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Leo man how to understand that he is in love with an Aquarius woman. Compatibility of Lions and Aquarius: zodiacal magnetism

Aquarius woman and Leo man

Love compatibility

An imposing Leo man and an unpredictable Aquarius woman become an unusual couple, as I am sure for all 100 horoscopes. Despite the different "roots" originating from the elements of Fire and Air, such people can get along well together or openly dislike each other for a simple reason. Only obstinacy or desire to get on the "throne" in the company of friends, team or family. Both the Leo man, the inborn soul of the company, and the Aquarius girl, who is shocking and attracting attention, want to be in charge.

Perhaps they form great couple, which in old age will roller-skate and be a star in discos "over 70". The explanation is quite logical. Both people are "comfortable" for life together qualities. Kind, sincere, these people can always support with the right word (in communication - like fish in water), actions and encouragement. True, even in the networks of their sweet chatter, they can easily get confused, forget about what they promised, or waste time on a conversation, although a decent list of urgent matters remains unchecked.

But in such a common life and leisure, they will not let feelings "fade" in everyday life. Most likely, the marriage between Leo and a woman dear to her heart, Aquarius, will be successful if the wife places a large share of the responsibility for providing for the family on his strong shoulders. Well, the most will not hurt to periodically saturate their lives with holidays, inspire their husband and periodically rest at home. Amazing activity for an amazing woman!

Sexual compatibility

Without falling into thoughtfulness and disappointment from touching dates and melodramatic films, the ardent Leo man and the Aquarius woman rich in inventions have high compatibility in the physical manifestation of love. They will respond to each other's caresses with the necessary speed and will be mutually happy. This understanding of partners in the field of eroticism and sex itself can occur on a subconscious level. The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Leo man is beauty multiplied by playfulness.

At work and at home

Here the stars are a little "tired" of building an ideal picture, so the union of Aquarius and Leo is showing some roughness. This concerns not so much their pride or the struggle for the title of "Most-the-most", but rather routine and everyday assignments.

Nothing prevents creative, outgoing people from working for great result like boredom. But if the goal is worthy, the woman of the winter zodiac can gather her will into a fist and draw good prospects for the summer man. Then something original will definitely turn out, like the very compatibility of Aquarius and Leo.

According to the compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Leo man in their family union, there are many contradictions and so that family life lasted happily ever after, they both need to show conscious patience and restraint. Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs and therefore can perfectly complement each other, of course, if they do not run out of patience before they can find mutual language... It is difficult for a Leo man to come to terms with the fact that he is doing housework.

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Leo man rarely begins with "love at first sight." Both partners need time for feelings to mature, but this relationship does not end all of a sudden. The period of courtship in this couple can also drag on, but despite the fact that the partners have already managed to somehow get used to each other, their relationship cannot be called simple.

The Leo man is very energetic, and the Aquarius woman is very unpredictable, so they will not have a quiet family haven. In these relationships, there are always many lively, vivid, unusual and amazing feelings. Also in this union there are many fantasies and tricks, cunning and humor, original intimate amusements. By the way, partners manage to solve many problems in bed. Many contradictions simply disappear under the blanket. And a strong bodily attraction over time smoothes out sharp corners in views and opinions, in beliefs and worldviews, in temperament and in characters.

Aquarius woman compatibility - Leo man - PROS

In the ideal pair of Aquarius woman and Leo man, each partner finds what he was looking for. support and can calmly give him all the responsibility, even for his life. And the Leo man appreciates the Aquarius woman for her sincerity and kindness, as he feels that there are a lot of flatterers in his life.

The ideal couple of an Aquarius woman and a Leo man often attends public events. Both love being active public life and doing charity work. Being engaged in charity work, sponsorship, the Leo man gets his share of recognition and admiration, and the Aquarius woman enjoys simply improving her world. Also, the Aquarius-Leo compatibility couple herself loves to arrange various events. The Leo man enjoys his royalty, strives to give everything splendor and luxury. And the Aquarius woman is able to make every event original and original, with its own “zest”.

Compatibility Aquarius woman - Leo man - CONS

The main problem with the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Aquarius and Leo is that the Aquarius woman perceives the behavior of the Leo man as hypocritical. The Aquarius woman is used to behaving naturally and openly. If she is in a bad mood, then she does not hide it from others. And "your face." Therefore, if suddenly during a quarrel guests come, he will be cheerful and cheerful, as if nothing had happened, despite the fact that a minute ago a volcano raged in him. The Aquarius woman is unpleasant with this behavior and she considers it two-faced. She will not be able to explain this to the Leo man, since he has a clear position on this matter: it is shameful and ugly to lose his temper in front of people, and besides, you should not devote others to your seminal affairs. The Aquarius woman is naive, and at first she may think that the scandal is over once the Leo man smiles. But, no matter how, as soon as the guests leave the house, Leo will "growl" again and the bad mood will come back to him.

An Aquarius woman is very annoyed by this behavior. To take revenge on the Leo man, she will show coldness towards him, create distance and ignore his bad mood in every possible way. This behavior will only complicate the situation, and a "fire" can break out with new strength... The Leo man does not forgive when he is not noticed.

Horoscope Aquarius-Leo - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Leo, so that there is harmony in their family, first of all, the Aquarius woman needs to learn not to be offended by the Leo man. If you really think he is two-faced, then remember how many times have you been embarrassed just because you could not contain your feelings? You probably didn't like your behavior and would like to change. So,. In addition, the opinion of each person must be respected. If a Leo man believes that he is doing the right thing, do not try to convince him. After all, you are probably more important to be happy, not right.

How an Aquarius woman can conquer a Leo man

To make it easier for the Aquarius girl to win the Leo guy, she should find common interests with him. Then it will be easier for you to find mutual understanding. It will be good if the Aquarius woman directs her ability to be keenly interested in people on the Leo man himself. He likes to be in the spotlight.

Also, if you decide to conquer such a bright man, then you should remember that he is very proud, loves to shine and he just needs to see next to him the same beautiful woman as himself. An Aquarius woman needs to pay more attention to her appearance. She is naturally endowed with charm, but this will not save her if in society she looks like a freak. An Aquarius woman needs to find a balance between extravagance and social convention. Then she will be able to become charming, elegant, "with a twist", and the Leo man will be subdued.

Also, such character traits of an Aquarius woman as kindness, sincerity and generosity will be very sympathetic to a Leo man. He himself loves to be generous and does not tolerate trivialities. And his nobility will not allow him to be around a selfish and malevolent woman.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Leo man in friendship

The Aquarius woman and the Leo man are almost always great friends. Yes, they have a lot of disagreements, but since both are active, extroverted, sociable and show a sincere interest in what is happening around them, these differences do not seem so significant. The Aquarius woman knows how to show attention to her friends, and the Leo man is a cent, when he is treated with attention and interest. And the Aquarius woman, in turn, receives support, connections from the Leo man. He helps her a lot with advice, experience and his reputation.

A romance can begin between an Aquarius woman and a Leo man, so half of these signs should be on your guard. The Aquarius woman loves permanent relationships and is not interested in novels, but she will not be able to resist the onslaught of the Leo man if he is carried away by the romantic and unpredictable Aquarius woman.

Compatibility of a woman-Aquarius and Leo-man in the business sphere

An Aquarius woman and a Leo man can work together perfectly and show stunning results, but only if their work is not boring and monotonous. Both the Aquarius woman and the Leo man are both stubborn and persistent in achieving goals. The Aquarius woman has the ability to see the situation literally through and through and ideas pour out of her like a cornucopia. And the Leo man is a leader and creative person.

When the Aquarius woman and the Leo man are colleagues or partners, this union can be very successful. But, the Leo man should avoid trying to command the Aquarius woman and demonstrate informal power to her. If this can be avoided, then the business union will bear good fruit. Both partners know how to work with full dedication.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Leo man is the subordinate, it is not a bad balance of power. The Leo man does not like to be in the swarm of a subordinate, and sooner or later he will make a career. But, the Aquarius woman is one of the few bosses with whom the Leo man can work together. The Aquarius woman in the role of the boss is very democratic and does not exert any pressure on her subordinates. And the Leo man is diligent, proud, proud and does a good job, so working badly is beneath his dignity.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Leo man is the boss, such an alliance will not last long. The Leo man is a born boss, and almost everyone likes to work under his leadership. He is strong, condescending to the weak, confident and courageous. Wherever a male Leo boss, business thrives. But, the Aquarius woman is difficult with him. In addition, he loves to patronize and control the process. And the Aquarius woman cannot stand being monitored. She tries to avoid this, which is perceived by the Leo boss as a violation of work discipline and optional.

Lions are born under the auspices of the Sun. The planet symbolizes strength and power, gives light and warmth, it is not surprising that the pets of the Sun always strive for leadership and are in the center of attention of others. Aquarius is patronized by Uranus, which is the embodiment of the ancient sky. The planet helps its ingenious pets to stand out from the crowd, and endows them with many talents.

The element of Lions is fire, the engine of our world, the light of Lions can both warm and destroy, but there is no such force in the world that is able to cope with this flame. The element of Aquarius is air, it is motionless, dispassionate, strong and unshakable. The air of Uranus pets dreams of freedom, and always achieves what it wants. The breeze of Aquarius will come in handy for the Lviv campfire - it will blow when needed and subside if necessary. Some astrologers believe that Aquarius and Lions can get perfect union, these zodiac signs are compatible in many ways.

But there is another opinion: the air-fiery guys strive for superiority at any cost, and similar character traits can cause misunderstandings and quarrels. But until you check, you will not know, and the stars are eagerly awaiting how the relationship between the energetic pets of the Sun and the independent wards of Uranus will develop.

Leo woman and Aquarius man

The lioness is an original and unpredictable lady. The little pet Solnyshka, as soon as she was born, charmed everyone - from the beauty of her eye, not only the babies of the boy gasped, but also the head physician along with the midwives. Then it became even more interesting - all the surrounding men fell at the feet of the lady of fire, and everyone in the depths of his soul dreamed that the Lioness would choose him. But the fiery lady is selective - give her at least a prince. The Lioness girl, despite her stunning appearance, is often dissatisfied with herself - a man should put her on a pedestal and admire the beauty of the fiery lady every minute. The ward Sun has no drawbacks, although future husband will get acquainted with one weakness of the Lioness - she is an unbearable jealous woman.

Boy Aquarius is a genius from birth, his ideas drive everyone crazy, as soon as Aquarius got out of the womb, he struck medical staff remarks about childbirth. The guy in the air is the most peaceful among the other signs of the zodiac - Aquarius solves any problem with the help of compromise and diplomacy. It would be strange if Uranus' pet was not surrounded by fans - girls wander after him all their lives and dream of dragging him to the registry office at any cost. Aquarius is the soul of the company, he has friends both among presidents and among hard workers - if only he is a good person. In the role of a husband, an airy guy is wonderful - a wife on the first day of life together can safely buy herself a diploma herself happy woman in the world.


The lioness hates loneliness - she is always looking for adventure, and, as a rule, finds them. The fiery beauty is having fun in different ways: today the Lioness lights up in the crowd of fans at the disco, and tomorrow, with an independent look, she sits at a reception with the king. Boy Aquarius is also not a fan of sitting at home watching TV shows - if Aquarius is offered a million, if only he remains at the TV, he will look skeptically and go, what he was, somewhere to the tundra, because there is so much unknown, and besides, you can make new acquaintances.
Uranus and the Sun painted the whole sky with diagrams before they figured out where the perfect acquaintance of their pets could occur. And oddly enough, the best place meeting for Aquarius and Lioness became the street.

A lioness, like a modern lady, monitors her health and tries to breathe fresh air... She often runs into the park in front of the disco and admires the landscape. And the guy Aquarius is always passionate about something, and this time he will have the gift of a photographer. Can an artist, or a photographer, pass by a lovely woman who is staring at a flock of cranes, or is pensively looking at ducks in a pond? Aquarius will immediately rush to photograph the Lioness and will not even notice the snag under his feet, which he, naturally, will stumble over. When the funny and disheveled Aquarius rolls up to the feet of the Lioness, she will only sigh - another boyfriend could not stand it and fell from her beauty.


But Aquarius will not be at a loss, he will ask the Lioness to freeze, and will begin to photograph her further, they say, the angle is more interesting here. Well, here the Lioness will show a master class - even onlookers from the park will gather around and start applauding. A park - perfect place for a date, Aquarius and Lioness decided and did not make an appointment for the next day, why waste time?

Aquarius will instantly rush to the store and buy all sorts of things for a picnic, and the Lioness, as a true hostess, has already found both a blanket and napkins and arranged an impromptu table. The guy Aquarius has not met such interesting women for a long time - he appreciated not only the beauty of the Lioness, from the mind and wit of the fiery lady, the airy guy is in general delighted.

The Fire Lady is also delighted - she never felt comfortable in the company of one person, she, as you know, needs a crowd of a dozen fans. But next to the cute Aquarius, the Lioness is good, because the pet of Uranus is eloquent, cute and, you can immediately see, not a poor guy - look how much he bought for the first date!

The only person who decided to break the idyll of the air-fiery couple turned out to be a strange old man on the next bench. But we know that this is just Cupid, who again started to bring together dissimilar guys and improve the statistics.


Next to Aquarius, the Lioness will feel like a lucky woman - an airy guy knows how to please a woman and give her a lot of pleasure. Everyone loses their head from the charm of the Lioness, and the pet of Uranus will not be an exception - Aquarius did not know that there are such indefatigable witches (the Lioness has no equal in bed).

Aquarius is active and inventive, during the euphoria of love, his fantasy will go off scale, he will overwhelm the fiery passion with gifts, poems and songs (yes, yes, the airy guy also sings). But harmony is such a thing - today there is, and tomorrow it is gone. In addition, a brilliant idea will come to Aquarius: to live with the Lioness. The children will hold out for a couple of days, and then jealousy will visit the Lioness - not only the relatives of the fiery lady, who know the habits of the Sun's pet, but also the stars and all the planets combined, will sympathize with poor Aquarius.

Impulsive fiery jealous first does, and only then reflects. If a stranger smiled at Aquarius, it means that they had something, and they need to get it over with sooner - this is what the Lioness thinks and rushes into battle. All the neighbors of Aquarius will suffer from the claws of the Lioness, and the saleswomen from the neighboring shops will hide under the counters, as soon as they see the fiery lady. Aquarius is a calm guy, but even such an imperturbable guy, the Lioness will infuriate. And one day the airy boy will run away, throw away the phone and change his appearance.


The lioness will be in a panic - again she could not restrain herself and ruined everything. The lady of fire will rush to her beloved psychologist, study thousands of books, but learn to deal with jealousy. What about Aquarius? The boy is in love, and will not be able to be on the run for long. In a week, Aquarius will rush to the Lioness, ask for forgiveness, defiantly remove all the girls from the phone and social networks, and will swear eternal love to the fiery lady.
The fiery-air guys will decide that there is nothing to be locked in four walls, and for a change they need to get out somewhere to a resort.
The Aquarius guy will instantly solve the problem - he has friends everywhere, including in travel agencies and at train stations.

While the pets of the Sun and Uranus are lying on the beaches and enjoying the warm water, they will not even think of quarreling. But even the oligarchs cannot afford an eternal vacation - they will have to return home and earn a living. Aquarius will not allow the charming Lioness to go to work - he is able to provide for himself and his beloved. But the Lioness will not sit at home, waiting for Aquarius, and cooking fragrant borscht. It's better to order sushi in a restaurant, or even dine in a cafe, and have fun at the same time.

Uranus' pet did not imagine so civil marriage, the Aquarius man will even think about how to gently part, but the Lioness will feel something amiss, and instantly change her habits - she will even learn to peel potatoes, if only Aquarius is happy.


In general, everything will develop according to the scenario, one fine evening Aquarius, having eaten to the full fried potatoes, takes out a velvet box from his pocket and offers the Lioness his hand, and a heart in addition. The lioness will rush to the phone, and in an hour, relatives, friends and absolutely strangers who will start measuring the waist of the Lioness and Aquarius and offer tailoring services for wedding dresses. A pair of fiery-air newlyweds will look perfect, even Cupid will come to congratulate Aquarius and the Lioness and, every now and then, will take out a handkerchief with embroidered hearts to wipe away the tears of happiness.

The husband Aquarius will quickly adapt to the new status, there will be a feeling that all his life he did only that he got married. But the little wife Leo will have a hard time - her friends will disappear from her life, because who is interested in listening to endless conversations about a new recipe for cabbage soup, or that bread cut into triangles is much tastier.

But the fiery wife is immensely happy - Aquarius carries her in his arms and pours gifts, and in vain the Lioness was afraid that in marriage all these pleasant little things would disappear. And when storks visit the fiery-air family, the delight of the young will have no boundaries - the future dad Aquarius will buy a dozen strollers to choose from, instantly hire a team of workers so that they have time to make the perfect nursery. Aquarius is an excellent father, children adore him, respect and trust all their secrets. The lioness is ready to rush with the kids to a ripe old age - you will not find a more loving and restless mother. We can say that the air-fiery marriage turned out to be ideal, and whoever doubts, let him come to visit Aquarius and the Lioness - there is something to envy!


The lioness is a girly artistic and children are constantly hovering around her, because with a fiery baby it is very interesting. The boy Aquarius is not like other children - the little genius always knows more than others, he is also surrounded by crowds of curious people, the pet of Uranus is always inventing and inventing something.

The lioness and Aquarius will look at each other for a long time from afar, but one day they will decide to get to know each other better. Friendship of the fiery-air guys can turn out to be strong, the guys will never get bored, they will be fun and comfortable next to each other. But adults are in a panic - teachers walk on tiptoe, and parents run to family psychologists after another prank of Aquarius and Lioness. Over the years, the relationship between Aquarius and the Lioness becomes more interesting, the fiery-air friends are not limited to banal amusements, their tricks are more sophisticated, and those around them dream every day that friends will quarrel and part.

The talented Aquarius will pull the frivolous girlfriend out of difficult alterations, and the Lioness will rush to the airy friend if he suddenly gets sick, or moans. When the pets of the Sun and Uranus grow old, they will not sit on the bench at the entrance to wash the bones of the youth, Aquarius and the Lioness will buy a plot of land, build a house, and, despite the persuasions of their relatives, decide to live together - that in vain torment their feet and run a friend to visit a friend, if you can perfectly sit side by side.


The lioness strives for power and always succeeds. The lady of fire would never be subordinate to anyone. Give the pet of the Sun a cozy throne and a bunch of obedient servants, only then she will be happy and contented with life. Boy Aquarius is independent and self-reliant. From his youth, he sets a goal for himself and goes to it, not paying attention to obstacles. In principle, Aquarius is not interested in money, he is ready to work for an idea, although the pet of Uranus is not at all against wealth.

Together, the fiery-air guys can reach the heights, the main thing is to immediately determine the positions - the gallant Aquarius, of course, will give up the boss's chair to the Lioness. The original Lioness and the ingenious Aquarius horrify competitors - all ill-wishers are ready to change their activities, just not to face this stubborn fiery-airy couple.

The Aquarius man always invents something, he is unlikely to work with his hands, why waste physical strength if you have a smart head on your shoulders? It is also difficult to imagine a lioness outside a comfortable chair - in the role of a leader, the fiery lady is beautiful! The stars see a great future in the fiery-air union - the Lioness and Aquarius are able to become rich in short time, if, of course, they agree not to spend money on all sorts of nonsense.

Leo man and Aquarius woman

Leo boy is romantic and passionate, sweet and attentive. Since childhood, the fiery guy has been reputed to be the conqueror of women's hearts - any lady melts from the smile of Leo, because he is able to make humanity happy with his mere presence in this world. The Leo man is jealous, he would be happy to have a harem so that beautiful women belong only to him. It is impossible to resist the charm of the pet of the Sun - the girls line up for the fiery ladies' man. The Leo guy is susceptible to flattery, women often take advantage of this, and circle the head of the fiery man. When Leo marries, he will become an excellent family man, and will never offend the lady of the heart, but he will be happy if the spouse wraps herself up in a burqa so that no one dares to look at her.

The Aquarius girl is an amazing and extraordinary person. Lady Aquarius never gets bored - as soon as she was born, she found herself entertainment and began to count the flowers on the diapers. The pet of Uranus is indifferent to the opinion of other people, if a lady of the air falls in love, then for the sake of the chosen one she will be ready for anything. The mysterious air lady has a lot of fans - the guys dream of being close to Aquarius, at least as friends. The Aquarius girl often hovers in the clouds, but this does not prevent her from using her intuition - the airy madam never does stupid things, all her actions are weighed and thought out. Aquarius copes well with the role of a wife, but the girl lacks air freedom - she is unlikely to be happy to sit on the couch with her husband in her arms, it’s better to go to a visit or to a party.


The guy Leo cannot be alone for a minute, he is ready to make new friends every day, just to be admired, an enthusiastic crowd of friends and pretty young ladies always gathers around the fiery handsome man. The Aquarius girl loves to communicate, she is smart and charming, and is never shy about expressing her opinion. If an air lady gets an appointment with the king, she will immediately establish friendly relations with all the princes, and will charm them with her ease and brilliant ideas.

Air-fiery guys can meet anywhere - both at a party and in the park, the main thing is that the planets at this moment are lined up as it should. The stars decided to bring the pets of the Sun and Uranus together in an ordinary traffic jam - well, what, there is nothing to do, the time of the free sea, and why not get to know each other?

The lion hates traffic jams, he immediately becomes nervous, and is ready to jump out of the car and run wherever his eyes look. And the girl Aquarius does not care - there is a traffic jam, which means a traffic jam, the air lady will take out a notebook and start drawing cartoons for all the drivers. When Leo notices an unusual beauty, who, unlike other motorists, calmly and serenely sits in a car and hums a song, he immediately decides to take the initiative into his own hands.

The conversation will start instantly - the air-fiery children never reach into their pockets for a word, they will charm each other, and two hours will fly by like an instant. It will even be a pity to part and go about their business. But you have to leave, because the drivers are kind of nervous these days - there is already one driver who pulls arrows from an ancient quiver, and behold, there will be fires.


Leo will not lag behind a new acquaintance - he will follow Aquarius's car, and even leaving the city will not embarrass him. The girl of the air is an attentive lady, but Aquarius would not even think that she was being watched. The Uranus pet will calmly leave at her summer cottage, and while she unloads the seedlings and other joys of the gardener, the Leo guy will rush back to the city. Leo decided to act boldly and assertively - he invited his friends, and the girl Aquarius was stunned when a crowd of cheerful guys with hoes and shovels came to her on the site. The procession was completed by a Lion, dressed in a snow-white suit and loaded gorgeous bouquets of red roses. The Aquarius girl was completely delighted, although she was somewhat embarrassed - after all, her plans did not include a date, and even a suitable outfit was not lying around in the country. But the prudent Lyova again surprised the airy lady - he solemnly took out a box with a gorgeous dress. Pet Uranus immediately rushed to change clothes (wow, the new boyfriend guessed the size and pleased the style).

When the air girl came out country house Dressed up and refreshed, the working boys immediately threw down their shovels, took out violins from somewhere and began to play light, cheerful music. Even Cupid was surprised, and almost fell off the fence with delight - he did not expect such a development of events.


Leo is able to drive any lady crazy, he is inventive and tactful, in addition, Leva feels the mood of a woman and always guesses her desires. WITH intimacy the fiery-air children did not pull - if the acquaintance and date took place on the same day, then one should continue to act quickly and swiftly. The Aquarius girl may seem modest and cold in appearance, but Leo knows what is often behind her appearance. snow queen there may be a furious temperament hidden. The Sun's pet was not mistaken - Lady Aquarius turned out to be an unusually sensual person, and gave the Leo man pleasure and incomparable pleasure.

Already the tomatoes have ripened, and the cucumbers have turned yellow, and the pets of Uranus and the Sun are unable to tear themselves away from each other. The lion woke up first, he is still a man. Lyova immediately started a vigorous activity, called his friends again for harvesting, along the way, the fiery guy made repairs at the dacha of the air passion, and a week later everything in the Aquarius house began to shine and sparkle - a European-style renovation, what can you say. Once the idyll was broken - Aquarius's friends came to visit, and Leo was very nervous, jealous of his beloved for every man who glanced at her.


The ward of Uranus did not even notice the trick of the jealous Leo (the fiery Othello volunteered to see Aquarius's friends and had a conversation with the guys - the friends ran like scalded ones, Leva managed to find the right words). The lion hired a watchman for garden house air lover, and transported Aquarius to his home. The Aquarius girl, even in a state of love, will not allow her to be locked in a golden cage - freedom is above all.

The air lady will show Leo what an ideal civil marriage should be. Entertainment - yes, boredom and dullness - no! That is, everything will remain the same, except that the fiery-air guys will have dinner and sleep together. For a couple of months, the pets of the Sun and Uranus will live in peace and harmony. But one day the lady Aquarius decides to have a house party and, while Leo honestly works in the service, a crowd of friends of the air lady will cram into their cozy nest.

When Leo comes home, he will not believe his eyes - where is his faithful friend? Why doesn't Aquarius greet him with a smile and slippers? Instead, the insidious airy lady dashingly dances with a brutal gentleman who casts lustful glances at her. Then Leo remembers nothing. The fiery Othello woke up about an hour later - there was no one around, and only crystal wine glasses were swinging on the chandelier, and alarmed neighbors were ringing at the door.


When Loewe was told what he was doing in a jealous frenzy, the fiery guy grabbed his head - did he really lose his tender and beautiful beloved? But, of course, Lady Aquarius forgave her jealous man and decided to take up the upbringing of the unbridled Lion herself.
The first step is to legalize the relationship - maybe marriage will help to avoid many disagreements?

The wedding of the fiery-air guys was quiet and calm - there were not many guests, mostly people gathered from the side of Leo, because the acquaintances of the Aquarius ladies still did not come to their senses after that unforgettable party... But the bride Aquarius and the groom Leo still looked pleased and happy. Cupid went to the storks and ordered not to delay with surprises - the children in the fiery-air family appeared pretty soon. Leo even stopped controlling his little wife - the caring dad paid all his attention to his beloved children. And mommy Aquarius is the dream of any child, she will tell a fairy tale, teach you how to read, and even allow you to be naughty, if only the restless fiery daddy does not know about it.

We can safely say that the pets of Uranus and the Sun will achieve perfect compatibility, although not immediately - at least after a dozen years of marriage, Aquarius and Leo will stop quarreling and learn to extinguish conflicts without unnecessary words and emotions.


Boy Leo is a restless and naughty fidget. From the ventures of the Lion Cub, the people around begin to get hysterical, and only the girl Aquarius watches with interest and waits: what else will this cheerful tomboy come up with? The air girl immediately realized that she needed to make friends with a fiery rascal, you definitely won't get bored with him, besides, Leo will always help to realize any ideas, just hint.

The friendly relations of the air-fiery children will develop rapidly - today the Lion Cub and the Aquarius girl were taken from the birch, where they had already managed to build a hut, and tomorrow they pulled a couple out of the train compartment, and did not allow the air-fiery ugliness to travel around the world.

Leo and the Aquarius girl never lose heart - if the aerial lady, for example, did not pass the exam at the institute, the fiery guy will personally come to the teacher and fall on his knees, or pay ten of his scholarships, so that his girlfriend gets an A. Lady Aquarius, too, will never leave a fiery friend in trouble - an airy girlfriend will always pull Leo out of the most unthinkable alterations, and will deal with anyone who dares to harm the cute Lion Cub.

The fiery-air tomboy vowed as a child not to spoil friendship with romance - for this there will be halves, and friendly relations should be built only on honesty and trust. The wife of Leo and the husband of Aquarius were not delighted with the friendship of the pets of the Sun and Uranus, and until old age they complained to each other about the next antics of the fiery-air friends.


The Leo man is a born king, at worst, a prince. Loewe always lacks power, and he rushes along career ladder without noticing anything around. When a fiery guy succeeds, he immediately loses his temper, and looks for where else to apply his talents. Lady Aquarius is not a careerist, but somehow she reaches unprecedented heights in any activity. The air lady is a genius in a skirt, and any self-respecting leader dreams of such a wonderful and efficient employee.

Naturally, Leo will see a competitor in the airy woman, and will try to "neutralize" her. However, Lady Aquarius will not even pay attention to Leo and will stubbornly do what she loves. The stars advise Loew not to waste time, and immediately lure Aquarius into his team.
Leo hates keeping accounts, and keeping track of finances - spending, so spending with pleasure. The lady of the air is generally indifferent to capital, but, nevertheless, she always has money, and in large quantities.

Divorce for this couple is rare if they have reached the formalization of the relationship.

Here, the two opposites find each other, forming one whole, but only on the condition that the Lioness feels in the Aquarius man an equal personality to her.

Leo-Aquarius compatibility: how to seduce an Aquarius man?

Aquarians love everything mysterious, new and interesting, so he will be attracted by interesting themes, new original ideas and unusual (within reason and sense of style!) Clothes. Aquarius is not jealous or perceptive, so you shouldn't try to flirt with others in his presence or talk about things that you don't know or are not sure about. Leo and Aquarius often show interest in each other, gradually developing into a stormy romance - so stormy that everyone around them knows about it. It is difficult to predict how an intimate relationship will develop in this couple, but often something incredible and curious awaits them. Despite the strong attraction in this pair, the partner will have to make a lot of effort so that Aquarius condescends to "formalities" and offers his chosen one to legitimize the union: Aquarius hates "bureaucracy" and responsibility. If the Lioness is faced with this problem, she should make it clear to Aquarius how important this union is for her, and also convince her beloved that after registration their lifestyle will not undergo significant changes, and his freedom will remain with him.

What does the ideal pair look like: Leo woman - Aquarius man?

They stand out from the crowd with their love, prosperity and dissimilarity to other couples, which often arouse the envy of others. They love to be in society and attend public events where the Lioness shines, and Aquarius shakes the foundations with their original ideas... They are interested in talking with each other: they always learn something new and learn from each other. After years marriage, Leo will learn to be impartial about criticism, admit his mistakes and become less susceptible to flattery, and Aquarius will learn from Leo how to give warmth, and will become more serious about the word given to them. Perhaps Leo and Aquarius will never fully understand each other, but they will always be drawn to each other, and until the end of their days they will be surprised to discover something new in each other. An excellent combination for a family business: you can be sure that the ideas of Aquarius will be brought to life on the highest level and will bring a good income.

What are the difficulties in the union between a Leo woman and an Aquarius man?

Both are curious, intelligent, original and excellent organizers, but the differences are colossal. So, the Lioness will be outraged by the indifference of the Aquarius man to public opinion and disinterest in moving up the career ladder. He is in no hurry to prove his feelings to her (the Aquarius man considers it unnecessary to explain the obvious) - the Lioness takes offense and reproaches him that he has stopped loving her. He calmly accepts criticism and is in no hurry to defend himself, hearing insults - she perceives this as a lack of honor and pride, while in fact Aquarius is simply indifferent to the opinions of others if he is confident in himself and the correctness of his actions. Also, Aquarius hates personal responsibility and the limitations of his illusory freedom, which seems to the Lioness a manifestation of cowardice.

Another problem is the openness of Aquarius to everyone, while Leo prefers to open up only to those close to him. The lioness is the owner, Aquarius is not, which also creates a lot of problems, causing jealousy and discontent of the Leo woman, in contrast to her chosen one who considers a fleeting affair to be treason. Financial conflicts are possible: Aquarians hate to live in debt and generally ask, while Leo often lives in debt and believes that it is better to ask than to deny something.

Difficulties are surmountable if both partners learn to accept each other as they are, without trying to re-educate or change something: it still won't work. The best tactics are the frankness so prized by Aquarius, and the regal lion's optimism. Instead of reproaching the companion because of his refusal to chase titles and positions, the Lioness should remember that Aquarius is a born fighter, and that is precisely why she fell in love with him. It is also worth recognizing for Aquarius the right to calm indifference: this is his nature, and you will never expect sympathy or powerful moral support from him, but this same coldness will help you with practical advice in difficult times.

Compatibility of a Leo woman and an Aquarius man at work

Aquarius + Leo = Generation of crazy ideas + their impeccable adaptation to the realities of life and implementation. An incredibly fruitful union for the sphere of innovative technologies, art, business, but, unfortunately, it cannot stand the routine painstaking work (however, Leo and Aquarius rarely choose such professions for themselves).

Compatibility of Leo woman and Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

Success awaits them if Leo gives up vanity and the desire to "leave" at the expense of the ideas of Aquarius.

When a Leo woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate

A lioness is a good boss and a master of her craft, Aquarius is a wonderful worker who knows his own worth. Everything will be fine if the Lioness begins to trust Aquarius more and will provide him with more freedom of action, while saving him from making important fateful decisions.

When a Leo woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss

The Aquarius boss is a real miracle that will help the Lioness climb the career ladder, but you should never try to deceive or cheat him - the astute Aquarius will instantly see through your plan.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Aquarius man in friendship

"And together it is bad, and apart in any way" - this is a saying about them. Leo and Aquarius do not like much in each other, but they are interested in together. A lioness who wants to become special for someone will be annoyed by the equal attitude of Aquarius to everyone, and Aquarius will be outraged by the patronage of Leo. At the same time, they often spend their leisure time in the same places (albeit with a different purpose), go to visit and invite the same people, want the same things. Therefore, if they do not try to "guess" each other, but leave each a large share of internal independence and personal space, this friendship will be successful. Their "halves" should not be afraid that friends suddenly decide to move on to a more intimate relationship. Both are proud of the casual affair, they have little interest in each other for Serious relationships, and Aquarius does not mix love and friendship at all.

Leo Aquarius will pose the question in such a way as to create a love marriage, but Aquarius will run away from obligations. But Leo will never give up the pursuit. Aquarius women and men value their freedom too much and will do everything in order not to fall into the trap and not commit themselves. Leo loves adventure, independence and wants to be the boss. Leo is used to being the center of attention and needs approval. To attract Leo, give him attention, buy first class tickets for a concert, performance or any exclusive event. The more expensive tickets you find, the better.

The rebel Aquarius doesn't care much about the approval of others. This lover is looking for intellectual stimulation. Show your knowledge to attract an Aquarius. Some Aquarius people think sexual relations without a mental connection, an ordinary thing.

Compatibility in sex of Aquarius and Leo

Leo and Aquarius are opposite signs of the zodiac. Astrologically, the amorous combination of Leo and Aquarius is hot, passionate sex. These two can have a successful relationship. Aquarius and Leo can have casual sex. They are most likely to have exotic sex, frivolous encounters, and open sex. Leo has a taste for wild passion, while Aquarius leans towards control and creativity in the bedroom.

Aquarius and Leo marriage compatibility

The relationship between Leo and Aquarius turns into a love marriage. They will be bound by a close friendship. They are both very sexy, full of passion and will satisfy each other. For their love, friendship is the perfect foundation for their marriage.

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