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Badges of doctors. Create a badge in Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, you can not only work with text, but also with pictures, charts, tables, formulas, and more. Using the various features of the editor, you can beautifully design the cover of a book, or make a report, formatting it according to all the rules.

Now we will figure out how to make a badge in Word. I'll tell you about the use of templates: where you can download them from and how to change them. Next, let's look at how to do everything ourselves from scratch: create a block of a suitable size and insert text, a picture or a photo into it. Then you print what you got, cut it out and paste it into the badge.

Using Templates

If you want to use ready samples badges, then create a new document in Word.

Then, in the search bar for available templates, type either "Cards" or " Business Cards» and click on the search arrow. It is the cards that you need to look for, since there are simply no badges in this list, and they are most similar to them.

Listed available options select the one that suits you best and click "Download".

When the template is downloaded, it will open in a new window.

If you didn’t like anything from the displayed list, then you can find an option on the official website:

Follow the link, choose the item we need on the left, and then look for what you like. Pay attention that Word is written under the image. Then click on the name of the template and download it by clicking on the appropriate button.

The next thing to do is go to editing and formatting the workpiece. Almost all the necessary buttons will be located on the "Working with tables" tab - "Layout" or "Designer".

Click on any word and see at the top what size the table cell is. In the example, the blocks are 8.82x5.08 cm. This may not always be suitable. The size of a standard badge in centimeters is 8.5x5.5. If you don't have it standard view, better measure the width and height for the leaflet that you will insert there.

I will stick to the standards, so select the table and enter 8.5 in the "Width" field (your value may be different). Then change the height value, where 5.08 is, and press "Enter". After that, each cell will become the size you specified.

To make it clear where the borders of the table are, you can "Display the grid", click on the appropriate button for this. As a result, all transparent lines will become a blue dotted line, and they will not be printed.

Change the sample - enter your organization name.

Then delete the text below - select it and click "Delete".

By pressing "Enter" I made an additional indent from the top line and printed the person's first and last name. We select them, go to the "Home" tab and here we select the appropriate size and font, you can apply italics or boldness.

The bottom line remains. We delete them, print the appropriate text, this is my position. Then change the font and size of the letters. To place words, for example, in the center, on the left or on the right, click on one of the buttons with the image of stripes.

The next step is to add an image. This is not necessary, so in principle, the badge can be considered ready. If you want your badge to be with a picture, then click on the cell that you edited, and on the "Insert" tab, select "Picture".

There are detailed article: Insert a picture in Word.

In the window that opens, select either a logo or a photo and click "Insert".

Then you need to reduce the image using the markers on the frame.

In order for it to be displayed correctly on the sheet and the words do not move, select it and select “Text wrapping” - “before” in the drop-down list.

Read more in the article: how to wrap a picture with text in Word.

Again using markers and arrows in different sides on the frame, move the pattern to the desired location. I have it on the top left.

After one badge is ready, copy it and replace the pattern in other cells. Then change names and positions. Thus, it will turn out to make several copies for different workers or schoolchildren.

To get a badge, go to the "File" tab.

Specify the number of copies, select the printer and click on the desired button.

We do it ourselves

Given that ready-made templates no, but the cards need to be redone, which is not very convenient, let's figure out how to make a badge yourself from the very beginning. As for me, this option is simpler - there is nothing to change, you immediately indicate the right dimensions, choose the design and the like.

Open the "Insert" at the top and add a table to the page with the appropriate number of rows and columns. In the example, I will have 2x3.

An article on how to add a table to Word is already on the site.

Then select it by clicking on the crosses in the upper left corner, and specify the values ​​​​for the width and height of each cell. Since I have dimensions of 8.5x5.5 cm, I divide 8.5 in half (since there are 2 columns) and 5.5 into three (3 lines).

You will get a table with all identical cells. If this is not suitable, you can make a cell with a width of 3 cm in one line, then the second will be 8.5-3 \u003d 5.5 cm. In general, decide on the type of badge and calculate the size of the cells.

Since we do not need borders, we need to remove them. For convenience, we leave only the outer borders, so that it is convenient to cut. Select the entire table, click on the small arrow next to the "Borders" button and click "None" in turn, and then "External".

How to remove borders in a Word table, you can read the link.

Now on the "Layout" tab we display a grid to make it convenient to work with data. It looks like a dotted line and is not printed.

In addition to the text, I will also add an image, for this I will combine 2 cells in the upper right. You can also make one out of several, it is described in detail in the article: merging cells in Word.

I insert the picture in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. I change the wrapping for it and make it the right size.

Select the text in parts and change its font, size, boldness and more. To make the letters colored, select a color from the drop-down list by clicking on the button with the letter "A". You can fill a cell with color by putting italics in it, clicking on the paint bucket and choosing any color.

To choose the position of the text relative to the cell, use the Alignment button. The drop down list contains various options.

To place several badges on the page, select the one you made, copy it - "Ctrl + C", and paste it a certain number of times - press "Ctrl + V" for this. Change the data.

Creating a school badge is no different. For example, for the class on duty: indicate the school, class number, first and last name. You can either add a logo or a photo of the student.

These are the results I got. You can download a sample badge from Yandex.Disk at the link:

The file will contain those made according to the redesigned template, and the last two.

I hope the article helped, and now you can make a badge in Word with beautiful inscription and drawing quickly enough. Well, or just slightly correct the ones that you downloaded from my Disk.

Badges are a great way to identify employees, they create a trusting atmosphere between partners at seminars, trainings, presentations and other events. The minimum amount of information orients the potential client and helps to direct the course of the conversation in right direction. In addition to the personal data of the owner, the product, as a rule, depicts a company logo. This article will help you prepare a complete template for a badge of any size and print it. At the bottom of the article is a link to a standard size badge template.

Decide on a standard size

The basic principle of choosing the size of a badge is the amount of information that needs to be placed on it and the badge pocket available for this size. For standard badges, where the full name, position and company logo are located, the format 90x60mm is sufficient. Badges for PSC employees, as a rule, are made in the size of 100x70mm, and for mass events Usually they make large A6 badges (105x148mm). According to our statistics, the main size of badge pockets is ordered for a 90x60 mm horizontal insert. V this example We will proceed from these dimensions.

Create a template for a badge in MS Word

Step-by-step instruction on preparing a template in Word for printing badges of the required size.


Create a new document in MS Word and select the sheet orientation. Depending on the version of the program, this is done in the "Page Layout" or "Layout" tab. For a horizontal format badge, it is best to use landscape orientation, for a vertical badge - portrait. In our example, we will make a badge in a landscape format, so on the “Page Layout” tab, select Landscape.

To ensure maximum working space on the sheet, we need to reduce the margins from the edge of the document: "Page Layout or Layout - Margins - Narrow".


Now, we insert a table on our sheet, for this, in the quick access panel, select "Insert - Table - 3 x 3" (or any other required amount cells).
The table we need has appeared and now we need to right-click on the cross, which is located in the upper left corner of the grid.

In the context menu that lights up on the screen, select the "Table properties ..." section.
First, select the "Line" tab and set the line height - 6 (cm), the size - exactly and uncheck the "Allow line wrapping to a new page" checkbox. On the "Column" tab, set the column width to 9 (cm). If you need other sizes, please indicate them.

The table is ready, its cells have received the size we specified.


At this step, we proceed to the layout of the first badge. It is necessary to enter in the initial cell of the table two required fields- This is the name and position. For a full name, it is usually used more than large size font than for the post. Also, on the badge, depending on its purpose, you can place a photo of a person and additional fields - this is the name of the company and the name of the event at which it is used. It is advisable to insert the logo of the organization for which we print badges in the upper corner of the cell. We do this in the standard way: "Insert - Pictures" and then select the saved picture on the computer. To reduce the size of the image, select it and drag it inward for the required area of ​​influence. Set text and image correct sizes and move on to the next paragraph.

Now, we need to copy the contents of our badge to other cells. To do this, place the cursor at the end of the inscription and triple-click the left mouse button, Word selects the entire required area for us. Press "CTRL + C" to copy the data and move the cursor to the familiar cross at the top of the table and click on it.

Word will select the entire table for us and we just have to press the combination “CTRL + V” so that our badge template appears in all cells of the table.

Manually change the field with full name and position for each badge and proceed to the printing section.

Printing a badge on a printer

To print the page with badges, press "CTRL + P" and in the window that opens, press the Print button. At this stage, you just have to carefully cut out the rectangles along the lines of the table and insert them into a special pocket for the badge.

We hope that you easily completed our training lesson on creating a badge template in Word, and now you can create badges for the required size yourself. Also, in our store you can buy pockets for badges with various holders: ribbons, laces, clips, retractors. Standard solutions for employees can be viewed at the link in this section.

Download the badge template in Word (MS Word).

For badges on paper you need holders:

In most cases, text documents are created in two stages - writing and giving a beautiful, easy-to-read form. Work in a full-featured word processor MS Word proceeds according to the same principle - first the text is written, then its formatting is performed.

Lesson: Formatting text in Word

To significantly reduce the time spent on the second stage, templates are called upon, of which Microsoft has integrated a lot into its brainchild. Huge selection templates is available in the program by default, even more are presented on the official website, where you can definitely find a template on any topic that interests you.

Lesson: How to make a template in Word

In the article presented at the link above, you can find out how you can create a document template yourself and use it in the future for ease of use. Below we will take a closer look at one of the related topics - creating a badge in Word and saving it as a template. This can be done in two ways.

Creating a badge based on a ready-made template

If you have no desire to delve into all the subtleties of the issue and you are not ready to spend your personal time (by the way, not so much) on creating a badge on your own, we recommend that you turn to ready-made templates. To do this, follow these steps.

1. Open Microsoft Word and, depending on the version you are using, do the following:

  • Find a suitable template on the home page (relevant for Word 2016);
  • Go to menu "File", open the section "Create" and find a suitable template (for earlier versions of the program).

Note: If you cannot find a suitable template, start typing the word "badge" in the search box or open the "Cards" template section. Then select the one that suits you from the search results. In addition, most business card templates are quite suitable for creating a badge.

2. Click on the template you like and click "Create".

Note: The use of templates is extremely convenient because there are often several of them on the page at once. Therefore, you can create several copies of one badge or make several unique (for different employees) badges.

3. The template will open in a new document. Change the standard data in the template fields to the ones that are relevant for you. To do this, set the following parameters:

  • Full Name;
  • Position;
  • Company;
  • Photo (optional);
  • Additional text (optional).

Lesson: How to insert a picture into Word

Note: Inserting a photo is an optional option for a badge. It may be absent altogether, or instead of a photograph, you can add a company logo. You can read more about how best to add an image to a badge in the second part of this article.

After creating your badge, save it and print it on the printer.

Note: Dotted borders, which may be present on the template, are not printed.

Lesson: Print documents in Word

Recall that in a similar way (using templates), you can also create a calendar, business card, greeting card and much more. You can read about all this on our website.

How to do it in Word?
CalendarBusiness cardGreeting cardLetterhead

Creating a badge manually

If you are not satisfied with ready-made templates, or if you just want to create a badge in Word yourself, then you will be clearly interested in the instructions below. All that is required of you and me is to create a small table and fill it in correctly.

1. First, think about what information you want to place on the badge and calculate how many lines it will take. There will most likely be two columns (text information and a photo or image).

Let's say the badge contains the following information:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic (two or three lines);
  • Position;
  • Company;
  • Additional text (optional, up to you).

We do not consider a photo per line, since it will be located on the side, occupying several lines that we have allocated for text.

Note: The photo on the badge is a moot point, and in many cases it is not needed at all. We are considering this as an example. So, it is quite possible that in the place where we propose to place a photo, someone else would like to place, for example, a company logo.

For example, we will write the last name in one line, under it in another line the name and patronymic, the next line will contain the position, another line - the company and, the last line - the short motto of the company (and why not?). According to this information, we need to create a table with 5 rows and two columns (one column for text, one for photo).

2. Go to the tab "Insert", press the button "Table" and create a table of the required sizes.

Lesson: How to make a table in Word

3. The size of the added table must be changed, and it is advisable not to do it manually.

  • Select the table by clicking on its anchor element (a small cross in the square located in the upper left corner);
  • Right-click on this location and select "Table Properties";
  • In the window that opens, in the tab "Table" In chapter "The size" check the box next to "Width" and enter the required value in centimeters (recommended value is 9.5 cm);
  • Go to tab "Line", check the box next to "Height"(chapter "Column") and enter the desired value there (we recommend 1.3 cm);
  • Click "OK" to close the window "Table Properties".

The basis for the badge in the form of a table will take the dimensions you specified.

Note: If the obtained dimensions of the table for the badge do not suit you, you can easily change them manually by simply pulling the marker located in the corner. True, this can only be done if strict adherence to any size of the badge is not a priority for you.

4. Before you start filling in the table, you need to merge some of its cells. We will do the following (you can choose another option):

  • We combine the two cells of the first row under the name of the company;
  • We combine the second, third and fourth cells of the second column under the photo;
  • We combine two cells of the last (fifth) line for a small motto or slogan.

To merge cells, select them with the mouse, right-click and select "Merge Cells".

Lesson: How to merge cells in Word

5. Now you can fill in the cells in the table. Here is our example (no photo yet):

  • Paste the picture into any empty space in the document;
  • Resize it according to the size of the cell;
  • select location option "Before the text";
  • Move the image into the cell.

Word lessons:
Inserting a picture
Text wrapping around an image

6. The text inside the table cells must be aligned. It is equally important to choose the right fonts, size, color.

  • To align the text, let's turn to the tools of the group "Paragraph", after selecting the text inside the table with the mouse. We recommend choosing an alignment type "Center";
  • We recommend aligning the text to the center not only horizontally, but also vertically (relative to the cell itself). To do this, select the table, open the window "Table Properties" through the context menu, go to the tab in the window "Cell" and choose an option "Center"(chapter "Vertical Alignment". Click "OK" to close the window;
  • Change the font, its color and size to your liking. If necessary, you can use our instructions.

Lesson: How to change the font in Word

7. Everything would be fine, but the visible borders of the table certainly seem superfluous. In order to hide them visually (leaving only the grid) and not print, do the following:

  • Select a table;
  • Click on the button "The border"(tool group "Paragraph", tab "Home";
  • Select an item "No Border".

Note: To make it easier to cut the printed badge, in the menu of the button "The border" select option "Outer Limits". This will make the outer outline of the table visible both in the electronic document and in its printed interpretation.

8. Done, now the badge that you created yourself is ready.

Save a badge as a template

1. Open the menu "File" and select the item "Save as".

2. Using the button "Overview", specify the path to save the file, specify a suitable name.

3. In the window below the line with the file name, specify the required format for saving. In our case, this "Word template (*dotx)".

Print multiple badges on one page

It is quite possible that you need more than one badge, placing all of them on one page. This will not only help to significantly save paper, but also significantly speed up the process of cutting and making these very badges.

1. Select the table (badge) and copy it to the clipboard ( CTRL+C or button "Copy" in the tool group "Clipboard").

Lesson: How to copy a table in Word

2. Create a new document ( "File" - "Create" - "New document").

3. Reduce the page margins. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go to tab "Layout"(previously "Page layout");
  • Click the button "Fields" and select an option "Narrow".

Lesson: How to change margins in Word

4. On a page with such badge fields measuring 9.5 x 6.5 cm (the size in our example), 6 will fit. For their “dense” arrangement on a sheet, you need to create a table consisting of two columns and three rows.

5. Now, in each cell of the created table, you need to insert our badge, which is contained in the clipboard ( CTRL+V or button "Insert" in Group "Clipboard" tab "Home").

If the borders of the main (large) table move during an insert, do the following:

  • Select a table;
  • Right click and select "Align column widths".

You will need

  • - computer,
  • - a printer,
  • - paper,
  • - laminator,
  • - scissors or cutter
  • - Hole punch for laminated film.


Make a blank badge on a computer, this can be a simple one, performed in Word program, or maybe an image made using "Photoshop". The badge has a size of about 65 by 95 mm, it indicates the full name or name and, as well as another you need - department, position, photo.

To make badges the same size, the easiest way is to use Microsoft Word. Using Microsoft Word 2007 as an example: in the top select "Mailouts", then in the upper corner "Stickers", in the window that appears, select "Page with the same stickers". A window with templates will open in front of you, which you just have to fill out and click the "Print" button.

Another way - you can create a table in Word by specifying the sizes you need as cell sizes badge. Subsequently, fill in the cells with the information you need.

Take a cutter or regular ones and cut the workpiece into rectangles. With the help of a cutter, you will definitely get smooth edges. badge, but in the case of using scissors, this will have to try a little more.

To make a laminated badge, take a film of the right size and thickness for the film and insert a paper blank between its layers. Pass it through the laminator, which will soften the laminating film and seal it securely. badge.

Make a hole for the clip. In order to make a hole in a laminated badge, you will need a special hole punch. The laminated film simply will not give in to the usual puncher. Make a hole for the clip and attach it to the badge.

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Useful advice

Do not use too small font for the inscriptions on the badge - in this case, no one will see what is written on it. You can make one word (for example, first or last name) larger than the others.


  • how to print a badge

Create seal possible at home. It is not necessary to use the capabilities of Photoshop, as there is a special program designed to create stamps, which is quick and convenient to work with.

You will need

  • Computer, Internet, Stump program 0.85.


Download Stump 0.85 from the Internet. Usually it is presented in the archive. Inside the archive, run the Stump085d.exe file.

In the window that appears, select the "Start Demo of Features" button and follow the actions shown on the screen.

To get started independent creation print, run the Stump085d.exe file from the archive again and select the "Continue" button.

In the " Top" field, enter the inscription that should be displayed on the print at the top, and in the "Bottom lines" field, respectively, type in the information for the bottom of the print. At the same time, you can constantly view the result of your work by pressing the button on a piece of paper and a magnifying glass in the program menu (preview). Specify , bold, italic.

Go to the "Center" tab and enter the lines that will appear in the center of your print. Customize them.

In the "Form" tab, you can change the standard round version print on another.

In the "Create and Edit" tab, adjust the quality, clarity, blurring of your print so that it looks more realistic on . Click the "Create" button to see the result of your work. You can also paste into Word using the appropriate button.

Hair lamination is a hairdressing service that helps prevent color fading, prevents hair breakage and enhances styling for a long period of time.

Hair lamination is a relatively new hairdressing service. With normal care, their condition improves for a relatively short period, sometimes sometimes only until the first wash, and gives the hair a healthy, beautiful, radiant look and at the same time a dazzling shine for about a month.

Lamination involves the procedure of covering with a breathable, thin, transparent chemical film that prevents color fading, closes gaps in damaged areas on the hair, seals them and prevents injury. In order to carry out a safe and high-quality hair procedure, you will need experienced master and relatively high financial costs.

The lamination procedure can be performed under conditions. This option will be cheaper, but to carry out such an operation, you must have successful experience gained earlier in when a professional laminating master performed this action clearly with smart advice and explanations for the client. In order to carry out the correct lamination, it is necessary to first perform the steps to thoroughly cleanse and restore the hair before putting it in the laminate.

Strengthen and necessary in any case. Lamination should never be considered some kind of panacea that will prevent any kind of splitting or brittle hair. By the way, all professional hairdressers constantly remind about this. The composition of the laminate film includes nutritious biologically active substances, which are an external shield, but it is still necessary to complete hair restoration a few weeks before the lamination procedure, since the stronger and healthier the hair is, the more spectacular it will look in the end.

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If you make a cognitive raid on dictionaries, then the word "badge" can be explained as an "individual information card". This is an element of a work uniform in the form of a card, badge or special sticker, which contains information about its owner.

Scope of application

It is these small cards that are usually found in employees of large offices, representatives of foreign companies, waiters, airport employees, medical workers of medical institutions, etc. This is a mandatory element of the uniform for participants in press conferences, seminars, exhibitions, scientific symposiums, business meetings and other public events .

At fairly large enterprises, far from all employees know each other personally, therefore, with the names of employees are simply irreplaceable in order to avoid embarrassing situations. The simplest badges simplify the process of communication as much as possible and increase the level of sociability among staff, because with the help of visual memory, the necessary information is remembered much faster. In addition, addressing a person by name is a sign good manners, and with the presence of this all becomes easier.

What it is

The plastic one looks like a small business card with the name, surname of the owner, his position, logo and the name of the enterprise or department where he works. As a rule, this card is enclosed in a transparent plastic frame, which is equipped with a cord for wearing around the neck or a clothes pin. The presence of this simple element relieves awkwardness in communication, increases loyalty, because. client receives full information about the company, which simplifies the possibility, if necessary, of filing a claim with the management.

Where to buy a badge

In the price-convenience-quality format, the badge is classic, which is 86x54 mm. The plastic base itself is purchased at any stationery and office supply store or is made to order from the manufacturer. The basis is transparent PVC with a density of more than 200 microns. For fastening to clothing, a carabiner, clip, or tape is used when worn around the neck.

Today, under the guise of badges, chest badges can be used, which are made of wood, plastic, metal or other material. Branded badges are much more expensive than classic badges, but at the same time they look more stylish and aesthetically pleasing. They can be attached to clothing with a magnet or a puncture. Badges cannot be bought in the stationery department, they must be ordered from printing companies engaged in the production of image symbols.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to emblem firm, organization or sports team. It should be bright and original, not like others and attract attention. Most often, designers are involved in the creation of such a sign, but their services are expensive, and the lack of necessary information about the company, mission, strategy often leads to the fact that the developed version does not correspond to the internal spirit of the company. Try to do emblem by yourself using Photoshop.

The creation of any document usually includes two stages: writing the text and giving it a beautiful and convenient form.

It is possible to reduce formatting time if you use document templates, which are offered in abundance by Microsoft Word 2010.

Some of the templates are installed by default (you can see them in File/New/Sample Templates).

Others are fairly easy to download from (File/New/ Templates). Finding the right template is much easier with the Search for Templates on search box.

Using the template is convenient and simple.

1. We find the desired template in the proposed folders, press the "Download" button, then save it to the computer. The process is illustrated using Excel as an example.

2. Open the template and start working with it like with a regular document: enter text, add and delete lines if necessary, experiment with fonts. Most templates (for example, resumes, business cards, labels) are provided with sample tips.

3. Save the document, select the type doc file(docx).

What if you need to change the finished template?

It happens that the templates offered by Microsoft Word do not fully correspond to our idea of ​​a document. In this case, you need to modify the finished template and save it correctly by changing the file name. To do this, select "File / Save As /" and select the file type - Word Template or Word 97-2003 Template.

How to create a template yourself?

Let's try to create a template in Microsoft Word on our own. Let it be a well-known badge.

1. We decide what information we will put on our badge. This will determine how many rows and columns we need to prepare. So, last name, first name, patronymic, position, company - 5 lines. Not bad if there is a photo on the badge - that means 2 columns.

2. Choose the size of the badge. There is no specific standard for this, let's focus on the average figures: 6.5x9.5 cm.

3. Let's open a Microsoft Word document.

4. Insert / Table / Columns - 2, lines - 5 / Ok.

(Picture 1)

5. With the help of the cursor brought to the lower right edge of the table, we shift our workpiece to the desired value.

(Picture 2)

6. Fill in the table. For this:

We combine the cells of the first row in the 1st and 2nd columns.

(Figure 3)

In the resulting cell, write the name of the company;

In the second line of the first column we write the last name, in the third - the first name, in the fourth - patronymic, in the fifth - position;

We combine 2-5 rows of the second column. Insert (Insert / Picture) a previously prepared photo;

Experimenting with fonts (we make the last name, first name, patronymic a little larger than the rest of the text);

Align text and photo;

With help right button Mouse click on the Borders and Shading menu. We remove the borders in our table, leaving only the Outer borders.

(Figure 4)

If we need a template with several badges on one sheet, let's continue. Copy the resulting table to the clipboard and open another Word document. Using simple arithmetic calculations, we determine how many badges will fit on a standard sheet. If it is A4, then - 6.

Select File/Page Layout/Margins/Narrow. Then go to Insert / Table - Columns - 2, lines - 3. Copy our badge from the clipboard to each cell of the table and save it as a template.

(Figure 5)

Now, if necessary, just open our template, make the necessary changes and print.

Everyone knows that conferences need participant badges. But judging by the examples of the badges themselves, many people do not think about what these cards on strings are really for.

Let's go through the main mistakes, laugh at examples and highlight a few basic badge design rules.

The badge has exactly two main functions: an identifier and a souvenir.

And a badge can perform each of these functions only if it is designed in accordance with them. The rules seem obvious, but the examples prove otherwise.

Function 1: identification of participants.

What is the most important thing in badge design? There is only one answer to this question:

The name should be large and readable.

Moreover, the readability of the name is determined by the following factors:

1. “Large” means the following: a person with average visual acuity should be able to read the name on the badge from a distance that is most typical for the communication conditions of the participants in the event.

If people communicate most during a coffee break, this distance is usually 2-3 meters. This is the standard "safe" networking distance.

If you need a speaker to address a person in the audience by name, test the font size in combat.

2. The person's name should occupy a significant part of the area of ​​the badge.

Weight is also given by the presence of an empty space around the name.

Good example(all images are clickable):

Bad example:

As we can see, all the attention of the viewer should be occupied by the most functional and significant element, and not all sorts of bells and whistles. And, sorry, certainly not the logos of sponsors.

3. The font that reads best is sans-serif. Regular font is easier to read than italics.

Here is the serif font:

Here it is without serifs:

There is a difference? Sans-serif fonts are mostly neater and more readable. My personal opinion is that italics should not be abused, without it the life of conference participants immediately becomes easier, because straight letters are easier to read from a distance.

If you have the brilliant idea of ​​printing out generic blank badges and letting attendees write their own names, keep in mind:

4. Match the color and thickness of the marker to the size and design of the badge.

Better yet, get a couple of girls at the front desk with great typing handwriting and clear instructions, or you risk getting something like this:

And you wanted something more meaningful, at least like this:

If so much space is required for a name, then where to put everything else?

Alas, identification is often confused with the formal registration process. Think carefully about the format of your event and answer the question: Do you really need a surname on the badge? And even more so patronymic? At many events, these elements will be redundant.

If you want to create a homely relaxed atmosphere, do not flood the room with Elena Petrovna Evdokimova and Vasily Eduardovich Kravchenko.

Participant identification does not end with the name alone. There is another important aspect of identification:

Feeling of belonging to one group.

For the participants, the psychological factor is important: in a crowd of people, a person can quickly find out who came to the same event. It creates a feeling of comfort, facilitates networking, and also becomes a universal conversation point: “Are you at the conference too? First time here? Nice to meet you, my name is Alex.

We're the same blood.

From the point of view of the organizers, the opportunity to distinguish “us” and “them” from the crowd thanks to high-quality badges simply makes life much easier. Imagine a huge business center in which, in addition to your event, a million more things are taking place, office owners, their visitors go back and forth ... and in this chaos you need to quickly find your own and send them to the right conference room. You won’t ask everyone: “Are you by any chance not at the conference?”.

This subtask is solved by recognizable branding of badges: a fairly large and recognizable from afar event logo or color design. I recently saw a good example on:

Both the design, the badge holder, and even the "business" identifier - all this helps to quickly find out which group the Technopark visitor belongs to.

And finally, the last aspect of identification:

Membership in different subgroups, status/role indicator.

Badges help both participants and organizers to understand who is who at the event.

No, genatsvale! When a society has no color differentiation of pants, then there is no purpose!

What exactly should be differentiated:

  • Member Roles(guest, organizer, speaker, volunteer, partner, press, etc.);
  • Tracks(with parallel programs for different tracks, it helps to orient both the participants and the organizers);
  • Level/status(beginner/advanced/expert or internal/invited participant, city/country representative, etc.).

How exactly to use it?

  • Different color in the design of the badges themselves(background, design elements)
  • Different color badge holders(strings)

A good example is my favorite deITology:

Unsuccessful examples are often found at conferences, I will give only a couple here. How can you tell at a glance which group a person belongs to by looking at these badges? abundance of flowers and various elements distracts:

In Microsoft Word, you can not only work with text, but also with pictures, charts, tables, formulas, and more. Using the various features of the editor, you can beautifully design the cover of a book, or make a report, formatting it according to all the rules.

Now we will figure out how to make a badge in Word. I'll tell you about the use of templates: where you can download them from and how to change them. Next, let's look at how to do everything ourselves from scratch: create a block of a suitable size and insert text, a picture or a photo into it. Then you print what you got, cut it out and paste it into the badge.

Using Templates

If you want to use ready-made badge samples, then create a new document in Word.

Then, in the search bar for available templates, type either "Cards", or "Business Cards" and click on the search arrow. It is the cards that you need to look for, since there are simply no badges in this list, and they are most similar to them.

In the list of available options, select the one that suits you best and click "Download".

When the template is downloaded, it will open in a new window.

If you didn’t like anything from the displayed list, then you can find an option on the official website:

Follow the link, choose the item we need on the left, and then look for what you like. Pay attention that Word is written under the image. Then click on the name of the template and download it by clicking on the appropriate button.

The next thing to do is go to editing and formatting the workpiece. Almost all the necessary buttons will be on the tab "Working with tables"- "Layout" or "Constructor".

Click on any word and see at the top what size the table cell is. In the example, the blocks are 8.82x5.08 cm. This may not always be suitable. The size of a standard badge in centimeters is 8.5x5.5. If you do not have a standard view, it is better to measure the width and height for the leaflet that you will insert there.

I will stick to the standards, so select the table and enter 8.5 in the "Width" field (your value may be different). Then change the height value, where 5.08 is, and press "Enter". After that, each cell will become the size you specified.

To make it clear where the table borders are, you can "Show Grid", click on the appropriate button for this. As a result, all transparent lines will become a blue dotted line, and they will not be printed.

Change the sample - enter your organization name.

Then we delete the text below - select it and press "Delete".

By pressing "Enter" I made an additional indent from the top line and printed the person's first and last name. We select them, go to the "Home" tab and here we select the appropriate size and font, you can apply italics or boldness.

The bottom line remains. We delete them, print the appropriate text, this is my position. Then change the font and size of the letters. To place words, for example, in the center, on the left or on the right, click on one of the buttons with the image of stripes.

The next step is to add an image. This is not necessary, so in principle, the badge can be considered ready. If you want your badge to be with a picture, then click on the cell that you edited, and on the "Insert" tab, select "Picture".

In the window that opens, select either a logo or a photo and click "Insert".

Then you need to reduce the image using the markers on the frame.

In order for it to be displayed correctly on the sheet and the words do not move, select it and select it in the drop-down list "Text Wrap"- "front" .

Again, using the markers and arrows in different directions on the frame, move the drawing to the desired location. I have it on the top left.

After one badge is ready, copy it and replace the pattern in other cells. Then change names and positions. Thus, it will turn out to make several copies for different workers or schoolchildren.

To print your badge, go to the File tab.

Specify the number of copies, select the printer and click on the desired button.

We do it ourselves

Considering that there are no ready-made templates, and the cards need to be redone, which is not very convenient, let's figure out how to make a badge yourself from the very beginning. As for me, this option is simpler - there is nothing to change, you immediately indicate the desired dimensions, select the design and the like.

Open the "Insert" at the top and add a table to the page with the appropriate number of rows and columns. In the example, I will have 2x3.

I insert the picture in the same way as described in the previous paragraph. I change the wrapping for it and make it the right size.

Select the text in parts and change its font, size, boldness and more. To make the letters colored, select a color from the drop-down list by clicking on the button with the letter "A". You can fill a cell with color by putting italics in it, clicking on the paint bucket and choosing any color.

Use the Alignment button to select the position of the text relative to the cell. The drop down list contains various options.