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Shararam forever goes to play. Shararam games

Do you like to joky and get across? Do you adore the perky animals of Smesharikov? We are looking for a fun arcade, in which you can have fun or coming up with friends in dexterity and reaction speeds? Then the branches Barash, Krosh, Hedgehog and other residents fabulous forest Invite you together to have fun in the game Smeshariki Shararam.

From a popular animated series to favorite games

Russian multiplants came up with cheerful and perky smeasharikists. The creators wanted the cartoon to teach good children and good, gave joy and excellent mood. This is one of the few cartoons for children, which is not only very colorful, but also completely deprived of evil and violence. In it, you will not meet a single evil hero.

Cartoon something remotely resembles a fairy tale about Winnie Poose. Here are the same animals and the same forest. Only now the characters became round, like bubbles, so they can even draw a baby with ease.

From the date of the presentation in 2004, the cartoon Smeshariki was so happy to children that it began to broadcast in many countries of the world. On the adventures of wonderful animals removed as much as 450 episodes!

The relay of popularity was adopted by Irrodeli. According to the plots of the cartoon, many exciting flursors, arcades, races and other games for children about Smeshariki from the country of Sharacters have created. And recently, the online game "Shararam" came out. Unlike cartoons, in games, children can not only look, but personally take part in the adventures of favorite heroes.

Wonderful country Shararam

The plot tells us that somewhere behind the seas, there is a fabulous country of Shararam for distant dala. Inhabit its wonderful animals, along the roundness of the forms resembling balls. Country Sharacters are amazingly beautiful. There are many forests, green meadows, flowers bloom everywhere, and the sun is smiling on the blue sky.

Smeshariki in the Shararama live in original houses. Some of them resemble fabulous gingerbread houses or hut grandmother ties. These funny boys Do not know what boredom is. Master for fiction, they constantly find interesting entertainment: jump on a trampoline, run each other from a huge slingshot, flying on Paraglider, play volleyball, sunbathe on the beach, ride off the slides, etc.

The heroes are not at all the thieves and are happy to share their good mood with others. If you ever be bored, just run the game Smeshariki Sharacters and have fun with funny animals.

Salley game with Chudels from Characters

Today, residents of a fabulous country with Shararams did not rumbled for a joke. The animals gathered with all their parents on a big forest lawn and decided to arrange a nationwide Olympiad to agility. In the game Smeshariki Shararam, they offer you to play something mean between the cabins and hurrying.

Check in the game, which of you is faster and more advantageous: you or sinks. The contest will judge a strict arbitrator, so in the game you will have to try to beat Shucharikov.

So let's discuss the essence and features of the game. All actions in this cheerful arcade are carried out by the mouse, so even the baby can cope with it.

Krosh, Pin, Losyash, Copatych and others came to the competition with their own rings. Therefore, you will meet with rolls of rabbits, Penguin Penguins, Malley Stade, etc. Smeshariki will pop up in a wide variety of places in the blink of an eye, appearing from nowhere.

All this revival in the game will be observed in different parts Screen. Smeshariki will start raving from the sky, get out of the ground, puffy trees, pop up from their crowns, etc. You, to defeat in the competition, you need to show the amazing reaction rate and have time to "latter" all sneaks.

Those. You need to keep up with your rivals and hand to them on the principle of playing salts (mouse). The more forest carapuses you have time to "creek", the more balls get in the game.

Note: The game goes for a while. Try to install your own speed record and surpass your friend. If the result did not like the arbitrator, then the other level in the game will not go. We still have to practice in the first.

Merry music and colorful cartoon charts will make the competition as pleasant as possible, allowing you to recharge yourself.

If you adore the animated series about funny sneakers, then this game will also have to do. And what could be more pleasant than to spend your free time in the company of your favorite heroes?

Moreover, these funny cartoon animals do not even give the players to bother. You still have no idea how many adventures are provided by the plot of the game Smeshariki Shararam. Where only does not pick up the fate (and developers)! Pass together with Smesharikami all levels of the game and shortcups of the magical world of Shararam. We promise, even after the end of this wonderful entertainment, a good mood will not leave you for a very long time.

Small refinement for integrity

Smeshariki are funny animals whose bodies have a spherical shape. They are constantly experiencing some adventures, each series of the cartoon of the same name contains a breathtaking story from the life of these funny creatures. And such stories mass. Funny characters have long been loved not only to children, but also adults. This is not surprising, because they look very nice. In addition, all sneakers have pronounced characters. And in each series of cartoon you can hear their "branded" jokes that instantly raise the mood. And now you have a unique opportunity to have fun with the characters of the cartoon in the game of the game Sharam in the country of Smesharikov. Playing, you will spend your best time and get an unforgettable impression. It is worth saying that the events in the toy develop very quickly and need to try to respond as quickly to them.

Fundamental rules

The game consists of large number levels and on each of them you find yourself on new location. The action will happen in space, then in the woods, then near the house, then in other interesting places. And on the screen will constantly appear images of mixtures in a huge amount. Your task is simple: you need to collect these images to get prizes. In the game Shararam in the magic country of Smesharikov means that for each character you can get 10 points. Sometimes bonus characters come across, they bring 50 points at once. With each new level, sinky will appear on the screen more and more often, and disappear faster. Therefore, you should show maximum attentiveness and agility to manage to catch them. They can appear in the most unexpected places, so it is necessary to monitor each corner of the screen. Only 40 seconds are given to the passage of the level. And during this time you need to catch as many images as possible to dial the maximum number of prize points.

Management in the game

Management in the game Sharacters about funny smesharikov is incredibly simple. Even small players will easily cope with it. You need to use only the mouse. Move the cursor over the screen and put it on the images of cartoon characters to get covenant prize points. In this game, the main skill is speed, because if you can not catch the sneakers in time, then they will disappear with a moment from the screen. And you need to score as many points as possible! Therefore, try to act as quickly as possible and pay attention to any occurring on the location of the movement, so as not to miss the characters.

The advantages of our new toy

The game about Smesharikov Shararam has a mass of attractive characteristics. Start standing with the fact that it is dedicated to the famous animated series. This means that you can have a great time in the company of your favorite characters. In addition, the game develops attentiveness, the rate of reaction and the ability to focus, that is, is not only interesting, but also very useful. Separately, it is worth saying about the chart of toys. Its design is made in bright colors, as, however, the cartoon itself. And the characters look absolutely funny, which can not but rejoice! Thus, you have an excellent opportunity to have fun in the company Krosh, Hedgehog, Pina and other loved heroes.

If you are crazy about these cute little animals and want to get acquainted with each of them closer, then our children's games are what you need! In the free category "Smeshariki" we collected the best fun for children of all ages. For the smallests there are simple games that will help develop the memory and the imagination of the baby. And older children will find fun in the category, developing agility and accuracy. In addition, in the online category of Smesharikov (Sharam) there are entertainment for those who like to create. We collected the best electronic coloring in it, with which every child will learn to draw. Now you do not have to sit without rainy evenings. It is enough to choose a picture of the soul and paint it with bright colored pencils that have prepared for young artists the characters of the cartoon series.

Heroes of the game Smeshariki

All crumbs love to watch cartoons. And the hand-drawn series "Smeshariki" is doubly! This kind children's animal tells about the life adventures of his main characters: Krosh, Sovuni, Car Karycha, Hedgehog, Nyushi, Kopatych, Barash, Losyash and Pina. Each hero has his hobbies and desires. Rabbit Krosh and Sovuna - energetic and optimistic personalities leading an active lifestyle. PIN - mechanic. No day passes so that it does not construct a new device. Beautiful Nyusha loves to dress up. She is flirting and in love. Copatych, like all bears, loves sweet. He has a large garden in which he plant fruits and vegetables for the winter. Barash - Romantic. He loves nature and frustrated from any crumpler. Hedgehog is a real collector. In his house there are so many unique things as no antiquarian has. The oldest of Smesharikov, Car Karych, is a real artist who extols the beautiful. But there are heroes and the overall feature: friendliness! Smeshariki (Shararam) go to each other for tea, and in a difficult minute, you will definitely come to the rescue!

Smeshariki Shararam is a wonderful opportunity for kids to get into the world of favorite heroes. Over time, this moment comes when the kids are bothering passively follow the development of events in the beloved cartoon. Of course, a meeting with such wonderful good and responsive heroes is always pleasant, but I want to get to this invented world yourself and become one of Smesharikov. It is this purpose that the developers of this exciting project pursued. Here the child can meet with long familiar heroes, chat with them, acquire new friends among them. Today is not just an online game, but also a complete social network For young children, created based on the famous cartoon. Characters are fully transferred to this new world and help the kids to acquire various useful knowledge and skills.

Add new friends to your company and having fun with them. Now you can directly communicate with your friends and even go shopping. The store is almost like real. Only instead of money here can be calculated by the mixes that need to earn, correctly answering the questions of quiz. Study a map of this wonderful country, and you will see what new entertainment and tests are waiting for you in the world of Smeshariki.

In the era of television, multi-sized cartoons overlook almost every year, but not every project is characteristic of success. Even less of them, remain in the memory of fans on long years. At first glance, the simple animated series "Smeshariki" first launched on Ether in 2004, quickly gained popularity among the viewers of Eastern Europe, and now almost fifteen years later, broadcast in 60 countries of the world, and the daily audience is more than 50 million viewers. Due to its popularity, the cartoon "Smeshariki" gave rise to at least interesting project - Flash game Sharacters dedicated to the chief characters of the animated series.

Actions online Games Shararars occur in the same universe as the events of the cartoon Smeshariki. All heroes are residents of the distant country of Smesharikov, which is hidden from the world of people with broad fields, highest mountains and dense forests. It is characteristic that there are no evil or extremely negative characters in Sharam games. True, there are periodically a variety of magic monsters, but the hero with special magical skills can be easily easily driven by murmur back into their world. Main characters Flash Game Shararam These are stylized animals, each of which has their own style of communication, their own history and character characteristics.

For example, Rabbit Krosh is distinguished by the tendency to find adventure, he is never sitting on the spot. Zagnaya Nyusha, always pleases, and sometimes even annoying the surrounding excessive activity and a tendency to entertainment. Intelientic hedgehog, stands out among friends with his erudition and restrained, educated manners. Smesharik Hedgehog often finds mutual language with an equally smart elsh, which in his young years already has scientific degree. Sometimes they join the wise sovunya. Lovers of travel and adventures of Raven Car-Karych, often becomes a companion in the tricks of the crumb, who is also not averse to see and explore the world. Many guys and adults especially like funny inventor Penguin Ping with his characteristic German accent. Cheerful company Complete other creatures - good-natured copatych bear, melancholic poet and philosopher Barash, as well as many other minor characters.

As we have already mentioned, there is no evil and villains in the country of Smesharikov, so the question will be quite logical: what do the main characters do? The answer will be quite simple - they travel around the world, get acquainted with new traditions and features of distant edges, friends, play games and even try to master the basics magic abilities. Also, the guys are embedded in adulthood, trying to get used in certain professions. For example, in one of the flash games, Sharam, Smeshariki learned to drive a car and handed over to rights. And after successful passing exams, went to the rally to mark a significant day with fun distances. And as you probably guessed, the initiator of the fun became the restless nyusha.

In other series of online chairs, some heroes are trying to overcome their fears, and will cope with the prejudices of others. For example, always sad and thoughtful barath, decides that it is probably necessary to change something in his life so that friends cease to consider it too boring. Therefore, lambs are decided to do football. He will have to go through a lot of workouts to become a good football player, and players must help the hero will be comfortable with an unfamiliar sport for him.

All games Shararam are very interesting and fascinating, so they will certainly like children. Play online chambers for free you can on our website.