Repair Design Furniture

How to extract files from a damaged microsd flash drive. SD card is damaged, what to do

Most users of mobile phones and smartphones are faced with a situation when the phone does not see the memory card. Sometimes this question arises immediately after purchasing the device, but most often it breaks down later, having already turned into an integral attribute. Everyday life and accumulate important files. There are many reasons why a flash drive is not displayed on the screen and, by applying force, the owner can always eliminate them.

If the phone does not see the memory card, we can talk about software malfunctions, this factor is fixed in half of the situations. Just as often, defects are the result of a banal breakdown of a flash drive, only replacement will help here, although modern capabilities allow you to recover data from a damaged media.

With a lack of time and desire, there is always the option of contacting the specialized services of the service center, but they cost money and will cost more than the flash drive itself. View restore instructions apply to all generations mobile devices including older versions. In these cases, in response to the question: why the phone does not see the memory card, it remains to shrug: he is tired, he leaves. But! The data can always be reproduced in full!

In an extreme situation, a reading device will help, from which they are all easily transferred to a PC.

Factors due to which the phone does not see the memory card

Having wondered why the smartphone does not see the memory card, its owner needs to analyze the following points:

  1. Why is she out of order;
  2. Find out the current state;
  3. Clarify the reasons for the failures;
  4. If they concern software, then why does the android not see the memory card.

Then based on the results

  1. Format via PC;
  2. Format via smartphone.

It must be remembered that when you first install a flash drive, difficulties are often caused by its capacity. This is especially true for outdated models that are unable to support modern products.

If new phone does not see the memory card what to do, the following list will tell you, which lists the main problems and ways to fix them.

  • Filesystem crashes. The most common problem that is eliminated by reformatting the flash drive;
  • Weak connection to the flash reader. The flash drive must be inserted more tightly, and then restart the mobile phone;
  • The phone does not see the memory card because the reader connector is completely defective. Only referring to the specialized services of the repair center will help here;
  • The flash drive just burned out. It will not be possible to reanimate it, but there are still hopes for data recovery. Modern capabilities let you do it.

The phone does not see the memory card. Procedure

First of all, it needs to be rebooted. Usually, this procedure is already sufficient to fix software failures and other complexities. If, after rebooting, the phone does not see the microsd memory card, you need to remove the external cover and remove the battery, behind which the flash reader is located, and check the contacts. In other models, the socket is on the side, here you also need to try to press it tightly to the contacts. The main thing is not to transfer it, so as not to cause mechanical damage.

When there are no positive results, the product is checked on another device. Ideal option serves as a card reader connected to the computer. Another mobile device will do just fine. If it and all the stored information are available, it means that the problems are in the smartphone and there is no need for repairs. The root causes are caused by software flaws or damaged contacts.

When the other phone does not see the memory card, it comes or about defects in the file structure, or the flash drive simply burned out. In this case, it cannot be restored, whereas file failures are easily eliminated, it is enough to format the product.

Format using PC

It must be remembered that in the process all information from the drive will be deleted. If there is no certainty that the memory card is not visible on the phone due to software problems, and the stored information is important, it is better to take it to the repair service.

In another situation, you need to format the USB flash drive in the following sequence:

  • It fits into the reader and then into the computer slot;
  • The launch should start automatically. If this is not the case, then the phone stopped seeing the memory card due to its problems. You need to go to "My Computer" and see the list of available connections. The absence of a drive in it indicates that it burned out;
  • When there is a display, it is clicked right click and activate the "Format" option;
  • A menu appears on the screen where the user must select the format. It is represented by 2 types NTFS and FAT. The lion's share of flash drives belongs to the FAT standard, which is chosen from the very beginning. In the absence of positive results, you can try NTFS;
  • Having determined the format, the owner activates the "Start" option and waits for the end of the operation;
  • Followed by a formatted flash drive, again checked for work. It happens that already at this stage all questions are removed.

In the absence of a card reader, all actions can be easily performed using a mobile device.

Formatting without a computer

So what to do if there is no card reader, PC and laptop. It doesn't matter, the product is easily formatted using a mobile phone, you just need to go to the "Settings" Android. They are located in the corresponding list, where the owner can use the "Disconnect" and "Checkout" functions. Most current devices immediately offer the owner to format the drive. You should not perform the operation right away, because, as in the case of a computer, the operation completely erases all stored files.

Before that, you need to check the contacts again, excluding the version of the weak connection. After making sure of the sufficient density of the connection, the user proceeds to the direct process.

- The "Clear" option is selected in the menu. It takes a little time and, as a rule, fits in one minute. Then the function "Connect SD card" is activated in the menu and if mechanical faults no, she's ready to go.

Understanding the reasons, you should remember about different versions Android firmware. The order of actions depends on this. In other operating systems, the procedure is performed in a similar way, just find the "Settings" category

Support for external memory cards for many Android users is an important criterion when choosing a new device. Fortunately, most of them still support this option. However, there may be malfunctions here too - for example, a message about a damaged SD card. Today you will learn why this error occurs and how to deal with it.

The message “SD card does not work” or “Empty SD card: formatting required” may appear in the following cases:

Reason 1: Random single failure

Alas, the nature of Android is such that it is impossible to test its operation on absolutely all devices, therefore, errors and failures occur. Perhaps you moved applications to a USB flash drive, it crashed for some reason, and as a result, the OS did not detect the external media. In fact, there can be many such reasons, however, almost all random failures are fixed by rebooting the device.

Reason 2: Bad contact of the slot and memory card

A portable device such as a phone or tablet is subjected to stress during operation, even while in a pocket or bag. As a result, the movable elements, which include the memory card, can move in their grooves. Therefore, having encountered an error about a damaged flash drive, which cannot be corrected by a reboot, you should remove the card from the device and inspect it; it is also possible for the contacts to become dirty with dust, which in any case gets inside the device. Contacts, by the way, can be wiped with alcohol wipes.

If the contacts on the memory card itself are visually clean, you can just wait a while and insert it again - perhaps the device or the flash drive itself has just warmed up. After a while, put the SD card back in and make sure it is fully seated (but don't overdo it!). If the problem was in poor contact, after these manipulations it will disappear. If the problem persists, read on.

Reason 3: The presence of erroneous sectors in the map file table

The problem that lovers most often face is to connect the device to a PC and, instead of safely removing it, simply pull out the cord. However, no one is immune from this: this can cause an OS failure (for example, shutdown when the battery is low or an emergency reboot) or even banal file transfer (copying or Ctrl + X) by means of the phone itself. The owners of cards with the FAT32 file system are also at risk.

As a rule, the message about the erroneous recognition of an SD card is preceded by other unpleasant symptoms: files from such a flash drive are read with errors, files disappear altogether, or such digital ghosts appear. Naturally, the reason for this behavior will not be fixed by either a reboot or an attempt to pull out and insert a USB flash drive. To act in such a situation should be as follows:

Reason 4: Physical damage to the card

The worst scenario is that the flash drive was damaged mechanically or by contact with water or fire. In this case, we are powerless - most likely, the data from such a card will not be able to be restored, and you have no choice but to throw out the old SD card and buy a new one.

An error accompanied by a message about a damaged memory card is one of the most unpleasant that can happen to users of devices running Android. Fortunately, in most cases this is just a single failure.

Julia, good afternoon!

SD cards (or memory cards) have a limited lifespan and can break over time. In addition, damage to the card could have occurred due to an error in operating system phone.

Check for damaged SD card:

  • The CD card on the phone is damaged and cannot be formatted, what should I do?
  • What to do if the CD-card is not formatted on the phone and on the PC?
  • Windows cannot complete formatting - an error occurred while formatting the flash drive
  • To check and restore a memory card through a computer, you need a special device - USB Card Reader with support microSD cards... Such a device looks something like a regular flash drive and is sold in any computer store. Small stores greatly inflate prices for such devices, so it is better to contact a large one (Citylink, Yulmart and the like).

    So, turn off your phone, remove the battery and carefully remove the SD memory card from the slot. Insert it into a card reader and connect it to your computer. If you are lucky - the memory card will normally be read from the computer, in this case you need to extract all valuable data from it: photos and videos are usually located in the / DCIM / folder, but I recommend that you try to download the entire contents of the SD memory card to HDD computer.

    Repair damaged SD memory card:

    Several options are possible here.

    1. The memory card was visible from the computer and the data was successfully copied to the hard disk of the computer... In this case, insert the SD memory card back into the phone, turn it on and answer YES when the phone prompts you to format the card. After that, remove it again, connect it to the computer and fill in the previously copied data.

    2. The memory card was visible from the computer, but not all data was copied to the computer's hard drive... In this case, try to copy only the data you need most. For example, it can be photos and videos in the / dcim / folder. After that, format the card using your phone (as described in step 1) and return the saved data to its place.

    3. Worst option: the memory card cannot be read from the computer, the data cannot be copied... In this case, most likely, the data can no longer be saved. But note that all modern versions of Android make backups of contacts, photos and videos in the cloud by default. Check if your device did this and the data is safe.

    You can also try to extract data from a damaged SD card using special programs, here is a list of them:

    • Smart Data Recovery;
    • Recuva -;
    • BadCopyPro;
    • DiskDigger -

    Situations with a damaged memory card are quite common. This article will discuss in detail the issue of recovering a damaged drive using third-party programs.

    Loss of SD performance can occur as a result of many reasons - it can be damage to the drive itself, or a consequence of a malfunction of the device on which the card is installed.

    Why crashes can occur

    There are several more common reasons which could damage the memory card:

    • physical damage;
    • Availability broken sectors;
    • wrong retrieval drive;
    • glitch in the operation of the device;
    • unknown mistakes causing SD to malfunction.

    In what cases is recovery possible

    Physical breakdown SD cards can be directly related to damage to the case. It can crack, and the microcircuits inside run the risk of being damaged. The most common case is loss of retainer Lock. In addition, the interface controller may fail. In this case, it is, fortunately, still possible to restore work and save the data.

    The presence of bad memory cells is an equally common case. In such a situation, the flash drive is not recognized by the devices. This kind of failure manifests itself over time, because the memory of the drive has several read / write cycles. When they dry out, the flash drive fails. It is possible to restore the work using specialized software.

    Apart from this, there are bugs that cause the SD to malfunction. These errors include the following system notifications:

    • the medium is detected, but its size is 0 KB;
    • is not detected, read or opened on any device.


    • insert the disc into the device;
    • USB device not recognized;
    • the flash card is damaged;
    • this device cannot be started (code 10);
    • error when connecting a USB device (code 43).

    Each case will require analysis to find the cause of the failure and recover the data.

    The device malfunctions are quite common. In this case, the card is recognized on another device. This is due to damaged connector on the gadget itself. In this case, the device itself will have to be repaired, not the USB flash drive. Same goes for SD card damage on Android

    Incorrect extraction is primarily due to the inexperience of the user. If the card incorrectly extracted, then the flash memory is damaged. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate such a malfunction. In this case, the problem will be solved only by buying a new SD.

    Formatting with special programs

    Some malfunctions can be eliminated by software that conducts low-level formatting of the drive. The most popular are HDD LOW Format and SDformatter. They are also used when micro SD is not formatted.

    HDD LOW Format

    An effective program to help format SD. HDD LOW Format has in its arsenal special formatting algorithms that will help restore the micro SD in a few clicks.



    SDformatter is a small free and functional utility that allows you to perform low-level formatting of a flash drive. Among other things, the program allows you not only to clear the card, but also recover broken sectors... Simple SDformatter interface will allow even a novice user to cope with the task.

    The process looks like in the following way:

    Using iFlash

    To restore a memory card, you can use a special online service iFlash. This resource is a database of flash devices with the most suitable utilities for them.

    Search process the required utility on the iFlash resource:

    Kingmax (Super Stick and U-Drive)

    To recover media from Kingmax, you will need Super Stick and U-Drive utilities. The principle of operation for both programs is the same.

    You can restore your drive in a few minutes:

    • we open one of the versions of the Super Stick or U-Drive utilities;
    • then a window will open (the interface of both utilities is identical);
    • click " Update»And wait for the completion of the process.

    Sandisk (Formatter Silicon Power)

    • install and open the program;
    • in the utility window, select the module “ Recover”And await the end of the restoration process.

    A-Data (Paragon Partition Manager Free)

    Paragon Partition Manager Free is the best choice for A-Data drives.

    The process of restoring a drive using it looks like this:

    • open the program and in the main window use the module “ Format Partition»;
    • then you need to create a new disk partition, for this we select " Create new partition».

    There is another useful program - HDDScan, let's look at the process of working with it on video:

    other methods

    If the above methods do not help or it is not possible to use them, you can try to recover the memory card using other tools.

    Change letter disk:

    Moving on to installing the drivers. To do this, you need DriverPack Solution for automatic installation the required software. You can also do this step manually and download the driver package from a specialized site.

    In addition to using programs and other tools, it is more expedient to start check the map on another device. If it is recognized, then the problem is hidden in your gadget ( android phone, tablet, camera and computer).

    How to check the memory card for performance

    In case of failures and errors, it is worth checking the performance. This does not require the use of special tools, the standard operating system tools will suffice.

    The check can be done as follows:

    How to handle an SD card

    In order to avoid data loss due to a malfunctioning memory card, you must adhere to a number of rules when using it:

    • try to keep the card in protected place, avoid getting water on the interface connector, drops and other troubles that may damage the case;
    • not worth it touch with hands to the connector of contacts;
    • necessary defragment drive and use it as often as possible. If it is not used, then over time degradation of memory cells occurs;
    • do not forget create copies files located on a USB flash drive and transfer them to a PC;
    • not worth keeping on the map a large number of files, you need to leave some free space;
    • at ejecting from PC, you must use Safe Removal.