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The best detective stories. Russian detectives: list. Russian detective writers

Detective stories are one of the most popular (and not only) book genres. Some readers undeservedly consider detective stories "easy" reading, good only to pass the time. But fans of this genre know that detective stories are not only an exciting reading, but also an opportunity to apply their logical and deductive abilities in practice. There is nothing more exciting than trying to uncover the main intrigue of a detective novel and guess the name of the criminal. We bring to the attention of our readers the best detective books - a rating of the most fascinating works of the detective genre, compiled according to the reviews of readers of major Internet resources.

Cormac McCarthy

Opens the rating of the best books-detective novels No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy... The book is written in the genre of a cruel bloody parable. Vietnam War veteran Llewellyn Moss finds himself at the site of a bandit showdown while hunting antelope in the mountains of West Texas. He finds corpses and a suitcase with a huge amount - two million dollars. Yielding to temptation, he takes the money. The hunt begins on Moss - Mexican bandits and the brutal assassin Anton Chigur follow in his footsteps.

Based on the novel, the Coen brothers filmed a thriller of the same name, which won 4 Oscar awards.

Stig Larson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stig Larson ranks 9th in the ranking of the best detective books.

Stig Larson is a Swedish writer and journalist who has written only three popular novels in his life. He died of a heart attack at the age of 50, never seeing the release of his first book.

In "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," the disgraced journalist Mikael Blomkvist is offered a lucrative offer by the industrial magnate - to reveal the mystery of the disappearance of his grandniece. She disappeared 40 years ago, and the industrialist is sure that the girl was killed by someone from the family. The journalist doesn’t get down to business because of money, but to distract himself from problems. He soon realizes that the disappearance of young Harrieta is connected with the murders of women that took place in different time in Sweden.

It is interesting: detective novel "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Stephen King included in the list of his 10 favorite books.

Boileau - Narsejak

novel "The One Who Died" by Boileau - Narsejak ranks 8th in the ranking of the best detective books. This is the story of a husband who, under the influence of his mistress, kills his wife, but soon begins to experience pangs of conscience.

“The One Who Has Done” is a psychological novel, the tension in which grows with each page you read. The authors of this classic detective story managed to create the illusion of complete immersion of the reader in the events developing in the book.

James Patterson

Patterson's books have repeatedly become bestsellers, and he himself is among the best-selling writers in the world. Alex Cross, the protagonist of a whole series of Patterson's books, enjoys a special love of readers. In the detective thriller Kissing the Girls, a forensic psychologist follows the trail of the serial killer Casanova, who kidnapped and killed several young women. Cross has his own important reason to find the maniac - in the hands of Casanova is his niece.

Frederick Forsyth

The 6th place in the ranking of the best detective books is the novel Frederick Forsyth "Day of the Jackal"... The writer's first book made him famous - the political detective about the attempted assassination of Charles de Gaulle instantly became a bestseller. According to the plot of the novel, an extremist organization hires a hitman under the pseudonym "Jackal" to destroy the President of France. The French authorities receive information that a professional was involved in the assassination attempt, about whom nothing is known except his pseudonym. The operation to find the Jackal begins.

Interesting fact: Forsyth has been an MI6 (British intelligence service). His manuscripts were read in MI6 so that the writer would not inadvertently give out undisclosed information.

Dashil Hammett

novel Dashil Hammett "The Maltese Falcon", one of the classics of world literature, is ranked 5th in the ranking of the best detective books.

Private detective Sam Spade takes on an investigation at the request of a certain Miss Wonderly. She asks to find her sister, who ran away from home with her lover. Spade's partner, who accompanied the client to a meeting with her sister, is found murdered, and Sam is suspected of committing a crime. It is soon revealed that a Maltese falcon figurine, which many are hunted for, is involved in the case.

Arthur Conan Doyle

"Study in crimson Arthur Conan Doyle- on the 4th line in the rating of the best detective books. All novels about investigations of Sherlock Holmes are read in one breath and it is difficult to name the best of them. A Study in Crimson is the first book dedicated to the great British master of the deductive method.

Victorian England. In view of the cramped financial situation retired military doctor John Watson shares an apartment in London with another gentleman, Sherlock Holmes. The latter is full of mysteries, and his activities, as well as strange visitors, lead Watson to the idea that his flatmate is a criminal. It will soon emerge that Holmes is a detective who often advises the police.

Boris Akunin

The third place in the rating of the best detective books is taken by the first novel from the series of works about Erast Fandorin "Azazel" by Boris Akunin... Twenty-year-old Erast Fandorin serves as a simple clerk in the police, but dreams of becoming a detective. The bizarre student suicide witnessed by the protagonist gives him a chance to show his abilities in the investigation of this complicated case.

Thomas Harris

The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris ranks second in the ranking of the best detective books. The novel brought the writer immense popularity. This is the second book about Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant forensic psychiatrist and cannibal.

Clarice Starling, an FBI cadet, receives an assignment from his superiors - to involve Hannibal Lecter, a dangerous criminal and an excellent forensic psychologist, in cooperation.

The novel was filmed in 1991 and won 5 Academy Awards in the most prestigious nominations.

Agatha Christie

Each of the novels by the English writer is a masterpiece, but Ten Little Indians has a particularly dark atmosphere. A small island, ten guests, invited by the mysterious owner of the mansion and murders, exactly the same as a child's countdown, which acquires an increasingly sinister meaning with each new victim.

The novel has been filmed several times.

Crime masters love to keep their readers intrigued by releasing multiple parts of the same story. Many detective publications have been filmed, thus gaining worldwide public recognition.

The author of the criminal genre must have extreme ingenuity and logic, because composing a plot requires thinking through many aspects and subtleties. In this article, we will consider the best works from the most popular domestic and foreign authors.

Detectives: books. List of the best contemporary stories

  • Yu Nesbe - "The Police".

This Norwegian author is capable of creating a truly gripping piece that will impress any pulp fiction lover. This novel is by far the best work of Yu according to the Norwegian critics. In his stories, Nesbe sharply condemns the existing foundations of society and human nature.

A perpetrator is a person whose circumstances have led to the commission of the atrocity. This is the position the author adheres to when creating the plots of his detective stories. Main character the novel has a rather incomprehensible image and a dynamic character. You can easily make friends with him, but at the same time you want to teach him a lesson and show him how to behave.

In the center of the novel is the detective Hole - a man who abuses alcohol, not ashamed to do it even in the workplace. Feeling his impunity, he humiliates his charges and is negligent in the performance of his official duties. All his achievements in solving cases are purely intuitive. The hero almost died in the previous part of the book, so this time he decides to leave the service. Six months later, the bodies of police officers began to appear one by one at the crime scenes that were solved thanks to Hola. The detective does not want to return to his previous activities and prefers to continue to lecture at the local academy. However, soon Hole realizes that he is obliged to solve the crime, because he may become the next victim.

The work tops the Norwegian list. Nesbe's books force the reader to stay in suspense until the very end, which makes the writer's work very popular.

  • Joel Dicker - The Truth About the Harry Quebert Case.

The author of this book just turned 28 years old. Despite his young age, Joel has achieved immense success in the modern writing industry. His books are sold in millions of copies and easily become bestsellers. The story has been translated into over 35 languages ​​and won 8 awards.

On the this book really worth paying attention to. The novel tells the story of the writer Marcus, who came to see his friend, driven into a creative crisis, Harry, who is in search of inspiration and new subjects for his future works. In Harry's garden, they find the remains of a little ten-year-old girl who disappeared without a trace more than 30 years ago. In the purse with which she was buried, a manuscript of one of the most famous authors of novels at that time was found. Naturally, all suspicions fall on Harry, who admitted that he and the girls had romantic relationship... Marcus, wanting to somehow help his friend, begins his own investigation of this crime. The novel tops the list of the best detectives (books of the 21st century).

  • Keith Atkinson - Crimes of the Past.

The novel tells the story of a missing girl who disappeared in just a few minutes from her father's garden. In another family, another girl was found murdered on the evening of the same day. None of the relatives understands why the child was killed, and even in such a cruel way. Two different families, but one grief. What connects them? A loser private detective decided to find an answer to this question, who still cannot develop his ingenuity and begin to solve crimes. But for parents of children, he is the last chance to find out the truth and achieve justice. Further events of the book show that Jackson is not as hopeless as everyone previously thought he was, because it was he who managed to understand what kind of event in the life of families connects everything that happened in one puzzle.

The novel has a gripping dynamic plot. He was added to the list of the best detectives. Atkinson's books were appreciated by Stephen King himself - the guru of the crime genre.

  • Nikolay Svechin - "Warsaw secrets".

Svechin is one of the most successful authors in the Russian detective genre. At one time he was fiercely compared with Akunin, but thanks to critics, he was able to prove that his work is unique and worthy of praise. All of his criminal works have a historical connotation, which is why it becomes doubly interesting to read them. The protagonist of the novel "Warsaw secrets" - the nobleman Lykov, who is practically incompetent in his teaching, does not know a single foreign language, and this very often fails him. In the novel, he tries to get to the bottom of the truth about the murder of Russian officers in Warsaw. Svechin's works are the best Russian detective stories. The books, a list of which can be found below in the article, made the author a world famous writer.

  • Jesse Kellerman - Heat.

The title of the book fully justifies the general atmosphere of the work. The action takes place in modern Los Angeles, which is undergoing an earthquake. One of the office employees, Gloria, wants to go to her workplace and check if the collection of her boss's figurines is still intact. Going into the reception, she discovers a mass of incoming messages on the answering machine and begins to listen to them. The boss called, and judging by the tone of his voice, he is in danger. But what exactly happened to him is unclear. From the short and abrupt messages, she only understands that he is somewhere in Mexico, where she decided to go.

What works have an impressive rating today? Detectives. The books, the list of which can be continued indefinitely, convey the author's thought much deeper than numerous film adaptations. After all, a person's fantasy has no limit.

Detectives books. List of the best works of Rex Stout

Stout is a cult writer of criminal prose who began writing in the first half of the 20th century. To this day, his books remain one of the most demanded in the world. Wolfe and Goodwin, who are known to everyone, are the heroes of Rex's novels. However, in addition to them, the author's arsenal contains more than fifty books of a criminal nature. Let's list the most interesting and exciting ones:

  • "Red Thread" (1939).
  • The Broken Vase (1941).
  • Bad for the cause (1940).
  • “Prize for Princes (1914) - topped the rating, which described the best foreign detectives (books), a list of which can always be found in any library.
  • The Big Legend (1916).

Books by authors from CIS countries

Alexandra Marinina is a popular author of exciting detective novels, which are not inferior to eminent Western creations with their twisted and interesting plot. The writer's works literally fly off the shelves of bookstores in the first month of sales. Marinina is one of the most successful women in Russia who write detective stories.

Boris Akunin is a cult author of the Russian detective genre. His series of books about Fandorin's adventures has been read by over 5,000,000 people around the world. Thanks to this, his works were included in the rating "The Best Russian Detectives" Books, the list of which is quite impressive, never ceases to amaze and fascinate their readers.

Rating of authors of psychological detective stories

  • John Le Caret. His works occupy leading positions in the Psychological Detectives rating. Books (the list of the best authors is impressive) are scattered in huge circulations.
  • James Elroy.
  • Alexandra Marinina.
  • Polina Dashkova.
  • Agatha Christie.

Popular stories of the 21st century

  • Sarah Waters - Fine Work.

The scene of the novel is foggy and cold London. In the center of the plot is Susan's girlfriend, whose parents died when she was several months old. A certain Miss Saxby, a child trafficker, is raising a little girl. Despite this, Susan is happy with her life and tries to appreciate what she has. One day, the girl is tasked with deceiving the wealthy heir to the throne.

In the article section, we describe the best detective stories - books, the list of which is not so long. After reading them, you will definitely not be disappointed.

  • Andrews Taylor - The Mystery of Edgar Poe.

The book was published in 2010. The narration comes from the person school teacher Thomas, who meets Edgar. It was after this meeting that the teacher's life changed dramatically.

  • Cormac McCarthy - No Country for Old Men.

This novel by a rather famous American classic has become popular among fans of stories with an interesting plot. After all, the book is rightfully included in the top, which covers the best foreign detectives (books), the list of which is very diverse.

Popular works on which the film adaptation was filmed

Dennis Lehane - The Secret River. The film received positive reviews from film critics, which is quite rare for film adaptations. The film will surely appeal to fans of action and action movies.

  • Thomas Harris - Hannibal (2001).
  • Thomas Harris - Hannibal II (2006).
  • Retner Brett - The Red Dragon.
  • Thomas Harris - The Silence of the Lambs (1990). As you can see, in this list, the author takes three honorable places, because his creations are cult samples of the world detective novel. It is not for nothing that his works have topped the list of the best detectives many times. The books of this writer were published in many languages.
  • Flynn Gillian - Before I Fall Asleep (2002).

Best Detective Fiction Authors

  • Agatha Christie.
  • Thomas Harris is an author whose works are known all over the world, because they were filmed and achieved overwhelming success at the box office. Even today, based on Thomas's books, remakes and serials are filmed.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Sarah Waters.

  • Kate Atkinson is the author of over fifty detective novels for women, which not only tell about love stories, but also draw the reader into a whirlwind of strange events and mysterious investigations. Her works have topped the list of the best detectives many times. Books of this genre are in great demand.
  • Truman Capote is a famous American author of detective novels, who became famous all over the world thanks to extraordinary and exciting plots that take the reader into the abyss of intricate events that subsequently have an unexpected outcome.

Detective books about love

  • Simone Vilar - The Witch. These are four books that have a poignant plot and at the same time elements of a love story that any girl will love.
  • Simone Vilar - The Secret Castle.
  • Sandra May - Melodies of Spring.
  • Linda Medl - "Whisper of Flowers".
  • Doris Mortman - True Colors. The work is included in the authoritative rating "The Best Detectives". The books, the list of which is very impressive, are regularly updated with new interesting stories.
  • Ray Morgan - "Paradise Vacation"
  • Karin Monk - "Your Gentle Word."
  • Karin Monk - "The Prisoner".
  • Eva Modigliani - "The Heiress".
  • Eva Modigliani - "The woman of his whole life."

Dan Brown Detectives

Dan Brown is one of the most popular contemporary authors. Fans of his books are eagerly awaiting new history about the adventures of Robert Langdon, a specialist in symbolism of the Ancient World.

Almost all of his existing novels are filmed or are in the process of making a film. All of Brown's stories have a powerful backstory that will interest any reader. Agree, who is not interested in the long-standing legends about Freemasons and Illuminati? Below is a list of several of Dan's most successful books, along with a summary of their storyline:

Addictive detective stories for kids

There are many authors who focus on creating detective books for children and teenagers. Of course, such works have a twisted investigative plot without any elements of cruelty. The best Russian detective stories (books), a list for children:

  1. Sergey Task - "The Secret of the Red Cat".
  2. Nikolay Trublaini - "Columbus".
  3. Anatoly Rybakov - "Kortik".

The above children's books are more like adventure novels, however, they have elements of investigations, therefore they are classified as the genre of Russian children's detective literature.

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This selection contains the best foreign detectives - books famous authors... In the list, you will find the bestsellers that have become famous due to their adaptations in films and TV shows.

Donato Carrisi. Prompter

The main actor the novel by Mila Vasquez. She is a detective who must, together with her team "Albert", look for six girls who are not related to each other in any way. The heroes managed to find a burial with five left hands, which means that the last victim can still be saved from death ...

The novel tells about the police academy of Quebec, which has a notoriety. Corruption and illegal acts of the teaching staff reign here. The main character is a retired senior inspector who became the head of the Academy. His name is Armand Gamache. After a map was found in the wall, Armand instructed the cadets to deal with this, but the matter took an unexpected turn. Farther

Camilla Parker works as a journalist for a small Chicago newspaper. The girl was instructed to write an article about a maniac who takes the lives of schoolgirls by pulling out teeth from victims. In the course of the investigation, it turned out that all city dwellers keep terrible secrets. Farther

People are in mortal danger in the form of wasps, which are capable of taking away human life with just one bite. With all this, they lay eggs in the bodies of their victims. To understand this, the Sigma detachment gets down to business, because only they can prevent this terrible catastrophe that can destroy humanity. Farther

Donato Carrisi. Girl in the fog

The detective story "Girl in the Fog" will focus on the disappearance of a young person named Anna Lu. She went to church, but never made it to her destination. To figure this out, Detective Vogel gets down to business. It was he who attracted media workers to cooperation. But will this help the investigation? Where has Anna gone? Farther

Yu Nesbo. Thirst

Detective Harry has always sought to eliminate crime and bring order to this world. He went back to work in Oslo to catch serial maniac who preys on dating personalities. This brings the hero back to his dark past. Farther

Peter James. Jump over the abyss

Vera Ransom is married to a plastic surgeon. They have a son, Alec. Thanks to her husband, Vera looks great, but for what reason did she have a deep depression? Perhaps it's all about the spouse, who controls every step of the faithful? Farther

Megan Miranda. All the missing girls

Psychologist Nicoletta Farrell is based in Philadelphia and is leading wedding preparations. She left her native land after the disappearance of her friend Corinna. After her brother's call, the girl returned to her father's house, because her father lost his mind, and again repeats about the disappeared friend. In his words, the police find new facts about the missing girl. Soon everything will be revealed, but is the heroine ready for this? Farther

Dan Brown. Lost symbol

Robert Langdon prepares to give a lecture at the National Statue Hall of the Capitol, but suddenly hears a scream. Rushing, he sees a severed hand with a ring on a pedestal. She symbolizes the "Hand of the Mysteries". The main thing is that the owner of the hand is a longtime friend and mentor of Robert, whose name is Peter ...

Joel Dicker. The truth about the Harry Quebert case

Markus Goldman suffers from the fact that his muse has not visited him for a long time, so he goes to his friend, the successful writer Harry Quebert. Harry is accused of long-term murder. Marcus starts his own investigation, and unexpectedly gets advice on how to write a bestseller. Farther

Once again, readers will find the continuation of the adventures of the detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin Ellakot. This time the heroes will be looking for a psycho who kills victims with a machete. In this book, the author will reveal the secrets of the heroes' former lives, so the reader will be able to understand what contributed to the fact that Cormoran and Robin became such personalities. Farther

A group of girls receives a message from their friend Kate, which is exactly the same as 17 years ago when Kate's father died. The heroines have always been inseparable, but got a bad name because they lied to others, but did not lie to each other, playing the game. Now they must come together again to realize that the main rule of their fun has been broken. Farther

Richard always wanted to get into the closed club of the class of ancient culture, but getting here is not so easy. Over time, his dream came true. And so, one day a student of this closed club died, but the perpetrators escaped punishment. Now hard-hitting secrets begin to emerge, turning into a series of tragedies. Farther

Stig Larsson. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

For 40 years now, the elderly tycoon has been worried about the secret disappearance of his relative. He asks for help from a journalist - Mikael Blomkvist, who takes up this case in order to distract himself. But, when he comes close to the solution, the life of a man is in danger. The investigation leads to a quiet town in which hell reigns. Farther

Mayfly. James Hazel

Charlie Priest is a lawyer and former police officer who was assaulted at his own home. The offender demanded what the hero did not have, then the enemy left the house. Very soon they found him impaled. Charlie cannot leave the case without investigation, so he conducts his own investigation. Farther

Jonathan Kellerman. Daughter of a murderer

The main character of the novel is Grace Blades. She is a successful psychotherapist who approaches each patient. The girl has a hobby - casual relationships with strangers. Everything changes when one of her patients turns out to be one of her casual lovers. He was found dead, and the police had a lot of questions for Grace. Farther

Liana Moriarty. Big little lies

The book will tell about three mothers whose children are studying in the same educational institution. Everything is fine in their families, but everyone keeps an impartial secret. How to overcome difficulties in families? What is the cause of domestic violence, misunderstandings and disrespectful behavior? Will these secrets become the subject of everyone's attention? Farther

Robert Bryndza. Dark waters

In this novel, Erica Foster continues her detective investigations. This time the heroine will deal with the case of the girl who disappeared 6 years ago. Recently she was found dead, and Erica gets down to business. Gradually, new facts about the family of the deceased are revealed, and the woman herself fears for her own life ...

Gillian Flynn. Dark secrets

Libby lost all her relatives in early childhood, except for her brother. The girl grew up and turned into an egoist who does not take into account other people's opinions. It was her brother that she blamed for the death of loved ones, but is he guilty? Will Libby be able to accept the truth about the nightmarish event that happened 24 years ago? Farther

The story will tell about a psychiatrist named Mathias Frere. His life was changed after one patient with patient without baggage syndrome. Now the hero is forced to collect crumbs of memories to become what he was before. In addition, several events contributed to the fact that Matthias was accused of murders. Farther

These were the best foreign detectives - books from the most popular world-famous authors. If you've already read something from our list, tell us about your impressions. 😉

I made a list of your advice, it turned out to be very solid and apparently promising a lot of pleasure.

For those who, like me, love detective stories, I'll post it here. I would be glad if these tips are useful not only to me.


1. Donald Edwin Westlake "The Cursed Emerald". A masterpiece!) Sometimes a detective wants to be unpredictable. None of the novels I read by Donald Westlake could say "Oh, I knew it!" or "Well, how could it be otherwise!" or "Who would have doubted!"
The fool died ...
The dude is a waste ...
2. J. Simenon - a series of books about Commissioner Maigret. I read it just when I was very interested in detectives.
3. Earl Stanley Gardner with his hero lawyer Perry Mason. Gardner is great.
4. Wilkie Collins - "The Woman in White", "Moonstone".
5. Nejo Marsh is quite a detective story, but there are funny moments. Maybe not a detective in the modern sense, but it made an impression :)
6. The magnificent J. Dixon Carr. If you find Carr, start with the Emperor's Snuffbox. Magnificent thing. That's a class, that's a class.
7.D. Francis
8.A. Christie
9.A. Conan-Doyle
10.S. Japrizo. "A lady with glasses and a gun in a car" (just a high-class) and "Trap for Cinderella" (no worse, but different in atmosphere). "Killing Summer", "Goodbye, Friend" - delight. "Favorite of Women" and "Hare Runs Through the Fields"
"The Executioner" is a detective story for the discerning amateur.
11. B. Akunin
12. Rex Stout - delicious! real jam.
13. Carter Brown - boldly, brazenly, with humor and very much in the style of America a certain number of years ago (Lieutenant Wheeler is a kind of Doctor House, only a police officer))
14. Mickey Spielane,
15. D.H. Chase
16. Gaston Leroux. A bit boring, IMHO.
17. Headley
18. Maurice and his Arsene Lupine.
19. John Le Carré "Our Game"
20. Deshil Hammett
21. Perez-Reverte are not fighters with rebus elements
22. Victor Canning, "Passed Pawn".
23. Probably also Ellery Queen. I read only a couple of works, but the impressions are positive.
24. Chesterton
25. Alistair McLean
26. Jerzy Edigei
27. From modern Russians Malyshev. Especially her early stuff.
28. Priestley - Blackout at Gretley. You can call it a military detective.
29. Have you read Patricia Wentworth? She wrote a little earlier than Agatha Christie. Wentworth has a funny detective: Miss Silver is a spinster, a former governess.
30. Is Charles Snow an excellent Death Sailing detective? This is a very worthy detective.
31. Nora Roberts is not a classic, but something nice. There is reflection.
32. Chandler,
33. Exbrayya, "/_Eksbrayya_Sh..html
34. Andras Totis,
35. Ross Thomas,
36. Pentikost
37. Boileau-Narsejak. "The one that is gone." And other books too.
38. Alistair McLean
39. Yu. Semenov - why not political detectives?
40. Robert Ladlem
41. Try to read Lillian Brown "The Cat That". There are about 20 very cute classic detective stories, I love them.
42. If you like historical detectives - a series of novels by Ellis Peters about brother Cadfael.
43. There is a wonderful Phyllis Dorothy James - this is no longer historical detective, but the usual one.
44. Ed McBain is a good cop novel.
45. Patricia Cornell - dark and naturalistic, but generally well written.
46. ​​Josephine Tay "Daughter of Time" et al.
47. Margaret Allingham
48. Dorothy Sayers - almost English. classic;
49. Georgette Heyer (she has a lot of ladies' novels, but detectives - with humor)
50. Elizabeth Peters - a little lady-adventure-humorous
51. Of ours, I liked Elena Afanasyeva "" and the sequel, but this is not quite a detective story.
52. Robert van Gulik is a classic detective story from stylized medieval China. Super.
53. Richard Stark
54. "The Plot Plot" by David Liss. It is with pleasure that I advise it to you, a wonderful thing. a good English novel, but also very good as a detective.
55. Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose" - a medieval detective story, there is both psychology and mysticism.
56. Rebecca de Mornay - psychological detectives from English life 19th century.
57. Valeria Verbinina - a series about an agent Russian empire Amalia. The action takes place in the 19th century, the heroine is a very charismatic person. There are already about ten books, but why they are good - each has its own genre. There is a thriller, there is an ironic, gothic and hermetic detective, there is a western, there is a detective about a treasure hunt. And in many books there are different storytellers, so that a familiar heroine appears from the words of other characters - a very interesting effect.
58. From a modern detective story I do not miss the books by Olga Tarasevich (Artifact detective series) and Maria Bricker (Reality detective series). Tarasevich builds plots on cultural themes and biographies of famous people of the past ("The Weeping Angel of Chagall", "The Curse of Edvard Munch" - about artists, "Deadly Scent No. 5" - about Coco Chanel and her famous perfume). In detective stories, two times are combined - a crime in the present is intertwined with the events of the past and the life history of famous people. I also read her books as a cultural reference - in them biographies just come to life, and the work of artists or a fashion designer is written very fascinatingly. Bricker's plots are pretty dashingly twisted and the characters are very colorful.
59. Chesterton
60. E. Po
61. Foresight
62. I advise everyone to Henning Mankel. If he made me, not a lover of detective stories, read book after book, then this is a worthy author!
63. Well, Benaquista and Pennac (stories about Mr. Malosen).
64. Fred Vargas and Jean-Christophe Granger are amazing French detectives. Both write very psychologically, do not come off. But Vargas is more sophisticated, with humor, and Granger has more shocking details and hints of mysticism (but everything turns out to be more prosaic).
65. Eugene Pepperow, one of the nicest detective short stories ever. I advise.
66. Victoria Platova to the list. All things except "Death in the fragments of a meben vase", "Nubian cross", "Dance of Lakshmi". That's not her.
67. Mary Higgins Clark. One of the best-selling detectives in America and virtually unknown in Russia.
68. James Patterson.
69. Were there Weiners? How can we do without them ?! These are our detective classics!
The most famous and read most often (and most beloved):
"Visit to the Minotaur", "Cure for Fear", "Loop and Stone in Green Grass" and so on.
70. Ellery Queen. Also a classic of the genre.
You can read his stuff here:
"Sanatorium of Death". I really liked it.
71. Anton Chizh and his "Divine Poison". This is an absolutely awesome book! It is a pity that little is known of her. In my opinion, one of the best Russian detectives over the past five years.
72. Gregory MacDonald, a series about Fletch. Masterpiece!
73. Elizabeth George with her magnificent, I'm not afraid of this word, a series about Inspector Linley and Sergeant Havers. ...
74. Ian Rankin and his series about Inspector Rebus.
75. Jeffrey Deaver and his books about Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs.
76. Natalya Solntseva, modern author of mystical detective stories :)
77. S. Rodionov, "Long Business" - Soviet detective story. Super!
78. Gregory MacDonald
79. Elmore Leonard.
80. There is also a good Scottish detective - Ian Rankin.
81. And another aunt writes well about maniacs (but painfully naturalistic, not for everybody) - Val McDermit.
82. Elizabeth George with her magnificent, I'm not afraid of this word, a series about Inspector Linley and Sergeant Havers. It is strange that she was not named.
83. Ian Rankin and his series about Inspector Rebus.
84. Jeffrey Deaver and his books on Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs.
85. Still very popular guys in the West - Jeffrey Deaver
86. Michael Connelly
87. Lee Child
88. Harlan Coben
89. David Baldacci
90. Popular Ladies - Katie Reichs
91. Karin Slaughter.
92. Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Everything is red. What the deceased said. The wells of the ancestors.
Although sometimes her works are called an ironic detective story, she has nothing to do with either Dontsova or with all other "ironic detectives". There is a humorous wrapper, but at the core is a real classic detective story.
Pan Vanya can be found here -
93. Lev Sheinin "Notes of the Investigator". The author is painfully ambiguous, but in fact it is a detective story. Although I would rather view it from a historical standpoint - as another look at the USSR.

1949 - My friend Maigret (My friend maigret). (Georges simenon). One of the finest examples of a psychological detective story in the great legacy of the French writer.

1949 - Asphalt jungle (The asphalt jungle). (William Riley Burnett). The novel is about a group of people planning to carry out the robbery of jewelry, the famous film of the same name was filmed based on the novel.

1950 - Smallbon died (Smallbone deceased), in the Russian edition. Michael Gilbert ( Michael gilbert). One of the first novels in a series about the work of British counterintelligence agents Calder and Behrens, more like tough detectives. Gilbert worked as a lawyer for many years until Raymond Chandler became his client.

1948 - Dirty snow (Dirty Snow). Georges Simenon ( Georges simenon). Another detective from the series about.

1951 - Daughter of time (The daughter of time). (Josephine tey). The last novel by the great writer about Alan Grant, the inspector of Scotland Yard, who, being bedridden with a broken leg, unravels the historical riddle.

1952 - She was last seen dressed in ... (Last Seen Wearing ...). (Hillary waugh). A police novel telling in chronological order the progress of a detective investigation. Researchers believe that this particular novel became the first in a series of popular police detectives.

1952 - Tiger in smoke (The tiger in the smoke). (Margery allingham). The fourteenth novel in the series vol. The novel marks the transition from classic detective to thriller.

1953 - Fifth carousel to Heaven (Five roundabouts to heaven). John Bingham ( John bingham).

1953 - Long goodbye (The long goodbye). Raymond Chandler ( Raymond chandler). The American writer was working on this novel while his beloved wife was dying.

1953 - After death (Post mortem). Guy Callingford ( Guy Cullingford). When the writer Gilbert Stoit is found dead, a number of his friends disagree with the official version - suicide. However, research into the causes of death raises a number of new mysteries and questions.

1955 - Basement No. 5 (The Cellar at No. 5). Shelley Smith ( Shelley smith).

1955 - The Talented Mr. Ripley (The Talented Mr. Ripley). (Patricia highsmith). The famous psychological detective story of the American writer.

1956 - Hunted beast (Beast in View). (Margaret millar). The psychological detective story of Ross MacDonald's wife, one of the best examples of the genre.

1956 - Week of Gideon (Gideon's Week). John Creasy under the pseudonym D.D. Marrick ( John creasey under the pseudonym of Jj marric). The second novel in the series about Commander George Gideon.

1956 - Mysterious stories (Mystery Stories). (Stanley Ellin). It was for his stories that the writer was awarded the Edgar Prize three times ( home party , Blessington Method, Eighth circle).

1960 - Maigret in court (Maigret in court). (Georges simenon).

1960 - New Sonya Wayward (The new Sonia Wayward). (Michael innes).

1963 - First the gun, then the oil (Gun before butter) also known as Loyalty question (Question of loyalty). (Nicolas freeling).

1963 - The man who was let go (The expendable man). (Dorothy B. Hughes).

1964 - Population - 1280 (Pop. 1280). (Jim thompson). A stylistic experiment permeated with surreal episodes narrates a genius fool the sheriff of the 47th arrondissement in the state who lives in the city of Potsville, inhabited 1280 souls(their number will be greatly reduced by the end of the story). An ingenious, finely structured story about a man who is much more cunning and ruthless than he imagines himself at the very beginning.

1965 - R.S.V.P. Murder (R.S.V.P. Murder). (Mignon G. Eberhart).

1967 - The man who killed himself (The Man Who Killed Himself). Julian Simons ( Julian symons).

1967 - Killing grain (Murder against the grain). (Emma lathen).

1967 - Last best friend (The last best friend). (George sims).

1968 - Ant nest glass frame (The Glass-Sided Ants' Nest). (Peter dickinson).

1968 - Mr Splitfoot (Mr. Splitfoot). (Helen McCloy).

1968 - Personal wound (The private wound). Cecil Day-Lewis ( Cecil day-lewis) under the alias ( Nicholas blake).

1969 - Descent (The tremor of forgery). (Patricia highsmith).

1969 - Blind with a pistol (Blind Man with a Pistol). Chester Himes ( Chester himes). A detective novel in which the author described his own biography.

1970 - Young man I think you are dying (Young Man, I Think You’re Dying). (Joan fleming).