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Buddhist rosary, rosary Mala in Buddhism. Buddhist rosary japanese rosary

Buddhist rosary - necklace with grains strung on it used for prayer account. The most common Buddhist rosary have 108 grains (the sacralism of this number goes its origins in ancient Indian magical practice). Quite often encountered rosary with 54 and 27 grains (1/2 and 1/4 of 108, i.e. shortened option). Rosas with 18 grains in honor of 18 Arhats - Buddha students, 21 grains - in honor of 21 forms of goddess containers, 32 grains - for reference 32 of the advantages or signs of the Buddha. Rosary with 108 grains have dividers located on the thread after 18, 21, 27 and 54 grains - usually it is a larger beads than the rest.

Rosas with red thread and tassel are designed to practice tantra.

Rosges have special names and contain a hidden esoteric meaning that is revealed only to the dedication. Rosary can be made of precious stones - Lazurita, coral, opal; Tree - red, black, yellow sandalwood and fruit bones;

The rosary are used by followers of almost all religious systems to calculate the number of read prayers and mantras, performed rituals and bows. However, in Buddhism, the role of the subject is also played in Buddhism, in which information related to the main philosophical and practical aspects of the Buddha teachings are also encoded.

Buddhist rosary (on Sanskrit: Mala; on Tibetan: Ranba) are made of wood, bones, stone or metal. At the same time, the material is often selected due to those or other energy or mystical influence on a person or a surroundings.

For example, rosary of juniper have a property to scare off evil spirits and eliminate malicious influences; The same properties have rosary of the Red Coral and Navy Lazarite.

Rosacles from sandalwood, mountain crystal in pearls serve to calm, eliminate obstacles and diseases.

Golden, silver, copper, amber, made of lotus seeds or bodhi wood - increase the life expectancy, contribute to the development of wisdom and an increase in spiritual merit.

Rosary from crystal, sandalwood, lotus seeds or bodhi seeds are also recommended when carrying out the practice of imposing-pujges to all poor (peaceful) Yidamam (aspects of enlightenment) and Guru Yoga.

For mystical practices, especially associated with angry yidami, use rosary of juniper, black or red wood, bones, black crystal, agate, black coral.

The warriors are often worn by iron rosary using them, if necessary, as a healthy weapon.

There are also rosary, made of tied in a special way of nodules. At the same time, each nodule is tied with reading certain mantras, prayers and performing special contemplation.

Particularly appreciated by the followers of the Buddhist tradition of Vajrayana ("diamond" or a mystery chariot) rosary made from the bone of the frontal part of the human skull. 108 skulls are on the manufacture of such a rosary, which is possible only in the conditions of Tibet, where traditionally the corpses of the dead are not injected into the ground (due to the lack of such in the mountains) and do not burn (due to the lack of wood), but leave in special places where the corpses are quickly burned down mountain Grindes, after which only skull and bones remain from the corpse. Since such rosary is a rarity, then it is more commonly bone rosary (from the bone of man or animals), each bead of which is made in the form of a miniature skull.

The classic number of beads in Buddhist rosary is 108. However, rosary and with another beads are found. In any case, the number of beads codifies certain provisions of the exercise. So, for example, 108 beads of classical rosary symbolizes 108 gods of desires (Sanskr.: Tangha), darling the spirit of man:

a) desires associated with six sense authorities: vision, touch, smell, taste, hearing and mind (6);
b) in relation to subjects of the past, present and future (3);
c) to objects internal and external objects (2);
d) three ways of manifestation: in thoughts, in words and in actions (3).

From here - the canonical numbers of Buddhism:

6x3 \u003d 18;
- 18x2 \u003d 36;
- 36x3 \u003d 108.

There are also other decodents of the number 108, however, this is the most common. The rosary is divided by an additional larger bead (109th), which grows a cone-shaped or cylindrical bead. The big bead symbolizes the wisdom of Prajni, and the cone - the method is dropped. Most often, the 36th and 72nd beads are also made a slightly larger or other form. From the cylindrical beads, the "tail" from the threads, the color of which is often associated with the adopted vowes in the tradition of a Buddhist school. So, for example, a black color can mean the adoption of worldly vows (SanskR: Farcaka, Tab: Genen), red - initial monastic vows, publishing houses (Sanskr.: Schramner-, Tib.: Hetsul), Yellow - Full Vows of Monastics ( Sanskr.: Bhiksha, Tib.: Gelong). "Tail" can be double - in this case, one of its parts symbolizes the practice of merit, and the second is the practice of wisdom; Or they can symbolize, respectively, the condition of clarity - shamatha and insight - Vipasyan. The fact that both parts come out of one beads - symbolizes their unity-non-duality.

The rosary used by the adepts of Vajrayana is often much more complicated and on its symbolism and on the manufacturing process. Often such rosary also play the role of a peculiar identification mark for dedicated, pointing to the level and type of the spiritual practice of the host of the rosary.

In addition to the overall symbolism of classical rosary, Vajrana rosary, especially in the practice of angry yidams, is often performed in the shape of skulls, which symbolizes the beaches of this world or the practice of fragility. In the shape of skulls can be both all beads and only dividing - 36th, 72nd and 109th. It can be performed in the form of a triple skull and one large, 109th, beads. In these cases, three skulls are also denoted by three main darkens- "poison" of consciousness: passion, malice and ignorance.

The base of the rosary (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe "tail" or instead of it) is often decorated with one of the tantric characters from iron, bronze, silver or gold. By this symbol, you can roughly define the type of tatr that practice the owner of the rosary. Most often, Vajra is found as such a symbol as the general character of Vajrayana or Dharmachakra - as a symbol of the teaching of the Buddha in general. Grirdug more often carry llamas (as a symbol of cutting off all sorts of dyes) and dedicated to the practice of angry yidam; Metal mirror - the practice of the Dzogchen system; Purbu - Dedicated to the practice of Yidam Vajrakiliai, etc.

Vajrana rosary on cord, woven out of 5 multicolored threads: white, blue, yellow, red and green colors. These threads symbolize five aspects of the enlightenment expressed by the figures of five enlightened-Tathagat: Vairoohnaya, Akshobhhei, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasidha. During the cord weaving, Biji syllables are read and a special visualization of these Tathagat is performed. Thus, the cord is hidden by their energy. Five threads may be associated with the practice-mandala of one or another Yidam - in this case, accordingly, mantras and visualization are changed. Sometimes the cord consists of 9 threads - in this case they symbolize Yidam Vajradhara and eight major bodhisattvas.

In addition to the central "tail", the Vajraian rosages have two more - after the 36th and 72th beads (in this case, these beads do not differ from other form or size). Each of these "tails" is done after five small beads or disks. Two "tail" symbolize the practice of merit and the practice of wisdom, and small beads are ten perfections, the first five of which relate to merit, and the following five to wisdom. It is often found another option when all the ten small beads are riveted on the main "tail".

After the manufacture of the rosary is sanctified by the lama teacher or the adept itself by carrying out a special rite. Such rosages acquire special magical and energy properties that protect their owner and contributing to tantric practices. These rosary are prohibited to transmit outsiders, relate to them casually or irrevocably. If the rosary come into disrepair (beads or cords are erased), they are re-consecrated during the repair or are burned with reading mantras. Often, pilgrims leave their rosary on which they read 108 thousand or more mantras in holy places. It is believed that in this case the fruits from the practical performed increase, which is quite explained, given the link that is established between the rosary and their owner as a result of systematic practices.

The rosary of the Great Lam Teachers, famous for their holiness and spiritual forces, climb into the stupa or the foundations of the temples during their facilities, are investing in the Buddha and Yidamov statues, placed in the altars as relics. Often, the rosary are transmitted from the teacher to the student from generation to generation as a sign of spiritual continuity.

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Hello, friends and readers of my blog! With you, Ruslan Zwirkun and today will talk about why we need a rosary for meditation, how to sort out or twist the rosary when repetition of Japa Mantra, and how to make them with your own hands. At least a few thousand years, people use them in their practice, and there is no accurate date of their appearance, but there are no more benefit of their benefit.

Rosary is a spiritual attribute of many traditions and cultures of the world. By right, it is possible to attribute the origin of the rosary of the Vedic (Ancient Indian) culture, it was from there that the tradition originated to repeat mantras and prayers on rosary. Further, the tradition has spread to other trends, such as Buddhism, Islam, as well as Christianity, in particular Catholics, Orthodox, and others.
In each culture or tradition, it gives various meanings, but essentially the purpose they have one to repeat various mantras and prayers on them.

Rosages are an integral part of japa meditation, and when repetition of some other mantras. Repeating mantras or prayers, in different traditions it is customary to count their number. It is difficult to be focused and at the same time in mind to count the required number of repeated mantras, and the rosary just serve for these purposes, so that the counting does not distract us to it. Just throw beads and thus produce an account.

In addition to the fact that it is convenient to count the number of repeated mantras, just as rosary serve even in order to engage in meditation a sense of touch. Holding a bead between fingers, we are like in contact with mantra or prayer and thus meditation becomes more focused.

Repeating a mantra in hearing we occupy your language, voice, ears and rumors. Reflecting on the meaning of the mantra - we occupy your mind and mind. Sitting with a straight back in, or in others, we occupy your body in meditation. If you repeat the mantra when walking, you can also make it a meditative process. Thanks to the rosary, we will use our fingers and a feeling of touch.

How many beads in the check

Traditionally, the rosary have in their quantity of 108 beads. Sometimes they are made 54 beads, 36, 27, or 9. These amounts of beads are multiple numbers 108.

Value 108 beads in rosary

108 is a sacral number and has many esoteric values. One of them is infinity. There is also:

  • 108 main Upanishad (Vedic Scriptures);
  • 108 the main names of God;
  • 108 main gopis (devotees of the Lord);
  • in Vedic astrology 12 houses and 9 planets, 12 × 9 \u003d 108;
  • The Harga sacred river covers 12 degrees of longitude (79 to 91) and 9 latitude degrees (22 to 31) 12 × 9 \u003d 108.

There are also other values \u200b\u200bof this number.

In the rosary of 108 beads there are 109 beads, which is called the bead of God, and also call it a bead measure (the highest mountain described in the Vedas) or Bead Guru (spiritual teacher).

Bead mode connects a ring in rosary and on it do not repeat the mantra and do not step over through her.

Usually it makes more in size than rosary beads, sometimes they make 2 or 3 beads together. In the photo it looks like this way.

Rosary is a spiritual subject, and it must be kept clean. It is also not accepted to demonstrate in open meditation on rosary.

Meditation, or prayer - a fairly intimate process. Therefore, during the relief of the rosary and repetition of the mantra, it is advisable to keep the rosary hidden from prying eyes.
The pouch for the rosary perfectly copes with this task. A bag for rosary can be purchased ready or sew yourself. In traditional bags there is a hole for an index finger, which usually do not concern the beads.

In the photo of a pouch for a rosary

How to make rosary do it yourself

To make the meditation rosages with their own hands, take 108 beads from
Tree or other material and long thread from 3 to 5 meters. Luche use a nylon or a drop-down thread so that your rosages do not break.

Return about 20-25 centimeters from the end of the thread and tie the first node on it. The node must be of this size so that it does not fall through the bead hole. Having traveled the first bead. Touch the node after it and slide the following. After each bead, tie the knot.
Having traveled all the 108 beads and tied the last knot. You got a thread with beads, now take a 109 big bead and thread both ends of your rosary and tie a nodule. All, rosary for meditation are ready.

Varieties of rosary

Traditionally, rosary are made of wood, or plant seeds. Also use precious and semi-precious stones. But my opinion is that this is an excess. Rosary primarily serve to concentrate during meditation, and reduce attachment to the material things of this world through meditation. Gemstones will only increase the false ego and more and more bind to material things.

In general, there is a very huge selection of rosary from all kinds of materials:

  • sacred Tulasi tree;
  • sacred tree of him;
  • rudrakshi seeds;
  • lotus seeds;
  • juniper;
  • red coral;
  • dark blue lapis;
  • sandal;
  • pearl;
  • nephritis;
  • rhinestone;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • copper;
  • amber;
  • boddhi tree;
  • and even bones and skulls of people and animals.

Vaisnava rosary

Vaishnava repeat the mantras predominantly on rosary from Tulasi or Nima.

In India, the choice of rosary is simply huge, eyes can disperse from different sizes and shapes. This photo I did in one of the sacred places of Vrindavan

Rosary Shiva

Siva followers I use rudraraches seeds

Buddhist and Tibetan rosary

Buddhist and Tibetan rosages are manufactured from all of the above materials, giving preference to the Boddha, Sandal and Juniper tree.
It is believed that juniper, red coral and dark blue lapisy scares spirits. In Tibet, rosary of human bones and animal bones are common. Dice there are available in connection with the Tibetan Ritual of Burial. The body is not burned and do not bury, but give to the egress of birds.

Japa Mala or how to read the mantra on rosary

On another, the rosary is also called "Mala", it is a Sanskrit term, which literally means "garland".

Meditation technique on rosary

Take the first bead next to the big bead measure, big and middle finger right hand. Pointer finger away to the side.
The left hand does not repeat the mantras and prayers, as it is considered not clean.
Repeating once the mantra move the rosary on myself taking the second bead and repeating the mantra again and so on until you read the mantra on each bead.

Reaching up to 108 beads and reading the mantra on the last bead you are the easiest of the japa circle. Expand the rosary in the opposite direction without overpaying through 109 beads to the measure, the last bead is in this case now becomes the first and you can continue japa meditation on.

The second hand, if desired, can be placed in or another wise option.
There are no strict rules and regulations in the number of repetitive mantras on rosary, each may have individual standards. Some people give vows to repeat a certain number of circles on rosary, it all depends on your desires and aspirations.

How to use and store rosary

Use your rosary (small) for destination. This is not a souvenir and not the decoration for the car. As I said above - rosary are intended for meditation and prayers.
Keep your Male (rosary) clean. There are certain principles that are desirable to follow if you are using a rosary in your meditation. These principles concern the proper storage and use of rosary.

It is not recommended to use rosary dirty hands. Hands are considered unclean, after eating, after the toilet or after contact with unclean objects. In this case, it is necessary to clean your hands with water and only after that it takes rosary.

Do not put the rosary to the toilet, as the toilet is considered an unclean place and Japa Mala thus deserved.
Do not demonstrate all your rosary - this is a fairly intimate item.

In the video, how to sort out and twist the rosary during the repetition of the mantra.

That's all, on the blog news, so as not to miss anything.

With respect and best wishes,

Read 5 min. Views 2.3K. Published on 12/22/2015

In the same way as in many other religious areas, the rosary in Buddhism play an important role. They are used to count off the number of unscrewed prayers and mantras, completed bows and various rituals. In addition, important information is encoded, carrying a message to all followers of philosophical teachings. So, how many beads in Buddhist rosary, as well as what is the value attached? Consider further.

Buddhist rosary and their importance in religious plan

Buddhist rosages on Tibetan are pronounced as "Prenva", on Sanskrit - "Mala". Being cult affiliation, they can perform several functions at the same time:

  1. Reminder of religious ritual, prayer. In some cases, the rosary helps read the words of prayers in a certain sequence.
  2. Device for account. Reading a prayer or performing a certain religious effect, beading is performed. This makes it possible to not get confused in the number of rituals performed.
  3. Use of rosary as a symbol. It is known that the rosary are made of a specific material and have a certain amount of beads. This is inserted a special meaning. Depending on the traditions of the school and the desire to achieve some kind of purpose, a choice is made in favor of certain rosary.
  4. Rosary as a distinctive sign. This feature smoothly follows from the previous paragraph. In appearance and features of this attribute, it is possible to conclude about the belonging of its owner to a specific school of Buddhism and the degree of its preparation.
  5. Rhythm counting. Some rituals, mantras and prayers require the maintenance of the rhythm, with which it helps to handle the transfer of beads of rosary.
  6. Maintaining concentration, fighting with sleep. It is believed that the movement of each beads of the rosary returns attention and focus on prayer or performing ritual actions.
  7. Medical properties. It is believed that the rosages from certain materials are able to heal from different bodily illnesses.

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The idea of \u200b\u200bGod in Buddhism

For example, Buddhist tattoos and their significance are unusually deep character. Sometimes you can meet the pictures of the palms folded in prayer and with rosary on the wrist. The tattoo can also be represented in the form of a monk or the Buddha itself, staying in the lotus position and the condition of prayer, while holding this integral belonging of the follower of the philosophical teaching in his hand. And this is no accident: As an important cult attribute of Buddhist religion, the rosary is considered a companion not only the faithful followers of Buddhism, but also the usual fans of his ideas.

It is also worth noting that some of the cult facilities of Buddhism can become a repository of sacred relics of different meanings. For example, not such a rarity, when the rosary belonging to Lamam teachers is lit into foundations buddhist temples or in, or placed on the altar.

Number of beads in Buddhist rosary

Why often in buddhist rosary 108 beads and how can it be explained? The fact is that this figure in Buddhism is considered sacred, as it established the Buddha himself. Rosary with so many beads by canonical traditions of teachings are made up of 9 grains 12 times. This is interpreted as follows:

  • each Lama (Buddhist monk), going to the journey, can take with them no more than 9 items;
  • among the 12 seven and the five are concluded;
  • the seven personifies seven days of the week, seven stars of a big bear, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes;
  • the five symbolizes the primary elements of nature.

There are other interpretations of numbers 9 and 12. For example, nine are the number of months that should last from conception before the birth of a person . At the same time, the nine is repeated 12 times, that is, there is such a number of cycles (the so-called "zodiacs" or "branches" in the eastern cultures).

In addition, there are rosary and with another amount of beads: 19, 21, 27, 33, 41, 50, 98, 143, 159. Anyway, all the rosary are the personification of the multidimensionality of the world.

What is the point of color and material of the rosary?

No particular importance is the material and color of beads, from which consist of a rosary. Buddhists believe that a certain material of the rosary is able to carry a special energy and emotional promise:

  • mountain crystal (quartz) - contributes to the purification of mind and body;
  • white sandalwood is the most "clean" material, personifying the peace, "cold" mind;
  • red Sandal - Energy concentration, activity, warming (apply in tantric practices);
  • rudrakshi (dried fruits of wood) - awaken powerful energy, strength, the ability to subjugate the will of living beings according to good goals;
  • tree seeds Bodhi - such rosary are especially sacred, since they personify the stage of the enlightenment of the Buddha, which took place under the bodhi tree;
  • tree it - has healing properties;
  • juniper - protects against evil spirits, attracts positive energy;
  • bones - reassessment of life, getting joy from each moment;
  • lotus seeds - rosary from this material are used mainly to worship

From the sacred mantras is limitless. They are repeated many times in the hope of protecting against everything bad, restore health, comprehend the deep meaning of the universe, immersed in itself. This is a universal tool that allows you to reveal the spiritual potential and send your own energy into the right track. Each word, each sound in mantras bears the deepest sacred value, because with their help a person calls to the gods. Regular japa can be a blessing for those who are at a crossroads, looking for a faithful way to his own personality, seeks to know his inner world and cleanse from the hose accumulated there. And the main tool is for the correct and serve the ballot - Mala. This is the essence of the rosary.

Rota as the basis of japa. The essence of rolling

The story of Mala has several millennia. Knocks serve as a mandatory attribute of many yoga practitioners, because it is not just a symbol of some one spiritual tradition. Western people usually represent them as peculiar beads collected together with durable thread. Formally, this is how there is - Mala is 108 beads strung out on the thread. Both ends of this thread are bonded together 109 beads from which sometimes peculiar tail. However, it is only the external essence of the ballot - such an accessory acts as a keeper of energy, the subject in which the true via mantra is accumulated. The thread serves as a symbol of the inner rod, and the beads personify the visual component of the worlds.

Cleans are used when reading mantras for counting the number of repetitions. It is impossible to conduct calculations in the mind in principle - it will prevent its consciousness on the chosen mantra, and therefore the result of such meditation will be zero. At the same time, it would not be possible to do without a score without a score - the number of repetitions is an important component of spiritual enlightenment. So, the initial level of practice is 108 thousand mantra repetitions - only then it is absorbed on the subconscious and gradually enters the mind. This number is a peculiar point of reference, the goal that practices seeks to achieve.

On some clearings there are also special counters, allowing to fix tens and hundreds of repetitions of the mantra. This allows the meditating not to be distracted from the immersion in itself and at the same time not to be knocked down from the account.

What are the rosary?

From the moment of birth, the consciousness of a person is loaded in an innumerable amount of information that comes from the outside. The realities of modern life are such that most of these knowledge only litters the brain - television, mass media and the press brings little good and light into our lives, and communication is not always good, because all people are arranged in different ways. Consciousness, overloaded with information, needs purification by means of meditation, and.

The deeper the practice is immersed in a meditative condition, the more unnecessary information hidden in the dot corners of the soul, it opens. To understand the huge amount of unnecessary trash, it will take maximum zeal and patience, so the counting of mantras is an indispensable satellite meditation. Malls help tune in to the desired wave, not distracted from practice and approach prayer more consciously. However, the counting of mantras - although the main one, but not the only purpose of kidotok:

  • Concentration and attention. Using small during meditation requires full distraction from an external fuss and immersion to its own subconscious, where there is a reflection. Therefore, the transition beads allows to concentrate on pronounced mantra, not paying attention to what is happening from the outside.
  • Control over body and consciousness. During meditation, sometimes hands involuntarily stretch the surrounding items, especially those who are just starting their acquaintance with Buddhist traditions. Knocks help to avoid it, because if the hands are busy business, then the mind is not distracted by foreign items.
  • Touch. At the tips of the fingers there are many nerve endings, closely related to the brain. The measured and monotonous movement beads allows you to remove stress and calm down, relax and restore the harmony of the nervous system.
  • Energy accumulation. Each time, turning around the balls, the practice is divided by positive energy with the natural material from which they are made. The balls are able to accumulate this stream and with the next meditation to share the heat and charge of energy with its owners.
  • Medical functions. Since smallness is a kind of energy battery, touching them, you can get support in the most vague hours of your life - with bodily or spiritual illnesses, a series of failures and the decline of forces.
  • Rhythm counting. Some mantras require a special rhythm when pronouncing, and the balls help to establish it.

Buddhist cats There were and remain a real relic for true teachings. For no accident, those belonging to the Great Teachers Male was altered into the stupa or the foundations of temples, were placed on the altar - they are hidden in them the great strength, an indescribable flow of positive energy, light and goodness. Having understood the bead for the bead, practitioners approach the sacred target - to find their true purpose, clean the soul and mind from unnecessary garbage, to become a step above on the path of self-development and approach enlightenment.

Types of rosary

Sacred accessories for counting mantras credit lots of. Looking into the bench, you can be confused from the abundance of colors and materials, of which are made of kings. However, it is mistaken to believe that external differences are the only thing that differ these types. When choosing small, it matters even the nodules that the ends of the thread are fastened. The tailings have been tested through a zero bead can mean the status of the owner of the flue - starting with those who only meet with practice, and ending with dedicated monks and mentors.

Hello, dear readers!

Today we will explore a very interesting topic with you - the types of wooden Buddhist rosary. We learn why they play such an important role in Buddhism, how and from which materials they are manufactured and what value they carry them.

History of origin

The rosary first appeared in India in the second millennium to our era. At that time they were used by monks while reading mantras for their own concentration of attention. The movement of beads contributed to the intensification of the mind and prevented falling asleep during the commission of long rites.

Subsequently, the rosary spread throughout the world, and Muslim, Christian and Catholic rosary appeared. They look a little different and have their own individual features.

In Buddhism, the rosary is needed in order to count the number of manters and prayers read, as well as the number of rituals and bowls that have been made.

So, let's first learn more about their structure.

Design and number of beads

Classic rosary are beads are suitable on the cord, one end of which is connected to another end, forming a circle.

They consist of 108 beads. 109th Bead bonded the ends of the rosary, it is called God's bead. This bead can attach "tail" from the threads.

Threads can be different color, depending on the various traditions of Buddhist schools. The 36th and 72th beads are called separators, and they are different from the rest of the size beads - more or smaller.

Why exactly 108 beads? There are many versions, but the main one is considered as follows: 108 is the number of worldly passions and the desires of a person who prevent him from getting out of an infinite number of rebirths and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Also, rosary can consist of multiple numbers 108: 54, 27, 21, 18. They are in the form of bracelets on hand - the number of beads in them may be less (if they are made in one turn), or the same.


The rosary are an amulet guarding their owner from evil spirits and negative energy, therefore, completely different materials are used for their manufacture, depending on the purpose that the practitioner wants to achieve.

They can be made of wood (sandalwood, juniper, male, nim), precious or semi-precious stones, gold, silver, and even bones of man and animals. The material depends on the traditions and features of different schools of Hinduism and Buddhism.

For example, shivaists use Rudracts for rosary, Vaishnava - Tulasi and Nim, shaky - crystals, metal, Buddhists - juniper, sandalwood, lotus seeds, and wood seeds Bodhi, and Buddhists Tibet - bones, precious or semi-precious stones.

Types of wooden rosary and their meaning

There are belief that rosages from different materials carry various healing properties affecting the human body. After learning them, you can pick up small for yourself. Let us consider the most famous types of wooden rosary and their quality.

Rosary from other materials

The rosary of the following materials are less common, apparently, due to the lower accessibility of the materials themselves.

For example, these are rosary of human bones. They are quite popular in the tantric form of Buddhism. Making them is possible thanks to the rule that exists in Tibet - the dead there are not injected into the ground, but are related to special cemeteries.

The tradition of such a rosary originates in the ancient Dobddian religion Tibet - Bon. Then they belonged to the most powerful shamans.

It is believed that meditation with them is a special, able to give a man very big force.

If such smalls are made from the frontal bones of the skull, they have a special value, because It is in this area that the "third eye" is located. To make them out of 108 beads, 108 different skulls are needed. Very often instead of beads make images of small skulls.
Also, rosary are made of bones of yaks - animals living in Tibet mountains.

The warriors monks made iron rosages, and if necessary, used them as weapons.

Gold rosary to prolong longevity, and silver give their owner wisdom and ability to act in difficult situations.

Rosages made from black coral are used in the mystical rites of Buddhists.

Malls from pearls will be very suitable for women, because Pearls - a stone with female energy, it helps to reveal the creative potential of the carrier, soothes and gives joy.

Quartz clear cleansing mind, soul and body, and from jade helps to eliminate a negative impact.


Today, we met with different types of Buddhist rosary and examined in detail the healing qualities of small made from various wood species.
In the modern European world, the rosary can be not only a religious or spiritual attribute, but also an excellent ethnic ornament that will add raisins to your appearance.