 or more strands of DNA activated along with the corresponding abilities.

ii) from a 3rd dimensional body to a non-physical body of the 5th dimension or higher, without death, with the activation of the Light Body.

It depends on individual characteristics, race, dimension, Soul contract/Mission.

The level of dimension that each individual will achieve depends on their level of vibration, consciousness, race, (future) mission, as well as their origin, including other Universes, as well as spiritual accumulations.

The level of consciousness includes understanding as well as activation;

Spiritual accumulations = level of consciousness and vibrations.

Everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration; so if we are aligned with the vibrations of the 6th dimension of Being, then we will move into the 6th dimension. When we raise our vibration, we can move into a dimension that matches our frequency, either through a portal, energy vortex, natural or artificial Stargate. Some of us can do this at the speed of thought.

37th minute

The Blue Impulse is in the process of waiting until the Event, which depends on the Collective Consciousness. Only when the Collective Consciousness reaches a decision on its appropriate Timeline (Ascension) will the Blue Pulse come to Earth.

However, for the Natural Ascension group members, the Blue Pulse energy is already shining through the portal to support them in preparation for the Event.

Their "planes" operate independently of each other, and there is no need to complete one plan before starting another, meaning the Natural Ascension Group Event can occur at any time during the preparation phase. If this does happen, the Blue Pulse will come to Earth in full force, the Ascension plan will begin in full force and the majority of humanity will begin their preparation.

Currently, 24.7% of the collective consciousness is ready; during the previous webinar at the end of September, this result was 24%. PM clarifies that the term “awake” means not only that they talk about it, but also live in a conscious state (walk, talk). That is, they have freed themselves and are now ready to liberate the planet. This is what “awakened” means.

Collective Consciousness is the first very important element that influences the Time Line. With 100% free will, we have the right to choose our destiny. It is the Collective Consciousness that determines our future, in every moment now.

Strangelet ( strangelet) Andtoplet (toplet) bombs

Beings of Light are constantly working to neutralize this situation.

What can we do to help them?

To do this, it is not enough to simply have intention or imagination/visualization, we must change our belief system, take action to free ourselves from the Matrix and begin to tell our version of events. The Collective Consciousness has the power to erase the negative branches of the new timeline, thereby making it impossible for the Chimera to activate the bombs. This is akin to the movie The Matrix, where it was not possible to kill Neo by unplugging the cable because there was no such option in the new timeline.

Masters who have higher levels of consciousness can influence Time Lines with greater intensity, as can those who raise their frequencies.

The state of the Collective Consciousness also determines the time of arrival of the Blue impulse. The more ready it is, the more aligned the Blue Impulse is with the Event, and the wider the coverage of the entire planet. If the CS (Collective Consciousness) is not sufficiently prepared, the Blue Impulse will occur either before or after the Event, the area of ​​​​action of the GI (Blue Impulse) will not be global in nature, so the transition will not be so smooth.

In every moment of every day, the Collective Consciousness determines the potential for all this - this is the Universal Law.

The MPS (Magnetic Pole Shift) will only have 13% geological impact if the Collective Consciousness is ready; if not, then this percentage will increase.

Why? The Law of the Central Sun determines the power of the Divine Masculine Galactic wave energy to cleanse the surface in order to support the Ascension of Mother Gaia. Again, the Collective Consciousness decides whether the transition will be sharp or smooth.

If 80-90% of humanity is aligned with the higher Consciousness of Light, the transition will be global and smooth. If only 60% are aligned, then the remaining 40% will experience experiences stemming from their lower levels of belief and consciousness. Humanity will eventually be drawn into different belief systems and consciousness, but without the darkness being removed.

If the Collective Consciousness is high, it will significantly reduce the impact of the Magnetic Pole Shift and the transition will be more uniform.

55: 30th minute

Plan Ascension and 3 Possible scriptsI

We are the last planet to be occupied. There was a plan for mass Ascension with ease, with great support and assistance, with Chambers of Light, rehabilitation and healing if possible. With comprehensive assistance from the Light Forces, we, with a high Collective Consciousness, are entering Ascension by the entire Planet.

If the Collective Consciousness is not sufficiently prepared, the Ascension Plan will not be fulfilled and instead individual Ascension without external assistance will take effect, then the situation will be difficult.

Three different scenarios will be possible; they do not affect the Natural Ascension group, which is independent of possible Time Lines.

Scenario1: Best script. Blue Pulse aligns with Event:

Global Ascension, we enter the 4th dimension then into the 5th dimension safely and very easily. Depending on the level of consciousness and vibrations (as PM determined earlier), for some it will take about 10 years to be in the 4th dimension with the support of the Light Forces on planet Earth, then move to the 5th dimension; some will move into the 5th dimension directly within 6-12 months from the moment of the Event on planet Earth.

Scenario 2: If the Blue Pulse is not aligned with the Event:

There will be no Global Ascension, the classification for the 4th dimension also stacks up negatively, splitting into 6 vibrational categories on planet Earth with 6 different future Timelines/destinations.

Group 5 D will be ascending into the 5th dimension on planet Earth, may need to move into Agartha or off the planet when the effects of the Magnetic Pole Shift take place, to then return to the planet.

Scenario 3: Worst case, Collective Consciousness is very low.

Group 5 D will move into the 5th dimension, then leave the planet for another 5th dimension planet because the impact of the Magnetic Pole Shift will be very severe, planet Earth will go through complete terro-formation and transformation until 2024.

Group 4 D will move to one of the 6 parallel "Earths" of the 4th dimension depending on the level of consciousness, (because the Earth will not be free from terraforming until 2024) A very harsh and difficult scenario.

Each new Timeline potentially has 12 positive and 12 negative scenarios; we are on a new Timeline with more positive branches, although negative branches are still possible.

The negative branch with the activation of strangelets and toplets by bombs has potential because the Collective Consciousness has not yet manifested the Time Line on which this potential no longer exists, so the Forces of Light are still working to defuse these bombs.

This is one of the reasons why the Light Forces constantly ask us to raise the level of our consciousness and maintain it (this is what Cobra tells us in his request for us to join meditations).

The situation is dynamic and constantly changing at every moment depending on the decisions of the Collective Consciousness. This is one of the reasons why so many sources are reporting different Ascension scenarios.

The process cannot be delayed beyond 2017 as the Earth must ascend and move into the 5th dimension.

The plan has already been delayed 15 years (what Cobra said, and is heavily implied by Sheldon Needle and some other sources, which is why we've been hearing the same thing for years).

Original plan :

1976 - the 12-year period of preparation for awakening begins;

1988-2000 - Preparation for the physical Event;

2000-2001 - Event;

2000-2012 - Preparation for the transition to the 4th dimension;

2013-2017 - Preparation for the transition to the 5th dimension;

End of 2017 - Transition to the 5th dimension;

Until 2024 - Full ascension into the 5th dimension for all humanity.

If the Event had been activated in 2012, only a few thousand people would have been ready. Most of us are still in a system of domination, so the Plan was shelved to give time for humanity to unite their actions together (these are my words, PM was much more polite).

We're behind on time! There are only two years left before the planet enters the 5th Dimension, and we are not even in the 4th Dimension yet! Instead of a 12-year preparatory period, we now have only 2 years.

What happened? Low Collective Consciousness. The Dark Forces have prepared many “surprises”, creating many obstacles for the Light Forces that need to be corrected. If the Event is triggered now, the consequences will be severe.

The planet must ascend by the end of 2017, or it will have to wait another 26,000 years. This is why Mother Gaia decided to resume her own Ascension after delaying it for so long because of humanity.

To summarize what has been said, the Collective Consciousness of humanity allowed the dark forces to occupy the planet with the help of their collective choice.

What about a person? We must continue to gain our Spiritual accumulations with the intention of positively influencing the Collective Consciousness.

March 2016 is the deadline approved by the Council of Light Forces in order to trigger the Event.

Mother Gaia has already missed 12 previous cycles that ended in death, she will not miss this opportunity again, she will ascend, this is her new Time Line, and she will not remain for another cycle under the control of the Matrix.

It is now that each of us needs to do what we need to do, or the transition period will be very difficult..... what will we choose?

The School of the One (Source) is not a “judge”, the decision of each person is carried out in accordance with the Universal Law; Humanity has refused to ascend for the previous 12 cycles, so their collective decision will be satisfied this time (in other words, if the Collective Consciousness chooses to remain unawakened, then humanity will not be "forced" to ascend or be "saved" from the consequences after how mother Gaia will ascend).

Choosing to ascend or not is entirely our decision, which cannot be changed by the Higher Entities.

The One (Source) accepts the presence of the Chimera and dark forces on the planet as a result of humanity allowing them to remain on it.

Implants prevent us from reaching higher vibrations and bodies of Light , therefore the Ascension does not occur . How to remove implants?

1. Raising the vibrations of the Collective Consciousness and supporting the Light Forces - they have technologies to remove them, and also during the alignment of the Blue Impulse with the Event, they will be turned off.

2. Since the chip contains an anomaly that lowers our vibration, we need to “fight” this and continue to raise our vibration regardless. This creates tension, whenever we resist the implants, we raise our vibrations until we reach their “limit” and turn them off. This requires a strong belief system, a very high consciousness. Only 7 Masters are able to remove their implants on their own.

The White Brotherhood and the Resistance Movement (RM) have the technology to remove these implants, but they are far from us and we do not have wide access to them.

Ascension will not occur while the implants are active, so the Blue Pulse will be needed to turn them off.

In all 12 previous cycles, humanity was disconnected from the Source and dependent on the primary and secondary anomaly, there was more Darkness than Light, so the Galactic wave consisted only of Masculine energies in order to cleanse the Darkness, resulting in catastrophes (that's why there is so much emphasis on attracting the Divine Feminine this time, and also why the dark forces are working so hard to prevent her coming).

Primary anomaly = between the Mental plane and the plane of Wisdom, i.e. between the 4th and 5th planes; Secondary anomaly = between the physical and etheric bodies, i.e. - This is a plasma anomaly.

Why is the situation different now?

The anomaly has now been healed (described in more detail in the previous webinar). However, we as humans on planet Earth are not yet aligned at this moment, we are still in the past (we have not yet “reached” the moment of healing that just happened a few months ago in August). A Natural Ascension group that lives in the Now as their own I Am Presence will know how to heal from the anomaly, so we must focus on the present in order to align ourselves with the current timing of healing.

Current cycle ~Another difference is that we now have the Blue Pulse (which carries the Divine Feminine energy) which will make the transition smoother. Although the Divine Feminine energies were channeled by the Central Sun previously, the quarantine prevented these energies from entering the planet.

We are now receiving both the Divine Masculine "cleansing" and the Divine Feminine "Blue Pulse" energy, however the ratio of male to female is not yet balanced at this time.

We are receiving a lot of additional support from other Universes and other central Suns as aspects of the Avatar and the Dark Blue Merkabah - it is a concerted effort to completely destroy the Darkness.

Statistics: 54 million people belong to the Natural Ascension group;

1.25 billion people are moving to 5D; 4.5 billion in 4D, the remaining 1 billion will undergo rehabilitation and healing without distortion from the matrix, and then transition to 4D.

There is also a natural 3D group that is part of the Soul evolution process, consisting of Souls descended from the Central Sun and the Mineral/Plant/Animal Kingdoms going back to 3D Humanity.

The Council of the Central Sun has decreed that there will be no more "Fall" and no more holographic dimensions under the control of the Matrix.

The Ascension will not happen overnight; it requires the transcendence of 3D thoughts, structures and belief systems; However, the transition to the Light Body for some in the 5D group can be immediate, although it will typically take 1 – 21 days; for the 4D group it will take longer because it will require some adjustment in 3D without matrix control and implants, a free return to "natural" 3D.

Natural Ascension Group - Technically already ascended (that is, before they incarnated on Earth), so are now focusing on transcending thoughts and belief systems, building Light Bodies, activating DNA and Merkabah.


Messages from Beings of Light through the merging of their consciousnesses and the consciousness of the PM

(Several Beings of Light came to open the channel and protocols for communication, to provide protection and support, to open portals for the transmission of energy and messages. Among them: Golden Eagle, One and Dark Blue Merkaba Avatar, Gaia Sophia, Buddha, Sirian guides, the White Lodge of the Pleiadians, the Arcturian Council, the Andromedan Council, the Ashtar Team, the Council of Central Civilization, and even the Higher Self of one of the participants (!) and one Being that I cannot identify (updated: I believe this is Mula-Brahma)… I invite you to watch the video in order to better understand the messages, the Language of Light was used. In the meantime, I will summarize Gaia-Sophia's message to humanity).

Summary: With unconditional love Message from Gaia-Sophia:

I have come from the 13th dimension to undertake my inner journey here on Earth; Gaia (planet) is my body and Sophia is my Spirit. I couldn't wait for this moment for hundreds of thousands of years (including tens of thousands of years of wars between Lemuria and Atlantis). I have tried to save humanity many times, I have delayed my surface changes and magnetic pole shifts, I have absorbed higher frequencies without moving, all to keep humanity safe. However, humanity requires "proof" before they accept what is true in order to free themselves willingly and permanently from their belief system. Each person will experience what they choose - if you believe in the end of the world, then you will get it. If you believe in 4D, you will have your new world of unconditional Love. If you choose 5D, you will receive your Crystal Cities and transformation. You have the right to choose your destiny and future. I communicate with two other messengers independently of PM; however, there is no need to use a different “signature” in order to convey her truth to you (in response to the question of whether Mother Gaia speaks through the Gaia portal, the answer is ~ not directly). You can express your truth as your own I AM.

PM reported that 15,630 Beings of Light are present at the Webinar! (so no wonder the session is so charged!)

2: 34 hours

Questions and Answers Session:

Can I trigger an Event with my own codes, using music, writing, meditation or visualization?

The moment of the Event is not an individual decision, it depends on the Collective Consciousness, however, we can support and accelerate the arrival of the Event through our individual efforts, such as: raising our vibrations, transcending our thoughts and supporting the CS (Collective Consciousness), including through writing, etc.

If we all have implants, how will 75.3% of the unawakened population ever be ready?

Implants cannot stop people's free will, they only interfere with raising our vibrations, so we can always choose to awaken through free will. Implants can only limit how high our vibrations can rise. We can help them awaken by giving information, but we cannot make them believe; many of them are content and cling to their real beliefs.

When will the Dark Forces be completely removed from Gaia?

After the fall of the Chimera, the Event will be triggered. For individuals, arrests will take 24-72 hours. As for non-physical beings, the Blue Pulse will turn off their technology and millions from the Light fleet will arrest them, also within 72 hours.

Can the Resistance Movement/Light Forces repeat what they did in 1977? (Vrillon. I posted about it for those interested).

This is not possible because the Dark Forces will react to this and their actions may trigger the Event prematurely. Just like with ships appearing in the sky. If the Event is launched among the population and the conditions are not ready, the Transition will not be smooth. The Light Forces are now trying to use various methods, such as gentle opening through awakened Lightworkers, such as this web seminar. However, this is only for those who have made their choice.

Are plasma bombs still being made? Regardless of the Collective Consciousness, how long will it take to defuse these bombs?

The struggle between the Light and Dark Forces continues for eons of time; The Forces of Light continue to improve their technology to neutralize darkness. The Forces of Darkness also continues to upgrade its own technology; it is akin to a chess game, where each move alternates with another. The trump card of the Dark Forces is humanity, which is used as hostages. However, the current situation is that no more bombs can be produced because they no longer have the resources, their position is weak. At the same time, the forces of Light are neutralizing the bombs one by one, and they are very close to defusing them all. A complication is caused by hacking the plasma plane controlled by the Chimera, it requires special technology.

Since only 24.7% of the Collective Consciousness is ready, what can we do to move deeper into the transcendental phase?

The state of Collective consciousness and individual transcendence are independent of each other; the previous one does not affect the subsequent one.

It seems that the Dark Forces have a great influence?

Their positions have weakened, but not much. Previously, they had control over everything, but people did not know about their existence. Now, however, the Forces of Light are advancing upon them and their countermeasures have become more visible; they no longer have power behind the scenes. We should not propagate their power because they no longer have it. The fact is that in the alternative community there is conflicting information, which makes it difficult to disseminate what is “truth” and convince the general population of it; we need qualified sources in order to post information on them that will coincide with each other.

As described above, there are different Ascension scenarios because we, as the Collective Consciousness (CC), have not yet arrived at the point of activation for a specific scenario.

All frequencies or vibrations of color have a purpose or function, for example: green is for healing, gold is for protection, Saint Germain is purple - and they all originate from Source.

Keshe ~ yes, his free energy devices do exist.

NESARA is a reality, it is a larger financial reset plan that includes many aspects such as cleansing the planet and supporting humanity. It will take place after the Event. Details may change and depend on the situation, but the basic parameters remain unchanged.

Why do we feel negativity and a lot of pressure during energy waves?

When the heart chakra is closed or weak, we cannot absorb high energies. As we enter the Golden Age of the Heart, increasing heartbeat and magnetism more widely, we must move from using our mind to using our heart. Those who are more ready to ascend will experience some symptoms in their body. The details will be covered in the next webinar, which will talk about Ascension and the process of building the Light Body.

Many thanks and much love to PM and Blue Solarafor conducting this seminar for 3 hours.
