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Information about the lotus flower. Lotus - a sacred flower of antiquity. General characteristics of lotus

Publication 2019-03-23 Liked 2 Views 6160

Lotus flower in ancient China

Lotus is the most mentioned plant in Indian literature, in China known as a paradise bud. For many nations, the lotus flower is still associated with righteous souls. It matters in traditional Arabic, Tibetan medicine, where the seeds, roots and leaves make medicines. In Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, in Vietnam and India, the flowering lotus is included in the dietary menu, consider a valuable food product.

The Chinese believe that lotuses are the souls of people

Esoteric VS Science: Flower Symbol

In esoteric practice, the lotus flower eliminates negative vibrations. It is believed that the photo of the lotus or its art image can be a cleaning amulet and a plant can be used instead of asparagus and make marmalade from its seeds.

And how many amazing decorations exists with this ancient symbol

This divine symbol in various religions bears its sacred value about:

  • life and Health
  • reborn and oblivion
  • fertility
  • male and women's start
  • spiritual self-perfection
  • awakening, the beginning of the new cycle
  • love and compassion

These extraordinary beauty flowers are always drawn to the light.

The flowering lotus is a perennial plant, its diameter can reach 30 cm. In the photo you can see that its bud always turns to the sun. Lotus is listed in the Red Book, so it is already special. Science is confirmed that the preparations from the lotus act as tonic, cardiotonic and soiling agents.

"Pink Lilia Nila" - a sacred and miraculous plant

Its geography covers the reservoirs of America, Hawaiian Islands and other parts of the world (more in the photo). The flowering plant is found in Asian countries, and Australia. The most amazing Valley of Lotos is located in Russia, on the Taman Peninsula. This is an ideal place to travel, conduct wedding ceremonies, an unforgettable photo and video session.

Paradise flower lives in lakes and reservoirs

Who said that dry out of the water will not get out? In some photos, you can see the wax on the petals, beautiful pearl overflows. Water on their surface is not delayed, but rolls up with drops.

Egypt: the value of the flowering lotus and legends

For the Egyptians, this flower is a symbol of sleep and a voluptuous oblivion. A Nile white lotus is growing here, which dropped not under the scorching rays of the sun, and during the moonlight. In Egypt - he symbolizes the dying and resurrecting God of Oziris, as well as isoot, the goddess of fertility. The Egyptians attached great importance to the flowering lotus during the crop period. It was believed that the abundance of divine "lilies" during the spill of the Nile was promoted the second year.

Lotus in the interior - and beautiful, and harmonizes space

The blooming sacred symbol is identified with the God of the RA Sun, sets a connection with the sun. The value of the flower magic is associated with light and it does not matter, whether it is the sunrise or the moon. The flowering lotus for the Egyptians is also a symbol of eloquence, so the girls decorated their hair, clothes, wreaths and bracelets. The Egyptians put the flower in the tombs, believing that the dead would awake on the light.

Lotus also medicinal plant

The symbol of the red flower of the pita is the personification of endless divine wisdom for many peoples and religions. It is not surprising that these days are so popular with a lotus symbolism, and even accessories, bedding and clothing (for example, pants, knitted sweaters and), which also carry a sacred value. Stock Foto Cool clothes can be found on IndiaStyle shop windows!

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Lotus tattoo looks on the body very cool

Symbol of flowering lotus in india

In India, the flowering lotus "is climbing" even on the mountain, one and a half car meter. India symbol - red flower. It is associated with a heart, love experiences, passion and compassion, purity of thoughts and life. According to Indian mythology, the entire present lives in the rays of the "Fiery Sun", and it is the blooming lotus that protrudes the throne for the Buddha Shakmuni.

Image of a flowering lotus can be placed on any part of the body.

The symbolism of the flower in Indian mythology varies:

  • 5 petals - symbol of five stages of life - birth, teachings, marriage, rest, death
  • 7 lotus petals symbolize seven planets
  • 8 petals are the heart of being, eternal oblivion
  • 9 petals - human symbol
  • 10 flower petals - identified with God and Absolute

Lotus helps the human soul to get out of the darkness of ignorance.

Lotus flower in ancient China

The flowering lotus in China was worshiped long before the spread of Buddhism. Modern Chinese and the Japanese are managed to even cook this flower! They eat sugar roots and are convinced that this delicacy prolongs youth and retains beauty. The flower became a symbol of the victory of will over emotions, wisdom and mind over nonsense. Here you still impose incense to expel evil spirits. With Buddha, the Chinese associates only a pink flowering lotus.

Lotus Flowers - Constant Offering Eastern Gods

In other religions and beliefs, the flower managed to "be" the Museum of Apollo (Ancient Rome), a love lie for Zeus and Gera (ancient Greece). Tibetan knowledge bind the value of the flowering plant with a life wheel. According to monks, the stages of Being (past, present and future) are also arranged, as well as the flower structure (bud, flower and seeds). But in Christians, the flowering lotus has a sacred meaning of light, it is identified with the Trinity and Christ.

The blossomed lotus flower personifies the revival

The aura of this plant exudes the most powerful energy. The flowering lotus is a frequent "witness" of the sanctified altar, it protects against witchcraft and black magic. Maps, paintings and photos with lotus are able to protect a person from atrocities.

Lotus image - protection against evil spell and intentions

Born in water, sacred flower, "Health Tonic", an important ingredient for Ayurveda, the image of creation, the occurrence of the world - the flowering lotus has many titles, sacred values \u200b\u200band therapeutic properties. Even in the photo you can see the nobility and the greatness of this flower.

Lotus, Lotus A, m. Lotus, lotos m. Lat. Lotus, gr. 1. Southern Water Plant with large flowers, in some countries considered sacred. Sl. 18. Lotos. The Egyptian plant, divided into many denials .. Sophisticated from these growing on ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

- (Greek. Lotos). Plant from this. pitcher; Egyptians and Hindus worshi for the sacred subject. The Lotus Country The fabulous land of lotuses, so charming that he forced alien to forget about her fatherland. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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The family of amphibian perennial herbaceous plants of the lotus family. Flowers are large, diameter up to 30 cm. 2 species, in moderate and tropical belts of both hemispheres. In southeast. Asia, Northast. Australia and in the south of Europe, including in Delta Volga, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

The main and, apparently, the initial value of this mythopoietic symbol is a creative force associated with the female principle, hence the more special symbolic values \u200b\u200bof L.: Lono as a place of the birth of life; fertility, prosperity, offspring, longevity ... Encyclopedia mythology

Lotus - (Irkutsk, Russia) Hotel category: 2 star hotel Address: Street Baikal 14b, Irkutsk, Ro ... Hotel catalog

Lotus - (Host, Russia) Hotel category: Address: Alley Cheltenchem, 5b, Host, Russia ... Hotel catalog

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Lotus, lotus, husband. (Greek. Lotos). The name of several types of flowering herbaceous marsh and water plants of hot countries with edible fruits, from this. pitchers. Egyptian lotus. Indian lotus. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

The rhizomes of this water lilies of East Asian origin often apply in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. As a rule, the holey rhizomes are cut into transverse slices, which, due to this, look decorated with a decorative pattern. ... ... Culinary Dictionary

LOTUS - "I love one (one) you very much" Tatuir. Lotus Leningrad Regional Fuel Union Energ. Lotus Summer Square Labor and Rest of high school students ... Dictionary of contractions and abbreviation


  • Lotus Brahma. Dilogy (seven days in the Himalayas. Signs of Christ), Sidorov Valentin Mitrofanovich. The fate of the documentary leaders formed by the dilogy was different. The first-thousand days in Himalayas`- Miraculously breaking through censored slingshot, was published in 1982 in ...

This is an amazingly beautiful plant known since ancient times. Beautiful water lily is the only representative in the lotus family. In Buddhism, and not only, the lotus is a sacred flower - a symbol of purity. Growing out of swamp turbid water, the plant turns into a clean beautiful flower facing the sun. His seeds represent a symbol of life in connection with their durability. Noticing that Lotus dismisses when the sun comes out, the Egyptians suggested that such a phenomenon has some mysterious connection with heavenly luminaires, with their movement.

It is known that Botanist Jane Shen-Miller was able to germinate the seeds of the plant, several centuries have fallen at the bottom of the long-haired reservoir. Seeds rose, and scientists found that one of the grains was more than 1200 years old! This article will be presented a plant - lotus nuts. But first consider all kinds.

Types of lotus

  • Yellow lotus, or American spread in South and North America. The very name of the flower speaks of his color.
  • Nutonal, or Indian, is found in China and India. Aroma flowers have a beautiful pink color. The fruits of this lotus in the form are similar to the slurry at the watering can. With full maturation in them and small nuts appear.

General information about the flowering lotus

At the very beginning of the color of the lotus flower petals bright pink, then it gradually pale, and the blooming thickets acquire the most diverse gamut of pink shades.

There is a tradition (as well as in the flowering of Sakura) to admire the lotus during his dissolution, which lasts only 3 days. Then beautiful petals fall apart, after which the box with seeds is taken off. Seeds fall on the bottom of the reservoir, where they are able to lie for a long time.

Lotus Nutonal: Flower Description

The plant is the most beautiful and largest coastal flora. During his flowering, gorgeous pink flowers rise to a height of 2 meters above the water surface and against the background of bright green leaves represent a delightful and indescribable sight.

The lotus flower is large (diameter is approximately 30 cm), semi-free, standing on high bloom. It happens from white to scarlet. It looks like a lummy shape, only the petals of its wider and less pointed. When the inflorescence blooms completely, it opens a flat pestle with a size of 5-10 cm, and there are stamens with yellow anthers around it.

Lotus nutproof has a flower closing overnight and possessing a rather pleasant aroma. From one inflorescence, several large (up to 15 mm) seeds are formed, a dense shell of which, with full maturation of the fetus, protects the embryo plant from decrease in temperature and drying. Seeds (nuts) These have a fairly pleasant taste.

Leaves and rhizomes

Two types of leaves have a lotus nut (a photo, see below).

  • Floating leaves have a flat rounded shape. They are under the surface of the water, and on the surface.
  • Air leaves, rising above the surface up to 2 meters. The form of them is a funnel-shaped, surface with a wax chain is dense. The diameter of the sheet reaches about 55 cm. Color - saturated green.

Thickened and strong rhizome grows around the plant for several meters. It contains trace elements, vitamins, sugar in large volume, proteins and fats. Even under adverse conditions, they can continue to continue. Along the entire root there are germinal kidneys, giving rise to new plants. Waste and complete reservoir drying is detrimental for this plant.

Places of Growing

It should be noted that the Lotus Hagonus is listed in the Red Book. This plant grows in standing and slowly current waters, mainly in the tropical and temperate regions of the southern part of Europe, Asia, as well as on the Islands of the Indian Ocean and in the north of Australia. It is this kind of lotus for a long time is used in many countries in folk medicine. This plant is found in the tropics of both hemispheres of the Earth. It grows in Russia - in the Delta of the Volga River, in the Far East and the Transcaucasus.

Although cultivated in many countries, the lotus nut, the Red Book has this relict plant in its lists. It has been preserved due to the fact that people cultivated it for many millennia. It is believed that Lotus as a genus could die. The flower (and yellow, and nutty) is growing on the shallow water in small thickets on the styrices, limans, lakes with or or soils (depth up to two meters) and with well-warmed water.

Types and varieties

Lotus nuts can have several species that greatly grow in some areas of Russia.

  • Caspian spread in the Volga delta and the water bodies of Kuban. Flower - pink, and leaves - green and large. Very similar to this view of Asian, but it is slightly smaller in size and adapted to the cold.
  • Lotus Komarova is the most resistant to the cold climate. Grows in the Far East and in the Primorsky Krai of Russia. This plant has large superwater leaves and white-pink flowers. Perfectly winter in a thick or) layer, however, when the soil is frozen, it dies.

  • American is the only appearance with yellow colorful colors. Growing in the tropics of America. It was originally grown in the greenhouse, but the seed reproduction helped to successfully cultivate the flower into Kuban and in Sochi. Today, this species is very popular.

Useful properties and application

Flowers Lotus nuts in July-August, full ripening of fruits occurs in September. Large and solid seeds are reminded to taste a nut. They are edible. Widely nuts are used in cooking, and the roots of the lotus in Asia's kitchen are considered a delicacy and are used only on holidays.

The beneficial properties of the lotus nut therapy:

  • diuretic;
  • binder;
  • soothing;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-shogin;
  • hemostatic;
  • strengthening;
  • antitoxic.

In folk medicine, Lotus is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and heart, skin lesions, burns and diarrhea. Seeds are used in insomnia, excessive anxiety. Rhoranies with rhizomes are useful for nervous depletions, cramps, fever, bleeding and in the treatment of spleen diseases. Use these infusions and in the bite of snakes and scorpions. Herbal fees with lotus leaves are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases (including cancer), etc. In the cosmetology, the lotus is used as part of drugs, purifying, moisturizing and eliminating elasticity and elasticity.

Conditions for artificial growing lotus

Lotus nuts can be painted artificially. Below are the main conditions necessary to grow this plant.

  • Mandatory presence of a non-freezing reservoir. The depth must be 1.5-2 meters. Compliance with the water temperature at this level should not be descended below 4 degrees so that the plant does not die.

  • A considerable layer (more than 50 cm) of the soil is nutritious at the bottom of the reservoir. It is necessary for a good and powerful development of roots. Well-grained bottom - additional protection against possible freezing.
  • Good water heating and bright sunlight are required due to the long vegetation period of the plant.


How does the purity of the plants appear from the muddy or shared water preserve? The reason for this is the special glossy structure of flower petals and its leaves. They are capable of self-cleaning, repulcing water. This amazing plant is worthy of continuing its existence in nature. Otherwise, such fabulously beautiful places on Earth would be much smaller.

Lotus Report 2 Class briefly tell about this long-term plant. Also, the lotus report can be used while preparing for the lesson.

Lotus message

This flower admire and admire, has long been a symbol of the gods. Guess? This is a perennial, beautiful plant - lotus. He belongs to the genus of dicotyathic. By the way, Lotus is the only representative of his family. The plant is pink or yellow, although often to the lotuses are red, blue and white lugs.

Where is the lotus grow?

These amazing plants are growing exclusively in water: in orst ducts, in delta rivers, racs. Less frequently, they can be found high in the mountains at an altitude of 1.5km. Lotuss are thermal-loving representatives of the flora, so they do not grow everywhere. So, the yellow lotus is found in the reservoirs of Jamaica, the Hawaiian Islands, Central and South America. Pink flower grows in Japan, in Asia, India, Australia. Also, the lotuses chose the Far East, Kuban and the Volga Delta. And on the Taman Peninsula there is a water garden of incredible beauty - the Lotus Valley. The tiles are listed in the Red Book.

What does the lotus look like?

The flowering lotus looks like this: bright green leaves float on the surface of the water, and among them there is a large flower (its diameter of 30 cm), deployed always in the sunny side. Lotus depletes not strong but pleasant smell. The flower has a yellow whisk, which is surrounded by petals or a gentle pink or yellow shade. Near the base the tone of the petals is richer than at the edges. Lotus rhizome is long and thick. This is due to the fact that the plant must be taken to the bottom of the reservoir and extract nutrients from there.

The leaves and petals are covered with a dense wax rim and under sunlight they shimmer as a pearl. Water on them is not delayed. Lotus seeds resemble nuts. They are dark color and have a solid skin with a small opening for the embryo.

Lotus values \u200b\u200bin human life

Lotus plays an important role in human life. In the traditional Tibetan, Indian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic medicine from the parts of the plant (seeds, embryos, a color, petals, stamens, leaves, roots, pestles) make medicines.

Also, this plant is a valuable dietary and food product. Foreign fruits and roots are used. In China, Japan and India from seeds and rhizomes make starch, flour, sugar and even oil.

It is believed that the lotus can purify the space around itself from negative vibrations. Therefore, the plant can be grown at home.

Lotos: Interesting Facts

  • In Chinese peatings once discovered lotus seeds whose age was more than 1000 years. When they were planted, after some time a sproured and bloomed flower.
  • In Asian countries, the lotus is grown as a vegetable.
  • In some countries, the leaves of the plant are used instead of asparagus, and marmalade makes out of seeds.
  • Lotus is a symbol of purity. It is used in many spiritual practices, as it is believed that the plant cleans a man's aura and has a beneficial effect on his health.
  • Lotus closes the flower every evening and hides under water so that in the morning to appear again. The most interesting thing is that the flower leaving the water remains dry.

We hope that the report about Lotos helped you prepare for the lesson, and you learned a lot of useful information about this amazing plant, which grows in the water. And your brief story about the lotus for children you can leave through the comment form below.

Family: Lotus (Nelumbonaceae).

Motherland: North Africa, South Asia.

The form: Herbate plant.


Lotus is a grassy perennial living in an aquatic environment. The plant has a thick rhizome, occurring in the ground at the bottom of the reservoir, surface leaves and flowers on long stiffs. Large, up to 70 cm in diameter, the funnel-shaped lotus leaves are covered with waxing, so do not wet. They rise above the water, which distinguishes them from nymphi and water lily. Large, diameter up to 30 cm, single lotus polytepoles, somewhat raised over the water surface due to high flowering, can be painted in pink, yellow, cream color. The flowering lotus changes its location after the movement of the sun. Lotus fruit - a cone-shaped box with numerous seeds-nuts.

In cultures of India, Egypt, China, Sri Lanka and some other lotus countries are considered a sacred plant.

The lotus family has only two types:

(N. Nucifera) is a relic representative of the lotus family. Spectacular large flowers, bright pinks at the beginning of flowering, gradually change the color to white, have a thin pleasant fragrance. The seed method of reproduction of this species is not effective, the plants determine the rhizomes.

or American lotus (N. Lutea) is distributed in the territory of the North American and South American continents. Flower is quite large, fragrant, can be painted in a snow-white or cream color.

Growing conditions

The optimal place of the lotus landing is a pond with a standing or slowly flowing water with a size of at least 3x3 meters and a depth of about one meter (no less than 70 cm), partially or fully shaded with a splashing tree. The bottom of the pond is laying out in fine pebbles, on top of which a layer of drum soil is poured.


Lotus are decorative throughout the spring-summer season, they bloom from mid-July to August. Lotuss for landscaping garden ponds are used, or they are grown as a container plant in decorative containers. Exotic and exquisite lotuses will perfectly fit in almost any garden style, but these wonderful aquatic plants in, and gardens are especially appropriate.

Rhizomes and lotus seeds are eaten, as well as used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.


Water with lotus need to be regularly brushing. You can not allow the growth of lotuses at the shore - a strip of pure water should remain between the coastline and group of plants. It is necessary so that the diematic parts of the lotus do not increase the layer of il. In the spring too thick, the lotus thicket makes sense to cut forward. In drought, water should be added to the pond, maintaining it on the optimal level for plants. In the dressing lotuses do not need.

Lotus wintering in a pond with a rapid bottom, does not need prepare for the cold season. In the fine reservoir, the plant can be left for the winter, having fluttering water from the pond and the rhizomes of the root of the foliage, foam, sawdust, moss. Another way of wintering lotus is container. Lotus rhizomes move to the container with the bottom soil. The substrate should be slightly covered with water. Before spring, containers contain in a cool place, following the lotuses, the lotuses do not begin to vegetate prematurely.


Lotus seeds and rhizomes spread. The advantages of the first method is the relative simplicity and the best adaptation of plants to the habitat, the second way is enough hardships, but it allows you to see the lotus flowering 1-3 years earlier than at a seed method.

When growing a lotus from seeds, the lotus nuts should be taken, collected from the end of August to October. Seeds, germinate in warm water at a temperature of + 18 ... + 25c⁰. The sprouted seeds are moved into a capacity filled with water by 15-20 cm. At the bottom of the capacity laying a small layer of garden soil mixed with clay. As the lotuses grow water in the vessel poured. Young plants are moved to the pond only when spring frosts are warned. When growing in the container and disembarking in the water, it is categorically unacceptable to pull the lotus leaves - it is detrimental for plants. The lotuses grown from seeds bloom on the 5-6th year of life.

Subneumed, similar to the lotus rhizoma banana collect for landing in the same season as seeds. This is done solely manually and with great care - you need to take care of not to damage small urine roots. Running the rhizomes are also manually. For this in the bottom soil they make oblong holes and laid "bananas" in them. These processing processes by themselves, but only so, when complying with the conditions of detention, you can achieve rapid flowering of lotuses. If adult rhizomes are used to transplantation (aged 8), the first lotus flowers can be seen after 1-2 years.

Diseases and pests

Lotus - a plant is very resistant to disease. The main natural enemy is the WLL, attacking the unacceptable lotus buds. It is possible to get rid of it, with caution using insecticidal agents, or simply flushing in the mornings of the TRU from the plants of the water jet from the hose. Occasionally, the lotus can be damaged by caterpillars. To combat them can also be used in special drugs, but only in limited doses - their use should not disturb the ecosystem of the pond.

Popular lotus varieties:

  • "Alba Grandiflora" - large white flowers;
  • "Lily Pons" - Flowers of cupid shape of salmon or pinkish color;
  • "Kermesina" - Red terry flowers;
  • "MRS Perry D. Slocum" - large pink flowers purchasing cream shade with time;
  • "Moto Botan" - Container grade with colors of saturated raspberry color.