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24-hour housing housing and utilities - for what is needed, basic rooms and type of help. 24-hour housing housing and utilities - for what is needed, the main rooms and the type of help is a hotline for the population

Good afternoon dear friends. In this article we will talk about how a hot line for housing and communal services works, what questions can be set there, there are similar lines in the regions. Yes, such a line exists and acts.

Call 8 800 700 89 89, or describe the problem on the website of the Foundation for Housing Housing Reform, can any resident of our country concerning the area of \u200b\u200bhousing and communal services, such as, for example, about the provision of utilities, the eligibility of certain actions of the Management Company (CC) or HOA, tariffs and so on.

What is FSRZHKKh

If you think your question is not global enough, and local authorities may also answer it, the regional hottest lines on housing and communal services in the city hall or under the administration of the governor also work. But call better in working timeIn order to quickly solve this or that question. The FIR Foundation was created after the release of Federal Law No. 185-FZ dated July 21, 2017 "On the Fund to Promote Housing and Communal Services."

Basically, the Fund is engaged in state financing of the overhaul of the MKD, as well as issues of emergency housing and moving residents to new apartments.

The fund will help everyone

Other line

If you are interested in raising tariffs for housing and utilities services, or there are comments and suggestions on this topic, you can contact the hot line of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation by phone 8 800 700 88 00. Calls better from 9-00 to 18-00 Moscow time. The phone works without days a week. If you have raised tariffs in the region above the specified size of the limit index, then call it here - you will definitely help you. Copies of your appeals go to the General Prosecutor's Office for checking and in the Accounts Chamber.

What questions are solved

Many appeals concerns registration and residence issues when citizens live are not where they are registered. As a result, the other owners of the apartments are not satisfied: it turns out that they pay for themselves and for that guy, in this particular house not listened. And this is a very sick question for Russia - we have a significant part of the population do not live at the place of registration. And since payments for a communal rougher grow every year, this position is saddened. Someone may argue that the problem is solved if you put apartment counters on water. So the general needs will not go anywhere: if you pay less in the counters, then the difference of the Criminal Code or HOA will take, wreking the missing domestic property, again from your pocket.

Questions are different

Very often ask why the heating season ends, for example, on April 15, and payment for heating is taken for the entire month. Yes, gentlemen, such a system of metering heat has long been complaining, but so far WHO and now there. If the MKD is not equipped with overall heat metering devices, then you will have to pay not over the fact of its consumption, but according to the standard that is set for a month, and no one will recalculate in your favor. It is especially disappointing when the heating is turned off, for example, on May 6. You are sitting freezing, because the street is another cooling, and at the same time you know exactly what you pay for heating in May completely.

Many questions are asked about subsidies on utilities: When there is a debt debt, field officials simply die unhappy, instead of working out the question of reforming debt and issue a subsidy in need. You have to complain. With many residents of the first and second floors, high-rise buildings take fees for the use of elevators, although they do not use them. The law is clearly stated - the service must be provided and used, and where, tell me for mercy, ride the inhabitants of the lower floors? On the roof of the pigeons drive? Speak questions in the Criminal Code or HOA - such is the instruction and do not want to do anything. One desperate woman even wrote a statement to the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights on this issue.

In Soviet times, we did not hear about the hot lines, but the necessary phone numbers have always been on hand, and call the necessary specialist, and it was not a problem to solve any question. And now sitting, at best, a dandelion girl, writes your question and does not decide anything. At worst, you listen long beeps or abandoned the answering machine. No, you will get an answer sooner or later, but not always to the question that was asked.

On this, let me say goodbye. Subscribe to new interesting and topical articles of our site and let's link them to your friends and relatives on social networks.

Want to call the hot line of the mayor of Moscow Sobyanin for complaints of housing and communal services? You can ask specialists and other questions, it all depends on your problems. In our material we will explore the available methods for feeding.

We list a number of reasons for contacting the hotline:

  • You want to report on the facts of corruption.
  • There are questions about transport.
  • You wish to complain on poor-quality cleaning of the streets.
  • Want to ask general questions.
  • You wish to leave a complaint to officials.
  • Want to talk about problems in the area requiring an urgent solution.
  • Complain to the work of government agencies.
  • Contact specialists in housing and communal services.
  • Get information on solving existing problems in the area.
  • You can call the hotline for construction.
  • Leave a complaint on companies that pollute environment and violate the existing rules.
  • There are questions about the social sphere.
  • Trade and providing services.
  • According to the management of urban economy, etc.