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The most cruel serial maniac in the world. Cannibals monsters maniacs

Small accession. I will not call the real names of the actors, and call the city where events took place, I will not. This is not the essence, the essence in the story itself. When I heard her, I was stamped to horror. The narrative on behalf of the law enforcement officer is so more convenient.

We have an area not very prosperous. You know, such where old men remain in Khrushchev, and the rest of the apartments occupied the "marginal" faces.

There was a family there, from where and how they were formed there, it is unknown, or inheritance, whether it is still what a fart. A family of three is a mother, father, son. Son 7-8 years old. Parents from the "Bukharians" family, the son - the Holodranets, always ran down, but with the neighbors behaved politely, He professed, helped granny bags to convey to the apartment.

I will tell you with the words of a familiar girl the case that happened a few years ago in the Krasnodar Territory.

My friend (let's call it Natalia) went on a train in a jewelry car. Sits, misses, then a guy of twenty-seven years old, hefty, pumped up to her in the coupe. Told - it turned out, he is not the contractor, not that former Morpekh (the girl said, but I did not remember).
The guy was driving into the same city as my friend, to relax and see the world. Natalia immediately attracted his tattoos, especially the blue anchor on a strong male forearm.

When a person is preparing for a holiday, then few people know what he expects him. The end of the story fell for 84 years, and the beginning could not establish exactly the investigators nor journalists. The story itself has made a lot of noise, but the authorities did everything forget about her, and as soon as possible. Everything happened in one former region - now the North Caucasus Republic, not far from one city in the restaurant "Old Fortress".
Requests from ATC from other cities, and from the most remote areas, began to regularly come to the local police department, and from the most remote areas, with a request to report the location of their missing citizens. And anything, if they were not accumulated by the impressive sizes of the pack.

The specificity of the profession is such that we are working in remote places, to which 10 hours on the all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, boat or raft, adventure, romance, but this is also a job. North, Taiga and Forests. We have small hut stations where equipment is stored, especially if long-term studies are being conducted, the foresters look at them, but there are firewood, sometimes some kind of food, but we have a major one or boating. There are such hut deep in the forest, on rivers and so on, there are no people at all. We have no rifles almost never, and if there is, then not everyone, usually in zoologists.

Imagine, nerd girls and one ornithologist's boy enter such a hut, and it is open and warm, which in itself is amazing.

The case was on the winter holidays. We were brought with my brother to the village to Babul with grandfather. There and the drifts more, and the air is cleaner. But in winter it darkens early, so the evenings had to stalk, sitting at home. And the old men just at this time began working in the courtyard: to feed the cattle, clean the manure and other charms. Perspecting one eye for us our neighbor grandmother Matrona came. She was an ancient sudden old woman, seemed to us very wise and all-knowing. We pierced her tea, and she told us stories from their lives. I'll tell you one now.
The time was postwar: hunger, devastation, despair. How many men did not return home from the war!

My grandfather lived a long and eventful life. Much seemed to have experienced what is called, on "its skin". He died a few years ago, but the image of him no longer would be alleged from my memory, no matter how hard time tried to turn everything into dust and put the memories of the wind. Stories from life, participant or witness Koih was the grandfather, and which he told me between the case, return to him the outline of a living person in my imagination every time I appeal to them and reread. He seems to be coming down from pages, kept by my uneven, cored handwriting. All his stories are recorded and kept very carefully. So, one of these stories want to tell you now, dear readers.

Killers, maniacs, cannibals - all this criminals, guilty of terrible crimes. Among them are also a weak floor representatives, which differ in no less cruelty than men.

The most brutal maniacs killers

Manyak killers in the world a lot. They are guilty of death of several thousand people. According to psychologists, maniacs are people with serious impairments of psyche caused by psychic injuries obtained in childhood or congenital diseases.

Killer clown

In 1994, a "clown killer" died after the deadly injection. His real name is John Wein Gaysi. The maniac worked at the children's holidays clown, for which he got his nickname. 33 boys were raped and killed them. 27 Of these, the police found in the basement of the maniac, the rest, according to Gaishi, he drowned in the river.

Maniac nickname "clown" subjected euthanasia

Sergey Sergey Sergey Sergey

Another cruel maniac killers is Sergey Tkach. He himself claims that in his account of the order of hundreds of teenage girls. Law enforcement agencies managed to prove rape and murder only twenty-seven girls. The most amazing thing that weathered himself worked as an investigator in law enforcement agencies. The killer was detained in his house in the city of St. Zaporizhia region in August 2005.

Indonesian maniac Ahmad Suraj

Ahmad Suraji - Indonesian maniac who killed forty two women. He killed a very original way. Ahmad buried the sacrifice on the throat into the ground, after which he stifled a piece of cable and drank the resulting saliva. In 2008, he was shot.

"Red Ripper" Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo is recognized as the most severe maniac of the post-Soviet space. His victims were fifty-two people for more than twelve years. This maniac received several nicknames - "Red Ripper", "Rostov Rutter", "Rostov Butcher". Maniac shot in 1994.

"Doctor Death"

In 2004 he himself hanged himself in the chamber of the maniac named "Dr. Death". His account is at least two hundred and fifty deaths. His victims he did mortal injections. The name of the killer is Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman.

The worst killers-cannibals

Among the maniacs there are those who are killed in order to eat their victim.

Cannibal Nikolai Jumagaliyev

One of the most famous killers - Nikolai Jumagaliyev. In 1980, this cannibal lived in Alma-Athe, where he worked as a handyman. He was incriminated with 47 murders, but the wines were proved only in 10 cases. Jumagaliyev himself argued that he killed and ate about 50 prostitutes. From meat killed girls, he was preparing different dishes and treated their friends. Sentenced to eight years in a closed clinic.

Indian Cannibala

Cannibals from the Indian village of Nithari is a famous local businessman and his servant named Kokhley. Together they lured and ate at least thirty eight children. After killing, a violent action was performed above the bodies.

Japanese cannibal Issis Sagawa

Issis Sagawa - Cannibal, who wrote memoirs, who made him famous. He grew up a shy child with a developed complex of inferiority. Studying in Sorbonne, he invited a classmate to his literary conversation, choosing her because she was beautiful. Issi Sagawa killed a girl, firing in her neck, and then 2 days ate her flesh to "absorb her energy." After the arrest of a student from Japan was put in prison for two years. Later, Sagawa was translated into a psychiatric clinic. In Japan, after deportation of Sagawa there, he was admitted by the sane and let go.

Issi Sagawa became a famous restaurant critic, he writes books, often gives an interview, he is invited as a guest to many TV shows. It can be said that this tragedy, like most loud crimes, brought a killer fame. It's amazing that fate could not only be left in live cannibal, but also to open the doors in front of him, which he could never open earlier.

Women's most terrible killers

Speaking about male maniacs, usually represents men. The image of the maniac is less associated with a woman with the image. Many examples of bloody killers - women who are not inferior to strong men are known to foreskinistic.

"Black Widow"

The brutal female-killer of the 19th - early 20th centuries is the "black widow". Her name is Belle Sorenson Gannes. With its help, about forty people were sent to another world. More than half of all killed - relatives or close friends of "Widow". The woman did not work, she existed at the expense of insurance taken by her after the death of relatives. Her husbands, children and several potential grooms were killed. About her death is reliably unknown. Defended and charred body of a woman who could be Bell Soreson Gannes, did not give a hundred percent guarantee that it was the "black widow".

Sister Mercy Jane Toppan

Nurse Jane Toppan attacked weak patients. It is known that her father was crazy, so Jane was brought up in an orphanage. The girl has fallen, but the receiving parents turned out to be poor, because of which the evilness of the future killer to others just increased. At first, Toppan injected his nurses to his patients, watching their condition between life and death. From this she received the strongest sexual pleasure.

Later, a woman transformed his experiments into murder. After her arrest, the police managed to prove eleven murders. Being under arrest, the nurse admitted another thirty one murder. Examination proved that Jane is insane. She spent the rest of his life in a psychiatric clinic.

"Bloody graphics"

So they called the Countess Elizabeth Batori. The exact number of her victims is unknown, it hesitates from thirty to six hundred and fifty people. If you believe legends, the Countess preferred to take baths filled with the blood of young girls. A woman believed that this method would be able to extend his youth.

Batimi lured the girls into his castle, under the pretext of the offer of work, closed in the dungeon, and then killed. Has her own husband Ferrenz in this helped her. To avoid publicity and a loud trial, her noble relatives closed Elizabeth in her dungeon where she died three years later.

The most terrible killer in the history of mankind

In the whole history of mankind, Indian Tug Behram, who was the leader of the fanatics-thugs (tags), fools and states who believed that every perfect murder prevents the arrival of the goddess of Chaos and Death (Cali). Bechram lived from 1765 to 1840s. They were killed about a thousand people. In general, members of his sects killed at least eighty thousand people. Often the murder was massively committed.

Around the twentieth year of the nineteenth century Bechram was captured, but he was given life and freedom for giving all accomplices. The terrible serial killer was hanged by his own brother in 1840.

Sometimes not only cruelty, but also the age of criminals. The site has about the 11-year-old boy, which was planted for life.
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Mikhail Viktorovich Popkov (Rod. March 7, 1964) is the Russian serial killer and the rapist who made at least 22 killings of young women from 1994 to 2000 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Angarsk Irkutsk Region. Former junior lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Before dismissaling in 1998, some crimes in the form of a policeman committed from the police and on a service car. Arrested after the renewal of the criminal case and comparison in March 2012, its genotype and the results of the molecular genetic examination of the remains of victims held in 2003. Sentenced to life imprisonment. Everything confessed to 81 murders.

Mikhail Popkov was born on March 7, 1964. In the mid-1990s. He worked as an operational duty at the police station No. 1 of the city of Angarsk Irkutsk region. He quit in 1998, as soon as he received the title of younger lieutenant, which caused a strong perplexity of colleagues. Was married. As colleagues from a professional point of view, and just familiar was characterized positively. After dismissal from the authorities, he worked in a private security company, where, in turn, was characterized by employees negatively and from where he quit in 2011. Worked with wrapper and ruin graves.

"Angarsky maniac"
From November 1994 to 2000, 29 cruel killings of young women were committed in Angarsk, which, in view of similar in the criminal handwriting and the type of victim, the investigators were combined into one series.

According to MedExperts, the offender used various murder guns: an ax, a knife, sewn, scolding, dumping, in some episodes, put a few different guns in a row. For example, one of the victims, he had a multiple blows on the head of the metal object, 8 of the wound wounds, as well as the cooler wounds of the face and neck. In nine cases, the death of the victim fell from multiple axis blows.

The age of most victims at the time of the murder ranged from 19 to 28 years. One victim was fifteen, four more from 35 to 40 years. All women were medium height (155-170 cm) and prone to completeness. All, except for one, at the time of the murder were in a state of alcohol intoxication of medium or severely and before death were rape. The only victim, which at the time of the attack was sober, was not raped. The criminal strangled her with a scarf and hit the knife to the knife along the dead body. One of the victims of the ass burning after the murder. The other cut the heart.

The murderer left the victims in the vicinity of Angarsk, in the forests adjacent to the sighting roads from major motorways (Siberian tract, bypass Highway Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk). 26 women at the time of discovery were dead, three more - deadly wounded and died in the hospital.

The similarity of the victim of the victim and the behavior of the victims at the time of the murder led the investigation to the conclusion that the murders are committed by one person. In 1998, hearing an armor in the city of Manyak appeared in Angarsk, and in December of this year, an investigative-operational group was formed, which consisted of employees of the prosecutor's office, ATC and Rubop. At the expense of the killer then delivered 24 sacrifices.

Over the next one and a half years, the investigation of undisguised murders did not advance at all, and in June 2000, a new investigative-operational group was created with the participation of senior assistant to the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor for Supervision of the Firm of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Operational Activities" and the Investigation of Affairs The importance of N. N. Kitaeva, known in the case of the serial killer of Vasily Kulik. Kitaev, analyzing 15 cases of unscrewed murders in Angarsk, made the conclusion that investigative measures for these cases were held poorly.

In particular, on January 28, 1998, in the snow, the village of Baikalsk (the territory of the city of Angarsk) is unconscious due to heavy head injuries, a naked girl was discovered. The minor victim was raped. Only after almost six months, after numerous complaints of the mother of the victim, the criminal case was able to initiate. In June, a description of the criminal was received from the victim. As it turned out, in the evening of January 27, the driver of the police car, dressed in the official form, suggested the girl who was walking home to ride it. The girl agreed. The rapist is covered by her in the forest, where, forcing it to undress, beat his head about a tree before losing consciousness. I woke up the girl already in the hospital. On the investigation, the victim identified the senior sergeant of the Angarsk ATC. The point, nevertheless, remained unexplored. According to this episode of China, in his conclusion, indicated the absence of a forensic examination of the victim and the formality of checking the Alibi Sergeant, who led a slut-length lifestyle and infected the cohabitant of syphilis.
In March 2001, the investigator Nikolai Kitaev was dismissed from the bodies in connection with the disbandment of regional transport prosecutor's office.

Arrest Popkov, Consequence and Court.
In 2012, the previously closed, allegedly hopeless, the criminal case was resumed by the Investigative Committee. Already in March 2012, the results of a molecular genetic examination of traces of rape 2003 made it possible to identify the guilty that Mikhail Popkov participated in the former investigation was. On June 23 of the same year, Popkov, when he tried to overtake from Vladivostok just a purchased car, arrested on suspicion of rape and kill three women committed in March, June and December 1997. The suspect surrendered without resistance and already in the Department of the Department of Internal Affairs gave confessions on dozens of killings. He also admitted that he stopped killing due to impotence, which was received as a result of a launched venereal disease.

In August 2012, information appeared in the media that the treated tried to hang in the SIZO chamber. Soon this information was refuted by FSIN employees.

On October 31, 2013, Popkov was charged with 22 murders and two assassination attempts. In May 2014, the case was transferred to court. The materials of the criminal case amounted to 195 volumes. More than 300 forensic medical, forensic examinations were conducted in the case, over 2 thousand genomic studies, over two thousand witnesses were interrogated. On January 14, 2015, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Mikhail Popkov for life imprisonment in a special regime colony. After the sentence, the ass confessed in 59 murders, until the new charges were brought apart from 47 episodes. Presumably, the final number of victims Popkov - 83 people (among them 1 man, captain of the police Evgeny Schurikhin, killed in 1999).

On March 27, 2017, SU SCR on the Irkutsk region presented the final accusation of the murder of another 60 women. During the investigation of the second case, it was revealed that the suspect did not detect mental abnormalities.

Everyone knows that in the Soviet Union of Sex, religion and democracy was not, and if something scandalous was happening, the power preferred to silence. However, it was difficult from the Society to hide the bloody details of the most terrible crimes. Some of the Manyakov listed in this selection have not been able to catch for a long time and after the collapse of the USSR, and some people were accused at all by chance.

1. Anatoly Biryukov - "Baby Hunter"

Maniac Biryukov seemed an exemplary family man and a respectable citizen: no one suspected that a decent husband and father leads a dual life.

Biryukov performed his first murder in 1977. He kidnapped the baby from the stroller, taken into a deserted place and tried to take over him the violent actions of the famous character. However, the maniac came down to the yawns, and he killed the kid to the blow of a knife. In the same year, Biryukov had committed a few rapes and killings of abducted babies, but the witnesses began to persecute him to the sixth case. Fortunately for the investigation, they were able to consider the rapist and make a photorobot.

After the detention, investigators and psychiatrists came to the conclusion that Biryukov suffered a heavy form of nepophilia - passion for babies. In his justification, the criminal said that he made his atrocities due to the fact that his wife refused to support intimate relationships with him. In 1979, Biryukov, who killed a total of five babies, was shot.

2. Alexey Sukletin - Alligator

On the account of Sukletina seven girls and women he killed and ate with his accomplices Shakirova and Nikitin. The first victim was a woman named Ekaterina Ostrov in 1981. Sukletin insisted that his mistress Shakirov helped him to kill, cut and cook the dead. The in love and tamed Madina Shakirov was ready to go for all the sake of her lover, so I agreed to take the responsibility of the cook.

The idyll of Cannibals lasted for a long time - after the murder of a little girl, Sukletin and Shakirov diverged. The maniac burned for a long time and immediately found a replacement - his relative of Anatoly Nikitin, with whom they, as a result, killed and dismembered the new sacrifice.

In the village began to walk rumors that Sukletin sells high-quality meat and cutting, and the gang of meaning began to engage in extortion, on what was caught. In the garden Sukletina, 4 bags of human bones were found. The maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirov and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years in prison. On the account of Cannibals - at least seven victims.

3. Anatoly Onrevko - "Citizen O"

By the 1996 year, when Onrevoenko was taken into custody, there were already about 52 killed on his account. The exact number of deaths to this day remains unknown, but on the assumption of the investigation, the victims were much more.

On Avodno began its activities in 1989 with the partner Sergey Rogozin. "The deadly duet" killed couples and even the company of young people, as well as they drove into the house and shot all family members, including children. Often Onoprianko shot random passers-by.

The motives of the crime of a citizen about still unknown. According to him, he killed people because some strength and voices ordered him to do it. Crimes included three waves: against communism, nationalism and the plague of the 21st century. After long searches, the investigation finally passed on the trail on the tray. True, an innocent man who died during torture was detained. After the trial, Anatoly Onvoenko was sentenced to the death penalty, but the sentence was never executed due to the abolition of the death penalty in Ukraine.

4. Sergey Golovkin - Fisher

Sergey was considered a young attractive man, but despite the fact that the girls did not show any interest in their interest in them. Fisher was more interested in teenage boys.

The first attempt to rape and murder was the incident in 1984 (after many years the surviving victim was able to identify golkovin). The first murder was the stroke in 1984 of the 16-year-old Andrei: threatening with a violence, Golovkin dragged the boy to the forest, raped, strangled and abused over the body. Then the murders continued and called public resonance, because of what Fisher decided to leave underground for a while.

In 1989, Golovkin "was lured into business," but somewhat changed the handwriting. He built a basement in his garage, where he tortured, raped and killed boys. Due to the fact that the killer became careless and hardly buried the last bodies, they were quickly calculated and found. In 1992, Fisher finally detained. He was sentenced to death, the verdict was executed in 1996. On the account of the maniac 11 killed teenagers.

5. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsky Maniac"

Anatoly Utkin, 1942 year of birth, was the driver by profession. In 1968, a 14-year-old girl Lisa Makarova stopped his car, which urgently needed to get to the hospital to mom. Taking advantage of the moment, Utkin raped and killed the poor man, leaving himself a few of her personal belongings "for memory".

The victims of the launched maniac turned out to be young girls and middle-aged women. After the disappearance of girls and finds of the corpses, the public was fixed: a serial killer appeared in calm Ulyanovsk! Over time, Utkin began more carefully approaching the selection of victims - he was guided by careful planning.

In 1972, the maniac's motifs changed: now his goal has not been violence and murder, but on. In the same year, Utkin killed a man for the sake of robbery, and 1973 was taken into custody. After the investigation and found in the house of a suspected evidence, the police had no doubt about his guilt. In 1975, Utkin was shot, and the nine murders of his "authorship" were established.

Oddly enough, about Anatoly Utkin, his family and acquaintances responded extremely favorable. He was married twice and had two children.

6. Sergey Tkach - "Pavlograd Maniac"

Writing weaves from 1980s, the motives of his crimes were always sexy. The killer began to commit crimes after moving to Ukraine; He chose girls from 9 to 17 years old. Weaver thoroughly hid evidence, not leaving on the bodies of traces of sperm, prints and fabrics, however, he did not refuse memorable things of his victims who carefully kept.

In 2005, weekly dealt with the next victim - a nine-year-old girl - after which it was detained. During his search, 14 people were innocently condemned for the commission of crimes, in which weaving weed.

Today, Sergey Tkach is serving a lifelong conclusion. For some time he was in custody had access to the Internet and communicated with interested people. On the account of this cruel maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Vladimir Mukhankin - "Lenin"

Vladimir was born in an incomplete family with an unwanted child (his father threw his mother even before the birth of the Son), as a result of which he suffered permanent mockery and a bad attitude of the house. Having worried about the environment, Mukhankin periodically vagred, the cradle, attacked people and tormented and mocked animals. His nature did not prevent him from marrying at 18 years old, his son was born, subsequently deceased.

In 1995, Lenin begins to kill and makes eight murders a few months. Mukhankin mocked her dying victims, producing terrifying actions on the agonizing body. The maniac's real passion was the human bodies with whom he often went to bed.

After capture, the criminal led himself indecent and stated that he was second Chicatilo. Mukhankin gladly described his crimes in detail, but he refused all his testimony at the court. He was recognized as guilty of 22 crimes, eight of which were killing. Now Mukhankin is serving for life in the colony "Black Dolphin".

8. Vladimir Ionesian - "Mosgaz"

In the time of the Khrushchev thaw, it was difficult to imagine that an attacker would penetrate into your apartment, introducing himself to an employee, for example, Mosgaz or Hweak, which gave the criminal to enjoy this unchivery method. The authorities were tremended, all the forces were thrown on the capture of the maniac.

Due to the rapid consequence and ambulance over the ionen, its motives remained unexplained. Most likely, he killed with the goal of robbery. There is also a version, after departing from his wife to the ballerina, Alevtine, Dmitrie's criminal penetrated the apartments to find gifts for a woman. On the third version - the murders helped Ionaan to assert.

The first murder of "Mosgaz" made in 1963: penetrating the apartment, he drove the 12-year-old boy with an ax, who was alone at home, and took a few things. The last killing of a 46-year-old woman occurred in 1964, in the same year the criminal was taken into custody and shot.

There is a unproved version that Khrushchev himself talked with Johnny. On the account of the killer five victims, four of whom are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - "Kamensky Chicatilo"

Burtsev's parents were alcoholics, which probably influenced the formation of his personality. He began his bloody "career" a pedophile in 1993 with the murder of Brother and Sister Churilov - at first he got rid of the boy, and then raped and killed the girl. The corpses buried into the pit.

The burgers always distinguished care: he so carefully hid the body of the victims that almost all of them were found only when the killer himself showed the burial site. However, the thoroughness of the burial of the corpses and led Burtsev - after another murder, he asked the shovel from one of the residents of his village, after which he threw the gun. The woman described the appearance of a strange person, and a little later, he also identified one of the victims, which was able to escape.

In 1996, Roman Burtsva caught and sentenced to death, but then the sentence was replaced by life imprisonment. Kamensky Chikatilo managed to kill six people.

10. Vasily Kulik - Irkutsk Monster

As a child, Vasily Kulik was a painful child, but in the family he always cared for him and cared. Because of the constant diseases, he was forgiven almost everything, so Vasily Ros is rather selfish and cruel, treasuredly, pokel and hung cats.

With age, the kulik fastened and began to play sports. After the attack and hit the head in 1980, he began to emerge sexual desires towards children, in 1982, Kulik made the first rape, and after two years and the first murder of a nine-year-old girl. The maniac and the murders of pensioners were not bent: according to his own admission, he made a list of his old women of interest.

Panic began in Irkutsk, and the killer tried to be careful, nevertheless, during the next attempt in 1986, it was possible to stop passersby. "Irkutsk Monster" admitted in everything, but at the court suddenly began to deny his involvement, stating that he was substituted by a gang of Chibis. After a thorough investigation, Vasily Kulik was shot in 1989. His account was 13 killings.

sun, 02/02/2014 - 20:08

In our country lives a huge number of different people, and not all of them are good. In the criminal history of Russia, there were many ruthless monsters, which were noted as serial killers and bloodthirsty maniacs. You never heard about many of them, but, nevertheless, they committed truly terrible murders and each of them became a serial maniac. About maniacs, their murders and their fate Read more .. Not for the faint of heart!We tried to write about little-known maniacs and serial killers, so they did not specifically include Chicatilo and Bittsev Manyak on this list.

Valery Asratyan

Valery Asratyan, also known as "director," was the worst nightmare of novice actresses. From 1988 to 1990, the Moscow maniac appeared to an influential director (hence the nickname), luring anyone suspects to him with empty promises of wealth and glory.

The main goal of Asratian was sexual crimes, ultimately, he rose on the path of the serial killer, in an attempt to check the traces. During criminal activity, he raped dozens of victims, killing at least three of them. Not wanting to attract attention, the criminal every time used various methods of murder, so the police did not suspect that the murders were the hands of one person.

Asratyan was very smart and had experience in psychology. His favorite method of luring the victim to his home was to submit herself as a director (complete with fake documents), after the victim fell into the den, he beat the victim before the loss of consciousness, and after he pumped into drugs and kept at home as a sexual toy For days. Units of surviving prisoners, after liberation, testified against the maniac.

Some sacrifices were able to specify the place where Asratian kept them. In the process of investigation, the police managed to find and arrest the maniac, thereby completing it terror. He was shot dead in 1992, in the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Bychkov

Alexander Bychkov did not like alcoholics and homeless. In fact, he hated them so much that he dreamed of destroying them all. Bychkov began to call himself "Rambo" as the hero of the famous character of Sylvester Stallone, armed with a big knife and a hammer, he began to wander through the streets in search of victims.

Between 2009 and 2012, Rambo lured at least nine unfortunate victims into desert areas, where he attacked killing them, and after dismembering the body and hid them. Each of these attacks were carefully recorded in the magazine, which he called "the Bloody Hunt of the Predator Born in the Year of the Dragon." He also claimed that he ate, at least two hearts of his victims, although no evidence was discovered.

Bychkov was only 24 years old when he was caught. His only explanation of his actions was the desire to impress a girlfriend, for which he tried to behave like a lone wolf.

Anatoly Slivko

Anatoly Slivko - Soviet serial maniac killer, sadist and pedophile. For many years, this monster held in fear of Nevinnomyssk. Little boys began to disappear from the city, which, then no one ever seen. The police did everything possible to investigate the abduction, but no serious evidence was discovered.

In 1985, the criminal was finally caught. Anatoly Slivko was the leader of the local tourist club "Chergid", he successfully used his position to win the confidence of young tourists. In his youth, it was a witness to witness a terrible accident, during which a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers and one of them died in a bake of burning gasoline. He experienced sexual arousal, and this picture pursued him all adulthood. After he became the chapter "Chergid", he tried to recreate this terrible scenario. He forced the boys to play the role and take poses who saw them once a terrible incident. But soon he began to just look at these scenes. Ultimately, it began to kill children, dismemberous and burning the remains.

To persuade boys to participate in terrible scenes, he used a frightening method. He spoke to the boys that they could become the main characters of the film about how the Nazis mocked the children, at that time it was a popular topic. The maniac dressed boys in a pioneer form, stretched on the rods, hanged on a tree, observed torments and convulsions, after which he conducted resuscitation activities. The surviving sacrifices either did not remember what happened to them, or were afraid to tell about the "secret experiment". Children who still told about everything, no one believed.

Even after he was captured and sentenced to the death penalty, the behavior of creamy remained strangely benevolent. He was very helpful and courteous with the authorities until the very end. When the police hunted another serial killer, he even gave an interview to the investigators, in the style of Hannibal Léter, a few hours before the execution.

Sergey Golovkin

Sergey Golovkin was a quiet outsider who practically did not communicate with other people. Although he was pretty closed and shy, he could force people to be nervous with his eyes. No one could assume that the guy would become a serial killer. He was a serial killer known as "Break" or "Fisher".

In school years suffered from Enuresum. Fearing that those surrounding feel the smell of his urine. When masturbation often fastened about how the classmates test and kills. Thirteen years for the first time the sadistic inclinations appeared. Golovkin caught a cat on the street and brought home, where he hung up and expressed his head, which there was a discharge, there was a discharge, in which he was constantly rested. Also roasted on the stove of aquarium fish.

Between 1986 and 1992, Golovkin killed and raped 11 people. He was known for the fact that he first stifled his victims, and then dismembering the body in a disgusting manner, as in horror films. He cut his victims, cut off the genitals, head, cut the abdominal cavity, carried internal organs. He took the "souvenirs for memory" from the remains of his victims. He even experimented with cannibalism, but it turned out that he did not like the taste of human flesh.

One of the 4 boys, whom Golovkin offered to participate in a robbery, refused to participate in the proposed business and later identified it. Troy other boys no one else saw.

Behind the ginger organized surveillance. October 19, 1992 he was detained. For Golovna, it was a surprise, but at the interrogation he led himself calmly and denied guilt. At night, in the insulator, Golovkin tried to open veins. On October 21, 1992, his garage was searched and, descending into the cellar, found evidence: a children's bath with burnt layers of skin and blood, clothes, things killed and so on.

Golovkin confessed to 11 episodes and showed details the investigators of the place of murders and burials. During the investigation, he had calmly, monotonically told about the murders, sometimes joked. He was executed in 1996.

Maxim Petrov

Dr. Maxim Petrov is not the only person known as "Doctor Death", but of course, one of the most terrible. The ruthless killer, specialized in the persecution of its elderly patients. He came to retirees home, without warning, usually in the morning when their relatives went to work. Petrov measured blood pressure and reported to the patient that it was necessary to make an injection. After the injection of the victim lost consciousness, and Petrov left, taking valuables with them. He even shot rings and earrings with patients. The first victims did not die. Petrov's first murder committed in 1999. The patient was already unconscious after the injection, when his daughter was unexpectedly home and saw the doctor makes theft. He hit a woman with a screwdriver, and patient strangled. After this episode, the principle of work of Petrov has changed. He introduced victims of injection from a variety of deadly narcotic drugs so that the police did not think that the criminal was a medic. Petrov adjusted the houses of his victims to hide the traces of the crime. Stolen things later found in his apartment, part of he had already managed to sell on the market.

More than 50 people died at Petrov's hands. One surviving remember how they woke up in their glowing house, others after being woken, were in the apartment filled with gas. Peter's witnesses ruthlessly killed.

In the end, he put on a constant flow of a series of murders using mortal injections and destroy apartments with the help of fires, but he was too greedy. Investigators soon noticed a regular relationship between diseases of those killed and perfect crimes and amounted to a list of 72 potential future victims. Soon they arrested Petrov when he was in the "guest" from one of his patients in 2002. Currently, he is serving a life imprisonment in prison

Sergey Martynov

For some people, the prison is a correctional institution. According to others, it's just a place where they are progressing between crimes. These people often return to their criminal activities after liberation. Sergey Martynov was from the second group of people.

He has already served 14 years in prison for murder and rape, after liberation in 2005. It was born all the same thirst for blood. After a short time after liberation, he began to ride the country in search of victims.

Over the next six years, Martynov began a series of murders. He traveled to ten different regions, leaving behind a trace of murders and rape. His victims were mostly women and girls, in whose murders he used terrible methods.

The bloody journey Martynov ended, after it was finally caught in 2010. He was accused of not less than eight murders and numerous rapes in 2012. Serving life time.

"Hammers from Irkutsk" - Academian maniacs

Morally unstable killers are one of the most dangerous species of criminals. They are so unpredictable as hard and in them are very difficult to immediately recognize serial killers

Nikita Lykin and Artem Anufriev had two young people who decided to try themselves in neo-Nacism, or rather, they were skinheads. Dressed in all black, they were active members of various communities devoted to fascism. They were known on the net under the names such as "PeopleHater", and moderated social groups, such as "we are gods, we are alone decide who to live, and who to die."

Lykkin and Anufriev were sadly famous as "Academian maniacs". In the period from December 2010 and April 2011 they killed from six to eight people. Fortunately, these two were pretty well able to hide traces of murder, so their kill series lasted for long.

On October 16, 2012, Anufriev right in court the cutting wounds in the side of the neck and scratched the belly with a razor, which carried into the sock when he was taken to court from the SIZO. He could not explain why it did. His lawyer Svetlana Kukareva considered it the result of a strong emotional burst, which was caused by the fact that his mother first appeared in court on that day. "AIF in Eastern Siberia" mentioned the case when Anufriev in front of one of the meetings cut his neck shock, revealed from the sink in the convoy.

On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Anufriev to life imprisonment with the departure of a special regime, Lytkina - by 24 years of imprisonment, of which five years (three years old, as he was taken into account of the two-year term he served until the sentence was taken into account) he He will be in prison, and the remaining - in the colony of strict regime.

Vladimir Mukhankin - Killer from Rostov-on-Don

In 1995, Mukhankin begins to kill and committed 8 murders for 2 months. The corpses dismembered and makes manipulations with the dead and agonizing bodies. He had an unhealthy passion for the internal organs, repeatedly went to bed with them. There was an episode where, after the murder on the cemetery, Mukhankin left a leaf with a poem found him. On the last day, there are 2 murders and 1 murder attempt. In addition to the 8 murders, he also made another 14 crimes: theft and robbery attacks.

Muhankin was caught by chance, after an attack on a woman with her daughter. The woman was killed, and the girl survived and later identified the attacker.

During interrogations, the maniac behaved defiantly, did not repent in the deed, called his student Chikatilo, although he also said that "compared to him chikatilo chick." Mukhankin described his crimes with details, at the same time trying to learn those surrounding the thought of his insaneness. However, he did not succeed - the examination recognized him with a sane and fully giving a report in his actions.

In court, Mukhankin, realizing that he threatens the highest measure of punishment, refused all the data of the testimony. The court recognized him guilty of 22 crimes, including 8 murders, of whom three minors. Vladimir Mukhankin was sentenced to death with property confiscation. Subsequently, the execution was replaced by life imprisonment. At the moment it is contained in the famous Colony "Black Dolphin".

Irina Gaidamachuk

When your criminal nickname "Satan in a skirt" is most likely you are not the best person in the world. Irina Gaidamachuk fully deserved this nickname. For seven years, she visited the elderly citizens of the Sverdlovsk region as a worker of social security. After she fell into the apartment of the victim, she killed seniors, breaking their head with a hammer or an ax. After that, she stole money and valuable things and hidden from the scene, as nothing had happened.

The worst thing in Gaidamachuk is that she has never been an antisocial single, she was married, and is the mother of two children. She loved to drink too much and did not like to work. She decided to kill people, as an alternative method of making money. Nevertheless, it was not too profitable, none of her robberies exceeded 17,500 rubles. And she continued to do it again, and again, and again.

She killed 17 pensioners for 8 years of criminal activity. As she said in the police: "I just wanted to be a normal mother, but I hung up from alcohol. My husband Yuri would not give me money for vodka."

Gaidamachuk was detained only at the end of 2010. Gaidamachuk was charged with 17 murders and 18 robbery attacks (one of the victims after the Irina attack survived). She was admitted by the sane.

She was sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment. Such a soft sentence is caused by the fact that in accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, lifelong deprivation of liberty is not appointed to women (as well as men younger than 18 or older than 65). 20 years was for her maximum punishment.

Vasily Komarov

Vasily Ivanovich Komarov is the first reliable Soviet serial maniac killer, won in Moscow in the period 1921-1923. His victims were 33 men.

Vasily Komarov came up with the entrepreneurial scenario of his murders. He got acquainted with the client who wanted to buy one or another product, often it was horses, led to her house, I saw vodka, then killed the hammer blows, sometimes stroke, and then packaged the body into the bag and carefully hid. In 1921, he made at least 17 killings, in the next two years - at least 12 murders, although he himself confessed later in 33 murders. Bodies were found in the Moscow River, in the destroyed houses, buried under the ground. According to Komarov, the whole procedure occupied no more than half an hour.

Between 1921 and 1923, Moscow trembled from the ruthless killer, who stifled and beaten by batons of people to death and threw their bodies in the skys of the city slums. It was, of course, mosquitoes. He was not particularly smart in his actions, however. After the authorities realized that the killings were associated with sales on the horse market, they quickly enrolled him in the discharge of suspects. He seemed to be kind, innocent family man, but soon it turned out that in fact he was a cruel and coarse person who was actually I even tried to kill my eight-year-old son.

Komarov tried to escape from the hands of the law, he was soon arrested. Most bodies of victims of Vasily Komarov were discovered only after his capture. Mosquitoes with special cynicism and pleasure told about murders. He assured that his motive was the motive of his atrocities, he killed only speculators, but all his murders brought him about 30 dollars at the then rate. During the indication of the burial sites from Komarov, the furious crowds of the people with difficulty pushed.

The maniac did not repent in the crimes committed, moreover, said that she was ready to make even sixty murders. Forensic psychiatric examination recognized Komarov sane, although he recognized him with alcohol degenerate and psychopath.

The court sentenced Vasily Komarov and his wife Sophia to the highest punishment - shooting. In the same 1923, the verdict was carried out

Vasily Kulik

Vasily Kulik, better known as the "Irkutsk Monster" - the famous Soviet serial killer. Killed in order to hide rape. Subsequently, he also admitted that she received stronger sexual satisfaction when choking the victim.

Since childhood, Vasily Kulik felt the relationship between violence and sexual excitation. In adolescence, he had many girlfriends who developed a unhealthy appetite to sex. His mental health has always been very shaky, but when the girl he loved, moved to another city, his mental health deteriorated sharply ..

Between 1984 and 1986, Kulik raped and killed 13 people. His victims were older women or little children. Killing kulik committed in different ways: used firearms, stroke, struck knives and other ways to kill their victims. The most adult victim was 73 years old, the very young victim was a two-month-old child.

During the next attack, January 17, 1986, he was beaten and brought to the police casual passers-by. The kulik soon admitted all the testimony, but he refused to declare all the testimony, stating that he made it forced everyone to admit a gang of some Chibis, who committed all the murders. The case was sent to the investigation.

However, his guilt was still proven and the Kulik was arrested on the day of his 30th anniversary. On August 11, 1988, the court sentenced Vasily Kulik to the highest punishment - shooting.

Shortly before the sentence of the sentence, the Kulik took an interview. Here is an excerpt from it:

"Kulik: ... the sentence is already there, the court passed, so ... to stay only by a person, no longer doom ...
Interviewer: Are you afraid of death?
Kulik: Something I did not think about it ... "

Also Kulik wrote poems about love for women and children. On June 26, 1989, the sentence was carried out in the SIZO of Irkutsk.