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How to deceive a lie detector or a polygraph according to the methods of the FSB, FBI, CIA and other security services and intelligence units. What to do if you were offered to undergo a polygraph test in order to detect lies in your testimony - Advocate free online.

If you think that a polygraph test does not threaten you, then you can be very seriously mistaken, especially since this device is often used even when applying for a job.

It goes without saying that not everyone wants to tell the truth, and therefore there are a lot of ways to outwit the lie detector. By the way, this is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism.

We will now talk about how to keep your secrets with you and successfully, without problems, pass the polygraph.

Lies are often spoken in secret in order to find out the truth.
Pierre Bouast

Turn on artistry

Of course the most the best way, this is a high-quality acting game according to the Stanislavsky system. The trick is to become so imbued with your lie that you yourself believe in it.

Agree, if you believe in fiction, then this is no longer a lie for you, which means that your body will perceive this information as true, therefore, it will give the specialist conducting the test the appropriate result.

It goes without saying that for this you just need to think over all aspects of your deception in advance, so much so that you can discuss this topic for a very long time without inventing a plot along the way, but as if remembering it:

  • Add little things to your story, such as what the weather was like, how you smelled - just don't overdo it or get distracted from the main topic.
    If you have already undertaken to deceive the polygraph with the help of acting, then emotions will definitely not be superfluous, they just need to be changed, turning fear into anger, and repentance into humility.


Now let's move on to blood pressure, which also needs to be controlled.
There are two ways to do this:
  • constriction of the sphincter muscles,
  • biting the tip of the tongue.

Just remember that you need to do this without any additional facial expressions that can betray you.

More, control your breathing- under normal conditions, we breathe in no more than once every 2-4 seconds. And it's better not to delay him- there is a risk of increased heart rate.

Secret # 1

Updated: There is a long-standing myth that a lie detector can be tricked with a pushpin.
The essence of the deception is as follows:
  1. Place a pushpin inside your shoe under your foot.
  2. When you are asked a security question, such as "What is your name?", You answer and step on the button.
  3. The pain triggers a small outburst of emotion and is reflected in the detector's readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, by telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. the sensors will react to a lie in the same way as to a question about your name.
  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in the almost identical readings of the polygraph and gives you a positive resolution.
The catch is that in many testing companies, this moment before the test, the subject is checked for such "pranks", including checking the shoes. Thus, at the moment, this method of passing the polygraph test can be considered almost inapplicable. We do not recommend checking!

Is it worth it?

It can be concluded that successfully passing a lie detector test is not entirely simple, but quite realistic, you only need a sincere desire and patience. But, the answer to the question of whether it is worth doing, each person must give himself.

One thing is true in any case: if you made a firm decision to successfully pass the test and cheat the polygraph, then try to do it efficiently, otherwise serious problems and lengthy clarifications about what exactly you wanted to hide cannot be avoided.

Pharmacological resistance is based on the use by the tested person before the start of testing of medications that distort the normal state of the tested person.

These drugs include:

  • various sedatives, such as tincture of valerian, motherwort, novopassit, etc. Such light formulations usually do not greatly alter the state of the tested person, therefore, they are not effective for the involved. They can even be used to calm an overly agitated person before or during testing, because the half-life of these drugs from the body is low, 25 - 30 minutes, respectively, the drug will produce part of its effect during the pre-test conversation and will slightly affect the test results.
  • tranquilizers and light antipsychotics, which include drugs intended for the treatment of psychosis and other mental disorders, for example, fluoxetine, prodel, proflusac, fluval, maprotiline, etc. Their main pharmacological features include a sedative effect, accompanied by a decrease in reactions to external stimuli, weakening psychomotor agitation and affective tension, as well as suppression of feelings of fear, which is driving force psychophysiological reactions of a person who is afraid to be punished for their actions.

The fact of the use of such drugs will be noticeable when testing for an unnecessarily high digital component of the galvanic skin response (GSR) graph. In this case, the person will not be able to adequately perceive the questions and respond to them, therefore it will be impossible to draw correct conclusions on such a test. At the discretion of the specialist conducting the check, the test is either postponed for a period of 3 days to 1 week, or a conclusion about opposition is written and, as a result, a conclusion about involvement.

(Pay attention to the areas "1-2-3", where there is a noticeable decrease in the intensity of the response to the stimulus along the GSR channel, as well as a very high digital component in the same channel - the areas "4-5-6")

  • stimulating psychotropic drugs such as phenamine, meridil, indopan, sydnocarb, sydnophen, etc. The effect of drugs of this group on the human body is noticeable by external signs: hyperexcitation with tremors, anxiety and irritability, spontaneous breathing, sticky sweat, wet palms. According to statistics, drugs of this group are not often used before passing a polygraph test, because the person involved in the event under investigation is already in an agitated state, the intensification of which can only lead to the transfer of testing.

Too low a digital component of the GSR graph in combination with the external signs of the tested person will indicate opposition, which will be reflected in the test results.

(Note the area "1" VDH and NDH, and area "2" TPM - indicating increased excitability, while the digital component of the GSR channel of the region "3-4" is too low)

  • Adrenergic blockers. As examples, you can bringinadolol, pindolol, phenazepam, elenium, relanium. These drugs reduce the tone of the arteries, which causes them to dilate and lower the pressure in the circulatory system, lower the heart rate. Some adrenergic blockers also interfere with the breathing rhythm, which leads to a reduction in the effect of stress.

As a result of the effect of adrenergic blockers on the polygram of the test subject, the following occurs:

  1. the amplitude decreases and the GSR line decreases;
  2. photoplethysmogram (PPG) ceases to adequately respond to stimuli;
  3. the cardio channel (changes in blood pressure (BP) and PPG) and GSR become more dependent on respiration than on stimuli. The reactions along the GSR channel coincide with the moments of inhalation.

With an increase in the number of breathing cycles on the polygram, it can be seen that GSR repeats breathing cycles in frequency.

(Pay attention to the areas "1-2-3-4", where the dependence of all channels on breathing is very clearly visible, they repeat its cycles. Reactions to the GSR channels, arrows "5-6-7" coincide with the moments of inhalation)

With such opposition, if the specialist decides not to postpone testing until the end of the action of adrenergic blockers, then this is done only to obtain additional information about the event being investigated or about the person being tested.

Mechanical resistance

Mechanical resistance to polygraph tests is an artificial effect on sensitive areas of the human body and the purpose of distorting the results of his psychophysiological reactions to stimuli by increasing reactions to insignificant questions so that reactions to important questions look weaker than to insignificant ones.

Mechanical resistance can be divided into groups:

  • Tension of large muscles (muscles of the legs, arms, abdominals, buttocks, sphincters). Such techniques are noticeable in the polygram according to the sequence of the reaction of the tested person to the stimulus.

When counteracted by the tension of large muscles, the breath is first held, and then the GSR channel reacts, while with a natural reaction of a person to the stimulus, the GSR channel first reacts, and only then breathing.

The tension of the large muscles located below the shoulder girdle, as a counteraction to the polygraph test, is also noticeable by the sharp jumps in the tremor channel at the time of the reaction along the GSR channel.

(Pay attention to the highlighted area, where, due to a sharp jump in tremor, the response to GSR and other channels has changed)

  • Creation of artificial pain. This group includes such methods as pressing the button in the shoe, pressure on the phalanges of the fingers, under the nails. Such actions lead to a jump, first along the GSR channel, then along the PPG.
  • Various manipulations in the mouth. These are such actions as frequent swallowing of saliva, biting of the tongue and lips, inner surfaces of the cheeks, clenching of the teeth, which also leads to jumps along the GSR channel. In case of suspicions of manipulation in the mouth in especially important situations, a “test of silent responses” is performed using video recording of the test, in which the test taker answers the questions mentally, not aloud, while his mouth is open to control opposition. In this situation, the test taker has to mentally answer to himself and at the same time truthfully, because there is no point in deceiving yourself. In this case, powerful psychophysiological reactions arise, which are recorded by a polygraph.

(Note the jump along the PPG channel, area "2", after the GSR response to the stimulus, area "1")

  • Breathing control. When the tested person controls breathing, his attention is switched from stimuli to breathing, while the response to breathing is distorted, and this, in turn, is reflected in the cardio channel. The number of breaths is getting fewer. The PPG channel narrows and repeats the respiratory cycles in waves. Also, breathing control is noticeable when comparing the ratio of inhalation and exhalation. Under normal behavior, inhalation is shorter than exhalation, and under control, on the contrary, exhalation is shorter than inhalation.

(Pay attention to the highlighted areas and arrows, where the repetition of waves along the PPG channel is clearly visible, similar to respiratory cycles)

Behavioral Counteraction

Behavioral reaction is a line of behavior of an involved person, aimed more at a specialist than at distorting the recording of polygrams. These include:

  • inappropriate behavior (for example, a sharp change in mood from depression to excessive emotionality);
  • interception of control of the conversation, asking questions during testing instead of answering "yes" or "no";
  • evoking pity, simulating disease;
  • charm, laughter;
  • slow responses.

Questions related to haste, the desire to finish testing as soon as possible are also signs of insincerity and they will not go unnoticed by the examiner, because the pre-test conversation always talks about how to behave when passing the test.

Psychological methods of counteraction

Psychological methods of countering polygraph tests are based on the creation of an artificial emotion for insignificant stimuli or dissociation. The person does not want to hear the “dangerous” questions being asked. But the focus of attention is difficult to reorient from the actual fear-causing danger to something less significant, and in the end, the necessary reactions are still highlighted.

  • meditation;
  • spontaneous (unexpected, random) behavior;
  • "Anchors" or psychophysiological programming. When pain is created at the moment of asking certain questions, painful sensations are “memorized” at the reflex level. Subsequently, when passing a polygraph test, this allows you to bypass important significant stimuli through stronger reactions to others. Reactions to "anchors" are given by the strength and magnitude of the amplitude along the GSR channel, which, as a rule, is much higher than other neighboring reactions.

All of the above methods of counteraction polygraph tests, both in various combinations and separately, can be detected both during the testing process and during the processing of the received polygrams.

But asking yourself a question "Can you cheat a polygraph?", it is necessary to understand that a polygraph or, as it is often called a lie detector, is just a device that itself does not show where the truth is and where the lie is. Only a specialist can draw conclusions based on the test results. The device is alien to the flaws inherent in humans. Therefore, it is impossible to deceive the device. And to mislead the specialist who owns modern methods polygraph research is possible only theoretically.

To do this, you need to learn to control your breathing, heartbeat and general state at the same time, while maintaining the ability to concentrate attention to answer questions without external signs counteraction. It may take years of training, but we will not predict their result in advance. After all, all human capabilities have not yet been fully explored.

Image copyright Getty Image caption At the first stage of the police investigation, the devices help determine the circle of suspects.

Is it easy to outsmart a polygraph? The reviewer decided to give it a try.

"The polygraph is not a toy," Co-founder of the Polygraph Testing Institute Eran Gazit warned me when I called him to take a test for writing an article. - It only works if you are vitally interested in the results, if you have something to lose - work, family, freedom ".

Yet I came here to speak with Eran's father, Mordi Gazit, who worked for the Israeli police for ten years and then opened his own polygraph testing organization in Tel Aviv.

And I also came to try to cheat the polygraph.

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That's how I found myself in a comfortable chair with two straps on my chest, metal devices on my fingers and a pulse tonometer on my wrist.

The wires from my ammunition are connected to a block that resembles a cable modem, which immediately sends data to Mordi's laptop.

In the courts of many countries, the results of a polygraph test are not accepted as evidence, but the authorities have found another use for them.

The polygraph, which is often called a lie detector, works on the principle of measuring physiological changes in the human body according to indicators such as respiratory rate, pulse, pressure and galvanic reaction skin, which is understood as its electrical properties.

Other techniques include monitoring changes in pupillary response and brain activity using functional MRI.

In the USA and most European countries the results of the polygraph test are not accepted in the criminal court as evidence. However, the authorities found other uses for them.

In the UK, the polygraph is used to monitor released and suspended sexual offenders, and dozens of people are reintroduced to prison as a result of testing.

Image copyright Getty Image caption In 10-15% of cases, the results of the polygraph test are wrong.

In the United States, candidates for jobs in the CIA and other government departments are being tested on a lie detector.

Walt Goodson, president of the American Polygraph Association and 25 years with the Texas State Police, explains the role these devices play in police investigations.

“They are very helpful in the identification of the main suspects. It is very simple and quick way: Based on the results of the test, a decision is made whether to take a person into the development or to look for other suspects. "

And assisting in attempts to cheat a polygraph, as it turned out, can have serious legal consequences.

A former Oklahoma City police officer was recently sentenced to two years in prison for advising undercover federal agents who told him they wanted to cover up their crimes.

Attempt to deceive

But can an untrained person like me outsmart a polygraph examiner?

As soon as I met Mordi, I immediately felt as if I was in the company of a representative of government agencies.

It is immediately evident that the 69-year-old polygraph examiner has a wealth of experience. He behaved very professionally, spoke confidently and, looking me straight in the eyes, asked me to show my journalist ID.

Typically, polygraph examiners use a set of significant and insignificant questions when testing.

It suddenly occurred to me that even if I managed to deceive the device, this person would still see through me.

I was immediately worried, as if I could be caught in something that I did not do.

Later I learned that this behavior of the tester is also part of the test.

Typically, polygraph examiners use a set of significant ("Did you rob the bank?") And insignificant questions ("Have you ever borrowed something from someone else?") When testing.

Since it is impossible to answer "no" to insignificant questions without at least partially lying, it is assumed that the physiological response to insignificant questions can serve as a baseline value.

Image copyright Getty Image caption One of the signs that a person is lying is sweating that they cannot control.

The point is to determine a person's bodily response to a lie in the absence of stress - this helps the polygraph operator to more confidently establish that the person is lying under stress than if the meter was compared with the response to obvious questions (for example, "Are you a man? ").

According to George Maschke, who has run the website since 2000, in order to cheat the polygraph, it is necessary to recognize control questions and strengthen their response to them.

Outsmarting novice polygraph examiners is possible, but more difficult with experienced polygraph examiners

"When you are asked a security question like 'Have you ever lied to avoid problems?', You can try to solve a difficult math problem in your head as quickly as possible."

"This mental activity usually contributes to increased sweating, increased breathing, and so on," he says.

Outsmarting novice polygraph examiners is possible, Goodson says, but experienced polygraph examiners are more difficult.

"Change physiological responses human body It is not difficult, opponents of polygraph tests have created many sites with which you can learn this. However, they will not help change the physiological responses that a polygraph examiner perceives as a natural answer to a question in testing, "he warns.

"When the subject tries to change normal reaction body or trying to control it, the data is distorted, and a polygraph operator trained to detect such unnatural physiological reactions can easily notice it. "

Image copyright SPL Image caption Typically, polygraph test results are not accepted in court as evidence.

Some scientists are also concerned that the machine will return more false positives (which means that innocent people might fail the test by mistake) than false negatives (which means the perpetrators can pass the test) if it fails.

Purity of experience

This phenomenon was mentioned in a report by the British Psychological Society (2004) on the reliability of polygraph test results.

Goodson warns that some people who tell the truth may not pass the test due to overly vigorous attempts to control their bodily reactions.

In about 15% of cases, the results of tests based on comparative questions were incorrect

"According to the literature, when truthful people seek to change their physiological parameters in the hope that it will help them pass the test, many of them are defined as cheaters," he says.

Many experts are also worried that the very theory underlying the polygraph is erroneous, since a physiological reaction is not necessarily associated with the provision of false information.

In a 2011 meta-analysis by the American Polygraph Association, about 15% of tests based on comparative questions were incorrect.

However, the type of test I have to face is safer and a little more difficult for liars. As I am going through a trial to write an article, Mordi has come up with a way for me to test the system in practice without any comparative questions.

He asked me to write a number from one to seven on a piece of paper and explained that he would monitor my body's reaction to attempts to lie about each number, as if I had not written it.

Image copyright SPL Image caption Heart rate changes when a person is challenged with a difficult task that requires mental effort

This is a simplified version of the knowledge guilty test used in the investigation of reported crimes.

The operator provides the potential suspect with specific information related to the crime and not related to the crime in order to check his reaction to the relevant information.

Take a bank robbery, for example. You can name the person the stolen amount in a series of other numbers, or show the original ransom note slipped to the cashier, along with other notes drawn up by police officers.

Although Maschke argues that this test can be fraudulent, according to the British Psychological Society, scientists consider the test of guilty knowledge in theory more reliable and less controversial than the strategy of comparative questions.

According to a 2011 meta-analysis by the American Polygraph Association, the percentage of erroneous results with this type of testing was closer to 10%.

In general, the method is by no means ideal - but it worked for me. I failed miserably.

Below is a graph of my physiological responses. I wonder if you can find out where I lied?

Image copyright Gazit Polygraph Institute

(Legend: The X-axis indicates the time. The yellow bars represent each of the questions, starting at number four, then two, six, and so on. Blue lines are breathing rates. Red lines are blood pressure and heart rate. Thin black lines are body movements. Bold black line - galvanic skin reaction).

If you look at the thick black line in particular, it's easy to guess that I lied about the number six. And Mordi noticed it too.

The first step in the fight against a polygraph (lie detector) is a detailed study of how it works.

In short, the essence of the process is based on revealing a lie by measuring changes in parameters such as pulse, pressure, respiratory rate, blinking, body electrical conductivity, body muscle tension, brain activity and other parameters that are used to judge whether you are telling the truth or lying.

It is also good if you imagine in advance how the verification process itself will take place: First, they will tell you about the operation of the device, and then they will carry out the setup, asking you control questions to which you need to say yes or no. Questions such as "how old are you?" "State your name" etc. or they will ask you to guess a number, say from 1 to 10, and while you will be enumerated the possible numbers of what you have wondered, to which you must answer “no”. Thus, they want not only to set up the device itself, but also to convince you that the device is functioning as it should and its deception is impossible!

The next step in verification is directly reading you a long list of questions to be answered. Important questions will be heavily diluted with irrelevant ones. The questions will be repeated several times in order to get the most accurate data and exclude chance.

The final stage of your verification will be, analyzing the questions and answers and discussing them with you. They will talk to you on those topics to which the detector reacted, because your answer and its physical - emotional accompaniment may be associated not only with the fact that you lied, but also with the fact that you could have some kind of stressful situation... Further, after analyzing all the data obtained and on the basis of them, the specialist who conducted your check will give a conclusion. The person decides if you passed the test or not.

Testing tricks or how to cheat a lie detector!

Despite the constant improvement of technology, the lie detector has not learned to read your mind, and only analyzes your reaction! But the test results are capable of both blaming completely innocent people and exonerating malicious criminals. The easiest way to deceive a polygraph, a person who believes in his own lies or an actor who can skillfully get used to the role, as well as a pathological liar. All sorts of special agents, spies who have undergone appropriate training are also strong in this matter.

At the heart of preparation for successful passage test lies the need to evoke a reaction to insignificant questions while reducing it to significant ones. Kill the fear of exposure and the fear of the process itself.

You can resort to the method of distraction, that is, distract your own thoughts, think about something (for example, read a poem in your head, solve examples, etc.) while answering questions in parallel. Can't get distracted, try a drink more water before the test, then the main problem will be to sit in a chair because you want it or not, but you will think about the toilet (they even advise that!). Another method is to create an alternative emotional response, simultaneously with the question being asked, asking yourself a completely different question, and answering it by ear, plunging into it and experiencing, create images in front of your eyes. Practice it!

Control your breathing. Breathe normally, relax.

Often, during the test, they also resort to tricks. For example, they are trying with all their might to convince you that this particular polygraph cannot be deceived, show that you believe in it, express your willingness to cooperate, make sure they believe you! You may also be intimidated or, on the contrary, approach you with affection and kindness, and will persuade you to answer only the truth. Don't trust these people! Do not lose your vigilance! Don't be afraid of the test!

By the way, the trick may be of a different kind, you may be asked to wash your hands before the test, while you will be assured that then the test will be more accurate. And so you go to the restroom where a hidden camera is already installed in front of the washbasin and you are closely watched! If you don't wash your hands, it will naturally raise suspicion. Also, you cannot tell or show in any way that you have read and were interested in the principles of the polygraph. You may be asked directly, or they will go for the trick using special terms that you should not know, for example, ONZ (Deception not noticed).

Another trick is that it is much more important than the test results (which are not unambiguous) to extract some new information from you, to knock out a confession of guilt or push you to a frank confession! You should not look at the polygraph lines, you should not trust and trust the operator, he can put pressure on you, say, for example, that the device shows that you are lying, although in fact it is not, you need to stand your ground and not worry.

You should not answer more than necessary, and starts explaining your own answer, it is enough to answer yes or no. Answers should be made without hesitation and confidently, joking is also not worth it, just behave yourself and show by your appearance that you are ready to cooperate.

After the end of the test, you should behave calmly even if the operator left, if you are assured that you answered some question incorrectly, most likely this is a special technique, continue to insist on your own and do not change the answers already given.


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