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Com android phone app. An error occurred in the application, what to do

Every year the devices are becoming more and more "fancy", software and applications - more and more complex, but along with this, many new problems arise. One example is the appearance of the "" error. What does such a failure indicate, why can it happen and what to do in a similar situation?

Why is there an error in the app?

There may be several reasons for the appearance of such a problem:

  1. Problems with SIM card support.
  2. System conflict with a new application or downloaded update.

And if in the first case everything is solved by a simple reboot of the phone, then in the second one will have to do some manipulations with the device in order to solve the problem that has arisen.

How do I fix the error?

Method One: Stop Time Synchronization

One of the most common system application conflicts is resolved as follows:

How to fix error in app - video

Method two: clear the cache

If the first method turned out to be useless, go to the second.

Method three: uninstall the Phone app

Since the error occurs in the application, that is, in the "Phone", why not delete it, replacing it with a similar one from GooglePlay. The following are particularly successful:

  • "Contacts & Phone";
  • True Phone;
  • ExDialer.

Download and install any of them on your device. They should replace the default app and the error will no longer appear on the phone.

Fourth method (radical): return to factory settings

Emergency solution. If none of the methods helped, then it's never too late to return to the factory settings of the device or change the phone's firmware.

Remember that all your settings and important files can be lost. To save the necessary information, make a data backup before applying drastic measures.

To return to factory settings:

Factory Reset to Fix Error - video

How to avoid stopping the process in the future?

  1. Only open apps from trusted sources on your device.
  2. Do not try to manually download a program of dubious origin to your phone.
  3. Before downloading the update to your smartphone, pay attention to the reviews of other users. This will help to avoid not only conflicts with the application, but also other errors.

The app error occurs due to conflicts with downloaded updates or programs. There are several ways to fix it. It would be more correct to start with the simplest ones, and if they do not help, take the more complex ones. In any case, one of them (even the last one) will definitely help you.

The system application is not responding - this is a common problem that can occur on absolutely any Android device. Devices from manufacturers such as Samsung and Alcatel, according to many users, are more susceptible to this problem than other devices on this operating system.

The error "System application is not responding" appears most often immediately after installing a new application on an Android device. Among other things, some users also note that this can happen after installing a third-party application, i.e. not from the Store Google play and using the apk file.

The "system application is not responding" error is a signal that some hardware part of your device or a component of the Android OS is not supplying the required data to the application.

Given that there are many reasons for this error, there will be many solutions. Before we move on to the solutions part of the article, let's go through the most likely reasons for the "system application not responding" error:

  • Software conflict
  • There is not enough space on the device
  • Broken sectors on the SD card
  • Malicious software installed from an unverified source
  • Unverified custom Android firmware (only on devices with ROOT access)
  • Important system elements were moved or deleted using Link2SD and another similar application (only on devices with ROOT access)

Ok, below you can find for yourself a list of methods that may be able to help you with the solution of the error "The system application is not responding" on Android.

Method # 1 Make sure you have enough space

If you approach this problem from a logical point of view, but it is quite possible that the error "The system application is not responding" arose due to a banal lack of free space on the device. Users often forget to check for free space before installing any applications and games, and begin to solve the problem as soon as it appears.

Go to the Settings of your Android device and then go to the "Memory and storage" section. Make sure that you have at least 300 megabytes of free space in your internal storage (it can be less, but this value is the most secure).

If you realize that you have much less space left than in the above recommendation, then try deleting the cache of some applications to free up some space. If this is obviously not enough, then try uninstalling some unnecessary applications.

The note: on some versions of Android, you can delete all accumulated cache from applications. Go to "Settings → Storage → Cache files" or Saved files and click on the "Delete cache" button.

To uninstall some of the apps on your Android, go to Settings. Then go to the "Memory and Storage" section and click on "Memory".

The note: on some Android versions the Memory section can be located in "Settings → Android Settings".

You will see a list of applications installed on your Android device. Go through it and find those applications that consume for their work the largest number random access memory. Click on the "gluttonous" application and then click on the "Force Stop" option.

Check your device for the "system application not responding" error. If it does not appear for a long period, then the problem really was a lack of free space and RAM.

Method # 2 Performing a variety of reboots

Android is not the most stable operating system, so from time to time some errors, crashes and other problems can appear in it. Perhaps the error "The system application is not responding" has occurred or some kind of failure in the system.

If given error was caused precisely by such a single failure, then a simple reboot of the device should easily fix the problem. First, try a simple reboot: hold down the power key on your device and confirm the shutdown.

As soon as your smartphone starts up, check for an error. If that doesn't work, you can also try a harder reboot, which is done by physically disconnecting the battery.

The note: If you have an Android smartphone with a non-removable battery, then you can simulate a battery outage. This is done differently for each device, but on most of them a forced reboot can be achieved using a combination of the Power and Volume ↓ buttons, which must be held down for 20 seconds.

Method # 3 Make sure your Android is up to date

Outdated software can cause a huge number of problems for any user. On Android OS, this can also be problematic. Perhaps your device or some software on it has not been updated for a long time, which led to the appearance of the error "The system application is not responding." To try to fix it, you should try upgrading.

To get started, open the Google Play Store and go to the "My Apps & Games" tab, which can be done using the slide-out panel on the left. You will see a list of applications that are waiting for the update queue. Update all applications to the most recent version, or you can click the Update All button to start their automatic updates one by one.

Once they are all updated, test your smartphone for the "System application not responding" error. If it is not there, then for the future you will know that you need to update your software when it appears again. If it is still present, you can also try performing a system update.

To do this, go to the Settings of your Android device and go to the "System Update" section. Next, click on "Check for Updates" and wait until the check is completed. If the utility finds available updates, install them and restart the device. Then check it for the "system application not responding" error.

Method # 4 Removing the SD card

Some users claim that the SD card may be causing this problem. It may be damaged or simply have bad sectors that prevent the Android system from accessing the information it needs, which leads to an error. As it was found out, SD cards with 32 or more gigabytes are more susceptible to this problem.

To quickly check the likelihood of your SD card's involvement in the "system application not responding" error, you simply need to physically remove it from your Android device and then reboot it. After doing this, let your smartphone work like this for a while. If there is no specified error, then the problem is obviously with your SD card.

However, even if she was the culprit of the situation, this is not a reason to get rid of her. Try to reformat the SD card completely and then put it back into your smartphone. Perhaps something on it was causing the error "The system application is not responding."

Method # 5 Running in Safe Mode

It doesn't matter what version of Android your device is running on, as third-party software can still cause it a bunch of problems. On the Internet, you can find multiple messages that the problem, most often, arises from a software conflict. Let's check it out.

Launching your Android smartphone in Safe Mode will provide the necessary conditions for verification, since no third-party software will be loaded into the system (it will simply be prohibited for it). If the error "System application is not responding" does not appear in Safe Mode, then it will be obvious that it was caused by third-party software.

To go to Safe mode, press and hold the Power button until the Boot Menu appears. Then hold down the Power button again so that you are prompted to boot into Safe Mode. Click on the Ok button.

The note: if the above instruction did not help you enter Safe Mode, then it is executed on your device somehow differently. Just follow search query like "* Your phone * Safe mode" and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

After these steps, your Android device should enter Safe Mode. In the lower left corner, you should see confirmation of this. Play around with your device a bit to see if an error appears in Safe Mode.

If the error "The system application is not responding" did not appear this time on your smartphone, then the cause of the problem is obviously in some third-party application on the device, due to which the conflict arises. Unfortunately, you will have to uninstall all applications and then reinstall them one by one to determine the culprit of the error.

Method # 6 Clearing the cache partition

Before we get into the really hard steps, let's try clearing the cache partition on your Android device to fix the "system application not responding" error. Be aware that clearing a cache partition is not the same as a hard reset, which erases absolutely everything from the device. Temporary files and application files will be deleted. All your apps' data will be erased, but Google Play will automatically restore it as soon as you use it again.

First, turn off your Android device completely. Then hold down the Home + Power + Volume key combination. Release the Power button the moment you feel vibration, but continue to hold the rest.

Release the other two buttons when the device displays android logo and the inscription "Recovery mode". Use the volume buttons to navigate the menus and select "Clear Cache Partition". Then press the power button to select that item. Wait until the end of the process, after which the device will reboot, and then check for the error "The system application is not responding".

Method # 7 Resetting an Android device to factory settings

If none of the above helped you, then you can resort to the last method - resetting the device to factory settings. If you have not done anything with the system files, then this method will almost certainly eliminate the error "The system application is not responding".

But, this method it should be used as a last resort, since when you use it, you will lose all your personal files. So making a backup copy of your files is highly recommended in this case. If you value files only on the SD-card, then you should not worry, since this process will not affect it.

So, go to the Settings of your device again. Go down to their very bottom and find the "Backup and reset" section there. Click on this item and make sure you check the box next to the "Back up my data" option. If not, check the box and wait for the archiving process to complete.

Then click on the "Reset settings" button and confirm your intentions by clicking on the "Reset" and "Erase everything" button. Now you just have to wait for the end of the reset process. After resetting your Android device to factory settings, check it for the "System application is not responding" error. It probably should have been resolved.

Method # 8 Flashing to stock ROM

If resetting the device to factory settings could not help you, then we can say with almost one hundred percent accuracy that you somehow managed to damage the system Android files... A huge number of users complained about the "System application not responding" error after they tried to move important things for the system to external storage.

Surely you couldn't move important components without access to ROOT. For example, if you tried to achieve something using the Link2SD app, then it could very well cause some kind of damage to the Android OS files.

Why is everyone buying now mobile phone? Of course, today's smartphones have a phenomenal feature set. By using operating system An "Android" phone can easily turn into a player, video player, game, or, say, a powerful calculation tool using the right applications. However, the most basic function of any telephone is the ability to make calls. But what if the error "An error has occurred in the application" pops up and the phone stops ringing?

Primary function

The original function of any telephone was one - to call. With the technological boom and the colossal development of the mobile industry, nothing has changed. Although this is not noticeable behind tons of applications for "Android" and rich functionality, the main function of any phone is still calls and communication. And with the loss of this function, the phone automatically ceases to be a phone, but becomes a multimedia device with the functions of playing music and video, reading e-books, launching applications and games.

The fact that the function of making calls has stopped working is signaled by a window that says "an error has occurred in the application" when trying to open the phone book. There may be several reasons for this:

  • a crash in the "Phone" application or its clutter up with a cache;
  • damage to this application by a virus or by the user.

The first step is to simply restart your smartphone. It is possible that as a result of the intensive use of many various programs and applications in a row or at the same time, the "Contacts" system function could crash. If this is just the problem, then a reboot should fix the problem. At the very least, this is the most elementary thing that can be done to fix the malfunction.

Reboot gave nothing

If, after rebooting, when you try to open the phone book, the error "the process is stopped" again pops up, then you need to figure out what the problem is and "treat" the phone. The first thing to think about in this situation is the clutter of the Phone application with cache and temporary files.

In this case, the problem can be fixed quite simply: you need to clear the cache and delete. Open the smartphone settings, go to the "Applications" section. Here you need to switch to the "All" tab and find the application called "Phone". We open it and see just below two buttons - "Clear cache" and "Erase data". We press both in turn. Also, it will not be superfluous to get rid of temporary files throughout the mobile device. Specialized utilities can help with this, for example, Ccleaner or After cleaning, we restart the smartphone and try again.

The problem "there was an error in the app" still remains

In case the previous method did not help, it is worth trying something else. For example, cancel the synchronization of date and time with the Internet. Very often this method really helps. This is done as follows: go to Settings, find the "Date and Time" section, in which you need to uncheck the box next to the "Network Date and Time" item. As before, we restart the phone and try to access contacts again. Hopefully this time the error has disappeared (fly or any other smartphone brand has finally returned to its primary function). If not, then we act like this.

Downloading the "dialer" application

If the native "dialer" cannot be restored, you will have to replace it with something. We go to Google Play, find a third-party application for calls, install it. Now you can call again.

If there is no Internet access, you can download the application to your phone from your computer. This is how it is done. First you need to download the apk file, i.e. dialer installer from some site with applications. However, you need to be extremely careful not to download a utility with viruses. To do this, you need to carefully read the description of the program and reviews. If there is even the slightest suspicion that the installer is unsafe, close this site and open another (fortunately, there are plenty of them on the network). So, the installer has been downloaded. Now you can go in two ways:

  • Just dump the .apk file to your phone via USB cable or any other way. Then we open it on the phone and install it.
  • Install the InstallApk program on your computer. We connect the gadget to the PC, run this utility and load the "dialer" on the smartphone.

Now there is a dialer. However, this is a temporary solution. In addition, the process may still interfere with the normal use of the device. Therefore, it will be most useful to tidy up the standard Phone application.

Drastic measures

Not only in case of the error "The process is stopped", but also from all troubles saves a return to the factory settings or backup. Backup is a function of restoring the phone system by returning to factory settings using an OS backup. This is done as follows. The Settings opens, where you can find the "Restore and Reset" section. There is such a thing as "Reset to factory settings". Click on it and wait for the process to end.

The only drawback of the reset is the complete deletion of the user's personal data from mobile device... That is, all contacts, passwords, Wi-Fi networks... Therefore, in order to save this data, you need to synchronize with the Google system. It will also be very useful to back up your contacts on a memory card or in the same account. When all important data has been backed up, you can begin the restore process using a reset.

Also, if an error occurs in the application, the problem can be solved by flashing the operating system. True, this is the most extreme option, they resort to it only when even a reset is not able to help. In addition, to do it, you need to have certain skills, otherwise you can only harm your mobile device.

To stop the process from happening, you need to take good care of your phone. You should not download everything, it is not known from where, otherwise you can pick up a virus that will disable the "Phone" application. Also, do not forget from time to time to clean your gadget from temporary files that clog the system and prevent it from working normally. It is also highly undesirable to run a large number of games and applications at the same time, as this can cause an overload of RAM, as a result of which "brakes" and malfunctions of some system applications may appear.

If you see the message "The Phone application has crashed" on your Android 7.0 or higher, this means that an error has occurred with the system process. It is quite logical that this alert indicates a critical failure, as a result of which this process can no longer work normally. But what can cause such a problem, and how can you quickly fix it? Let's figure it out.

Phone app crash notifications

Causes of the error in the "Phone"

It should be noted that the "Phone" application is responsible for the operation of most of the basic options in Android 7 and is interconnected with many of its services. Therefore, any failure in the OS or third-party software entails an error in its operation. Among the extensive list of possible problems, the following can be highlighted:

  • random errors are the most common and frequent;
  • filling the system cache associated specifically with the "Phone" application or the system as a whole;
  • malicious code;
  • user intervention;
  • incompatibility of any application that interacts with the "Phone".

One way or another, in most cases the user is the culprit. This refers to an excessive amount of software, while not always of high quality and official, littering the phone with garbage, a virus, and the like. Moreover, budget models of Chinese production (DOOGEE, BQ, Leagoo) most often fail.

Fixing an application crash

Let's look at the options as the complexity and implications increase. Naturally, you need to start with a simple restart - this is the simplest solution that can fix an accidental crash. When you reboot, the system will not only restart all important processes, but will also partially fix damaged system files. More serious problems cannot be fixed that way.

Removing garbage and clearing the cache

To perform this action, it is better to download a special utility for cleaning temporary files. It can be CCleaner, Master Cleaner or analogs. It should be remembered that in latest versions Android has a built-in cleaner. In this case, it is recommended to manually clear the cache and data of the "Phone" application. After cleaning, reboot the gadget.

Naturally, if a failure occurs after launching certain programs, they need to be demolished. However, you can first try a simple data erase and cache deletion for the problematic software.

Disable sync

Often a failure is caused by setting the date and time via the Internet. You can disable this function in the Settings menu by selecting the "Language, time, keyboard" section. Instead of this section, there may be simply "Date and Time". It all depends on the shell and the launcher. Set the time-date manually, plus set your time zone - this is important point.

Malware scan

And the last thing that can be done without the risk of losing personal data is to find a virus that could cause problems. It often happens that the installed software is not malicious at all, but custom software can cause malfunctions and critical changes to system files. Antivirus check will not only eliminate full-fledged viruses, but also partially solve problems with custom software and system changes without restoring it.

Today there are many proven utilities - AVG, Dr.Web, Kaspersky, ESET and others. Plus, uninstall unused software on your phone. What should be done:

  1. Download and install antivirus from Play Store (and only from there).
  2. Check the system.
  3. If a virus is detected, disinfect the damaged files.
  4. Reload the gadget.
  5. Even if the "Phone" started working normally - clean up temporary files.

Please note that you can check with several programs, but this must be done one by one, and after scanning, remove the security software. You cannot keep 2 or more installed antiviruses at the same time.

In addition, PC or laptop antivirus can be used to check. To scan, simply connect the device to your computer as a storage device and scan it. Malicious code and scripts are not very different, so the likelihood of detection is high.

We solve the crash in the phone application via rezet

There is such a thing as "soft" and "hard" reset. In any case, you need to copy all important information, contact list, passwords to the cloud or PC. Go to the applications you use and save the progress on them by linking your account, for example, to social network... By default, you must have a Google account linked, so set sync there as well.

A "soft" reset, aka soft-reset, will restore the device to its original state, erasing all changes to the operating system and deleting applications and so on. How to do it:

This solution is a kind of rollback of the operating system to its original state.

If this does not help, then you need a "hard" reset or Hard-Reset. Do not be afraid of this term. This is a deeper (low-level) cleaning of the system. It is impossible to save any information here, but at the same time all sources of the bug are demolished. Instructions:

  1. Turn off your device.
  2. During power-on, go to the "Recovery" menu. For each model, the Recovery entry may be slightly different - punch out the entry combination for your device.
  3. Clear user data via "wipe data / factory reset";
  4. Wait for the procedures to complete.

Please note that this solution also removes viruses if they were not detected by the corresponding software. After that, the message that the "Phone" application has crashed will stop appearing on your Android 7 and higher. Here's another visual video instruction by such a reset:

After restarting the phone, you will have a completely clean Android in front of you. There is an important point: the latest versions of Android (6.0, 7.0 and higher) have anti-theft protection. Therefore, check out our past material.

Reflash device

If all this does not help, then there is a global damage to the system. In this case, only a flashing will help. This procedure is not recommended for inexperienced users. Errors during flashing can make a "brick" out of the device - then about the guarantee and inexpensive repair you can forget.

The flashing method directly depends on your device, so you need to select a solution specifically for a specific model and company. It is advisable to use the standard versions downloaded from the manufacturer's official website. Custom firmwares and beta versions are best avoided in this case.

If even after the firmware the problem persists, then there is only one option - a trip to the service center. It is likely that there is a hardware failure that affects the operation of the device.


We hope the information helped you solve the problem, because, despite the large number of ways, there is nothing difficult in solving the problem. In most cases, the error "The Phone application has crashed" is corrected already at the first stages. To avoid its occurrence in the future, we recommend:

  • install software only with Google Play Market or the official website of the developers;
  • regularly clean the phone from temporary files;
  • periodically check the system for viruses;
  • timely update the operating system ("Settings" - "About phone" - "Software update");
  • do not install a large number of applications - even if they are not open, they can run in the background, consuming the resources of the device.

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The use of a large number of applications in tablet computers makes the life, work, and study of users much easier. However, an overabundance of programs, as well as conflicts in which they can enter among themselves, can lead to failures. In this case, the tablet often gives out application errors - industry experts will tell you what to do.

Major application errors and solutions to the problem

Often, users themselves become the root cause of the incorrect operation of applications on their tablet. The reason for this is the uncontrolled and often disorderly downloading of software from dubious resources. Moreover, the issued errors that users have to face are noticed both in the Android OS and in competitors - Windows and iOS.

Crash on startup

This question often arises when one of the main programs does not start at startup. In this case, you can solve the problem by following these steps:

  1. The crash is related to the main application. Enable the application yourself using the Program Manager. After that, you will need to restart your computer.
  2. Recently downloaded software is not working correctly. It must be separately restarted by finding it in the Program Manager. If the steps taken do not help, you need to remove the program from autorun or manually configure it. Reinstalling an app is a powerful but drastic method.

Wrong work

This problem is related to. That the program may freeze and not respond to user requests. To solve the problem, you should:

  1. Rollback to previous version... This option is suitable if you have recently upgraded the application.
  2. Checking for virus programs, especially if there is access to the network.
  3. Reinstalling the app is the last option to fix the problem.

Especially often, problems with incorrect operation of programs arise after an unsuccessful self-flashing of the tablet. In the case of incorrectly set parameters or an unsuitable operating system, not only the software part, but also the technical one may suffer. Therefore, proceed to such difficult work is needed only for advanced users who are confident in their abilities. Additionally, and already all experts give recommendations to constantly check the device for viruses and spyware. They can also cause applications to malfunction.