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Why the application is not installed on Android. Why apps are not installed on my smartphone. "Application not installed Android" error - what to do

To fully use a gadget with Android OS, you need to install a variety of applications on it that will help you comfortably watch videos, process photos, communicate on social networks, etc.

Usually everything goes fine, but sometimes it is impossible to install a game or an application. Why is this happening?

Most common cause: accidental failure

Any equipment is not insured against accidental failure. If the installation fails for the first time, it is most likely an accidental malfunction. Just turn off your phone (tablet), and then turn it on again, i.e. reboot the device.

As a rule, this is enough so that the next time you run the installation, everything goes fine.

Out of memory

Downloading applications on Android devices always occurs only in, and not on a memory card. After installation, some of them can be overwritten on the card, but not all. If the device's own memory is full, or the downloaded application takes up a large amount of memory, then you need to free up space for installation for it.

  1. Check if your tablet or smartphone has free internal memory.
  2. Browse the list installed applications, delete those you no longer use.
  3. Transfer files to the memory card for which Android allows this action. Usually these are photographs, video and audio files, texts, etc.
  4. Run the program to clean up memory from garbage - temporary files left after running applications. If the cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, then a sufficiently large amount of memory can be freed after it.

After completing all these operations, try downloading the application you want again. If there is a lot of free space, then it should be installed without problems.

Unlicensed or incorrect application

Check the source from where you want to install the app. Many gadgets today are used with the installation of antivirus programs and other security systems. If the installed application turns out to be incompatible with the official version The Android OS either contains viruses, it will not be installed. The developer of the Android OS recommends using only applications from the Play Store for installation, since he can guarantee their safe and correct operation.

If you still want to install the application from another source, go to the security settings and allow the installation of third-party software. It is possible that in this case it will be downloaded into the memory of your Android device as a file, and then you will have to launch it with a special installer. But in this case, no one can guarantee that it will work correctly on your device and will not conflict with other applications.


In the case when all of the above did not help, or if, after various attempts to change the settings, Android almost stopped working altogether, the last resort remains - resetting the settings to the original ones. Before starting a factory reset, remove the memory card and try to save a list of your contacts and other important information on your desktop computer.

Remember that after a factory reset, all personal information will be deleted from the device's memory. But after the phone memory is cleared in a radical way, you will most likely be able to install the application you need there without any problems.

Android App Not Installed is no longer an unknown error code for installing apps as many people experience this on a daily basis. The "Android application not installed" error message usually appears when you try to download and install a program with the .apk extension from a location other than Google play Store. The error is confusing at first, but makes sense given that this unknown error code is not a problem software or a hardware problem while installing software.

This is a direct result of what you do with your device. Yes, you heard that correctly. Your erroneous actions may lead to the "Android application not installed" error.

If you want to know more about the causes of this error and about better ways its elimination, read on. Here's everything you need to know ...

Here are some reasons for the "Android application not installed" error

Insufficient storage space

When Android software and data such as photos, videos, music, messages, software, contacts, emails, etc. are stored in internal memory there is not enough space for other apps, resulting in an "Android App Not Installed" error.

Files are corrupted

If you do not download the program from Play Store and choose another platform, application files are usually corrupted and cannot be easily installed on your device. You need to be sure where you download it. Check the name of the extension and do not try to install the supplied files.

SD card not built into the device

Sometimes your phone might be connected to a computer or other electronic device which can access the SD card from your device. In such situations, if you install an app and save it to an SD card, you will see an "Android app not installed" error message because it cannot find an SD card that is not installed on your device.


You should be aware that some programs work best on the internal memory of the device, while there are others that need to be placed on the SD card. If you do not store the application in a suitable location, you will find that it is not installed due to an unknown error code. To solve the problem, try saving it to both internal memory and sd.

Damaged memory

Damaged memory, especially damaged SD card, is a known cause of the "Android application not installed" error. Even the internal memory can be blocked by unnecessary and unwanted data, some of which may contain an element that interferes with the location. Take this issue seriously because a damaged SD card and even a locked internal memory can put your device at risk.

Access rights

Background programming and application permissions are not new concepts. Even such errors can cause an unknown error code during installation on a smartphone.

Invalid file

If you already have the app installed, but download a different version that has a unique signed or unsigned certificate, this may also result in the "Android app not installed" error. It sounds technical, but this and all of the other reasons mentioned above can be resolved by you.

An unknown error code while installing an application can occur for one or more of the reasons mentioned above. Therefore, carefully read the reasons stated above to avoid such problems in the future.

Eliminating the error "Application for Android is not installed"

We understand that it can be a tricky situation if the “Android App Not Installed” message appears. But what if we tell you that you can get rid of it in simple and straightforward steps?

Delete unnecessary files

Free up space on your device by clearing unnecessary data and deleting additional media and other files.

You can also get rid of unnecessary software:

  1. Open " Settings»On your device. Then select " Application Manager" or " Applications»From the list of options in front of you.
  2. Now select the software you want to uninstall, wait for the application information screen to appear and press " Delete"As shown in the screenshot.

Use only Google Play Store

As you all know, the Play Store has been designed specifically for Android software and only contains reliable and secure apps. It is often known as "Android Market" because it is full of different applications to suit all your needs, so you don't need to rely on other third-party sources to buy / install programs.

Install SD card

Another workaround for the error " Android app not installed ”is that the SD card inserted into your device is not available.

Disconnect the device from the PC first. Then go to " Settings"On your Android and select" Memory»From the displayed options. The screen tab “ Storage information»Click« Install SD card».

Now you can restart your device and try installing the program now. It should work!

Select the location of the programs

It is advisable not to change the location of the application and let the software decide where to put it. Store them as much as possible in your device's internal storage.

Format SD card

The likelihood that your SD card will be damaged is very high. You can format it either on your device or via a PC.

To clear your SD card, simply go to “ Settings", Select" Memory", Click" Format SD card»And reinstall it for smooth use.

Access rights to the program

You can reset app permissions to fix "Android app not installed" error by going to " Settings"And choosing" Applications". Now go to the menu " Applications" and press " Reset app preferences" or " Reset app permissions". This way, third-party applications can be installed on your device.

Choose the correct file

Make sure you download the program file from a trusted and secure source to avoid installation errors.

Reboot your device

If nothing works, please reboot your device to stop any operations that could lead to the above error. To restart, just press the power button until you see a dialog box. Select " Restart”And wait for the device to reboot.

So, we have highlighted the main errors "Android application is not installed" and how to solve them. Please leave your custom solutions for this type of error and how to fix it below in the comments.


To fully use a gadget with Android OS, you need to install a variety of applications on it that will help you comfortably watch videos, process photos, communicate on social networks, etc.

Usually everything goes fine, but sometimes it is impossible to install a game or an application. Why is this happening?

Most common cause: accidental failure

Any equipment is not insured against accidental failure. If the installation fails for the first time, it is most likely an accidental malfunction. Just turn off your phone (tablet), and then turn it on again, i.e. reboot the device.

But if that doesn't solve the problem, try the next step. Restarting devices to "solve problems" is always a bad option - this is my personal opinion. I don't like this solution because it prevents the real cause of the problem from being discovered in some way.

Please completely uninstall the application

Click to enlarge. Then tap Storage. On the next screen, tap Saved Data and confirm your selection. This may remove some app passwords and browser user data. One of possible solutions- completely uninstall the application involved in the error and it tries to update. Then try installing it again.

As a rule, this is enough so that the next time you run the installation, everything goes fine.

Out of memory

Downloading applications on Android devices always occurs only in, and not on a memory card. After installation, some of them can be overwritten on the card, but not all. If the device's own memory is full, or the downloaded application takes up a large amount of memory, then you need to free up space for installation for it.

To do this, go to the device settings menu and select Application manager. If this does not resolve, scroll to the "Clear data" item on the same screen. If the problem is still not resolved, use the Stop and Remove Updates options. The video below explains how to fix the problem by deleting the application cache and data. Follow the instructions below to fix the problem. You must select site-specific options or restrict adult content.

  • Select "General".
  • Select "Restrictions".
  • You must enter the password you created when restrictions were enabled.
  • In the "Allowed Content" section, select "Sites".
  • Select Disable Restrictions.
  • Enter the password again to disable restrictions.
  • It will open a black screen and then close, showing that the download has started.
  • Go to the Applications menu.
  • Select Downloads.
  • Select Install.
After each try, check that the problem has been fixed.
  1. Check if your tablet or smartphone has free internal memory.
  2. Review the list of installed applications, remove those that you no longer use.
  3. Transfer files to the memory card for which Android allows this action. Usually these are photographs, video and audio files, texts, etc.
  4. Run the program to clean up memory from garbage - temporary files left after running applications. If the cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, then a sufficiently large amount of memory can be freed after it.

After completing all these operations, try downloading the application you want again. If there is a lot of free space, then it should be installed without problems.

Restart and update

Deleting all data from the application may solve some problems. Attention: all data saved in the application will be deleted. Clear all data from the application. All you need is an internet connection, follow our teaching aids and enjoy services or applications that do not work in Brazil or are blocked for some other unclear reason.

Incorrect Windows bitness

Once accessed, you are presented with a notification that this item is not available in your country. Many users will give up the disappointment. Others will change the system language trying unsuccessfully to access the service before giving up. But you can get around this.

Unlicensed or incorrect application

Check the source from where you want to install the app. Many gadgets today are used with the installation of antivirus programs and other security systems. If the installed application turns out to be incompatible with the Android OS or contains viruses, it will not be installed. The developer of the Android OS recommends using only applications from the Play Store for installation, since he can guarantee their safe and correct operation.

It is widely used by companies to link employees with the parent company or subsidiaries. This method provides security by encrypting the communication established between the two points and bypasses any messages other than the addresses used to establish the connection.

However, its use is only for address and does not allow at all unless you have a server to connect to. And you need some basic knowledge to set it up. This is very good for all types of users. This will be discussed further in the course of this tutorial. After installation, open the app and register to be able to use it. This is required for credentials.

If you still want to install the application from another source, go to the security settings and allow the installation of third-party software. It is possible that in this case it will be downloaded into the memory of your Android device as a file, and then you will have to launch it with a special installer. But in this case, no one can guarantee that it will work correctly on your device and will not conflict with other applications.

To leave the device with the right way lock, go to device settings and find the item "Security". By selecting an option, at the top you select the item that will be used to unlock. After accessing the option, you must either disable the feature or uncheck all selected checkboxes.

Everything is very simple, there are no secrets. This part is almost complete and we are near the end of this tutorial. To do this, look in the settings, the option "Language and input" or "Language and keyboard". The system will change rapidly, and everything from now on will be on English language... Once you open the app, you will see a friendly bear waiting and there are two round buttons at the top of the app. But you need to select the country in which you would like to be, even if this is practically the case, and this is done on the second button.


In the case when all of the above did not help, or if, after various attempts to change the settings, Android almost stopped working altogether, the last resort remains - resetting the settings to the original ones. Before starting a factory reset, remove the memory card and try to save a list of your contacts and other important information on your desktop computer.

The application will start trying to establish a connection. Wait until the connection invitation is established, which is displayed in the notification bar, and the icon for the key indicating that the connection was successful. Anyway, only use to download apps.

App not installed ANDROID

It's okay when you "look" elsewhere. This is also due to the language change that was done in the previous steps. Accept the terms as shown in the picture. If you are reading this tutorial on your device, just click here. In some cases, some devices may have slightly different behavior. But usually the system offers two options.

Remember that after a factory reset, all personal information will be deleted from the device's memory. But after the phone memory is cleared in a radical way, you will most likely be able to install the application you need there without any problems.

As you know, users of mobile devices often encounter problems when installing an application / game. It would seem, what could be simpler? But in practice, standard installation the content you need can often turn into hours of torment. It should be noted right away that the problems, exactly and how the methods of solving them, depend on where the content was taken from. Let's consider the main options.

At this point, just download the app, which will no longer contain the message at the beginning of the tutorial. Note that even the Translate button is not displayed. You can now use a service and application that is limited to some regions only and blocked in Brazil. You can perform these procedures when you need them. However, following the order of this tutorial.

Disable the location first. If you are not using a password or pattern to unlock, please activate. However, it is available for download and installation alternative ways... Before attempting to install anything, you need to tweak your device settings to free the installation of applications from "unknown sources".

Google Play and Error 406

Sometimes it happens that a user wants to download content of interest to him from official store Google, however, instead of the required result, gets a 406 error. What to do? Go to the "Settings" section, then "Applications" and select the "All" tab. For the items "Google Services Framework", "Google Play Market" and "Google Play Services" - follow these steps: uninstall updates, clear the cache, etc. If everything is done, then go to Settings \ Accounts \ Google. Here we are interested in the item "Setting up account synchronization". We remove all the checkboxes and restart the device. After rebooting, put all the checkboxes back (perhaps an error will pop up, but you shouldn't pay attention to it). Restart the device again. Ready!

Blocking by security programs

Step 2 - Download the app. This part is no different from what is done on desktops and requires the same care. Just go to the site you want and download it. At this stage, it is always interesting to observe the permissions that the application requires to work, and click "Install". If you find them offensive, it is recommended that you refuse to install the application.

You may have already tried to download the application yourself without getting any success with the operation. But have you ever wondered why? This happens when some developers enforce restrictions on installing apps on certain smartphones.

The apk file is not installed

There can be several problems here. First, make sure you have Root rights. Without them, installing apk files becomes a real torment. Secondly, if during installation, you see a message that the format is not supported, then try using the "ROM Manager" application. We select the function "Fix access rights" and try again. Thirdly, make sure that in the Settings / Application manager / Application installation section there is a check mark opposite the "Allow installation of applications from other sources" item. However, from now on you should be completely sure of those sites from where the required content will be taken. And finally, fourthly, if nothing helps, then the reason may be in the device's firmware itself. This is especially true for devices with unofficial firmware. In this case, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

But rest assured, there is a way to reverse this situation, and we will pass on some tips. What you are about to do is cheat and there is still the possibility that the application is not working as expected. With these considerations in mind, it's time to get started.

Even with a high probability of failure, applications can run smoothly. Typically, it needs a minimum version to run without complications operating system... This is because some programs, especially games, require a better processor, a larger screen, among other settings.

If these tips did not help you and the application / game is still not installed, then try asking a question in the comments to the relevant topic.

If apps are not installed on Android, the first step is to restart your device. Perhaps the cause of the error is a system failure, which will be fixed when you restart Android.

If after restarting the program from Play Market are still not installed, look for other causes of the malfunction. We will talk about this further.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Why can't the application be installed on Android?

The main reason is the lack of internal memory of a smartphone or tablet. If the phone does not have enough memory, it cannot save the application installation file and perform installation (installation). There are two ways to fix the problem:

To see where applications are installed, go to the "Memory" section in the settings. At the top there will be an item "Installation location", when you click on it, a list with available options... In order for applications to be installed on a memory card, you need to select it in this list. In this case, the system will download the installation file and store the application data on the microSD. The storage location does not matter - both Flash Player and Viber will work equally well from a memory card.


This option is not available on all devices and depends on the shell provided by the smartphone manufacturer.

Another possible reason for an error during installation is unstable Internet when downloading the installation file from the Play Market via 3G. Connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot for a normal connection.

If the application is installed not from the Play Market, but simply from the Internet in the form of an .apk file, then the reason for the system's refusal to install it may be firmware incompatibility or blocking by the antivirus. It is recommended to install applications only from the Play Market, which are suitable for the Android version on the phone / tablet.

In addition to problems with the application, there may be errors in the operation of the Google account. To fix them, delete your account and add it again.

  1. Open the settings, find the "Accounts" section.
  2. Select "Google".
  3. Click on the account you are using.
  4. Expand the additional menu and select "Delete account" (note that the data associated with it will be deleted, you need to make a backup copy).


After deleting the account, restart your smartphone. Next time you turn it on, add your account again and try downloading applications from the Play Market.

An extreme measure in case of problems with installing applications will be to reset the settings to the factory state or flashing the device (relevant for phones with custom, not official firmware).

How do I install apps correctly?

Every user should know how on Android different ways- via Play Market (Google Play) and APK file. This allows you to reduce the number of errors during installation of programs and makes it possible to choose a more suitable method for each specific situation... To install an application from the Play Market:

  1. Run Play app Market on Android. If you have not added a Google account yet, the system will prompt you to create a new account or enter your existing profile information.
  2. Type in the search bar the application you want to install.
  3. Open the page of the found application. Make sure it is compatible with your device and click Install.
  4. Accept the required permissions.
  5. Wait until the download and installation of the program is completed.

After successful installation, a notification will appear stating that the application is installed. Open it to check it works. You can do the same on a computer using the Google Play site.

  1. Open the Google Play website in your browser. Log in to the account that was added to the phone.
  2. Find the app, make sure it is compatible, and click Install.
  3. If the account has been added to several devices, select the phone on which you want to install the application.


The main condition for remote installation of the program is to connect the phone to Wi-Fi. The application will not be downloaded from Google Play via mobile traffic.

Manual application installation

If you want to install an application from a third-party source, and not from the Play Market, then the first step is to prepare the system.

  1. Open the settings, go to the "Security" section.
  2. Find the item "Unknown sources" and put a tick next to it.


Now you can download the APK file of the application to your computer and transfer it to the phone memory. You can transfer a file in any way - via USB connection, by mail, via Bluetooth. The main thing is to remember the folder where you sent the APK.