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Zodiac horoscope. Characteristics of the zodiac signs Where did the concept come from - zodiac signs by year

The Zodiac passes through 13 constellations, but the Zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal parts, unlike the constellations. Each part is one Zodiac Sign, the name of which is given depending on the location of the corresponding zodiac constellation in this part of the sky.

The movement of all planets follows the Zodiac Signs. The full circle of Zodiac signs gives us 1 YEAR. The earth is in the center.

The main property is activity. Common features of the signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, desire, desire and ability to influence the environment; hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center to the outside.

Negative traits: selfishness, dissatisfaction, irritability. These properties are dictated by excess energy. These people love a fight, a duel. They always go forward to fight, it lights them up and gives them pleasure. Victory can be caused by movement, military action, or a challenge to a duel. But the result does not always give victory. There are other factors involved as well.

People born under cardinal signs are active, energetic and prone to change; gas, after all, also generates energy and easily spreads in all directions, almost unrestrained by gravity. Cardinal sign people create paths for others to follow and begin things that others complete. Aries natives bravely embark on daring undertakings and adventures. Cancer natives are blazing new trails in the housing and food industries. Libras become innovators in the fields of literature, art and social activities, while Capricorns become pioneers in business and industry. Signs of cardinal quality produce INNOVATORS.

Fixed cross.

The basis of this cross is constancy. The main quality is courage. Common features: People of this cross excel in defense. The product of their efforts in the form of a positive result is endurance, patience, waiting. This man is a fortress. They endure not because of weak will and cowardice, but because of masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, perseverance, but also steadfastness in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have great efficiency, reliability, and unbending will. Realization of energy depending on efforts in any area.

Negative traits: self-confidence, conservatism, stubbornness, excessive pride, which is expressed in self-will and wilfulness. Also inertia, dislike of change, power, authoritarianism, despotism.

Under the signs of fixed quality, quite adamant, decisive and persistent people are born. Solids are difficult to change shape or location; in the same way, people of fixed quality are deeply attached to the familiar environment, the usual manner of performing professional duties and the usual style of thinking. They have enormous strength to resist any external pressure, are resilient and patient, are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance, and delve into details. They are not innovators or energetic developers, but when development reaches its climax, they refine details and make improvements. Signs of fixed quality give rise to IMPROVERS.

Movable cross.

It includes the following signs: | | |

The main quality is changeability. General traits: mobility, complaisance, flexibility, diplomacy, courtesy, sociability, talkativeness. These signs are endowed with flexibility of perception. This is a very valuable quality that gives them the ability to quickly adapt to change. They have the ability to find unconventional solutions. These signs don't need a fight. They are strong in originality, resourcefulness, negotiations, because they are mobile and ambivalent.

Negative traits: talkativeness, narcissism, selfishness, conceit. Basically, there is a desire to talk only about yourself. The duality of these signs is based on a combination of fixity and cardinality, which results in constancy of movement.

Mutable signs are the golden mean between the crazy activity of cardinal signs and the stubborn resistance of fixed ones. Liquid cannot flow through the gap as easily as gas, but if the channel is continued for it, it will quickly flow along the line of least resistance. People born under mutable signs are rarely pioneers and innovators, but easily follow in their footsteps. Just as a liquid easily takes the shape of the vessel in which it is located, so mutable people easily adapt to new surroundings and strangers. Signs of mutable quality rarely produce pioneers and innovators. These are mainly DEVELOPERS.

Anatomical connections of the zodiac signs

1. ARIES - symbolizes the head, crown, forehead and face, is responsible for immunity (for leukocytes - taking part in the immune system). Pathology: headaches and toothaches.

2. TAURUS - between the eyebrows, throat, neck and ears, tonsils, lymphatic system as a whole (all lymph glands in different parts of the body). Articular and vocal cords, tendons. Pathology: throat diseases - otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc. All throat diseases.

3. TWIN - the tongue, arms, shoulders, collarbones, vision, eyebrows, lungs, nervous system, cerebral cortex (gray matter) suffer. Pathology: myopia (farsightedness), memory and speech disorders (cortex), inflammatory processes associated with the lungs, neuritis (inflammatory processes associated with the nervous system). Neuralgia, neuritis (upper shoulder girdle), neurasthenia.

Zodiac signs by year are collected in a table; you can easily find your zodiac, births by year and find out interesting details of the eastern calendar. But first, let's try to figure out what the Chinese calendar is and how the signs that are widely known to us are distributed in it.

Where did the concept of zodiac signs by year come from?

Eastern calendar exists more than 2000 years and according to legend– Buddha summoned animals before him for the celebration, with the condition that those who were the first to enter the palace would be remembered forever in the memory of people. The last obstacle for the animals consisted of a river in front of the imperial palace - the Bull swam first, but a rat settled on his back and when the bull came ashore and began to shake himself off, the rat jumped off his back and ran first into the palace, so she was given first place, the bull got second place, Tiger swam third, then rabbit (cat), dragon, snake, horse, last to swim were goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig (boar). In accordance with this, the years were assigned to animals, which are repeated with a period of every twelve years.

Zodiac year correspondence table:

Now that we know the history of the origin of the zodiac by year in the ancient Chinese (eastern) calendar, we can take a closer look at each sign individually. To make it easier to navigate in this article, we have provided table to help you find your year of birth and determine the sign according to the ancient eastern horoscope, then go to the description and find out other interesting things about yourself:

Rat 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008 2020
Bull 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
Tiger 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010 2022
Rabbit 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999 2011 2023
The Dragon 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012 2024
Snake 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013 2025
Horse 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 2014 2026
Goat 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015 2027
Monkey 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 2016 2028
Rooster 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017 2029
Dog 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018 2030
Pig 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019 2031

Astrologer's advice: Without a doubt, keep in mind that an individual horoscope from an astrologer provides maximum information that is impossible to understand from general characteristics. .

  • Zodiac Year of the Rat

    (1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

They have innate charisma, laconic charm, quite attractive appearance, they always evoke a positive reaction from others. Rats are very practical animals; they always try to find benefits for themselves in any situation. They will never act imprudently; they are cunning, thrifty, and know how to earn and store material resources. People who were born in the year of the Rat are excellent at keeping secrets; they can be trusted with any secrets. They are very careful in their actions, hardy in their work and are able to perform quite specific types of work that other zodiacs cannot do.

  • Year of the Zodiac – Ox

    (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Amazing power and greatness are some of the first words that jump out when looking at the Bulls. Of course, the natural qualities that are inherent in these animals allow them to show perseverance and hard work better than others, which is why they occupy an important place and one of the first steps in the eastern horoscope. Bulls are very independent, reasonable and stable; the firmness of their position always evokes respect from people. People always count on this zodiac during difficult periods and hope for its help. Individuals born in the year of the Ox are very good-natured and therefore always go out to give to others with an open heart. Some difficulties may arise due to the conservatism that is inherent in them; they are very traditional and therefore are not always willing to accept any innovations and reforms.

  • Zodiac year of the Tiger:

    (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010,2022)

The main advantages of the Zodiac Tiger are enormous courage, excellent willpower and ebullient energy. They are very tender and reverent about justice and for them, this is not an empty sound or word, but
an important part of life. The tiger is a very strong animal and is always ready to challenge anyone who encroaches on its territory. Those born in the year of the Tiger are always distinguished by their wisdom and great intelligence. In love relationships, tigers are always emotional and very passionate; the response of the partner with whom they are in love is very important to them. The only difficulty for tigers is the desire to rule and moments in life when it is necessary to submit causes a negative reaction.

  • Year of the Rabbit or Cat

    (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

The Rabbit occupies fourth place in the Chinese calendar; also, according to another version of the legend, it is possible that it was still a Cat, so we will consider the common signs for these animals.

The rabbit itself is not particularly aggressive and not very active, it is quite intelligent and even somewhat refined in its habits. A very good family man, always caring and respectful of family traditions and close ones. The main task for rabbits is to create a good and warm atmosphere, a real family hearth. Those born this year are focused on the family and make every effort to realize this task in their lives.

  • Zodiac year of the Dragon

    (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

The dragon, of course, stands out from the general series of the Chinese horoscope in that it is a fictional character - although who knows, maybe there is some truth in this. Basics
The symbolic designation of the dragon in Chinese folklore is of course a guardian who protects people from harmful and bad spirits, he always guards and protects people. People born in the Dragon zodiac always have strong energy, good health, and are distinguished by great willpower and the ability to control their emotions. Honor and dignity for them are not empty words; they will never exchange these concepts for any personal gain. Their weak point is excessive trust in people and these can be taken advantage of by ill-wishers, so you should be very careful and careful in choosing your social circle.

  • Year of the Snake

    (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025)

People who are destined to be born under this zodiac sign are characterized by special intuition, wisdom and great insight. At the first acquaintance, they can evoke a feeling of danger and threat, but there is no need to be afraid, these are only visible external signs that do not always correspond to the inner world of the Snake, they are never the first to attack. Great patience and endurance, the ability to quickly recover from heavy loads are some of the main qualities that snakes possess. The ability to steadily, without looking back, go towards your goal is also one of the main and important advantages and allows you to achieve what other Zodiacs in the horoscope cannot achieve.

  • Year of the zodiac Horse

    (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026)

The Horse is practically one of the most prominent representatives among the other zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope; it has a large number of advantages and basic qualities that
given to this zodiac are:

Extraordinary cheerfulness, the desire to move only forward, unlimited freedom of action. The optimism that is inherent in people who were born this year gives not only them extraordinary strength, but also the people who are surrounded by them also receive this energy.

In love and partner relationships, they are also very emotional, sensitive, always immersed in the relationship headlong, giving you completely to their partner.

  • Year of the Goat (Sheep, Ram)

    (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027)

According to the year of the Goat (ram, Sheep), the following can be noted - those born this year predominantly have high artistic abilities and are very charming. If fate turns out that you won’t be able to realize yourself on stage, then in any case in everyday life the creative abilities of this zodiac will not go unnoticed, everyone around you will pay their attention to it, in any company and evening they will occupy one of the leading, first places You can also note such qualities as well-developed humor, a sense of tact, and sociability. On the negative side, one can note such a feature as persistence, even sometimes excessive, sometimes this will interfere with the achievement of any goals.

Monkeys are very mischievous, curious and sociable. Outwardly they are very simple, but if you take a closer look, it’s immediately clear that this is far from the case. A flexible mind and natural ingenuity make this sign very interesting and unpredictable. Monkeys are very talented, ambitious and have great physical strength. They have a very well developed mind, they love to have fun with them, you will never get bored. On the negative side, we can note inconstancy and the ability to lie - sometimes.

The rooster is an innovator and revolutionary; every day begins with it, or rather, with the cry that notifies the sunrise. Also in life, people born in the year of the Rooster are the initiators of new projects; they are the ones who start high-profile events and affairs. They like to be a leader and lead other people. Zodiac Roosters have high qualities: responsibility, efficiency, reliability and determination. Outwardly, they are often very bright and attractive personalities; the people around them highly value the above qualities and easily give the palm to these people.

The zodiac dog is characterized by activity, endurance, selflessness and generosity. They are always able to protect and defend their home to the last, and for them this is of course very important. They always fight to the end of their strength, against injustice, try to protect the weak, help the weak. They have a very good analytical mind, are very attentive listeners, always know how to find a compromise and listen to the opinions of the people around them. Great romantics, they have their own ideals and often discrepancies with real life, causing a negative reaction.

  • Zodiac boar, pig

    (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031)

Zodiac signs by year end with the animal Pig or, in other words, Boar. People who were born this year are characterized by such characteristics as openness and goodwill, sociability, they are quite good friends and will always support any company. Flexible minded, peaceful, they are always the life of the party and are the best companions. Another important characteristic that pigs born in the year have is fertility and thrift. They have a very high potential for enrichment and attraction of material resources. We can say that money loves these people, so they will be very successful in business.

Chinese years and Western zodiac signs:

Zodiac signs by year from the Chinese horoscope in combination with the Western zodiac by month give quite interesting characteristics
for every person. Interpretation of the characteristics of Eastern and Western cultures allows us to characterize the people around us and ourselves personally in a much broader and more detailed way. I would also like to note such an important fact that - all the same, all characteristics are common and of course they cannot fully reveal each person individually. All this can only add nuances to a person’s individuality and his characteristics, which could have been formed precisely in his environment.

More detailed information on the signs of the Zodiac, both by Eastern years separately, and by months - Western astrology, You can look in the relevant sections our website Zodiac

Signs in the year of the European horoscope: Aries zodiac, Taurus zodiac, Gemini zodiac, Cancer zodiac, Leo zodiac, Virgo zodiac, Libra zodiac, Scorpio zodiac, Sagittarius zodiac, Capricorn zodiac, Aquarius zodiac, Pisces zodiac.

Astrology is divided into two separate directions - Western and Eastern. Western astrology includes 12 zodiac signs that correspond to our date and month of birth. The interpretation of eastern astrology is based on a 12-year cycle, for each year of which a specific patron animal is responsible. In simple terms, astrological analysis according to the Western system is aimed at studying a person’s personality type, his character and temperament. Eastern teaching allows us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a person, his deepest aspirations and methods of implementation in society. Since these directions are, in fact, sections of the same science, astrologers have developed a new type - a combination of the eastern and zodiac horoscope, which includes both Western and Eastern interpretations, and, therefore, allows a more detailed calculation of the astrological portrait of a person. We are talking about a structural or combined horoscope, which uses a division into seven personal portraits corresponding to the year, month and date of birth.

A structural horoscope provides unique information about a person’s character and talents when compared with traditional popular horoscopes. A combination of years and zodiac signs identifies 7 main types with unique features.

To find out the structural horoscope of a person born on a certain day, indicate that day. After making an online calculation, you will see one of seven structural portraits.

Structural (combined) horoscope by date of birth

Person's birthday:

Aries Taurus Twins Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish
Rooster 4 5 2 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 7 3
Dog 3 7 5 2 4 2 5 4 3 7 1 6
Boar 6 3 4 5 7 4 7 5 4 3 6 1
Rat 1 6 3 4 5 2 7 2 7 4 3 6
Bull 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 4 2 5 7 3
Tiger 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 7 4 2 5 4
Cat (Rabbit) 4 3 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 7 2 5
The Dragon 5 4 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 2 4 5
Snake 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 7 7 5 2 4
Horse 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 3 4 5 7
Goat (Sheep) 2 4 7 5 4 7 6 1 6 3 4 5
Monkey 7 2 4 2 5 7 3 6 1 6 3 4

Types of structural “combined” horoscope:

1 - King

3 - Knight

4 - Aristocrat

5 - Professor

7 - Vector

Below we will look in detail at what each of the signs of a structural or combined horoscope means:

1. King

According to the structural horoscope, Kings are given wisdom, courage, determination and insight from birth. People with the royal mark strive exclusively for the best and do not spare themselves on the path to success. Kings have enormous intellectual, emotional and physical potential. Quite often they achieve significant material or career success. At the same time, the Kings, like a magnet, attract people who are eager to bathe in the rays of their wisdom and attractiveness. It may seem that everything comes extremely easily to the Kings, but in reality, behind every small success there is a huge amount of work and dedication.

To make the most of the positive characteristics of the horoscope, representatives of the King sign should get rid of vanity and the desire to command others. Real kings should not pay attention to base feelings, because their destiny is to rule, healing with their wisdom and prudence.

2. Leader

This sign embodies energy and strength. Leaders are born leaders, ideological inspirers and leaders. Most representatives of this sign know what others need, know how to interest people and direct their efforts in the right direction. To live in harmony with their own “I”, Leaders need to self-actualize, proving their own importance and strength. Ideally, people of this astrological sign should occupy leadership positions, using their natural potential. If for some reason this seems impossible, take the position of a mentor and wise teacher who helps people find their way to a brighter future. However, do not abuse your own power. Remember, if you do everything right, people will follow you.

3. Knight

The trump card of this sign is manifested in kindness, selflessness and mercy. Knights not only sympathize with the sorrows of people, but accept their troubles as their own, and strive to protect the weak, feed the hungry and shelter the lost. Regardless of profession, temperament and life preferences, Knights crave great achievements and dream of showing their heroic nature. In truth, their lives are already filled with small and large feats, because almost every day they have to save their many friends and admirers. But the Knight's fate is such that his noble deeds often go unnoticed. If, by the will of the stars, you were born in knightly armor, do not expect applause and recognition, because your destiny is pure kindness and mercy. Moreover, for such a difficult mission, fate will definitely reward you with a loving family and loyal friends.

4. Aristocrat

The aristocrat is called to bring beauty to our mortal world. People of this sign love beautiful things, stylish clothes and luxury items. Their life should be easy and comfortable, because nature awarded Aristocrats with good aesthetic taste at the expense of willpower and determination. According to the structural horoscope, representatives of the Aristocrat sign are distinguished by moral purity, sociability and outstanding talents. However, aristocratic natures sometimes refuse to develop their abilities due to natural laziness and the desire for quick results. In order not to end up stuck, Aristocrats should develop determination and consistency. It is also extremely important for these people to have mentors who, at the right time, will be able to point out their mistakes and guide them on the right path.

5. Professor

People born under the auspices of the Professor sign embody intelligence, consistency and wisdom. The strengths of this structural portrait are evident in his intelligence and ability to be guided by cold calculation. The Professor will never act rashly, like a Knight, and will never feel sorry for himself, like an Aristocrat, because he knows that success depends solely on himself. This sign partly displays the characteristics of a Leader and a King, but, unlike them, the Professor does not crave fame and love from society, since his self-sufficiency does not require any external entourage.

To show their best traits, people with the astrological type Professor should not panic or fuss, because wisdom loves calm.

6. Jester

Each kingdom has its own jester. It seems that this cheerful character entertains people all day long, living his life in endless dances and jokes. But in reality, the deepest mission of the jester is manifested in the discovery of human vices, which through the prism of a joke seem even more sinister and meaningless.

An astrological Jester is an extravagant, self-sufficient and unconventional person. He does not tolerate conventions and oppression. This person will not humbly carry his cross, but will do everything possible to achieve justice. The jester charges those around him with positivity, although he himself can be mopey and depressed. To feel like a happy person, the Jester needs an understanding environment that will appreciate him the way the stars made him.

7. Vector

People of the vector astrological type are very bright and unpredictable. Today they work hard, and tomorrow they hitchhike around the world. Representatives of this sign are constantly looking for ways to express their original nature. They are very changeable, they can change one profession after another, get involved in different hobbies, look for themselves in work or in love. It may seem that Vector is the personification of inconstancy and frivolity, but the whole point is that this astrological type has acquired the ability to subtly sense the world and the laws of justice, which is why they are often thrown in different directions.

In addition, Vector is a sign that is extremely developed spiritually. People born under the auspices of Vector can see prophetic dreams, work with their intuition, foresee events and predict the future. In order not to lose their unique features, people of the vector type need to accept their true nature and not try to remake their own worldview to fit the surrounding reality.

A horoscope is usually understood as the relative position of the Sun, Moon, planets and constellations in the sky at a certain point in time. It is no coincidence that the Greek word horoskopos can be translated as “observer of time.” The moment of this “choreography of the luminaries” during the birth of a person is very important in astrology.

We come across zodiac signs, constellations and symbols almost every day. Tabloid newspapers regularly publish astrological forecasts for Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo... In any jewelry store you will find pendants and keychains with zodiac symbols. Zodiac signs refer us to ancient Greek myths, and they, in turn, allow us to better understand the subjects of paintings, tapestries and ancient sculptures.

Constellations and signs of the Zodiac with their specific sequence have firmly entered both European and global culture.

It is believed that it was the zodiacal constellations that were identified earlier than others by our ancestors among the scattering of stars in the night sky. Therefore, each of them has its own myths, legends and traditions. However, where and when exactly did people begin to distinguish twelve special ones among the constellations and on what basis was this done?

For the first time, astronomers of Ancient Babylon started talking about the twelve zodiacal constellations. More than forty centuries ago, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia already worshiped the Sun, Moon, planets and stars. In a sense, their sages anticipated Plato's ideas. They believed that earthly life is a reflection and embodiment of the ideal life of heaven, and earthly geography corresponds to heavenly geography. The stars are prototypes of the earth's rivers, countries and cities. For example, they believed that each city had its own constellation, and the plan for the capital of the Assyrian state of Nineveh originally existed in the heavens. The architects only had to embody it in stone.


Dates of birth: 21.03-20.04
Dominant Planet: Mars
Zodiac element: Fire
Day of week: Thursday
Color: red
Metal: iron
Numbers: 1.9
Talisman stones: diamond, heliotrope The Sun enters the sign of Aries on March 22 - the day of the spring equinox. Therefore, Aries is considered the first zodiacal constellation, although thanks to precession today, the Sun is actually in it from April 16 to May 13.


Dates of birth: 21.04-20.05
Dominant Planet: Venus
Zodiac element: Earth
Day of the week: Friday
Color: green, orange, yellow
Metal: copper
Numbers: 6, 4
Talisman stones: aventurine, amazonite, turquoise, malachite, chrysocolla In autumn and winter, the zodiac constellation Taurus is clearly visible in the night sky. It was known to astronomers long before our era. There are about 130 stars in it. The brightest is Aldebaran (alpha Taurus).


Dates of birth: 21.05-21.06
Dominant Planet: Mercury
Zodiac element: Air
Day of week Wednesday
Color: yellow, pink
Metal: mercury
Numbers: 5, 9
Talisman stones: agate, beryl, chrysoprase The Sun enters the constellation Gemini on June 20. Probably, in ancient times, only two bright neighboring stars were called Gemini. They are included in the famous catalog of the starry sky compiled by Claudius Ptolemy.


Dates of birth: 22.06-22.07
Dominant Planet: Moon
Zodiac element: Water
Day of week: Monday
Color: purple, bluish green, silver
Numbers: 3, 7
Talisman stones: emerald, moonstone, pearl The constellation Cancer is interesting because about two thousand years ago the sun “entered” it at the moment of the summer solstice. This is where the concept of the Tropic of Cancer arose.

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Semira and V. Vetash “ASTROLINGUA”
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Semira and V. Vetash THE ART OF ASTROLOGY

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Chapter: (updated, previously also published as a separate article in 1993, 1994, 1998)


There is an assumption about the origin of Chinese astrology, as well as Indian(which is more precisely known)from Babylon, but with a correction for the greater significance of lunar cycles and the lunar calendar. Although we do not consider such a connection a whale. astrology with Babylonian obligatory, rather the opposite, because Empirical observations of the sky and correlation with events on Earth were made by all civilizations completely independently, thereby reflecting man’s natural interest in the connection of phenomena in the world. From this same consideration, it seems natural to take into account whales. astronomers of the largest planetary cycles from the septenary planets in the formation of their model of astrology. It is based on the 60-year joint cycle of Jupiter with Saturn, consisting of 5(correlated with alternating 5 elements)12-year rotations of Jupiter equal in time to 2(correlated with alternating 2nd polarities)30-year revolutions of Saturn.

About the non-randomness of the 12-tiered nature of the world Zodiacs and the archetypal nature of this number in mythology(see article “Natural philosophy of the number 12” in the collection Astrology of the 20th century, 1991), indicates the most ancient cycle in use of the 12 lunar months of the solar year, because The moon was the first and main measure of time among the ancients(which, by the way, is reflected in our word Month, which comes from the verb “to measure”). And a whale. the calendar initially undoubtedly reflected the lunar cycle, as well as the primary Babylonian one, which gave rise to classical astrology in its further development.

In China, 12 cyclic signs were used to indicate time periods, as well as 10(5 x2 polarity)hieroglyphs of the elements. These symbols described both the seasons of one year, of which there were 24 in China, and the now popular sequence of 60 years. It is known, for example, that the year white Goats, as we now call it, or the year of the Goat of the element of metal occurs once every 60 years, and simply the year of the Goat - once every 12 years. However, initially the cyclic signs had nothing to do with the names of animals, and they should not be confused with animal hieroglyphs. Abstract symbols of time were matched by the world of fauna later, when the Chinese calendar began to be used by the Mongols, who were cattle breeders. They replaced strange signs with the names of animals whose habits they knew well. New names have also taken root in China. Thus arose the second heavenly "menagerie" or second Zodiac .

To describe a person’s psychotype and forecasts, we usually use the Western Zodiac, and remember the Eastern Zodiac only on New Year’s Eve. This is understandable: the European horoscope examines in detail the psychology of the months, while the Chinese horoscope primarily determines the character of the whole year.

There is a difference in the orientation of the Western and Eastern Zodiacs, but still both systems distinguish 12 psychological types of people, based on the same logic of the natural cycle. And therefore, the descriptions of human character in the European and Chinese horoscopes echo each other. There are several systems for comparing months and years, but the most natural from a natural point of view should be recognized as the one where the first sign of the astrological year - Aries - corresponds to the beginning of the 12-year cycle of Jupiter, the main one for the classical Chinese horoscope - Rat or Mouse. Western astrology used the same logic until Europe discovered the eastern horoscope: the Chinese year of the Rat coincided with the European year of Aries, the year of the Buffalo with the year of Taurus, etc., similar to the corresponding month.

In addition to the Chinese cyclic signs, the picture also shows synthetic icons (invented by us for convenience) for the signs of the eastern calendar, reminiscent of both the animals of the Chinese Zodiac and the main corresponding sign of the Western Zodiac.

Let's look at this correspondence in more detail. When we attribute to the image of a sign a more comprehensive and global annual characteristic compared to the month, its bright personality traits appear in a more softened and harmonized version. Those qualities that can interfere with social interaction are leveled out, and at the same time the image acquires the features of the opposite sign, which it lacks for harmony with the world around it. Therefore, the types of the Eastern Zodiac can be considered as the characters of the Western Zodiac, in which their ideal social (Jovian) sound is found, although the brightness of individual self-expression (solar characteristic) is muted.

Signs of the beginning of a cycle, Aries And Rat, are similar in their activity, reaching the point of aggression. If we try to imagine Aries in a socialized form, and his behavior as convenient for others, we will approximately get the character of the Rat, in whose image the destructive aspects of Aries’ personality are smoothed out. The Rat is not so straightforward, acts not so much with force as with cunning, being able to adapt to the environment - something that Aries lacks, often harsh and rude, and even more often - too naive. The behavior of the Rat even reveals traits of the sign of Libra, which is opposite to Aries, similar to it in subtle politics, the ability to maneuver and the need to interact with the entire spectrum of life’s pleasures. The basis of the Rat’s character remains an independent, egocentric position, which also forms the image of Aries.

Creative sign Taurus public planet Jupiter turns into an even more powerful buffalo, giving him the opportunity to realize his potential. This is the most powerful sign of the eastern horoscope. In the image of the Buffalo we will not find the softness and laziness, as well as the contemplative approach to life, characteristic of Taurus. The passion inherent in the opposite sign of Scorpio forces the Buffalo to take on socially useful work. The Buffalo is an active sign, achieving fruit in that love of work that is also present in Taurus.

Extroverted Twins, open to contacts, acquiring, under the influence of Jupiter, the authority of the opposite sign of Sagittarius, they become frontiers-- Tiger. Their desire to function among the abundance of information in the Tiger extends to politics and leadership in the hustle and bustle of life. If Gemini, a smart sign that aspires to more than it is, often tries to seem like a Leo (imagine the image of an American Superman), then the Tiger almost succeeds (not only in movies, but also in life).

Closed Cancer, who loves privacy, although he also loves guests, in the public version turns into an independent, but completely secular Kota. In my quest" walk myself By to myself"The cat retains something of the mystery of Cancer, but he is more sweet than strange, lacks the inferiority complex that is sometimes characteristic of Cancer and is perceived very positively by everyone around him. In addition, the Cat has a sense of style characteristic of Capricorn - the sign opposite to the amorphous Cancer - which leaves an imprint of salon on him and contributes to the development of good manners in him. Cancer, deep down in his soul, loves popularity - the Cat takes advantage of it.

Those signs whose strengthening would interfere with their social adaptation are weakened by Jupiter, sometimes as if turning their character inside out. Yes, too self-sufficient Leo corresponds The Dragon- only a chimera of the greatness of the king of beasts. The dragon, although very self-confident, does not rely on real strength, which nature has so generously awarded Leo, but only on external brilliance. However, the Dragon is no stranger to extravagance, and in this way, departing from the classical image of Leo, he resembles the opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo is generous with his wealth - the Dragon, like Aquarius, gives away more than it accumulates.

Practical Virgo is analogous to wise Snakes. Both are reputed to be ideal spouses and are almost indistinguishable from each other - except that Virgo is colder and more rationalistic, and the Snake has a slightly softened absolutism of one of the most pragmatic signs of the Western horoscope. This couple is usually not in doubt. (There is an old Chinese system of particular interest, where the zodiacal constellations are designated by cyclic signs against the usual course. Its correspondences are as follows:

Rat - Aquarius, Horse - Leo,

Buffalo - Capricorn, Goat - Cancer,

Tiger - Sagittarius, Monkey - Gemini,

Cat - Scorpio, Rooster - Taurus,

Dragon - Libra, C both - Aries,

Snake - Virgo, C Vigna - Pisces.

But in this system, as can be seen, the Snake is compared with the Virgo. The opposite pair also remains unchanged: Pisces and Pig.) The philosophy of the Snake echoes the contemplation of Pisces: the Snake is deeper and wiser than the Virgo.

Lawyers- Libra, a sign with a good sense of proportion and a subtle understanding of morality corresponds to fair Horse. But if Libra, in everything that does not concern the formal side of the matter and social rituals, is characterized by compromise, then in the Horse the tendency towards justice enters the public arena and develops into a manic struggle for the truth. The character of the noble animal is attributed to the human traits of honesty and carrying out one's line, which brings us back to the directness and individualism of Aries.

The passion of the demanding Scorpio realized in capriciousness and artistry Goats(Sheep). Although she, like Scorpio, is rather quarrelsome and does not get along with everyone, her claim is more socially acceptable than the outright claims of that sign, which, as a rule, everyone else unanimously complains about. Scorpios, by the way, can also be good actors. And the feminine tricks, tenderness, sensuality, and, most importantly, the cheerfulness of the Goat, which Scorpio lacks, somewhat liken it to the opposite sign of Taurus, which, although not so playful, can make weakness, softness and passivity the strengths of its nature.

mocking Sagittarius, a sign of satirists, similar to Monkey. True, if Sagittarius often criticizes others, proving his ideas, the Monkey’s authority in his own eyes is so unshakable that he begins to break the comedy, turning him into nothing. This is another example of Jupiter weakening a strong sign, where ambition and the desire for public recognition, reaching their limit, turn into buffoonery. The ability to imitate and “become a monkey” is also inherent in the opposite sign of Gemini, which, however, does not have the experience of Sagittarius and the Monkey and their talent to teach others.

Purposefully harsh behavior Capricorn Jupiter adapts to society as a petty dictatorship Rooster, and the overly serious Capricorn desire for achievement turns into the fanfare of a vain bird. What these signs have in common is pride and individualism, which can make us think about the meaning of life if we imagine Capricorn, and make us smile when we look at the Rooster. The Rooster puts himself in the center of attention with the childish spontaneity of Cancer: they are brought together by a penchant for profanity and a frivolous manner of behavior.

Friendliness and loyalty Aquarius we will find in the image Dogs. Aquarius and Dog are united by devotion to an idea. But if Aquarius serves his own dream, Dogs are good followers of all kinds of teachings, capable of being their guides in society. They, like Aquarius, are close to new trends. The dog is also selfless and able to do without material comfort. Unlike the anarchist Aquarius, the Dog is more loyal, and this makes it similar to the opposite sign of Leo - as is its generosity.

And finally, influenced Fish who go with the flow and are easily persuaded correspond to the gullible Pig. She is just as amorphous and accepts everything as Pisces, but is more stable in her position, which gives her suggestibility and idealism knightly traits. Like the opposite sign of Virgo, she loves purity in the literal and figurative sense, which cannot be said about Pisces, whom often carries into the bottom currents of society, and which are more often engaged in posing ethical problems rather than solving them.

Thus, the eastern horoscope represents a socially harmonized version of the western zodiac sign. We interpreted this harmonization through the acquisition of traits of the opposite sign, but this can be done in another way. In the European system, the beginning of Aries corresponds to the spring equinox. According to Chinese tradition, the points of the equinoxes and solstices are usually considered not the beginning, but the middle of the signs. Thus, the Rat, which begins the astrological cycle, covers half the sign of Pisces and half of the sign of Aries, the Buffalo - half of Aries and half of Taurus, etc. This shift by half a sign does not break the overall picture, because neighboring signs also argue with each other, as well as opposite ones. The addition of the subsequent sign with the qualities of the previous one, which according to astrological tradition is rejected by it, also expands the characteristics of the sign and at the same time levels it out. And as a result, we get the harmonized images discussed earlier.

Presenting the psychological characteristics of the years through the images of the Western Zodiac in this second way, we will see that the Rat, in addition to the aggressiveness of Aries, is indeed characterized by the maneuvering and adaptability of Pisces, and the Buffalo is more positive than Taurus, and this is where the quality of Aries is manifested. The Tiger is decisive, like Gemini, but at the same time it also has the strength of Taurus, understanding not only tactics, but also strategy. The cat combines the inner silence of Cancer with the contactfulness of Gemini. The Dragon has a more dispersed character than Leo, and this, as well as some mystery of the image, makes the strange beast similar to Cancer. The Snake combines the wide Leo world coverage with the narrow practicality, attention to detail and thriftiness of Virgo. The Horse from Virgo has an absolutist position, in addition to a Libra-like sense of justice. The whimsicality of the Goat comes close to the sophistication of Libra, and not just the exactingness of Scorpio. Scorpio's contempt for external beauty and his harsh judgments are manifested in the Monkey, while she inherits common sense from Sagittarius. Sagittarius's vanity is reflected in the fanfare of the Rooster, in addition to the individualism he inherits from Capricorn. The Dog is a pessimist, like Capricorn, despite the ideology that makes it similar to Aquarius. And from Aquarius they inherited the altruism of the simpleton Pig, akin to the pliable Pisces, and her love of knowledge.

For astrologers, there is another correspondence between the Western and Eastern Zodiacs, associated with the real position of Jupiter in the sky. So, in the year of the Rat, Jupiter is currently moving through the astrological constellations of Sagittarius and Capricorn, in the year of the Buffalo - Capricorn and Aquarius, etc. However, since Jupiter's cycle is not exactly 12 years, but slightly less, this ratio changes over time. Therefore, the Zodiac system itself serves as a more reliable criterion for comparing the Western and Eastern horoscopes.

The system of comparisons between the two cycles that we have considered is also confirmed by the fact that the supporting signs of the Western Zodiac - the stable signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - correspond in it to the central signs of the Chinese horoscope, the signs of the earth element: Buffalo, Dragon, Goat and Dog. Among the five Chinese elements, earth is considered the main one: it correlates with the concept of center. Only the signs of this element form the cementing structure of the cross in the cycle system - the signs of the other elements are located in twos around the element of the Center.

Comprehending the concept of time, the East turned to annual cycles, which reflected the measured and unhurried rhythm of his life, his age-old traditions, and made it possible to create a global picture of the social ways of people’s behavior, on which the natural harmony of their interaction rests. And the practical West, based on a shorter cycle - solar astrology, based on individual manifestations of personality, moved to an even more detailed approach. He is successfully developing horary astrology, where the most important characteristic is hours , which allows you to describe the current course of life and the likelihood of events occurring. The Eastern horoscope also uses the values ​​of the month, day and even hour, but does this more formally, only prolonging the system of 12 annual cycles for months, days and years (i.e. the hour of the Rat, the day of the Tree, etc.). Also in the eastern horoscope, more importance is attached to the fixed stars. But this only confirms the idea of ​​the static type of the eastern horoscope compared to the reliance on the dynamics of the planets in the western one.

Our position between East and West, which makes us not such observers as to contemplate the passage of years, but also not so pragmatic as to keep an eye on the clock, orients us primarily to solar astrology itself. To understand natural cycles, we will be closer to the characteristics months - signs of the Western Zodiac, defining 12 special paths of development of the human personality.

Days of the beginning of the years of the eastern horoscope
(from 1912 to 2013):


h. - 18.2.1912 6.2.1913With.- 26.1.1914 14.2.1915

With.-5.2.192424.1.1925To.- 13.2.19262.2.1927

To.-24.1.1936 11.2.1937and.- 31.1.1938 19.2.1939

and.-10.2.194829.1.1949b.- 17.2.19506.2.1951

b.-28.1.1960 15.2.1961h.- 5.2.196225.1.1963

h.-15.2.19723.2.1973With.- 23.1.197411.2.1975

With.-2.2.198420.2.1985To.- 9.2.198629.1.1987

To.-19.2.19967.2.1997and.- 28.1.1998 16.2.1999

and.-7.2.2008 26.1.2009b.- 14.2.20103.2.2011


To.-3.2.191623.1.1917and.- 11.2.1918 1.2.1919

and.-23.1.1928 10.2.1929b.- 30.1.1930 17.2.1931

b.-8.2.194027.1.1941h.- 5.2.1942 5.2.1943

h.-27.2.195214.2.1953With.- 3.2.1954 24.1.1955

With.-13.2.19642.2.1965To.- 21.1.1966 9.2.1967

To.-31.1.197618.2.1977and.- 7.2.1978 28.1.1979

and.- 17.2.19886.2.1989b.- 27.1.1990 15.2.1991

b.-5.2.200024.1.2001h.- 12.2.2002 1.2.2003

h.- 23.1.201210.2.2013


b.-20.2.1920 8.2.1921h.- 28.1.192216.2.1923

h.-6.2.1932 26.1.1933With.- 14.2.19344.2.1935

With.-25.1.194413.2.1945To.- 2.2.194622.1.1947

To.-12.2.195631.1.1957and.- 18.2.19588.2.1959

and.-30.1.196817.2.1969b.- 6.2.1970 27.1.1971

b.-16.2.19805.2.1981h.- 25.1.1982 13.2.1983

h.-4.2.199223.1.1993With.- 10.2.1994 31.1.1995

With.-21.1.20048.2.2005To.- 29.1.2006 15.2.2007


As mentioned above, in the Western horoscope the dynamic aspect of the movement of the planets is more active, while in the Chinese horoscope there is a reliance on static links to the symbolic foundation of the astro-system. Therefore, the developments of both systems have their own achievements in understanding the psycho-image of a person depending on his birth. Analyzing the horoscope only according to the Western model, we somewhat lose the connection of the individual with his generation, considering him in excessive individuality.(It is true that in the Western system it is possible to distinguish between generational aspects of planets, i.e. those that are related to peers, and purely private ones, but usually this is poorly emphasized).

When analyzing a horoscope chart, even serious astrologers usually rarely take into account the characteristics of the client’s eastern year, although images that combine all possible combinations of both Zodiacs are quite vividly described(Rat-Aries, Rat-Taurus, etc.) The “Structural Horoscope” developed by G. Kvasha on this basis is of particular interest.. But more often these characteristics remain in the realm of popular descriptions. Because both models seem to be self-sufficient, but nevertheless, the failure to take into account the eastern year still impoverishes standard astro-analytics.

Many parameters that are omitted or eluded by the astrologer in ordinary practice help to return to an objective view of the refined accents of the horoscope - good aphetics. Yes, this is a rather technical check, but nevertheless, if it is done comprehensively with well-balanced criteria for the strengths and weight of the maximum of the constituent elements , then the help from her is quite tangible. Therefore, it is quite possible to introduce the parameter of the eastern year, as a clarifying astro-characteristic, into Western aphetics. horoscope.

RHaving examined the different systems for correlating the images of the Western and Eastern zodiac, we can summarize them in a certain system and introduce such a parameter into the calculation of the aphetics of the horoscope. There will be psychotypes here. Zodiac signs are translated into Western psychotypes. Zodiac, in order to derive, on the basis of one coordinate system, the forces of the zodiac archetypes in the horoscope. We first used such systems in calculating aphetics in the Astraea (1990) and Vesta-Vetus (2008) programs, where we also used the color and gender of the eastern year, based on related elements and the weight of 5 planets, rulers of the Chinese elements(an example of calculating aphetics in the Vetus program -

Now let's present the correlation system in a table. Here 100 % is divided into taking into account the meanings of the image of Western signs with the Eastern archetype according to the degree of coincidence of their characteristics on the basis of all the main systems of comparison of the Zodiacs.

First, a simpler option that takes into account only the main two systems:

Rat = 60% Aries + 40% Aquarius

BUFFALO = 60% Taurus + 40% Capricorn

TIGER = 60% Gemini + 40% Sagittarius

CAT = 60% Cancer + 40% Scorpio

THE DRAGON = 60% Leo + 40% Libra

SNAKE = 100% Virgo

HORSE = 60% Libra + 40% Leo

GOAT = 60% Scorpio + 40% Cancer

MONKEY = 60% Sagittarius + 40% Gemini

ROOSTER = 60% Capricorn + 40% Taurus

DOG = 60% Aquarius + 40% Aries

PIG = 100% Pisces

Now a more sophisticated version, taking into account all systems of correlation with a breakdown of the general amounts of 10 points according to their degree of importance:

Rat = 5 Aries + 3 Aquarius + 1 Libra + 1 Pisces

BUFFALO = 5 Taurus + 3 Capricorn + 1 Scorpio + 1 Aries

TIGER = 5 Gemini + 4 Sagittarius + 1 Taurus

CAT = 5 Cancer + 3 Scorpio + 1 Capricorn + 1 Gemini

THE DRAGON = 5 Leo + 3 Libra + 1 Aquarius +1 Cancer

SNAKE = 9 Virgo + 1 Leo

HORSE = 5 Libra + 3 Leo + 1 Aries + 1 Virgo

GOAT = 5 Scorpio + 3 Cancer + 1 Taurus + 1 Libra

MONKEY = 5 Sagittarius + 4 Gemini + 1 Scorpio

ROOSTER = 5 Capricorn + 3 Taurus + 1 Cancer +1 Sagittarius

DOG = 5 Aquarius + 3 Aries + 1 Leo + 1 Capricorn

PIG = 9 Pisces + 1 Aquarius

To translate the Chinese elements (colors of the years) into the meanings of the class of astrology, as stated above, the connection of the 5 elements with the 5 septenary planets that control them is known, this is one translation parameter. The other, more complex one, is the correlation of the Western 12-digit model of the facets of the elements, where the 4 elements follow 3-step stages in time (cardinal/stable/mutable) and correlate with the 10-digit Chinese model, where the 4 elements. elements in geo-space + fifth, combining all the dynamics of time into the statics of the center connecting heaven with earth and everything multiplied by 2 polarities (yin-yang).
In the aphetics of the horoscope, the weight of the elements is needed to determine temperament, but not only according to the 4 standard types based on the weight of the elemental signs and the strength of the planets, respectively. elements, but also according to the degree of extroversion-introversion (which is determined by its parameters, including the hemispheres of the houses of the map), and here the aspect of yang-yin and color, i.e. elements whale year adds his points. And the last parameter is the psychological parallel. education elements with psychological components of the classic horoscope.
Then the entire accounting system is whale. elements of the year in the West. The horoscope can be represented as follows:
whale. Fire.= +4 Fire, +1 cardinal. cross, +1 Mars(in years yin = Pluto)
---Earth= +3 Earth, +2 stable, +1 Saturn(year yang=Sun)
---Metal= +2 Air, +1 Earth, +1 card, +1 Venus(year yang=Uranus)
---Water= +3 Water, +1 mutab., +1 Mercury(Yin=Moon year)

---Tree= +2 Air, +1 Water, +1 mut., +1 Jupiter(year yin=Neptune)

In the simplified model of converting the color of the whale year into the classification of the zap.athetics - you can add points only to the planets of the septener(fire - Mars, earth - Saturn, Metal - Venus, water - Mercury and wood - Jupiter) , governing elements according to Chinese astrology, plus luminaries(yang year - Sun, yin year - Moon).