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Game - quiz on teaching literacy "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful Preschool Children" Senior and preparatory group. Quiz game in the preparatory group for teaching literacy "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful Preschoolers

Abstract of the GCD for teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Quiz game "Clever and clever"

Olga Kulinka

OBJECTIVES: 1) To improve children's reading skills. 2) To consolidate the knowledge of letters, the ability to compose sentences according to the proposed scheme, to conduct a sound analysis of the word. 3) Develop attention, auditory perception. 4) Repeat vowels that are written after soft and hard consonants. 5) To cultivate the ability to work in a team, skills learning activities ... Educator: Today we will have an unusual literacy class. We will have a quiz in teams, but you will not compete in strength and dexterity, but in your knowledge and skills. (The children hold the vowels A, O, I, E, E, E, U, Yu, I, Y. The tables are grouped into two groups, there is a circle on each table, one team has a green one, the other a blue one. A separate easel is prepared for each team). Educator: It was not by chance that I gave you letters before class, with their help you must divide into teams. Pay attention to the tables. There is a blue circle (large blue chip) on one table. What consonant sounds do we designate with blue counters? Children: Solid consonants. Educator: Children who have vowels in their hands, which are written after hard consonants, should sit at this table. (A, O, E, S, U) There is a green circle on the second table. What sounds do we designate with green chips? Children: Soft consonants. Educator: Children with letters that are written after soft consonants (I, I, E, E, Yu) should sit at this table. (Children sit down at the tables and put their letters near the circles on the table.) Educator: Now check each other, have everyone found their place correctly? (Children check the correctness of the assignment). For each task you will receive prize letters and will add them to those that are already on your table. Educator: Before starting the competition, let's play with you tongue. Articulation warm-up "Circus". The circus is walking down the street, Everyone stands with their mouths open! (Round lips, depict the highest degree of surprise). Circus performance will cheer us up! (Keep lips stretched for a long time in a smile). The bear walks the tightrope! He will receive honey as a reward. (Lick the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue). Having performed a successful trick, the turkey sings joyfully. (Make quick movements along the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue back and forth). The chickens sat on the swing, Upward under the dome flew: Up - down ... Up - down. Hold on tight, chicken! (Rhythmically raise and lower the tip of the tongue). Two acrobatic monkeys skilfully ride a horse. (Cluck your tongue). The Leopard shoots honey at the cubs from the machine gun! (Simulate shooting: "Trrrr".) Clown Bunny makes everyone laugh: The bell is ringing. (Pronounce: "Tink, tink"). But he sings like a balalaika, That bell is at the Bunny! (Pronounce: "Dry, dry"). Task 1: Working with the sentence outline (on the easel for each command, a sentence outline of 4 - 5 words is proposed). Educator: Now for each team, I will provide a proposal outline, according to which you will have to make a proposal. In this test, the winner is the team that makes the most proposals according to its scheme. For each sentence I will give a letter. Task 2: Put a word out of the counting sticks and make a sound analysis. Educator: The next task for the captains - the captain of the green team will compose the word "SOUND", and the captain of the blue team will compose the word "LETTER" from the counting sticks. Then you will need to do a sound analysis of your word using the tokens. For a correctly completed task, you will receive a letter. (After completing the task, the children check the correctness of the execution of the opposite command). Physical exercise: Children get up and leave the table. Game "Sound - letter". Educator: Now I will name letters and sounds. If I name a sound, you raise your hands up; if I name a letter, you will squat down. ES, T, DE, G, KA, S, D, ER, L, EN, ER, SH, PE, TE, M, K, EL, ZE, etc. Task 3: "Convert a word" - each team is offered two words, which must be converted into other words, removing unnecessary letters. Educator: I will give each team two words, and you will turn them into other words, but for this you need to remove the extra letters. For each sure transformation the team will receive one letter each. HORIZON - UMBRELLA SLINGSHOT - HORN SNAIL - DRAGONFLY DUCK - RIVER (The opposite team evaluates the correct execution). Task 4: Riddles. Educator: For each team in turn, I will ask a riddle, but be careful, these are not simple riddles. For each correct answer, you will receive a letter. 1. At night, each window dimly illuminates ... (the moon). 2. Any girl knows that a carrot ... (orange). 3. Heard the whole street as mooing ... (cow). 4. The mouse counts the holes in the cheese - 3 + 2 equals ... (5). 5. Leaves flew from the maple, the trunk became by autumn ... (_brown). 6. Everything is dressed with white snow, so it has come ... (winter). 7. Found 5 berries in the grass and ate 1, left ... (4). 8. I know perfectly well, the cloud ... (white). FIZKULTMINUTKA: "Big and little brother." Children stand in a circle. Educator: I will call hard and soft consonants. When I say a soft consonant, you have to sit down, and when I say a hard one, stand up. Task 5: "Fold the word." Educator: Each team will receive a word, but the word is not a whole, it crumbled into syllables. You have to put together a word from syllables. Whose team will correctly complete the task, she will receive the letter. BOOTS HAMMER Task 6: "Which letter is spelled incorrectly?" Children are given a piece of paper with letters written, some of which are not written correctly. The task is given - to cross out the letters that are written incorrectly. SUMMARIZING THE GAME: Let's calculate which team earned the most letters. (Children count and answer).

Quiz "Know-it-alls".

Control and verification lesson in teaching literacy ( preparatory group № 5)

Prepared by:

Teacher speech therapist

Oprokidneva K.A.


Kashapova O.V.

Synopsis of the control and testing lesson

on teaching literacy in the preparatory group.

Quiz "Know-it-alls". (conducted in the form of a game - quiz, children are divided into two teams).


Bring children joy and fun to play.

Maintain an interest in intellectual activity.

To consolidate the knowledge gained earlier in children.


1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about vowels: A, O, U, Y, E, I; consonant sounds: P, T, K, X, M, N, S.

2. To consolidate the concepts of "sound", "letter".

3. Exercise: - in the selection of words for a specific sound.

In determining the number of syllables in a word.

In the differentiation of hard and soft sounds.

4. Continue teaching children to highlight the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

5. To improve the ability of children to answer questions exactly in terms of meaning, to build sentences correctly.

6. Develop logical thinking, memory and fine motor skills children.

7. Foster interest in literacy training.

Preliminary work: writing a synopsis, preparing attributes for the lesson.

Materials: Pictures, letters, schemes for determining the place of sound in a word, syllabary house, emblems, chips.

Course of the lesson:

Children are divided into two teams in advance, enter the group and sit down at the tables. Team"Suns" at your table, team"Stars" for your own. The captains are announced.

The speech therapist explains the rules of the quiz game. For each correct answer in the task, children will receive tokens. At the end of the game, the captains will calculate the results and find out the winners.

The speech therapist reminds children that they learn (sounds and letters) in their literacy class. Shows the symbol of vowels and consonants, specifies what they are called. It is suggested to remember why they are called that.

1. The game "Do not yawn, call the word."

The "Sunshine" team is asked to name words that begin with vowel sounds. To the command "Stars" for consonants.

2. Game "Give Tom and Tim gifts."

Work at the blackboard.

Riddles are asked for each team. The guys guess, choose a picture with a guess and hang it on the board. Tom - if the first sound in the word is solid. Tim - if the first sound is soft.

Teams receive chips for correct answers.

I'm not a cat, although I am a mustache

And in a striped fur coat. (Tiger)

Two ends

Two rings,

In the middle of the carnations. (Scissors)

Lives in hot countries

And in cool - in zoos.

And he is arrogant, and is boastful,

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires him himself

And shows us. (Peacock)

He lives in a dark corner

Spins a thin thread.

He sneaked in here,

Build new house got ready. (Spider)

Ponytail with patterns

Boots with spurs,

Sings songs

Time is counting. (Rooster)

Four wheels are running

All are shod in rubber.

That you can walk in two hours

They are in two minutes. (Car)

Island with a water palm,

Say hello to me!

He puffs offendedly:

"I am not an island, I am." (Whale)

If you hone it

Draw whatever you want:

Sun, mountains, forest and beach.

What is this? (Pencil)

3. Game "Find the place of sound in a word."

Children are encouraged to complete tasks on sheets while sitting at the table.

Assignment: name the pictures, determine where the sound is heard (at the beginning, middle, end of a word). Color in the corresponding square. To the command "Suns" with the sound [O]. Command "Stars" with sound [A].

Teams receive chips for correct answers.

4. Physical minutes.

Children stand in a circle, doing self-massage of their hands with "Su Jok" balls, reciting a verse.

I have a prickly hedgehog look!

No head or legs 1, 2, 3.

We put them between our palms, we will rub their palms.

You can roll the ball in a circle

Throw to each other.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (right hand,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left hand,

We finished playing.

5. The game "Place objects in their places."

Work at the blackboard.

Assignment: children determine the number of syllables in words. They hang pictures in the corresponding windows in the syllabic house.

Teams receive chips for correct answers.

6. Game "Find the letter".

The speech therapist reminds children that we learn not only sounds, but also letters. Invites you to remember how sounds differ from letters. Sounds are we doing? (pronounce and hear). And the letters? (we see and write). Well done!

Now I will check how you remember the letters.

There are letters on the board.

Assignment: The child must find the given letter, and name between which letters it is.

Teams receive chips for correct answers.

7. Game "Lay out the outline of the word."

Each team is given a card on which the word is encrypted. Children need to read the word by numbers. Having guessed it, they lay out the scheme of this word. Captains work on the board, children at their tables.

Summary of speech therapy final GCD for literacy in a preparatory group for school for children with OHP
on the topic: "Quiz" Connoisseurs of the Primer "
Teacher - speech therapist MADOU " Kindergarten No. 284 "Ufa RB
* To consolidate the knowledge of the learned rules in the classroom for teaching literacy, the ability to apply them.
* Develop phonemic perception and hearing.
* Improve reading and writing skills.
* Shape cognitive interest to teaching literacy, the ability to work in a team of peers.
Heroes - toys: Bukvoed, Hedgehog, Dunno, sound houses, sound-images for each child, individual sound boxes, panel "Unfinished letters", recipes, colored pens and pencils, a card - a rebus for each child, Dunno's tasks for repeating the rules, crossword puzzle, Primer books for each child.
1. Organizational moment:
Speech therapist: Guys, today I invite you to remember what we learned in the preparation for literacy classes. To do this, we will conduct a quiz Primer Connoisseurs "and find out who and how is ready for school. I'll tell you a secret, guests will come to us. And more are waiting for you interesting contests... For each correct answer, you will receive a token. So go ahead!
2. Competition "Sound warm-up".
Speech therapist: Each of you must choose a sound, talk about it and put it in the right house.
Children choose a sound, characterize it and "populate" it into sound houses.
3. Competition "Invent a word with your own sound, make a sound-syllabic scheme of the word."
Children come up with words for their own sound, make up the sound-syllabic scheme of the word.
4. Contest "Add a letter".
There is a knock at the door.
Speech therapist: And here is the first guest, our prankster Bukvoed. What, Bookvoyed, did you bring the task?
What happened, what happened?
I can't understand in any way.
Our letters have changed
It is impossible to recognize them!
Look guys, Bukvoed ate the letters again. He probably thinks you don't recognize them. Let's fix everything, add the letters.
Children add missing letter elements on the board.
5. Contest "The letter is lost".
Speech therapist: Look, guys, the Bookvoyedian also worked in your recipes: there are not enough letters in the words. I think Bukvoed dined on them.
Enter the letter correctly,
Name the word amicably.
Children write and read words.
6. Competition "Rebus of the smart hedgehog".
A picture of the Hedgehog appears.
Speech therapist: Guys, have you guessed the next task? (solving puzzles)
Each child has a picture with a rebus, children guess and name the words.
7. Physical education "Letters".
There is a hollow in the old tree.
This is the house of the letter O. (Children make circular movements with their hands.)
Next to her on a bitch
The letter U perched. (They squat down.)
Visit them from afar
The letter A came running in. (They run in place.)
The letter I flew
On the back of a sparrow. (They flap their arms like wings.)
The letters began to have fun
And laugh and spin.
Then they jump a little,
Then they clap their hands,
They will sit down and rest
Then they will start dancing again.
8. Contest "Don't Know Mistakes".
Speech therapist: Guys, whom do we always help to correct mistakes? (To Dunno) Today Dunno brought us his assignments, but it seems to me that he did them wrong, because he forgot the rules. Let's remember the rules and fix the mistakes:
a) a card with incorrectly typed words: SKI (AND), MOUSE (AND).
Children remember the rule: "ZhI and SHI write only with the letter I" and correct mistakes;
b) a card with the words: RASPBERRY, SOK, with the indicated (incorrect) numbers, the number of syllables.
Children remember the rule: "How many vowels there are in a word, so many syllables", correct mistakes;
c) a card with the sentence: "Mom feeds little Anya."
Children remember the rule of large capital letter fix bugs.
9. Contest "We Read It Ourselves".
Reading the text "Vitalik" in the Primer along the chain.
10. Contest "Guess the riddles".
Huddle in a narrow house Multi-colored kids.
Only release it into the wild -
Where there was emptiness
There, you see, beauty!
(colored pencils) Black, curves.
Mute from birth.
They will stand in a row - they will speak!
If you give her a job_
The pencil worked in vain!
(eraser) Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler.
Manage to write on them!
I love directness, I myself am direct.
I help everyone to make an even line.
(Ruler) There is a house, who will enter it-
That mind will gain.
11. Lesson summary.
Speech therapist: This is where our contests are over. I see you all have a lot of chips. For this you are awarded medals. We all: I, Bookvoyed, clever Hedgehog, Dunno, we wish you to love reading and writing, not forgetting about the rules, and learning only on “4” and “5”.

Attached files

Purpose: generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the topics studied with elements of the holiday.

Tasks: 1. Development of phonemic hearing, creative activity, imagination, speed of reaction.

2. Strengthening children's skills in composing and reading words by syllable.

3. Development of sound - letter analysis and synthesis, logical thinking.

4. Fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, teamwork, and the spirit of competition.

Equipment: 2 easels, squares for sound - letter analysis, envelopes with syllables.

Preliminary work of educators.


Speech therapist: Dear guys! Today we have an interesting and unusual game- a quiz where your knowledge and skills will be useful to you. Now we will play interesting game KVN. Let's find out which team is the most friendly, resourceful and quick-witted.

The cat Basilio and the fox Alice burst in. - So it's going on without us.

We have a KVN quiz game.

SKAZ. Heroes: KVN? Is it like on TV or what?

Nearly. Our guys will show their knowledge, their ingenuity.

The tale. Heroes: Wow, wow. How interesting. Can I go with you?

Guys, are we going to take a cat and a fox with us? Then you will help the teams.

ALL! Everyone! Everyone! We are starting our KVN. Today 2 teams are participating in it. We welcome the participants of the game. Team "ABVGDEIKI" Team captain………

Team "Literacy" team captain……

The work of our teams will be assessed by a competent jury ………

The results will be summed up at the end of the game. So let's start our game.


The first team to greet the opponents "ABVGDeyki"

Our motto: ABVGDyki is the coolest of them all, great success awaits.

The command speaks back "Literacy"

Our motto: Graduates, just a class will win you today.


The letters are badges, like the soldiers on the parade in a clear alignment lined up in a row. Everyone stands in the appointed place and calls everything (alphabet)

How many letters in the Russian alphabet (33)

How many vowels? (10)

What letters do not represent sounds? (bb)

Did everyone say the letter to Aibolit at first? (A)

There's a hollow in the old tree, but just like a letter? (O)

How long have children all known the cow knows the letter? (M)

Every lamb will tell you how much they love the letter? (B)

Is a letter good for hissing in the alphabet? (W)

Do you recognize her at once: a letter with two eyes? (Yo)

Hee - hee ha haha ​​so the letter laughs? (X)

Alas, a letter walks through the pages with a wand? (S)

Can't get borscht if there is no letter in it? (SCH)

We remember it easily, the number is the first letter? (A)

I ate a piece from a donut and it turned out to be a letter? (WITH)

A round head, the same letter? (O)

Will you tell me if it looks like a horizontal bar? (P)

Does the word tasty EAR start with a letter? (Ooh)

Letter first friends start letter? (A)

Is the alphabet family headed by a letter? (A)

This is not a lie, the letter has no sound? (B, b)


Come up with as many words as possible for a given sound

- "ABVGDeyki" - T

- "Literacy" - WITH


Rhythmic music: children dance

4 COMPETITION "Find the sound"

I will call words with the sound I, and you need to determine where this sound is hidden (at the beginning, middle, end)

Willow, clouds, leaves, rain, snowdrop, rooks, violet, turkey

Before starting the next competition, let's remember: - What sounds are there? (consonants, vowels)

Are consonants divided by? (Hard, soft, deaf, sonorous)

5 COMPETITION? Captains competition (word parsing)

In the meantime, our captains are busy, we will play with you.

Sk heroes: Let's play an interesting game. In it, only we win. "Nose, floor, ceiling"

6 COMPETITION "Collect the Word"

Each team is given envelopes containing syllables. From them you need to collect words. VA-ZA, WE-LO, UT-KA, UT-RO, SHKO-LA, MA-SHI-NA, MA-Ga-ZIN

You guys played very well today, answered questions, you were friendly, quick-witted, resourceful. Did you like the game?

Were the assignments difficult?

While the jury is calculating the points, we have a musical pause.

After a musical pause, the winner is determined. Winner's reward ceremony.

Khripunova Larisa Vladimirovna ,

teacher-speech therapist MDOU № 85 "Malinovka",


Topic: What do we know about vowel sounds.


Correctional educational:

To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about vowel sounds: their acoustic, articulatory signs, the syllabic role of the vowel;

Improve the skills of sound analysis by extracting sound from words;

Strengthen the skills of phonemic synthesis;

Exercise in dividing words into syllables;

Improve the coordination of speech exhalation and voice;

Correctional and developmental:

To activate and develop the vocabulary and lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

Develop auditory attention, memory, enhance mental activity;

Develop general motor skills, learn to coordinate speech with movement;

Develop interhemispheric interaction of the brain, binocular vision;

To form the ability to navigate in space (distinguish between right and left);

Correctional educational:

To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, to complete the task;

To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other;

Form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding with peers


The playing field, emblems and command indication symbols, small items whose names begin with a vowel sound, task cards, vowel sound models, audio recording with a task (letter from the postman Pechkin), emotion pictograms, didactic game“Collect a word from the first sounds,” tape recorder.

Course of the lesson:

Before the start of the lesson, children are divided into 2 groups: the team of the cat Matroskin and the team of Sharik.

Teacher (P.): Today we have not an ordinary occupation, but a game-competition.

And now we will go to the village of Prostokvashino.

"1, 2, 3 turn around on the spot, find yourself in the village of Prostokvashino!"

Then the teacher invites the teams to take their places.

P.: Guys, think and answer the riddle, then you will find out what our lesson-competition will be about today:

What are the red guys?

In pairs they walk, dance and sing,

Do they reconcile consonants and create syllables?

(Vowel sounds)

There is a knock at the door.

P: Who is this? Has someone come to visit us?

Uncle Fyodor enters.

P: Oh, Uncle Fyodor has come to visit us.

D.F .: Hi guys! I'm looking for Vowel Street. Do you know where she is?

P: You came on time. We are already on this street. And now we start the game-competition. And we ask you to be on our jury.

DF: I'd love to play with you and check what you know about vowel sounds.

P .: For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. A point is deducted for violation of the rules of conduct.

The teacher rotates the arrow on the playing field.


Tell us what you know about vowel sounds .

The teacher asks the children questions:

What sounds do we call vowels?

In which castle do vowel sounds live?

How many are there in total?

What are the vowel sounds?


D.F .: In a wonderful backpack, what a miracle,

In a wonderful backpack, I brought them to you!

Children are encouraged to take out one item at a time from the backpack, it is necessary to say its name, highlight and name the sound from which this word begins. Then choose the symbol-articulation of this sound and sing a vowel sound with the mood shown in the proposed picture.

Dynamic pause.

Accompanied by musical audiotape.

DF: Guys, now I suggest you dance a little! Do you like to dance? Stand in pairs, facing each other. Repeat after me. D.F. shows movements, and children repeat.

Knock-knock-knock-tok, Hands are bent at the elbows, fingers are clenched into fists,

Beats his fist like a hammer! alternately put the cam on the cam.

Knock-knock-knock-knock, Children stretch out their hands to each other: one right, the other left,

2 hands knocked! then one slaps his palm against the palm of the other child.

Tuk-tuk-tuki-tok, They stomp with the right, then the left foot, hands - on the belt.

Knocked my heel!

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock

Knocking heels! stomp lightly.

Knock-knock-knock-knock, Children clap their palms on each other's palm, stretching

Two legs and two arms! arm forward, stamp their foot in such a way that

made movements at the same time left hand and right leg and vice versa.

Sound letter from the postman Pechkin.

DF: I brought you a sound letter from the postman Pechkin. There is a task in it, when you perform it, it is very important to work together, carefully, quickly and correctly!

You will need to select the first sound in a word, check the box with the symbol of this sound.

"Collect a word."

P .: Guys, now you have an unusual task ahead of you. Words are "encrypted" in the pictures. You will need to determine the first sound in the name of the pictures, then compose a word from these sounds.

P .: Well done, they "decoded" the words! Now divide the word into syllables and count them. (Each of the children names the number of syllables, explains why there are so many, recalling the rule: how many vowels are in a word, there are so many syllables).

DF: Well done guys, you were offered a difficult task, but you did it! Did you like participating in the game - competition? And I was also glad that if someone was at a loss to answer, then the whole team helped him!

Now let's count the points and determine the winner. (Summarizes). Each of the participants in the competition tried, and therefore - receives a well-deserved reward (D.F. gives children souvenirs-emblems).

And I have to go, I am in a hurry to meet other guys. Goodbye!

P.: And it's time for us to return to our group:

"1, 2, 3, turn around, find yourself in the" Birdie "group!"

Photo fragments of the game-lesson "What do we know about vowel sounds"