Repair Design Furniture

How to descale an electric kettle at home. How to descale a particularly neglected kettle. What can be done for prevention

Scale is formed due to the content of metal salts in tap water settling at the bottom and inner walls ordinary kettles or electric heating element.

Drinking tea or coffee, generously flavored with mineral deposits, threatens diseases of the kidneys, joints and bones.

A dense layer of scale leads to long heating of the water, and in electric kettles - to breakdowns of the heating coil.

The rate of plaque formation depends on the hardness of the water, but even filtration will not eliminate the need to periodically descale the kettle.

How to descale a kettle: the tools you need

To get rid of the kettle from scale and extend its life, you can use both special preparations from a household chemicals store and home remedies:

  • citric acid or lemons;

    sweet soda;

    pickle from canned cucumbers or tomatoes;

    peel of apples, pears or potatoes.

Soda softens limescale, and other products contain acids that scale is afraid of. You will also need a soft brush, sponge or brush to clean. Do not use steel wool scouring pads to speed up the process.

How to descale a kettle: method 1 - traditional

The easiest way to remove limescale from the kettle is using the available tools that are available in every kitchen: citric or acetic acid, soda, or a combination of both.

Cleaning with vinegar

Manufacturers do not recommend cleaning electric, enamel and aluminum kettles with vinegar; the product is suitable for stainless steel dishes with old deposits.

With a small layer of lime, fill 2/3 of the kettle's volume with water, and the remaining 1/3 with 9% vinegar. Bring the solution to a boil over low heat, remove the kettle from heat and set it aside for 1-3 hours to loosen the scale. If the bottom and walls of the dishes are covered with a thick and dense crust of deposits, prepare a solution at the rate of ½ cup of vinegar per 1 liter of water, pour it into a kettle, put it on a low heat, wait for it to boil and boil for another 10-30 minutes, depending on the volume of the vessel.

After cooling down, rinse the kettle thoroughly with a soft sponge, removing scale residues, boil it 1-2 times with clean water and rinse the container to get rid of traces of vinegar.

Citric acid cleaning

This gentle product will help get rid of limescale on any kettle. To remove dense layers of lime, boil a kettle with an acid solution (10-15 g 1 l of water), turn it off immediately after boiling and cool it for 30-60 minutes - during this time, the scale will dissolve or soften. Then drain the liquid, remove the remaining deposits with a sponge, boil a container with clean water and rinse thoroughly. If it was not possible to cope with old limescale on the first try, repeat the procedure.

In order not to expose the kettle to boiling with acid, it is enough to clean it monthly without heating: dilute the acid with water, pour it into a container and drain the solution after a few hours - a small plaque will disappear without a trace.

Soda cleaning

Regular baking soda or soda ash will help restore pristine cleanliness to any kettle, including electric kettles.

Option 1... Fill the dishes with water, add 1 tbsp. soda, boil and hold for half an hour over low heat. Cool, drain and rinse the kettle, then refill with water and boil to remove any remaining baking soda. Then rinse the container again.

Option 2... Pour 1-2 tablespoons into boiling water in a kettle. soda and turn off the heat immediately. After 1-2 hours, remove the softened mineral deposits from the dishes, boil it with clean water and rinse again.

Cleaning old limescale

Option 1... Moisten a sponge with vinegar, dip it in baking soda and rub the resulting gruel into the surfaces covered with a layer of scale. When the vinegar is combined with soda, a reaction will occur that destroys the deposits, all that remains is to rinse and rinse the kettle. If the layers are dense, cleaning will need to be repeated.

Option 2... Suitable for the most neglected kettles with a thick layer of limescale, but not applicable for electric kettles due to excessive aggressiveness. Cleansing is done in three steps:

1. Pour water into the container, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, boil, set aside for 10-20 minutes, drain the solution.

2. Re-fill with water, add 1-2 tbsp. citric acid, boil the solution for half an hour over low heat, drain.

3. Pour water into the kettle again, add 1/2 cup of vinegar there, boil for another half hour, drain the liquid.

After such a powerful attack, most of the scale will come off by itself, loose residues can be easily removed with a simple sponge. Then be sure to rinse the kettle, boil it 3-4 times clean water and rinse the dishes.

How to descale the kettle: method 2 - "delicious"

Safe natural remedies will appreciate the descaling method by peeling potatoes, pears or apples containing organic acids. Cleanings need to be rinsed, put into a kettle, filled with water and boiled liquid. After boiling, set aside the teapot with the peel for 1-2 hours, and then rinse the dishes well. The product is suitable for removing light scale deposits.

Perfectly relieves of "deposits" of lime cucumber or tomato pickle - due to the content of citric acid or vinegar. Pour the brine into the kettle, boil, cool, rinse and rinse the container thoroughly to remove the preservation odor. An additional bonus of the method is the removal of rust from the inner surface of the vessel.

Fights limescale well. Cut the sour fruit into quarters, put them in a kettle, add water, put the dishes on low heat and boil the solution for 10-15 minutes after boiling. If the scale has not softened enough, repeat the procedure, and then rinse the kettle and rinse with plenty of water.

For effective removal You can also use sweet soda limescale in the kettle.

Open a bottle with a drink to release gases, then pour 0.5-1 liters of liquid into a kettle, boil, let it cool and rinse the container thoroughly. With a small layer of deposits, you can do without boiling - just fill the kettle with soda to dissolve the plaque, and after a few hours wash it. The cleaning effect is based on the content of citric and phosphoric acid in the drink. Choose a transparent soda, for example, 7UP, otherwise you will have to remove colored stains from Coca-Cola or Fanta from the surface of the dishes.

How to descale a kettle: method 3 - chemical

The destruction of scale with household chemicals is achieved by the citric, adipic or sulfamic acids included in their composition. Special means are available in the form of liquids, powders or tablets, used according to the instructions. The general scheme of use is that a solution with a cleaning agent is boiled in a kettle for 30-40 minutes, then drained. The softened scale can be easily removed, and after cleaning, boil clean water 2-3 more times in the kettle to remove chemicals.

Effectiveness of application store funds from scale is comparable to the action of vinegar and citric acid, but the latter are much more economical.

How to descale your kettle without ruining it

Even if the kettle is covered with a thick layer of plaque, do not scrape it with sharp objects, do not use hard brushes and metal sponges for cleaning - such a cruel method is very harmful to the dishes.

For careful and effective removal limescale wash the inside of the kettle well, and then use home remedies or chemicals to dissolve or loosen the lime coat. After cleaning, be sure to wash the kettle with a sponge or soft brush, boil water in it a couple of times and rinse the dishes again to avoid poisoning.

The frequency of descaling from the kettle depends on the hardness of the water used, but try not to start the process - with each boil, the crust of the plaque becomes stronger and thicker. Preventive care will help minimize her education:

    rinsing after each boil and daily washing the kettle with a sponge;

    the use of filtered water, fresh each time - repeated boiling increases the sedimentation of salts;

    draining water from the kettle at night or with a long "idle".

The choice of methods for descaling the kettle is quite large, and home remedies are not inferior in efficiency to the store ones. The main thing is not to forget to repeat the procedure regularly.

On each modern kitchen have a favorite teapot. Someone electrical appliance, someone has the usual enamel. Over time, any of them needs proper cleaning. Plaque and scale inevitably accumulate on the walls of the vessel and it is not so easy to wash them. Today we have prepared tips for you that are guaranteed to help you cope with this problem.

Cleaning methods

An electric kettle or a traditional metal kettle must eventually be covered with scale from the inside. The reason is simple. The fact is that water contains various salts that form a hard coating on the walls, bottom, and also on the heating element. Particularly quickly, limescale deposits arise from excessively hard tap water... However, filtered and bottled only temporarily postpone the appearance of scale. This means that serious cleaning of kitchen utensils is inevitable.

Each housewife has her own methods with which she copes with this kind of pollution. For example, someone is trying to get rid of limescale detergents... We do not recommend that you do this. After such cleaning, during subsequent boiling, chemicals will be released into the water.... Drinking such a liquid is very unhealthy.

Never use abrasive products, hard sponges, scrapers or metal meshes.... They will damage the inside of the product or the heating element, after which it can be damaged. You can easily and quickly wash the kettle using citric acid.

Why do we advise you to descale with citric acid? Because this tool is quite affordable, you don't have to spend a lot of money on it. In addition, it is completely safe - it will not harm your health in any way. There are several effective tricks. For old thick plaque, the so-called hot way... If the contamination is not too severe, then the cold method will do. Now is the time to move on to the sequence of actions and the description of proportions.

How to cleanse the inside properly?

If the scale on the inside is not too severe, you will need 50-60 grams of citric acid. Pour it into a kettle, fill it to the top with very warm water, mix thoroughly. Leave it on for about an hour, or even better for two. After waiting for a while, you just need to pour out the liquid and rinse the kettle with plenty of water. You will notice that the inside of the product is much cleaner and the plaque is gone.

Such regular prevention, at least once or twice a month, will avoid the accumulation of stone deposits and preserve the dishes. The kettle will look like new for a long time.

By the way, upon completion of cleaning, after rinsing, we recommend boiling clean water in it for five minutes, and then be sure to drain. This is necessary to avoid the taste of citric acid in the drinks.

If there is a thick layer of scale and the above method does not help, you will have to use a more serious method - hot cleaning. To do this, you will need the kettle itself again, lemon acid and water. Pour water to the top, add two tablespoons of citric acid and boil the water. After turning off the heat, leave to cool completely. Remember: after each procedure, the water is drained.

If small traces of plaque remain on the walls or bottom, remove them with a soft sponge. Did not help? You can safely repeat the procedure. After the second bath, the scale is guaranteed to disappear. Another recommendation for the hot method. Never add acid powder to boiling or very hot water.

Add citric acid only to cold or warm liquid. From interaction with boiling water, the acid will immediately begin to foam, which will disrupt the correct cleaning process.

A little advice on getting rid of old limescale. We recommend making such a "pasta" in the evening. Mix equal amounts of baking soda, which you usually use for baking, and citric acid. Dilute with a little water to make a thick gruel. Apply it to problem areas, leave it overnight. In the morning, you can use any of the cleaning methods that we told you about.

Another proven method that will definitely help to cope even with an annual plaque layer is to use a mixture of table vinegar with citric acid. The combination of these two ingredients is well known to many housewives who regularly clean various kitchen utensils.

We warn you that the vinegar should not be "strong". That is, 70% acid is categorically not suitable. Take the vinegar that can be used for food: its percentage is much lower, but the effect will be amazing. Please note that the use of vinegar is categorically unsuitable for cleaning an electrical appliance, as it can seriously harm the integrity and performance heating element.

If you decide to clean an enamel or iron teapot with this method, then remember the recipe. So, to clean the kettle you need citric acid and vinegar. Add 3-4 tablespoons of ordinary vinegar to a glass of warm water. The liquid must be poured into a kettle, left for about half an hour. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid and boil the kettle. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

After this cleaning, thoroughly rinse the inside of the product with baking soda. Work with a soft sponge. Then, after thoroughly rinsing the kettle, leave it with the lid open for at least half an hour.

How to wash outside?

Very often kettles, now we are not talking about electrical appliances, lose their appearance. An enamel or metal product becomes covered with grease stains, carbon deposits and even rust appear. What to do in this case? I would like all kitchen utensils to shine with pristine brilliance and cleanliness, and not scare away with their terrible appearance.

Don't worry, there are tips for this too. As before, you will need citric acid. Small oil stains, burnt grease can be removed with lemon peel. Just take a lemon peel or citrus wedge and scrub the soiled areas. Stains will come off easily, you can easily wash the dishes with a soft sponge.

If the surface contamination is too severe, prepare a special cleaning solution in a large container. You will need a large container to fully submerge the kettle in. Add 100-150 grams of citric acid to warm water, then immerse the kettle in there. Leave it on for about an hour. It is important to remember here: the hotter the water, the more acid, the faster the cleaning process will take place.

Old stains that periodically appear after cooking can be easily removed with a "paste" from the acid and baking soda... We talked about the preparation of the mixture, the consistency of the cleaning solution above.

Most importantly, make sure that both powders are completely dissolved, otherwise they may leave scratches on the surface.

Prevention methods

Exists simple rules teapot care to follow:

  1. To prevent the heating element and the inside of the product from becoming covered with limescale often, use only clean water. You can use it cleaned with a filter or buy bottled one. If this is not possible, always allow tap water to settle before boiling. Only then pour it into the dishes.
  2. Do not boil the same water several times. The best option- replace every time with a fresh one.
  3. Flush the inside of the kettle before use. Make sure the water does not contain white flakes.
  4. If after each use or at least once a day, in the evening, you wipe your favorite kitchen utensils dry inside, then scale will appear less often, the product will serve you much longer.

Finally, we have prepared a few more useful tips to help you keep your kettle in top condition:

  • If there is no citric acid in the house, then it is quite easy to replace it with ordinary citrus. You can squeeze the juice out of a single lemon, or you can simply cut it into small pieces and use it in the plaque removal methods described above.
  • In some cases, such as cleaning an iron teapot, regular baking soda will work fine, as it can also deal with stubborn dirt.
  • If you decide to use a mixture of citric acid and baking soda, but these powders were not in the house, then this is not a problem either. They can be safely replaced with regular baking powder or baking powder. Their wonderful composition, which helps baked goods to become more magnificent, already contains both soda and acid.
  • Lovers of carbonated drinks, in particular lemonade, can use them as a cleanser. Just pour the lemonade into a container and leave it there for two or three hours. Leave the cover open to allow all the gas to escape. Then you need to boil the drink in your favorite teapot and that's it. The result will be a pleasant surprise. Try to use transparent drinks, otherwise you risk staining the inside of the dishes in a poisonous color.
  • It will become easier to take care of heat-resistant glass dishes if you wipe it twice a month with a lemon wedge from all sides: from the outside and from the inside. By the way, if there is no citrus at home, you can take the powder with "lemon", dilute it in water. It is better to clean the contaminated surface with a soft sponge or sponge, moistening them in a solution.
  • The following remedy perfectly copes with dark spots of soot and smudges on metal products. Mix the lemon juice and rubbing alcohol in equal proportions, then apply the mixture to the stains with a cotton pad and wipe the surface thoroughly. After half an hour, you can wash everything off. If the result is unsatisfactory, the whole process should be repeated.

Every housewife should know how to descale the kettle. Unfortunately, not yet invented enough effective ways warning the appearance limescale on the walls and heating element of the functional apparatus. By filtering the water and rinsing the container regularly weak solution soda or citric acid, you can only slightly reduce the rate of scale formation. Fortunately, there are many cleaning methods that allow you to restore the device even at home. Before changing an old device to a new one, it is worth trying one of them.

Causes and consequences of scale formation

Limescale is equally actively formed in teapots of all types and designs. Only if it is an electrical appliance, the scale layer mainly covers the heating element. In a stainless steel container or its enameled counterpart, the sediment covers the bottom and walls to the level to which water is poured. The harder the water is used (high salt content) and the more often it is boiled, the sooner the problem becomes apparent.

If you do not try to wash the container, then very soon you will have to face the following consequences:

  1. An electrical apparatus from such an impact is capable of becoming unusable. This is due to the fact that the plaque blocks the contact of the heater with water and the steel is constantly heated to extreme temperatures. In the end, the element just burns out
  2. The calcareous composition, getting into the human body, begins to cause negative reactions. If you do not remove scale in the kettle in a timely manner, you can provoke the development of a disease of the excretory system.
  3. Under the influence of high temperatures, chemical reactions constantly occur in the composition of the scale, due to which the taste and smell boiled water worsens over time.

Advice: Regardless of what kind of kettle cleaner was used, after handling in the container, you need to boil clean water at least twice. Only then will it be possible to use the device for its intended purpose, without risking spoiling the taste of the drink or earning an upset stomach.

Of course, to get rid of the limescale in the kettle, you can purchase special chemical products that are now offered by household goods stores. And yet, practice shows that the problem can be solved with the help of folk remedies. Moreover, the result will be no less qualitative, and the risk unpleasant consequences- minimal.

Simple but effective descaling solutions

When preparing to work with citric or acetic acid, baking soda and other popular reagents, you need to take into account the type of material from which the kettle is made. Among the most gentle options for exposure at home, approaches based on the use of such products are especially popular:

  • The use of citric acid. This tool can be used when working with any material, even with plastic. We dilute 1-2 teaspoons of the reagent in 1 liter of water. For larger containers, the same proportions apply. We fill the kettle with the resulting solution and turn it on. The composition must be boiled no more than 1-2 times. During this time, the plaque will go away, and the surfaces of the product will be updated.

  • Cleaning with Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks. This method is known to many, but not everyone observes the subtleties of the manipulation. First of all, the container with the drink must be opened so that most of the gases come out of the composition. After that, fill the kettle with Coca-Cola to about half (traces of scale should be completely covered) and bring the contents to a boil. It remains only to wash the walls with a soft sponge. It is worth considering that from such an impact the electric kettle may break. And you should not use Coca-Cola or Fanta to clean light-colored items, they can stain the metal.

  • Soda treatment. Ideal for processing enamelled and metal containers. Just fill the kettle with water, pour a tablespoon of baking soda into it and bring to a boil. The mass must be boiled for another half hour, using very low heat. Then the device should be removed from the stove and cooled. in a natural way... All that remains is to drain the liquid and clean the container by hand. You can do no more than 3 approaches. If the procedure does not help, other options are applied.

  • Using brine. Simple and available method... To remove scale in a teapot, you need to fill it with pickled tomato or cucumber brine and boil the contents.

  • Purification based product. To remove a light whitish coating, use apple or pear peels, and a denser one - potato peels. We put them in a container, fill with water and boil, then remove from the stove (disconnect from the network) and leave for two hours.

These techniques are considered the most gentle at home. But they should also be used only if absolutely necessary. It is better to just regularly wash the device inside and out with a citric acid solution (1 sachet per 1 liter of water). In this case, you do not need to boil the liquid!

Aggressive limescale removal methods

In cases where the recipes described above do not help, you have to apply more cardinal ways solving the problem. Before you descale the kettle with vinegar, it is worth considering that if it has a plastic or glass body, the consequences can be very unpredictable. It is better not to take risks and use such approaches only when working with metal products.

  • Cleaning with vinegar. For 1 liter of water, take half a glass of vinegar, pour the solution into a kettle and bring to a boil over low heat. After that, we estimate the degree of plaque discharge and, if necessary, extend the manipulation for another quarter of an hour.

  • Use vinegar, baking soda, and citric acid. If the methods are over, and the removal of the plaque has not led to anything, the following should be done. Alternately boil water in a kettle with soda (tablespoon per liter), citric acid (tablespoon per liter) and vinegar (0.5 cups per liter). The exposure time in each case is half an hour. A baking soda, lemon, and vinegar treatment will at least soften the limescale so that you can wipe it off with a sponge.

How many housewives, so many recipes for cleaning teapots. Some are ready to clean the product with Whiteness, spending a lot of time after that to eliminate the persistent chlorine odor. The approach, of course, is effective, but it can lead to permanent damage to the material.

To use water from a kettle for drinking, the walls of which are covered with a layer of scale, is harmful to health, since some of the mineral salts settle in the internal organs. Therefore, cleaning the electric kettle is a vital necessity.

Salt and alkali deposits will be softened by an acidic environment. For a quick effect, boil in the presence of organic acids is connected.


The advantage of ready-made mixtures is ease of use: they follow the instructions, follow the dilution scheme. Cons are in the chemical nature of the composition. Purchased funds are the reason for the appearance allergic reactions, worsen the indoor air environment.

  1. The list of household goods contains powders for getting rid of lime deposits based on phosphates, inorganic acids: "Optimo plus", "Calgon", "Fresh", Frau Schmidt.
  2. Means "Antinakipin" differs from "Aqualon" in an improved formula with a reduced phosphate content, scale dissolves quickly. Affordable, economical in consumption.
  3. Descaler "Filtero" presented in liquid and free-flowing forms. Gently removes light plaque, effective in difficult hard deposits.
  4. Firm "Scamvon" manufactures compressed tablets for the fight against limestone. It is recommended to use the product for prophylaxis, cleaning surfaces, and removing sediment.
  5. Industrial acids are designed to prevent the formation of scale and remove plaque: formic, phosphoric. The creation of an acidic environment when flushing heating equipment avoids serious mineral deposits on the walls and spirals. In combination with periodic flushing, these methods give a lasting result.


Methods for cleaning with vinegar, citric acid, boric solution have become widespread due to their efficiency and economy. The components are readily available from a hardware store or pharmacy.

  1. Prepare the composition: distilled water - 1 liter, vinegar essence 3-5 tablespoons. Pour acid into water, cover the heating element completely with liquid, leave in solution for 40-60 minutes.
  2. Lemon juice resists minor deposits: 2 tablespoons are applied directly to the surface to be cleaned, washed off with running water after 10–20 minutes.
  3. The hardened layer will be removed by boiling along with the lemon: two citrus fruits will be used for a kettle from 1 to 2 liters. Cut into 4 parts in a separate container, manually squeeze the juice, transfer the entire contents, together with the zest, into the vessel to be cleaned. Add water to the upper mark, bring to a boil, leave to cool. Brush off softened plaque.
  4. Crystalline citric acid resists scale: diluted in the proportion: 60 g lemons per ½ liter of boiled water room temperature... Stir until completely dissolved. The problem parts are immersed in the solution for 10-12 hours or boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. Soda will help soften lime deposits: ½ pack of sodium bicarbonate is diluted in a liter of boiling water. Pour the surface to be cleaned. After 30 minutes, remove mechanically deposits using a brush.
  6. Potato, apple, pear peelings also contain acid and starch: the mixture is brewed right inside the kettle. Insist for at least 30 minutes. Wash off with clean water, removing plaque.
  7. The brine after vegetables is rich in organic acids, it is not necessary to dilute: problem areas are poured, heated in a vessel or preliminarily, they wait until they cool completely. Remove the softened sediment.
  8. Cola or Sprite carbonated drinks will help remove scale. Method without heating: pour into the vessel to the level of the plaque layer, wait from 4 to 12 hours.
  9. Spoiled milk. The recipe for the most gentle cleaning: sour milk at an early stage without a clot is poured into a kettle. Boil and allow to cool to room temperature. The liquid is drained along with impurities.

Rules for cleaning a metal kettle

In order to efficiently remove scale from the walls of the metal, remember the rules:

  • The best remedy is prevention.
  • When cleaning, do not damage the surface of the material, leave scratches, chips. Salts and bacteria will settle in them, cleaning will take on a daily nature.
  • No substances are added to the inside of the kettle that are not labeled "for kitchen and food equipment".

The new device is washed with clean water, rinsed, after a month they look at its internal state:

  • Use descaling agents once every 7-10 days.
  • Coarse bristled brushes are preferred over wire brushes.
  • Coarse sponges should be used with caution.
  • Abrasives are limited.

How to clean a metal kettle

Adequate care, timely cleaning, use of soft water - allow you to save energy, keep the device working for a long time. A certain algorithm will allow you to wash the scale in the electric kettle:

  1. Household appliances are disconnected from the network, cooled in a natural way.
  2. To quickly remove plaque inside the teapot, two approaches are used: mechanical and chemical. The first acts as an independent one or complements the second.
  3. For manual descaling, brushes made of artificial bristles, plastic, silicone, wood are used. It is important to clean the surface of the heating element in such a way as to remove plaque evenly and carefully. Residual deposits in the sections of the spiral will lead to uneven heating, energy waste, and burnout of the device.
  4. Deposits should not be rubbed off sandpaper or with a file, as there is a risk of damaging the metal surfaces. Layers in the process of further use will become more difficult to remove.
  5. Under chemically understand the use of acids, solvents for slag dilution. The measure, depending on the concentration of the solution, is of a regular preventive or urgent radical nature.
  6. The electric kettle is equipped with a mesh in the area of ​​the spout, which is designed to retain the sediment from falling into the mug. The filter is washed regularly.
  7. At the end of each cleaning, boil the water twice, draining it. Rinse with a flowing stream to remove acid residues.

Preventing limescale and maintaining your kettle

The damage from lime sludge is difficult to overestimate:

  • The harm to health is palpable.
  • Increase in electricity consumption due to an increase in heating times.
  • Breakage of the heating element.
  • The device clicks off the button and boils the liquid.
  • Taste drinks with turbid water worse.

Prevention of the formation of limescale is known:

  • High quality (filtered) water.
  • Before boiling again, completely drain the leftovers from the kettle.
  • Rinse the insides and filter mesh daily.
  • They wash the walls with a sponge every morning.
  • Clean once a month with a specialized product.
  • Wash once a week in an acidic environment, rinsing thoroughly afterwards.

Why does scale appear

The main reason for the appearance of insoluble plaque is the presence of calcium and magnesium ions in natural source... When boiled, hardness salts form lime deposits.

It is easy to wash off scale in an electric kettle. They carefully monitor the condition of the inner walls, clean the plaque in a timely manner, do not allow the sediment to go into stone.

How to descale an electric kettle - many housewives ask this question. Undoubtedly, an electric kettle is a convenient and practical thing that will always come in handy. However, from time to time, scale forms inside this device, and if it is not dealt with in a timely manner, then it will be very problematic to remove it later. That's why descaling procedure important to produce on a regular basis.

The causes of scale formation

As you know, in order to fight any negative phenomenon, you need to know the reasons for its occurrence. Magnesium and calcium, which are part of tap water, as a result of boiling it, form the same notorious plaque. In addition to these substances, other salts are usually present in the composition of water. From the tap on kitchen a carbonate type of water flows, which determines the degree of its hardness, which is either medium or high.

Tap water is the main source of plaque on your kettle

The main reason for the appearance of limescale is high level hardness of tap water. Because of this, when the water boils, a large number of salt, which eventually settles on the inner walls and bottom of the kettle. At the same time, due to scale, the service life of electronic kettles can be significantly reduced. That is why it is advisable to regularly clean it.

Initially, scum has a porous structure when it is formed. In this state, it can be easily removed with the help of available tools. But if you don't clean the kettle regularly, it makes it much more difficult to clean. So than large quantity the more we boil the water, the faster the scale will form in the kettle. In critical cases, scale covers the sides and bottom of the kettle in several layers, which are difficult to get rid of.

Classic ways to descale your kettle

Limescale mainly forms on heating objects inside the kettle, as well as on the bottom of the kettle. It is these parts that need to be cleaned.

There are several ways to quickly descale an electric kettle. Traditionally, the following agents are used to combat annoying scale: vinegar, soda, salt, citric acid. Supporters of more modern approaches suggest using Coca-Cola. Brine and even potato peelings will be useful on the farm. When using these tools, you do not have to spend extra money.

Other, more modern, options for combating scale involve the use of purchased chemical compositions, such as, for example, "Antinakipin". In this case, you will have to spend money on their purchase. To begin with, consider the folk ways to combat scale.

Some folk remedies for descaling

Perhaps the most famous folk remedy anti-scale use of citric acid is considered. It's simple and at the same time pretty efficient way... First, put a tablespoon of citric acid in a kettle and fill it with water. Then boil the water. Next, you need to thoroughly rinse the kettle under a stream cold water and boil it again.

With this tool, you can ideally clean the walls of the kettle, but many "testers" this method complain that in this way they will not be able to overcome the scale formed at its bottom. It all depends on the kettle and the level of scale.

Descaling an electric kettle with citric acid is a reliable and proven way to get rid of plaque. However, if the described methods do not suit you, or you do not have the necessary "incidents", then there is one more folk way descaling. Let's consider how to descale an electric kettle with vinegar. By the way, this tool can also be useful in.

Tip: For these purposes, it is better to use 9% table vinegar.

Pour 1.5 liters of water and 200 ml into the kettle. vinegar. Let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes. Then boil the water along with the vinegar. Then the kettle must again be rinsed with water. Pour in fresh water and boil it several times. Drain and rinse the kettle again to remove any vinegar residue. As a result, you will get an absolutely clean and shiny inside the kettle. However, if the scale has formed a long time ago and has hardened too much, then it may not be completely removed. However, this method has one drawback - it is the smell formed when boiling vinegar, which fills the entire kitchen. Unlike vinegar, citric acid does not leave an unpleasant odor after using it.

Folk remedies against limescale using soda

Another popular way to combat scale involves the use of soda. As in the previous "recipe", we need one tablespoon of the ingredient (ie baking soda). Fill it with just as much water as the kettle allows. Then the water with soda should be boiled and be sure to rinse the kettle with tap water.

Tip: For the best effect, scrub the rough side with a sponge if necessary.

Then pour water into the kettle again and boil. It is better to boil the water and drain it twice so that the last soda residues disappear.

This method makes the scale on the sides and bottom of the teapot looser, making it much easier to remove. However, this method does not guarantee complete descaling. But nevertheless, the effect will be noticeable. For the next descaling option, in addition to soda, you also need salt. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to your kettle. Fill it with water and add a spoonful of ordinary table salt to the resulting solution. Then the water in the kettle should be boiled. For the best effect, leave the resulting solution in the kettle for about 10 minutes, then empty out all the water.

Then the kettle should be rinsed from the inside with tap water. And boil the kettle several times, having previously filled it with new water. This will completely remove the remaining mixture. It is enough to do this a couple of times.