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Lover Taurus and women older than him. Tales are distinguished by excessive stubbornness. Sexual Taurus Relations with Zodiac Signs

Taurus in love Generous and sophisticated - loving sign. The double effect of the moon and Venus generates sensitivity and sentimentality in its character. With these qualities, he attracts the opposite sex.

Taurus is a salt of the earth. Responsible and mature man who adore and respect. This is a defense for your loved ones, kind, soft and responsive person. The calves are easy, they are pleasant, very practical and carefully select partners.
Taurus chooses partners without sorry forces. As a permanent person, he invests all his soul into relationship, much more effort, if you compare with other zodiac signs.

Mute, which will be able to get the key from the heart of the Taurus, is great lucky. He best understands physical love, giving deep delight than other signs. Because it sees the first need. If he has no doubt in the feelings of his halves - he is calm and gives all the strength to romantic and straw passion.

Taurus is not an opponent of fleeting bright novels, but still hopes for fateful meeting And happy development of events. He can meet his destiny anywhere. On the street, in the park, on a dinner, at work, in a movie or on the beach. The partner that the Taurus dreams so will share his lifestyle.
Taurus - Owners
Tales do not like change. If the novel goes into a dead end, they still prefer former relationships. They believe deeply believe that love is given for life. It is difficult for them to understand that their halves also have their own life.
Such a desire to take possession of a partner can cool any passion. But every such desire should be reasonable. Let's breathe your sweetheart freely. It is not necessary to press your satellite to the heart very hard, otherwise he can feel in a trap. The smaller the calf will demand from the partner, the greater return he will receive in return.

Love pushes the Taurus to work and feeds his vitality
But he has one more weakness - he is too fond of work, can spend all the reserves on it and the love will not be left for her.

Mood Taurus
Taurus loves constancy, peace and protects his beloved from any trouble. Usually the calf peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes him put up with many things. But if the patience comes an end, the volcano will certainly explode. Taurus is straightforward and will not hide feelings. His anger is burned slowly and can become indomitable if it spawned out.

Tales do not like to argue, especially at elevated colors, and do not tolerate any disharmony in life. Trust your own perception, your belief that is based on more feelings than on conclusions.
Taurus is important to learn to talk about their desires: to express a request, disappointment, irritation. The partner cannot guess every whim. After some time, everything just can break out. Difficulties in relationships should not scare, they will make feelings tightly.

Fun and laughter can support the world between a pair. The second half will be able to bring the calf from a sad mood with the help of jokes and pranks.

Sex secrets Taland
Taurus got used to make love in the usual atmosphere. The Taver partner needs to wake his imagination, sensuality, fantasy and the result will exceed all expectations.
In the bedroom, the Taurus should not put the clock - intimate relationships do not suffer a rush. Each intimacy must pass with pleasure, with the manifestation of all the striking feelings and abilities in love.

For the calf appetite to sex is equivalent to appetite for food. Therefore, the evening ideally is worth starting from the table. Be sure to prepare - Taurus will rate this, cool wine or champagne, decorate the table with candles and you will get a huge pleasure of time spent with your beloved.

Intimate intimacy is a fascinating study. The calf with a considerable delight will be observed as a lover slowly in front of him and starts his exciting game. Beautiful comfortable bed, beautiful underwear, romantic melodies - all the aspirations for luxury will serve as a delightful addition to the proximity.

At the moment of birth, every person receives many all kinds of installations, in the future forming its character, how he will behave in life and respond to various situations. Of course, there are no identical people, and we all differ from each other, even those who were born under the same stars. Nevertheless, these stars affect us to a large extent. In this material we will talk in detail about men born under or rather what they are in love relationship. With whom this sign of the zodiac is compatible, what is it in marriage and how a male-taurist behaves in bed, as well as a lot of different - read further.

general characteristics

Comparing the man-taurus with other signs, it can be noted that the representative of this sign of the zodiac, like no other, can understand women. Moreover, unlike other men, the Taurus has a developed intuition and can use it, which gives him significant advantages over them. He is able to guess desires, charming and passion, itifies warmth, tenderness and peace from him, especially this concerns the calves born in the year of the goat.

In most cases, the Taurus is a romantic, the owner of a fine nature, which is often so attracted by representatives of the fine sex. At the same time, this is a reliable person who can always rely on a difficult moment. The Taurus-dragon has a particularly attractive character. A woman who is next to the Taurus will definitely experience a sense of stability, and both material and emotional.

Taurus is stability and reliability

Women who want calm and stable relationships or the same family life, Male-Taurus is perfectly suitable as a partner. He is kind and tactful and will not once again find fault or arrange a scandal because of some little things. The Male Taurus in bed is very gentle and passionate, and in general it is a faithful and devoted partner, and treason is a rather rare phenomenon on his part, since he will be guided by mind, as he will be guided by emotions.

Taurus knows a lot about money, that is, he knows how to earn them, and the incentive for him is the desire to provide his family to all the most necessary. Close calves are unlikely to swim in luxury, however, being close to it, it is quite possible to count on a comfortable comfortable and cozy apartment furnished with taste. A taurus-dragon may be especially purposeful, because a man born under these stars is extremely rational and diplomatic.

In love and relationships

The Male Taurus is inclined to dream of perfect love, and he sincerely believes in her existence. And in the search for such love, it can be very persistent. And although men born under the sign of the Taurus can hardly be called frivolous denunayans, they try to regularly check their abilities to affect women. Light flirting, flirting - they resort to such tricks only to keep themselves in shape, as well as once again be convinced of their own forces.

Taurus in a relationship can be very sensitive and sentimental. Representatives of this sign are very legible in choosing a partner, they are unlikely to be able to look at first glance and tend to look closely and get used to the woman you like. And the Taurus born in the year of the Tiger, and at all shows maximum precautions when it comes to new acquaintances. But really faltering in love, he will fight with all their might for his happiness.

Male Taurus in bed

In the life of Men-Taurus, sexual proximity occupies far from the last place, which, on the one hand, lies in its significant erotic needs, on the other - in his confidence that sex is an integral part of human happiness, as well as one of the most valuable gifts of nature . In this context love horoscope Taurus says that a woman who is underestimating the importance of sexuality, is not on the way with a man of this zodiacal sign.

Refusal to the calf in sexual intimacy - it means to reject it, to instill in it in this case, he can even suspect its partner. Of course, it is not necessary to perceive this statement as the only one and this is the Taurus - in bed, he wishes completely to give away his partner and wants her to meet him reciprocity. A taver-monkey or rabbit may be particularly sensitive and passionate lover.

Conservative and extremely stubborn

Taurus is a rather conservative zodiacal sign. In this regard, he is deeply convinced that the head of the family should be exactly the man. No equality - everyone has their own duties and must clearly adhere to them. He is unlikely to allow a woman to interfere in his purely men's affairs, especially criticize him or doubt the correctness of his decisions. Everything "for" and "against" has long been weighted, so there is nothing more to speak here. Even if the Taurus is wrong, it is not worth directing to tell him about it, it is better to try to hint thinly and point to the mistakes allowed them, leaving him the right to solve the questions.

The Taurus is very stubborn, so in cases where strong pressure turns out to be strong, it will still flow in his own way and even do the opposite, on the wrongness that he is advised. And everything else can look as if he does notice the obvious things, this zodiac has such a character. Taurus demands a respectful relationship, so in order to find with him mutual language, I need diplomacy.

He needs support

A man born under the sign of Taurus is in dire need of support from his life companion. If this support is not, then he may think that his beloved for some reason is dissatisfied with them that in the end will make it suspicious. Waiting for critics in your address, the calf guy is alarming and is preparing to reflect the likely attack, he will relax only when it is confident that he will appreciate and respect.

Introducing excessive suspicion and caution of the Taurus actually serve him by a protective mechanism disclosing his subtle inner world from external encroachments. However, having met a woman with whom he will be able to feel in full security, the Taurus will definitely open sooner or later and share with it its most intimate thoughts and desires.

Family Taurus

Joint Life with Taurus may seem somewhat monotonous, but it is one of the most home zodiac signs. It is very important for him to be able to return home, in the quiet and cozy insidency created by him, where it will be tasty will feed, after which the Taurus wants to read the newspaper or see the fresh news release on TV. And so almost every day. Taurus prefers accuracy and rationality, this person is not able to unexpectedly break off and go to an unknown direction. Born in a year all his life seeks to create a full-fledged family, and it is quite possible.

It is not necessary to perceive the Men-Taurus as an exclusively bored and monotonous person, he does not alone impulsiveness and spontaneity. For example, a guy-Taurus, born in the year of the rooster, will be a skillful owner in his house, nevertheless it is difficult for him to constantly be in four walls.

With whom it is compatible

If we summarize all traits of character inherent in astrologers, men, then you can make some common conclusion regarding their compatibility with those or other types of women. So, that's what the horoscope tells us: Taurus is wonderful to those representatives of beautiful sex, which would prefer a calm and measured life. This woman should be economical or at least not inclined to throw money into the wind. The Male Taurus is perfect for the ladies who know how to store loyalty, while they wish the partner to appreciate their beauty and admired them.

He is perfect for girls, in whose life Intimate is an important place, because a male-taurist in the bed of tireless. He is jealous, but rarely performs thoughtless actions, loves to eat and prefers more time to spend next to his beloved. And he loves nature very much and one day can all throw and move to live in the village.

With whom it will be difficult to find a common language

A male Taurus can make an excellent party of his chief, but despite his relatively calm character, this guy is not every woman can withstand. For example, the one that is most afraid of monotony and monotony, and also does not see himself as an ideal housewife.

A woman who is very important to maintain its own independence will be quite difficult to find with the Taurus, because he is inclined to constantly observe each step of his chosen, control it, and sometimes even give advice on how to behave. This man is quite stubborn, and often there is no point in arguing with him - he will still do everything in his own way. And the taurus-monkey can be quite a vengeful in nature, so it is better not to annoy it.

What to interest Telta

How to behave with a taurus to interest and attract his attention? What else can we tell His Love Horoscope? Calm and equilibiousness are precisely the qualities that the Taurus appreciates in the opposite sex representatives. Sadness, unpredictability and hystericality - by no means his element. Nevertheless, the calm is needed a woman who can stirre up and induce to action. However, it is quite insightful, so from the first minutes of dating, he can independently determine if this woman is suitable or not. Sometimes he does not mind anything who do not bind adventures, but the Taurus is inclined to strive for full relations, so it almost always evaluates a potential partner from this point of view.

First of all, a male taurus appreciates sincerity and rationality in women. Do not play with him - he is quite capable of recognizing the trick and deception. He needs a strong woman and at the same time delicate and romantic, and most importantly - natural. It would be wrong to call the Taurus greedy, but he will never tolerate people who are trying to take advantage of them. It is not so easy to tame him, but if it is still possible, the Taurist in love is unlikely to let go of his beloved from himself.

Little conclusion

A man born under the sign of the Taurus, from nature is endowed with the force and an independent character that it does not prevent him from being kind. Attentive and gentle. He will never be wasted to spend resources, whether it is money or his own vital energy. But if he has to compete for his happiness, he will definitely attach maximum effort to achieve the desired result. Be near that means being for stone wallAt least this considers the horoscope. Taurus is loving, faithful and rational, which makes it a practically perfect spouse. And nothing that he is slightly stubborn, because with proper appeal, this quality can play a positive role in his life.

The horoscopes can be treated differently. But the fact that the stars under which we are born have an impact on the nature, cannot be denyed. You can trace this impact on sex life man. So, a male body in bed is a firework of sensuality and pleasure. So, let's talk about the intricacies of love and relationships with Taurus.

Not a lover, but a dream!

Men born from 21.04 to 20.05 are distinguished by sexual tirelessness. They are able to make love long and with special inspiration, bringing their partner to the peak of pleasure again and again. However, at the same time, they are distinguished by a number of features that the partner should know in advance. After all, having met with misunderstanding in bed, the Taurus can stop relations without unnecessary words, including abroad.

  • Comfort. Exactly! Male Taurus prefers to make love in a soft and warm bed. Elevator, park or car - not his element.
  • More and more. Even after the devastating orgasm, the Taurus will again and again look for the continuation. So a woman should be ready for a sex marathon.
  • Words, words ... Nothing excites the calf as recognition in love. If a partner tells him about how it is good, that she is in the seventh heaven with him, he will do everything possible to hear it as much as possible.
  • Fantasy. Despite the dislike for extreme, the calf loves role-playing games, Use sex toys. Especially it turns out the initiative emanating from his beloved. An unexpected reincarnation in a nurse or a red hat will leave an indelible mark in his soul.
  • Long pleasure. A man who was born in the sign of the Taurus, really appreciates long caress. So you should not hurry it if he wants to quickly enjoy the tender prelude.

For guys who were born in late April-May, sensual pleasures play hardly the most important role in relations. So they are looking for women who can divide the desire to receive a maximum of pleasure from sex. This is what the calves are trying to increasingly like a girl to sex on the first date. Thus, they check how much they fit each other, and at all do not replenish their denuncian list.

So the woman who dreams of conquering a body just need to know where to send his caress so that he does not even think that she is not perfect para. Astrological bull has several especially sensitive zones:

  • slaughter;

Tales do not like too intricate touch, so stroking, caress in the tongue and lips. The real storm of emotions can cause an attempt to climb him under the shirt and stroke his back. In general, tease and give in, go and run away - such contrasts are greatly crammed by a dusty bull. And a completely win-win version of becoming an ideal mistress in the eyes of the Taurus - make him a massage with aromamaslas (for example, with a mandarin, ylang-ylang).

Sexual compatibility with other zodiac signs

Tales are compatible with many zodiac signs, but with a woman born under the same age constellation, not always. This is due to the fact that it is usually a romantic nature that needs a long candy-bought stage. And the man turns out to be too impatient and seeks to go to the "essence of the question" as quickly as possible.

  • With 90% confidence, it can be said that the union with a woman is doomed to failure. It is too demanding, temperamental, can be carried away by other cavaliers, and the Taurus does not like when it changes and require more than he can give.
  • Compatibility of twin women with a man-to-bed can be estimated at 8 points out of 10 - a good result. It doesn't reach the maximum only because too impulsive young lady can start annoying the possible slit of partner. But if she can manifest patience, the result will justify the efforts.
  • Woman Cancer and Male Taurus quickly come to full compatibility in bed. This is the most lover for the Taurus, which gives him confidence in his loyalty, but at the same time requires the neutralization of her hot-tempered gear, irritability is just tenderness and strength at the same time.
  • For temperamental Taurus Lion - the object of the taming. But if the bull will be able to bind such a lady to him, then in it he will find a friend, and a mistress, and a partner. At the same time, he fired a little with their ambitions regarding independence, the lioness will get a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure.
  • Union with the Virgin for Taurus will probably not be interesting. She is very restrained in an intimate life, and to satisfy his thirst for sensual pleasures, the companion must be more temperamental.
  • Relationships with weight will give the calm harmony. Women of this sign of the zodiac can "balance" all doubts of a man who is near. And for sex such a partner is a real find, because it allows you to carry out the most incredible mulbits and is enjoyable in sensual games.
  • Scorpio and Taurus are incredibly sensitive, fervor lovers. But in life, their union is doomed to failure - in particular, because of his own property and its essentiality.

  • Similar history and with a woman-shooter. In sex, they both love long preludes, romance, and in life will strive to limit each other's freedom.
  • Female Arsenal Women-Capricorn is often limited to a certain set of poses and techniques, which she does not want to expand. So the sensual calf in bed will be bored with her. But if you build relationships on mutual respect, such a partner will be a very suitable pair.
  • As Mikhail Zhvanetsky spoke, "you can not love - sit and friends." This is how Men-Taurus men with a woman-aquietary. She is interested in, mainly intellectual self-development, so that the lady to the sex is unlikely to be able to succeed in the first, but also on the tenth date. And the pleasure will be dubious: she also read what would be different! Patience to prove that from sex you can enjoy, and different ways, Taurus is simply not enough.
  • But with the fish, the Taurus can prove himself in all its glory. She will be happy to take everything he wants to embody from bed, and he will have to do its playfulness, changeability and sensuality.

The conquest of the heart of a man is not an easy task. Depending on the upbringing, worldview, as well as the sign of the zodiac, under which he was born, women are perceived differently as such. What is the path to the heart of the Taurus? About how to fall in love with a man of the Taurus and will be discussed in this article.

Male Taurus

A man born in the constellation of the Taurus is very controversial. He will come down and kind, maybe easier to fulfill all the work on the house instead of his beloved spouse, but if he becomes an incredibly selfish, narcissistic, conservative and jealous man.

In truth, Tales often surprise loved ones even dozens of years. life together. They are typical of them - keep secret some facets of their character.

That is why before starting to seduce a similar man, you need to get along with the thought that you will never get to learn and find out. This is a man-riddle, perhaps, so he attracts so much admiring views of women.

What a woman is suitable for a man to the calf

In women, the Taurus appreciates everything that is characteristic of a real lady:

  • beauty;
  • well-groom;
  • skill prepare;
  • love for cleanliness;
  • ability to be silent and talk to the place;
  • sophistication.

He needs if not the Queen, then at least the princess. Knowledge of etiquette, love for the beautiful, as well as a sense of style, beauty should be laid in it with a diaper.

How to like Tales

At the first meeting, it is absolutely not important to exercise all your mental abilities. This person is so guess, the smart is his interlocutor. The main thing - to fight his external species, manners. If you like it, you need to look and behave in a royal (in the good sense of the word).

Beautiful manners, well-groomed, sincere, clear look, irresistible makeup, as well as properly selected, clean and rejected clothing is valued for them. But if there is a slug with five higher diplomas and amazing inner world "Most likely he won't notice her."

Second important moment - Calm and silence. Of course, it is not completely silent, but if the mouth does not close at all, it will run away, barely serve dessert.

How to fall in love with the Taurus

In order to fall in love, the calf is just a charm and beauty of a beautiful lady. But more serious intentions, such as sex, frequent and serious relationships imply the presence of other, equally important qualities in the beloved:

  1. Cooking skills. Macaroni with cutlets are suitable for a black day. But if we are talking about dinner after a hard working day, then this is an extremely delicious soup, a bifstex with grilled vegetables, possibly salad and dessert in the form of homemade cakes with whipped cream, ice cream or kind. Here, as in the recipe at the grandmother - the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach!
  2. Purity. A woman must contain a house clean, because first of all she is a woman! This also applies to: the clothes in which she walks, the plates of which eats, carpets and windows - all!
  3. Confidence. Here are considered, above all, sexual relations. If it came to intimate intimacy No need to tell him what to do. Tales can delight the enjoyment of a woman intuitively. But if you tell and give advice - it will get up and leaves irretrievably!

Marriage with Taurus

Live with a marriage is not difficult. Moreover, sometimes it is much more pleasant than with other signs of the zodiac. The reason for indispensable and understanding. Although it is desirable from the first days of living together to get rid of the rule - he is the head of the family - the minider, hope and support!

And yet, if it demanded that the stamp in the passport, he demanded from woman and beauty, and purity, and goodies, then after it may be full of it. It will not be difficult for him to wash the dishes after dinner and even a banquet! He can also cook a delicious dinner, dinner and bring an appetizing breakfast to bed.

Cleaning in the house, ironing clothes and even washing will not be difficult for him. True, of course, all this should be in moderation, and not daily! In return, he will require only caress, care and warmth, as well as loyalty.

If a woman is reminded to him, more often, how he loves her and how she loves him, their marriage will be eternal!

Can I fall in love with a married man Taurus

Tales are distinguished by devotion in everything. Only units change wives. Therefore, a chance to conquer the heart of a married man is very rare. Most often it turns out if his marriage is already undermined and most likely parting inevitably.

In this case, interest it is easier than simple. It is only necessary to offer what he lacks - the comfort, kindness, peace, loyalty.

How to understand whether Taurus is in love

Taurus knows how to care beautifully. His companion is provided expensive gifts, flowers about and without, beautiful decorations, restaurants and cafes, as well as attention above the norm. But you should not rejoice ahead of time. He has disadvantages.

He speaks extremely rarely about love and often ineptly. Therefore, it paints in advance. It can resemble a work schedule, but in fact, only he can care. And than a dimension and persistent his invitation for dinner and walks, the closer the cherished day of the proposal of the hand and hearts.

Waiting for a pleasant finale can last several months or even years depends on its upbringing, position, opportunities. But at no case do not need to hint or direct text talk about marriage.

It may forever push it out and even lead to a rupture. After all, as a real man He himself knows what and when to do. A woman remains only to gain patience and wait.

That it can push

Despite its primeness, the Taurus may in the blink of an eye to escape from any, even very strong feelings and relationships, if he begged:

  1. Instructions. The libido of this person is sometimes shrinking, so it will not put instructions or tips from a woman in exclusively male issues. In the kitchen or in the upbringing of children, you can really give him a few recommendations, but you never stand in his head.
  2. Nagrancy. If the woman, trying to conquer the Taurus, temporarily changes the attitude towards life, even becomes well-groomed, removes and prepares that she is not typical, he will know it and will not understand. Any non-exclusive relationship will come to an end. And even if the feelings are real, to live with the one who does not like cleanliness he will simply can not.
  3. Jealousy. Taurizes are torn in touch. But long they can do this, because the devotion of his wife is holy for them!

If the feelings are cooled, it will begin a long parting process. At first, he will be silent to endure, but gave up, as if dissolving on everyday life - less compliments, long silence, no gifts.

Then she will try to return everything, because once the relationship was already happy. But when it will understand that everything collapsed, one day it will simply disappear without a trace and never returns. He will not hold his work, nor children nor old feelings.

Compatible zodiac signs

Ideal for Taurus, marriage with weights, oily, Capricorn. These constellations are perfectly combined with it, and successful relationships are waiting for them.

Most likely, the relationship will not be collaborated with women born under the constellations of Taurus, Fish, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer. They are the same tough temperament, and in some cases, calculating cold-bloodedness even in important things will not be able to harmoniously get along with a man by Taurus.

With the rest of the zodiac signs, relationships are very possible, but women will need to show more understanding, faith and patience than them peculiar.

  • The main rule of any Men-Taurus - a woman should remain a woman always - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Beauty, makeup, delicious gourmet food, cleanliness in the house, in clothes and even in thoughts are always obliged to attend, and not on weekends and holidays. Otherwise, the feelings will drop.
  • Comfort This zodiac sign loves everything. Therefore, it is not necessary to decline it for sex in uncomfortable places. For this, it will be solely warm, soft and comfortable bed! And all possible experiments, role-playing games and such a variety is allowed only in the same comfortable setting for it.
  • Depending on how much the quality of the Taurus is manifested in it, it can help a woman around the house or avoid it with all their might. So, for example, many calves prefer to give a woman so much money for home care, as you need, if only this problem itself does not touch. Others, on the contrary, actively help, if there is an opportunity. You need to take any decision and never try to change.

Taurus is a calm lover. There are no bright passions and madness. It is cold, calculating, selfish. Love in it ripens for a long time, but when it matures, will make everything to be a beloved woman with him. But his calm cannot be considered as boring. If you have to meet with him, it will be very interesting.

Taurus knows the price of money, so shopping does it yourself. Do not hint what you want. The man of this sign will make an expensive birthday present. And for the holiday, he really was preparing and saved money for a gift.

In bed, the Male Taurus Vlassen and lustful. But the share of romance in it is still there. Due to the fact that he loves things and appreciates them, the situation in which there will be sex for him is very important. Therefore, before making love, he muffled the light, turn on calm music, nap wine or champagne. Women like it, but it is necessary, first of all, himself.

Taurus is an earthly creature. He does not need illusions and castles. Meeting with him should not depict the one you are. False it recognizes fast enough, and also rapidly lose interest in a woman. He also does not perceive the game: he needs everything to be simple and understand.

And most importantly! Never provoke a man-tolets to do what you want. If he has no wishes, then the women will not push the whims. Try not to offend it. He is jealous, terrible in anger and can not forgive.