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How to clean the internal memory of the phone with android. How to Clean Internal Memory on Android

How to clean the internal memory of androidWhen the internal memory of Android is filled. In this article, you will learn effective ways to clean the internal memory of the Android device.

When using the android device, almost every user is faced with a task: how to clean the internal memory of the Android. Such a problem may occur when you want to install the application, download anything from the Internet, get files via Bluetooth, or simply your phone or tablet gives a message: the internal memory android is filled. Also cleaning memory in general has a positive effect on device speed.

We will analyze the following questions:
1. How to move files on android (pictures, videos, music, documents)

To disassemble how to clean the internal memory of Android we will be stages. Where it is possible and makes sense, we will use several ways so that you can choose the most convenient as possible.

When files can be saved in the device's memory:

  • you create a photo, video, melody
  • exchange files by mail, using social networks or messengers (Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, etc.)
  • record on the voice recorder
  • do not use either no external memory or cloud storage facilities
  • get files via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC ...
  • all applications are installed in the device's memory.

Before cleaning the internal memory of the Android, you need prevent further loading Internal memory. To do this, specify saving to the memory card:

  1. in settings cameras
  2. in settings dictaphona
  3. in download settings browserwhom you use
  4. in settings appsWith which you create either edit documents, pictures, video, music files
  5. in settings messengersin which you exchange files if possible
  6. in settings loaderswith which you download music, video or pictures
  7. in settings GPS cards and navigators.

If applications need to specify the path where to save files, create the appropriate folder on the memory card and specify its location.

After these actions, your new files such problems, as the internal memory of Android filled, will not call.

1. How to move files on android

Now you need to find and delete unnecessary or transfer the necessary files saved by you early from the internal memory of the Android to the appropriate folders on the memory card, if necessary, creating them. To prevent failures in the work of Android, move only those files that you know.

This can be done directly on the android device, and you can also use connection to a computer for convenience and saving time. We will analyze both ways to manage files on android so that you can choose the right one for you.

It will be necessary to check and clear the internal memory of the Android in the following folders:

  • bluetooth
  • download
  • media
  • Movies.
  • Music.
  • Video.
  • Sounds.

Also check the folders created by your applications for media files (messengers, loaders, GPS cards, media editors, etc.).

The task is quite simple, but takes some time.

Once again: Be extremely attentive and, if you doubt the appointment of some files, it is better not to touch them, because it may affect the performance of your android device.

How to move files on android without pc

To move files on Android, you will need a file manager. We advise you to use a functional and convenient dispatcher - ES conductor. You can find out about its capabilities and download ES Explorer FREE you can in the article: the main convenience that we will use is the ability to select and set an action at once to several folders or files.

In order to move the files on the Android highlight them for a long press (to select multiple files or folders, select one long press, then select the rest), press the button below to right. Yet", then function "Move to",select " sDCard " And specify the destination folder. If you have not previously created the folder, you can do this in the same menu by clicking the " Create a folder".

How to move files on android using PC

To move files on android using a PC, first connect android to the computer. When you connect a phone or tablet to a computer using a USB cable to manage the content of the internal memory android device, as a rule, drivers are needed and specially installed PC programs. With this connection, the probability of transmitting a virus from a PC to android (or vice versa) and the need for a cable can make this task in time and even dangerous.

With the help of free service Airdroid You can, how to connect Android to the computer remotely and being in one Wi-Fi network. At the same time, the remote control of the Android device gives access to files, including stored in internal memory - you do not need a USB cable, nor the driver nor special programs on the PC - only access to the Internet on both devices, and control on the computer occurs through Any browser. Moreover, at this time, you can freely continue to use the phone or tablet at a distance much more than the length of the cable.

After you moved the necessary files to the memory card, you managed to partially clean the internal memory of the Android. But this is not all, and if you want to free up even more space and forget about the error: the internal memory of Android is filled, read the article to the end.

2. How to transfer applications to the memory card

How to transfer applications to a memory card to clear the internal memory of the Android - a rather difficult task, since such an operation has some limitations. For a full-fledged execution, you need to get administrator rights, setting the necessary software, but at the same time you lose the guarantee on your android device, as well as at some incorrect actions can turn it into a brick. If you already have root access, install the application Link2sd.With it, you will be able to transfer applications to a memory card, including even some pre-installed, but this may affect the correct operation of these applications and the system as a whole.

Most applications are automatically installed in the internal memory of the device, and without administrator rights (root) you can transfer only some. This can be done in "Settings" - "Applications"But this method is not the most convenient. There are quite a few programs in the application of Play Applications, with which you can transfer applications to the memory card. We offer to use a multifunctional application. Android Assistant.which includes 18 necessary tools to manage Android. Download Android Assistant, and also familiarize yourself with its features in the article :.

We launch Android Assistant, go to the tab " Tools"and choose paragraph "APP2SD". In the tab "May be"a list of applications that can be transferred to the memory card opens. After selecting applications you throw you in "Annex Information",here click "On the SD memory card".

You can also clean the internal memory of the Android, if you delete unnecessary applications. To do this, there is a very convenient tool in Android Assistant - "Batch removal" - You can not only select multiple applications to delete simultaneously, but also see what memory they are installed.

3. How to clean android from garbage

Unlike previous tasks, where, with proper configuration and execution of the described actions, you will most likely not have to repeat them soon or someday, then use your knowledge in how to clean android from garbage, you will need quite often. It pleases that when installing the necessary for this process is very simple and fast.

It should be understood that the trash appears permanently: this is a cache from open pages on the Internet, running applications or their remnants after removal, etc., therefore, if you periodically clean android from garbage, then it not only allows you to clean the internal memory of the Android, but also It can positively influence the speed of the phone or tablet.

To solve the problem: how to clean android from garbage, we offer to use the application Clean Master. This is not only a very convenient, simple and functional tool for cleaning internal memory, but also one of the best accelerators and optimizers of RAM for android devices.

Run the Clean Master application, choose "Rubbish"and "Clear".After that, the application offers to make even advanced cleaning and warns that this section may contain the necessary data, so carefully select files to delete.

Now you know how to clean android from garbage, how to transfer applications to a memory card (if possible) and how to move files on android when the internal memory android is filled. In addition to the memory card, there is another way - storing files on the Internet.

4. Storage of files on the Internet

Storage of files on the Internet, thanks to various cloud storage, allows not only to clear the internal memory and make a memory card, but also access your files from any Internet device through a browser or special applications, you just need to enter your username and password. If this topic is interesting to you, we disassembled it in detail for the example of the most advanced cloud storage - Google disk in the article :.

So, in this article you have learned how to clear the internal memory of your android when the internal memory is filled. We solve this problem, disassemble the following questions: how to move files on android (pictures, videos, music, documents) how to transfer applications to a memory card, how to clean your device from garbage and finally learned about storage of files on the Internet - cloud storage facilities.

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The other day collided with the eternal problem of most users Android devices - How to Clean System Memory on Android. For example, on my phone Lenovo P780 it is 2 GB. I don't remember how much it was initially for custom needs, but for the year she ended only 80 MB left for the year, and this is despite the fact that I sent a bunch of applications from internal memory, and there was no free space at the same time ... in the internet just Tons of information on this account are all given any tips, ranging from banal - transfer applications to an SD card to cleaning system applications, but all this did not help me at all. Some even advise to make a common reset - but this is generally the hardest case. And while with this slip. So I had to thoroughly understand and taste and risk.

Immediately wanted to warn that I would in any way insist that everything that here will be written below is true in the last instance. I just shared my experience, and even apply it or not, this is just your choice and you are responsible for all your actions yourself.

First of all I made myself a root for full access to the memory of the device and started a business. Root access I received using a computer program - Root Genius.

How to get root rights to android with root genius

Everything is very simple and understandable - there will be absolutely any user.

Each smartphone has a limit on the installed memory. Part of it is used necessary for work by system resources, the rest of the space is allocated under user-user-downloaded program, photographs, video, audio files. The more important to enjoy the smartphone, the faster all the free memory is filled, the need to clean it. To understand how to clear the phone's memory on android, it is necessary to deal with its types, to understand where system files are stored, which internal and external resources can be used for their information.

Types of memory on android

The modern gadget on the Android system is a small computer, in which there are all the modules inherent in this device - processor, constant and operational storage devices, power supply. For storage of used programs, there are built-in and external drives. The built-in consists of a permanent storage device and an operational storage device. External - connected additionally as an SD card.


Accumulative chips that are located on the main board are called the built-in memory. Mandatory for the operation of the device are the constant storage device (ROM or ROM), the chip of the operational storage device (RAM or RAM). The ROM volume is one of the main characteristics of the device. It defines the number of programs, applications, other user information, which can be placed on the smartphone without attracting additional devices. RAM affects the speed of simultaneous execution of several programs.

External storage

Expand the features of the gadget for storing user files and additional programs can connect an external drive (SD card). For this purpose, a special slot (or connector) is provided in the device, which can be hidden under the lid of the instrument or entered into the end panel. The dimensions of external drives have several sizes that depend on the manufacturer and volume. The size of the memory of external drives can be seamless under the tasks of the user, its needs for storing audio, photo, video, texts, additional programs.

Operational (RAM)

The operational storage chip is an integral part of the built-in memory. Its volume is divided between system programs and user-run applications. The greater the volume of RAM, the greater part of it can be used to start and permanently operation of several programs in active mode. If there is not enough RAM to work for all launched programs, the system has the ability to reserve a part of a permanent storage device for operational tasks. When the device is turned off, all information in RAM is erased.

Permanent storage device (ROM)

The placement of all major system programs of the smartphone or tablet system android system installed by the user program is made on a permanent storage device. A part of its volume occupy system files to which the device processor is referred to when it turns on, off, reboot, other user actions. The remaining volume when buying a device is free for the purposes and tasks of the buyer. When the device is turned off, all information on the ROM is saved.

How to find out how much memory

You can determine the used volume of the built-in and external drive by performing several simple manipulations with the device:

  1. Open settings
  2. Go to the section "Memory"
  3. We see the total volume, the list of sections, the amount of free space.
  4. To determine the free volume of RAM and the ROM, click the "Menu" button.
  5. We see what part is occupied by system modules, cache - temporary files, different executable programs. Below is a button indicating how free is free and is available at the moment.

How to clean the memory on android

Each device of the device of the Android system faces the need to get additional memory. This happens when you try to install a new application - the device issues a message that resources are missing, requests permission to delete some installed programs to make place on android. Ways to release a few - you can delete content on Android, transfer part of programs or information from internal devices to external, copy information to a computer or use cloud services.

Inner and external

One of the main methods that provide the ability to clean the memory of the Android phone is to transfer programs to an external card. Such transfer can be subjected to pictures, video, music, files that are not involved in maintaining the functionality of the device. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the conductor.
  2. Go to internal memory
  3. Select the object for transfer
  4. Hold a couple of seconds a finger at the object you want to transfer.
  5. Press the icon in the form of scissors to cut the file
  6. Go to the MicroSD section
  7. Insert the cut out object by the "Paste" button
  8. We do it with all objects.

If there are difficulties with the device cleaner, use the ES Explorer file manager. Open the program, the side menu, select the category "Tools", the SD Card Analyzer feature. After that, memory scan will occur, detailed information is issued on all objects on the gadget in different categories. And completes the entire list of the global cache cleaning function, duplicate, commercials, a miniature gallery, which can be configured to start automatically.

System Memory

The release of system memory is carried out by cleaning RAM and ROM. In order to unload the operational and constant memory manually from unnecessary processes that brake work, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Menu button to open the list of running applications.
  2. Press the broom icon to close them all at once.
  3. Open the phone settings, the "Applications" section, subsection "Working".
  4. It is necessary to select items that can be stopped without loss of device performance. You can delete some of the pre-installed applications unnecessary to you.
  5. Click the "Stop" button for each such program.
  6. Go to the list of applications using cache by pressing the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  7. Start unnecessary applications.

Using the functions of embedded applications

In order to clean the phone android from unnecessary files, you can use the built-in functions of the Android system. All major device configuration and management operations are in the settings section. After clicking the "Settings" icon, the menu is opening in which the "Memory" section is located. It provides the opportunity to see all its size, downloading various purposes, evaluate the free place, decide on the need for cleaning to release a place for new programs.

Cleaning cache

The area of \u200b\u200bthe constant storage device, which is occupied by temporary or programs modified files to accelerate the work, is called cache. It often remain unnecessary fragments relating to remote or rarely used programs. In order to launch a program that deletes the cache, you must perform the following steps.

  1. Go to the settings
  2. Go to the section "Memory"
  3. Click on the "Cash" button
  4. Confirm the deletion of cache objects.

What is the other in the memory of android

Many users detect a large amount of memory with the name "Other". These are installed applications. You can delete them, ticking and then pressing the basket icon. To facilitate this process, you can install the Clean Master utility. She will show what the drive space is employed, it will help to clean it. For cleaning means of the device itself, the following steps are needed:

  1. Go to the section "Miscellane"
  2. We celebrate applications whose files are not sorry to remove
  3. Press the garbage tank icon to delete data.

Transferring files to the SD card

Move objects from internal memory on an SD card is possible using File Manager. After opening this utility you find the window with two sections: "Device" and "SD card". Opening the "Device" section, we see the contents of the internal memory, we find the objects you need to move. Mark the desired file or folder checkboxes, press the "Move" icon in the bottom left of the application. By clicking on the SD section, you open the contents of the map, select the appropriate folder to save and insert it.

Clearing android memory using a computer

Your personal computer can be used as an external drive. To transfer objects from the phone to the PC, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the device and computer using a USB cable
  2. On the computer open the conductor, go to the contents of the device
  3. Cut and transfer all files except those that support the device's performance.

Transfer applications to an external drive

To fully execute the task of transferring applications on an SD card, you need to get the Root administrator rights. If you already have root access, it can be done by setting the link2SD utility. Most applications are automatically installed in the internal memory of the device, and without administrator rights (root) will be done difficult. The Play Markt has the ability to install the Android Assistant application, which contains 18 android management tools. To transfer from this utility to do the following steps:

  1. Run Android Assistant.
  2. Opening the "Tools", select the "APP2SD" item
  3. Opening "maybe", we see a list of available applications available to SD card.
  4. By selecting the desired item, open "Annex Information", and transfer the click "on the SD card".

How to free up the memory on android using special programs from "garbage"

To clean the android garbage, there is a simple and functional tool - the Clean Master utility. We start Clean Master, select "trash" and "Clear" in the setup menu. After that, the utility will offer extended cleaning. This procedure should be done carefully, choosing files to delete, so that you accidentally delete the desired system files, programs. It is possible to configure the automatic cleaning of the device from unnecessary files on a schedule.

Another program that provides quick cleaning android is CCleaner. Its unique algorithm analyzes the number and size of files, deletes only the data unnecessary to the user. The program offers two main tabs - "Analysis" and "Cleaning". After analysis, the application will give the level of free memory of the device with an approximate calculation of free space after cleaning.

Using cloud services

Using various cloud storage, you can not only clear the internal memory of the Android device and release the SD card, but access files from any device connected to the Internet. One of these complimentary services is Yandex.Disk, which can be downloaded to Google Play. For this:

  1. Install Yandex.Disk
  2. Click the "Download File" button, select the desired item on your gadget
  3. After downloading, you can delete the file from the phone, it will remain on the Yandex disk.


No matter how much memory in your tablet or Android smartphone, you still definitely come across the problem of a lack of free space on the drive drives. Modern three-dimensional games, megapixel pictures, high-quality music and movies manage to bite gigabytes so quickly so quickly, which is very soon after buying Android, it is already starting to throw you on the warnings about the lack of place and errors when installing programs. Therefore, you have to take urgent general cleaning measures. In this article, you will find a detailed action plan that will help you get your gigabytes back.

1. Memory Use Evaluation

Before proceeding to the first steps, the locality should be exploration and evaluate the degree of recovery. Having learned how much space is occupied by various data, it will be easier for you to decide on the need for certain actions. One of the best utilities for this purpose is Diskusage.which allows you to see a complete picture of the placement of your data in a simple and visual form. One glance to the resulting chart will be enough that to identify the most excuses of space of space on the map. By the way, you can start cleaning already at this stage, since directly from the application can delete some unnecessary files to you.

Another utility of this kind is " Disks, storage and SD cards" This interactive application serves to visualize memory and storage of the device. It will help you to make a place on the memory card, quickly find and remove large and already unnecessary files in the internal storage.

2. Transferring programs to an external memory card

Almost all Android devices allow you to use an additional SD card, the amount of which significantly exceeds the amount of internal memory. Therefore, it is necessary to try to transfer the programs installed on you to an external card. You can make it as built into the system by means and with the help of special utilities, which is much more convenient. For example, APPMGR III (Former App 2 SD) is able not only to move applications to an internal or external storage for freeing an additional place, but also can hide the built-in system programs, and also has the possibility of batch removal of unnecessary programs.

3. Delete preset programs

Many manufacturers try to stuff their devices with the maximum number of applications without taking care of whether they need you or not. Moreover, remove them in the usual way, as a rule, it is impossible, so you have to put up with this garbage, in vain the device occupying the place and resources.

However, if you have a device, then the situation is fully corrected. Using the program Root App Delete. You can fully correct extra programs, and simply disable them. This will come in handy in the case when you are not very confident in the safety of deleting the system application. Just freeze it for a while, and then, if everything works as it should, you can finally delete.

4. Cleaning garbage

In the process of its work, the operating system and individual applications create a mass of temporary and auxiliary files, which, accumulating over time, begin to occupy quite significant volumes. Therefore, it is periodically recommended to clean application cache, remote programs, empty folders and other trash. With this task perfectly copes the program Clean Masterabout which we wrote in. Pay only attention that recently the authors of this application managed to stuff it with a whole set of additional functions, so do not forget to disable all the auxiliary modules in the settings so that the program is not too documenting you with your care.

5. Keep the data on the outer map

There are many programs that get from the network and save their data in the device. It can be podcasts, online music players, readers and so on. As a rule, they all allow you to select a directory to store your files. If you have seen that the internal memory of the gadget is filled with downloaded music, video and documents, then do not be lazy to dig in the settings of the appropriate programs and specify the appropriate directories on the outer map.

6. Use cloud services

Let's not forget that the Internet is a duplex street, thanks to which you can not only download data to your device, but also unload them into the network. Thanks to the existence of cloud services and the larger distribution of broadband connections, there is no need to store in a mobile or tablet data for all occasions, it is enough to have only what you need at this moment.

For example, the service allows you to save an extensive musical collection (20,000 tracks) on a remote server, and to the smartphone to load only what you want to listen to the lack of connection to the network. No less effective, you can deal with the deposits of photos and removed rollers. It is enough to install Dropbox or, for example, a social network client

The other day I ran into the eternal problem of most Android devices users - how to clean the system memory on android. For example, on my phone Lenovo P780 it is 2 GB. I don't remember how much it was initially for custom needs, but for the year she ended only 80 MB left for the year, and this is despite the fact that I sent a bunch of applications from internal memory, and there was no free space at the same time ... in the internet just Tons of information on this account are all given any tips, ranging from banal - transfer applications to an SD card to cleaning system applications, but all this did not help me at all. Some even advise to make a common reset - but this is generally the hardest case. And while with this slip. So I had to thoroughly understand and taste and risk.

Immediately wanted to warn that I would in any way insist that everything that here will be written below is true in the last instance. I just shared my experience, and even apply it or not, this is just your choice and you are responsible for all your actions yourself.

First of all I made myself a root for full access to the memory of the device and started a business. Root access I received using a computer program - Root Genius.

How to get root rights to android with root genius

Everything is very simple and understandable - there will be absolutely any user.

3. Confirm your choice:

4. Run Root Genius

5. Press the big root button and expect a few minutes by watching the process.

6. Upon completion of this procedure, the device will independently restart and on the computer screen you will see an inscription about the successful routing of your device.

First you need to install the ES Explorer file manager on your Android. Of course, the file managers have a huge amount, in fact, as well as ways to rush your device, but I describe how I did, and you can certainly decide how it is more convenient for you.

Launch the Explorer on your Android ES and first need to do small settings. Press three strips in the upper left corner:

or make tap to the right to cause extra. menu. Going at the bottom and turn on the root-conductor mode so that the switch caught fire in blue:

Now you can get to system applications and settings and now the main thing is not to delete anything superfluous!

As I spoke at the beginning of the article, that removing standard applications did not give me anything. Therefore, I had to shift all the folders, special attention was paid, of course, the folders with the largest occupied volume. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and do not delete any important files responsible for the performance of your device, without which your phone / tablet can simply stop working. So in the most important folders, I do not climb, it is such as:

  • / DATA / App
  • / DATA / SYSTEM /
  • / DATA / DATA
  • / SYSTEM / - Here, I think at all you should not climb.

Actually, all operations for cleaning system memory must be carried out in the / Data folder, but I repeat once again, do it very carefully. I, just in case, before removing something, copied everything on a memory card, I would not know how it would be somehow or not, but, as they say, God saves. This is exactly the case when you need to measure "a hundred times and only to cut off once."

What folders I cleaned for the liberation of the place

In the Data / Log_other_Mode folder, I deleted the files:

  • kernel_log - Weight 88 MB;
  • kernel_log.1 - Weight 20 MB;
  • main_log - 9 MB.

Data / Local / TMP drawn some kind of incomprehensible folder under the name 94709470 and weighing 337 MB - read in the internet, all say that Data / Local / TMP can be cleaned. What I did, rather, I left some small files, but I deleted the folder.

Next, / Data / Dalvik-Cache - By description, there is a cache memory here, for the work of the Dalvik Java, which is the "engine" in Android responsible for the launch and operation of applications. Some advise and clean this folder. But not completely, but only those applications that you have already been removed, and after which, for some reason, garbage remained. I have 310 MB weighed. Manually sort out dozens of files with an incomprehensible name has become a scrap, so I ventured to clean it completely. Immediately after that, the mistakes began to pop up there so I rebooted the phone. For the first time, he launched a little more longer, I was already slightly revealed, but everything cost, apparently he just made a cache for the necessary applications. So, making the output of the last folder / DATA / DALVIK-CACHE is better not to touch, but if it is cleaned, then selectively.

The result of the work done was 330 MB of free system memory. It was possible to free 250 MB. Not bad at all. Of course, you can still fly, but this is enough for me with your head, so that we will finish with experiments.

And in conclusion, I will remind you once again that in the cleaning you need to take extremely carefully and not delete all files without parsing, if you do not know what a file is like this - do not touch the file to not get a dead phone!

Sincerely, Roman



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How to free up system memory on android - methods and methods for increasing the memory of the smartphone

One of the weak places of the Android OS is considered to be systemic memory, especially if the technical characteristics of the device eliminate the possibility of adding it. The situation is also complicated by the fact that all sorts of installation modules and files accumulate over time, which significantly affects the speed of the gadget. Therefore, many users begin to wonder - how to release system memory on android?

There are several effective ways, which will be discussed in this guide.

System memory. Common Cleaning Methods

Modern phones (tablets) have systemic (built-in) memory and additional memory cards. And if the flash drive can simply format (if there is nothing valuable on it), then everything is more complicated with system memory.

Cleaning through the built-in conductor

Memory is overflowing? You can use a special conductor, which is in the device itself (in different devices the name may vary):

Open utility, choose a category in need of cleaning. These can be applications or documents, archives or images, videos or music. Upstairs to find a pencil image (editing) and click on it:

The contents of the selected category folder appears in the window that opens, we mark unnecessary files. Remove them by clicking on the icon with a basket:

The method is good because you can restore the necessary programs that were demolished by mistake (need root-right).

Cleaning with Clean Master

The following way is to use the Clean Master utility (Clean Master), which is considered one of the most sought-after, significantly accelerating the work of mobile devices. Applications running on the device not only the memory of "eat", but also the battery charge. The new Task Killer implemented in the program will be able to complete the work of unwanted applications, which will free up the essential amount of memory and increase the speed of the device. The rights of the "superuser" will not be needed, but if they are, Task Killer will function better.

The algorithm of work is quite simple:

Install the application, run Clean Master - the window with two circles is broken, where the larger characterizes the system memory, and the smaller - operational:

Select "Memory" (maybe "device" or somehow different) - the scanning process starts. As a result of the check, it becomes clear what exactly will help free the memory.

A table opens where you need to select those files that you can delete or squeeze, confirm their deletion by clicking on "Save":

The cleaning process can take some time, after which the message "Library released" will pop up.

Cleaning using the task manager

You can clear the memory using the built-in task manager:

  • Go to the "Settings" menu.
  • Select the submenu "Applications".
  • Clear memory by selecting a utility (one or more applications) and clicking "Delete".

Transferring applications on an SD card

There are situations when the memory disappeared somewhere, although the user did not have time to install anything. This can be explained:

  • the presence of viruses - you will have to run extraordinary (thorough) check with one of the many antiviruses;
  • updating previously installed programs that occupy more and more free space.

If the problem with viruses disappears, then you need to configure the storage (android memory). Simply put, any application can be transferred to the memory card. The main thing is to perform the following steps:

  • Log in to the Settings menu.
  • Click on the program (icon), which should be moved.
  • To transfer it to the memory card by selecting the appropriate button.

Unfortunately, this method is suitable only for those programs that are not systemic.

Saving data on external carrier

Among the installed applications will certainly find those that save the data obtained from the network in the device. The easiest example is the readers and online players. To prevent the internal memory of the phone (tablet), you must configure them in such a way that all data is written to an external card.

Using cloud services

The modern user has no reason to store information on Android, which may never come in handy. It is necessary to leave in memory only what is important at the moment. All other data can be safely unloaded into the cloudy repository, where they will wait for their own hours.

As can be seen from our material, it is completely advisable to optimize his "Andryukh". Well, for clarity of the procedure - video on the topic:

The best apps for cleaning garbage on android

  • 1 Manual cleaning
  • 2 Using cleaning applications
  • 3 Cleaning RAM

If the memory of the phone is filled, then it is necessary to free the place. Removing the filling space of cached data will help make the android to be braked. Clear android from garbage can be manually or using special cleaning applications.

Manual cleaning

If the phone has not been cleaned for a long time, then a variety of tasks come to the user:

  1. How to free up system memory.
  2. How to free up the RAM.
  3. How to clean the SD card.

If free space ends, then the first question that needs to be resolved is how to clear the cache on android. Cache removal allows you to quickly free up system memory. If you do not understand where the free space is argued, the cache cleans will give an answer - the memory on the phone ends due to the large amount of temporary files. To get rid of them, you need to clean android.

  1. Open the settings, section "Applications".
  2. Go to the parameters of the applications that create a lot of temporary files - Play Market, games, browser, messengers, Customers of social networks. Do not forget about the built-in applications like "Gallery". Even if you have deleted photos and video from the phone, the cache will remain information about them.
  3. Click "Clear Cache".

Manual cleaning of the internal memory of the Android device is not limited to deleting application cache. To clear the fully memory of the Android phone, you must examine the contents of the system folders. Manually can be done through file managers. Let's see how you can free up the memory on android by deleting temporary files via File Manager (Explorer).

You can also clean the folders of individual applications - VKontakte, Viber, WhatsApp. RAM on Android you do not clean so much, but you will understand how to clean the internal memory of the phone. In addition, knowing how to clean the phone, you can get rid of viruses that periodically fall into the system.

After removing the cache and unnecessary files, it will become clear where the phone's memory is done on the android or tablet. The memory disappeared, because a complete set of temporary data was accumulated in the system. A storage device cannot delete them independently, braking and other problems arise from here. Knowing how to clear the memory, and freeing the system memory, the user extends the time of operation of the device.

Using cleaning applications

We figured out how to independently clean the internal memory of the Android. Now let's see how to completely clean the phone using special applications. In Play Market, you can find a large number of programs in Russian and English. Pay attention to the following applications:

  • Clean Master.
  • Wizard cleaning.
  • History Eraser.
  • Smart Booster.
  • 1TAP Cleaner, etc.

They work according to one principle: you run the program, choose which files you need to delete, and wait for the completion of the optimization procedure.

If you know how to manually clean the memory on Android, it will be not enough to completely remove unnecessary files. Using 2 methods, manual cleaning and optimization through applications, help to figure out how to delete all the excess data that occupies a place.

Cleaning RAM

How to quickly clear the system memory on the Android, we figured out, but the question remains how to clean the RAM? RAM on Android is also filled with data, the release of which allows you to answer the question how to increase the speed of the phone.

Most of the cleaning programs are able to optimize the RAM on Android and increase productivity. If you do not understand where the speed goes, then after the application for cleaning the android operations can be used again on the full program.

But the android devices can be performed manually. The easiest way is to complete unused processes that allows you to increase the speed of work on Android 4 and other versions of the OS.

On Samsung phones, for example, you can quickly complete the background processes in the "Optimization" section in the settings. You can run full optimization or use the tool only to clean the memory of RAM. If you think how to increase the speed of work is not Samsung, but another device, just click the "Home" button and keep it until the list of newly used applications appears. Complete their work, and you do not have to reflect more more, how to increase productivity, because the speed of the system will be acceptable.

How to clean the system memory on the phone android

If you are not a newcomer, but a more or less experienced Android user, then you probably have a rather unpleasant fact: from the application gigabytes declared on the box, not all are available.

But before being broken head to correct this injustice, it is worth find out why this happens and how exactly can be cleaned the system.

Structure of the Android file system

It is worth understanding one thing: the Android file system is not as versatile, as, let's say, available in Windows. If on Windows your programs and media files are in one space, then on android, each of the types of files has its own partition.

System programs - separately, auxiliary files and music - separately. The first section is called system memory, while the last - media site.

Why do you need it? First of all, in order to maximize the OS. If you combine these partitions, it will turn out that the usual media player will be able to inadvertently remove the data important to work for the other program, "put" the system or trite to score it before the failure of your files, without leaving the byte by the necessary system programs.

Moreover, these two sections have different levels of access. In a media site, the user and third-party programs can create anything. In the section of the system programs of the Android, there is no lack of anything.

Because of this order of things, a rather curious situation sometimes happens: there are several gigabytes in the media division, but the phone stubbornly reports that it cannot establish an application in the size of a couple of dozen megabytes. This is because the partition for third-party programs is already scored to the end.

In such cases, nothing remains except to try to clear the system memory in the hope that these megabytes will be released.

You can see the number of free system memory in the settings in the "Memory" section. The first scale shows that this value. In addition, it is worth considering that the system requires to leave a certain amount free - from 50 to 600 megabytes, depending on the android device model and version of the OS.

Cleaning system memory without superuser rights

If you did not open root access on your smartphone, then your system partition cleaning features will be seriously limited. On the other hand, the guarantee for the device will remain in immunity. Is it worth it? You decide.

If you want to clean the system memory, do the following:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Go to the "Applications" section.
  • Next - to the "Third Party" tab.
  • Press the "Menu" button (three vertical points in the upper right corner of the screen).
  • Select sorting in size.

After a couple of seconds, after that you will see a list of the most voluminous applications on your device. If there is something among them than you do not use, then click on it and select "Delete". If the button is not available, then the application is systemically and erased it without superuser rights.

Then select "Delete Updates", so you will free at least a bit of space. It is also desirable to disable the program by pressing the corresponding button. But it is necessary to do it carefully and only with applications like Facebook, which are not part of the system.

The above method does not take into account the fact that the Android considers the volume of the application throughout the internal memory. If it takes 1.2 GB on an internal memory card and only 40 MB on the system section, it will still be shown with a size of 1.2 GB.

If you have already conducted such optimization and places anyway, the choice is small: get the superuser rights or attempt to transfer applications to the memory card. The latter will work, only if you have version 4.0.4 system and below, so the chance is small. But if you really have a user of a device at least three-year limit, then next to the Delete button you will have the "transfer to an SD card / USB drive" button. Click it, and part of this application will leave the system partition and will be transferred to the memory card, freeing the place.

Part of the android programs is used only by some third-party applications, so they can be erased even without superuser rights. For example, deleting "Google Play" services allows you to free up to 150 MB in the system section, closing the ability to directly synchronize between devices. If you do not use the programs like PushBullet or MightyText, you can calmly delete. And if something suddenly needs some kind of program, she will offer it to re-download it. The second deletion candidate is Google-search, but with its 40-60 MB you will lose Google Now and the command "OK, Google!".

Cleaning system memory with the availability of superuser rights

With superuser's rights to clear the system memory much easier. And although it will later go about the unstable solutions of A la Xposed App2SD, which, for example, allow you to replace the memory of the memory card applications, the possibilities of root users are still more.

Removing pre-installed software

If your android when buying has already had installed third-party applications (Facebook, VKontakte, classmates, MTS Assistant), then, most likely, you will not be able to remove them without superuser rights. It is quite offensive, since they often have significant sizes of 40-160 MB.

The decision is the Titanium Backup program, which allows not only to make a full backup of all your applications with their settings, but also clean the closed system partition from such a garbage. To do this, simply select the desired application on the second program tab and click Delete.

Mounting an SD card as internal memory

As mentioned above, not always 1.5 GB of some game completely go into the system partition. But those who have internal memory has a volume in a couple of gigabytes, it is not easier.

The solution is the FolderMount program, which allows you to carry cache files (namely, these are the name of these half a gigabyte) to the memory card, leaving the label instead. In this case, the system will continue to assume that the files are on the old place, which leads to funny curiosities in the "Memory" settings section: For example, you can see that you have 8.2 GB from 3.6 GB, while Another 0.98 of these 3.6 is absolutely free.

If the foldermount cannot create a folder on the SD card, make it yourself by any file manager and specify in the program. You can also copy files to the portable program there immediately, removing them later from the internal memory - so more reliable. And if you see a message that the mount is not possible, turn on in the "Auto start" or "Mounting at startup" settings and restart the smartphone.

Other section expansion methods

There are other ways to transfer data from the system partition to the card or internal memory. However, most of them are extremely dangerous in the hands of inexperienced users, only a specific model / manufacturer fits or requires a high level of technical skills.

For more information on them, it is recommended to watch forums on a specific device, as well as such programs as XPosed (APP2SD module), separate App2SD, DirectoryBind, etc., etc.

Incorrect use of these programs can damage your device or even "okimpy" (lead to a completely inoperable condition). If you do not know how to return the phone from this state, do not install such programs.

The volume of system memory is one of the most important parameters when buying a smartphone. If you do not have a desire to risk a guarantee when receiving root access, refer to a free place as a valuable resource. Especially fear of pre-installed applications, since it is extremely difficult to clean the system from them. And remember one simple truth: there is no memory much, and there are no exceptions from this rule.

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