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For what purpose are rhetorical issues. What does the rhetorical question mean, what is it and how it is formulated

An example of a rhetorical question is such a speech turnover, which has an intriguing nature, but does not imply a response. Such statements give the words expressiveness and colorfulness, allow you to emphasize something important, penetrate deeper into the consciousness of the listeners and encourage them to action. In this article, consider how to use rhetorical questions in speech and what it will give us.


Rhetorical statement is used in speech as an approval, said with question intonation. The essence of this turn is that both interlocutors know exactly the answer, and they have no need to prove him in hearing. Here are some examples of rhetorical issues:

  • All people are aging: "Does all people grow old?"
  • After winter comes Spring: "Does spring come after the winter?"

Also a rhetorical question may be a quote from some famous work.


Rhetorical issues give a certain color of human speech. They perform the following functions:

  • we are talking to expressive;
  • pay attention to the speaker;
  • summarize to a specific topic;
  • focus on any problem;
  • used as citation famous man or works.


Since the Russian language is rich, then examples of rhetorical issues will be somewhat diverse. Here are the most common statements:

The first type of this speech turnover is questionable phrases. They are actively used in everyday life To express your personal attitude to any event that happened:

  • "How could I leave my phone in the classroom?" - this is Exclamation shows clear emotional coloring of annoyance, resentment and irritation.

The following example of a rhetorical question is incentive. This species Also used in everyday communication. It is instructed, but due to the question of the intonation, it is uttered much softer than the order:

  • "Children, are you going to go to bed?" - this The phrase is more like an urgent request than on the requirement.

Also, a rhetorical question may be negative. The principle of its action is that when building a proposal is not used by a "not" particle:

  • "Once I was young: Can I return my youth again?" - Dahn The statement is delivered so that it is obviously negative.

Another example of a rhetorical question, which is accompanied by an extremely clear voice tone and notes of condemnation. It is used to enhance the semantic load of the phrase, emphasizing its own rightness and addition of expression:

  • "Is it possible to do this?"; "Are there people who do not like tomato juice? "" How can I wear such a dress?

How to understand and where to use

A rhetorical question. How to recognize this speech turnover in everyday life and with public speeches?

There are several universal rulesthat will help you do:

  • Any rhetorical question can be rephrased in approval. If you doubt the words that your interlocutor said, just try to pronounce them with utmost accuracy or categorically. For example, the phrase: "I am an enemy?" can be pronounced in standard video: "I am not an enemy."
  • Often, speakers tear rhetorical questions from any works or quoted well-known people: "And who are the judges?" (BUT. FROM. Griboedov "grief from the mind");
  • Carefully listen to the interlocutor, taking into account the hidden meaning of his words.

To properly use rhetorical questions, the speaker must remember that it is necessary to take into account all the features and subtleties of this speech turnover. It is necessary to think about what thought you would like to emphasize any phrase, as it can affect the listeners. It is important to take into account the audience where it is spent.

It is also necessary to formulate a rhetorical question in such a way that the listener does not have misunderstanding.

The rhetorical question is desirable to accompany a certain facial or gesticulation, so that the interlocutor does not have a feeling of the phrase double-recognition.

In our lexicon, such a thing has been fixed for a long time as a rhetorical question. This is created to give it saturation and expressiveness. In the modern world, this term is most often implied by a question that does not require a response. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

The rhetorical question is an affirmative proposal that only is closed in an in-form form. In such statements, truth often sounds, which is not needed. It can be like everyone else familiar dogmas ("And what Russian does not like quick ride?" - N. V. Gogol) and statements addressed to a specific case or person ("Who will come to mind that the prisoner will decide to run during the day, In front of the whole prison? "- M. Gorky). As a rule, in order to at the end of such expressive, it was possible to put an appropriate punctuation sign, they are arranged on the principle of the question.

Deliching into such science as ectoology (it studies can be said that the rhetorical question is an expression expression. It is necessary to give additional colors of our speech to create one or another effect.

The fact is that the root of the word "rhetorical" is the term "rhetoric". And it is directly related to eloquence and oratorical art. It is possible to understand how to understand the rhetorical question, carefully listening to the speech of politicians, actors and diplomats.

As a rule, a similar form of speech is often used in order to convince the interlocutor or a certain group of people in anything. A rhetorical question is an opportunity to make a person think about the fact that the affirming thing is obvious, and it is worth understanding and accepting it. Often, he "saves" in family quarrels, for example, when a husband is trying to prove his loyalty ("Do you really think that I could come to our restaurant with another lady?"), And also it is a very effective political admission that allows you to incline To the devotion of a certain party or a candidate most of the people.

To understand what a rhetorical question means in the literature is even easier. It is enough to bring to the example of the famous letter of Tatyana Larina, which begins with the words: "I write to you - what is the bigger? What else can I say? " Ingenious used this in order to make the spelling of the heroine more emotional, expressive and intriguing. Such examples in Russian, and in foreign classics a lot. We often do not notice this, but it is thanks to this simple admission to educate verses and even prose becomes much easier.

As it turned out, a rhetorical question is something, with which everyone has to face all of us. He is indispensable as in spoken Speechand in advertising, literature, politics. Well, if you go deep into the study of rhetoric and eloquence, you can easily use it to attract as much as possible necessary people in your life.

Presenting a statement that does not require a response.

In essence, the rhetorical question is a question, the answer to which is not required or is not expected due to its extreme evidence for the speaker. In any case, the questional statement implies well-defined, a well-known answer, so that the rhetorical question is, in fact, is an approval made in the question of the question. For example, asking a question "How many more will we endure this injustice?" does not expect a response, but wants to emphasize that "We suffer injustice, and for too long" And as if hinting that "It's time to stop it to endure and take something about this.".

The rhetorical question is used to enhance expressiveness (isolation, emphasis) of a phrase. Characteristic feature These revolutions are conventionality, that is, the use of grammatical and intonation of the issue in cases that, in essence, do not require it.

A rhetorical question, as well as rhetorical exclamation and rhetorical appeal, - peculiar speech revolutions that increase its expressiveness - so H. Figures. Distinctive feature These revolutions are their conventions, that is, the use of an inquiry, exclamation, etc. Intection in cases that essentially do not require it, thanks to which the phrase in which these revs are used, a particularly underlined shade takes place that enhances its expressiveness. So, a rhetorical question It is, in essence, the assertion expressed only in a questionnaire, which is why the answer to such a question is already known in advance.

Examples of rhetorical issues[ | ]

  • "And who are the judges?" (Griboedov, Alexander Sergeevich. "Mount from the mind")
  • "Where are you jumping, a proud horse, / And where do you lower your hooves?" (Pushkin. "Copper Horseman")
  • "And what Russian does not like quick ride?" (

With the concept of "rhetorical question" most of us are familiar not thanks to school lessons and knowledge of linguistics. No, this term, sometimes not fully understandable, we often meet in, films and everyday life. For example, the hero or heroine of the novel in a conversation about love, the meaning of being and death, asking one of the "eternal" issues, finishes the reasoning by the phrase: "You can not answer, it is a rhetorical question."

Many can also lead examples of rhetorical issues taken from literature and cinema. Who does not know the clad expressions: "What Russian does not like quick ride?", N. V. Gogol, or: "Who is to blame?" A. I. Herzen. In this article, we have collected some more examples of rhetorical issues and tried to deal with the theoretical and linguistic aspects of this figure.

What is a rhetorical question

The rhetorical question is one of the rhetorical figures of thought, along with rhetorical exclamation and appeal. The term implies such a statement organization, in which the answer to the assigned question is not required due to its fame or evidence. In other cases, the answer is given to themselves asked.

Rhetorical question is a means artistic expressivenessWith which the thought expressed emphasizes or stands out among others. Speaking simple wordsThis is a question that is asked more in order to achieve some kind of effect, and not get the answer. Its distinctive feature is the convention that manifests itself in the use of questioning and exclamation intonation in situations that, essentially, do not require it. Due to this, the phrase is allocated, acquiring a particularly underlined shade, enhancing expressiveness.

A detailed definition of a rhetorical question is given in the Russian encyclopedia edited by Yu. N. Karaulova: "The rhetorical question is a proposal, a question in structure, but transmitting, like a narrative proposal, a message, about anything. Thus, in a rhetorical question there is a contradiction between the form (questioning structure) and the content (message value). "

Varieties of rhetorical issues: Questionally rhetorical, questioning and indispensable, questioning and negative and questioning and affirmative. In what cases they are applied - read below.


Many examples of rhetorical issues, as known to everyone, are not very, can be found in the works of W. Shakespeare. Here, for example, lines from Gamletta:

Do not my debt - the one who ruined

Honor of my mother and life of the Father,

Became intermittent and my hope

With such a cunning rod threw

I myself, - is it wrong

Pay, he is his hand?

And the more famous words from the same tragedy:

To be il not to be, that's the question.


To humble under the blows of fate

Il must be resignated

And in the mortal battle with the whole sea of \u200b\u200btroubles

End of it?

Another excellent example from the "Venetian merchant":

Yes, don't have enough eyes? Do not have enough hands, bodies, body members, feelings, attachments, passions? Isn't that the same food saturates him, isn't the same weapon wounds him, isn't it exposed to the same ailments, don't they heal it, do not heal it, do not hea and do not shake him the same summer and winter, like a Christian? If we prick - don't we there is blood? If we are riding - don't we laugh? If we poison - do not we die?

Poetic rhetorical question from the Hollywood musical "Sounds of Music":

What do we do with Maria?

How to catch a cloud on the fishing rod?

What do we do with Maria?

How to keep the lunar beam ... in the palm?

Rich examples of rhetorical issues and Russian fiction. M. Yu. Lermontov in Borodino wrote:

And he brought himself, shifting her eyes:

"Guys! not Moscow?

Let's sweep in Moscow

How our brothers died! "

The poem A. S. Pushkin "Awakening" begins with a rhetorical issue:

Dreams Dreams,

Where is your sweetness?

Example from prose. In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Flowers are belates" there are such lines:

... She considered the Doctor who made a strongest impression on it. Who does not affect the novelty? And Toporkov for Marusi was too new ...

And another winged phrase from " Dead souls"N. V. Gogol, no less known:

Rus, where are you rushing?

Role in literature and speech

In determining the concept of "rhetorical question", in fact, it is said and what role he plays. It is not raised to receive an answer, but to attract the attention of the reader or listener to what is important in this moment. M. V. Lomonosov in Rtoric wrote that the rhetorical question "is not for testing unknown, but for the strongest image of well-known things." Often this is due to the need to convey various emotional expressive values. It is used in artistic, journalistic and scientific textsas well as in; As a means of expressiveness inherent in the poetic and, as well as is used to enhance a dramatic or comic effect.

4 types of rhetorical issues that we talked above are pursuing different goals. Thus, questioning and rhetorical issues are designed to help convey the feelings of speaking, such as sadness, joy, doubt, meditation, etc. For example: How I did not notice how life went past?

Inquiries are needed for an invitation to action. Example: Do you finish finally do your homework?

Questionally negative rhetorical issues serve to emotional expressions of impossibility of action, events, states. At the same time, there are no negative words in their structure: What could be better than a warm summer evening?

Questionally-affirmatives are applied to approval with a touch of inevitability, confidence: How can you not love my homeland?

As you can see, the rhetorical question is used not only in the literature, and in oral speech, and not only as an artistic agent, and how. In particular, speakers can apply a rhetorical question to enhance influence on the audience, allotment of some thought and summing up. Most. simple example May serve a speech policy, during which he, proclaiming his program, is asked by the type of type: "How long will we wait for the necessary reforms?" Or "How much to endure a constant increase in prices?". It also shows the role of a rhetorical question as manipulatory equipment.

It happens so that, sparing, the author loses the thread of speeches or cannot quickly recall the continuation of speech. "To somehow fill in the pause, he can ask a rhetorical question audience," S. Siphanov advises in his book "Charismatic speaker." And while single statements are distributed from the places, and the audience nods his head approvingly, there is time to rebuilt and continue.

A rhetorical question - a rhetorical figure, which is a question, the answer to which is known in advance, or the question that gives the answer himself asked. You can also consider the rhetorical question, the answer to which is extremely obvious. In any case, the questional statement implies well-defined, a well-known answer, so that the rhetorical question is, in fact, is an approval made in the question of the question.

The rhetorical question is used to enhance expressiveness (isolation, emphasis) of a phrase. A characteristic feature of these revolutions is conditionality, that is, the use of the grammatical form and intonation of the question in cases that, in essence, do not require it.

The rhetorical question, as well as rhetorical exclamation and rhetorical appeal, is a kind of speech revolutions that enhance its expressiveness - so called. Figures (see). A distinctive feature of these revolutions is their conventionality, i.e. the use of a questioning, exclamation, etc. Intection in cases that essentially do not require it, due to which the phrase in which these revolutions are used, is acquired by a particularly underlined shade that enhances its expressiveness. . So, R. in. It is, in essence, the statement expressed only in a questionnaire, for what response to such a question is already known in advance, for example:

Can I see in the brilliance of the new dream faded beauty? Can I appare to the cover of a familiar life of nudity? Zhukovsky V.A.

Obviously, the meaning of these phrases in the approval of the impossibility of returning the "dreams of faded beauty", etc.; The question is a conditional rhetorical turnover. But thanks to the form of the question of the attitude of the author to the phenomenon, which is talking about, it becomes much more expressive and emotionally painted.

A similar conditional character has a rhetorical exclamation, in which the exclamation intonation does not follow out the meaning of the word or phrase, and it is arbitrarily attached, thereby expressing attitude towards this phenomenon, eg:

Watch! Takeoff! Shule, squeeze! Val turn around! Drive vortex length! Do not be late! Bruce V.Ya.

Here, the words "wave", "takes", as well as the words departure and fall, so to speak, the stories of the movement of cars, are given with exclamations expressing those feelings with which the poet these cars is watching, although in these words themselves for their immediate meaning for There is no exclamation intonation.

In the same example, we also find rhetorical appeal, i.e., again, the conditional appeal to the subjects to which in essence it is impossible to contact ("shuttle, squeeze!", Etc.). The structure of such an appeal is the same as in a rhetorical question and rhetorical exclamation.

Thus, all these rhetorical figures are peculiar syntactic structures transmitting known elevation and pattering of narration.

Examples of rhetorical issues

  • To be or not to be?
  • Docome?
  • Who is to blame and what to do?
  • "And who are the judges?" (Griboedov)
  • "Where are you jumping, a proud horse, and where do you lower the hooves?" (Pushkin)