Repairs Design Furniture

Pillow-cat with your own hands using stencils. Touching gifts do it yourself: sew pillow in the form of a cat pattern Pattern cushion Cat from fabric

Unusual, original, unique pillows toys in the form of animals or dolls become loved by things and children, and adults. There will be no exception and the cat's pillow made with your own hands. It can be sewn on ready-made patterns or sketches drawn by independently.

If the baby falls asleep badly, and he needs a company, offer him such a pillow toy. With her, the child calms down faster. An adult will also use a small duma pad, with which it is easier to relax the cervical vertebrae, you can easily lie down, faster and strong to fall asleep. Of course, you can buy a model of any size and shapes in stores, but stitched or related independently, these products become an indispensable element of the decor, created only for the most relatives and close people.

How to carve out

Pillow Cat with your own hands is a gift and my own, and your child, decoration and addition to the stylish room decor. In order for such an accessory to be truly the only and unique, you will have to independently make the pattern of the future cat. It would seem that it could be easier? But no. After all, cats and cats are so different, and everyone wants his favorite to be the most nice.

It cannot be similar to one another, and therefore it will be necessary to find a special picture or make an outline. Preparing to work on creating patterns, it is important to take into account the purpose of the future product. If it is just a decoration of a new sofa, it is important to take care that the color and the shape of the cat harmonize with the surrounding furniture.

But most often this is a real pad with which cooler to fall asleep. In this case, you need to think carefully:
  • its size;
  • the quality of the fabric to which an adult or child will touch face;
  • availability decorative elementsSafe for kids;
  • quality and amount of filler.

Of course, it is very important to choose the character who will certainly become a universal favorite, and the pillow must be its exact copy. Such a hero has long been well known to the whole cat Simon.

This funny soft toy has loved children many years ago. different countriesAnd to make it with your own hands, it is enough to find a detailed image and prepare the components. White, fluffy, with huge eyes. Switch and ears sticking the cat is captivated in any house. He can really decorate the interior and become a friend of the baby.


Starting making patterns for soft toys- Oven, it is worth thinking in advance, what size is a cat, and who will use it. Usually, such a handsome man is sewn from artificial white fur, and if desired, it can be replaced with a plush, Mahra or flannel. For work you will need:

  • material for the body, folded twice
  • muline threads to highlight the mustache and the necessary outlines;
  • pins to consolidate the pattern on the material;
  • colored shallow;
  • threads whose color differs from the main one;
  • scissors;
  • filler;
  • sewing needles.

You can make an accurate pattern, looking at the video or photo, where the real masters of your business give a master class on cutting and sewing.

Multiple sheets of A4 format, but better, if you cook a millimeter, for which it is easier and more convenient to recreate the exact image of each part of the component future pillow, and you can start working:

  1. Deciding with the size, it is important to decide whether a toy-pillow can be sewed or some details need to be sewed. The image image must contain all parts in the exact size. Smaller details are drawn on the same sheet.
  2. Cutting each component, decompose the parts on the material so that the distance between them remains at least 1.5-2 cm. It will be a break on the seam.
  3. Secure all parts of the pattern with pins and get into the melts, noting the place of the future connection.
  4. Gently cut every detail, not forgetting about allowances.
  5. So that all the components coincide in size, along the line, drawn by the shallow, make a twin with air loop, push the edges of the fabric and gently cut the thread between the layers of matter. All the necessary lines and outlines are transferred to the second part.

Build details

Declaring and sweeping all components, you can start assembling the toy itself.

  1. On one of the components obtained, consolidate all required small parts. These are pads on the legs, eyes and tongue. Easy threads Moulin mustache and mouth outlines.
  2. Having folded the details of the face of the face inside, copper with pins or fit and neatly strain on the typewriter, leaving the hole for filling.
  3. All the edges thoroughly wander so that the fabric does not appear.
  4. If the cat is a tail, then it is required to be searched and fill with the filler. Then insert between two halves of the body so that you can sew a torso, leaving a hole next to the tail.
  5. Through the left hole, turn out the resulting case, devoting attention to all available corners.
  6. Fill the toy pillow with filler and gently sew the edges of the remaining hole manually or firm on the typewriter.

Filling a pillow, it is important to remember that it should be soft, but keep shape. You can not use too much filler, otherwise the pillow will be very uncomfortable.

Details of decoration

Registration of toys - also a rather responsible moment. Getting Started, it is important to take into account the future use and age of the pillow holder. Do not use glued toy eyes or small buttons, if such a cat becomes a pillow for the baby. The child can tear them off and involuntarily cause himself harm.

To get bright, beautiful eyes, the pads were visible on the legs, a bright tongue was distinguished, it was enough to use pieces of matter, sewing them in the appropriate places. Separate parts can be simply embroidered using Moulin.

Features toys-pillows

If you decide to make a pillow in the form of a soft toy for the first time in my way, let it be a cat. It is easier to sew such a pillow, it does not require special knowledge, experience and skills. You will need only a fantasy and the desire to achieve the result, having delighted your family and relatives.

Beautiful decorative pillows do it yourself

Whatever darid fashionable designersHow far the progress would not step, and without this subject could not do. After all, in it - comfort, warmth and healthy sleep man. Especially since modern pillows can please both adults and children with their unusual species. After all, B. lately became very popular a variety of flattening, hugs and just pillows - Toys. And one of the most favorite is a cat pillow, which you can quickly make and get pleasure from it, as from a real purring kitten.

Pillow Cot

If human irritation or fatigue has accumulated, then he should not be upset. After all, any negative, any negative emotions Leave it, only he will take the cat's hands. All scientists have already been proven that it is the best antidepressant. But the inventive moms made an incredible discovery: if there is no possibility to start a living animal, then it can be easily replaced by an amazing toy in its simplicity and originality to a toy-antistress in the form of the same big friend.

Rollers under the neck with funny face

Antistress toy - excellent gift Children. Bright colors I. unusual form Such a product will surely enjoy the child. And done with her own hands, it will be absolutely safe for the baby at any age, because the mother on her manufacture will use only high-quality, non-toxic materials, avoiding stacked uncomfortable parts.

In addition, the anti-stress toy can become an unchanged element of any interior. Over time, it will not lose its fresh look. The pad made with love will be moderately soft, comfortable and easy so that the child can carry it from place to place. A properly chosen filler will make it resistant to exposure sun ray, washing and moisture. Therefore, it will not survive, does not water and will not redeem. Yes, and the kind of kitten will definitely be very cute and kind to the child grow in the atmosphere of happiness and joy.

Orthopedic cat

Knitted cats

For many years, knitting is not associated with the "grandmother's" occupation, turning into a way to create bright, unusual things, including toys and interior items. And to those who decide to embody their love for the neat-striped, it is possible to do this with the help of threads and spice. You can, for example, for the idea of \u200b\u200btaking the heroes of the good Soviet cartoons - Leopold, Matroskin, a kitten named Gav. Their cute facesties are very easy to embody in knitting, fabric and any other material. And besides, they will cause the most good bright feelings in the kid.

Funny balls

Cute fluffy. Such exactly like kids

These are the original sofa pillows in the form of cats can be tied on the spokes.

To work, we will need:

  1. The needles of medium thickness.
  2. Threads any, remnants of thread (you can take threads of two colors and connect).
  3. White threads for paws.
  4. Singry procession for packing pillows, brushes and feet.
  5. Two buttons for the eyes, a piece of fabric for nose.

Knit or two squares, or a rectangle, which, when we fold it - turn into a square. The size of the pillow can be any, the smallest 35/35 centimeters, can be made more. Foots of approximately 28 centimeters. How much to gain a loop: lie a little on the needles and look at the number of loops in 1 cm. Multiply 35 cm.

Knit drawing

1 Option: facial smooth.

  • 1 row - alone facial
  • 2 row - one invented.

2 Option: Putanka.

  • 1 row - facial - Pour - facial - invalid, etc.
  • 2 row - Pour - Facial - Pour - facial, so that all the time it was facial, and vice versa.

Paws Front and rear and tail knit facial stroke. Knit the desired length, first we make a liner (they insert two loops together and the residues are tightened by thread).

On the other hand, we sympathize with the paws: White threads from each loop, we encounter three to get a white foot. You can not stuff the length, and the brush and stop are pinching with syntheps, embroider your fingers. We draw up the face applique. We sew a pillow, leaving a slot for a synthet board. We flash the ears, stitching syntheps. Cat ready

Try to sew such cute little animals who will live on your sofa.

You can sew a pillow, which will be only a cat's head. You will only learn to try your eyes, nose and mouth

Cool pillows in the form of feline face

Another option of a feline head

This pretty toy will be able to please others and decorate any home. In this way, it is also absolutely easy to make it. Such materials will be needed: a piece of fleece, a synthetone or another filler, threads under the color of the fabric and black threads. You also need to make a needle, scissors and pencils. And naturally, do not do without a good mood.

More cats with patterns

Pictures of pretty simple form. The image of the cat is described or embroidered after

Simple but beautiful pattern

This cute thing can be sewn both manually and on the sewing machine. You can add to sewing and children who will be happy to participate in the work, happily helping mom.

After making patterns from paper (40x50 cm), it is necessary to fold the cloth in the pressure and cut two smooth parts, not forgetting the allowances (1 centimeter). In addition, you can immediately draw nose, mouth and eyes on the fleece. Then they need to be embroidered on the front, where there will be a muzzle, black thread with a stem seam. Although the nose can be sewed from a piece of felt. The tail is sewn on the rear half or embroidered. It remains to be sehered between both halves, leaving the turning hole. After stuffing, the product can be sewed. And if you like the needlework, you can make a whole company of several funny soft animals.

The elements of the decor made by their own hands always bring to the interior of the comfort, warm and reveal the soul of the hostess at home. Sew a sofa pillow is easier than simple, but many want to make it unusual. Very interesting topic for needlework - Cat Pillow with your own hands. Patterns and sewing algorithm such a product are quite popular topic among lovers of handmade. The simplest and, at the same time, original ideas You will find in this article.

Why cats?

The theme of cats is always relevant. Most people are not indifferent to them. The cat, especially sleeping, personifies calm, peacefulness, they not only die, but also remove stress. Therefore, the idea to make a cat-pillow seems very successful.

It can be embodied in different ways:

  • You can make a pillow in the shape of a cat;
  • It is possible to sew the applique in the form of a cat;
  • You can sew a pillow-roller, to which to sew your head and tail with a paw.

Important! The cat can come true not only in sofa pillow, and in the sachet pillow with fragrant soothing herbs.

All variations on the theme of hobbinds we will not be able to embrace, so we suggest to consider the most interesting, in our opinion. Let's start with a simple.


If you just want to decorate the cat's pillow, you can do the applique.

Algorithm of actions:

  • If you have an artist's deposit, draw a cat yourself. If you do not want to bother, print the finished picture of your favorite cat.
  • Then transfer the pattern from paper on the fabric.
  • Eyes and nose cut out of the flasks of the fabric of the corresponding color or open.

Important! If the pillow is purely decorative, then the eyes and nose can sew plastic. For this suitable butt or ready-made eyes, designed for soft toys.

  • Then the workpiece is glued with a thermoclayer or a semit to the pillowcase.

Ideas for interiors:

  • For the children's room you can use to applix cartoon cats.
  • For the hall or bedroom it will be interesting to look a silhouette of a black cat on any light background.
  • Pillowcase with the applique you can sew for any finished sofa pillow.
  • You can make a pillow of old jeans, to sew a pocket from them in the center, and from the pocket as if the cobes face looks out. It looks fun.
  • A set of two identical pillows will also look original, where the applique in the form of a silhouette of a walking cat smoothly moves from one pillow to another. That is, the picture is divided into two parts. It looks like one thing when both pillows lie nearby.

Pillow-cat with your own hands is simple and funny!


If you like to embroider, you can make a pillowcase for the finished pillow, decorated with embroidery.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The back of the pillowcase can be sewed from any suitable fabric, and for the front, take a special cloth for embroidery - canvas. It happens different colors.
  2. On the sites of the needlewoman there a large number of Schemes for embroidery on the topic of love for cats. Pick up the appropriate, print and embroider.
  3. After the picture is ready, Sew pillowcase.


Cats-pillows with their own knitted hands will look especially unusual and beautiful.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Pick up the threads I. need number Spice.
  • Think over the parameters of the pillow, associate a small square and count how many loops are 1 cm.
  • According to calculations, type the number of loops and just knit the cloth desired size. It can be 2 squares or rectangle that you fold in half.

Important! Band must be dense.

  • When the pillowcase is connected, gain it with filler (syntheps, hollofiber or any other).
  • Now make ears. To do this, the seam should be paved under the two upper corners. These resulting triangles will be ears.
  • Make a face. Threads of contrasting color winding eyes, mustache, nose. Nose can be made a little convex.

You can complete the work on this, and you can still tie the paws, which will give your cushion greater originality.

Cat pillow with her hands in the form of a roller

The sofa roller is a very comfortable thing. It can be placed under the head, under the back, you can use as an armrest. If it is made a little flattened and wrapped in the form of the letter C, then such a pillow can even be used to feed a baby. Interesting design This product will make it not only useful, but also beautiful.

Method number 1:

  1. The sofa roller sews quickly, but for starters, you should consider the filler.

Important! Porolon, rolled into the roll, initially keeps the form, but its large disadvantage in the fact that over time he absorbs unpleasant odors And begins to crumble. Optimal option There will be more modern fillers, such as holofayber. He is durable and practical, he does not like pincers and fungus. If you want your roller to be orthopedic, you can fill it with buckwheat or buckwheat husk. In this case, the roller cloth must be tight enough.

  1. From the fabric you need to cut a rectangle, the length of which will be equal to the length of the future roller, and the width is its thickness.

Important! For a roller in the form of a cat, it would be interesting to take a striped fabric, pleasant to the body.

  1. On the side of the sides that will be tightened, you need to process the edges of the zigzag and to take 1-2 cm, to flash, to come out. It needs to be put on a braid, with the help of which the BOK of the roller is strown later.
  2. A cooked rectangle must be sewed with an inside to get a cylinder.
  3. Next, turn it on the front side and fill the filler.
  4. After that, you need to pull the ribbons on the sides and secure them with the nodule.
  5. After all the proceeds made by the manipulations, you got a roller. It remains to turn it into a cat. To do this, you need to sew your head from one end, and from the other - the tail:
    • For your head, make a ball from the fabric and filler to which the triangle-ears are a triangle, as well as out the muzzle with a mustache.
    • Make from the fabric and filler "sausage" from the fabric and filler.
  6. All this must be sewn with both ends of the roller. If you want, you can work out a little more and make your paws.

There is one more interesting optionHow to sew a pillow-cat with your own hands, where the head will not hang out separately.

Method number 2:

  1. Similarly, cut a rectangle from the fabric of the desired size, sew it in withdrawal to make a cylinder.
  2. On the one hand, leave the end with a semicircle, and from the second - while leave open and remove the workpiece.
  3. Now prepare the rest of the details. For each other, take two triangles from the fabric and one of the synthetic hybecue of the same size.
  4. Fit the fabric triangles to face, and at the top attach the synthetic part.
  5. Purge the perimeter 0.7 cm from the edge, leaving the hole in a pair of centimeters to turn the product.
  6. Tail Make an arbitrary shape (straight, curved). It is sewed from two halves, you can fill with holofiber a little.
  7. For foot, first draw a template, for example, in the form of a straight part, which is lower in three fat thumbs. For four paws, you need 8 identical billets.
  8. Fold the pieces of fabric for the paws twice and with the inside circle the template. First you must pave the seam, and then only cut (0.5 cm from the seam).

Important! In bends, this indent must be kept almost to the seam, so that after turning anywhere it does not pull anything.

  1. When the paws turned on the face, diver with hollofiber only low part (Where fingers) and go across that the filler remains in its place.
  2. After all the elements are ready, entering them to the body: the paws - on the sides, the ears - on the rounded part of the roller.
  3. Now you have a roller with a filler, adjust the edge and manually hold the thread along the edge. Tight tight. After that, you can sew the tail.

Important! A similar way you can sew a curved shape pillow (like horseshoe, banana or letter C). Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, only from the fabric you cut out not a rectangle, but two parts of the desired curved form. Next, act likewise. Such pillows are very loved by pregnant and nursing moms.

How to sew a cat pillow with your own hands?

A cruise pillow in the form of a cat can be designed for different purposes:

  • Small figures of cats can be stuffed with fragrant herbs, juggling and performing the function Sasha.
  • Figures more can be used as pillows or just as decor.

All of them are seen by the similar scheme, differ only in size and filler.

Sewing the cat. Procedure:

  • To begin with, you must pick up a suitable pattern and print it, or draw from hand. The cat can be sitting, lying standing.
  • Pick up the fabric and move the pattern to it. It will turn out two mirror parts.
  • Sew them from the inside, leaving centimeters ten for turning and packing.

Important! If the muzzle you will embroider or do in the form of appliqué, it is better to do it before stitching details. If manually, then you can after.

  • Next, fill the cat figurine with filler and sew the left hole.

Important! The torso can be sewed from a cloth close to the natural color of the cat, and it is possible - on the contrary, take a fun fabric into a small flower or a colored strip.

By the way, not necessarily to sew a whole cat. You can make a pillow in the form of a cat's head.

Option number 2. Procedure:

  1. To sewing such a product, create a pattern in the form of a cat's head outline with ears and transfer it to the fabric.
  2. Now cut two identical blanks.
  3. The back can not be touched, and on the front you need to make a muzzle. "Face features" can be applied using embroidery, appliqués or even draw acrylic paint For fabric.
  4. Sewing both parts by offline, leaving a hole in several centimeters.
  5. Remove the workpiece, vice it with filler and finally squeeze.

Important! If you fill the pillow with buckwheat, buckwheat luzga or juggling, then such beauty will also be also a beautiful "antistress".

Cats do it yourself original:

  • It looks very funny with a Pillow in the form of a Cota Simon, popular in the Internet of a sullen cat (Grumpy Cat) or a cat in anime style.
  • How to make simple cat pillows with your own hands - described in detail in this article. The proposed ideas will easily embody even those people who are not entirely friendly with a needle and thread. Taking advantage of the recommendations, you can create an unusual thing. Such a product will become not only a decoration of the interior of the room and will help arrange emphasis in design, but will be a convenient and practical pillow capable of raising the mood.

Such a wonderful cat pillow, you can sew your own hands

Want to add to the interior of positive, ease and cheerfulness? It is enough to connect fantasy, plunge into childhood and create something simple, sweet and original with your own hands.

Exactly hand Made Able to dilute bright colors Any design, add to the atmosphere of carefree, create a truly family atmosphere and fill it with peace of mind. I have an idea! Original and cheerful accessory, which will conquer your heart, - Pillow Cat with his own hands on the pattern.

Cats-cushions in the interior

Cats are amazing animals, thinly feel, very smart and devotees. Scientists claim that cats finely feel the mood of man, distinguish the tonality in his voice. In the old days it was believed that freedom-loving animals own special magic. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that the cat could protect a person from any evil and precisely for this reason they began to domesticate animals. Today, the cat in the house is the usual thing, and the devotee fluffy pet becomes a real family member. Cat pillows - it's not easy fashion trend, but also a symbol of good, family heat and devotion.

Pillows of cats

If you correctly pick up the form, the color and texture of the material for sewing, the soft accessory is appropriate in the interior of any stylistry. Such a decor will decorate a sofa or sofa in the living room, will add paints to the bedroom, but the cushions of the cats are especially loved. The baby asks to make a cat, but for some reason the ability to such on this moment not? Give the soft purr in the form of a pillow.

Wonderful pillow toy

What is the charm of the accessory?

  1. Creativity. The cushion in the form of a cat is always unusual, original and fun.
  2. Functionally. Properly selected form of accessory, eco-friendly filler and pleasant to the touch fabric will provide healthy sleep for adults and children.
  3. Universality. Pillows will become useful on the road, making a long journey and secure comfort.

Scientists have proven that cats are live antidepressants and natural lycari. A bright anti-stress pillow in the form of a cat's own hands is a wonderful gift not only to a child, but also an adult.

Toys, stitched personally, are always safe and practical, which is important for the design of a nursery. Cheerful and cute kind of kitten will help create an atmosphere of good and happiness in the house. Adult will definitely like it orthopedic pillow In the form of a cat, which will help relax after a hard work day. Of course, textile shops today are replete with pillows different shapesBut a skillfully stitched author accessory will be the subject of your pride and universal admiration.

We sew your own hands

As a basis for creative idea You can take familiar heroes: Cat Leopold, a kitten named Gav or Matroskin from Prostokvashino.

Cat pillow named Matroskin, cartoon character from Prostokvashino

If the beginners without practice it is difficult to embody such an idea, you can use the finished patterns. A pair of soft cats sewn with their own hands - great idea For a gift for the day of lovers: Just, original and budget. Before sewing a pillow, it is important to choose the material, sewing tools and a strong categorous threads. We offer a simple master class on the sewing of the original textile product.

Cat - Cushion for the sofa

Catics from Flis

Fleece is a soft and pleasant to the touch fabric that meets all the requirements of ecology. Therefore, the toy pillow, stitched from the fleece, not only beautiful, but also absolutely hypoallergenne and safe for the health of the smallest.

Soft and comfortable cushion in the form of a cat

To work, you will need:

  • cut off the fleece fabric;
  • pieces of felt or any dense material of white or milk color;
  • hollofiber filler;
  • threads, pins, needle, scissors.
  • decor for the product to choose from (ribbons, lace, beads, buttons).

Materials for work

Step-by-step sewing algorithm Next:

  • Prepare the pattern on paper.

If there is an art talent, you can independently draw a cat of any form. Do not be discouraged if the skills are not enough. Always as a foundation you can take ready-made stencils.

  • We transfer to the fabric, folded twice as well, making a break on the seams. We get two identical billets - the rear and front of the product.
  • Carefully manually or on the sewing machine, we sew the details, strictly observing the shape along the contour. Do not forget to turn out the product inside out before.
  • On the front, we make a small incision and turn the workpiece.
  • Pock the body of the pillow with filler, after which we sew a hole.
  • Separately, from the fleece residues, cut two rectangular stripes, saving on the sides, navify the remaining filler and the lift hole. It turned out a cute tail.
  • On the front side, sew facet of felt. We draw a mustache marker, cheeks, eyes, mouth marker in advance, moving Moulin on the contour by threads.
  • Send the tail, a ceride will give a bright bowl ribbon, and the cat is ready!

Similarly, you can sew a plump kitty in a couple, decoring it with lace, butt or beads. The ensemble of several products in one style will give the composition in the design of the interior of the characteristics, completeness and integrity.

Cat from Flis

Ideas for creating whole collections of soft textile multiple multiple. Combining fabrics using the most unexpected decor, you can create in this direction infinitely, giving all close and friends with unusual copyrighted products.

It is difficult to imagine modern life without such a wonderful thing like a pillow. It is no secret that a properly chosen pillow will give good and bright dreams.

In stores you can find a huge number of a wide variety of pillows, including pillows toys. Let's deal with together what it is, and how they can be made with your own hands.

What is a pillow toy

If you proceed from the name, the pillow is a toy, this is a pillow made in the form of a soft toy (most often some animal). You can play with such a pillow, take with you into bed, you can sit on it or lie on the floor. Such a pillow can be an excellent decoration of the interior performed in a certain style.

Pillow - boat.

The dignity of the toys made by their own hands is that for their manufacture, you can use the remains of flaps or the remains of wool. In this case, the pillow will perform a developing function: the child will develop sensitivity, and the variety of colors will help learn the names of the colors.

For example, a pillow made in the form of a typewriter or a house with windows will help not only explore the names of the colors, but also the names of geometric shapes.

Knitting Cushion Scheme

Sew a pillow-toy with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need a pattern (which can be drawn independently or use our ideas), fabric, threads with a needle, if you have - sewing machine, threads for knitting (if you want to make a knitted toy) and filler.

Pillow toy "Cat" Fabric

Pattern Pillow toys in the form of a cat

Crocheted Pillow

Spokes-knitted pillows

When choosing a material for toys, do not forget that they should not cause allergies, and also should not be lifted.

Choose an idea for a pillow

From the purpose of the pillow will depend on its form.


Want to make a tight roller under the back? You will be suitable ideas dog-dachshund, snake or train.

Pattern Pillow toys in the form of a dog

Want to make a pillow on the road? Choose semicircular forms: such a pillow can be lined with a child under the neck:

Pattern Pillow toys "Giraffe"

How to make a pillow in the form of a sweet donut See in the video master class:

Pillow for sleep

If the pillow is designed to sleep, then you should not do solid, noticeably outstanding eyes and nose. It is difficult for such a pillow to puddly face and sleep. It is better to give preference to mild tissues: Flis or flannel.

Pattern Pillow toys in the form of a lamb


Pillow for seating

Do you want to sit on your pillow? Try to make it more flat.

Pillow outdoor

And the long pillow can be placed on the window or on the floor - from drafts.

Patterns Pillows in the form of a cat and dog

Filler for pillow

When choosing a filler for pillow toys, some important things should be remembered.

Firstly, the toy should get quite easy so that the child can carry it from place to place.

Secondly, such a pillow will have to fly often. So, the filler must be well pressed and dry quickly. It is best to use synthepes or holofiber.

Another interesting version of the filler is a special ball filler polystyrene (the one that is used in the pillows - munushka).

And remember that the toys made with their own hands are a unique product that will give your home comfort and no doubt will like your child!