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May holidays in Japan: Glicini blossom. Tour of the Golden Ring of Japan on Flowering Wisteria

Kawachi Fuji Garden Wisteria Tunnel is a garden with wisteria near the city of Kitayus. Two tunnels with wisteria and several old "trees" of wisteria with a beautifully distributed crown. Photos from the Internet look completely unusually and very beautiful - in life it is no less striking and in itself can become a reason for a trip to Kyushu.

Wisteria flowering time in Kawachi Fiji Park requires what to find out. We started planning a trip from the new year and periodically learned "how there with the forecast" - it blooms every year at different times. Not to say that with a difference of 2 weeks, but still - if you want to catch the whole garden in bloom, it makes sense to find out "When the garden blooms this spring." On the Kitakyusu website - will definitely be information about all this. Photos on May 6, 2014 - We are so garden and saw.

Kawachi Fiji Park find on the ground is not easy. From the city to go at all for a long time - I would recommend to take a taxi that may or wait to take back, or agree on "after 2 hours" - the return route too, as it should be done.

If there is a desire to save and hurry, it is not particularly where - you can try to find the bus number 56, where you need to get to Kawachi Elementary School (on Google-maps it is), go from there for no more than 20 minutes. It is better to immediately learn the map in this case, if there is a navigator - then immediately on the ground will simply be oriented.

They also write about the option with a trip to the free shuttle from the Jr Yahata Station station to Osen Ajisai No Yu. The stop is also not easy to find - from the station turn left in the direction of the bus stop, the shuttle is stopped near the lawn with the grass near the bus stop number 56. How to get to Osen - we go to the side of the hill to the top - the garden will be in 5 minutes.

We went by taxi. In the morning, the dwarfs on the streets almost no one, even despite the "golden week".

Ride from the center of about 20 minutes, the city will be afraid almost immediately.

Houses and roads quickly become small.

On the left side will be the lake. This is the Kawachi Reservoir reservoir - we did not stop, but if you are not in a hurry - you can rest on the shore after the park.

Dare. The entrance is paid - but not expensive. Famous tunnels with wisteria in the park 2, however, in one of them were not allowed - there they shot something like a movie.

Turn the right - in the first of the tunnels. When I looked at the pictures on the Internet, I thought there was a lot of photoshop there. In fact, the spectacle is very unusual and very similar to these pictures. This is the first of two tunnels with wisteria - the framework of the Liana and the flowers are freely hanging down, forming solid arrays of white, pink and purple color. On the bench can be sitting in the place you like.

Wisteria smells very pleasant. The clusters hang on the manner of grapes.

Tunnel arch.

Do not forget the camera - the photo of the memory must be done necessarily - people are busy.

The first tunnel is slightly less than the second. But the meaning of the same - strips growing with wisteria of different colors.

If you look into the lumen - the second tunnel can be seen - too different in color of glyciny planted.

Walking - then a white strip.

That lilac. A sunny day adds good to pleasant - all this is highlighted from above and looks guaranteed better than in cloudy weather.

I will pass the first tunnel and go to the old wisterial, the crowns of which are distributed in a different way - on the backups - here the size of the plants allows you to "cover along the area". Very beautiful red maples with small carved sheets.

At the exit of the tunnel - at the bottom of the parking, the second tunnel. Around the mountain / hills and bamboo forest.

There are old wisteria and look like trees - I did not assume that they achieve such sizes.

Under the crowns a pleasant tenak.

Beautiful sunny day. Weather in May on Kyushu magnificent - no heat or cold heat - very comfortable temperature.

There is also where to sit here.

If you compare nothing - the spectacle is really unusual. We saw such a garden for the first time - the sensations were like that.

One of the old wisteries - I think for a hundred years

Sit half an hour must be sure. Hurry not where.

There is a feeling of "rest", if not hurry.

There are people, but not to say that the crowds around. No one shouts, does not run.

There is a 15-20 meter trees - this area has every tree and covers its watercolor crown.

The stone, probably, was specifically so set - a lot of people will take pictures inside flower clouds.

But, anyway, this is a liana.

Despite the impressive "woody appearance."

Lilac shadow.

Also climbed the stone. In the colors there are a lot of bees and perfectly smells fine.

Definitely there is something from the pictures - to print on myself on nims into the office.

White little "not in bloom", or not yet enough.

Like people to climb with their heads in flowers - apparently, something subconscious.

Photos the sea, but all of them, of course, do not lay out.

Kawachi Fuji Garden - top view. There is a cool shadow, and on the street sunny - warm spring on Kyushu. This time is completely justified called the "Golden Week".

The bees also "Golden Week."

We go around this part of the garden. We still want to get into the first tunnel, where they take a movie.

A very beautiful place.

Descended to the first tunnel. Just a window appeared in the shooting - everyone was allowed to walk and there. In every way apologized.

Here, too, everyone is photographed. This tunnel is sewn - it is most often possible in photographs of the Kawachi Fuji garden to see.

Plots in pictures are almost alone - but there is no feeling that all this "same".

On the other hand began to shoot a movie - we successfully passed the place that they liked.

In general, the faces of all joyful, all is well.

Everything glows some kind of positive.

More than once thought about those who contain all this beauty in order.

Returned to the exit - in an hour they went around both tunnels and a large park with old wisteria.

Looked again in that tunnel, which is smaller.

Stills at the entrance - do not want to leave.

But with the garden Kawachi Fuji it's time to say goodbye - we are already waiting for the car on which back to the city.

The Kawachi Fuji garden liked himself very much and in itself - a great reason to visit Kyushu. Beautiful wisteria, calm atmosphere, silence and calm make this place in a lot unique.

Group tour to Japan for fixed dates
"May in Japan: Spring, Art, Japan"
There is a set
Dates and duration of travel:
May 1 - 11, 2019 (11 days / 10 nights)
Price per:
- with double accommodation: 3631 USD
- Supplement for single placement: 656 USD
Route [by day]:
Fukuoka → Nagasaki → Imari → Karatu → Dadzaif → Garden Glicinius Kavatati Fujian → Kurasiki → Park Ritzurin → Takamatsu → Naosima → Himedez → Castle Himecedi → Garden Glicinia Bolynzi → Kyoto → Kyoto → Nara → Tokyo → Kyoto → Tokyo → Kyoto → Tokyo → Kyoto → Tokyo
The beginning and completion of the program is provided for in different cities: the beginning of the program - in Fukuoka, and completion - in Tokyo.
We recommend that you use the services of air carriers that carry direct flights to Fukuoka (for example, arrival in Fukuoka and the departure of Tokyo is possible if you use the services of Finnish, Korean, Chinese and some other air carriers), or fly to Tokyo in advance, after which the services of local airlines.

    • Accommodation in hotels 3-5 *
    • Breakfast in hotels (2-11 days), one dinner (3 day) and one lunch (7 day)
    • Accompaniment guide on the program
    • Entrance tickets, master classes and other cultural events declared in the program
    • Moving on high-speed trains, registered and public transport on the program
    • Visa and Information Support
        Not included
      • Air travel
      • Medical insurance


Dynamic, saturated, bright and interesting program from in Japan on May holidays!
We invite you to a unique author's journey in Japan to one of the most beautiful seasons - the time of flowering wisterium, when the country celebrates several national holidays at once, the brightest of which is famous for the winds of children's huge colorful carp.
We will cross the half: let's start our journey from the center of Northern Kyushu - the city of Fukuoka, look at the cosmopolitan Nagasaki, the intersection of Chinese, European and Japanese crops, where we will see the legacy of the first European settlers and their homes on the island of Deadzima. Journey through Kyushu we will continue in the historic center for the production of Japanese china Imari and a cozy provincially port town of Karats. We will walk along the famous Glicinia and Flox gardens, we will visit the Island-Museum, famous for unusual art objects, plunge into the atmosphere of the old merchant town of Kurasiki and enjoy the unique collection of Japanese and world art in Japanese Hermitage - the Ohara Museum. We will get acquainted with the oldest Japanese cities - Kyoto and Nara, let's remember in the ancient Zen gardens, will enjoy the beautiful geisha, feeding the insatiable deer deer ...
And of course in the program - communication with the team, traveling to Sinkansnes and new culinary discoveries!
Welcome to Japan on these May! The program is also recommended for those who have repeatedly been in the country of the Rising Sun and dreams of discovering something new.

Kyushu Island is the southernmost of the four main islands of the Japanese archipelago. Toward from the main economic centers of the country today, in antiquity Kyushu was a bridge between Japan and the mainland states of China and Korea. It was on this island that the Japanese was first planted for the first time, and it was here in the Middle Ages, missionary vessels were sailed, which brought European culture to Japan. Located in removal from the capital island for a long time lived by his life, forming his own culture, tradition and cuisine for the century.
During this excursion, we will get acquainted with the city of Fukuoka - the ancient center of Buddhism and at the same time one of the 10 most populated cities in Japan. Fukuoka city
Bigger locality Kyushu, located on the northern tip of the island. Historically, this area served for Japan "Window to Asia" and was a major trading center in the region. It was through the port of Khakata, the settlement was located on the site of modern Fukuki, organized his legendary invasion of the Mongolian Khan Khubilai, and only "Kamikadze" ("Divine Wind"), Typhoon, who destroyed most of the attacker of the fleet, saved the country from capturing. The current name of the city was distributed in the XVII century, when Daimo Nagamas Khododa, who received the land of the region as a reward for the faithful service of Sögun, built a Fukuoka Castle, calling him in honor of the place of origin of his clan. Modern Fukuoka is a dynamically developing shopping city with a population of more than one and a half million people, the administrative and economic center of Cussy Island.

The city of Nagasaki for several centuries was influenced by foreign cultures of China and Holland. The long influence of more technologically developed countries contributed to the rapid development of the city during the industrial revolution of the late 19th century. Residence Glover
The residence and garden of Thomas Glover and several other English traders settled in Nagasaki in the middle of the 19th century, open to visit as a museum under the open-air. Walking around the museum, you can enjoy seasonal colors and learn about the lives of foreigners in just recently closed Japan, as well as admire top to the unique city of Nagasaki. Church of Oura.
The Catholic Church of the OMR was built at the very end of the Edo era, when the ban on entry into the country was already removed, and many merchants and preachers from all over the world went to the open ports of the country. The Church of the OMR is considered the oldest surviving Church of Japan and has become the first European style structure, awarded the status of the national heritage. Island of Deadzima
Deadzima - a bulk island, built in 1636 for the settlement of Portuguese missionaries and the convenience of regulating their missionary activities. But soon, the Portuguese was denied the entrance to Japan, and the Dutch trading company was moved to the island, which became the only connection of Japan with Western countries. To this day, several buildings were preserved from those distant days, others were restored and turned into museums of life and trade relations in Japan with Europe. Chinese Quarter Nagasaki
Chinatown or Chinese Quarter Nagasaki is the oldest in Japan. Founded in the 17th century, he had a great influence on the culture of this multinational city. It is not surprising that it was in the Chinese quarter that two most famous Nagasaki dishes were born: noodles in the bullee broth with meat, vegetables and seafood, tanpon and roasted noodles with vegetables of Saraudon.

Museum of History of the Festival Karata Kunti
The annual November festival Karati Kunti is the main cultural event of the autumn to Karata. Within the framework of celebrations, huge, skillfully decorated stretcher pulls, the oldest of which was designed to early XIX. century. These stretchers who took the sight of animals, dragons and samurai helmets and weighing from two to five tons, are kept during the year in the Hikeyam exhibition hall, open to the public. Museum-residence Topic
Extravagant dwelling of Takatatui Koretsei to Karata, the Japanese coal magnate of the stroke of the XIX-XX centuries, which is called "King of coal", which was engaged in the development of the coal-mining industry Kyushu, it is interesting primarily for its architecture. Built in 1904, the residence is a bizarre mixing of traditional japanese style and European modern. Inside the estate with the stage of the theater, but also Zen-Garden adjoin the latest Western trends of that time, such as lamps and decorative sculptures installed around the perimeter. Sanctuary Karatu-Dzinja
The Karata sanctuary was founded by local rulers in the middle of the 8th century and is dedicated to the deities of the sea and fishermen. Since the foundation and to the present day, it enjoys respects of the inhabitants, and therefore is considered the main thing in the city and is always filled with people. It is not surprising that it is in the sanctuary of Karata and one of the most popular festivals of the Saga Prefecture - Karatsa Kunti, who takes place annually at the very beginning of November and collects up to half a million viewers. During the festival, fourteen richly decorated palanquins representing various mythical animals, dragons, Koi Koi and Samurai helmets, rush around the city accompanied by teams of drummers. Castle Karata
Castle Karata was erected at the very beginning of the 17th century and is interesting because the external ring of his defensive walls rises straight from the water using the Karata bay as natural protection. During the first century of its existence, the castle changed the owners several times until he switched to the Ogasavara clan. At the end of the 19th century, the central buildings of the castle were destroyed, and in their place the city park Maizuru is broken. However, in the mid-60s of the last century, the central tower and some other buildings were restored and are now available for inspection.

Sanctuary Dadzaif Tenmangu
The Great Poet, the scientist and politician Sugavara, but Mitidzane was convicted of a false person and exiled in Dadzaif, where he died a few years later. In place of his grave and was founded by the sanctuary of Tenmangu, dedicated to the Denit of Tenzin, in which Sugavara was reincarnated after death, Mitidzane. The sanctuary in Dadzaifa is inferior only by Sanctuet Kitano Tenmangu in Kyoto on the place where Mitidzane lived most of his life. In Dazaif, Tenmangu grows "Toby-Uve" ("Flying plum"), according to legend, favorite tree Sugavara, but Mitidzane flew to him from Kyoto. As God Tennezin is considered the patron saint of all students and scientists, there are always many students and schoolchildren in the sanctuary. Glicini Park Kavatat Fujen
Private garden on the southern Kitakyusu Hills, the famous Glicini collection different varieties. Part of the trees is planted so that it forms corridors from fragrant covers of white, pink and purple flowers. Air and lush borders of wisteria from antiquity are considered in Japan with a symbol of poetry, youth and beauty.
The garden is open for visits only during the flowering of wisterium from the end of April to May and in November-December during the Golden Autumn.

Bikica district
The name of the city can be translated as "a place built up with rice barns." This name quite accurately characterizes the city, which appeared at the very beginning of the 17th century, as a port and transshipment Transportation of rice from Western Japan to Central. Many rich merchants of Western Japan have built warehouses in the port of Krasiki ("Kura" in Japanese) to store rice before shipping to the port of Edo. In the Edo Epoch, the rulers of the city punctured channel for the convenience of delivering rice from repository to the port.
With the modernization of Japan, which began at the end of the 19th century, and construction railwaysThe river port of Kurasiki gradually lost its importance, although modern (at the beginning of the 20th century) of the enterprise was erected in it. A unique area around the canal, built up with traditional white buildings, was decided to save. Now the district "Kurasiki Bican" is a cultural and historical heritage not only of Okayam's prefectures, but also of Japan.
Vintage rice storage facilities were upgraded and redone in small museums, hotels, restaurants and shops. On the channel you can ride in the traditional boat, which two hundred years ago were used to deliver cargo. Museum Ohara
The heir of the Ohara family, raised at the time of Edo and significantly strengthened his position during the reign of Emperor Maidzi, Magosaburo Ohara (1880-1943) was no less successful and enterprising than his ancestors, and founded several successful companies in the textile, chemical and financial industries. .
In 1902, young Magosaburo met his countryman who had hoped by the artist Codisim Toradziro. Having friendly with him, the heir of the kind of Ohara, impressed by Toradziro's talent, pays for him the training of visual art in Europe.
In Europe, at the request of his friend and the sponsor, Codisima begins to collect a collection of painting European artists, buy paintings on the means of Okhara and send them to Japan. He continues to collect paintings for the collection of his cartridge throughout the further career, right up to the sustainable death in 1929.
In memory of his friend and the actual creator of the collection, Magosaburo Ohara organized the "Museum of Okhar" in 1930. The basis of the museum was the works of European artists and Asian masters assembled by Codzima Toradziro. "Okhar Museum" was the first private museum of Western painting in Japan. Western art is presented in the two-story main gallery of the works of numerous artists, from El Greco, Gaugugen and Monet to Jasper Jones and Mink. There are pictures of Japanese artists of the 19th century and modern working in the western manner. In the halls of the gallery crafts, in addition to the works of the British Artist-Ceramist Bernard Lich and Master of Engraving Siko Munakata, you can see the works of famous modern Japanese artists. The Asian Gallery stores a magnificent collection of Codisim (open in 1972), representing ancient eastern art, including multicolored Chinese figurines of the Sun and Tang dynasties. Ritsurin Park
Ritsurin Park is one of the most beautiful and well-known traditional Gardens of Japan and one of the main attractions of the Kagawa Prefecture. The breakdown of the garden and its landscaping were started in 1625, and over more than a hundred years later, in 1745. As a result, such a long and thorough work, the garden became a real pearl of the province of Sanukka and the pride of its owners. At the end of the 19th century, the park was opened to visit the general public.
6 ponds are broken in the garden different sizes and 13 artistically decorated natural and artificial hills. The garden is also located a tea pavilion and the Museum of Traditional Sanuki Province Crafts. The museum has a store where you can purchase household and interior items manufactured by traditional technologies.

The island museum is the city of modern architecture and design, located on a small island in the inner Japanese Sea. There is a huge number of museums on its territory, as well as the works of famous modern artists and architects from around the world, harmoniously engaged in the surrounding landscape.
"Pumpkin" - Fancy Sculpture of the work of Yoya Kusama
Underground Museum of Tituallowing you to rethink the interaction of a person with nature. Daylight is part of The expositions of the museum allowing to feel changes in the perception of space and see the course of time. The permanent exhibition of the museum includes the works of Claude Monet, James Tarrell and Walter de Maria Pavilion prison Authority Fujimoto CO - Interactive Steel Installation-Network Kadoy and other buildings "House" - Rounded by famous designers and architects with the help of the inhabitants of the island abandoned buildings, which was given the second life.

Castle Himedezi
The most beautiful of the numerous Japanese castles, the national treasure of Japan and the UNESCO World Heritage Monument - Himedezi Castle, many will be familiar with the film Akira Kurosava "RAS". Open after a long-term restoration of a white Heron castle, as he is often called, Himedez's castle is rightfully considered to be the most beautiful Japanese castle, where many historical films are filmed to this day.
The history of Castle Himedezi begins in the first half of the 14th century. However, the fortress acquired its current majestic type only at the beginning of the 17th century. Surrounded by impregnable maze of walls and pvv, the castle never got a chance to show his power in battle. He stood untouched or wars or natural disasters for more than 400 years, being now one of the most well-preserved castles of Japan. The large-scale restoration work ended in March 2015 was returned by the castle of the former shine, snow-white walls and a tile, for which he was once nusted by a white heron castle. Garden Kocoen.
About modern garden, broken in 1992 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the education of the city of Himedezi. The foundation for Kokoen was a garden with the residence of the owners of the Castle Himedezi. The territory of the complex is divided into nine parts, each of which represents a certain style of Japanese garden art.

Kyoto served as the imperial capital of the state from late 8 to mid-19th centuries. For 11 centuries, Kyoto - the center of the cultural, political and spiritual life of the country. Now there are more than a quarter of all Japanese monuments of ancient and medieval art, more than two thousand temples, palaces, gardens and parks, the unique traditions of Japanese crafts, high Japanese cuisine are stored here. Golden Pavilion Kinkakuji
One of the most famous temples of Japan, the Golden Pavilion, is considered a pearl Kyoto. The three-storey pavilion covered with sheets of pure gold, stands on the shore of a "mirror pond", reflected in transparent water. Built at the very end of the XIV century Syogogo Asicaga Yoshimitsa as a villa for a holiday, the complex after his death was transformed into the Buddhist temple. Officially called "Rokundi", the Golden Pavilion is a combination of three different architectural styles and is an excellent model of the culture of the formation of samurai class. Temple Röandzi
In the era of Hayean, a villa for one of the aristocrats of the powerful clan of Fujiwara was built on the Kino Mountain's slope. In the middle of the 15th century, the villa was transformed into the Zen-Buddhist school of Rindzai.
Today, Röandi Stone's garden attracts tourists from all over the world with his mysteriousness - after all, the composition is constructed in such a way that the observer can only see 14 of the 15 stones at the same time. According to an old legend, which only reached enlightenment is given to see all the stones of the garden immediately. Nijo Castle
One of UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Nijya was built at the beginning of the XVII century by order of Sögun Tokugawa Iehasu as his personal metropolitan residence. Now the castle is a well-preserved sample of the fortress and the palace at the same time. Interior The complex is painted by famous school artists Kano and richly decorated with gold and carving on wood. There are several gardens in the castle in different stylesOne of which was created by the Great Master of Fine Arts, the Aristocrat of Edo Early Epoch by Hobby Essu. Quarter Gion
Arriving in the Middle Ages around the temple of Yasaka (Gion) to meet the needs of Pilgrims of one of the most respected Kyoto temples, the quarter is currently one of the most atmospheric areas of the city. Formally, the Gyon is two Khanati (Geish quarters) - the largest and most famous Gion of Coba and Higashi Gion, only a little inferior to the first in size and popularity. The quarter keeps the buildings and the atmosphere of old Kyoto, with small two-storey houses in the style of Mathy, restaurants, shops and small hotels in a traditional style. Sometimes on the streets of the quarter you can see Geish or their students, Majko, hurrying in cases.

Nara is the first and oldest of the large capital cities of Japan, where an imperial residence was located in the 8th century. It was the time of formation of a centralized Japanese state, formation japanese Buddhism and active contacts with the mainland. Now the city of Nara together with Kyoto is listed on the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. It has the oldest wooden structures of the early 8th century and a large number of masterpieces of the ancient Buddhist art and architecture of Japan. Temple Todaji
Buddhist temple complex, the main building of which is considered one of the most ambitious wooden structures in the world and within which the largest bronze statue of the Buddha is located. The complex was built at the beginning of the 7th century, while its construction was collected throughout the country for several years. And for the casting statue of the Buddha, almost all the bronze produced in Japan at that time was used. On the territory of the complex there are several unique wooden structures and traditional gardens. The entire complex is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Sanctuary Kasuga
One of the most revered and ancient Shinto shrines of Japan, based in the middle of the 7th century to protect the capital. Initially, belonged to the powerful court clan of Fujivar, but today it is still often visited by members of the imperial family. The sanctuary is famous for its architectural style (Kasuga Dzukuri), large quantity Stone and bronze lamps that decorate buildings and territory, and untouched ancient forest around, where deer are free, considered messengers of the deities. GLACINE GLACINE "MANUY"
Casting near the Sanctuary of Kasuga Garden can be found all three hundred species of plants mentioned in the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry, "Mannias". But the main highlight of the Botanical Garden is numerous wisteria, blooming from mid-April to mid-May, forming multicolored corridors flying in the wind from fragrant plants.

In the 13th century, the city of Kamakura was the residence of the first samurai government and in fact the capital of the Japanese state by usurpiring the rights of the Imperial Capital, Kyoto. Trying to capture all possible levers of influence in their hands, the Kamakura rulers made the city and the center of Buddhism. Since those times, a large number of Buddhist temples have been preserved in the city, many of which are still honored as significant religious centers. Church of Kotokin
Kotokinuin is a Buddhist church of a clear land sect in the city of Kamakura. He is most famous for his open-air bronze statue of a Big Buddha, which is one of the symbols of the country ascending sun. The giant monument dates back to the XIII century and reaches more than 13 meters in height. This is the second largest statue in Japan after the Big Buddha Todzayji Temple in Nara. Temple of Hasshedra
The main attraction of the temple is the nine-meter statue of Bodhisattva Canon, the legend sails on the sea. Hasagere is located on a hill, from the top of which the fascinating panoramic view of the city opens. Along the leading upwards there are many statues of Bodhisattva Dzizo. And at the base of the hill spread out a beautiful walking garden with a pond. Roppong Hills.
Mori Tauer - 54-storey skyscraper with a height of 238 m, towering over the Hills Roppong complex. It is primarily a fantastic circular view of the city, which opens with its sightseeings.
At the very top of the building, at an altitude of 270 meters above sea level, there is a famous open look at Tokyo City View, which is considered one of the best in the city. In clear weather, you can see Mount Fuji from it, but in days with bad weather conditions (strong wind, rain, fog), the roof access is closed. But even if the weather is not lucky - you should not despair! A closed visor sites located on the 52nd floor, waiting for visitors to any weather, and the look from it is still beautiful.

Route Tura: Tokyo - Hakone - Kyoto - Nara - Osaka - Kyoto - Tokyo - Asicaga Park - Tokyo.

Large brushes of fragrant wisteries flourish in Japan at the end of April and give their beauty and fragrance at all short - usually the first week of May. The largest number of wisteria is concentrated in the Asicag Park, where you will get within this individual tour. You will pass on the 80-meter tunnel of fragrant colors: snow-white flowering brushes, similar to tiny butterflies, and sweet gentle fragrance. No wonder the Japanese call the passage on the tunnel of an expensive happiness! In addition, we have prepared for you a rich program of individual excursions. In Hakone, you will visit the secluded beach of Lake Sali, offering a magnificent view of the top Fuji, in Kyoto, inspect the temple clean water And one of the most beautiful temples of the country - Fusimi Inari, get acquainted with manual deer in the park of Nara, see the castle of Sögun in Osaka and go to the artificial island of Odaiba, located in Tokyo Bay. During the trip you will stop in unique hotels and Ryokanov.

If you did not come true this route, we suggest you to create your own individual journey together with our specialists.
Write to us, call or come to visit!

Individual tour of the May Flowering of Wister

Tour duration: 10 days / 9 nights.

Tour dates in 2019: on request.

The cost of the program per person: from $ 4900. *

Tour program

Day 1st. Tokyo

Arrival in Tokyo (Narita Airport), meeting with Russian-speaking accompanying. Transfer to Japanese Alps, to the foot of the legendary Volcano Fujiima. These places are famous for their natural thermal sources.

A trip to Hakone will be held not by the standard tourist route, you are waiting for unique trails. For example, you will visit the secluded beach of Lake Sali, offering a magnificent view of the top Fuji, and in the evening they can relax in hot springs.

Day 2nd. Hakone - Kyoto.

In the morning, you will go to the open-air sculpture museum, and after the cable car, you will get to the Gayzer Valley, the famous cosmic landscapes. Completely saturated excursion journey through a picturesque lake on a pirate ship.

After lunch - moving to the super high-speed train Sinkansen in Kyoto - the city, which is now complete entertainment by the youth capital of Japan, but keeps an incredibly ancient sights. They remind that Kyoto many centuries were the imperial capital of the country. Until now, the city continues to remain the center of traditional Japanese culture.

Hakone, Japan

Day 3rd. Kyoto

Individual study tour of Kyoto. You will reach the famous neighborhood of Geishe Gion. We recommend that you have to arrange a photo session here in national costumes.

In addition, you inspect the Kiyimiz Temple (VIII century), or the church of clean water. He is interested in his main hall, towering on a rock, and a ritual waterfall. Most of its buildings were reconstructed in the XVII century, however, they still reflect unique architectural stylecharacteristic of the VII-VIII centuries.

After - tea ceremony.

Day 4th. Kyoto - Nara

In the morning, you inspect one of the most beautiful temples of the country - Fusimi Inari, see His altar with a thousand red gate of Thoria, which form a large labyrinth. Walk along the corridors and the opportunity to make colorful memorable photos.

Moving to the city, who has retained the atmosphere and traditions of the old Japan to this day - Nara. In the VIII century, she was the capital of the Empire and carefully retained many unique attractions, some of which are under the protection of UNESCO. Here you will see numerous pagodas, a huge Buddha and, most importantly, get acquainted with hundreds of deer who roam the park and with pleasure take crackers from the hands of tourists!

Nara, Japan

Day 5th. Osaka

Arrival in the gastronomic capital of the country - Osaku. There you will find a magnificent lunch and excursion around the city. You will see the most recognizable symbol of the city - the castle of Sögun. He was erected four centuries ago, but was destroyed several times during military battles. From the sighting site of one of the castle towers, there are magnificent views of the mountain peaks and a picturesque park.

If you wish for a fee on this day, you can visit the aquarium, which is considered one of the best on the planet.

Day 6th. Kyoto - Tokyo

Independent rest in Kyoto. You will be able to stroll through the city streets, take a shopping or relax in Onexne with hot springs.

After lunch - return to Tokyo and evening excursion to the megalopolis. You're climbing the viewing platform, which is located on the 44th floor of the city's city hall.

Days 7-8. Tokyo

You are waiting for two bright and memorable days in Tokyo. You will see the pulsating heart of the city at the Tsukidze fish market and arrive at the artificial island of Odaiba, located in Tokyo Bay. It offers great views of the city and the picturesque bay.

Church Fusimi Inari - Kyoto, Japan

In addition, you are waiting for an inspection of the most lively crossroads on the planet, located in the business district of Sibuya. After you see the legendary symbol of the Japanese metropolis - built in 1958 the Tokyo Tower. Walk to the temple in the garden of the favorite emperor Maidie and the study of the Gindz shopping district.

Day 9th. Tokyo - Asicaga Park - Tokyo

Free time in Tokyo and a walk through the famous Asicaga Park. At this time, claying flowers here and you can admire the beautiful garlands of these gentle colors with sunlight, at sunset and with fascinating evening illumination. Evening return to Tokyo.

Day 10th. Tokyo

International flight.

Asicaga Park - Tokyo, Japan


Arrival in Tokyo to Narita or Handed Airport. Meeting with the Japanese driver at the airport and transfer to the hotel on Shuttle Bass with other tourists (without a guide). Independent settlement in the hotel selected category. Please note that in most Japanese hotels, the settlement occurs after 15: 00/16: 00. If you wish, you can order an early settlement for a fee, but it must be done in advance at the stage of booking the tour.

An optional tour (for tourists arriving in Tokyo no later than 13:00) - evening excursion in Tokyo with a Russian-speaking guide (approximate time excursion from 17:00 to 20:00).

In the evening, when lights are lit, the city is transformed. You will visit the famous Gindza's luxury shopping area for the whole world, cross the Tokyo bay in the picturesque rainbow bridge, visit the artificial island of Oodahiba, from where there is a stunning view of Tokyo and the Bay, and see a recognized symbol of the city - the Tokyo Tower. You are also awaiting a visit to the Sibuya district, where the famous monument is located to the faithful Khatiko ps and the busiest crossroads in the world - at the time of the peak, about 3,000 people are simultaneously.

Day 2.

Tokyo, Asikaga

Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion to Asikag to Glicinia Park with Russian-speaking guide.

Moving to Asicaga. A visit to the famous Color Park "Ashikaga Flower Park". Wisteria, blooming in May in this Park, are considered the most beautiful in the world. Classic lilac, light pink, yellow and white wisteria form fragrant tunnels, alleys and gazebos, and the Lianins of the three main glycine gardens spread so wide that they occupy the area in 1000 square meters. Near the park is the Asicag School (currently the museum) is the first educational institution in Japan, whose history goes to the Middle Ages.

Return to the hotel in Tokyo.

Day 3.

Tokyo, Osaka

Breakfast in the hotel. Tokyo sightseeing tour with a Russian-speaking guide.

Excursion will begin with a walk along park Shinjuku Göen. It was founded in 1906 and initially belonged to the imperial family, now it is one of the most famous Tokyo parks.

Then you visit the viewing platform the highest television tower in the world - Skytree (634 meters), from where, from a height of 350 meters, you can admire the breathtaking panoramas of Tokyo.

Moving B. assacus area - One of the few places where the spirit of Old Tokyo is preserved - you will visit the oldest Buddhist temple on the territory of Tokyo Senseodi and walk along the shopping street Nakakse, where the largest souvenir benches are located in Tokyo.

At the end of the excursion you will visit area at the Imperial Palace - Here since 1869 is the official residence of Japan's emperors, the oldest ruling dynasty in the world.

Transfer on the railway station. Moving to Osaka high-speed train Sinkansen. Meeting with the coordinator at the Station of Sin-Osaka near the car. Accommodation at the hotel selected category.

Day 4.

Osaka, Kyoto

Breakfast in the hotel. Excursion for Kyoto with Russian-speaking guide.

Kyoto, more than a thousand years, who was the imperial capital of Japan, to this day is considered the main center of the traditional culture of the country. The bombing of the Second World War did not touch the Kyoto, so it was here that the richest cultural and historical heritage remained, many objects of which are included in the UNESCO list.

Inspection of one of the main attractions of Kyoto - world famous Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji) - a temple, lined with gold, resting over the waters of a mirror lake.

Next, moving and visiting the famous philosophical garden 15 stones at the Zen-Buddhist Temple Ryandiin which the stones are located in such a way that from wherever you watched the garden, some of the stones invariably slip away from the gaze. Dinner.

Visit Temple of pure water (Kiyimiz), who received his name in honor of the waterfall within the temple itself. The temple is located on the hill, and the wonderful Panorama of Kyoto opens from its observation site.

Walk around the quarters of Geishe Gion. Return to the hotel in Osaka.

Day 5.


Breakfast in the hotel. Free day in Osaka. We recommend ordering excursions for an additional fee.

Optional tour: Excursion to Hiroshima and Miyjazim with a Russian-speaking guide (on public transport, incl. Lunch).

One of the most famous landscapes of Japan is the bright red gate of the Shinto Sanctuary, standing right in the sea. The sacred island of Miyjazima is the place where you can see the famous landscape with your own eyes. The gates themselves belong to the ancient Sinto Sanctuary of Izukushima located here (UNESCO World Heritage). The green mountains of the island, the surrounding sea and the temple, created over 1,400 years ago, merge in amazing harmony, so inherent in traditional Japanese architecture. Deer (sacred animals in Japanese beliefs) are free on the streets (sacred animals in Japanese) - they are absolutely not afraid of people and, even on the contrary, show active interest to guests. Dinner. The excursion will be completed by visiting the World Memorial Park in Hiroshima.

Day 6.

Osaka, Tokyo

Breakfast in the hotel. Free time in Osaka. Self-transfer on the railway station.

19:00 - 21:30 Moving to Tokyo with a high-speed train Sinkansen. Meeting with the coordinator at Tokyo Station at Vagon. Accommodation at the hotel selected category.

* Indicated an approximate time. Tickets for the train to Tokyo will be issued in advance. Optionally, you can go to another time, a shuttle service with a guide to the hotel on arrival in Tokyo will be organized according to the arrival time specified in the ticket.

An optional tour is an excursion to Nar and Osaka with a Russian-speaking guide.

This is an excursion of contrasts: in one day you visit the ancient capital of Japan, G. Nara, where the spirit of old, traditional Japan has been preserved, and the dynamic trade and industrial city of Osaka, which is inferior only to Tokyo.

In Nara, you visit the ancient Temple Complex Todaji (UNESCO World Heritage), within which on the petals sacred Lotus. Smears the majestic 15-meter statue of the Buddha, and stroll through the park, in which more than a thousand hand deer live.

Returning to Osaka, you will pass through the Dotonbori - the bright and energetic area impregnated with the Eccentric Spirit of Osaka. At the end of the excursion you can enjoy the panorama of the city and its surroundings from the observation platform of the highest building of Japan Abeno Harukas (300 m).

Day 7.


Breakfast in the hotel. Free time in Tokyo.

An optional tour is an excursion to Kamakuru with a Russian-speaking guide.

The ancient city of Kamakura, located on the ocean, is the first capital of the military rulers of Japan Sögunov, the city of ancient temples, sanctuary, magnificent gardens, picturesque hills and coasts.

The excursion implies a visit to the Shinto sanctuary of Hatiman, built in 1063 and dedicated to the emperor of Ozin, whom the people consider the Sumurai class deity, and the temple of Khashedra, dedicated to the goddess of Mercy Kannon, from which the wonderful panorama of the city and the coast, and the temple of Kotokin, where The symbol of Kamakura is a 11-meter bronze statue of the Great Buddha (Daibuz), the second largest in Japan. Return to the hotel.

Day 8.

Tokyo, Russia

Breakfast. Independent extract from the hotel. Meeting with the Japanese driver in the hotel lobby. Transfer to Narita / Handed Airport on Shuttle Basa with other tourists (without a guide). Departure to Russia.

Favorite among loving colors in Japan is wisteria. Translated to Japanese, wisteria sounds like Fuji like sacred mountain Fuji, but the emphasis falls on the last syllable. In the gardens, the blooming Japanese wisteria hangs on top of multi-colored rows, which creates an exciting view when the flowering tunnel is passed. Glicinia is one of the most beautiful curly plants, is a major deciduous climber with a solid wood base. IN japanese gardens Collected wisteria of different varieties with white, blue, purple, purple blue and pink flowers. The best time of year to love glycinium, from the end of April to mid-May. Entrance ticket to the park during the flowering period of Glycine 1000-1700 yen.

In the period from the end of April to the beginning of May in Japan, festivals of the loving of Glycini are held. The following lists the places of admirement by glycinium, which are most popular with local residents.

Festival of Glicinia Gomangok in the garden

Gomangoku is one of the varieties of wisterium growing on grilles with with total area 1300 sq.m. In the Aichi Prefecture in the city of Obadzaki. Flower of wisteria - is an official flower of the city, and Glycinia Gomangoku is defined as the cultural value of the city. In Obadzaki Park in 1911, lattices were built. The longest vine extends 11 meters, and some clusters have a meter length. During the festival in the evening, flowers are illuminated. In the park, many recovered buildings of the Edo era relating to Tokugava Jayasu - Japanese Segun, centrallying power in 1603.

How to get to the garden proving:

from the station of Nagoya / Meitetsunagoya, by train station to Hikashi / Higashiokazaki (30 minutes) and on the arrival of 15 minutes to the garden or taxi.

Festival of Wisteria in Tokyo in the Kamido-Tendzin temple

One of the most famous "Festival of Wisteria" is held at the end of April - early May in the center of Tokyo, in the Sanctuary of Campo-Tenzin / Kameido -Tenjin. The temple is attractive at any time of the year, but especially during the flowering of Wisteria, an unusually combination of the famous bridge-drum from a wisterial pointing branches hanging over the pond of the temple. In this temple, as the legend says, the first wisteria was planted for about 320 years ago, during the construction of the temple. For support, more than 100 branches have been installed 15 pergola, supporting flowering branches, covered by clusters of purple colors of various shades hanging almost to the ground late in spring.

How to get to the Kamido-Tendzin temple:

from Tokyo station to Camedo / Kameido station (15 minutes) along the line and from the northern exit 15 minutes walk.

Festival of Wisteria in the Garden of Asicaga in Canagaba Prefecture

And in the park of Asicag flowers, always lively, but especially in the period of loving the flowering of wisterium. It is the Japanese wisteria that is the main flower of this park. Huge bunches of blue, white and pink wisteries create bizarre images, especially unforgettable in the evening illumination. In Asicaga Park, every year is conditionally divided into eight themed flower seasons. The third season (from mid-April to mid-May) is called "Fairy Tale of Glicinia". Interestingly, in full color Asicaga, it happens in early May, two weeks later than the flowering of wisterium in Tokyo passes. It is considered one of best places For loving blooming glinate. Despite the numerous compositions from other plants in the park, spread over 8 hectares, it is the wisteria that is the queen, which is unproofily reigning in this flowering splendor.

How to get to Garden Asikaga:

from Tobu Tokyo station Terminal in Asakus by train on Tobu Issue / Tobu Isesaki Line on Express "Ryomo Limited Express" (1940 yen one way), going to the station Tobu Asikaga / Tobu Ashikaga Station, upon arrival at the station on foot 20 minutes before parka.

Festival of Wisteria in the Fuji Kavachi Garden in the city of Kyutakusu on Kyushu Island

The Japanese Food Garden Fuji Kavachi is located on Kyushu Island in the city of Kitakyushu, near Fukuki. The nearest airports flight, flights from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and the largest cities of Japan, is about twenty-five kilometers from the city of Kitakyusu. Only within one month: from the end of April and at the end of May, you can admire the bloom of wisterium. This garden during flowering is recognized as one of the most beautiful places in the world. The most popular place of Kavacha Fuji's garden is undoubtedly the Visteria tunnel, whose name comes from the plant, which covers the arch of the tunnel. Guests seem to fall into a fabulous story with bright colors And sweet flavors ...

How to get to the Fuji Kavachi Garden:

From Kyoto station by train ( how to get to Kyoto from Tokyo) Station Kokura / Kokura (2 hours 27 minutes, on arrival at the Kokura Transplant station for a train, going to Yakhat / Yahata station (13 minutes), and transfer to Bus No. 56 Nishitets U to Syogakko Kawachi Station (20 minutes) and on foot 15 minutes.