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Whose year will it be in Eastern time? Home and Christmas tree decoration

Very soon, the patroness of 2018, the Yellow Dog, will give way to the Pig. We tell you what 2019 will be like and what to expect from this animal.

Symbol of the New Year 2019 – earth pig

2019 and a little bit of 2020 will be ruled by the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar). The symbol of the coming year is the personification of calm, patience, peace and prudence. Throughout the entire reign, the animal will look for adventures and new vivid impressions. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend not to overwork, to find more free time for spontaneous trips and communication with your friends and loved ones.

The Yellow Earth Pig will take office on 02/5/2019 and will remain in office until 01/24/2020. This period will correspond to the element of Earth. But what 2019 will bring is still worth figuring out. The always happy pig is often personified with a kind of laughing Buddha of the eastern zodiac signs. A cheerful animal sincerely enjoys everything that happens around him; the natural environment brings him true pleasure.

Unusually generous and indulgent, which is why he will often experience difficulties in trying to cope with his emotions. The pig always admits his mistakes and blunders that happen along his life’s path, like each of us. Sometimes he is chaotic and too eccentric, which interferes with situations when he needs to be more balanced and balanced.

The love of aesthetics and freedom will force the Yellow Earth Pig to move forward and achieve more. A tireless optimist with the motto “Don’t worry, be happy”! According to the predictions of eastern astrologers, financial well-being will accompany not only those born in the year of the Pig, but also the other 11 patron animals.

Particular success will await those whose work is related to agriculture and farming. Cashiers, accountants, financiers and bankers will experience peace and tranquility in the coming year. In 2019, lonely hearts are expected to meet their destiny and build strong and lasting relationships. So, everyone who is looking has excellent opportunities to create their own family.

What to wear and what to cook?

A pig is a domestic animal that does not like noisy companies and a radical change of environment. Astrologers advise planning a meeting for the coming year of the Earth Pig among close friends or relatives. The celebration should take place with those who are close to you in spirit and very dear. The ideal option would be a family holiday in your own home.

Important! Create a favorable and cozy atmosphere in which the hostess of the next year will enjoy the delights of the celebration.

To celebrate the New Year 2019, clothing in shades of yellow, green or brown is preferred. This look will not only please the Earth Pig, but will also correspond to fashion trends. When creating an image, it is also worth considering that Pig loves luxury, so gold jewelry and various shiny accessories will not be superfluous. Products in the shape of pigs or with the image of this animal, for example, a massive necklace or ring, will be especially relevant.

The place where the New Year will take place should be luxuriously decorated. Satin ribbons, tinsel and wreaths of fir cones with bright accents will be an ideal option for decoration. The cheerful Pig will certainly enjoy fireworks, sparklers and firecrackers.

The generosity of the pig will not allow you to save on the feast. On this night everyone should be satisfied and full. Include the most delicious dishes, all kinds of salads and desserts in your holiday menu. Give preference to meat dishes; fruits and vegetables should also be present on the table without fail.

Important! Do not use pork during cooking! Show respect to the hostess of the year! :)

When choosing a snack or dessert, pay attention to options using nuts. The presence of this particular ingredient in New Year's dishes will bring good luck in the Year of the Boar. This evening, forget about diets and the principles of proper nutrition, relax and do not limit yourself in culinary desires. Celebrating Thanksgiving Day is a traditional event that every self-respecting American tries to get involved in. It was on this continent that this holiday originated, which the whole world now knows about.

Rules for the 2019 meeting to appease the Boar

In the process of preparation, many become more familiar with various customs, the observance of which can attract good luck and financial well-being. Let's take a closer look at how to celebrate the New Year of the Earth Pig 2019. (see for 2019)

  1. The main color is yellow. It is a kind of symbol of a cheerful atmosphere. You can use shades of pink and brown.
  2. To make the coming year financially stable, you should purchase a porcelain or plastic piggy bank. Don't forget to fill it with coins.
  3. 1-2 days before “Night X” it is necessary to do a general cleaning, since astrologers recommend celebrating this year in perfect cleanliness.

We offer you a selection of New Year's signs:

  • a “full” festive table - to a well-fed life;
  • mutual understanding and goodwill are the motto of this holiday;
  • when opening champagne, pay attention to where the cork falls: if on the table, the year will be successful, and if it is under it, relatives and friends will often gather in your home;
  • if one of those present begins to sneeze at the table, this means that good luck will smile on everyone;
  • accidentally broken New Year's toys - for the birth of a child.

The following rules will help attract money to your home:

  • On December 31, write a short letter to yourself and don’t forget to put a banknote in the envelope. January 1 - read it, and carry the bill in your wallet as a talisman of prosperity and financial stability;
  • try to buy a new outfit and don’t forget to “send” a bill into your pocket;
  • try to repay all debts, but you should not do this on the last day of the outgoing year;
  • On January 1, do not rush to wash the dishes and clean up - wait until noon;
  • when the chimes start striking, take a coin and hold it in your palm with the words “I have a lot of money,” then throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom. After that, put this coin in your wallet and do not spend it under any circumstances.

Christmas tree decorations to attract success and prosperity:

  • New Year's toys of a round shape are a great option for decorating a forest beauty;
  • yellow, green, brown and pink toys are ideal;
  • put the top on first and take it off last;
  • a broken toy means good luck! Before you throw it in the trash, make a wish.

What will the new symbol bring? What will 2019 be like in the Year of the Pig?

Astrologers say that during this period you need to be cheerful and not be sad about little things. Enjoying every day, looking positively into the future and enjoying even the slightest successes is the key to success. That is, all your ideas and laid “bricks” will be preserved for a long time.

If you have been thinking about changing your place of residence, work, or starting a family, 2019 is the best time to take a responsible step into a happy future. In addition, this also applies to physical achievements. If you have dreamed of a toned body, it’s time to take everything into your own hands and move towards your goal. 2019 promises a lot of travel, but for work.

Chinese astrologers claim that the Yellow Pig is a sociable, cheerful and hard-working animal. The year will be generous with various interesting events, new fateful meetings and endeavors. But you still have to make an effort. In 2019, everything will depend on your desires and efforts! (see in 2019)

Fates 2019 for those born in the year of the Pig

People born in the year of the pig are distinguished by a high level of intelligence and pragmatism. They can handle even the most complex and intractable tasks. “Pigs” do not like to be late and take a responsible approach to all endeavors. People of this sign are very trusting and ill-wishers often take advantage of this. They should be more attentive and concentrated. Loyal boars will never leave you in trouble and will always come to the rescue no matter the cost.

The coming year will bring many changes for Pigs. According to astrologers, they should be more persistent and self-confident. Only in this case can representatives of this sign count on success. Also, you should not let strangers get close to you and be careful when choosing new acquaintances. 3 main things that are important for Orthodox Christians to know about Lent 2019: when does it start? how to eat properly? What church services are held?

What to give in the year of the yellow pig?

Creativity and creative approach to choosing a gift for the New Year 2019 will be appreciated. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of interesting gift options that will help you decide on this issue.

  1. Various souvenir products in the shape of pigs (Christmas tree toys, handmade soap, boxes, piggy banks, cups, etc.).
  2. Accessories for gadgets (cool case, headphones or portable charger).
  3. Night light or table lamp in the shape of a pig.
  4. For the home (paintings, wall clocks, original calendars, vases or textiles).
  5. For children - original toys in accordance with age.

We hope that our article will help you best prepare for the New Year 2019. Please note that these are only recommendations! Meet the Pig the way you want. This evening, forget about all your problems and troubles, arm yourself with a festive mood and give yourself and those around you a fairy tale.

Where are you planning to spend New Year's Eve?

  1. At home with family.
  2. At the dacha/nature with friends.
  3. Home alone.
  4. In another country.

Although there is still some time before the New Year, many are already interested in the details of the upcoming holiday. 2019 is the year of what animal according to the horoscope, what to celebrate and how to dress on New Year's Eve, what to cook and serve on the festive table, in what place is it better to celebrate, and finally, how to organize the event itself? This article will help you find out the answers to all your questions and prepare for the celebration.

The year of which animal will be the coming 2019 according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope?

Animal of 2019 - Ground Boar or Yellow Ground Pig

Now you know that the patron animal of the new year 2019 is the Pig. In order not to bore readers, let's immediately answer the most frequently asked questions regarding how to please the symbol of this year:

  • What color to meet? The main colors of 2019 will be walnut, coffee, olive, lavender and cornflower blue. By celebrating the holiday in these colors, you will attract harmony and favor into your life for the whole year, the patron animal of the year - the Earthen Pig.
  • Where to celebrate 2019? Pig, a domestic animal, is best to celebrate this holiday with family and friends.
  • How to apply? It is advisable to decorate the table and interior in the colors of the patron animal: “earth”, that is, in yellow-brown tones. The Yellow Pig loves natural materials: when decorating, try to choose cotton and linen fabrics, wood, and ceramics.
  • What to cook? The festive table should literally be bursting with delicious and varied food. Housewives need to prepare more salads, hot dishes and desserts. Do not deny yourself anything: everything you eat will only benefit you! If you have been on a diet for a long time and limit yourself in food on New Year's Eve, give yourself free rein.
  • What to gift? The pig is a very hardworking, sincere and generous animal, so don’t skimp on gifts, especially to those you really want to please. The Earth Pig values ​​comfort, coziness, and home warmth. An excellent gift in 2019 would be something for the home, for example: a set of dishes, a beautiful lamp, a high-quality blanket, a painting. An inexpensive and practical gift is a ceramic Pig piggy bank.

Horoscope advice. In 2019, gifts must be useful! A pig is a practical animal, so it is not advisable to give trinkets and souvenirs! Therefore, find out in advance what the person you want to please really needs.

Take the comic New Year's horoscope test: answer 15 questions and find out which Pig animal - the symbol of 2019 - you resemble most.

Both domestic pigs and wild boars are incredibly diligent, persistent, persistent animals in achieving their goals. They say about them: “They go straight like a tank!” You will need similar qualities this year. Here are some practical tips from the Eastern horoscope:

  • Thrift. In addition to hard work and perseverance, do not forget about frugality and caution, avoid any conflicts, and be more diplomatic.
  • Risk. But unjustified risk is not about pigs; they prefer to preserve and protect their acquired property. If possible, avoid situations that require risky decisions.
  • Prudence. Boars tend to predict the possible development of events; prudence is an important trait of these animals. Be careful and think a couple of steps ahead.
  • Planning. Avoid clutter in your affairs: you need to properly distribute time between work and family.
  • Pride. Don't be too arrogant and don't turn up your nose if your business goes uphill. The pig is a fair animal - it does not like arrogance.

Horoscope advice. If you have made a decision, do not be afraid of anything, move quickly and confidently towards your goal, and the symbol of 2019 is a determined animal. He will definitely support you and will certainly help you.

What should people of different astrological signs expect in 2019?

How will the year of the Yellow Earth Pig affect the lives of ordinary people? What will happen to representatives of different signs, what do they need to be prepared for? Find your birth year and read your 2019 horoscope from your patron animal:

Horoscope Rat

(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

People born in the year of the Rat are guaranteed success in finance and career. However, a radical change in their position in society does not await them. Rats and Boars are friendly animals. Therefore, 2019 will be quite prosperous for you. You will live in peace; no major changes in your lifestyle are expected, unless you yourself want it. The main horoscope advice for the Rat: be more decisive, don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

Horoscope Ox

(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

The bulls will also have good luck in 2019. Changes in career and family status are possible, but only positive ones. Fate will favor you all year. It is believed that Bulls and Pigs are related animals; they live in the same environment, so a comfortable life is guaranteed for both of them. Astrologers advise you to take special care of your health. In the new year 2019, you need to give yourself rest when needed, go on vacation in a timely manner and do not forget about your family. However, the horoscope also does not recommend leaving financial issues unattended: maintain a family budget, plan expenses, and do not hesitate to remind them of the promised bonus.

Horoscope Tiger

(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

For you, the Year of the Pig will be one of the most successful in the last 4 or 5 years! The eastern horoscope predicts success for you in all matters and endeavors. You will be lucky in literally everything: in work and in love. There will be significant changes in your career or business. Health problems are also not expected; the Tiger is a very strong, strong-willed and beautiful animal. Throughout 2019 you will feel great both physically and mentally.

Horoscope Rabbit (Cat)

(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Rabbit and Pig are very similar animals in characteristics according to the Eastern horoscope. The coming year 2019 will bring you luck in love and relationships. Those who are still single will have new acquaintances and pleasant romantic relationships. Those who have already tied the knot can expect the birth of children and plan to purchase a new home. Of course, it won't be without possible troubles: by the end of January you will notice a significant weight gain. Horoscope recommendation: don’t be like a fat animal - sign up for a gym!

Horoscope Dragon

(1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

But 2019 will not bring great luck in love to the Dragons. Horoscope advice: always remember that conflicts are contraindicated for you, try to avoid them by any means. Treat controversial situations with a smile and try to laugh it off. The Dragon and the Boar are diametrically opposed animals. Take care of your nervous system! There is a possibility of getting several diseases due to nervousness. But there are also advantages - you will be promoted up the career ladder.

Horoscope Snake

(1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Everything will be fine for the Snakes in 2019. You will experience many joyful, exciting moments. This includes an increase in your financial status: a new position, a high salary, a good bonus. In the new year 2019, you should not take risks; fate leads you along the beaten path. Luck will not leave you in the year of the Yellow Pig: in love, family, at work everything will be wonderful. And all sorts of minor troubles cannot overshadow your comfortable existence.

Horoscope Horse

(1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

For all representatives of the Horse sign, everything will turn out well in the year of the Pig. Astrologers predict some expensive or major acquisition for you at the end of the year. Most likely, it will be a new property, car, etc. True, in order for the deal to be successful, the Horse will need to “plow” a lot, however, for such a hardworking animal this will not be too difficult. Just don't get involved in risky deals! They are not for you: with a high degree of probability you will lose everything.

Horoscope Goat (Sheep)

(1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

2019 for the Goat is a long-awaited period of increased vitality! Luck is on your doorstep and knocking on your door. Nothing is impossible, neither in business, nor in personal affairs, nor in family. From time to time you will be overtaken by a series of troubles, but this also has its advantage! The horoscope recommends: let go of the situation, rest, rethink your actions. The support of your loved ones and friends will help you not to lose heart.

Horoscope Monkey

(1956, 1968, 1980 1992 2004 2016)

Global changes in all areas of life await Monkeys in the year of the Earth Pig. This year will help you restore and strengthen your position in all areas of life. Changes in your personal sphere, career growth, new friends - this is only a small part of what will happen to you! The Monkey and the Pig are smart and practical animals; together they will solve all the issues that come your way. The horoscope reminds you that long rest and communication with loved ones contribute to your hard work.

Announcement: The year of the metal rat 2020 is approaching. about what it will be like and what awaits us here.

Everything about 2019 according to the Eastern calendar

Animal Pig (boar), color Yellow, element Earth, start: February 5, 2019, end: January 24, 2020. We have to figure out what the year of the yellow earth pig will be in 2019 here. The cute boar is often described as plump and cheerful - a kind of laughing Buddha of the Chinese zodiac signs. The Pig is sincerely pleased with everything he does, he likes natural comfort, he is sensual in all his endeavors. Tolerant, compassionate and generous - he experiences difficulties trying to cope with his passions, but does not hide any mistakes or mistakes along the way. Self-centered, chaotic and, at times, even destructive. One of the important motivators of the boar is its love for freedom and beauty. He is an eternal optimist, and his attitude towards life is accurately conveyed by the words from the song: “Don’t worry, be happy.” The eastern horoscope claims that 2019 the Year of the Pig will be marked by financial luck and prosperity not only for those born in the year of the Pig, but also for other signs. People who are engaged in farming and agriculture will be especially lucky. Financiers and accountants will be exposed to fewer risks in the coming year; for them, the Year of the Yellow Pig will be calm. 2019 promises to be very fruitful for new families and children :) So everyone has a great chance to find the closest people, prepare a nest.

The best period for the Pig is autumn, especially November. The colors of the Boar are yellow, gold, gray, brown. Lucky numbers: 2,5,8. Flowers that will bring good luck are daisy and hydrangea. The time of day under the control of a pig begins at 21.00 and ends at 23.00.

Boar years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

Celebrities born in the year of the pig: Elton John, Elvis Presley, Woody Allen, Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg, Alain Delon, Vladimir Nabokov, Mark Bernes, Modest Mussorgsky, Arkady Raikin, George Rockefeller, Carl Jung, Dalai Lama, Saddam Hussein, Thomas Mann, Blaise Pascal, Rasul Gamzatov, Cagliostro, Georges Pompidou, Lavrentiy Beria, Ronald Reagan, Carl Jung, Emerson, Hilary Clinton, Ernest Hemingway, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Henry Ford, Emma Thompson, Boris Yeltsin, Tony Blair, Otto von Bismarck, Francoise Sagan.

Character of people born in the year of the pig (boar)

People born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by decency, sincerity, and kindness. They are not characterized by envy, flattery, or rancor. They see only the good in people, which immediately endears them to you, because it is impossible not to love a person who notices the best qualities in you. The Pig is always ready to help in difficult times. Unfortunately, people often take advantage of her naivety and gullibility, but the Pig has a rather strong, steely character, so she is able to stand up for herself. And sometimes it can turn into an angry Pig, so it’s better not to anger the good pig.

Pigs are excellent business partners. They are punctual, responsible, hardworking, talented, conscientious, and will never compete, intrigue or deceive. They prefer to choose a faithful and reliable person as a partner, with whom they can work for the rest of their lives. So if among your partners or colleagues there is a person of this sign, you can rest assured that you are lucky. People of this sign do not like to take risks, preferring to stay in a calm and secluded place. The Pig always goes towards its goal until the very end, but before it decides that it needs it, there will be a lot of doubts.

In love, Pigs are jealous, caring, romantic, vulnerable and sensitive. They completely trust their partner, which can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous people. If stress sets in, then people of this sign can go into all serious ways: gluttony (stress eating), alcoholism, or even promiscuous sexual relations. Pigs do not like loneliness and have a hard time dealing with betrayal. Representatives of the Pig sign especially like to spend money; they can even be called spenders, as they often chase the brand rather than quality. Pigs also believe in miracles! And that's great.

Compatibility table for Pig and Chinese horoscope signs:

Perfect compatibility: Tiger, Rabbit (well, of course, with Rabbit:) and Goat.
Good compatibility: Rat, Horse and Dog. Such a union can also be called complementarity.
Neutral Compatibility the Pig will have a Rooster.
Worst compatibility: Snake and Monkey.
And, attention, the Pig can have an ideal pairing with the Ox, but in practice most often they turn out to be enemies. For reference, the years of birth of the Ox are: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009.

New Year is just around the corner. According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 belongs to the Pig. We suggest asking what kind of character the patroness of the coming year has, what she promises, what benefits she will bestow. Let's talk about this in more detail.

2019 is the year of whom according to the Chinese calendar

The New Year is approaching, and the most far-sighted are asking in advance: “Whose year, what animal will 2019 be?” The New Year according to the eastern calendar will be given over to the power of the Pig. But it will not come on the night of December 31 to January 1, but on February 5, and will end on January 24, 2020.

2019 will be patronized by the difficult Pig, but the Earthy one. This concretizes some of the features of the year.

Let's figure out what the Year of the Pig will give and present to all of us, what joys and difficulties to expect. It all depends on her character, on the meanings with which this symbol is filled.

So, the Pig is the laughing Buddha among all the zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope. She is well-fed and cheerful. Its distinctive features:

  • Hedonism.

The pig lives for his own pleasure. She is completely and completely happy with life and loves comfort. The Pig's motto is Don’t worry, be happy.

  • Sensuality.

The pig is emotional. She is affectionate and gentle, ready to undead and bask in the rays of love. She is unable to control her passion. At the same time, the Pig is prone to compassion, she is generous and tolerant.

  • Self-centeredness.

This quality is destructive. The Pig never admits his mistakes, never apologizes for his mistakes. He may offend and will not even ask why the interlocutor or partner is sad and feels unhappy.

  • Chaotic.

The pig is not the god of order. No logic can resist the Pig. If you want to solve something and have developed a clear plan, then immediately abandon it. Everything will go wrong. Rely on your intuition. It will lead you to the right path. In the Year of the Pig there is an opportunity to start everything from scratch.

  • Love of freedom and the cult of beauty.

The Pig is a creative person. She surrounds herself with beautiful things and people, fills her life with beautiful events. If you have been putting off traveling or changing your image, then 2019 is the time to make your most cherished dreams come true. Sorrows and sorrows bypass the Pig.

2019 Year of the Pig: color

Each zodiac symbol of the year is not only associated with a specific element, but also with a specific color scheme. The coming 2019 is the year of the Yellow Pig. In Chinese culture it is associated with the earth.

It symbolizes the center of existence, the center of the world. Yellow color gives birth to yin and yang, harmony and balance. In addition, the color yellow has the following meanings:

  • patience;
  • wisdom;
  • accumulation of experience;
  • authority;
  • insight of the mind.

Yellow color in Chinese symbolism is a symbol of energy and vitality.

To make the coming year successful and prosperous, choose an outfit for the holiday in a yellow palette - from light yellow, lemon to the color of fallen leaves and golden ocher. Astrologers say that it is preferable to choose a mustard-colored suit.

If you are somewhat depressed, because you will have to wear yellow clothes for the second year in a row, then calm down. The pig prefers a gray or metallic outfit. She is not against green, brown and dark red. In any case, complement the ensemble with gold or gilded jewelry.

To appease the Pig, you should make changes to the interior: cover the table with a beige or light lemon tablecloth, choose napkins to match, throw a warm yellow-brown checkered blanket on the sofa, cover the bed with a bedspread embroidered with a golden pattern.

Involve the kids in decorating your home for the holidays. They will be happy to paint the windows with Piglets and Peppa Pig, make original snowflakes-piglets, appliqués and Christmas tree decorations in the form of these cute animals.

The pig will like such preparations, so these details will attract money and good friends to the house.

What will 2019 be like according to the Chinese calendar?

The coming year will be full of joyful, positive and interesting events. The Earth Pig will give financial stability and prosperity.

Particular success should be expected for farmers, those associated with work on the land. Financiers and accountants will spend the year calmly: the Pig will ensure peace for money, so it will multiply better; it’s not for nothing that most piggy banks are made in the shape of this animal.

Married couples will have children; If you don't have your own home, now is the time to buy one. It will turn into a real nest.

In general, the Year of the Pig is a year of family joys and meetings. In the foreground for each person there will be children, relatives, parents. It is important to take care of the safety of the family hearth and comfort. Show concern for your loved ones. Meet more often, give hugs, spend a lot of time together. The pig loves home gatherings with a cup of tea.

Single people will find a couple in 2019, lovers will formalize their relationship. Trust your heart, because the sensual Pig will not tolerate hesitation in the love sphere. She is waiting for impulsive and beautiful actions of lovers.

The Yellow Boar is a risky animal. Therefore, if you have not yet had time to try your luck, then it’s time to start taking risks. Don't put off collecting fees - buy a lottery ticket or go to a casino. All gambling people will win.

This applies not only to the lottery, but also to business, a hobby, buying real estate, and resolving legal issues. Take a risk in the New Year - the Pig will help the most persistent and persistent. Financial well-being will also come to those who are thrifty and economical.

The coming year will be successful for everyone who values ​​human qualities, loves and respects their loved ones and relatives, who is ready to give love and affection to others. Tune in to a positive mood, since the Pig loves comfort and prosperity. She will shower everyone with these gifts in the new year.

Learn tips on how to attract the Earth Pig's attention and start preparing for the festivities. In any case, think about what and to whom you will give for the New Year.

People all over the world are already counting down the remaining days until the bright and long-awaited winter celebration - the New Year. Everyone who believes in horoscopes is wondering: 2019 is the year of which animal? What year according to the Chinese calendar will come after the year 2018?

2019 - whose year, what animal?

According to the Chinese and Japanese horoscope, 2019 is dedicated to the yellow earth boar (pig).

According to Eastern beliefs, every year passes under the auspices of the ruling beast. There are a total of 12 totem animals belonging to different elements. They protect people from evil spirits.

In Chinese astrology, it is believed that totem animals predetermine the character of people born in the corresponding period and influence their destinies. Representatives of the sign await with particular excitement the coming of the year dedicated to their totem, because it is during this period of time that special and significant life events await them.

The onset of the year of your zodiac beast is usually marked by big changes, unusual situations, and unexpected turns. The Chinese call it "Benmingnian" - Year of Destiny. According to Chinese belief, people whose year has arrived unwittingly offend Tai Sui, the Chinese god of time. Because of this, they may be haunted by trials and worries.

To maintain good luck in the coming year of your zodiac totem, you need to follow certain rules. And then adversity will most likely pass you by during this period. Information about which animal according to the horoscope will be in 2019 will help you celebrate the holiday correctly, taking into account the traditions of the heavenly patron and not miss your luck.

When is 2019 according to the Chinese calendar?

2019 The Year of the Pig becomes legal on February 5th. It will give way to the next sign in line - the Rat - on January 24, 2020.


According to the Chinese calendar, the new year of the zodiac patron occurs on different dates. Contrary to the erroneous opinion of some Russians, it does not fall on January 1 at all, so the meeting of 2019 in the traditions of honoring the totems of the East is quite arbitrary. The year dedicated to a specific zodiac begins from January 21 to February 20.

What year will 2019 be according to the horoscope?

The next year after the Year of the Dog, 2019, is dedicated to the Boar (Pig). It is important to note that the Pig is the 12th sign of the eastern zodiac. She ends the 12-year lunar cycle of the eastern horoscope, where each year is dedicated to a specific beast.

According to Eastern legend, Buddha invited animals to a celebration. The slow and clumsy Pig came last, 12th in a row. Therefore, the year of the Pig is the last in the cycle.

In China, this animal is associated with abundance and fertility. The pig is a symbol of wealth and can bring in a lot of money. Figures and images of this sign are given with wishes of joy, prosperity, and the birth of children.


The year of the pig corresponds to the feminine principle - Yin. It represents passive, uncreative, receiving and giving behavior. In the year of Yin, it is recommended to focus on completing unfinished business. For this, the forces accumulated over 2018, lived under the masculine principle of Yang, are used.

2019 - what color is the animal?

The color symbolism of the zodiac is determined by its belonging to a certain element. Over a long 60-year cycle, the totem beast goes through 5 key elemental states: wood, earth, metal, water, fire.

In 2019, the Pig has the element of Earth. According to Eastern traditions, its color is yellow. Thus, 2019 is dedicated to the Yellow Earth Pig.

2019 - the year of which animal and its characteristics

All totem zodiacs have a unique set of distinctive features.

Pigs born during the period of patronage understand well what they want. It is impossible to keep them to their dreams.

The boar represents nobility, courage, courage and prosperity. In Eastern countries, he is considered to be the real master of the court. The wild, elusive animal delights and attracts with its boundless freedom and licentiousness. His presence makes you feel helpless and unarmed. Due to its unbridled temper, the Boar is a symbol of passion and pleasure.

Diligence and determination are intertwined in the characteristics of this Chinese zodiac. People whose birthday falls in the year of the Pig achieve their goals at any cost. Sometimes they can even go overboard to get the desired result. But not all representatives of the totem do this. Most often they show generosity and nobility.

People under the Pig symbol usually give their all and fulfill their obligations with full responsibility. They plan the future several steps ahead and keep their workplace in order.

If a person of the Year of the Pig has a genuine interest in the business he has started, a positive outcome is guaranteed. Such people can be safely invited to become business partners. But this exactingness of theirs extends not only to representatives of the sign. Be prepared that they will expect equal returns from their allies or significant other.

Those born in the year of the Pig are in no hurry to open their inner world even to those close to them. They do not tolerate other people's advice well and will not tolerate moralizing.

These are excellent conversationalists who are welcome in any home. They have a great sense of humor and can cheer up even an introvert.

Some Pigs can be too arrogant. Often those born during the period of protection of this totemic beast are very superficial, arrogant, and irritable. However, these are very sociable people with a keen sense of justice and a fairly patient character.

Features 2019

  • Yellow color is a good sign for anyone who is planning to start a family and officially legitimize their relationship.
  • According to astrologers, 2019 promises to be a very emotional year as it completes a 12-year cycle.
  • 2019 will delight you with abundance. The pig will help maintain financial well-being. It is not without reason that in many cultures it is depicted as a piggy bank.
  • You can confidently plan your future and decide on new endeavors. The year is good for starting a business.
  • Uniting with nature will help improve your health.
  • Particular luck will follow people born in the year of the Pig.
  • 2019 is a good year for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Those born in 2019 will be endowed with generosity and curiosity.

Horoscope for 2019

In 2019, the eastern horoscope promises confidence and success in business for all signs. The Pig's patronage will bring good luck in business and career advancement. Active people will finally significantly improve their financial situation. At the same time, the pig is considered a hardworking animal, so those who are lazy will have a hard time.

Since the year of the Earth Pig becomes the final year of the 12-year cycle, all the factors of the previous 11 cycles will be intertwined in it. As astrologers explain, this means that the year promises to be filled with bright emotions, mostly positive.

For those born under the sign of the Pig, 2019 promises to be fruitful and will generously reward its “wards”. Everything related to land work is doomed to success.

Lonely Pigs and Boars will meet their fate; for them, the coming year promises the beginning of a serious and long-term relationship. Family people can confidently start organizing their home or decide on a long-delayed move.

The month of the Pig is November, so the culmination of everything planned should be expected closer to the end of the year.

We will find out what 2019 will be like for all zodiac signs in the next article.