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Russian train on the magnetic cushion. Trains on magnetic pillows - is it transport of the future? How does the train on the magnetic cushion? Guinness Book of Records

Soviet train on the magnetic pillow February 21st, 2017

How many times in the USSR was invented and designed that we still use these developments, but about some only learn (as I like this). Whether the times were so around the world, or the country was such.

Also, many have accustomed to criticize what everything was planned in the USSR and everything, but there was something good. In the Union perfectly calculated the coming transport problems of cities-megacities. And not only cities with large populationBut also cities that are geographically pulled out, whose length is hundred and more kilometers. These are such cities like Volgograd and Krivoy Rog. In estimates of the 70s, the population in 29 cities Soviet Union It should have exceeded a million, that is, becoming cities millionaires. And to solve the transport problems of large cities, various institutions and bureaus were created. Already then it was clear that cars are not very capable of solving the transport problem of a large city, and the classical subway is expensive and slow. It was believed that along with the improvement of traditional modes of movement, it was necessary to create qualitatively new transport systems, which should be low noise, not polluting air, cost-effective and not creating additional load on the street network.

These requirements corresponded to the last innovative project, brought to the test, the project of transport on a magnetic suspension.

Ta-05 car - Soviet train on a magnetic cushion. The project of the vehicle, which was to work on the electromagnetic levitation system, was developed in the period 1985-186. February 25, 1986 the first one was held in the Moscow region successful launch Unusual car.

"Our laboratory is working on the creation of an experimental passenger car, which will move without touching rails. For horizontal displacement, the principle of operation of a linear three-phase asynchronous engine is used. Moving with cruising speed up to 250 kilometers per hour, it vehicle It will be almost silent. Its path can be lifted to the overpass over the main highways of the city. One kilometer will cost 3-5 times cheaper than the subway, spoke in one of the interviews head of the Laboratory of VnipitransProgress A. Ohodurov.

At that time, 600 meter high-speed plot was built in Ramensky near Moscow and plots in Yerevan and Alma-Ata are planned.

It was planned to start the tracks of 65 people along the tracks, 19 meters each length and weighing 40 tons. The cruising speed of the car was 250km / h, with a perspective of 400 km / h and above. There were also plans to start not separate wagons, but a coupling of several cars, that is, full-fledged trains.

Today, a new type of transport has no case, interested owner. So far, not a single transport ministry, nor minister of civil aviation, nor the Ministry of Railways (now Russian Railways) (Magnito-Plane is not a train and not the plane, here are their argument), does not show interest in him. They are not even customers. Meanwhile, in order to effectively use considerable funds allocated by the government to move from experiments to the introduction at the new stage of development, it was necessary to unite forces, say, within the framework of the intersectoral scientific and technical complex.

What is especially surprising, but the project was funded exclusively at the expense of oil and gas. Unfortunately, the plans never managed to come true, the earthquake in Armenia in 1988 did not allow to build all the planned sections. Financing was reduced, and after the collapse of the USSR and was completely discontinued. Fast, speed and one turned out to be no one needed.

Who else knows any details about this project?

By the way, TP-05 managed to play in the cinema - in the science fiction short film 1987, "not joking with robots", the fragment of which you offer to view.
Look at 01:03:00


Despite the fact that more than two hundred years have passed since the creation of the first steam locomotives, humanity is still not ready to completely abandon the use of diesel fuel, the power of steam and electricity as the driving power capable of moving heavy loads and passengers.

However, as you understand, all this time, the inventors engineers were not in full inaction, and the result of their thought was to enter the light. alternative ways Transportation by railway canvas.

The history of the occurrence of trains on the electromagnetic cushion

The very idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a train moving on a magnetic cushion is not so nova. For the first time on the creation of such a rolling stock, the inventors began to think even at the very beginning of the 20th century, but for a number of reasons the embodiment of this project could not be implemented for quite a long time.

Only by 1969, on the territory of the then Germany, they began to manufacture such a train, subsequently established by Maglev, and laying the magnetic route. The launch of the first maglevo called "Transrapid-02" was produced already two years later.

Interesting is the fact that in the manufacture of Maglava, German engineers were based on the records produced by Herman Camper, who received a patent for the creation of a magnetoplane back in 1934. The first Maglev "Transrapid-02" will not call high-speed, as he developed just up to 90 km / h. Its capacity was also very low: only four people.

The subsequent model of Maglava, created in 1979, Transrapid-05 has already accommodated up to 68 passengers and moved along the passenger line of Hamburg, having a length of 908 m, at a speed of 75 km / h.


In parallel at the other end of the continent, in Japan, in the same 1979, Maglev model "ML-500" was launched, capable of developing the speed of up to 517 km / h.

What is Maglev and what is the principle of his work?

Maglev (or simply the train on the magnetic cushion) is a type of transport, managed and driven by means of a magnetic field. At the same time, Maglev does not concern the railway canvase, and "levitizes" over it, held by the artificially created magnetic field. At the same time, the friction of the braking force is only aerodynamic resistance.

In the near hospitals in the future, Maglev can make serious competition in air transport due to its ability to develop a very high speed of movement. To date, the widespread introduction of Magrelov is a large extent that they cannot be applied on traditional main railway coverage. Maglev can move only on a specially constructed magnetic highway, which requires very large capital investments.

It is also believed that magnetic transport is capable of negatively affect the organism of the machinists and residents of the regions close to magnetic highways.

Advantages of Magrelov

The advantages of Magrels include an extensive prospect of achieving high speedscapable of competing even with reactive aviation. In addition, Maglev is rather economical, in terms of electricity consumption, transport. In addition, there are practically no friction of parts, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the level of operating costs.

Trains on a magnetic pillow, Maglev are the fastest kind of ground public transport. And although only three small tracks, research and testing prototypes of magnetic trains are introduced while different countriesoh. How magnetic levitation technology developed and what awaits it in the near future you will learn from this article.

History of formation

The first pages of Maglev's history were filled with rows of patents obtained at the beginning of the 20th century in different countries. Back in 1902, the Patent on the construction of the train equipped with a linear engine was noted by the German inventor of Alfred Zeiden. And already four years later, Franklin Scott Smith developed another early prototype of the train on an electromagnetic suspension. A little later, in the period from 1937 to 1941, a few more patents related to trains equipped with linear electric motors, he received the German engineer Herman Cerma. By the way, the moving formulations of the Moscow Monorail Transport System, built in 2004, use asynchronous linear engines to move - is the world's first monorail engine.

Train of the Moscow Montorels System near Tolerent Station

In the late 1940s, researchers switched from the word to the case. British engineer Eric Laceweet, whom many are called the "father of Magrelov", managed to develop the first working full-size prototype of a linear asynchronous engine. Later, in the 1960s, he joined the development speed \u200b\u200btrain Tracked HoverCraft. Unfortunately, in 1973 the project was closed due to lack of funds.

In 1979, the world's first prototype in the magnetic cushion was appeared, licensed to provide passenger transport services - Transrapid 05. The test track of 908 m long was built in Hamburg and was presented during the exhibition IVA 79. The interest in the project was so great that transrapid 05 managed to successfully work out three months after the end of the exhibition and to transport about 50 thousand passengers a total. The maximum speed of this train was 75 km / h.

And the first commercial magnetoplan appeared in 1984 in Birmingham, England. The railway line on a magnetic suspension connected the terminal of Birmingham International Airport and located nearby railway station. She successfully worked from 1984 to 1995. The length of the line was only 600 m, and the height to which the linear composition asynchronous engine Raised above the pathway - 15 millimeters. In 2003, the AIRRAIL LINK passenger transport system based on Cable Liner technology was built in her place.

In the 1980s, not only in England and Germany, but also in Japan, Korea, China and the United States begged to develop and implement projects to create high-speed trains on the magnetic cushion.

How it works

We know about the basic properties of magnets since the lessons of physics for the 6th grade. If you bring the North Pole of the Permanent Magnet to the North Pole of another magnet, they will be repelled. If one of the magnets turn over, connecting different poles - attract. This simple principle is laid in magleval trains, which slide over the air over the rail at a small distance.

The magnetic suspension technology is based on three main subsystems: levitation, stabilization and acceleration. At the same time on this moment There are two main magnetic suspension technologies and one experimental, proven only on paper.

Trains built on the basis of electromagnetic suspension technology (EMS) for levitation use an electromagnetic field, which changes over time. At the same time, the practical implementation of this system is very similar to the work of the usual railway transport. A T-shaped rail can be used here from the conductor (mainly metal), but the train instead of wheeled steam uses a system of electromagnets - reference and guides. The support and guide magnets are located in parallel to ferromagnetic stators placed on the edges of the T-shaped path. The main disadvantage of EMS technology is the distance between the support magnet and the stator, which is 15 millimeters and must be monitored and adjusted by special automated systems Depending on the set of factors, including the non-permanent nature of electromagnetic interaction. By the way, the levitation system works due to batteries installed on board the trains, which are recharged by linear generators built into support magnets. Thus, in the event of a stop, the train will be able to levitate long enough on batteries. On the basis of EMS technology built TRANSRAPID trains and, in particular, Shanghai Maglev.

Trains based on EMS technology are driven and carry out braking using a synchronous linear low acceleration engine represented by supporting magnets and a web, over which heap magnetoplan. By big accountThe motor system built into the cloth is a conventional stator (the fixed part of the linear electric motor), deployed along the bottom of the web, and the reference electromagnets, in turn, operate as an anchor of the electric motor. Thus, instead of obtaining a torque, an alternating current in coils generates a magnetic field of excited waves, which moves the composition contactless. Change strength and frequency alternating current Allows you to adjust the traction and speed of the composition. At the same time, to slow down the move, you just need to change the direction of the magnetic field.

In the case of the use of electrodynamic suspension technology (EDS), levitation is carried out in the interaction of the magnetic field in the canvas and the field created by superconducting magnets on board the composition. On the basis of EDS technology built Japanese trains Jr-Maglev. In contrast to the EMS technology, in which conventional electromagnets and coils are applied, electricity is carried out only at the moment when power is supplied, superconducting electromagnets can carry out electricity even after the power supply has been disabled, for example, in the event of power outage. Cooling coils in the EDS system you can save a lot of energy. However, the cryogenic cooling system used to maintain more low temperatures In the coils, it may be quite expensive.

The main advantage of the EDS system is high stability - with a minor reduction in the distance between the web and magnets there is an outline strength that returns magnets to the original position, while at the same time, the increase in distance reduces the pushing force and increases the effect of attraction, which again leads to the system stabilization. In this case, no electronics for monitoring and adjusting the distance between the train and the web is required.

True, without flaws, there was also no - sufficient for levitation of the composition. The strength occurs only at high speeds. For this reason, the train on the EDS system should be equipped with wheels that will be able to move low speeds (up to 100 km / h). The corresponding changes should also be made along the entire length of the canvas, as the train may stop anywhere in connection with the technical fault.

Another disadvantage of EDS is that at low speeds in the front and rear parts of repulsive magnets in the canvas, the friction force arises, which acts against them. This is one of the reasons why the JR-Maglev refused to fully repulsive the system and looked towards the side levitation system.

It should also be noted that strong magnetic fields in the passenger sections generate the need to install magnetic protection. Without shielding a trip in such a car for passengers with an electronic heart stimulator or magnetic information carriers (HDD and credit cards), contraindicated.

The subsystem of acceleration in trains based on EDS technology works exactly as in the compositions based on EMS technology, except that, after changing the polarity, the states are stopped here for a moment.

The third, closest to the implementation of technology that exists so far only on paper is an EDS version with Inductrack permanent magnets, to activate which energy does not require. Until recently, the researchers believed that permanent magnets do not have sufficient trains to levitation. However, this problem was solved by placing magnets into the so-called "Halbach array". The magnets are located in such a way that the magnetic field occurs above the array, and not under it, and are able to maintain the levitation of the train at very low speeds - about 5 km / h. True, the cost of such arrays from permanent magnets Very high, so therefore, there is not a single commercial project of this kind.

Guinness Book of Records

At the moment, the first line in the list of the most fast trains On the magnetic cushion, the Japanese solution of JR-Maglev MLX01 is held, which on December 2, 2003, on the test highway in Yamanasi, managed to develop a record speed - 581 km / h. It is worth noting that JR-Maglev MLX01 has a few more records established from 1997 to 1999 - 531, 550, 552 km / h.

If you look at the nearest competitors, then among them it is worth noting the Shanghai Maglev Transrapid SMT, built in Germany, which was able to develop a speed of 501 km / h and its progenitor - Transrapid 07, overcoming the frontier 436 km / h more 1988.

Practical implementation

The train on the magnetic cushion Linimo, the operation of which began in March 2005, was developed by Chubu HSST and is still used in Japan. It runs between the two cities of the Aichi Prefecture. The length of the canvas over which Parian Maglev is about 9 km (9 stations). At the same time, the maximum speed of Linimo is 100 km / h. This did not prevent him from only during the first three months from the moment of launching to transport more than 10 million passengers.

More famous is Shanghai Maglev, created german company Transrapid and commissioned on January 1, 2004. This railway line on a magnetic suspension connects the Station of the Shanghai Metro Lunyian Lu with international Airport Pudun. The total distance is 30 km, the train overcomes it in approximately 7.5 minutes, accelerating to the speed of 431 km / h.

Another railway line on a magnetic suspension is successfully operated in the city of Thajon, South Korea. UTM-02 became available to passengers on April 21, 2008, and on its development and creation took 14 years. The railway line on a magnetic suspension connects the National Museum of Science and Exhibition Park, the distance between which is only 1 km.

Among the trains on the magnetic cushion, the operation of which will begin in the near future, it is worth noting Maglev L0 in Japan, his tests were renewed quite recently. It is expected that by 2027 it will run along the Tokyo - Nagoya route.

Very expensive toy

Not so long ago, popular magazines called trains on a magnetic cushion with revolutionary transport, and the launch of new projects of such systems with enviable regularity was reported both private companies and authorities from different countries of the world. However, most of these grand projects were closed at the initial stages, and some railway lines on a magnetic suspension, though they had a short time for the benefit of the population, were later dismantled.

The main reason for the failure is that the train on the magnetic suspension is extremely roads. They require specially built under them from zero infrastructure, which, as a rule, is the most exempted article in the project budget. For example, Shanghai Maglev costs China at $ 1.3 billion or $ 43.6 million per 1 km of two-way web (including the cost of creating trains and stations building). Compete with train airlines on a magnetic cushion can only on longer routes. But again, there are enough places in the world with a large passenger traffic that is necessary in order for the railway line on a magnetic suspension.

What's next?

At the moment, the future of the trains on the magnetic suspension looks foggy to a greater extent due to the proceedable high cost of such projects and a long period of payback. At the same time, many countries continue to invest tremendous funds in projects to create high-speed railway highways (SMM). Not so long ago, speed tests of the train on the magnetic cushion Maglev L0 were resumed in Japan.

The Japanese government also hopes to be interested in their own trains on the US magnetic pillow. Recently, representatives of The Northeast Maglev, which plan to combine with the help of a railway line on Magnetic suspension Washington and New York, made an official visit to Japan. Perhaps the train on the magnetic suspension will get more distribution in countries with a less effective network of UNMD. For example, in the United States and the UK, but their cost will still remain high.

There is another event development scenario. As is known, one of the ways to increase the efficiency of trains on the magnetic cushion is the use of superconductors, which, when cooled to close to the absolute zero, temperatures completely lose electrical resistance. However, to keep huge magnets in pots with extremely cold liquids are very expensive, so to keep the desired temperature, you need huge "refrigerators", which increases even more costs.

But no one excludes the likelihood that in the near future, the luminaries of physics will be able to create an inexpensive substance that preserving superconducting properties even room temperature. When achieving superconductivity at high temperatures, powerful magnetic fields capable of keeping the weight of the machine and trains will become so affordable that even "flying cars" will be economically beneficial. So we are waiting for news from laboratories.

Trains on a magnetic cushion is an ecological clean, silent and fast transport. They cannot fly from rails and in case of malfunctions are able to securely stop. But why is such transport not received widespread, and people still use ordinary trains and trains?

In the 1980s, it was believed that trains with magnetic levitation (Maglev) is the transport of the future, which will destroy the domestic flights. These trains can transport passengers at a speed of 800 km / h and do not apply almost no harm to the environment.

Magrels are able to ride in any weather and can not get away from their only rail - the farther the train deviates from the paths, the stronger it pushes back magnetic levitation. All maglevia move with the same frequency, so there will be no signals with signals. Imagine what effects would have such trains on the economy and transport, if the distance between remote large cities overcame for half an hour.

But why do you still can't ride in the morning to work with supersonic speed? The concept of Magrelov exists for more than a century, from the beginning of the 1900s the many patents using this technology were issued. However, only three working systems of trains on a magnetic cushion survived to this day, all of them are only in Asia.

Japanese Maglev. Photo: Yuriko Nakao / Reuters

Prior to that, the first worker Maglev appeared in the UK: in the period from 1984 to 1995 from Birmingham Airport, Shattle Airlink went. Maglev was popular and cheap transport, but its service was very expensive, since some parts were single production and it was hard to find them.

In the late 1980s, Germany also appealed to this idea: her unmanned train M-Bahn traveled between the three stations of Western Berlin. However, the technology of levitating trains decided to postpone the case and the line was closed. Its manufacturer TRANSRAPID conducted the tests of Magrels until in 2006, an accident occurred at the training ground in Laen, in which 23 people died.

This incident could put a cross on German maglevians if TRANSRAPID had signed an agreement for construction in 2001 maglevo for Shanghai airport in 2001. Now this Maglev is the fastest electric train in the world, which goes at a speed of 431 km / h. With it, the distance from the airport to the Shanghai business quarter can be overcome in just eight minutes. On ordinary transport, it would take for a whole hour. In China, there is another medium-speed maglev (its speed is about 159 km / h), which works in the capital of Hunan Province, Changsha. The Chinese loved this technology so much that by 2020 they plan to launch several more maglevoms in 12 cities.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel first drove on Maglev Transrapid to Shanghai Airport. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd / Epa

In Asia, work is now underway on other trains on the magnetic cushion. One of the most famous is the Ecobee unmanned shuttle, which goes from the South Korean Incheon Airport since 2012. On its shortest line there are seven stations, between which Maglev swears at a speed of 109 km / h. And the trips on it are absolutely free.


1. Purpose

Magnetic cushion train or maglev (From English Magnetic Levitation, i.e. "Maglev" - magnetoplan) is a train on a magnetic suspension, driven and controlled by magnetic forces, designed to transport people (Fig. 1). Refer to the technique of passenger transport. Unlike traditional trains, during the movement, it does not concern the surface of the rail.

2. Basic parts (device) and their purpose

There are different technological solutions in the development of this design (see p. 6). Consider the principle of operation of the magnetic cushion of the train "Transrapid" on electromagnets ( electromagnetic suspension, EMS) (Fig. 2).

Electronically controlled electromagnets (1) are attached to the metal "skirt" of each car. They interact with magnets on the underside of a special rail (2), as a result of which the train hangs over the rail. Other magnets provide lateral alignment. Along the path laid the winding (3), which creates a magnetic field, leading the train in motion (linear motor).

3. Principle of action

The principle of operation of the train on magnetic suspension is the following physical phenomena and laws:

    phenomenon and the law of electromagnetic induction M. Faraday

    lenza rule

    bio-Savara Laplace Law

In 1831, the English physicist Michael Faraday opened electromagnetic induction law, Whereby changing the magnetic flux inside the conductive circuit excites the electrical current in this circuit even in the absence of a power source in the circuit. The question left by the Faraday, the Russian physicist Emily Christianovich Lenz soon decided on the direction of the induction current.

Consider a closed circular conductive circuit without a connected battery or other power source, in which the North Pole is beginning to enter a magnet. This will lead to an increase in the magnetic flux passing through the contour, and, according to the Faraday law, an induced current will appear in the circuit. This current, in turn, according to the law of Bio-Savara, will generate a magnetic field, whose properties are not different from the properties of the normal magnet field with the northern and southern poles. Lenza just managed to find out that the induced current will be directed in such a way that the northern pole of the generated magnetic field generated will be oriented towards the north pole of the moving magnet. Since between two northern Poles Magnets act with the strength of mutual repulsion, induction current induced in the circuit flows precisely in this direction, which will counteract the introduction of a magnet into the contour. And this is only a special case, and in the generalized wording, the Lenza rule states that the induction current is always directed to counteract its root cause.

Lenza rule is just used in the train on the magnetic cushion. Under the bottom of the car, such a train mounted powerful magnets located in centimeters from steel canvas (Fig. 3). When moving the train, the magnetic stream passing through the contour of the canvas is constantly changing, and it occurs strong induction Toki., Creating a powerful magnetic field that repel the magnetic suspension of the train (in the same way as the repulsion force arise between the circuit and the magnet in the above-described experiment). This power is so great that by typing some speed, the train literally breaks away from the canvas for several centimeters and, in fact, flies through the air.

The composition is levitized due to the repulsion of the same poles of magnets and, on the contrary, attracting different poles. The trains of the Transrapid train (Fig. 1) applied an unexpected magnetic suspension scheme. They used not repulsion of the same poles, but attracting the varied. Move the load over the magnet is easy (this system is stable), and under the magnet - almost impossible. But if you take a controlled electromagnet, the situation changes. The control system retains the magnitude of the gap between the magnets constant in several millimeters (Fig. 3). With an increase in the gap, the system increases current strength in carrier magnets and thus "pulls up" the car; With a decrease, the current strengths is reduced, and the gap increases. The scheme has two serious advantages. Travel magnetic elements are protected from weather influences, and their field is significantly weaker due to the small gap between the way and the composition; It requires currents of much lower strength. Consequently, the train of such a design turns out to be much more economical.

Train movement forward linear engine. Such an engine has a rotor and a stator stretched into the strip (in the usual electromotor they are twisted in the rings). The stator winding is turned on alternately, creating a running magnetic field. The stator, strengthened on the locomotive, is drawn into this field and moves the whole composition (Fig. 4, 5). . The key element of the technology is the change of poles on electromagnets by alternating the supply and removal of the current with a frequency of 4000 times per second. The gap between the stator and the rotor should not exceed five millimeters. It is difficult to achieve because of the characteristic of monorail roads, except for roads with a side suspension, routing of cars while driving, especially when turning turns. Therefore, the perfect track infrastructure is necessary.

The stability of the system is provided by automatic current control in magnetization windings: the sensors constantly measure the distance from the train to the path and, accordingly, it changes the voltage on electromagnets (Fig. 3). Ultrafast control systems control the gap between the road and train.


Fig. 4. Magnetic suspension traffic principle (EMS technology)

The only braking force is the power of aerodynamic resistance.

So, the map of the train on a magnetic suspension: bearing electromagnets are installed under the car, and on the rail - the coils of the linear electric motor. When they interact, there is a force that lifts the wagon over the road and pulls it forward. The direction of current in the windings is continuously changing, switching magnetic fields as the train is moving.

Bearing magnets feed from onboard batteries (Fig. 4), which are recharged at each station. The current on the linear electric motor that accelerates the train to aircraft velocities is supplied only on the site where the train goes (Fig. 6 A). A sufficiently strong magnetic field of the composition will damage the current in travel windings, and those in turn - to create a magnetic field.

Fig. 6. And the principle of movement of the train on the magnetic cushion

There, where the train increases the speed or is in the mountain, the energy is supplied with a greater power. If you need to slow down or ride in the opposite direction, the magnetic field changes the vector.

Check out video phrases " Electromagnetic induction law», « Electromagnetic induction» « Faraday experiences».

Fig. 6. B personnel from video phrases "The law of electromagnetic induction", "Electromagnetic induction" "Faraday's experiments."