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Breeding cattle on meat and milk. Construction Farms for the breeding of cattle. Export of purebred breeding cattle meat breeds from Russia

Livestock is a complex, but interesting and in demand by the subspecies of agriculture. Ramilable cattle as a business: profitability, feedback from farmers about meat and dairy production to help the novice entrepreneur.


Breeding large cattle To obtain and implement meat and milk, they are mainly engaged in the countryside, where enough space for the content of large animals. Without minimal knowledge and skills in agriculture, it is risky in agriculture, because, having allowed a small error in nutrition or care, you can lose all livestock.

Experts estimate business profitability about 50% with a payback period of 1.5-2 years. Consumer demand for meat and making products is always high, however, a farmer may have problems with the implementation at the desired price. Competition to local producers make up imported goods from other regions and abroad.

Business plan

It includes the following steps:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Legal registration.
  3. Equipment for the territory for breeding CRS.
  4. Formation of herd.
  5. Purchase of feed.
  6. Hiring workers.
  7. Sales products.
  8. Calculation of expenses and project revenues.

It must be borne in mind that the main income from the sale of meat products Farm will begin to receive approximately one year after the purchase of young people.

Market analysis

How to start implementing the project? Before proceeding with the production of cattle, it is necessary to explore future buyers -, meat processing plants, markets. Knowing the minimum purchasing cost, you can determine the degree of savings on initial stage project implementation and in the formation of the cost of products.

You also need to install direct competitors - Farm and Personal subscribed farms (FPC and LPH), livestock alliances. It makes no sense to launch the project near similar enterprises if they fully fill the market by products.

Based on the existing situation, you need to determine the basic parameters of the CRS farm - how many heads and the composition of the herd. To create a large-scale economy, millions of investments will be required, most likely, with the involvement of borrowed capital. A small cowber can be formalized much more economical on its own, but the income and prospects for the development of the CRS business plan will be very modest.


Activities for the production and sale of meat-glass products are regulated by several supervisory authorities:

  • fire inspection;
  • sanEpidemstation;
  • rospotrebnadzor;
  • veterinary service.

Required documents for work:

  1. Sanitary books on all employees.
  2. Passports on all animals.
  3. Permission to trade.
  4. Permission to work from fire supervision and SES.
  5. Certificate of laboratory studies of products.
  6. Certificates for products.
  7. Technical conditions for products.
  8. Veterinary testimony.

Retail sale of raw milk is not directly prohibited, but exist separate requirements By container and additional survey of products.

Territory, room and equipment

Farm plan includes:

  • corolnik for the content of the herd at the rate of 1.5 square meters. m. per animal;
  • pan for finding herd on fresh air at the rate of 10 square meters. m. on the head;
  • utility room for workers;
  • warehouse equipment and inventory;
  • storage room for feed;
  • premises for workpiece and storage products.

To accommodate all buildings and grazing of the herd, the territory will require an area of \u200b\u200bat least 200 square meters. m. Often the farmer already has in the use of the desired area. If not - you can rent an abandoned barber or empty lands, and build all the necessary buildings from scratch.

The room for the location of the cattle in the Farm Plan must comply with sanitary standards:

  1. Wooden floor with pure straw bedding.
  2. The height of the room is about 2.4 m.
  3. The height of the windows above the floor is 1.3 m.
  4. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe windows is 10% of the floor area.
  5. Wooden feeders with dimensions 0.6 m x 0.7 m x 1 m.
  6. Drinkers with clean fresh water.
  7. Walls are insulated by knitting straw.
  8. There must be good ventilation without drafts.

In practice, several techniques are used:

  • In separate boxes.
  • In general room with a thick bedding.
  • In a separated room with slit floors, passages for feed and manure.
  • In general, indoors without taking with equipped wooden flooring for recreation.

In the presence of free starting capital, you can equip a barn to the automated feed system for feeding feed and water, acquire techniques for cooking feed.

It is necessary to provide a system for uncleanness. The exhaust bedding must be frequent to change fresh. You can dispose of it on your territory or sell as fertilizer to agricultural producers.

For large quantities The head of the cattle will need a mini tractor with hinged equipment for the preparation of the hay, transportation of feed and manure cleaning.

In the farm must be in sufficient quantity Buckets, forks, shovels, overalls, binding for livestock, product storage packaging and large scales for weighing livestock. Delivery of milk and meat for sale is carried out by a cooling car.

Formation of herd

Different breeds have different characteristics. The cattle of meat directions is the Hermeford, Limousine, Salers and the Kazakh white breed. Dairy direction is the Red Steppe, Yaroslavl, Kholmogorsk breed. Mixed direction is the simmental and black and print of the breed.

The following varieties of CRS are most popular on the Russian territory:

  1. With black and motley skin - one year old bulls weigh up to 400 kg, and adult individuals up to tons. Quickly gain weight, not picky in nutrition. Cows weigh roughly half less, fishing make up from 5000 kg to 8000 kg in 305 days, depending on the location. Milk fatty - 3.5% - 4%. Well adapt to the characteristics of the climate.
  2. With a red skin - newborn calves weighing 30 kg to half a year, a mass is gaining 150-180 kg, adults weigh about 800 kg. Cows weighing 400-500 kg give 3000 kg - 5000 kg of milk per year.
  3. Simmental - calves cause large - 45 kg, they grow rapidly and in half a year weigh to 180 kg. Adult bull can dial a lot of over tons. Cows are also massive - from 600 kg to 1000 kg, on average, the milkness is 4000 kg - 5000 kg, and sometimes more than 12,000 kg.

For the beginning, the farmer will have enough to start a flock of 20 heads consisting of 14 bulls and 6 cows. A livestock economy where the young meat breed is purchased must issue everything required documents On the cattle. Experts advise to reduce the risk of disease and improper early feeding to take six-month calves and raise them to a weight gain of 500 kg - 800 kg. Milk destination cows are best to buy at a biennium.


From proper nutrition Health and weight gain of young bulls depends. Until six months, the basis of the diet is solid milk or its high-quality substitutes. In the future, the menu includes 1 animal per month:

  • compound feed - 92;
  • vegetables - 60;
  • hay - 150;
  • silo - 180;
  • vitamins and nutritious additives per 1 kg of live weight.

Acquire feed cheaper from wholesale suppliers, and it is best to deal with the workpiece in your farm.

In the warm season, bugs and burenks graze on the pasture, consuming green foot feed. For one individual accounts for about one and a half tons of feed. Also animals need large quantities drinking water.


Careful care for 20 CRS heads when complying with all veterinary and sanitary standards is impossible to exercise independently. Therefore, the farm needs to hire 2 employees with experience in cattle breeding.

The main responsibilities will be:

  1. Feeding herd.
  2. Manure cleaning.
  3. Cleaning animals.
  4. Maintain order on the territory.
  5. Billet hay.

To observe the health of animals and vaccination, you need to conclude a contract with a qualified veterinarian. During the rate of cattle, it is necessary to attract temporary workers of the relevant specialization.

Administrative work, product sales and accounting Farmer performs independently.

Sales of finished products

The main products of the production of livestock economy are beef and milk. Milk is sold all the time, in addition to the hotel period (2 months) and the same time feeding newborn calves. The billet of meat occurs in about a year after the acquisition of young and turning it to the commodity weight. From one CRS head you can get up to 70% of beef.

Additionally, you can implement:

  • skins for the manufacture of skin and fur;
  • wool;
  • young population;
  • milk processing products (sour milk, cheese, oil);
  • meat semi-finished products.

Sales can be organized both in retail and wholesale - in the markets, enter into contracts with processing enterprises, cafes, restaurants and shops.

The competitive advantage of farm products is its ecological purity.

Economic calculations

Investments in mini-farm for harvesting cattle consist of:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Business registration and permissions 50 000
2 Rent of the territory, 2 months 150 000
3 Equipment Korovnik I. utility rooms 200 000
4 Purchase of equipment and inventory 1 000 000
5 Acquisition of herd, 20 goals 450 000
6 Purchase of feed for a year 600 000
7 Salary workers, 2 months 80 000
8 other expenses 100 000
TOTAL 2 630 000

The largest component of the starting cost is the automation of the feeding process, the purchase of a tractor and car. It can be reduced, if before the profit is received, set the feed in manual mode, rent a tractor, and buy a used car.

Monthly farming costs are:

Additional costs of repair of equipment can occur, attracting livestock specialists, filling the livestock and feed stock. The annual cost of farm costs will be about 2 million rubles.

The main income of the farm receives from the sale of milk and meat. Moreover, milk is sold every day, and meat products will be available one year after the project starts. Six cows with average screw 20 liters per day give the annual fishing of 32,400 l. (On the basis of 2 months per hotels and 2 months, 10 liters will go to the feed of calves). With bulls, at the exit of 70%, there will be about 350 kg of beef from the head, in just a herd - 4,900 kg.

Prices, both for milk and meat differ very much in different regions. Suppose, milk products are purchased wholesale to 40 rubles / kg, retail to 50 rubles / kg; Meat products on the wholesale costs 300 rubles / kg, in retail 400 rubles / kg. Intermediaries and end users, products are implemented in equal ratios. Then annual income Farm is:

The business pays off on average for 18-24 months, and profitability is at the level of 55%. For agriculture, this is a favorable branch of capital investment.

Video: breeding of the cattle of meat and dairy direction.

The livestock breeding of Russia in 2015 provided 47.7% of all agricultural products produced in value terms. Accordingly, 52.3% accounted for the branch of the crop production of Russia.

The volume of the produced livestock production in all categories of farms (the commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms and the non-commercial sector of population) of Russia in 2015 in value terms is 2,400.4 billion rubles. With respect to 2014, the cost of livestock production increased by 14.5% or 303.8 billion rubles. For 5 years, it has grown by 71.9% or 1004.1 billion rubles. For 10 years - by 237.5% or 1689.2 billion rubles.

Sustainable livestock development of Russia is carried out mainly at the expense of industrial (commercial) sector. The cumulative volume of livestock farms produced in agricultural organizations and farms of the Russian Federation increased in relation to 2014 in actual prices by 18.0% or by 227.6 billion rubles. and reached 1,491.8 billion rubles in 2015. In relation to 2010, the growth was already 107.8% or 773.9 billion rubles, by 2005 - 336.8% or 1,50.3 billion rubles.

In the farms of the population, the cost of manufactured products in 2015 increased in relation to 2014 by 9.2% or 76.2 billion rubles. and reached 908.6 billion rubles, by 2010 - by 33.9% or 230.2 billion rubles, by 2005 - by 145.8% or 538.9 billion rubles.

Important! The dynamics of the production of livestock production of Russia here is presented in actual prices. Translated in price of the reporting year, given the annual level of inflation, a sustainable trend towards growth in some years is not observed.

Livestock in the regions of Russia

The largest livestock area of \u200b\u200bRussia is the Belgorod region. The share of the region in the total value of the livestock manufactured in the Russian Federation is 6.4% (products in the amount of 154.3 billion rubles).

The Republic of Tatarstan is in second place - 109.0 billion rubles. (4.5% in the all-Russian value of animal products manufactured).

The third place is occupied by the Krasnodar Territory with a share in the total value in the damage of 3.8% (91.1 billion rubles).

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located on the fourth line of the rating - 84.5 billion rubles (3.5% in the all-Russian value of livestock production in 2015).

Chelyabinsk region with its share of 3.2% (76.4 billion rubles) closes the five livestock regions in 2015. It is more than in 2014 by 20.5% or 13.0 billion rubles.

The Top 20 of the Livestock Regions of the Russian Federation also included: Rostov region (the cost of livestock production - 74.2 billion rubles, share in total cost - 3.1%), Voronezh region (69.0 billion rubles, 2.9%), Leningrad region (68.8 billion rubles, 2.9%), Altai region (68.0 billion rubles, 2.8%), Stavropol Territory (55.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Orenburg region (55.6 billion rubles, 2.3%), Republic of Dagestan (54.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Novosibirsk region (50.1 billion rubles, 2.1%), Krasnoyarsk region (50.0 billion rubles, 2, 1%), Kursk region (48.0 billion rubles, 2.0%), Sverdlovsk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Bryansk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Moscow Area including territories of New Moscow (45.6 billion rubles, 1.9%), Omsk region (45.0 billion rubles, 1.9%), Tambov region (43.4 billion rubles, 1.8%).

The top 20 regions accounted for 55.7% in the total value of all animal husbandry products in 2015, the top 30 regions - 71.2%.

Livestock cattle

The livestock livestock in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories has numbered 19,556.1 thousand heads. Including the livestock of the cows numbered 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the CRS population decreased by 1.8% or 358.3 thousand heads. The livestock of the cows decreased by 1.9% or 161.0 thousand heads.

The livestock of pigs in Russia in the farms of all categories as of October 1, 2016 has 23,25.8 thousand heads. The growth of the livestock for the year amounted to 4.5% (1,003.0 thousand heads).

The livestock of sheep and goats in farms of all categories per year decreased by 1.3% or 341.3 thousand heads to 26,159.5 thousand heads.

Russian cattle breeding in 2016

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016

The total number of cattle (dairy, meat, meat and dairy rocks) in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories has numbered 19,556.1 thousand heads. Including the livestock of cows amounted to 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock has decreased by 1.8% or 358.3 thousand heads, by October 1, 2014 - by 3.7% or 751.1 thousand heads, by October 1, 2013 - 5.1% or 1042.0 thousand heads.

The bulk of the flock of cattle in Russia is the cattle of dairy and milk-meat breeds. A general reduction in the livestock for a number of years is due to this CRS category. In relation to 2001, it, as a result of the optimization of production efficiency (sejection of low-productive cows), decreased by 29.0%. At the same time, as a result of the increase in the flue on 1 cow, the production of milk in the country is relatively stable (in the period from 2001 to 2015. fluctuates in the range of 31-33 million tons).

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the livestock of meat breeds of livestock.

The structure of the cattle of the cattle as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 43.5% had to be in agriculturalization, 12.4% - for peasant-farms, 44.1% on households.

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016 by region

The region with the largest livestock of cattle (the cumulative population of dairy, meat directions, including cows) as of October 1, 2016 - the Republic of Bashkortostan (1120.1 thousand heads). The share of the republic in the total number of cattle in Russia amounted to 5.8%. In relation to the same date 2015, the CRS population has decreased here by 8.8% or 108.5 thousand heads.

In second place, the Republic of Tatarstan is located in 1030.6 thousand heads (5.3% in the All-Russian population). In relation to October 1, 2015, the cutting of the livestock was 0.8% or 8.4 thousand heads.

The third place is the Republic of Dagestan with a share in the total population at the level of 5.2% (1007.5 thousand heads). In this region there is an increase in livestock livestock - for the year by 0.9% or 9.3 thousand heads.

The Altai Territory is located on the 4th place in the Russian Federation on the Pattern of CRS as of October 1, 2016 (820.1 thousand heads). The share in the entire population CRS was 4.2%. For the year, the livestock decreased by 2.7% or by 22.7 thousand heads.

In the Rostov region with the livestock in 601.0 thousand heads, the share in the All-Russian population was 3.1%. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 1.8% or 11.1 thousand heads.

6. Orenburg region - 577.0 thousand heads, the share in the total number of cattle in Russia - 3.0%.

7. Krasnodar region - 541.3 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Republic of Kalmykia - 523.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Transbaikal region - 485.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Novosibirsk region - 483.3 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Voronezh region - 464.1 thousand heads, 2.4%.

12. Bryansk region - 463.4 thousand heads, 2.4%.

13. Omsk region - 434.0 thousand heads, 2.2%.

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 432.6 thousand heads, 2.2%.

15. Saratov region - 430.3 thousand heads, 2.2%.

16. Republic of Buryatia - 415.3 thousand heads, 2.1%.

17. Stavropol Territory - 382.8 thousand heads, 2.0%.

18. Udmurt Republic - 350.2 thousand heads, 1.8%.

19. Chelyabinsk region - 346.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

20. Irkutsk region - 315.6 thousand heads, 1.6%.

The number of cattle as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20, there were 8,232.1 thousand heads (42.3% in the total cattle of CRS in Russia).

The production of beef in Russia (cumulative, both from dairy and meat breeds) in January-September 2016, according to the calculations of the AB-Center amounted to 953.0 thousand tons in recalculating for slaughter weight (1,677.2 thousand tons in Live Weight According to Rosstat).

In relation to January-September 2015, the production of beef decreased by 1.3% (by 12.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight). For two years, in relation to January-September 2014, the decline was 2.9% (28.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight), for 3 years the production of beef in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.0% (by 9.2 thousand . tons).

Production growth is observed only in peasant farms, where in January-September 2016 produced 80.6 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight. Over the past 3 years, by January-September 2013, the increase in beef production here was 33.4% (20.0 thousand tons).

In agricultural organizations for 3 years, the production volume decreased by 0.1% (by 0.2 thousand tons), in households of the population - by 5.5% (by 29.1 thousand tons).

In January-September 2016, 39.5% accounted for 39.5% in January-September 2016, about 52.1% on households of the population, 8.5% for peasant farms.

In recent years, not only the reduction of beef production, but also the import of this type of meat in the Russian Federation, resulting in its consumption.

Beef production in 2016 by region

Important! Data on the production of beef in the regions of Russia is presented in recalculation for slaughter weight.

The main manufacturer of beef in Russia in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan. During this period, its share in the total production of beef in the Russian Federation reached 7.1% (67.9 thousand tons). In relation to January-September 2015, the volume decreased by 13.1% or 10.2 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of production of beef in January-September 2016, there is a Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.5% (52.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight). In the republic, the volume of production with respect to the same period of 2015 increased by 5.3% or 2.6 thousand tons.

Rostov region ranks third in the production of beef in January-September 2016 - 41.4 thousand tons (4.3% in total production). It also has an increase of 5.2% or 2.0 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory made 40.8 thousand tons of beef in the slaughter weight in January-September 2016, which is 3.9% or 1.6 thousand tons less than in the same period of 2015. The share of the Altai Territory in the All-Russian Beef Production in 2016 amounted to 4.3% (4th place in the Russian Federation).

In January-September 2016, the Krasnodar Territory produced 40.2 thousand tons of beef (4.2% in total production, 5th place in the Russian Federation). Growth towards January-September 2015 was 2.1% or 0.8 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 Beef Producers

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 38.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in the total production of beef - 4.1%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (27.6 thousand tons, 2.9%).

8. Saratov region (26.7 thousand tons, 2.8%).

9. Volgograd region (26.4 thousand tons, 2.8%).

10. Bryansk region (24.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

11. Stavropol Territory (23.7 thousand tons, 2.5%).

12. Novosibirsk region (21.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

13. Orenburg region (21.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory (21.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

15. Omsk region (19.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Samara region (18.1 thousand tons, 1.9%).

17. Oryol region (16.8 thousand tons, 1.8%).

18. Belgorod region (15.3 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region (15.2 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Republic of Kalmykia (15.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of beef in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the Top 20 amounted to 378.7 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (39.7% in the total production of beef).

Milk production in 2016

Milk production in Russia in the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. In relation to the same period of 2015, milk supids decreased by 0.7% or 163.0 thousand tons. By the same period of 2014 - by 0.9% or by 224.4 thousand tons, by January-September 2013 - by 0.8% or 203.8 thousand tons.

Production growth occurred in agricultural organizations and peasant farms. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in agricultural organizations, milk production increased by 5.8% or 632.2 thousand tons. In peasant farms, growth amounted to 15.0% or 210.4 thousand tons. In the farms of the population there is a decrease in production volumes by 8.8% or 1,046.4 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% accounted for agriculturalization, 45.3% on population farms, 6.7% - for peasant farms.

Milk production in 2016 by region

The leader in the production of milk in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1,425.5 thousand tons). The share of the republic in the total production of milk in the Russian Federation amounted to 5.9%. In relation to January-September 2015, there was an increase in production by 0.4% or 5.5 thousand tons.

In second place is the Republic of Tatarstan with indicators of 1,373.8 thousand tons (5.7% in common milk's propellants in the Russian Federation). The growth in relation to the same period of 2015 amounted to 1.0% or 13.8 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory takes the third place with a share in the total production at the level of 4.6% (1,112.5 thousand tons). There is a decrease in milk boring in relation to January-September 2015 by 0.9% or 10.6 thousand tons.

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September-2016, the nadids amounted to 1,018.8 thousand tons (4.2% in the all-Russian production of milk). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 1.2% or 12.1 thousand tons.

Closes the top five regions leaders in the production of milk in January-September 2016, the Rostov region - 846.3 thousand tons (3.5% in total milk legs). A decrease in relation to January-September 2015 was 0.02% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 milk-producing regions In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 660.6 thousand tons, a share in the All-Russian milk production - 2.7%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (645.1 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Orenburg region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Saratov region (587.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Udmurt Republic (580.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Krasnoyarsk Territory (562.2 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Novosibirsk region (535.3 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Omsk region (512.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Stavropol Territory (504.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (501.2 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Nizhny Novgorod region (474.7 thousand tons, 2.0%).

17. Moscow region (472.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

18. Leningrad region (458.9 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Kirov region (458.4 thousand tons, 1.9%).

20. Tyumen region (426.4 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total production of milk in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 10,254.7 thousand tons (42.7% in the total volume of milk production).

If interesting:

Meat cattle breeding of Russia: analysis of the development of the industry in 2011-2014.

Branch of meat cattle breeding Russia has undergone significant changes over the past few years. Back in 2010, as such it was practically absent. By the beginning of 2011, livestock livestock meat breeds of cattle In the agricultural organizations of the country amounted to 467 thousand heads. Meat belt of Russiathe Republic of Kalmykia, Orenburg region, Chelyabinsk region, Rostov region, Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan are determined. The proportion of these regions in the aggregate number of livestock of meat breeds among agricultural organizations was 58%. Also in the top 10 regions included Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Tatarstan and the Trans-Baikal Territory. The content and cultivation of livestock was carried out mainly in small and medium-sized farms.

In 2010-2013, a series was implemented investment projects In the field of meat cattle breeding, including the largest project for the production of highly productive meat breeds of cattle - in the Bryansk region.

Already following the results of 2011, the Bryansk region (5.1% of the total number of meat cattle in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation) entered the Top 10 regions in the number of RSR meat breeds. By the beginning of 2014, the share of the Bryansk region in general meat breed livestockAccording to the calculations "AB-Center", increased to 22.6%.

By the beginning of 2014, Voronezh and Kaliningrad region included in the number of key regions for the cultivation of cattle meat breeds.

Dynamics of the growth of the cattle of meat breeds in 2011-2013. It was also observed in the Chelyabinsk region, the Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Mordovia, the Chechen Republic, as well as in some other regions of the Russian Federation. In the Lipetsk region, where one of the first industrial projects in Russia was implemented in Russia breeding cattle meat breeds, including slaughter, processing and implementing high-quality beef in retail chains, for 2013 the number of cattle meat breeds, according to Rosstat, has decreased from 11.04 thousand heads to 7.37 thousand heads.

The total number of cattle of meat breeds agricultural organizations by the beginning of 2014 reached 690.7 thousand heads.

For formation branches of meat cattle breeding In recent years, large-scale imports of high-quality purebred tribal animals of meat directions are carried out. Since the beginning of 2012 to May 2014 inclusive, import purebred breeding cattle meat breeds In Russia, according to the "AB-Center" was estimated, amounted to 143 thousand heads. Custom value import of cattle meat breeds During this period was at the marks of 13.4 billion rubles. The domestic tribal base is also developed. As of the beginning of 2014, Russia has numbered 278 in the state tribal register of farms engaged in cultivation Cats of meat breeds. In 2009, there were 185.

Mature breed livestock in Russia

Cattle's livestock In the agricultural organizations of Russia, not related to small business entities, by the beginning of 2014 amounted to 690.7 thousand heads. For the year it increased by 18.6% or 108.4 thousand heads, for two years - by 35.9% or 182.5 thousand heads. For three years, the livestock of meat breeds in agricultural organizations increased by 47.9% or 223.7 thousand heads.

The overall head of the cattle in the agricultural organizations of the country, including the cattle of dairy and milk-meat breeds, at the beginning of 2014 was 8,800.5 thousand heads. Over the past three years, it decreased by 4.9% or 456 thousand heads.

Share cattle meat direction By the beginning of 2014, the AB-Center estimates, amounted to 7.8% of the total flock of cattle in the country's agricultural organizations. In early 2011, this figure was at 5.0%.

The livestock of meat cattle in the regions of Russia

The Bryansk region is the region with the greatest livestock of meat breeds. As of January 1, 2014, the agricultural organizations contained 155.8 thousand heads of the cattle of meat directions. Share of the Bryansk region in general meat breed livestock Among the agricultural organizations, according to the calculations of the AB-Center, is 22.6%. In early 2011, the number cattle meat breeds Here was only 1.1 thousand heads.

In second place in numbers Cattle meat direction - Republic of Kalmykia with livestock in agricultural organizations at the level of 60.2 thousand heads. In general, in the republic, the indicator can be significantly higher, since meat cattle here is actively growing in peasant farms and in farms. Matter livestock In agricultural organizations, Kalmykia over the past three years has decreased by 8.3%.

Third place in numbers Cats of meat breeds Belongs to the Orenburg region of 53.2 thousand heads. For the year, the growth of the livestock was 0.9%, but over the past three years, the flow rate of meat referrals has decreased here - by 9.1%.

The livestock of meat cattle in the Chelyabinsk region for the year increased by 3.3%, for three years - by 5.6% and by the beginning of 2014 amounted to 45.92 thousand heads.

Fifth place in cattle maintenance of meat breedsAccording to the Rating "AB-Center", it takes the Stavropol Territory - 40.7 thousand heads. For the year, the growth of the livestock here was 3.5%, in three years - 16.8%.

In the sixth place - the Voronezh region. Cattle Pattern Meat Destination In the Voronezh region reached 35.42 thousand heads. For the year it increased by 78.4%.

In the Rostov region, which occupies the seventh place in numbers Cattle meat direction, on the contrary, the number of cattle is reduced from the year. By the beginning of 2014, it was 31.0 thousand heads. For comparison, in early 2011, the indicators were at 32.1 thousand heads.

Similar trends are observed in the Republic of Bashkortostan (8th place), where for the year cattle Pattern Meat Destination decreased by 12.2% to 27.2 thousand heads.

At the ninth place - the Kaliningrad region, where the livestock of meat breeds of livestock in early 2014 was 26.2 thousand heads.

The tenth place occupies the Altai Territory with the meat polling cattle breeds At the level of 21.1 thousand heads.

At the top 10 of the regions, in early 2014, 71.9% of livestock of meat breeds contained in the country's agricultural organizations.

Also large cattle regions of Russia, where industrial growing meat breeds of cattle, are the Krasnodar region (19.2 thousand heads), Transbaikal region (17.0 thousand heads), Volgograd region (13.3 thousand heads), Republic of Tatarstan (11.6 thousand heads), Saratov region (10 , 4 thousand heads), Novosibirsk region (9.3 thousand heads), Tyumen region (8.2 thousand heads), Republic of Mordovia (7.4 thousand heads), Chechen Republic (7.4 thousand goals) , Lipetsk region (7.4 thousand heads). In agricultural organizations of all other regions of Russia (other than 20 regions), contains 83.0 thousand heads. cattle meat breeds.

Tribal base of Russia meat cattle breeding

As of January 1, 2014, according to the state tribal register, there were 278 breeding farms in the field of meat cattle breeding. Including 53 tribal factory and 225 tribal reproductors. For comparison, in early 2009, there were 185 tribal farms dealing with the meat direction of CRS (42 tribal factory and 143 reproductors), in early 2010 - 223 tribal farms (45 tribal plants and 178 tribal reproductors), in early 2013 - 305 tribal farms (54 tribal factory and 251 tribal reproductor).

Register of a tribal base of animal husbandrypublished on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as of May 12, 2014, displays data on the uterine population of meat cattle in 153 farms out of 278. The total population of mother-in-law cattle, in farms, where their number is indicated, is 75.9 thousand heads.

Breed of meat cattlecontained in the tribal farms of Russia (according to the State Tribal Register): Kalmyk breed of meat cattle, Herreford, Kazakh Belogol, Aberdeen-Angus, Irgeon, Limousine breed of meat cattle, Russian comolet, Galovoe, Salers and Sharolese breed of meat cattle.

Of the total number tribal farms of meat cattle breedingAs of January 1, 2014, 97 farms were engaged in breeding tribal livestock of the Gerford breed, 88 farms - the breeding of the Kalmyk breed of livestock, 54-Kazakh Belogolova, 24 - Aberdeen-Angus, 7 - Limousine.

Import of tribal cattle meat breeds

One of the most important directions for the formation branches of Russia meat cattle breedingis an import of purebred breeding cattle. Since the beginning of 2012, on the current date purebred tribal cattle Meat breeds to Russia, according to AB-Center, amounted to 143 thousand heads, which is comparable with the increase in the total cattle of the cattle of meat breeds in the country for this period. total cost import of breeding cattle meat breeds For two and a half years, amounted to 13.4 billion rubles. During the period under review, the most intensively cattle was imported in 2012, in 2013, deliveries amounted to 75% of the 2012 level, in January-May 2014 - just over 4% of the 2012 level. The largest regions of the recipients of the purebred cattle of the meat destination are Bryanskaya, Kaliningrad and Voronezh regions.

Import tribal nonperture For the period under review amounted to almost 43 thousand heads, tribal chicks - about 95 thousand goals, tribal bulls - More than 5 thousand heads.

Aberdeen-Angus breed of meat cattle - Imports of purebred tribal animals of this breed amounted to 97.0% of the total importation.

Herreford breedmeat cattle - 1.9% of the total importation.

Weather meat cattle Mandolong - 0.4%.

Limousine breed Meat cattle - 0.3%.

Sharolese breed Meat cattle - 0.3%.

Export of purebred breeding cattle meat breeds from Russia

Export of purebred tribal cattle from Russia Practically not carried out. Abroad Over the past two and a half years, about 400 heads of breed animals Kalmyk breed of meat cattle were sent .

unfortunately, more recent data on tribal work is not yet

Meat production

The total production of meat of all species in Russia in the farms of all categories in live weight in January-September 2016 amounted to 9,474.4 thousand tons (6,781.6 thousand tons in recalculation of slaughter weight). In relation to January-September 2015, the volume of production in live weight increased by 4.7% or 423.5 thousand tons (in the slaughter weight, the growth was 5.1% or 328.0 thousand tons).

Dynamics of meat production in Russia from 1991 to 2015.

The Russian meat market in recent years is formed mainly at the expense of internal production (imported deliveries formed it 10-15 years ago). The volume of meat production of all species in Russia in a slaughter weight in all categories of farms in 2015 amounted to 9,483.9 thousand tons, which is 4.6% or 413.3 thousand tons more than in 2014. For 5 years (with respect to 2010), the volumes increased by 32.3% (by 2,317.1 thousand tons), for 10 years (by 2005) - by 90.1% (by 4,494.4 thousand. tons). For the first time, the volume of meat production in 1991 was exceeded when it was 9,375.2 thousand tons.

At the same time, the production of pork in 2015 in the slaughter weight amounted to 3087.4 thousand tons. For the year it increased by 33.8% (by 113.5 thousand tons), for 5 years - by 32.5% (by 756.6 thousand tons), for 10 years - by 96.8% (at 1518 , 3 thousand tons). In relation to 1991, the production of pork was almost completely restored (then it was 3,189.7 thousand tons in the slaughter weight).

Beef production, on the contrary, has a steady tendency to reduce. In 2015, the production volumes of this type of meat amounted to 1,636.2 thousand tons in the slaughter weight. During the year, the reduction was 1.1% (17.9 thousand tons), in 5 years - 5.3% (91.1 thousand tons), in 10 years - 9.6% (173.0 thousand tons) . In relation to 1991, the production of beef in the Russian Federation declined 2.4 times.

Reducing the production of beef over the past 10 years is primarily due to the optimization of the population of the dairy herd - the indicators of the flux on one cow grow, while the content of low-product livestock becomes inappropriate.

The development of meat cattle breeding has not yet fully ensures the overall increase in indicators (total beef production from meat and dairy breeds).

The volume of poultry meat production is most actively growing. In 2015, they reached 4,481.6 thousand tons. For the year, the increase was 7.7% (320.2 thousand tons), in 5 years - 57.4% (1,634.8 thousand tons). For 10 years, the indicators rose 3.2 times or 3,093.8 thousand tons. The volumes produced in 1991 are 2.2 times.

The production of lamb and kozdyatins in 2015, in relation to 2014, somewhat decreased - by 0.8% to 202.2 thousand tons in the slaughter weight. At the same time, over 5 years, the increase was 9.5%, in 10 years - 31.2%.

Production of other types of meat (Konified, Olenina, Rabbit Meat) in 2015 is at 76.4 thousand tons. During the year, the reduction in volumes was 0.8%, in 5 years - 1.1%. However, in 10 years, the volumes grew by 10.3%.

In the structure of meat production over a number of years, there is a significant reduction in the proportion of beef and an increase in the share of poultry meat. The share of pork remains approximately the same marks. In 2015, the proportion of pork was at the level of 32.6%, beef - 17.3%, poultry meat - 47.3%, lamb and kglyatns - 2.1%, other types of meat - 1.0%.

Import meat

The Russian meat market is becoming less dependent on imports. In 2015, the lowest volumes of meat imports in the Russian Federation are observed, at least over the past 15 years. The total volume of meat imports of all types and offal in 2015 amounted to 1,171.8 thousand tons, which is 31.4% or 536.7 thousand tons less than in 2014.

Most of all in physical terms, the volume of imports of beef was reduced - by 207.8 thousand tons and poultry meat - by 203.2 thousand tons. The import of pork decreased in the amount of less substantially - by 69.1 thousand tons.

The devaluation of the ruble, as well as the restrictions on deliveries from a number of countries, introduced in August 2014 contributed to the reduction of meat importation in the Russian Federation in 2015.

Export meat

2015 is characterized by the greatest volumes of meat exports from Russia, which reached 83.7 thousand tons. The main volume of exported meat falls on the poultry meat, the sub-products of pigs and pork.

During the year, the total exports of meat exports from the Russian Federation increased by 6.9%, in 5 years - 4.4 times, in 10 years - by 118.8 times.

Volume of the Russian meat market, consumption, self-sufficiency

Volume russian market Meat in 2015 amounted to 10,571.9 thousand tons, which is 1.2% less than in 2014 and 3.0% less than in 2013. The reduction in the volume of the market is due to the fact that the increase in production volumes was somewhat lower than the amount of import reduction. However, in 5 years, the market volume increased by 6.5%, in 10 years - by 28.6%.

In 2015, the minimum threshold of food independence on meat was exceeded. According to the Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation, the self-sufficiency of the Russian Federation meat should be at least 85%.

In 2014, the self-sufficiency of Russia with meat of all kinds, according to the calculations of the Expert and Analytical Center of Agrobusiness "AB-Center", amounted to 84.8%, in 2015 - reached 89.7%. 10 years ago, the figures were 60.7%.

However, in 2014-2015. There is a reduction in consumption volumes (from 76.0 kg in 2013 to 72.2 kg in 2015 - for 2 years a reduction of 5.0%), which is due to both a shortage of actually disposable incomes of the population and the fact that the growth volumes production is somewhat lower than the volume of falling imports. At the same time, the comparison for a longer period shows a significant increase. For 5 years, the shower consumption of meat grew by 3.9%, for 10 years - by 26.1%.

Prices for meat

The Russian meat market in 2015 was characterized by a significant increase in prices. To a lesser extent, the rise in price touched the poultry meat.

The average annual prices of manufacturers for pork semi-adhesives in 2015, in relation to 2014, strengthened by 18.6% to 174.5 rubles / kg with VAT, the prices for beef semi-suits rose by 25.4% to 213.5 rubles / kg. Broiler carcass prices amounted to 102.9 rubles / kg - an increase of 12.1%, which is below the average inflation that in 2015 was 12.91%.

For the year, retail prices for pork pork increased by 10.1% to 363.7 rubles / kg, on pork N / K - 12.1% to 276.8 rubles / kg. Beef used in the retail segment for the year strengthened in price by 18.3% to 446.4 rubles / kg, beef n / k - by 20.9% to 308.6 rubles / kg. Prices for broiler carcass rose by 13.0% to 136.2 rubles / kg, the price of chicken ham - by 13.4% to 156.6 rubles / kg.

The structure of the production of all types of meat in January-September 2016 in the slaughter weight, according to the calculations "AB-Center", was distributed as follows: 49.2% accounted for poultry meat, 34.8% - on pork, 14.1% - Beef, 1.6% - on lamb and kozdyatin, 0.4% - on other types of meat.

In the total production of meat of all species in Russia specific gravity Agricultural organizations amounted to 78.5%, households of the population - 18.5%, and farms, 3.0% peasant farms.

In January-September 2016, 3,030.6 thousand tons of pork pork were produced in Russia (2 357.0 thousand tons in recalculation to slaughter weight). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 10.9% (by 231.9 thousand tons in the slaughter weight). The structure of pork production in January-September 2016 was distributed as follows: 84.4% accounted for agriculturalization, 14.3% on the farm, 1.3% - for peasant farms.

Russia pig breeding in 2016

Russia's pig breeding in 2016 is distinguished by the high rates of the growth of meat production. The essential increase in the pigstock of pigs and production of pork in the Russian Federation in recent years has contributed to the fall in the volume of imports, which occurred as a result of the devaluation of the ruble, as well as restrictions imposed on the supply of pork from a number of countries (from August 2014).

Livestock pigs in 2016

The population of pigs in Russia in 2016 in the farms of all categories as of October 1 has 23,256.8 thousand heads. The growth of the livestock for the year amounted to 4.5% or 1,003.0 thousand heads. For 2 years (with respect to the data on October 1, 2014), the population of pigs in the Russian Federation increased by 12.3% or 2,543.5 thousand goals, for 3 years - by 14.6% or 2,963.6 thousand . goals.

In the structure of the livestock of pigs, 81.5% accounted for agriculturalization, 16.5% - on households of the population, 2.0% - for peasant farms.

Livestock pigs in 2016 by region

The region with the greatest lines of pigs - the Belgorod region - 4,240.2 thousand heads, which is 5.4% or by 217.5 thousand heads more than on October 1, 2015. The region's share in the All-Russian population of pigs amounted to 18.2%.

The second place is occupied by the Kursk region, where the population of pigs as of October 1, 2016 has grown in relation to the similar date of 2015 by 7.7% or 103.6 thousand heads and has numbered 1,447.4 thousand heads. The proportion of the region commonly in the Russian Federation was 6.2%.

In the Tambov region, the population of pigs was 1,010.6 thousand heads, which is 3.0% or by 29.1 thousand heads exceeds the indicators for the same date of 2015 (3rd place in the ranking of the regions of the Russian Federation). The share in the All-Russian population was at the level of 4.3%.

In the Chelyabinsk region in 2016, the livestock of pigs increased over the year by 11.0% to 922.3 thousand heads. According to this indicator, the region in the 4th place in Russia (4.0% of the total pigstock of pigs in the Russian Federation).

The Pskov region as of October 1, 2016 took the 5th line of the ranking. The population of pigs there were 805.9 thousand heads. The region's share in the All-Russian population was 3.5%. During the year, the livestock increased by 35.4% or by 210.6 thousand heads.

IN Top 20 regions on pigtail

6. Voronezh region - 804.8 thousand heads, share in the All-Russian population - 3.5%.

7. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 656.2 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Altai Krai - 619.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Omsk region - 610.0 thousand heads, 2.6%.

10. Lipetsk region - 583.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Tver region - 511.9 thousand heads, 2.2%.

12. Tatarstan Republic - 497.6 thousand heads, 2.1%.

13. Republic of Bashkortostan - 481.4 thousand heads, 2.1%.

14. Rostov region - 457.2 thousand heads, 2.0%.

15. Kemerovo region - 438.2 thousand heads, 1.9%.

16. Krasnodar region - 432.8 thousand heads, 1.9%.

17. Novosibirsk region - 407.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

18. Stavropol Territory - 403.9 thousand heads, 1.7%.

19. Tyumen region - 364.5 thousand heads, 1.6%.

20. The Republic of Mordovia - 354.3 thousand heads, 1.5%.

The population of pigs as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 numbered 7,207.4 thousand heads (31.0% in the total pigstope of pigs in Russia).

Pork production in 2016

Pork production in Russia in January-September 2016 amounted to 2,357.0 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight (3,030.6 thousand tons in live weight). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 10.9% or 231.9 thousand tons in the slaughter weight. For 2 years, in relation to January-September 2014, production growth amounted to 16.5% (333.2 thousand tons), in 3 years - 23.2% (443.9 thousand tons).

All production growth occurred at the expense of agricultural organizations. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in agricultural organizations, the volume of pork production increased by 562.8 thousand tons or 39.4%. At the same time, in the farms of the population, it decreased by 113.8 thousand tons (by 25.3%). In peasant farms, there is also a decrease in indicators - by 14.6% or by 5.2 thousand tons.

The structure of pork production in January-September 2016 was distributed as follows: 84.4% accounted for agriculturalization, 14.3% on the farm, 1.3% - for peasant farms.

Pork production in 2016 by region

Belgorod region with a pork production of 450.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight and share in all-Russian production at 19.1% is located at 1st place in January-September 2016 among the regions of the Russian Federation for this indicator. The growth towards January-September 2015 amounted to 4.1% or 17.8 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of production, there is a Kursk region with a share of 7.0% of the total volume of pork production in Russia (165.7 thousand tons). In the Kursk region in relation to January-September 2015, production increased by 11.4% or by 16.9 thousand tons.

The third place occupies the Tambov region - 110.6 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (4.7% in total in Russia). The region also has an increase in the production volume with respect to the same period of 2015 by 9.7% or 9.8 thousand tons.

In the Pskov region with a share of 3.7% (86.2 thousand tons), the growth of pork production in relation to January-September 2015 amounted to 46.9% or 27.5 thousand tons.

In the Voronezh region, in January-September 2016 produced 81.9 thousand tons of pork (3.5% of the total volume of pork production in Russia). In the Voronezh region in relation to January-September 2015, production has grown by 40.2% or 23.5 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 regions of pork manufacturers In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Lipetsk region (production volume - 65.4 thousand tons, share in the total volume of pork production -2.8%).

7. Chelyabinsk region (65.1 thousand tons, 2.8%).

8. Krasnoyarsk Territory (59.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

9. Tver region (57.3 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Omsk region (54.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

11. Republic of Tatarstan (54.1 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Krasnodar region (51.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Altai region (50.0 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Republic of Bashkortostan (45.8 thousand tons, 1.9%).

15. Rostov region (40.0 thousand tons, 1.7%).

16. Sverdlovsk region (38.6 thousand tons, 1.6%).

17. Bryansk region (38.1 thousand tons, 1.6%).

18. Stavropol Territory (36.4 thousand tons, 1.5%).

19. Republic of Mari El (36.0 thousand tons, 1.5%).

20. Novosibirsk region (34.8 thousand tons, 1.5%).

The total pork production in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 735.6 thousand tons (31.2% in the total volume of pork production).

Beef production in 2016. In January-September 2016, the production of beef in Russia was at the level of 1,677.2 thousand tons in live weight (953.0 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight). In relation to January-September 2015, it decreased by 1.3%. In January-September 2016, 39.5% accounted for 39.5% in January-September 2016, about 52.1% on households of the population, 8.5% for peasant farms.

Beef production in Russia 2001-2015

Beef production in Russia over a number of years has a steady tendency to reduce. The overwhelming part of the herd of cattle in Russia is the cattle of dairy breeds. Beef, produced in the Russian Federation, is mainly meat, obtained as a result of the chipping of dairy cows, as well as the growing and slaughter of dairy breeds.

In recent years, high-quality indicators of the branch of dairy cattle breeding (villas on 1 cow) have increased significantly. To meet the internal demand for milk, it is no longer necessary to contain as many cows as before, with the result that the livestock of cows, and accordingly, the number of livestock sent to slaughter has decreased.

Meat cattle breeding in the Russian Federation develops dynamically, but so far does not determine the overall situation with the production of beef in the Russian Federation.

The production of beef in Russia in 2015, according to Rosstat, amounted to 2,879.5 thousand tons in live weight (1,636.2 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight, an ab-center assessment).

During the year, production decreased by 1.1% or by 31.5 thousand tons, for 5 years it decreased by another 5.7% or 173.6 thousand tons, for 10 years - by 10.1% or 325 , 2 thousand tons in live weight, for 5 years it has decreased by another 5.7% or 173.6 thousand tons, for 10 years - by 10.1% or 325.2 thousand tons in live weight.

Beef production in Russia by categories of farms

The volume of beef production in the commercial sector (agricultural organization and peasant farms) in 2015 amounted to 1134.3 thousand tons in live weight (39.4% of the total production of beef in Russia), of which 908.4 thousand produced in agricultural organizations. Tons, in peasant farms - 225.9 thousand tons.

At the same time, production in agricultural organizations is reduced, in peasant-farms, in the context of the wide distribution of dairy farms - increases.

Compared to 2010, general production in the commercial sector increased by 0.1% or 0.7 thousand tons, for 10 years decreased by 8.6% or 106.7 thousand tons.

The production of beef in the farms of the population in 2015 amounted to 1,745 thousand tons in live weight (60.6% of the total production), compared with 2010 it decreased by 9.3% or by 173.6 thousand tons, 10 years - by 11.1% or by 218.5 thousand tons.

Production of beef by regions of Russia

Production of beef in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The first place for the production of beef in live weight in the farms of all categories is occupied by the Republic of Bashkortostan, where the share of the all-Russian beef production reaches 7.8% or 223.6 thousand tons (127.0 thousand tons in the slaughter weight). This indicator exceeds last year's 3.6% or by 7.7 thousand tons, but less than a five-year limit indicator by 20.9% or 59.1 thousand tons and a decade ago by 2.0% or 4.5 thousand . tons

Production of beef in the Republic of Tatarstan. In the second place in the production of the Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.2% of the total production in Russia (150.2 thousand tons in live weight, 85.4 thousand tons in the slaughter). In this region, production for the year decreased by 1.4% or 2.1 thousand tons, for 5 years - by 9.4% or 15.6 thousand tons, for 10 years - by 0.6% or on 0.9 thousand tons.

Beef production in the Altai Territory. The third place belongs to the Altai Territory - 118.3 thousand tons in live weight and 67.2 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (4.1% in total in Russia). There is also a tendency to reduce production, since 2014 - by 2.6% or by 3.2 thousand tons, from 2010 - by 4.0% or by 4.9 thousand tons, from 2005 - on 0 , 8% or by 0.9 thousand tons.

Beef production in Krasnodar Territory. In the Krasnodar Territory with a share of 3.9% and volume - 111.8 thousand tons in live weight (63.5 thousand tons in the slaughter), the same situation is observed: for the year, production fell by 5.7% or 6, 7 thousand tons, for 5 years - by 8.6% or 10.5 thousand tons, for 10 years - by 9.2% or 11.4 thousand tons.

Beef production in the Republic of Dagestan. In the Republic of Dagestan in 2015, 106.2 thousand tons of beef in live weight were produced (60.3 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which amounted to 3.7% of the total beef production in Russia. In this region, in contrast to the previous ones, the production of beef production in live weight increased from year to year, compared with the last goal they rose by 2.8% or 2.9 thousand tons, from 2010 - by 12.1% or by 11.5 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 42.9% or by 31.9 thousand tons.

Beef production in the Orenburg region. Orenburg region with a share of 3.3% of the All-Russian production is in the sixth place in the regions ranking in 2015 (94.6 thousand tons in live weight and 53.8 thousand tons in the slaughter). Since last year, the volumes fell by 7.1% or 7.3 thousand tons, from 2010 - by 10.4% or by 11.0 thousand tons, since 2005 there is an increase in volumes by 12.9% or on 10.8 thousand tons.

Production of beef in the Voronezh region. In the Voronezh region (90.8 thousand tons in live weight and 51.6 thousand tons in the slaughter, 3.2% of the total volumes of Russia), as in the Republic of Dagestan, a tendency towards the growth of beef production is traced. For 1 year - by 3.8% or by 3.3 thousand tons, for 5 years - by 23.8% or by 17.4 thousand tons, for 10 years - by 10.8% or 8.8 thousand tons.

Production of beef in the Rostov region. Rostov region with production volumes 90.0 thousand tons in live weight (51.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight) and a share of 3.1% takes eighth place in the ranking of beef manufacturers. In relation to 2014, the growth was 0.9% or 0.8 thousand tons, by 2010 - 14.2% or 11.2 thousand tons, by 2005 - 17.5% or 13.4 thousand tons .

Production of beef in the Bryansk region. The Bryansk region is located in the ninth place - 77.8 thousand tons in live weight (about 44.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight), 2.7% of the total production of beef in the country. The increase in production volumes in this region for the year amounted to 188.4% or 50.8 thousand tons, for 5 years - 165.4% or 48.5 thousand tons, for 10 years - 124.1% or 43.1 thousand . tons It should be noted that the Bryansk region is a leader in the production of beef derived from meat breeds of livestock.

Beef production in the Saratov region. The top ten leaders in the production of beef, the Saratov region with a volume of 73.2 thousand tons in live weight (41.6 thousand tons in the slaughter weight) and a fraction of 2.5% in general production. In this region, there is a decrease in the production of beef, compared with 2014 - by 2.6% or 2.0 thousand tons, since 2010 - by 29.7% or by 30.9 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 10.4% or 8.5 thousand tons.

In the top 20 largest manufacturers of beef, in addition to these regions, in 2015 also included:

11. The Republic of Kalmykia (the volume of production of beef - 68.2 thousand tons in live weight, in a slaughter weight - 38.8 thousand tons, a share in the total production of beef in the Russian Federation - 2.4%).

12. Krasnoyarsk region (65.8 thousand tons in live weight, 37.4 thousand tons in slaughter, 2.3%).

13. Volgograd region (63.4 thousand tons in live weight, 36.0 thousand tons in slaughter, 2.2%).

14. Omsk region (61.7 thousand tons in live weight, 35.1 thousand tons in slaughter, 2.1%).

15. Novosibirsk region (59.1 thousand tons in live weight, 33.6 thousand tons in slaughter, 2.1%).

16. Stavropol Territory (57.5 thousand tons in live weight, 32.7 thousand tons in slaughter, 2.0%).

17. Trans-Baikal Territory (53.5 thousand tons in live weight, 30.4 thousand tons in slaughter, 1.9%).

18. Udmurt Republic (53.0 thousand tons in live weight, 30.1 thousand tons in slaughter, 1.8%).

19. Samara region (52.5 thousand tons in live weight, 29.8 thousand tons in slaughter, 1.8%).

20. Sverdlovsk region (49.8 thousand tons in live weight, 28.3 thousand tons in slaughter, 1.7%).

The total production of beef in live weight in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20, in 2015 amounted to 1,58.4 thousand tons (658.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight), the share of these regions was 40.2 % in the total production of beef.

Poultry meat production in 2016.

Poultry farming of Russia in 2016

The poultry farming of the meat direction in 2016 is characterized by some slowdown in production growth.

The production of poultry meat in Russia in January-September 2016 amounted to 4,471.0 thousand tons in live weight (3,334.2 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight). The growth towards January-September 2015 amounted to 3.3% or 143.9 thousand tons in live weight (in the slaughter weight, production increased by 107.3 thousand tons). In the structure of poultry meat in January-September 2016, 93.7% accounted for agriculturalization, 5.4% on farms, 0.9% - for peasant farms.

Poultry meat production by region - Rating

The first place for the production of poultry meat in January-September 2016 is occupied by the Belgorod region, where the share of the all-Russian production of poultry meat amounted to 13.3% (444.3 thousand tons in the slaughter weight). This is less than in January-September 2015 by 3.2% or 14.6 thousand tons.

In second place in the production of poultry meat there is a Chelyabinsk region with a share of 6.0% of the total production in Russia (199.6 thousand tons in a slaughter weight). In this region, in relation to January-September 2015, production has grown by 3.2% or by 6.3 thousand tons.

The third place belongs to the Stavropol Territory - 171.5 thousand tons (5.1% in total in Russia). It also has an increase in the production volume with respect to the same period of 2015 - by 16.6% or by 24.4 thousand tons.

In the Leningrad region with a share of 4.9% and volume - 164.4 thousand tons. The growth of production in relation to January-September 2015 amounted to 1.9% or 3.0 thousand tons.

In January-September 2016, 148.3 thousand tons of poultry meat were produced in the Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, which amounted to 4.4% of the whole production of poultry meat in Russia. In this region, in relation to January-September 2015, production decreased by 4.2% or by 6.5 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions, in the top 20 regions-producers of poultry meat In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Bryansk region (production volume - 144.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in total production - 4.3%).

7. Penza region (119.4 thousand tons, 3.6%).

8. Republic of Mordovia (111.4 thousand tons, 3.3%).

9. Republic of Tatarstan (111.2 thousand tons, 3.3%).

10. Moscow region (110.4 thousand tons, 3.3%).

11. Republic of Mari El (104.8 thousand tons, 3.1%).

12. Lipetsk region (99.0 thousand tons, 3.0%).

13. Rostov region (86.2 thousand tons, 2.6%).

14. Kursk region (86.2 thousand tons, 2.6%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (78.5 thousand tons, 2.4%).

16. Voronezh region (73.7 thousand tons, 2.2%).

17. Tambov region (69.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).

18. Novgorod region (64.0 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Altai Territory (47.8 thousand tons, 1.4%).

20. Novosibirsk region (46.0 thousand tons, 1.4%).

The total production in January-September 2016 of the poultry meat in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the top 20 amounted to 853.3 thousand tons (25.6% in the total production of poultry meat).

Poultry farming in 2016 - Egg poultry

The poultry industry of Russia of the Egg Destination in 2016 is characterized by a minor increase in the production of eggs.

The production of eggs in Russia in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories was at the level of 32,986.9 million pieces. In relation to January-September 2015, the increase was 1.9% (618.2 million). The structure of egg production in January-September 2016 was distributed as follows: 77.3% accounted for agriculturalization, 21.8% on farms, 0.9% - for peasant farms.

Egg production by region - Rating

The Leningrad region remains the largest producer of eggs in Russia in January-September 2016. In the first 9 months of 2016, 2199.6 million eggs produced here, which is 3.3% or 75.5 million more than in January-September 2015. The region's share in total in Russia in 2016 amounted to 6.7%.

The production of eggs in the Rostov region (2nd by volume of the manufacturer of eggs in the Russian Federation) in January-September 2016 increased in relation to the same period of 2015 by 12.5% \u200b\u200bor 176.4 million and amounted to 1589.3 million pieces. The proportion of the region in general in the Russian Federation was 4.8%.

In January-September 2016, the Yaroslavl region produced 1299.2 million eggs, which is 2.3% or 29.4 million units of January-September 2015 (3rd place in the All-Russian Region Rating; 3.9 % in total production).

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, the production of eggs rose in relation to January-September 2015 by 9.5% to 1294.3 million units. According to this indicator, the region in the 4th place in Russia (3.9% of the total egg production in the Russian Federation).

In January-September 2016, the Chelyabinsk region took the 5th line of the rating - 1226.6 million eggs. The region's share in the All-Russian production was 3.7%. In relation to January-September 2015, production has grown by 3.5% or 41.1 thousand tons.

IN Top 20 Egg Manufacturers Regionsalso included :

6. Belgorod region - 1172.9 million pieces, share in the All-Russian production - 3.6%.

7. Sverdlovsk region - 1082.4 million pieces, 3.3%.

8. Republic of Mordovia - 1037.6 million pieces, 3.1%.

9. Nizhny Novgorod region - 1030.7 million pieces, 3.1%.

10. Tyumen region - 1018.1 million pieces, 3.1%.

11. Novosibirsk region - 931.8 million pieces, 2.8%.

12. Tatarstan Republic - 897.8 million pieces, 2.7%.

13. Republic of Bashkortostan - 876.6 million pieces, 2.7%.

14. Kemerovo region - 872.4 million pieces, 2.6%.

15. Perm region - 869.5 million pieces, 2.6%.

16. Altai Territory - 858.0 million pieces, 2.6%.

17. Orenburg region - 816.4 million pieces, 2.5%.

18. Saratov region - 771.0 million pieces, 2.3%.

19. Irkutsk region - 768.8 million pieces, 2.3%.

20. Udmurt Republic - 755.9 million pieces, 2.3%.

The total production of eggs in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 11,617.9 million pieces (35.2% in the total production of eggs).

The volume of the production of lamb and kozmaticin in Russia in January-September 2016 was at the level of 241.3 thousand tons in live weight (107.0 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 2.6% or 6.1 thousand tons in live weight (in the slaughter weight - by 2.7 thousand tons). In the production structure of lamb and kozdyatins in January-September 2016, the largest share fell on the farm - 67.6%, for peasant farms - 24.3%, at agriculturalization - 8.1%.

Sheep and gooshodism of Russia in 2016

Livestock sheep and goats in 2016

The livestock of sheep and goats in the farms of all categories as of October 1, 2016 amounted to 26,159.5 thousand heads. For the year it decreased by 1.3% or 341.3 thousand heads, for 2 years - by 1.2% or 307.9 thousand heads, for 3 years - by 0.2% or 40.8 thousand heads.

The structure of the livestock of sheep and goats as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 17.3% accounted for agriculturalization, 35.5% - for peasant farms, 47.2% - on the farm.

The livestock of sheep and goats in 2016 by region

The Republic of Dagestan ranks first in Russia on the livestock of sheep and goats as of October 1, 2016 - 5330.9 thousand heads (20.4% in the total livestock of sheep and goats in Russia). During the year, the livestock decreased by 5.4% or 302.6 thousand heads.

In second place on the pasting of sheep and goats in Russia, the Republic of Kalmykia is located (2501.9 thousand heads). Share of Kalmykia amounted to 9.6% in the All-Russian population. In the region for the year there was an increase in the livestock by 3.2% or 76.5 thousand heads.

The Stavropol Territory in 2016 is located in third place in the Russian Federation with the livestock in 2363.3 thousand goals (9.0% in the total livestock of sheep and goats in Russia). In relation to the same date 2015, the livestock here was reduced by 3.0% or 72.4 thousand heads.

In the Astrakhan region there is also a reduction in the livestock - by 3.1% or 49.6 thousand heads. As of October 1, 2016, there were 1545.1 thousand heads in the region (5.9% in the All-Russian Livestock).

The share of Karachay-Cherkess Republic in 2016 amounted to 5.3% (1390.0 thousand goals). Regarding October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 6.6% or 98.6 thousand heads.

IN Top 20 regions on the livestock of sheep and goats As of October 1, 2016, it was also included:

6. Rostov region - 1,262.3 thousand heads, share in the all-Russian livestock of sheep and goats - 4.8%.

7. The Republic of Tyva - 1,226.0 thousand heads, 4.7%.

8. Volgograd region - 1 010.0 thousand heads, 3.9%.

9. Republic of Bashkortostan - 880.6 thousand heads, 3.4%.

10. Altai Republic - 865.4 thousand heads, 3.3%.

11. Saratov region - 607.2 thousand heads, 2.3%.

12. Trans-Baikal Territory - 536.1 thousand heads, 2.0%.

13. The Republic of Tatarstan - 393.2 thousand heads, 1.5%.

14. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic - 361.5 thousand heads, 1.4%.

15. Orenburg region - 341.0 thousand heads, 1.3%.

16. The Republic of Khakassia - 313.4 thousand heads, 1.2%.

17. Republic of Buryatia - 310.0 thousand heads, 1.2%.

18. Omsk region - 262.0 thousand heads, 1.0%.

19. Altai Krai - 261.8 thousand heads, 1.0%.

20. Voronezh region - 239.6 thousand heads, 0.9%.

The livestock of sheep and goats as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the TOP-20 numbered 4,158.2 thousand heads (15.9% in the total livestock of sheep and goats in Russia).

Manufacture of lamb and kglyatina in 2016

The volume of lamb and kids in Russia in January-September 2016, according to the calculations of the AB-Center, was at the level of 107.0 thousand tons in recalculating for slaughter weight (241.3 thousand tons in live weight - Rosstat data). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 2.6% (by 2.7 thousand tons in the slaughter weight), by January-September 2014 - increased by 1.1% (by 1.2 thousand tons in the slaughter Weight), by January-September 2013 - by 10.8% (by 10.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight).

Production growth occurred at the expense of farms of the population and peasant farms. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in the economies of the population, the production of lamb and kozmatic rose increased by 6.6 thousand tons in a slaughter weight or 10.0%. In peasant farms, production has grown by 20.7% or 4.5 thousand tons. At the same time, in agricultural organizations, it decreased by 0.6 thousand tons (by 6.3%).

In the structure of the lamb and Kozdyatina in January-September 2016, the largest proportion fell on the economy of the population - 67.6%, 24.3% accounted for peasant farms, at agriculturalization - 8.1%.

Manufacture of lamb and kozmotny in 2016 by region

Important! Data on the production of lamb and kozdyatins by region of Russia are represented in recalculation for slaughter weight.

In January-September 2016, the first place for the production of lamb and koznyatins belongs to the Stavropol Territory, where the volume of production reached 12.8 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (share in all-Russian production - 12.0%). In relation to January-September 2015, production has grown by 5.4% or 0.7 thousand tons.

The second place is the Republic of Kalmykia (10.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight). The share of the republic in the total production in Russia in January-September 2016 was at the level of 9.3%. The growth in relation to the same period of 2015 was 0.7% or 0.1 thousand tons in the slaughter weight.

In third place is the Republic of Dagestan with the volume of production of 7.8 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (7.3% of the All-Russian production). In the republic there is a decrease in the production of lamb and kozdvatina in relation to January-September 2015 by 0.1% or 0.01 thousand tons.

The Astrakhan region is located on the 4th place for the production of lamb and kozdyny (7.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight, 6.8% of the total). In relation to January-September 2015, production growth was 2.1% or 0.1 thousand tons.

Rostov region closes the five leaders with a share in all-Russian production at 6.5% (7.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight). In the region in relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 1.7% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 regions of lamb manufacturers and kglyatn In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Volgograd region (production volume - 5.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in the total volume of lamb production and kozdyatin -5.5%).

7. Karachay-Cherkess Republic (4.7 thousand tons, 4.4%).

8. Saratov region (4.7 thousand tons, 4.4%).

9. Republic of Tatarstan (4.1 thousand tons, 3.8%).

10. Republic of Crimea (2.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

11. Republic of Tyva (2.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

12. Republic of Bashkortostan (1.8 thousand tons, 1.7%).

13. Altai Territory (1.8 thousand tons, 1.7%).

14. Voronezh region (1.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

15. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (1.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

16. Chechen Republic (1.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

17. Republic of Khakassia (1.7 thousand tons, 1.6%).

18. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (1.6 thousand tons, 1.5%).

19. Novosibirsk region (1.2 thousand tons, 1.1%).

20. Samara region (1.2 thousand tons, 1.1%).

The cumulative production of lamb and kozdyatny in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the top 20 amounted to 23.9 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (22.3% in the total volume of lamb and kozdyatin).

Sheepading and goat breeding of Russia 2001-2015

The livestock of sheep and goats in Russia

The livestock of sheep and goats in Russia as of the end of 2015 in the farms of all categories amounted to 24,528.4 thousand heads. This is 0.7% or 182.8 thousand heads less than at the end of 2014. However, for 5 years, the livestock of sheep and goats in the Russian Federation increased by 12.4% or 2,708.5 thousand heads, in 10 years, the growth was 32.0% (5,947.0 thousand heads).

Data on the number of sheep and goats separately, as of the end of 2015 (at the date of the compilation of this article) is not. As of the end of 2014, the livestock of sheep in Russia in all categories of farms amounted to 22,578.3 thousand goals, the number of goats - 2,104.5 thousand heads. Thus, in the structure of the livestock of small cattle, the share of sheep accounts for about 91.5%, in goats - 8.5%.

The livestock of sheep and goats in Russia by categories of farms

In the commercial sector (the livestock in agricultural organizations and peasant farms, without taking into account the population), the livestock of sheep and goats amounted to 12,938.0 thousand heads (52.7% of the total number of petty cattle in Russia). Compared with 2010, the livestock of sheep and goats in the commercial sector increased by 22.7% or 2,395 thousand heads, for 10 years - by 46.5% or 4,107 thousand heads.

In the farms of the population, the number of sheep and goats amounted to 11,590 thousand heads (47.3% of the total number), compared with 2010, the population in farms increased by 2.8% or 314 thousand heads, for 10 years - 18.9% or 1,840 thousand heads.

The livestock of sheep and goats by regions of Russia

Dagestan sheep and goat breeding. The region with the most developed sheep and goat breeding is the Republic of Dagestan with a share of 21.1% of the all-Russian herds of small cattle. The population at the end of 2015 amounted to 5,183.8 thousand heads, which is 0.8% or 43.1 thousand heads more than in 2014, by 18.0% or 792.4 thousand heads more than in 2010, by 9.4% or by 446.1 thousand heads more than in 2005.

Woodfoot and goat breeding Kalmykia. In the second place in the population of sheep and goats in 2015 there is a Republic of Kalmykia, whose share is 9.7% (2,376.3 thousand heads). During the year, the number of sheep and goats decreased by 1.4% or 32.6 thousand heads, in 5 years the number increased by 8.4% or 184.7 thousand heads, in 10 years increased by 27.5% or 512.8 thousand heads.

Stavropol Territory Sheep and Cute. The third place is held by the Stavropol Territory with a number of 2,330.7 thousand heads (9.1% of the All-Russian herd of sheep and goats). Compared to last year, the livestock decreased by 6.7% or 160.1 thousand heads, since 2010 - increased by 0.8% or 17.8 thousand heads, since 2005 - increased by 41.9% or 658.1 thousand heads.

Shepherdie and goat-breeding of the Astrakhan region. In the fourth place - the Astrakhan region, where the population of small cattle at the end of 2015 amounted to 1475.1 thousand heads. It is 6.0% of the total number of the Russian Federation.

Shepherdie and Koarachai-Cherkessia Karachay. In fifth place Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The population in the region amounted to 1,203.2 thousand heads, the share in the All-Russian Stade - 4.9%.

In the top 10 key regions of the sheep and goats of Russia, according to the end of 2015, also included: Rostov region (livestock - 1 182.0 thousand heads, share in the total stade in the Russian Federation - 4.8%), Republic of Tyva (1 146 , 2 thousand heads, 4.7%), Volgograd region (958.1 thousand heads, 3.9%), Republic of Bashkortostan (816.6 thousand heads, 3.3%), Republic of Altai (630.8 thousand heads, 2.6%).

Tribal sheephood of Russia

As of March 2016, Russia has 184 tribal farms in the field of sheep. Of these, tribal plants - 53, tribal reproductors - 112, gene pools - 15, selection and genetic centers - 1, selection and hybrid centers -3.

Breeds of sheep divorced in Russia

According to the state tribal registry, the following sheep breeds are bred in Russia on tribal enterprises:

Rough sheep breeds. Among the region of sheep, according to the register, include: Aginskaya, Andyaya, Buryat, Kalmyk Kurdychny, Karachayevskaya, Lezghinskaya, Romanovskaya, Tuvinian short-lived-like, Tuvinskaya short-lived (steppe type), Tushinsky, Edilbaevskaya.

Smoothy sheep breeds. In farms with the status of tribal, only one cracked sheep breed - Karakulskaya diluted.

Fall-rigid breeds sheep. For the gravy rocks, according to the register data, include: Tashlin, southern meat, kuibyshev, Texel, Soviet meat and shatter, Soviet meat and siberian (Siberian type), Gornaletai, North Caucasian meat and shatter, and also the Tsigiy sheep breed.

Sufficient breeds sheep. At tribal enterprises in Russia, the following thinned sheep breeds are breed: Volgograd, Groznenskaya, Dagestan Mountain, Transbaikalskaya thinner, Transbaikalskaya thinner (Argun type), Transbaikalskaya thinner (Dogoysky Type), Transbaikalskaya Tiner (Buryat Type), Transbaikal Talted (Nerchinsky Type) (Khangilsky type), Caucasian fine-manne, Kulundinskaya, Manic Merinos, Salskaya, Soviet Merinos, Stavropol.

Livestock tribal sheep

The number of tribal sheeps in Russia, according to Rosstat, at the beginning of 2015 in agricultural organizations amounted to 828.1 thousand heads, including shemptock and bright over 1 year - 538.7 thousand heads, producers - about 16.4 thousand . Heads, bright up to 1 year - 149.2 thousand heads, bathers up to 1 year - 91.3 thousand heads.

Separately, the statistics of the livestock tribal sheep Karakulskaya and romanan breeds. The number of tribal sheep of the Karakul rock as of the beginning of 2015 amounted to 32.3 thousand heads, tribal sheep of the Romanov breed - 5.6 thousand heads

Tribal sheephood of RussiaUnlike meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, generally self-sufficient. Imports of purebred tribal sheep is at low marks. In 2015, only 73 tribal animals were imported - the purebred sheep of the East Frisian breed. Import was carried out from the Czech Republic.

In 2014, the supply of purebred tribal sheeps to Russia was not carried out. On the contrary, Russia exported tribal sheep to Armenia. Of the Republic of Kalmykia, 23 Animals of the Edilbaev breed were delivered to this country. In 2013, 266 goals were exported from the Russian Federation in the same direction.

In 2012, 22 heads of the Czech tribal sheep breed from the Czech Republic were imported to Russia, exported from the Russian Federation to Abkhazia 233 of the head of the Romanovskaya breed, in Armenia - 100 heads of the Edilbaev rock.

Tribal goats of Russia

The total population of tribal goats in Russia in agricultural organizations as of the beginning of 2015 amounted to 10,410 pcs., Including kids and goats older than 1 year - 8 148 pcs., Goats up to 1 year - 96 pcs., Goats Manufacturers - 205 pcs. , Kostomatki up to 1 year - 1 959 pcs.

In total, in Russia, according to the state tribal registry, as of March 30, 2016, there are 14 tribal farms in the field of goat breeding. Including 2 tribal plants, 11 breeding reproductors, 1 gene pool.

Breed of goats bred in Russia

According to the state tribal registry, in Russia, the following rock breeds on breeding enterprises are broken down: the goat of dairy Zaenna breed; Goats Down Gornaletai Breed (Chuy and Seminist Tips), Orenburg Breed; Goats Soviet Soviet Sweets.

Imports of purebred tribal goats to Russia is on relatively low marks, but in recent years it has a tendency towards growth. In 2015, 675 heads were imported (Zaenna Breed, Alpine Breed). In 2014, only 438 heads were imported, in 2013 - 303 heads, in 2012, the supply was not carried out. The export of breeding goats from the Russian Federation is not implemented.

Manufacture of lamb and kids in Russia

The production of lamb and kozdyatins in the farms of all categories in 2015 amounted to 455.8 thousand tons in live weight (202.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which is 0.8% or by 3.8 thousand tons less than in 2014, for 5 years, production increased by 11.3% or by 46.2 thousand tons, in 10 years an increase was 35.1% or 118.4 thousand tons.

Manufacture of lamb and kglyatns by regions of Russia

Manufacture of lamb and kozdyatin in Dagestan. In the first place for the production of lamb and godswain in live weight in the farms of all categories in 2015, there is a Republic of Dagestan with a share of 12.8% of all-Russian production. Production in live weight in 2015 amounted to 58.4 thousand tons (25.9 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which is 3.2% or by 1.8 thousand tons more than in 2014, by 1.9 % (1.1 thousand tons) less than in 2010, by 21.6% or by 10.4 thousand tons more than in 2005.

Manufacture of lamb and kozdyatny in Kalmykia. In second place in the production of sheep and goats, in 2015, there is a Republic of Kalmykia with a production volume at 51.8 thousand tons in live weight (23.0 thousand tons in slaughter weight), which is 11.4% in general The production of lamb and kids in the Russian Federation. During the year, the production of sheep and goats meat increased by 2.3% or 1.2 thousand tons, for 5 years - by 37.2% or 14.0 thousand tons, in 10 years the growth was 122.5% or 28 , 5 thousand tons.

Manufacture of lamb and kids in the Stavropol Territory. The third place is occupied by the Stavropol Territory with production of 39.6 thousand tons in live weight (17.6 thousand tons in slaughter weight). The share of the Stavropol Territory in the production volume of the Russian Federation is 8.7%. Compared to 2014, the growth was 0.1% or 0.03 thousand tons, since 2010 production increased by 11.3% or 4.0 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 54.2% or 13 , 9 thousand tons.

Manufacture of lamb and kids in Bashkiria. In the fourth place - the Republic of Bashkortostan, where the production of sheep and goats meat in 2015 amounted to 26.5 thousand tons. It is 5.8% of the total.

Manufacture of lamb and kglyatns in the Astrakhan region. In fifth place Astrakhan region. The production of lamb and kglyatns in the region amounted to 24.1 thousand tons, a share - 5.3%.

In the top 10 key regions for the production of lamb and godswain in live weights in the farms of all categories in 2015, the Rostov region was also included: Rostov region (production - 20.5 thousand tons, share in total in the Russian Federation - 4.5%), Republic Tatarstan (19.2 thousand tons, 4.2%), Volgograd region (17.4 thousand tons, 3.8%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (15.8 thousand tons, 3.5%), Saratov region (15.2 thousand tons, 3.3%).

Import lamb to Russia

The highest volume of lamb imports to Russia was observed in 2008 (17.2 thousand tons). In the context of the global financial and economic crisis, which led to the weakening of the ruble, in 2009, imports fell by 43.2% to 9.8 thousand tons.

Next, for several years, deliveries of lamb to Russia were on relatively stable marks. In 2015, the next round of the ruble devaluation came, as a result of which imported products purchased in foreign currency in the domestic market increased significantly in price. The supply of lamb to Russia decreased to 3.8 thousand tons (with respect to 2008 fell by 78.0%). In January-February 2016, there is a restoration of import volumes in relation to the same period of 2015 (by 70.6%), however, compared to 2014, a decrease in supply volume by 57.2%, in comparison with 2013 - by 69, 9%, from 2012 - by 52.3%.

Concerning the import of KozdyatinaThe delivery of this type of meat in the Russian Federation is practically not carried out.

Other types of meat in Russia in January-September 2016 produced 54.4 thousand tons in live weight (30.4 thousand tons in recalculation for slaughter weight). In relation to January-September 2015, production decreased by 5.7% or by 3.3 thousand tons in live weight (in the slaughter weight - by 1.8 thousand tons).

Milk production

Milk production in Russia in the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. In relation to the same period of 2015, milk supids decreased by 0.7% or 163.0 thousand tons. In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% accounted for agriculturalization, 45.3% on farms, 6.7% - for peasant (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs.

Milk production in Russia 2001-2015

Milk production in Russia over a number of years is on relatively stable marks. At the same time, there is a significant reduction in the livestock of the cows, which is compensated by the growth of the productivity of the dairy herd.

Milk production in farms of all categories in 2015 amounted to 30,781.1 thousand tons, which is 0.03% or 9.8 thousand tons less than in 2014, production has decreased by 3.3% or on 1,066.2 thousand tons, for 10 years, the decline was 0.9% or 288.8 thousand tons. In relation to 2001, milk production in the Russian Federation decreased by 6.4%.

The livestock of cows in the farms of all categories of Russia as of the end of 2015 amounted to 8,379 thousand heads. For the year it decreased by 1.8%, for 5 years - by 5.3%, for 10 years - by 12.0%. In relation to 2001, the livestock of cows in the Russian Federation decreased by 31.9% or 3,931 thousand heads.

Milk production in the commercial sector (agricultural and farms) has a sustainable trend towards growth, production in households, on the contrary, is reduced. Indicators in the commercial sector as of 2015 amounted to 16,748 thousand tons - 54.4% of the total. For 10 years, milk production in agricultural organizations and farms in the country increased by 11.8%.

Milk production in farms in 2015 amounted to 14,033 thousand tons - 45.6% of the total. For 10 years, milk production in this category of farms decreased by 12.8%.

Milk production by regions of Russia

Milk production in the regions of Russia is placed relatively evenly. There are no obvious regions leaders, where the volumes achieve the values \u200b\u200bdecisive for the entire industry. Top 20 milk-producing regions accounted for 57.4% of the total volumes of the Russian Federation.

Milk production in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The first place for the production of milk in Russia in 2015 in the farms of all categories is occupied by the Republic of Bashkortostan with a share of 5.9% of the All-Russian production. In 2015, 1,812.3 thousand tons produced here, which is 2.2% or 39.2 thousand tons more than in 2014. However, it is 12.8% or 265.8 thousand tons less than in 2010 and by 13.0% or 271.2 thousand tons less than the volume of production of 2005.

Milk production in the Republic of Tatarstan. In the second place in the production of milk in 2015, there is a Republic of Tatarstan with a volume of production in 1,750.7 thousand tons (5.7% of the total volume in the Russian Federation). During the year, milk production in Tatarstan increased by 1.3% or by 22.4 thousand tons, a decline occurred for 5 years - by 9.4% or by 182.2 thousand tons, in 10 years, the growth was 14.0% or 215.3 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Altai Territory. The Altai Territory with a production of 1,414.9 thousand tons ranks third in the rating of the regions for the production of milk. The share of the Altai Territory in the production volume of the Russian Federation is 4.6%. For the year, the figures have not changed, since 2010 there was a decrease of 0.6% or 7.9 thousand tons, since 2005, the indicators increased by 7.4% or 97.2 thousand tons.

Milk production in Krasnodar Territory. In the fourth place - the Krasnodar region, where milk production in 2015 amounted to 1,328.2 thousand tons. This is 4.3% of the total. In relation to 2014, there was an increase in production by 2.0% or 26.1 thousand tons, compared with 2010, the figures fell by 4.9% or 68.5 thousand tons, since 2005, production increased by 1 , 9% or 24.6 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Rostov region. The fifth place belongs to the Rostov region with a share in the All-Russian production of 3.5% (1,080.5 thousand tons). During the year, milk production in the region increased by 0.1% or 0.7 thousand tons, over 5 years, the growth was 7.7% (77.4 thousand tons), in 10 years - 19.9% \u200b\u200b(179, 2 thousand tons).

Milk production in the Republic of Dagestan. The Republic of Dagestan with the volume of production at the level of 820.2 thousand tons and a fraction of 2.7% is in the sixth place in the All-Russian Rating of Milk Manufacturers in 2015. Since 2014, production has increased here with 3.6% or 28.3 thousand tons, from 2010 - by 38.6% or by 228.5 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 120.5% or 448 , 2 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Voronezh region. At the seventh place there is a Voronezh region with a share of 2.6% and production at 805.8 thousand tons. Compared to 2014, the volume of milk production in the region increased by 2.2% or 17.3 thousand tons, since 2010 - by 17.9% or 122.5 thousand tons, since 2005 - by 30, 3% or by 187.6 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Orenburg region. The eighth place occupies the Orenburg region - 797.1 thousand tons (2.6% in total production). For the year, production fell by 1.7% or 14.0 thousand tons, for 5 years - by 7.4% or 64.0 thousand tons, for 10 years, increased by 6.3% or 47 , 2 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Krasnoyarsk Territory with a volume of 730.2 thousand tons and a share in the All-Russian production of 2.4% is located in the 9th place in the rating of milk-producing regions in 2015. In relation to the previous year, production increased by 0.8% or 5.7 thousand tons, by 2010 - by 3.2% or by 22.8 thousand tons, by 2005 - by 14.3% or on 91.3 thousand tons.

Milk production in the Udmurt Republic. The top ten leaders in the production of milk in 2015, the Udmurt Republic, which accounts for 2.4% of the total volume of production - 729.0 thousand tons. It is 0.7% or 5.0 thousand tons more than in 2014, by 8.6% or 57.8 thousand tons of more than 2010 and by 15.8% or 99.2 thousand. Tons exceeds 2005 figures.

The largest regions of milk producing (Top 20 rating) in 2015 also included:

11. Saratov region (production volume - 728.3 thousand tons, share in common in the Russian Federation - 2.4%).

12. Omsk region (703.1 thousand tons, 2.3%).

13. Stavropol Territory (686.8 thousand tons, 2.2%).

14. Novosibirsk region (659.5 thousand tons, 2.1%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (656.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Moscow region (630.5 thousand tons, 2.0%).

17. Nizhny Novgorod region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

18. Leningrad region (588.7 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Kirov region (578.8 thousand tons, 1.9%).

20. Tyumen region (551.6 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total production of milk in the farms of all categories in 2015 in the regions not included in the top 20, amounted to 13,108.6 thousand tons. This is 42.6% of the country total.

JIIT production

The production of eggs in Russia in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories was at the level of 32,986.9 million pieces. In relation to January-September 2015, the growth of production amounted to 1.9% or 618.2 million units. The structure of egg production in January-September 2016 was distributed as follows: 77.3% accounted for agriculturalization, 21.8% on farms, 0.9% - for peasant farms.

Russian Egg Market 2001-2015

Egg production in Russia in 2015. All categories of farms amounted to 45523.6 million, which is 1.6% more than in 2014. For 5 years (with respect to 2010) it has increased by 4.7%. For 10 years (with respect to 2005), it increased by 14.5%.

At the same time, the production of eggs in the industrial sector of egg poultry farms (agriculturalization and farms) in 2015 amounted to 33,738.5 million units, which is 2.6% higher than 2014 figures. The production of eggs in the offshore sector (economy of the population) was at the level of 8,785.1 million units. In relation to 2014, it decreased by 2.1%

Production of eggs in Russia for federal districts

In the first place in terms of the production of eggs in Russia in 2015, there is a Volga Federal District FD with indicators in all categories of farms in 10,694.2 million pieces and a share in Russia in Russia at a level of 25.1%. In relation to 2014, the production of eggs in the Volga Federal District increased by 1.3%.

The second place occupies the central FD with indicators in 8839.3 million pieces and shares in the total volume of egg production in Russia by 20.8%. Compared to 2014, the production of eggs rose by 2.6%.

In third place is Siberian FD, where the production of eggs for the year increased by 3.2% to 6535.8 million units. The share of SFOs in the total production of eggs in the Russian Federation in 2015 amounted to 15.4%.

The fourth place occupies the Ural FD, where in 2015 4588.2 million units were produced. This is 10.8% of the total volume. Compared to 2014, the production of eggs in the Ural FD increased by 3.8%.

In the fifth place is the Southern Federal District with indicators of 4562.3 million pieces and a share in Russia in Russia at a level of 10.7%. In relation to 2014, the production of eggs in the southern FD increased by 3.3%.

North-West FO - in the sixth place in terms of egg production - 4,200.3 million units, which is 2.9% less than in 2014. The share of SMFO in the total production of eggs in Russia in 2015 amounted to 9.9%.

At the seventh place is the North Caucasus FO with indicators of 1,425.5 million pieces and share in Russia in Russia at the level of 3.4%. In relation to 2014, the production of eggs in the district decreased by 0.4%.

The eighth place occupies the Far Eastern FD, where in 2015 1172.8 million eggs were produced. Compared to 2014, the production of eggs decreased by 1.5%. The share of OTFO in the total production of eggs in Russia was 2.8%.

At the ninth place is the Crimean FD with indicators of 505.3 million pieces and shares in general in Russia the volume at the level of 1.2%. In relation to 2014, the production of eggs fell by 10.2%.

Production of eggs in the regions of Russia in 2015. Top 20 Regions Rating:

The largest producer of eggs in Russia - Leningrad region. Here in 2015 produced 3,060.9 million pieces, which is 1.7% less than in 2014. The region's share in general in the Russian Federation in 2015 amounted to 7.2%.

Egg production in the Rostov region (The 2nd volume of the egg producer with a share in total in the Russian Federation at the level of 4.5%) in 2015, with respect to 2014 increased by 0.2% and amounted to 1,097.0 million units.

Production of eggs in the Yaroslavl region (3rd in terms of the volume producer of eggs with a share in total in the Russian Federation at the level of 4.0%) in 2015, compared to 2014 increased by 14.2% and amounted to 1717.1 million units.

Egg production in the Chelyabinsk region (4th place, share - 3.7%) in 2015, in relation to 2014 increased by 7.3% to 1577.8 million units.

Production of eggs in the Krasnodar Territory (5th place, share - 3.6%) in 2015, with respect to 2014 increased by 8.4% to 1516.7 million units.

Egg production in Belgorod region (6th place, share - 3.5%) in 2015, in relation to 2014 increased by 13.4% to 1474.0 million units.

Egg production in the Tyumen region (7th place, share - 3.4%) in 2015, in relation to 2014 increased by 0.8% to 1456.8 million units.

Egg production in the Sverdlovsk region (8th place, share - 3.4%) in 2015, in relation to 2014 increased by 3.7% to 1448.8 million units.

Egg production in the Republic of Mordovia (9th place, share - 3.3%) in 2015, with respect to 2014 increased by 3.1% to 1422.5 million units.

Production of eggs in the Nizhny Novgorod region (10th place, share - 3.1%) in 2015, in relation to 2014 changed insignificantly and amounted to 1329.5 million units.

In the top 20 of the main regions of the manufacturers of eggs also included:

11. Novosibirsk region - 1252.3 million pieces, a share in the All-Russian production - 2.9%.

12. Republic of Tatarstan - 1170.6 million units, 2.8%.

13. Kemerovo region - 1148.4 million pieces, 2.7%.

14. Altai region - 1100.4 million pieces, 2.6%.

15. Orenburg region - 1080.1 million pieces, 2.5%.

16. Perm region - 1074.8 million pieces, 2.5%.

17. Saratov region - 1000.0 million pieces, 2.4%.

18. Irkutsk region - 993.7 million pieces, 2.3%.

19. Udmurt Republic - 939.7 million pieces, 2.2%.

20. Republic of Bashkortostan - 928.3 million pieces, 2.2%.

Production of egg powder

Volume production of egg powder in Russia In 2015, according to official data, in relation to 2014, it decreased somewhat - by 7.6%. The greatest volumes of the production of egg powder in 2015 were accounted for May, June, July, August, September, as well as for December.

Production of melange

Production of Melanja in Russia in 2015With respect to 2014, increased by 15.2%. The largest monthly volumes of melange production in 2015 were observed in September-December.

The livestock of cows is strictly taken into account in our country and abroad, since these animals are of particular value in agricultural activities. In many states, growing cattle occupies a leading position in agriculture. Of the main products obtained - meat and milk - you can get secondary - such as, sour cream, cheese, oil, kefir, sausages. This list is not complete. The demand for such products is quite large and continues to grow simultaneously with the number of cattle heads in the world.

World Statistics Livestock Cows

Almost all countries of the world are engaged in animal husbandry - someone more active, and someone is not very. The cattle of cattle can also be attributed to such animals like Yak, Indian buffalo and others less famous species. They have similar physiology, and in different countries Domesticated bulls are called cattle.

Animal tour gave rise to a modern species of cattle. Answer the question of how many cows in the world are in terms of the latest data, it is very difficult, since this figure changes quickly. At the beginning of 2017 there were approximately 1.3 billion heads.

Taming animals began in Asian countries, and specifically - in Northern India. The domestication of cows in Europe has happened much later. It was not easy. Compared to goals and sheep, tours with difficulty succumbed to man. CRS was a "supplier" of milk and meat.

Rating of countries

The leader in the livestock of cattle is India, but the production of beef is not developed there, since religion prohibits the use of cows in food. In spite of everything, it is noticeably leading in the world ranking - over 50 million heads. The cow in this country is a sacred animal, but some inhabitants eat beef. In addition, breeding dairy breeds.

In the European Union, the livestock is 23.5 million, and he is in second place. But here and the population is much smaller. Brazil came out in the third place. This is about 20.7 million cattle. Every year there is a noticeable increase. In this country, many farmers are breeding cows, and special farms open to growing calves.

Fourth place

On the fourth place in the number of cattle, you can put the United States - 9.3 million. The bulk of the farms is located in the western part. There pay attention to the production of meat and skins. Huge herds find their feeding on pastures and only in the cold season of the year they receive extra food in the form of feed. China pretends to fifth. There are approximately 8.7 million heads. The reason for the low position in the rating is that the country is given a preference to a small cattle, and the cattle is mainly used as a potent cattle.

And although the first place is given to India, there the cows mostly simply live near people. And the huge population is due only to the ban on killing cows. Getting milk and related products are predominant in the country associated with CRS. While, for example, in America, burenoks are kept for the production of beef and skins. Animals occupy large plots of land and are going to huge herds. But in some countries, Asian CRS is used as coagulous and heavy animals.

Russian statistics

Russian animal husbandry strengthens its position due to the commercial sphere. Compared with previous years, agricultural products in 2017 increased markedly. The population of cattle in Russia makes milk and milk-meat breeds. However, last year there was a serious reduction in this category, while the active growth of the meat livestock was noted.

The following sessions in the field of cattle breeding are noted in the Russian Federation:

  • Bashkortostan (last 2016 showed the largest livestock, in the percentage of the whole country it is 5.8%);
  • Tatarstan (the number of heads increased significantly and for 2016 amounted to 5.3% of the total cattle of the country);
  • Dagestan (slightly lags behind the second place and recruits 5.2%);
  • Altai Territory is a bit disappeared, but recruits 2.7% for 2016;
  • Rostov region amounted to 3.1% of the total livestock of Russia.

The rest of the regions

All other regions of the country are also actively engaged in animal husbandry, but the first five is the largest leaders over several years. However, the lag of other regions is not too big. The smallest percentage of 2016 is gaining the Irkutsk region - 1.6%.

The density of the spread of cows in Russia, given its huge territory, is not the same. These animals are not at all adapted for living in the regions of the Far North. The main herds live in the south of the country, as well as in its central and Far Eastern parts. It is there that are the most juicy herbs and fuel meadows. Accordingly, the livestock in these areas is the largest.

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Russian cattle breeding in 2016, data on October 1

Russian cattle breeding in 2016 - A review article, prepared by specialists of the Expert and Analytical Center of Agribusiness "AB-Center" based on Rosstat data. Materials of the article include statistical data on the livestock of cattle, beef and milk production in 2013-2016, including in the categories of farms, in quarters. Long-term trends (since 2001) are presented by reference - Livestock management of Russia. Review supported useful linksSupplementing material.

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016

The total number of cattle (dairy, meat, meat and dairy rocks) in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories has numbered 19,556.1 thousand heads. Including the livestock of cows amounted to 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock has decreased by 1.8% or 358.3 thousand heads, by October 1, 2014 - by 3.7% or 751.1 thousand heads, by October 1, 2013 - 5.1% or 1042.0 thousand heads.

Recall that the bulk of the flock of cattle in Russia is the cattle of dairy and milk-meat breeds. A general reduction in the livestock for a number of years is due to this CRS category. In relation to 2001, it, as a result of the optimization of production efficiency (sejection of low-productive cows), decreased by 29.0%. At the same time, as a result of the increase in the flue on 1 cow, the production of milk in the country is relatively stable (in the period from 2001 to 2015. fluctuates in the range of 31-33 million tons). See milk production in Russia.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the livestock of meat breeds of livestock. For more information about the development trends in the industry of Russia's meat cattle breeding (data on the livestock in the regions, on the import of purebred tribal cattle by rocks, about the dynamics of the development of tribal cattle breeding in the Russian Federation), see links:

The structure of the cattle of the cattle as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 43.5% had to be in agriculturalization, 12.4% - for peasant-farms, 44.1% on households.

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016 by region

The region with the largest livestock of cattle (the cumulative population of dairy, meat directions, including cows) as of October 1, 2016 - the Republic of Bashkortostan (1120.1 thousand heads). The share of the republic in the total number of cattle in Russia amounted to 5.8%. In relation to the same date 2015, the CRS population has decreased here by 8.8% or 108.5 thousand heads.

In second place, the Republic of Tatarstan is located in 1030.6 thousand heads (5.3% in the All-Russian population). In relation to October 1, 2015, the cutting of the livestock was 0.8% or 8.4 thousand heads.

The third place is the Republic of Dagestan with a share in the total population at the level of 5.2% (1007.5 thousand heads). In this region there is an increase in livestock livestock - for the year by 0.9% or 9.3 thousand heads.

The Altai Territory is located on the 4th place in the Russian Federation on the Pattern of CRS as of October 1, 2016 (820.1 thousand heads). The share in the entire population CRS was 4.2%. For the year, the livestock decreased by 2.7% or by 22.7 thousand heads.

In the Rostov region with the livestock in 601.0 thousand heads, the share in the All-Russian population was 3.1%. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 1.8% or 11.1 thousand heads.

6. Orenburg region - 577.0 thousand heads, the share in the total number of cattle in Russia - 3.0%.

7. Krasnodar region - 541.3 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Republic of Kalmykia - 523.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Transbaikal region - 485.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Novosibirsk region - 483.3 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Voronezh region - 464.1 thousand heads, 2.4%.

12. Bryansk region - 463.4 thousand heads, 2.4%.

13. Omsk region - 434.0 thousand heads, 2.2%.

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 432.6 thousand heads, 2.2%.

15. Saratov region - 430.3 thousand heads, 2.2%.

16. Republic of Buryatia - 415.3 thousand heads, 2.1%.

17. Stavropol Territory - 382.8 thousand heads, 2.0%.

18. Udmurt Republic - 350.2 thousand heads, 1.8%.

19. Chelyabinsk region - 346.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

20. Irkutsk region - 315.6 thousand heads, 1.6%.

The number of cattle as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20, there were 8,232.1 thousand heads (42.3% in the total cattle of CRS in Russia).

Beef production in 2016

The production of beef in Russia (cumulative, both from dairy and meat breeds) in January-September 2016, according to the calculations of the AB-Center amounted to 953.0 thousand tons in recalculating for slaughter weight (1,677.2 thousand tons in Live Weight According to Rosstat).

In relation to January-September 2015, the production of beef decreased by 1.3% (by 12.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight). For two years, in relation to January-September 2014, the decline was 2.9% (28.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight), for 3 years the production of beef in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.0% (by 9.2 thousand . tons).

Production growth is observed only in peasant farms, where in January-September 2016 produced 80.6 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight. Over the past 3 years, by January-September 2013, the increase in beef production here was 33.4% (20.0 thousand tons).

In agricultural organizations for 3 years, the production volume decreased by 0.1% (by 0.2 thousand tons), in households of the population - by 5.5% (by 29.1 thousand tons).

In January-September 2016, 39.5% accounted for 39.5% in January-September 2016, about 52.1% on households of the population, 8.5% for peasant farms.

Beef production in 2016 by region

Important! Data on the production of beef by regions of Russia is presented in recalculation for slaughter weight.

The main manufacturer of beef in Russia in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan. During this period, its share in the total production of beef in the Russian Federation reached 7.1% (67.9 thousand tons). In relation to January-September 2015, the volume decreased by 13.1% or 10.2 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of production of beef in January-September 2016, there is a Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.5% (52.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight). In the republic, the volume of production with respect to the same period of 2015 increased by 5.3% or 2.6 thousand tons.

Rostov region ranks third in the production of beef in January-September 2016 - 41.4 thousand tons (4.3% in total production). It also has an increase of 5.2% or 2.0 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory made 40.8 thousand tons of beef in the slaughter weight in January-September 2016, which is 3.9% or 1.6 thousand tons less than in the same period of 2015. The share of the Altai Territory in the All-Russian Beef Production in 2016 amounted to 4.3% (4th place in the Russian Federation).

In January-September 2016, the Krasnodar Territory produced 40.2 thousand tons of beef (4.2% in total production, 5th place in the Russian Federation). Growth towards January-September 2015 was 2.1% or 0.8 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 Beef Producers

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 38.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in the total production of beef - 4.1%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (27.6 thousand tons, 2.9%).

8. Saratov region (26.7 thousand tons, 2.8%).

9. Volgograd region (26.4 thousand tons, 2.8%).

10. Bryansk region (24.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

11. Stavropol Territory (23.7 thousand tons, 2.5%).

12. Novosibirsk region (21.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

13. Orenburg region (21.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory (21.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

15. Omsk region (19.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Samara region (18.1 thousand tons, 1.9%).

17. Oryol region (16.8 thousand tons, 1.8%).

18. Belgorod region (15.3 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region (15.2 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Republic of Kalmykia (15.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of beef in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the Top 20 amounted to 378.7 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (39.7% in the total production of beef).

Milk production in 2016

Milk production in Russia in the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. In relation to the same period of 2015, milk supids decreased by 0.7% or 163.0 thousand tons. By the same period of 2014 - by 0.9% or by 224.4 thousand tons, by January-September 2013 - by 0.8% or 203.8 thousand tons.

Production growth occurred in agricultural organizations and peasant farms. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in agricultural organizations, milk production increased by 5.8% or 632.2 thousand tons. In peasant farms, growth amounted to 15.0% or 210.4 thousand tons. In the farms of the population there is a decrease in production volumes by 8.8% or 1,046.4 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% accounted for agriculturalization, 45.3% on population farms, 6.7% - for peasant farms.

Milk production in 2016 by region

The leader in the production of milk in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1,425.5 thousand tons). The share of the republic in the total production of milk in the Russian Federation amounted to 5.9%. In relation to January-September 2015, there was an increase in production by 0.4% or 5.5 thousand tons.

In second place is the Republic of Tatarstan with indicators of 1,373.8 thousand tons (5.7% in common milk's propellants in the Russian Federation). The growth in relation to the same period of 2015 amounted to 1.0% or 13.8 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory takes the third place with a share in the total production at the level of 4.6% (1,112.5 thousand tons). There is a decrease in milk boring in relation to January-September 2015 by 0.9% or 10.6 thousand tons.

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September-2016, the nadids amounted to 1,018.8 thousand tons (4.2% in the all-Russian production of milk). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 1.2% or 12.1 thousand tons.

Closes the top five regions leaders in the production of milk in January-September 2016, the Rostov region - 846.3 thousand tons (3.5% in total milk legs). A decrease in relation to January-September 2015 was 0.02% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 milk-producing regions In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 660.6 thousand tons, a share in the All-Russian milk production - 2.7%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (645.1 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Orenburg region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Saratov region (587.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Udmurt Republic (580.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Krasnoyarsk Territory (562.2 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Novosibirsk region (535.3 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Omsk region (512.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Stavropol Territory (504.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (501.2 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Nizhny Novgorod region (474.7 thousand tons, 2.0%).

17. Moscow region (472.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

18. Leningrad region (458.9 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Kirov region (458.4 thousand tons, 1.9%).

20. Tyumen region (426.4 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total production of milk in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 10,254.7 thousand tons (42.7% in the total volume of milk production).

Livestock management of Russia

Livestock management of Russia - Analytical article prepared by specialists of the Analytical Center of Agribusiness AB-Center Materials include as general On the animal husbandry of Russia and statistics on its individual industries. This review is supported by useful references that complement the material.

Russian livestock, along with crop production, forms a country of agriculture, which is one of the key sectors of the economy. At the same time, animal husbandry is also divided into a number of industries.

The main branches of the livestock breeding of Russia include pig breeding, cattle breeding (dairy and meat), poultry farming (meat and egg), sheep and goat breeding. Also, animal husbandry includes such industries as horse breeding, reindeer herding, beekeeping, rabbit breeding.

Articles AB-Center, dedicated to individual sectors of livestock breeding of Russia:

Russian livestock breeding - total production

The livestock breeding of Russia in 2015 provided 47.7% of all agricultural products produced in value terms. Accordingly, 52.3% accounted for the branch of the crop production of Russia.

The volume of the produced livestock production in all categories of farms (the commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms and the non-commercial sector of population) of Russia in 2015 in value terms is 2,400.4 billion rubles. With respect to 2014, the cost of livestock production increased by 14.5% or 303.8 billion rubles. For 5 years, it has grown by 71.9% or 1004.1 billion rubles. For 10 years - by 237.5% or 1689.2 billion rubles.

Sustainable livestock development of Russia is carried out mainly at the expense of industrial (commercial) sector. The cumulative volume of livestock farms produced in agricultural organizations and farms of the Russian Federation increased in relation to 2014 in actual prices by 18.0% or by 227.6 billion rubles. and reached 1,491.8 billion rubles in 2015. In relation to 2010, the growth was already 107.8% or 773.9 billion rubles, by 2005 - 336.8% or 1,50.3 billion rubles.

In the farms of the population, the cost of manufactured products in 2015 increased in relation to 2014 by 9.2% or 76.2 billion rubles. and reached 908.6 billion rubles, by 2010 - by 33.9% or 230.2 billion rubles, by 2005 - by 145.8% or 538.9 billion rubles.

Important! The dynamics of the production of livestock production of Russia here is presented in actual prices. Translated in price of the reporting year, given the annual level of inflation, a sustainable trend towards growth in some years is not observed.

Livestock in the regions of Russia

The largest livestock area of \u200b\u200bRussia is the Belgorod region. The share of the region in the total value of the livestock manufactured in the Russian Federation is 6.4% (products in the amount of 154.3 billion rubles).

The Republic of Tatarstan is in second place - 109.0 billion rubles. (4.5% in the all-Russian value of animal products manufactured).

The third place is occupied by the Krasnodar Territory with a share in the total value in the damage of 3.8% (91.1 billion rubles).

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located on the fourth line of the rating - 84.5 billion rubles (3.5% in the all-Russian value of livestock production in 2015).

Chelyabinsk region with its share of 3.2% (76.4 billion rubles) closes the five livestock regions in 2015. It is more than in 2014 by 20.5% or 13.0 billion rubles.

The Top 20 of the Livestock Regions of the Russian Federation also included: Rostov region (the cost of livestock production - 74.2 billion rubles, share in total cost - 3.1%), Voronezh region (69.0 billion rubles, 2.9%), Leningrad region (68.8 billion rubles, 2.9%), Altai region (68.0 billion rubles, 2.8%), Stavropol Territory (55.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Orenburg region (55.6 billion rubles, 2.3%), Republic of Dagestan (54.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Novosibirsk region (50.1 billion rubles, 2.1%), Krasnoyarsk region (50.0 billion rubles, 2, 1%), Kursk region (48.0 billion rubles, 2.0%), Sverdlovsk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Bryansk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Moscow Area including territories of New Moscow (45.6 billion rubles, 1.9%), Omsk region (45.0 billion rubles, 1.9%), Tambov region (43.4 billion rubles, 1.8%).

The top 20 regions accounted for 55.7% in the total value of all animal husbandry products in 2015, the top 30 regions - 71.2%.

Livestock livestock in Russia

The livestock population in Russia in all categories of farms as of the end of 2015 numbered 18,963.2 thousand heads. Including the livestock of cows amounted to 8,379.2 thousand heads. With respect to 2014, the size of the herd of cattle decreased by 1.6%, by 2010 - by 5.0%, by 2005 - by 12.3%, by 2001 - by 30.8%. The livestock of cows per year decreased by 1.8%, for 5 years - by 5.3%, for 10 years - by 12.0%, by 2001 - by 31.9%.

The population of pigs in Russia as of the end of 2015 in all categories of farms amounted to 21,419.2 thousand heads. During the year, the livestock increased by 9.6%, for 5 years - by 24.4%, for 10 years - by 55.1%, by 2001 - by 32.0%.

The livestock of sheep and goats in Russia as of the end of 2015 numbered 24,528.4 thousand heads. In relation to 2014, it decreased by 0.7%, but in 5 years increased by 12.4%, for 10 years also increased by 32.0%, by 2001 - by 57.5%.

Meat production in Russia

The total amount of meat production of all types in Russia in the slaughter weight in all categories of farms in 2015 amounted to 9,483.9 thousand tons. It is 4.6% or 413.3 thousand tons more than in 2014. For 5 years (with respect to 2010), the volumes increased by 32.3% (by 2,317.1 thousand tons), for 10 years (by 2005) - by 90.1% (by 4,494.4 thousand. tons). For the first time, the volume of meat production in 1991 was exceeded when it was 9,375.2 thousand tons.

Structure meat production in Russia In 2015, it looks like this: the poultry meat accounted for 47.3%, on pork - 32.6%, on beef - 17.3%, on mutton and kozdyatin - 2.1%, on other types of meat - 0.8 %.

Meat production in Russia increases steadily, starting from the mid-2000s, when the quotas for the import of meat were introduced. Extension of volumes in 2014-2016. The devaluation of the ruble (which also had an impact on the fall in imported deliveries), as well as a ban on imports of meat from a number of countries introduced in August 2014.

Read more with data on the production of meat by type, other trends in the meat market can be found in the article on the link - meat market .

Egg production in Russia

In 2015, 42,523.6 million eggs produced in Russia in the farms of all categories. During the year, production increased by 1.6%, in relation to 2010 - by 4.7%, by 2005 - by 14.5%, by 2001 - by 20.7%.

Top 10 Eggs manufacturers in 2015 looks like this: the Leningrad region (the volume of egg production in the farms of all categories - 3,060.9 million pieces, the share in the all-Russian production of eggs - 7.2%), Rostov region (1 907, 0 million pieces, 4.5%), Yaroslavl region (1 717.1 million pieces, 4.0%), Chelyabinsk region (1 577.8 million units, 3.7%), Krasnodar region (1,516.7 million units, 3.6%), Belgorod region (1 474.0 million pieces, 3.5%), Tyumen region (1,456.8 million pieces, 3.4%), Sverdlovsk region (1,448.8 million units, 3.4%), Republic of Mordovia (1,422, 5 million pieces, 3.3%), Nizhny Novgorod region (1,329.5 million pieces, 3.1%).

Milk production in Russia

Milk production in Russia in 2015 in farms of all categories amounted to 30,781.1 thousand tons. During the year, production decreased by 0.03%, for 5 years - by 3.3%, for 10 years - by 0.9%, by 2001 - by 6.4%.

In the TOP-10 milk manufacturers in 2015 included: the Republic of Bashkortostan (the volume of milk production - 1,812.3 thousand tons, the share in the total milk in the Russian Federation - 5.9%), the Republic of Tatarstan (1,750.7 thousand . tons, 5.7%), Altai region (1,414.9 thousand tons, 4.6%), Krasnodar region (1 328.2 thousand tons, 4.3%), Rostov region (1 080.5 thousand tone, 3.5%), Republic of Dagestan (820.2 thousand tons, 2.7%), Voronezh region (805.8 thousand tons, 2.6%), Orenburg region (797.1 thousand Tons, 2.6%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (730.2 thousand tons, 2.4%), Udmurt Republic (729.0 thousand tons, 2.4%).

Production of honey in Russia

Production of commodity honey in Russia in 2015 in the farms of all categories amounted to 67.7 thousand tons. This is 9.5% less than produced in 2014, by 31.4% more than in 2010 and 29.1% exceeds the 2005 figures. In relation to 2001, the growth was 27.9%.

The top 10 of the MED manufacturers in 2015 includes: the Republic of Bashkortostan (the volume of production of honey is 5.9 thousand tons, the share in the total production of honey in Russia is 8.8%), the Republic of Tatarstan (5.6 thousand tons , 8.3%), Primorsky Kra (4.9 thousand tons, 7.3%), Altai Territory (4.8 thousand tons, 7.1%), Rostov region (3.9 thousand tons, 5 , 7%), Saratov region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Krasnodar region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Belgorod region (2.1 thousand tons, 3.1 %), Orenburg region (1.9 thousand tons, 2.8%), Kostroma region (1.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

The main method of tribal work with cattle is a purebred dilution, in which paired manufacturers and uterine belong to one breed.

In recent decades, along with purebred breeding, use different types Crossing - mating producers and uterus related to different breeds or those who are different breeds. To cross the rocks, you must have them in pure form. Without purebred dilution, there can be no crossing. Therefore, the preservation of the tribal fund of major breeds divorced in our country is one of the most important links in general System Events to improve the livestock of animals.

Purebred cattle breeding favorable conditions Feeding and content guarantees receipt in each generation of animals of a certain quality. This is especially important for large mechanized farms and complexes, where large differences between animals on biological and economic signs create difficulties in production technology.

At the same time, the relative alternation of animals in purebred breeding does not prevent the progressive improvement in rocks through the use of the diversity of genotypes created by combinative variability.

Of different breeds Cattle is the highest milky productivity, the Holstein-Friest breed is different, the highest fatty - Jersey, bEST DEVELOPMENT and the structure of the udder - the cows of the Irshir rock, the greatest living mass has the cattle of the Kiana meat breed, and Aberdeen Anguus is distinguished by the highest meal. All these qualities are achieved in purely breeding by targeted selection and selection. Combining the necessary qualities of different breeds, specialists create new types and new breeds that best meet modern economic requirements. The success of breeding depends primarily on the level of development and hereditary consolidation of the necessary signs from the initial crossed rocks.

Economically useful quality animals are determined by the complex of their morphological and functional features. The same end result can be achieved with a wide variety of combinations of these features. For each breed, its combination of the characteristics of the structure and the function of the body and the specific nature of the correlations between them are characteristic.

One of the most effective methods for improving animals during purebred dilution - breeding on lines. The line is called a group of animals in the breed derived from an outstanding generator and distinguished by valuable hereditary qualities that are supported and developing in several generations of targeted tribal work. The purpose of breeding on lines - development and consolidation in the offspring of valuable features of the best animals to obtain youngsters with sustainable heredity, the subsequent tribal use of which will ensure the fastest improvement of herd or rock as a whole.

At the same time, breeding on the lines makes it possible to dismember the breed or zonal array of livestock into separate unrelated groups of animals and plan the pairing system in commercial animal husbandry, eliminating random inbreeding.

There are genealogical and factory lines. The genealogical line includes all the offspring of the degree, regardless of the quality of animals. The factory line can be recognized only if the predominant most animals have certain qualities in it.

E. A. Bogdanov indicated that the line determines not the origin as such, but the possible homogeneity of the quality of the components of its animals. Accordingly, it is necessary to solve the question of attributing animals to a particular line. Often, for this purpose, the origin of animals on the right side of the pedigree (father, father of his father, etc.) is taken into account. On the motherboard in the pedigree can be the height of another line. Without direct assessment of the animal in type and productivity, it is impossible to resolve the question of the prevailing influence of the heredity of one or another generator. It is also impossible to navigate the degree of genetic similarity calculated by Wright formula. This formula may indicate only the relative probability of manifestation from the descendants of the heredity of the genericant. On the implementation of this probability can be judged only by assessing the animal.

In the future, the selection of breeders will be judged by the presence of erythrocyte antigens and protein polymorphic systems characteristic of this line in animal alleles. But for this, the tribes should accumulate the data of immunogenetic control of the origin of at least two generations of animals.