Repairs Design Furniture

After washing the refrigerator, scratches remained. How to remove scratches from steel refrigerator

With proper cleaning and care, stainless steel refrigerator can maintain its original look and gloss for a long time. Small scratches can be derived using a cloth and a soft polishing agent. If there are many scratches or they are deep, you will have to use sandpaper.


Part 1

Stainless Steel Refrigerator Door Cleaning

    Determine the texture. Like wood, stainless steel has its own structure, or "texture". When cleaning, polishing or grinding the material, it is necessary to move along this texture. To determine the direction, do as follows:

    Clean the door to mild cleaning and polishing powder. Before proceeding to remove scratches from the surface of stainless steel, it is necessary to clean it. When grinding or polishing the doors, the dirt remaining on it, dust and garbage can even harm it. Clean the door surface with a soft tool, such as BON AMI, COMET or AJAX.

    Remove the dirt from the door of the refrigerator, rub it with its cleaning agent from vinegar. It's soft but effective tool Contains 1% more acid than standard food vinegar. Additional acid helps to clean the surface from fat spots. Before proceeding to remove scratches, clean the surface of the door to vinegar.

    Clean the door of the refrigerator to the torture of stainless steel items. There are several solutions intended for cleaning stainless steel. Select the means most suitable for removal of the dirt, fat and dust refrigerator. Before using any mixture, carefully read the instructions attached to it.

    Part 2

    Polishing and grinding of stainless steel refrigerator door
    1. Try to start erase a shallow scratch with a non-abrasive cleaning agent. Moisten the rag with a small amount of soft cleaning agent and slightly pull it small scratches on the door of the refrigerator. Bon AMI, AJAX and COMET are available on sale in the form of powder or ointment, specially designed to clean stainless steel surfaces.

      If the previous method did not bring results, try to erase small scratches with a toothbrush with soft bristles and whitening toothpaste. Unlike soft cleaning agents, whitening toothpaste has some abrasive effect. If the polishing with a soft tool did not give results, try to rub a scratch of bleaching toothpaste.

      Remove the deep scratch using sandpaper. If a scratch on the refrigerator is too deep, it can be erased by sandpaper. Before this, be sure to consult the manufacturer of the refrigerator, learning what number of sandpaper is best suited.

    Part 3.

    Repair and replacement of a strongly damaged door of the refrigerator

      Remove multiple scratches with a set to remove scratches on stainless steel. If on the doors of your refrigerator a lot of scratches, you may need to use a stainless steel scratch removal kit. Such kits can be purchased in most business stores or on the Internet. The typical kit contains a grinding device, three types of sandpaper, lubricant and training video.

If the refrigerator was unsuccessful metal sponge or scratched when permutation, then scratches appear on its surface. Consider how to remove scratches on the refrigerator. gray or household appliances Other colors.

Causes of the appearance of scratches on the refrigerator

The most often scratches appear on the refrigerator door or its side walls. Small roughness on the coating or deep furrows appear only as a result of metallic damage.

Most often, the refrigerator scratches wall or other furniture. Less often arise with detergents that may be too aggressive and damage varnish or paint.

Ways to remove scratches from the refrigerator

Scratches on a stainless steel refrigerator are visible most clearly. To remove them exist different methods: Help can grinding or handling shallow sandpaper with lubrication.

The following methods also use:

  • painting scratches for surface color;
  • polishing by bleaching toothpaste or a special polyrolol;
  • disguise damage by magnets, stickers or decor objects;
  • replacing the damaged door of the refrigerator to the new one.

Work with stainless steel refrigerator. Before work, you need to wash the refrigerator and wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Traces of damage to sink by sandpaper, followed by a gasoline processing or another degreasing means. When scrolling, scratches need to move along the metal structure. If polished stainless steel across, the stripes may appear.

Deep scratches are masked by polyrolla or toothpaste. It is necessary to polish until the traces of scratches disappear. The remains of the mixture must be removed with a dry cloth. If it did not help, the traces of scratch paint paint.

Red refrigerator. If you do not know how to paint the scratches on the steel refrigerator, you can ask in the store which brands of coloring substances worth using. It is usually acrylic paints. Masked scratches and a special marker suitable for color. This method is often used to paint scratches on cars.

You can approach the problem solving and creatively: sticking on the door beautiful picture Or drawing it yourself. It may be an image of a tree or a landscape, which will be harmoniously combined with the kitchen finish.

How to prevent the appearance of scratches?

To prevent the refrigerator surface damage, it is advisable to gently move it and try not to press to the walls, eliminate the cleaning of the refrigerator with a metal sponge that can damage the coating.

Before using hard detergents It is worth examining the instructions and read our article how to wash the fridge. Ordinary soft kitchen mixes for washing dishes will come to the rescue, soda, soapy. Wipe the door and cleaner from vinegar. Bon AMI, AJAX and COMET will fit the vocational tools.

If the body darkened over time, the paint has shuffled out, chips and scratches appeared, then it is possible to solve the problem only radically - paint it completely paint.

You will need: 1. Emery paper. 2. Gasoline. 3. Acrylic or enamel paint. 4. Putty. 5. Marker or proofreader. To remove scratches from the refrigerator, you need to spend preparatory work. Clean the damaged surface with emery paper.

Then, carefully set the refrigerator with gasoline and supper.
Wait so that the surface is completely dried. Then, again set the refrigerator with sandpaper. After that, apply paint, a small brush. In addition to ordinary enamel, you can apply acrylic paint. It will dry faster and does not smell, but its lack of what acrylic keeps worse on the surface than enamel. This is the first way to paint the scratch on the refrigerator.

There is another option.For small scratches, such radical measures will not need, in which case, it is better to use a special, masking marker, which has a use to eliminate scratches on cars. Before use, see the prescribed instructions. Clear shake marker and sketch scratches.
The masking marker for cars is not cheap, so in order to save it, buy it when the scratches will be much.

Alternative to the marker - draw scratches with varnish for the French manicure. Having bought nail polish, carefully pass the tassel along the scratch. First, make a thin strip, as if the varnish is too much, the ugly convexity and the attractiveness of the refrigerator will be lost. Better wait until the first layer is dry, and then, if necessary, apply another thin strip.

How to remove scratches on the refrigerator, if you do not have special Tools, To eliminate scratches? In this case, use the usual proofreader for text. It is able to hide small damage to the surface of the refrigerator. However, it should be noted that the corrector is not durable and with careful cleaning the painted surface can be labeled. Gently wash the painted places or from time to time to smear the scratched places.

If you do not have a desire to engage in painting scratches, then there is a bold solution that does not occupy time - glue a magnet. Some inventive people scratch the drawing on the refrigerator and claim that it is new design. So, to solve you which method is acceptable for your refrigerator.

How to paint the scratch on the refrigerator using the enamel paint or car marker? How to remove scratches on the refrigerator, if there is no money for expensive repair? Is there any economical option For rapid scratches on the refrigerator?

You can use white varnish for French manicure. Apply it with a thin layer.
. Lach scratch by proofreader for text. However, in this case, from time to time, tin the surface.

Buying new refrigeratorWe hope that he will serve us for a long time and will not deliver great worries. Especially if it is made of stainless steel, which contains chrome. It forms a protective layer capable of resisting rust. But despite its confrontation of corrosion, the metal itself is soft enough, dents and scratches that spoil the appearance of your assistant in the kitchen easily appear on it. Deep scratches are usually impossible to remove without the help of a qualified specialist and no less qualified equipment. But small superficial shortcomings can be derived using a cloth and a soft polishing agent. Consider several ways to remove scratches from the steel color refrigerator.

Preparatory work

First of all, any stainless steel has its own structure or, as it is called, the texture. When cleaning the surface or when it is polished, you need to move along this texture. To do this, it is necessary to determine its direction. Take a look at the door of the refrigerator. You will see small traces pointing to the direction of the structure. When you were determined, in which direction you move when polishing and cleaning the surface, you need to prepare the surface to grinding.

To do this, it must be cleaned, so that the dirt and dust do not spoil the whole thing:

  1. Water the entire surface with water.
  2. Apply a soft cleaning agent to the wet surface, for example, COMET, wipe the surface along the texture.
  3. Wash the refrigerator door clean waterTo wash off the remnants of the cleaning agent and dirt.
  4. Dry the surface with microfiber tissue.

To clean the surface also from fat spots, clean it with vinegar. Just dig it pre-in a small amount of water:

  • Pour the vinegar divided vinegar into a small container.
  • Take a clean rag, moisten it in acetic solution and, moving along the metal texture, wipe the surface.
  • Remove the residues of the vinegar, the rubbed surface with a dry soft cloth.

Watering the door of the refrigerator with cleaning agents

There are several solutions intended for cleaning and polishing stainless steel. There are funds from Bon AMI, Ajax and COMET firms in the form of powders or ointments. If you decide to take advantage of the means, then carefully examine the instructions that are attached along with the composition.

Important! Pay special attention to precautions, in most cases it is proposed to work in gloves.

Try first to process a small shallow scratch and see how the tool you chosen will behave. Further:

  1. If you use the powder to polish, spread it with water until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  2. Apply a paste on a scratch with a wet fabric or sponge, wrap.
  3. Water the surface until the scratch disappears.

We use a special converter

Try the WD-40 tool. Place a small amount of WD-40 on a dry paper napkin. Gently wipe the scratch.

Important! This tool may harm your health, so use it extremely carefully, be sure to protect gloves.

Baby oil

To remove minor scuffs, you can use any baby oil. Just apply a small amount on a clean cloth and wrap in a problem area. Oil will fill the microcracks, make them littleness. Oil residues can be removed with a paper towel.

Polishing toothpaste

How else can you remove scratches on the refrigerator? Small minor scratches can be removed using toothpaste white color without crystals and granules. If the polishing with a soft cloth did not bring due results, you can resort to tougher, that is, to the toothbrush:

  1. Apply a little paste on the bristle a toothbrush, let it with problem areas. Move along the metal texture and do not try it very much.
  2. Periodically erase toothpaste Rag and check the result. Continue until the results of your efforts are satisfied.
  3. After all manipulations, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  4. Apply a bit of olive oil on the cleaned and ground surface.


Deep scratches can be removed using sandpaper. But first consult with manufacturers, if possible, to find out what size of the sandpaper you need to pick up for your model. When you clarified this question, you can start:

  1. In the process of grinding, the surface must remain wet. Therefore, wet the scratched plot and make sure that it remains wet through the entire polishing process.
  2. The sandpaper should be wet, so you slightly moisten it and slightly swipe the sandpaper over the scratches, moving along the metal texture.
  3. At the end, walk around the scratch to smooth the grinding.
  4. Dry the processed area. For these purposes, excellent suitable fabric With a microcomputer surface.
  5. Apply olive oil to the polished area.

Scratch removal kit on stainless steel

If you have a huge variety of scratches on the refrigerator, then it is worth thinking about acquiring a special scratch removal kit. It contains a grinding device, three or more types of sandpaper, lubrication. As a rule, in the kit there is a disc with a training video.

To remove scratches from the steel refrigerator in this way, act like this:

  • Attach the smallest bruster emery paper, apply lubricant on it and treat the damaged area.
  • If the problem has not disappeared, attach the sandpaper the following in size and just do this section.

Important! If the scratch is still visible, take advantage of even larger paper.

  • After you get rid of scratches, pass the entire surface of the refrigerator with the last used emery paper.

Important! Do not forget that you always need to move along the metal structure.

Specialist help

If the refrigerator is badly damaged and you do not want to fight yourself for its appearance, you should contact professionals that can cope with this task. The wizard will appreciate the scale of the work and will offer ways to restore the surface.

Important! In the extreme case, you can completely replace the spoiled door. If you came to this decision, contact the service center and find out how it can be done.

  • It is necessary to remove scratches from the surface very neatly, moving only along the structure of the metal. If you polish stainless steel across its texture, then it will only add you problems - noticeable stripes will appear on the door surface and you will have to solve the problem how to delete them.
  • Do not use with a polishing wash with steel wire. It not only will not help remove old scratches, but also add new ones. In addition, it can lead to rust formation.
  • If you have deep scratchesBut they are not very long, you can simply disguise. Hang this size magnets of this size so that they cover the scratched area.

I wonder why it happens that big and deep scratches appear on the most prominent place of the refrigerator door? Why would the scratch be at the bottom of the door or on the side surface facing the wall or window? It will necessarily arise at the level of the eye or in the middle of the door.

Especially disappointing when scratches appear when moving or moving the refrigerator immediately after delivery from the store. Such a scratch does not give rest during the day or night. I don't even want to go to the kitchen.

Scratches on the refrigerator can remain even from magnetics, sometime placed on the surface.

How to remove scratch on the refrigerator?

Of course, you can take advantage of the proofreader or auto email to mask scratch, but unfortunately, if the scratch is deep, then it is impossible to hide it at 100%. It is treacherously stand out, despite all your tricks.

Perhaps the most suitable option For masking scratches - these are large magnetic panels on the refrigerator. They will allow you to hide small defects on the surface of the refrigerator: scratches, scratching or small dents.

Magnetic panels on the door of the refrigerator in the interior

The magnetic panel is very thin, it is easily placed on the edges and emblems of the refrigerator, smoothing the protrusions.