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The passage of the game The Evil WitHin for Kidman. The Evil Within. Passage of the game (3)

Episode 7. Keeper

Fragment of the card: 1.

Poster: 1.

Newspaper: 1.

Audio diary: 1.

Note: 1.

Castellanosa personal case: 1.

Checkpoint 1. Church
The Evil Within. Passage

We enter the cathedron. The left wall with benches take 5 matches, center on the left bench 2 boat. On the hill at the table of 500 gel.

Map fragment (13/28). On the hill from the department take the map.

We communicate with Joseph, he again overbabs suicide because of a piercing sound. At that moment, the ruver appears, everything around is in weightlessness, and we fall into the dungeon.

Checkpoint 2. Tomb
The Evil Within. Passage

We go to the stone room. The walls have many clay urns, deal with them, collect random items. The center has a coffin with relics, there is a side Two details of traps. In the left corridor installed mine, neutralize it, near 3 Cartridges.

We go to the big picture, climb the stairs, 3 enemy go upstairs. In the left side room in the open coffin take 1000 gel, near 2 rifle cartridges.

At the end of the corridor, we look at the wall with the image, take out old lithography. Right on the table Take 7 Cartridges, and gel in urns. At this time, the image will open at the back, we enter a new room. We collect items from the tables: 2 details of traps800 gel.

Checkpoint 3. Three Tiles

We go down the stairs, I will see from afar, as a huge monster closes the stone gate behind you. We break the castle, in front of us a stone slab with three recesses, you need to insert three lithographs. Insert the 1st face, the passages on the left and right will open. To the right of the stove there are 300 gel and a room with a mirror.

Psychiatric Hospital "Lighthouse"

Left Path. You can go to any corridor, first go to the left, farther from the mirror. On the way a pipe with gas, twist the valve to overlap it. We fall into the corridor with cameras, here 3 two-headed enemy - alter-ego. One walks, the second is suspended on the rope, the third locked in the chamber, the poet can be dealt with them alternately. They are impossible to silently kill the back, it is impossible to knock them down by shooting their feet. It is better to shoot them from a shotgun in the head, and after falling to immediately adjust the match.

In the side cameras we find 5 cartridges, 4 matches. Ahead in the room with an electric chair there 1 grenade, near it is hidden mine. On the right on the hill, we see the mechanism with the lever, press it, the plate on two enemies will fall on the right. We go to the second chamber on the right and collect the remaining items: 3 rifle cartridges, 2 trap details, 1 syringe, 500 gel. After that, we can descend into a round hatch on the left.

When we begin at the bottom, the hatch will close the monster with the safe on the head - the keeper. Poison gas will be published from the pipes. In order not to suffocate, you need to quickly overlap 2 valves, time is limited. The first valve will be right in front of us, then kill the monster ahead, and twist another valve. After that, my collected objects around: 3 Details of traps, 5 cartridges. Go down to the lower tunnel.

Checkpoint 4. Left Path

In the corridor 3 monster, we can blow up a rear of them, and the survivors to finish. We go to the crypt. Left deadlock where 500 gel lies and mine. Right turn the lifting wheel to open the grid.

Immediately around the turn will be stretching, we remove it. Here are 3 crawling monster, they can not spend matches, and trample with legs. In the end, twist another valve.

Raised the stairs, we will find in the lying body 1 Harpoon. At the end of the corridor we take out 2nd old lithography. The image will open and we will go back to the central hall.

Checkpoint 5. Right Path

From the hall we go to the right corridor, closer to the mirror. Go down to the room, where there is a non-hazardous trap with the ceiling stove with spikes. We collect here 3 trap details, 1 syringe, 500 gel.

We go into the corridor with rails, take 7 Cartridges. On the way deactivir stretch. We enter the square room where spikes are installed on the ceiling. We are not entering a dangerous room, but from afar shoot in two gears, from this stove with spikes will fall. Ride on the stove and go up on it, like on the elevator. A two-headed monster will fall on the platform, shoot him one head, and when he falls, set up it.

Checkpoint 6. Right way, 2nd floor
Passage of the game The Evil WitHin

We go to the room with a deepening in the center, on the other side the monster is hanged. We destroy urns ahead, for them to break into a low corridor. On the other side we kill the monster, turn the wheel. At this point, 5 monsters will be released, we can test the trap in the center for them: first put them in a deepening, then press the lever.

Secret. We go to double doors, from where Monsters came out, we collect 2 boots, 2 parts traps. In the lower corridor, another 1 enemy walks, there are several stretch marks on the way and min. We reach deadlock, where the bodies lie in a circle, we collect from several flasks 1000, 500, 300, 300 gel.

We return to the main way, turn the wheel to open the door. In a small room, we will attack 3 monster. Quickly climb on the hill, press the lever to lower the slab and kill enemies.

At the end of the corridor we take out 3rd old lithography. We go to the central hall, insert your face in stone slab, We go to the basement.

Checkpoint 7. Strong obstacles

At the end of the corridor we will see the keeper, it activates the falling plates with spikes. The hero will get one of the mines, quickly release. We approach traps for the second time. Now the plates will fall behind us, and you will need to run forward. The form of the camera is replaced. It is not necessary to run on foot. The main thing is not to fall on mines with a wire.

We enter the room with a lot of safes on the floor. We find Leslie, locked in the chamber, free it. Beside him 1 boot. We turn the wheel to skip Lesli further, it runs away.

Checkpoint 8. Boss: Keeper
The Evil Within. Walkthrough

1 playground. We have a keeper, armed with an ax and bag with meat. We move away from it, shoot with any weapon, but it is better to use discontinuous bolts, or a combination of cryo-bolts, and then a sniper rifle. The keeper runs by jerks, you need to wait for it when it goes well, and attack at this moment. When you kill the enemy, the door will open, but there it will appear again.

2 playground. There is at the entrance 1 Syringe. Here the room is gradually filled with gas. We twist the valve on the right, you can have time to be tightened before the keeper appears and suits us. We run into the opened round hatch.

3 playground. On the right we find the wheel, turn it. If we ran away in the previous room, without killing the keeper, we will see through the grille, how he will kill himself to appear in a new place near us. Here he will scatter mines, we can immediately shoot on them to apply damage to him. Kill him again.

4 playground. We return to the first room, where Leslie was locked, now there is a new corridor on the left, as come back. When we enter, we will see that the keeper broke the valve. We return to the corner corridor, we take a spare valve. We kill the keeper again, we use the valve to recess in the pipe. The gas will completely dispel, and we will be able to descend on the inclined staircase under the pipe. The keeper will continue to appear after death. We are successful to a round hatch, lock it over.

Checkpoint 9. Cave
The Evil WitHin on PC

We rise to the trap with the stove. Here we will attack the head-safe without a body, fought off it, throw a safe under the stove. The keeper appears spacing a stove with spikes.

We go to the cave. On the right in a dead end, we can take 800 gel. Left on the main way will be 500 and 500 gel. Let's go down the stairs, and the episode will end.

Episode 8. Grain will germinate

The number of trophies and collectible items on location:

Fragment of the card: 1.

Audio diary: 1.

Note: 2.

Castellanosa personal case: 1.

Checkpoint 1. Cave
Secrets The Evil WitHin

Three double-headed monster roam ahead. One of them will have a long tongue, do not fit close. We collect ammunition from boxes and urns. On Earth, there are several puddles with water, we can lure enemies there and shoot with electrics.

At the door, a lying monster, stuffing it until he got up. We pierce the boards on the way, the tunnel will lead us into the room where 2 more monster. Here are lying 2 boat. Turn the wheel to open the grille ahead.

Checkpoint 2. shelling
Secrets The Evil WitHin

Next you need to run along the path, which is constantly shot by arrows on the left side. We are waiting for the next volley, run and hiding behind the rock. In the middle of the way, you can take 500 gel and another 500 gel in boxes. We make two more mines. At the end you are squeezed in a narrow place between the rocks.

Checkpoint 3. Small Monsters

Right pass for the rocks, take 6 Cartridges, 1 Bolt-Flash. Little crawling monsters will get out of the wooden wall, we can just flood them. Return, turn the wheel. We descend into the half-filled tunnel. On the left break the boards, for them in a dead end 3 Cartridges, 500 gel.

Pererazim fence, ahead of the reservoir with small monsters. Further on the way 1 double-headed monster. Kneak between rocks.

Checkpoint 4. Spikes Room
The Evil Within. How to get

We go to the room with wooden buildings. On the left take 1 discontinuous bolt.

We enter a narrow room with spikes, inspect the body of a woman. Next to find a stone slab with drawings. Here is a small puzzle: you need to choose which side to insert the tile on the door. If I'm wrong - perish. On the stove with both sides of the drawings, on the one hand, it is stained with blood. Since a woman died, it means she put the tiles wrong, and spattered the wrong side with blood. Output: insert tiles with a clean side to yourself.

Checkpoint 5. Hospital

We run around the cave, we see piercing sound waves, fall into the hospital corridor.

We reach the end of the corridor, it leads to a round room with baths. Here the doctor tells about the fact that the hell is happening here. We are connected to the system combining the minds. When locations are sharply replaced - this is actually we jump out of the memories of one person to others. All connected to the system contributes to the memories, but another doctor named Rouvik is the main, and can easily make their changes.

Find out in a blank round room. We collect all objects here and leave.

In a narrow corridor, a huge four-legged monster will take. The direction of the gaming chamber will change, run forward to the screen. In the end we will meet face to face with a roll.

Episode 9. Brutal Games

The number of trophies and collectible items on location:

Fragment of the card: 3.

Poster: 1.

Newspaper: 2.

Audio diary: 1.

Note: 3.

Castellanosa personal case: 1.

Checkpoint 1. Hospital

We leave your room. Together with the nurse, fit and look at the picture above the bench with posters. It shows the family, in the crown of the son of the son will see the face of the ruver. After that, we move in time.

We go to the corridor with single cameras, there are sound waves from there. We fall into the black and white forest, come to the sunflower. Here the contract appears here, after it disappears everything will become color, we can learn a new location. Rear raised bridge, there you can find 500, 500 gel. In a dead end, another 500 gel on the right.

Through the gate we enter the courtyard of a country mansion. Along the walls we divide several barrels and boxes. Behind the left grating of the gate 1000 gel, on the left in the impasse 1 booton the left far bench 4 cartridges.

Chekpoint 2. Mansion
The Evil Within. Passage. 2015.

We enter the building, we see as the doctor he blows the Leslie at the door with a lot of locks. On the chair on the left lies 1 Syringe, Under the left ladder of 500 gel. Under the balcony on the left there is a room with a mirror.

Returning to the mansion, we enter the adjacent dining room, we take 300 gel.

We go to the inconspicuous door to the right. On the way there will be two mines, take the bottles and throw in them to quickly neutralize. In the kitchen on the right we will find 4 cartridges, between the shelves 1 bolt-flash, 1000 gel. In the last dead-end room, the laboratory table, on it, the brain for trepanation. We listen to audio recording, we need to stick the pin in the brain zone F-7 CONSENT. You can see the location of the zones on the bottom of the left, if you bring the mouse to it (zone in the bottom left side of the brain, the leftmost pin).

We will see the memory: Dr. Marcelo communicates with Dr. Routing.

Checkpoint 3. Library
Passing "inner evil"

On the way back, a blue flash will happen - this means that a roll appeared behind us. You don't need to run quickly, otherwise it may appear ahead of us, just leave it from it 15-20 seconds. Thus, it will be several times to appear in certain places mansion.

In the lobby, do not go to the right door, we go on the 2nd floor to the left door. Here you may appear. From the shelves take 1 cryo-bolt, on the wall mine, on the table 2 boat, 300 gel. We climb on the second tier of the library, under the picture upper dial of the safe. I remember that 11 people were drawn on the picture with bags on the heads.

In the library we enter the side corridor, 2 enemy sit near the body. Next is 1 Detail of trap. Further in the corridor mine. We enter the side door, we will be in the bedroom, there is 4 cartridges.

In the next bedroom on the table there 1 Assist, in the dresser 2 matches, near 500 gel. The room will enter the enemy, fight off him.

In the corridor we get up to turn. Left unopened double doors, on the right there is another door, and on the side of the entrance to the bathroom. In the toilet bowl 500 gel.

When we reach the end of the corridor, a millstone will appear from the double doors from the back, and we will begin to tighten there. Aim and shoot in a red light bulb at the top of the door. Through the door we will get into another bedroom. Here in the bedside tables are empty, and in a large chest 1 Syringe.

In the long bedroom, prolazis in a stone hatch in the fireplace, we get into the secret room of the laboratory. Take 1 bursting bolt., 1000 gel. We look at the brain, listen to the audio recording. Need to plug the pin in the zone A-2 FEAR, On the bottom of the bottom will see its location - opposite the lower installed pin.

Checkpoint 4. Upper Floor

Through the fireplace, we return to the room, we will see the ghost of the doctor, communicating with the killed parents. Here it may appear. We go further along the corridor, we enter a trophy room with a multitude of Shirm.

On the contrary, there is a corpse, which will come to life, near 500 gel. Kill the enemy in the mask. On this room we will return to the lobby through the right door.

In the lobby on the 2nd floor we enter the central double doors, we fall into the gallery. On one table take low dial of the safe. I remember that the picture is hanging next to, where 2 people are depicted.

Checkpoint 5. Music Room
The Evil Within. Passage

In the lobby on the 1st floor we go to the right door, we fall into the gallery with the paintings. On the left table in the center there 1 Syringe, side 3 matches.

In the side room 2 rifle cartridges And the old woman with an ax behind the curtain. In the second side room 2 boots and mines. In the far musical room to the right of the piano there is 1 grenade. Left picture with safe and two dials.

Puzzle with safe. On the upper floor we found two dials, insert them. You need to enter two numbers, from above 11, bottom 2 (by the number of people in the pictures). The door will open, behind it the third laboratory room with the brain. We need to get into the brain zone C-4 Hope (Between the two upper pins, a little left of their middle).

When we come back, see the ghosts. Routing plays behind the piano, Dr. Marsely came to His hospital financing. In the conversation it turns out that the parents of the ruver disappear, and he himself does not want to help keep the hospital. Before that, Marselo supplied the fever of patients for experiments.

Checkpoint 6. Memories of the Rub

After watching all three brains, we return to the lobby, we enter the opening door that opened. In an infinite corridor, the contract is catching up. After his touch, we look at his memories.

We are in the room where a small roll displays a pig. On the table there can be 1 bursting bolt.. We pass along the corridor, we meet a big bloody roll, run away from him to another corridor.

We have a long room with spikes on the ceiling and stretched wires. Right can take 300 gel. The spikes are slow, the main thing is not to hurt the wires, otherwise the ceiling will turn apart instantly.

Checkpoint 7. Labyrinth
Passage of the game The Evil WitHin

Find out in the corridor with mannequins. Ahead is a labyrinth with emerging lattice walls, a bloody log is chasing for us passing through these walls. Perform a sequence of actions:

1. Here we find 2 cartridgesbecause there is a castle in front that can only be shot.

2. On the right we pass for the bars, from afar I shoot in Ma, we take 300 gel and more 2 cartridges. We shoot another castle.

3. On the way three cackan, we turn to the left. The next mine is gaining, if there is no extra cartridges.

4. We go along the shaft with peaks, squatting to do not hurt us. Know the last castle on the way.

5. We run along the corridor between dummies, the kind of game chamber will change, run towards the screen, without saving endurance.

Checkpoint 8. Shed on fire

Through the corridor we go out on the street. We go through the sunflower field to the shed. On the left can be taken 3 Cartridges and 300 gel. On right - 2 cartridges, 2 rifle cartridges. We enter the barn, we see memories. Here, Young Ruben played with his sister with Laura, and locals at that time locked and set fire to the shed.

On the left there are two mechanisms of the wheel. Initially, we turn the wheel in the wall to move into the elevator. Then turn the wheel on the side to lower it. We enter the elevator, shoot in the side wheel.

Checkpoint 9. Boss: Routing

We are trying to get out of the burning shed through the window, but the contract appears and throws us back. The bloody silhouette itself is invulnerable, but he will constantly call ordinary enemies, and you need to kill them. Around there 2 Carti, 1 GapunBut most of the ammunition will receive from the killed enemies.

After the victory, we will see how the ruver will raise the spirit of the dead girl. We get into the corridor, we reach the room, we go into the opening between the bookshelves.

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Full guide on the passage of The Evil Within from the very beginning to the end. Buns and secrets.
It is written in blood and killed nerves.
Are you hardying, patient and fightening the fire system installed in your bunch?
Then welcome!

What should be known before starting?

  • Death of S. one strike.
  • The difficulty is not so much about difficulty as patience, calculation and tactics..
  • Zombies run fast, range and field view Enlarged.
  • Look carefully on the sides, inspect the locations completely, to the maximum collect Shmot. Do not be lazy to turn off mines, It is not so difficult. Save Boezapace, copy the detailsAnd bolts closer to the end of the game will be enough for all fat opponents! To the 15 chapter should convey 20 details (4 lighters) on the first slaughter.
  • Should be collected all keys. The game has one extra key. If you laugh in achievement - you can skip only one and this is the last key in the 10th chapter. It will be available only if Laura is killed. And you need to burn it on the sharm ... more - further.
  • Hold the gel On the keys to load sailing.
  • At the same time, collect previously open things only before they need them - you can rest in the process of stock.
  • As soon as you first fall in the 7000 gel cabinet, the gel begins to fall out stable from each 3 key, and from this point on Save / Load it becomes useless. So besides gel, it is not bad to knock off the bolts for future battles, cartridges for a sniper rifle (12 pieces), the main thing is that not the syringes, otherwise reboot.
  • First thing - 4 Level Bega, as far as proceeds - vehicle stock.
  • Further - 4 Level Bolt-Flash up to 6 chapters.
  • Personally, I crumpled 4 level of harpoon and reserve of cartridges - Max on the crossbow and 3 level on the revolver and shotgun.
  • Drive to 7 chapter 50000 and jump 5 level of harpoon. Fatty and two-headed fall from 1 hit, safe - from two, saw - from three. With respect to the price / effect on equals, only incendiary, but harpun is cheaper and more universal.
  • Next should be improved stock, damage and critting sniper and crete pistol.
  • Then improved well crossbow and explosive bolts, necessarily to the 15th chapter on MagnumAnd then you wish, you can increase the same stock at our other weapons.
  • Cryobolt and electricality There is no sense - there is no expression zone and there are more improvements more than others, and it is used in most of the bosses, it is easier to shoot with direct hit. As for the electric paint, he himself, of course, is useful against bosses, in order to linger them on the spot for a while, but they are still resistant to shock and the entire duration of the cat under the tail.
  • Also there will not be much sense of Kaccha shotgun - it works as a reel to the ground for the ignition.

Chapter 2.

Connelli leave alone with his provisions, and run on themselves. After the catszen, distract the two zombie with a bottle, and throw themselves into the house and take the left of the matches, then run further to the checkpoint. The next will be only after lifting the gate.

Move left and wait until zombies come up with a torch, then hidden feel it. Then you can run to the house ahead and happily hit on another Torochomombie with its own weapons. Capacan placed on the right of the trolley, use them to catch new psychos and burn them. Return back to home near Checkpoint to take more matches.

Move in the direction of the gate, adjust two lying and blow back, while two more are rising. Now the last two you need to knock down the shooting in the proper part of the body, while they run in acceleration and keep burning.

Chapter 3.

There will be a bit more space for action. Take all hidden. Clone Ruvika at the beginning should simply be fasten to those left by Himenez a torch. Run saved. Do not make sure once again. After a certain auto storage near the house with the portal, two new zombies will appear, be careful.
Save the cartridges to the shotgun - the sadist rolls with 8 shots and 2 harpunas, then blinded it with a bolt and a chic chik.

Chapter 4.

In general, the only damping place is the battle in the bloody bath. It should be run to the side of the stretch margin, there to shoot in the harpoon roll, until he released underground paws and burn, then, if you have time, light the oil and run further into the room. Zombies will knock a little, and then shoot the incendiary bolt - the effect is incredible. The remaining can be trapped from the ceiling.

Chapter 5.

From the invisible will have to just run away - even if you knock them down a shotgun, they will not let them burn themselves. Zombies in the ward are not different as oil puddle. However, they can grab you, even if they run, run a little around. In salvation, Kidman is nothing special.

The first appearance of the laur forced to conquer. It will need to fry as much as 8 times. First we take from the bottom left of the torch. Laura appears, fill it on with a match, then quickly right and pass to the oven, there are once again burning, climb the stairs and immediately pull the lever. Further near the corpse a couple of times, in her torch, burn on the rest of the corpses and in the remaining oven (it is necessary to get enough enough, because it will be spawned quickly). This passage in the presence of 4 matches, if you save more, it will be slightly simpler.

Chapter 6.

First room:

  • We run into the angle where the Asian Joseph is standing on the barrel, two burns.
  • Pushing a barrel to the windows. We run off, again on the barrel, two more burns.
  • The rest of the wrappers of the wrapped bolts-flashes. You can have time to overeat only one, during the catscenes with the second stably sends a new zombie and beats you. It is advisable to cut fat - they killed me more often. There are two outbreaks, after which you can run around. Do not forget about the bolt and matches on the table.

Second room: Immediately reflect the maximum outbreaks. The first few can be fastened with a barrel with proper snarling, then fight off outbreaks and cut the nearest. It is necessary about 5 bolts (it is not good, but it is worth it).


  • After you go out on the first floor of the shelling, the autosayve is triggered, so do not rush to the top much. Remove the zombies as much as possible, attract Joseph to the public works for the sake of saving the ammunition in the right part, you can almost all cut or Joe in the head. On the left, in turn, cut out everyone, knocking out the door, at least one should see you, replete with your finger. I hide next to the stairs - they do not run on. Inside the rest of the remaining, carefully, it hides and throws an ax, and the other will run up the other with a bottle.
  • Let Joseph commemorate the fuel thrower of Molotov. Mines can ignore, still do not have time to explode. We start a sniper jogging, the first 2 are lying instantly, on the 3rd and 4th will have to be accelerated. I demolished Harpoon masks, and the rest shed a shotgun. Do not forget about Joseph's opposite - he tries to move as much as possible, so shoot and burn zombies at the third point to the maximum and move to the last one. Disappear with the remnants (the revolver works well here - on the stairs to the point, from where they started, they joyfully fall into the abyss from the shots) and put the last arrow. A sadist is to shoot in a convenient way (harpoon is preferred - you can take two projectiles nearby). Although you can immediately allow you to kill yourself - you rest out, there is an opportunity to assemble the remaining ammunition and disassemble mines before going to benzopiromen. Mines, of course, complex, but a little snoring - and everything will turn out. The problem can cause mines on which the blue zone before the middle - you can not have time to prepare. 4-5 min - an already excellent result. One mine \u003d one harpoon! My excitement was enough for 6 minutes - I did not risk further. Go down to the building where the zombies were sitting in masks. Pull the lever on the wall. After the catszen, move to the new levers and pull the left. What's right - better and not to know.

Horde on the bridge is simple - A fairly revolver knocked down everyone and burn. You can ignore the casting axes and dynamite - it's still running for the gate.

Fint: When Joseph takes a rifle, immediately shoot a sniper, and when the sleeping, run back and shoot on the light. The effect of the soul.

Two giants - cryobolt + 2 harpoon in the head. Next, finish than the soul wishes.

Megasobachka (Really - Guard) - run behind her in the bushes and land with explosive bolts, as soon as possible, until it fell. In the second round, just ignore and run there and back.

Ufff ...

Chapter 7.

In general, there is no problematic situations in this chapter, and there is nothing to talk about.

Chapter 8.

Very fast chapter, the only feature is small zombies that are now dangerous. Having gathered them into a bunch, shoot a flash bolt.

Chapter 9.

Almost nothing complicated, in addition to sticking the needles to the brains, I did not understand how you can delay yourself without hitting the right place, the places are clearly shown: the left room, the right room, the second floor. Well, the routing is more quickly going on your soul.

In the slaughter in Sarah, a great option is to collect the crowd and an incendiary bolt on them. Land melt to the land so that the hellish burner does not fly there, where it is not necessary at the same time she got into. Collect all ammunition, hardening circles.

Chapter 10

Lifting up the stairs, notice the patrol through the grille. There are zombies with a revolver. As soon as you noticed, run ahead with a shotgun in advance and run all from the legs and then the explosive bolt until the opponents lie. Look at the balcony and plant snipers. Then two chitrosombi go on you, you can go through both harpoon. In the next room you are waiting for two (one with the revolver) and two more lying. We can simply be just from the rifle in the head in the second) - I preferred to care new matches.

After the descent, in the first room, bulk the door to attract the corpses. Try to gather them into a bunch and burn them, knocking down Dr.. Be careful, ahead of several layers.

Turning on electricity for the second time, four zombies run out, run around and blinding them. Next, the first battle with the injury. He was enough 3 harpoon and 2 explosive. For the second time I threw them with 2 explosive and 4 grenades. The whole shot takes half a minute, so you can also disassemble mines, without sorry if you explode.

Disassembly with laurea:

Be very careful with trap. If necessary, you can shoot in the trap.

Up to 4 rooms you can simply drop the circles, and then on the way to the last lever hinders a mine. Fit the creature and look out due to the column so that the reapently can be seen (only the case of the dial, no more) and shoot. Again again (be sure to twice, otherwise you will have time to catch) and pull the lever. It remains only to run around and move to the elevator.

Kill Laura? Not. No one-no. Murder Laura on Akum requires 32 burning. THIRTY TWO. Even if you have an epic reserve of ammunition, this adventure will be a waste of time and resources. In general, you can kill it, leaving it only one corpse for the respavna and stand over it with fire harpoons (so that I accidentally burn the last corpse, shoot on the paws) (only using them, you will have enough sleeve, I came to the laure with the presence 70 parts \u003d 35 harpunov and burning, respectively). But I do not recommend.

Disassembly with amalgam:

Lupies on the eye of a sniper due to the column, then - along the bottom shallow head and we are on the other end of the parking for the column (you need to act very quickly and without errors, otherwise you will catch up) and repeat it, returning back for the column. Mind will demolish the column, but damage will not pass. It rests on the wall and unfolds, and you run off and get ready to shoot a purple eye. Important: Shoot only when the eye itself appears, and not just a purple color in the middle! One shot departed an eye, the second - finished. Sniper has been improved up to 3 levels on damage and crit.

Chapter 11.

Passing two doors in the house, turn right to take magnum. Cartridges on it fall only in lockers. Save the cartridges to the 15th chapter!

Severate the cartridges to the gun (at least 10 pieces), they will come in handy.

At the site, having interrupted everyone, before taking the keys, install an electric mine on the container with stairs, as well as in front of the door to the keys. After that, the first police can be burned, and the second is completely ignored, the main thing is to achieve the door quickly. The water area is simple, the second half can be overcome on the machine and poster and then track when the megaarybank (real - sega) sails. Next, we will meet with two clones of the ruver, joyfully murut from the harpoon, do not shoot anyone else.

Triumphant Return Bolt-Flash!

Remove the first two zombies and occupy a position. We make everyone chic chick. It is worth noting only the 3rd and 5th waves. A sniper comes to the 3rd, and on the 5th smarter appears later than others and pulls the gate.

Not jumping, look in the direction of the blinking light and see the sniper. Although it hides, but a part of the head is not closed. Until the next CT, we get without incident - all traps and shine. Hurry to cut the arrow upstairs. Mr. Fireman will fight back from the storms - shoot a shotgun on your chest, and most likely the hole will appear in the firepool. But the second arrows sat down for the shelter with mine. Spit it from there with several shots, and he will start jumping back and forth, then they will suck him.

The slowest elevator in the world!
The first crowd rushes easily by Vanzot with a pistol, further complicated. Watch the right, from there will also come a couple of new things, about the barrel of them. The rest as quickly as possible with harpuns and barrels.

In the room with gas, the only useful thing that does not fasten Sebas - a bolt-flash. If you try to disable the gas supply, then from the distant land there are interfering zombies, and it will be lit dynamite, so you can simply ignore it and just take the key, going through the left edge. Prepare the flash before using the card.

Chapter 12.

Everything is as usual, the only thing - prepare two flashes to distract zombies from the machine gun.

Chapter 13.

There is no patience on Akum so that everyone is going to be secretly, so you can shoot all the harpunas, the good the abundance of disassembled traps with more than will cover the cost.

In the kitchen, neutralize two disks with electrical structures (just you can take two pieces). When you get to the acid trap, you will jump two more, and they can be caught by one bolt. We prepare six harpunov on the keeper.

Chapter 14.

After the mirror, prepare two harpunas - to the ruver and invisibility - it will be visible until it rises.

In the next room we act like this:

  • For secrecy turn off the lantern.
  • I burn the first two invisibility on the stones.
  • Having treated harpoon roll and arrow.
  • Gently gain hanging alarm.
  • Snayper is enough for the knife.

On the path shamelessly, Zhem All twisted (hanging in a pass, where the key can be ignored, but move in the critic).

Disassembly with Kraken (In fact - suppression):

We collect the full stock of cryobolt and explosive from the lockers (by this time you should pump them). Just throw it with cryobolt, then with grenades and explosive bolts. If you do it, the Kraken begins rabbid to flounder in one place. Then he managed to hide once. Further received a couple more freezing with sniper. Total: 4 cryo, 4 explosive (4 levels), 1 shotgun (to pull from the ceiling) and 6 times from sniper.

Chapter 15.

The whole essence of the first room is running around the perimeter and collecting the crowd. Prepare the roll in advance, because because of the Katzsen he has a phora for underground paws.

Sadist 2.0 comes. Cryo and Vanzot Magnum with 200% damage.

On this page you will find a full guide to the passage of the storyline "THE EVIL WITHIN. "And tips for certain play situations.

Episode 01. Emergency Call

After viewing the initial roller, I appear at the entrance to the hospital. We go straight to the central entrance. Inside a rather terrible picture: a lot of disfigured corpses of hospital staff. The partner finds the survival, go to him. When talking, he mentions a certain roll. We look at the record of surveillance cameras in the same room ... A nightmare begins.

At first, it is not clear where we and how they got here. However, the situation least has to think about such things. We find ourselves in a room hung in the corpses in which the huge aborigine in the iron mask is walking, and, apparently, it is preparing to make the same thing with us. Before us, the corpse in which the knife sticks out. Swing, pull the knife and cut the rope. After you were freed, we see that in the iron mask, stuffing the corpse. We are waiting for it to leave the door to the left, and take the keys that hang right above its workplace. Deploy and go back, right. At the end of the room there is a door. Unlock it with the keys found. We climb the stairs and go along the corridor. Of course, no one will notice a stretching near the door, the trap works and he appears, the sadist. We run from him through the doors. When he shuts down the lattice and turns on the trap, on the other side of the room will be visible to the hatch. We move and climb into it. We are driving from traps and fall into the bloody pool. Get out of it on the stairs and go to the door, she is alone. Near the fan we turn to the right, jump into the water and rising the stairs again. We go straight, not turning anywhere, there is absolutely nothing in the room on the right. We reach the lattices and see the passage on the right, go in, again the staircase. Raise. The bars stands behind the table on which the "scribe of boiler room" is. We take, go to the door and click on the red button, the door opens.

We go according to corridors until you heard the characteristic or. Again he. This time you need to hide in the closet. I hide, we see how the psycho crashes the whole room, and then goes away. We go out and go to the door. Next, you need to do everything quickly, in secretive mode. We run past the door to the left, we turn left, wrap in the first door to the left and immediately will right there will be a passage, go there, holding the left side. We pass. Keep on the left and along the wall go to the door. We pass at the end of the corridor - the door to the right. For her a corridor with an elevator at the other end, moving to him, not paying attention to it, moving. We look at the titers. When we climb the elevator, we turn out to be in the reception hospital, where there were already at the beginning of the game. Go to the door to the right. We watch the video. Episode passed.

Episode 02. Survivors

Appear in the ward. We take everything that lies badly, and approach the door. We follow the girl and sign on the document (this is such an exotic way of saving).

We go further and sit down in the chair. Apparently, sitting in it, we will fall in the menu of improving the character and abilities. After we again, we turn out to be near the emerging ambulance. We take the medicine and carefully examine the terrain, there is a lot of green gel. The right path determine the lighter areas of the forest and blood on the ground. Keep them until we do before the dead animal, and then to the lamp. We select it and see a person. Later we understand that this is not a person. We select a revolver and kill. Do not forget to carefully examine the area and split boxes, something valuable can be stored in them. We go to the cave to the right of the tent, neutralize our first trap, moving on, come out of the cave. We go through the burning of the defeated enemies and go to the house with a bloody door. We take objects and see that something happened to the mirror. We approach it and click to use. We again fall into the ward. Thus, we can persist, leaving painting and improve the ability.

We leave the house and go to the left. We see Leslie runs away from the dead man, and he will break into the door. Touch it to him and kill. Open the door and climbing the window. We go further, go to the gate. We watch the video. Next, we cut out the dead (it is not hidden, but it is more difficult at times), and we explore the house on the right. Do not stumble upon a trap located on the left side of the house. We go further along the trail with which they gone. You can roll on the bridge to the left and look at the lighthouse. Next you expect a small open area with a bunch of dead. With the help of the bottle, you distract the first stuck from the fire and cut out. We go straight, past the fire on the unlucky road. There will be a house, near which the dead man wanders. We kill and examine the house. There is nothing more to do here. We go back to the intersection and turn on the right. Beware of traps, there are enough of them in this location. Kill the dead as long as their caps are no longer audible. Survey the location, collect objects and neutralize all traps that will find. Next, we go to open the wooden gate, after burning the dead lying on the ground in front of them. Rating and gate will close. There is a meal in this location, and the dead is extremely recommended to disturb the dead. Hidely go on the right edge of the location to the bridge. Here, one of the dead is blocking the way, and without hitting him to his eyes, it will not work. So we leave from the stealth mode and breaking the head run through the bridge. Having running half, go roller, and the episode will be completed.

Episode 03. In claws of monsters

Get out of the land and find yourself on the pier. We collect objects in the area and go straight to the stairs. There are matches, and the path blocks a bunch of corpses. Burn them and go further. The passage boils, and we find yourself in some village. Exactly opposite the wounded passage there is a small house. Go there and take everything you need. Further, there are two passages in this area, which will lead us to the same place. The first is the home on the left, the second is the home on the right. I advise you to go through both options in order to collect a maximum of equipment. In addition, in the house on the right on the first floor there is a bloody door, behind which there is a mirror where you can save progress and improve your hero using the found green gel.

Beware mines on the walls. To neutralize them, it is necessary to paint into them and press the key on time, a little practice, and it will not be a problem. On the second floor we find a doctor who rode with us in an ambulance car. He says that he saw his patient Leslie ran into the gate at the other end of the village, the problem only is that the Horde of the Dead shares you from the gate. Opening the iron grid, using the mechanism on the right on the balcony, and proceed to stripping the territory. We act secretively or, if it allows equipment, you can relax a little and scratch your heads from a firearm. Do not forget to take the crossbow in the last building on the left on the second floor on the chair. When you kill everyone, there will be a problem with the opening of the gate. We need a chainsaw, in order to repel the chain. Of course, in fact, using this tool for this purpose, at best, the chain will break on the pile itself ... Nevertheless, we are looking for a chainsaw, it is in a pigsty, where familiar gusts are published. We go there and again we see the sadist who suffered so much at the beginning of the game (and maybe not it, but very much like him). We run to the chain, along the way, shooting Zhybya until you kill it. A good tool to kill this creature is a crossbow with explosive bolts. We take a chainsaw, saw chain. Episode completed.

Episode 04. Patient

Once again, we fall on a piece of location, which must be explored. There are several homes here. On the territory with a two-storey house there is a small house with a mirror. The goal of the mission is to find Leslie, it is in one of the houses on site. You will understand what exactly the scream "Save". Survey the entire territory provided and find a rather interesting place.

Then go to the desired home. We go to the basement, we find Leslie and see that someone opened the door. This is a new type of enemies. They are almost invisible, and find out that they are near, you can vague, very weakly visible silhouette (you are unlikely to notice it if you move), if he goes on the puddle, you will also realize that he is near and, in fact, if he will attack you. They will be two. Kill both and go to the exit. But my God. There are no stairs, but it was. Madness? Madness? Not really. This is a roll. We go behind him and discover what was in a long corridor. I empathize the main character and get into the room with a pool of blood on the floor and several platforms. Here you need to thoroughly learn the room, all her traps and advantages, collect all the equipment and be prepared for a fierce battle. When you prepare, go to a white illuminated door, and the ruver will raise a group of the dead, among which there is especially the survivile. We use the advantage of the knowledge of the situation and give the eternal peace of all unhappy.

We go to the door where the ruver appeared. We go into it, we see the corridor and pay attention to the closed door to the right. Now we go to the end to the room. Do not rush to run into it. Get ready to run back, as it is impossible to kill the next enemy. As soon as he (or she) appears, we run to the same door and run it, resting in the wall. From the door spacing the dead, and the boss will rush at him. Quickly run there. Run along the corridor to the gate. Quickly slam them with the help of the button on the left and burn two corpses nearby. We collect objects and go down the stairs. Again the corridor. We go around or neutralizing the trap and run to the elevator. Slightly kneaded, and you end. Going down, flowing your head popping out of the elevator and watched on the door to the left. The gate is lowered, but they were afraid behind us! In spite of everything, we run to the descending gate and scatter. Hash. It seems to be gone, but this is not the end. Go down, along the way, collecting ammunition, and a ruvel will appear at the transition to the fourth staircase. In no case come to him, he will kill you with one touch. We run to the very top, where came from, and we see that all this design collapses. We fall down and land on the wall. Yes, yes, on the wall. Ruvik prepared us a lot of surprises ...

Episode 05. In depths

The duration of this episode is approximately the same as all previously combined, since there are no open locations in it.
We appear in front of a long corridor and a double door. On the wall for us, the inscription "He watches, we can't leave"

Behind the door - a mirror, you can preserve and pump the skills. We go along the corridor and examine all the doors on the right and left. Caution! A invisible enemy will appear closer to the end of the corridor. We kill it with the help of blood puddles on the floor and go to the last door on the left. We fall into the restroom. We go into the hole in the wall and see that the floor in this room collapsed. We jump down and collect all objects in the room. We pass, bent, through the skipped door and get into the room with a closed gate and one door to the right. In order to open the gate, you will need a key card. We go to the door to the right, and again invisible. If there are no puddles in the proximity, in which the enemy can be located, the crossbow is one of the most efficient tools for killing of this type of enemies. With his use, you can determine where the enemy is located.

Next, we go on the ward, examine it and approach the double door. We go to her, make a few steps and hear how someone breaks on the door, in which we just entered. Again invisible. We are divided with it and pass to the guard room on the right. They collect all the items and select a key card from the floor. We go to the locked gate. On the path exactly in the same place where we fought with the invisibility for the last time, one more, but this time without a knocking. We kill, reach the gate and use a key card. Now the path is open. We go and move along the corridor. We do not forget to break the cabinets with the help of hand-to-hand attacks, they are stored for various items. At the end of the corridor, we see the ruver, it enters the door to the left and disappears.

Go to the door, go down the stairs, again at the door, and we turn out to be locked in a small square room, all the doors are disappeared. After a few seconds, holes will appear in the walls, looking at which the door will appear to the right of each of them. This is a mystery. Each room has a corpse on the table, pictures on the walls and holes on the floor. Each riddle there are two answers. Choose the right - spikes pierce the corpse, wrong - you. When you pierce 3 corpses, then in the room in which we locked us, the door will appear on the wall without a hole. Holes are on the 3rd walls. We go into the room, on the wall of which the body of a person with the eye is drawn instead of the head. In the table with the corpse, choose the left button. The spikes pierced the corpse, and blood flowed to the wall. Next, go into a room with a huge pattern of the brain and again choose the option on the left (one that is painted on the wall from the bottom right). We go to the last room with two posters on the wall, listen to the audio recording and conclude that everything indicates that it is necessary to choose the option to the right. Choose. The spikes pierce the last corpse, and on the wall to which all the blood flowed, the door will appear. We got out, but only from one of the many traps.

We pass along the corridor, go into the door and watch the movie. We found our partner Joseph, and he is clearly not in better shape. We treat your companion (your medicines will not be spent) and pass the door behind the bathroom. First we go right, go to the door and check all the cabinets. In one of them there will be a corpse, but it is not dangerous. We leave the room. Pay attention to the spilled on the floor gasoline and go to the ward. Here a lot of dead. Miss them to a puddle with gasoline and set up it, most of them burn, and we finish the rest with a firearm. We move around the ward and get on the stairs. Before descending along it, look into the room on the left, there is a little equipment and a suspended enemy, which will soon come to life, so burn it without tightening. Now we go down the stairs and wait until Joseph clears the door. We go into the room and watch the video. In this room there is a door behind which there is a staircase. We rise and see the right of the open door with a mirror behind it. We pass through the mirror and go for the girl. Next, spend accumulated green gel and save the game. Returning, go on the door, about which is worth Joseph. Here we find another single companion named Kidman, but it is not in the best situation.

Kidman is locked in a cylinder, which is gradually filled with water. Joseph falls down and the slaughter begins. Fly from several groups of enemies until Joseph is suitable for the cylinder. Next, you need to act quickly, as it went down until the cylinder is fully filled with water, and Kidman will perish. We run into the gate that Joseph looks through the cylinder. On the way we will meet alternately two enemies with dynamic. We shoot them from a shotgun, and as long as they rise, the dynamite will explode and kill them. We run through all the chambers. We run into the last right and prolazes in a hole in the wall. Right up the stairs and turn off the control panel, listening to the Soviets of Joseph. On the upper dial setting 22, and on the bottom - 5. After that, the cylinder doors will open, and the kidman will be safe. But an hour from the hour is not easier. Paul under our partners fail, and they fall down.

Now you can relax a little, translate the Spirit, collect all the equipment that fell out of the killed enemies, and examine the hall. Also, using a hand-to-hand attack, you can open the grilles, by which we run by, holding the path to the control panel. Go down to the pit. We are looking for a gap in one of the walls in the room in which they found out. Prolazimm in it and pass to the end of the corridor, knocking back from enemies. Going along the corridor, do not forget to enter the room on the left, there are a little gear. Having reached the end of the corridor, jumping into a bloody pool and pass on the other side. Rising to land, you can go back on the collapsed concrete Plate Above the pool and take gear. Next, we go on the corridor, hung on the lamps, do not forget to go into the room to the right. Having reached the end of the corridor, we see a collapsed floor. We jump down, we go ahead and help your comrades get off the dead. After the enemies are destroyed, approach Joseph and help him raise the gate, so that Kidman can crawl and open the door on the other side. We go to the door and watch the video again.

We kindly find ourselves right in front of the door with a mirror. We make our affairs and go on the corridor. The passage on the left is littered with different objects, so just so we do not get there. Exactly opposite this passage there is a room with a staircase down. We go down and slowly go on the tunnel. On the floor there is a button that occurs on which the trap is activated, and spikes will get out from it from it. Quietly pass through the button, wait until the trap works, and slowly go on. We see how the dead rises, and the first thing that he will do when he rises, it jesters the lever, which re-activates the trap. Therefore, as soon as we see that it stretches to the lever, immediately run from the trap action from the zone. After finishing it, climb the stairs at the other end of the passage. We introduce the chest, collect all the equipment and go back to the other side. When we find ourselves from the opposite side of the dated door, we wash the stretching right behind it. Two dead men are waiting for us in the passage to the right. We are growing up with them and pass for the fence, and then in the white door. Having passed on the door, we see that there is a hot liquid on the floor, and we take this note. Watch the right and go into the room on the left with the red light.

Getting ready for a meeting with the boss. Having passed into the room, it will come out from the blood puddles again this is a multi-rode creation, from which we flew by flight in the previous episode. We run to a puddle with a liquid, set fire to it and wait until the boss lights up. Here we understand that this creature does not tolerate fire. Before going to the door that the boss broke out, go into the room and collect gear. We go to the door and see that the passage for us disappears, and the solid wall occurs. No road road. We fell into a square room in the center of which the same boss will appear if you come there.

Keep the edges of the location, examining the room thoroughly, remember the location of all barrels, furnaces and gas cranes. The furnaces can be activated by the lever. In the end, the lever is on top, and on the left - bottom. There are two of all. The boss is quite slow, but it happens, makes rapid jerks to us - at these moments it is necessary to run from it using a sprint. If the boss disappears from our field of view, we move all the time, otherwise you risk being killed from the rear. It is necessary to burn it four times. Upon reaching the victory, we will be able to go to the door, which was previously unavailable. We go into the door, pass along the corridor, and again at the door. We look at the story insert, followed by the three dead from the baths. In order to kill them, we need to knock them down with the help of a fire travelers, and then pull out some of the foreign bodies from the nape of each of them. We watch the video. Episode completed.

Episode 06. ourselves are not

This episode differs from previous serious "action." So we get ready for fame to shoot!
We watch the video. Appearing, pay attention to the paper and photos on the table. We look at them, and ... something suspicious happens. We remain in the pitch darkness. We turn on the flashlight and go to the mirror, which is located on the other end of the corridor, with a pumping chair. Going to him, we see a nurse, and we understand that the location has changed. In place with a mirror formed a fork. We turn to her right and go down the stairs. The silhouette of a huge person with a hammer appears sharply, and in a fraction of a second we discover that they turned out to be completely different. We go along the corridor and in the end we turn right. We find Leslie, who, without stopping, utters our name.

We turn out to be near the broken mirror in some brick building. We climb on drawers and overlap through the wall. Climb up the stairs, collecting objects and ... sun, day, bird singing and gentle sea breeze. It would seem, now we are not threatened. But it was not there.

We pass to the gate, pass the extension of the extensions on the sides of the path. As soon as we open the gate, you will find our colleague Joseph lying on the lawn unconscious. After watching the roller, from which we learn that Kidman disappeared, we will attack whole army Dead. It is necessary to run, but the doors are mined. Our task: to cover Joseph until he clears the door. We try to save the cartridges and do not miss. We shoot exactly in the head, but if the "critical damage" is not pumped out on weapons, then even from the direct hit between the eyes - the enemy will die at least from the second shot. Before the big opponents, it is better to use a shotgun. We also try to set fire to large groups of enemies using explosive barrels. When Joseph opens the door, throw a fight and run into it. Next down the stairs. Another door. The task is similar. When the door is open, we run into it and lock the gate. Left we see the mirror. Now after a hard battle you can relax, pump and save the game.

Now we find yourself in the arena. What will happen in this place now gives him a definition. First of all, we open the case, which lies on the table and take the sniper rifle. We go to the left. On the hill from the building will come out by the dead. Kill him (preferably from sniper a shot in the head so that he does not have time to call for a face). Do not go to the door. Immediately on the steps to the right there will be one more, we endure it the same. We go to the steps, we wash the bomb and climb the building. Caution. Right over this staircase, another bomb hangs, so moving gently. We paint with all the enemies and pull the lever in the same room. Climb upstairs and discover that we are fired. Remove the Demacy that fires from the suspension balcony, and as soon as you kill the first, and the balcony will fall, on the same plot the dead will appear, which, with the help of the lever, will produce a pack of enemies on us, and as soon as we destroy all the dead, he again Run to pull the lever. At that moment he is vulnerable, and it can be easily shot from sniper rifle. Next, go around the location in such places so that the rest of the arrows began to fill in our guns and have become open to the shot. As soon as we destroy the other three balconies, we go to the bottom entrance, in the building from which enemies ran out. We approach and fall into the trap. Here a familiar type with chainsaw appears. It will require a considerable number of cartridges.

Do not let it closely and use the sprint only when it is really necessary. We use the crossbow to immobilize the goal and in these moments they say it lead. When the enemy is killed, the gate will open. We go, climb to the second floor. Persist.

We need to get upstairs, and for obvious reasons the elevator does not work. Burn the corpse and enjoy the trip. Rising, we go through the bridge and see how two the dead is executed by a person. Clumsy Joseph, it would seem, already sees how he destroys them into pieces, and not thinking shortly, rushed to cut down the dead with an ax for an advantage, how accidentally touches the stretching, explodes the floor of the bridge and enters the place just decapitated person. But we and the partners to help each other. We go to the left to the edge of a wooden bridge and remove the enemies with a firm shot in the head. Now Joseph as a sign of gratitude will put the crossbar to us so that we can move to it.

After talking with Joseph, he goes to open the door, and our task is to cover it. It is better to hold onto the wall to the left in front of the crashing bridge and shoot enemies from there, otherwise the risk of being broken by a grenade into small pieces. We run into the opened gate and get to the market. There are no enemies, and there are many items. Carefully examine the market, we reach the gate and turn out to be in the cemetery. We go straight, watch the video and save the game.

We return, come out of the house and see how somewhere the wolf kidman. Joseph climbed on the hill and will cover us from above. Our task: get to the church. We immediately endure a sniper and begin to move forward, crumbling of all the dead on your way. Having reached the gates that open with the button on the floor only on the one hand, we are preparing for a serious fight. We go to the gate and see how the dead is giant, he immediately kills his liberator, grabs the first thing that got on hand, and purposefully moving in our direction. We do not let go close. Palm from all calibers straight in the head until he fell on his knees. Do not stop the fire, and as a result he will die. But he did not have time to come to come to his senses, the second, fierce, bloodthirsty and agile giant will immediately attack us. He breaks the wall to the left of the place the appearance of the first and rusts on us. With this will be placed much more difficult, but the principle is the same. By killing the enemy, we go into a barred wall (do not forget to look right to the lamb and examine the purified territory) and go to Joseph. Persist.

We hit the wolf's lair, turn on the flashlight and start moving forward. Return to room with fouraltars. Again the mystery, but it is simple. Our task: Lower the corpses on the altars as painted on the wall. On the altars 3, 5, 9, the corpses should lie, at 7 - no .. After that, it will be possible to calmly pass through the door in which there were pins.

We go and climb the elevator. Moving along the corridor to the room and go to the arch. A little advanced, we will see a huge mutant mutant, good in the cage. We calmly find the passage to the right of the cage with it and go there to the gate. We open them using the button on the floor, pass and hear the bad sounds. We ask Joseph to open the gate, how the wolf ruins the wall, throws on Joseph, and he loses consciousness. Battle time. We try to catch a wolf at the moment when he thinks what to do. We shoot with a shotgun, it is advisable to pre-immobilizing the crossbow. When the wolf is hiding in the bushes, smoke it from there with a grenade. After the victory, we discover that Joseph cannot live without his glasses. Now our task: pick them back and return. Prolazimum through the broken rods, we take glasses and Zalazim back, ignoring the wolf. Joseph will distract him, so there will be no problems. Returning glasses, go to church and open the door. Episode completed.

Episode 07. Keeper

We are in the church. After passing out a few meters, Joseph is sitting on a bench, come to it and watch the video. We find out in those most catacombs that found under the Church as we could learn by studying diaries and documents. We go to the room with candles, in the center of which lies the coffin. We pass by and go on the door. We go to the picture hanging above the candle, and we turn to the left. Do not forget to split bowls on the floor and collect items. Raised the stairs, right. Here they roam the dead. We are separated with them with the usual methods, examine the room on the left and we go further along the corridor. At the end of the corridor, there will be a room where you can take several items, and on the left of the monument from which the knife must be cut off a small part. After it is done, the wall will rise up, and we can pass. Come in. Clean the room from the items you need and go to the right along the corridor. Down the stairs and see a creature with a safe on the head and a big hammer. We open the gate and in the center of the room we see a large monument, which lacks three parts. Right there is a door with a mirror. Insert a part that was found, and we go to look for the rest of two.

Passing on the left:

We pass to the corridor and close the valve, overlapping the flow of a poisonous gas that blocks us the path. Open the door and turn to the left in the corridor. In this corridor there are two enemy, the rest are sitting behind bars. We raise with them and go to the end of the corridor past the last lattice on the right, while depends on the bomb on the wall on the left. At the end, we turn right, activate the trap, thereby having a severity on the three dead in the room with spikes, examine the room cleaned from the rascal. We return to the end of the corridor, we turn left and go down to the hatch. Going away, poisonous gas is locked and allowed us. The scale is filled quite quickly. We cover the first valve, go further, kill the dead man and exactly at the end of the passage will be the second valve. After it is shifted, the supply of poisonous gas will stop. We turn left from the valve and go down the stairs. We go through the aisle, separated with three dead and depends on a bomb. On the fork we turn right and open the grille on the left. We pass through the next corridor, shooting enemies and neutralizing traps. At the end, open the grille and climb up the stairs at the end of the passage. At the end of the corridor on the right of the monument. We comply with a piece and again find themselves in the hall with the development of the passages.

Pass on the right:

Go down on the stairs. In the room with spikes at its very end you see the passage on the right. We go there, and we cut off the way back. Going along the corridor, neutralize the trap. Next we see the burning door and two mechanisms to the right and on the left side of it. Not going down, shoot in each of them alternately. The trap is triggered, and the ceiling with spikes falls in front of us. While he is down, we climb him and climb up. We are growing with the enemies and pass in the open door. We fall into the hall, in the center of which there is a mechanism trap. Near him hangs the dead. We kill him and go to open the grille, which is behind the mechanism of the trap. As soon as we touch the valve, the door will open on the left, from which the pair-triple of the Dead will come out. Using the trap, we are separated from them and go to the passage from which they came out. Neutual traps and, reaching to the end, we can pick up a considerable amount of green gel. Return back and open the grille. We pass along the corridor, neutralize the dead, wrap the right and see the monument. Spindle a piece and again fall into the big hall.

Main entrance:

Now that we have all parts of the monument, insert them and go down the stairs.Go to the door and fall into the trap. We are released from it by pressing the corresponding button and run away from the lesion zone of the incident ceiling. Now our challenge: overcome the corridor, stolen by mines with a wire, without hitting any of them, as the ceiling after us will fall. Overcoming difficulties, wrap up to the left and find Leslie. We release it from the camera and open the door with the help of the mechanism. We watch the video. Now we stayed alone with this nightmare with a safe on your head. Was it possible to imagine the worst development of events?

We shoot it until it dies, and he will die quickly. It is best to use crossbow with mined bolts. When you kill it, we go into the open door and understand that now everything is really bad. We take the equipment from the table and pay attention to the fact that there is a valve on the table, which we cannot take. We go to the right, and immediately right will be one of the valves that must be closed to overlap the gas supply. Quickly run up to him and start twist, and during these moments we notice that the enemy we have just killed from the gas fog. As soon as the valve is twisted, immediately run on the door to the left, after which Sebastian will close it himself. Right valve. Spin it and see that Verlie is solved on suicide, in order to appear in the room with us. We kill it again, and the doors open. Passing into the door, run into the passage to the left and see how the villain breaks the valve that separates us from salvation. Here we will come in handy the same gate that we saw on the table when we went into this room.

We take it and run to eliminate breakdown. The keeper will always try to send us to the world of others and will interfere with us calmly twist the valve. We immobilize it with the help of a crossbow, or kill it in order to appear time. When it is done, the supply of poisonous gas will completely stop, and we will be able to go down the stairs to the left of the valve. Let's go down, Sebastian shook the door again. Raised the stairs and fought off the safe. After that, we are satisfied seen and go to the end of the passage. We turn left and go along the wall. We go to the cave on the left, at the end of which there is a staircase. Go down. Episode completed.

Episode 08. Grain germinate

We ended up in the most causticity of evil. The cave wanders several dead. We give them peace and examine the terrain. We go into the boarding door, we go a little further and come back with the dead. We try not to miss, as the ammunition will come across quite rarely. We raise the grid and pass. There is a shelling of the terrain with small time intervals. We run on the other end of the cave, hiding behind the cliffs, and we climb into the slot in the wall. Before opening the gate, we investigate the area and detect a new type of enemies. It is not necessary to spend the ammunition on them, it is enough to apply a hand-to-hand attack, as these guys will usually appear in large quantities, and the cartridges simply do not have enough, considering what they are killed from one hit. We raise the lattice and pass through the water, in the time of the removal of nasty creatures. Next will be two dead and several crawling. At this point, problems with ammunition may arise, but do not forget that we can scream bolts for the crossbow. Steaming with everyone, we move on the cave and again we climb into the gap. We check the sites on the left and right for the presence of useful items and go to the bloody room with corpses and holes in the walls.

We look at the corpse and select a floor plate next to it, which you want to insert on the door. After examining it, we conclude that it is necessary to put a clean side to yourself, since the other side is stained by the blood of the corpse, which we examined. We go into the open door and go to the source of pulses. Suddenly we turn out to be dramatically in the hospital. We pass to the end of the corridor and communicate with the doctor. After that, examine the round room and go through the door. As soon as we go, there will be a terrible creation, from which you need to escape. Just run forward, without cutting into anything. Running from him, we meet the roll. Episode completed.

Episode 09. Brutal Games

This episode will be extremely informative. We will learn many details from the tragic life of Routing and Sebastian.

I appear in the hospital and go to the registry. We look at the picture and notice that something happened. We go to the far mirror, which is in one corridor with the door to our chamber, and find yourself in the forest. The gate can be seen ahead. Moving to them and see a huge mansion. Survey the locality and go to it through the central entrance. Immediately see how the doctor leads Leslie through the door, which is instantly closed.

In order to open it, you will need to run three mechanisms with blood supply. To the left of the door there is a room with a mirror with which you advise you to use more often in this episode, as the Routing will be able to appear at any time of passage, and it will not always be possible to escape from it. In order to do this, it is necessary to hide in the cabinets, under the sofas, under the tables, etc., without being in his field of view. First we go to the door to the right on the first floor. Survey the rooms, collecting equipment, neutralize the trap and, reaching the end, we detect the safe without two dials. We return to the main hall. Now we go to the central room on the second floor and immediately we find the bottom dial of the safe. Now we go to the room on the first floor on the left. We go on it until we do not ride a table with a human head. Use the tool and, depending on the picture on the table, aims to the M-33 zone. The first mechanism is running. After the launch of each mechanism in the room with us will appear the ghosts of the Doctor and Routing, which will be very informative conversations.

We return to the main hall. Now the only door in which we have not been, is on the second floor on the left. Go there and get to the library. We turn left and go along the right wall, until we see the staircase. We climb on it, we are laughing with two dead and find the top dial from the safe. We return to the entrance to the library and move on the door to the right. We kill the dead, who found themselves dinner, and moving along the corridor, examining two rooms on the left. Do not forget to neutralize a bomb on the wall near the second door. At the end of the corridor, we turn right and go to the end of the room, first cleaning the restroom on the right. As soon as we board, a trap will work, which will actively pull us on the twist shafts. We shoot in a red light from above and output the motor, as a result of which the shafts cease to spin. We go into the door and climbing in the fireplace. Again we get into the room with your head on the table. Use the device and aims to the A-2 zone, again using the drawing. The second mechanism is running. We get out of the fireplace, come out of the room and go to the left. We move to the boarding door across the room and again fall into the main hall.

Now we have to open a safe in order to launch the last mechanism. We go to it and the exclusion method is selected. Most likely, there is a random, and if not, then put 11 on the upper dial, and in Lower - 2.

Opened doors, and we get into the room with the last, the third human head cut in half. Using the device and drawing, methim into the C-4 zone. After the mechanism is launched, we return to the main hall, and the doors open.

Ahead we see a long corridor. As soon as we enter, the doors will immediately close. We are moving along the corridor and see the route coming to meet. Without panic. When he overtakes us, we will be transferred to his memories. We go along the corridors and rooms until it is colliding with a huge blood clot in the form of a person. We run from him from the room along the corridor, watered on the door, and the room is drawn along. We detect thin threads, by which you need to go through, having swollen before we pierce the spikes from the ceiling. It is not difficult, just mentally imagine that the threads are the walls that cannot be touched. We pass only in obvious intervals between them, you should not cross in small openings. When we go to another end of the room, we find a mannequin and move again. We fell into location with huge heads.

We go past them, and a bunch of blood appears again. Here we get to the labyrinth. It is necessary to run quickly, as the clutter has the opportunity to pass through the lattices, and we will have to write down the zigzags there here, shoot locks, blow up the bombs, pass the spinning saws and do not get into the trap on the floor. The route is. To the left, to the right, right, right before the stop shoot the lock, right, left, left, we blow up the bomb, right until the stop, shoot the lock, left, left, right, carefully pass the traps, left, we take a bomb to the left, right, go to the saw and We pass on one site with them, right, shoot the castle, left. Quickly run on the light, because the heads after us will be closed.

We got into the room again, but having passed on the corridor and going on the door, we turn out to be on the field with sunflowers and shed ahead.

We go inside and watch the ghosts. After the house is lit, we need to get out through the window on the second floor. Near the entrance to the left there are two mechanisms. Throw the one that on the right, thereby tapping the lift to the edge of the second floor. Then use the mechanism to the left to lower the lift. We become on it and shoot in the mechanism that is responsible for the rise, and climb the second floor. We go to the window, and again throws away to the first floor. Again blood clot. This time simply shoot the enemies, which he will be sent to us, until the video starts. We turn out again in a long red corridor. We go ahead and go to the door. We get into the room in which there is a slot between the wall and a bookcase. Prolazim there, and the wardrobe moves. Episode completed.

Episode 10. Masters Tool

We start exactly from the same place where the previous episode is over. Go down the stairs and get into the basement mansion. Moving directly and see the door with a mirror. We go to the passage on the right and again go down the stairs. Neutralize the trap, exploring the passage to the left and go straight along the red fog to the door. Here we get into a big dark place. If you hurt a trap, then the carousel with huge spinning knives will turn on, and the two sniper from above will fire on us. Our task: to reach the corridor to the right, neutralizing traps, where the dead man falls down. It is also desirable to kill it hidden.

After you get into the corridor, the trap is activated anyway. Cutting, we pass by the windows and shoot the dead. We turn right and climb up the stairs. We refer to the reprisals and go to the balcony. From there you can easily kill snipers, they are on the balcony on the right. We leave from the balcony and turn to the left, we pass to the end and take the battery. Now go down and go straight into the hall with a carousel through the door near the stairs. Movingly swollen, as it is worth up for a few seconds, and Sebastian will cut off his head. The mechanism, by the way, can be used against enemies. We go to the right, moving through the fences, and go into the door on the wall on the right. Neutralize enemies and go along the corridor. Caution, left - bomb. At the end, insert the battery and see that the doors in the hall open. We pass through the spinning knives and go to the door.

Surveying the terrain, go down the stairs. We go through the lake of blood and get into the room with a closed door. In order to open it, you need to restore the flow of electricity. We go to the door to the left and clean the room from enemies. It is better to lidery them so as not to fall into the trap. When the room will be cleaned, in the left part it is picking the battery from the shelf. We go on the door that is behind our back on the right, and we move on the corridors. There is only one way. When we get to the last room, we notice the broken grid. Cutting, prolazis there, depends on the trap. Insert the battery, the energy supply is restored, but the traps came into action. We go back. We are separated with the grasses, we go further and see a new type of enemies.

To kill this, you need to release a very serious amount of ammunition. We are waiting for it to throw on us, freeze it and quickly try to pull for the lever into the room, from which the enemy appeared. It leads traps in motion, i.e. They will not only work but and move, which will allow us to run under them. We run under the spinning saws to the right and wait until the next trap works. We run on the door, again at the door, and we wait until all three traps work, pre-leaving the room. Next, bent, we go to the right and climb the stairs to the right. We run the second floor and in the end of the Zalazim in ventilation. Having passed on it, jump down.

In this room we expect two huge debt and one ordinary. Certain with them will be very not easy. Use the situation. Next, raise the grid with the help of the mechanism, activate the lever, check under the saws and again look at the room with the door we need. Open. We pass along the corridor, and we will transfer us again to another location.

We go straight and see how a familiar crawled on the window is so good for us (apparently, it's a sister of the ruver, but since in all the dialogues of the ghosts we heard the name of Ruby, and not a ruver, you can not be sure). We go along the corridors and find a room with a mirror. Open the double door and see it again. Now we have only a mesh from the Crear Creamers. We go around and go down. We see the lever and pull for it. At this time, the creature breaks the grid, and nothing shares us more. Quickly swollen, prolazis in two opening gates and run right. The path is only one. We run past all the cameras, in the end we turn right and slam the door. We go to the door and see how the elevator is lowered, in which, in fact, we need to get to be saved from the bloodthirsty creature. On the right we see the wall of the fire, and on the left - the lever, pulling for which, after a while the feed feed will stop. We pass and see the next wall of the fire. We pay attention to the pipes from above. We see the lever on one of them, firing in which the fire will disappear.

We wake on the mustache both options for turning off the fire, namely, what shook behind the lever, the feed of the fire will be stopped only after a while. We are going and again we meet with creature. We fold to the left, we run past the bomb to the right and see the wall of the fire. Quickly activate the lever and drive the creature around the carrier design in the same room until the feed stops. We climb up the stairs. We run to another wall of the fire and jerk again for the lever. We do exactly the same manipulation. We run and turn right. The doors are closed, and the fire begins to flash in the room. We shoot the lever from above and hands open the door in front of us. The creature still will not lag. Here we need to shoot three lever. The first is on the right, the second - on the left, the third - directly near the wall with fire. We run and jump down. Here we need to shoot in the lever, which will stop the filing of the fire overlapping us the lever. There are also several levers, firing on which the fire will start to go from the pipe. This can be used to win the time, setting on the creature. Next, jerk for the lever itself, waiting until the wall leaves, and run straight into the lift. Go down and get into a familiar place.

We go straight into the room, which can be seen in the distance, go to the door and watch the movie. We rejects us again to another location. Right there is a door with a mirror. Let's go down in the mine and go into the following room. We go through the mine and moving to the door with the inscription "EXIT". We get to the parking lot, and then the boss begins for us. We run from it and turn out to be in the lower level of parking. Now we need to kill this burden of the sick mind of the ruver. Tactic is such. It is necessary to hide from it, and when he will use the eye in order to find us, shoot directly into it.

For a few seconds, the creature is immobilized, it is necessary to shoot all the heads that can be seen, and all these heads 5, in order to apply the maximum damage on it. When the lives of the creature reached a certain level, a red eye will appear in the center, shifting into which, the creature will be immobilized again, and here we finish it from all the trunks that is at hand. For her murder, we will receive the 20,000 green gel, and do the doors to the elevator. We go to them. Episode completed.

Episode 11. Reunion

The elevator falls. We find out in the city in which only one hospital survived. Everything else collapses right before our eyes.

We learn that Sebastian knows how to swim. Let's swim to the red car on the left and choose on it on the land. We go to the right of the carousel and pass through the destroying road to the hole in the wall with a fallen sign "Open". We climb there and go through the door. To the right, again at the door. In the room on the right, which is located on the same line with the door, from where we came out, you can find a new Magnum on the table in Case. Moving in the opening in the wall and go to the right. Jump down, go along the alley. We go to the left, collecting equipment and go to the passage. Pererazim through a minibus fence and fall on a small open area. Our task: Clear it from Negotia, walk to the door, which is located to the right of the container with a staircase, and try to open it. When we do not come out, the door will open near the minibus, and from there trafficking the undead. Go there and pick up the keys from the ground. There are still dead arms and arrows on a container with a staircase. He is in a mask, so it is useless to shoot. We take all and open the doors using the keys found.

We go around the bus on the right and go down. We descend on the blue container, we go past the bus, and Sebastian falls into the water. We float to the blue pipe and we discover that monster lives in local waters. From the roller we learn that in order to distract the monster, it is necessary to shoot the hanging corpses, thereby throwing them into the water. We shoot the closest to us the corpse, and as soon as it falls into the water, dive and actively float on the other side. While the monster will throw out what happened, we will be on land. In the second plot, the tactic is similar.

We climb up the slope and descend down the red container on the left. We see familiar impulses, already assuming what will happen next. We go to the end of the street to the source of pulses and approach the door to the right. A routing appears, and to the left of us appears very similar to him the creature and satisfies on us bloody hands arising from the ground. From them you need to run. Also on us will be attached to the top ten, but the main task is to kill a copy of the ruver. To do this, make a circle to break away from bloody hands who are trying to overtake us. Finding the enemy, we produce harpoon from the crossbow and burn the match. This is the easiest way. All enemies will die around us. Doors are open. We pass and find a mirror. Persist.

We pass in the floor open door Cutting and fall into location with a multitude of non-residential cell. We jump from the ledge on the right and see how one dead man uses the trolley in order to clean. The undead, which is in the cell, will appear in small groups of 2-3 pieces from the gate from the bottom as soon as we approach them quite close. Two latter - the most dangerous, as armed with automata. By killing everyone, we can go to these same gates. We pass and climb up the stairs. We go on platforms and jump down. Next climb the stairs to the mechanism and call the trolley to us. We shoot the undead and climb the stairs to the trolley. We start riding the other side. We will accompany the enemies to the left and right. It is best to shoot them when they stand close to the edge - in this case they will fall down, and we will spend only one cartridge. Shoot preferably in the body, and not mind, since most of them are in masks. We use barrels and first of all kill enemies with Molotov's cocktails. After reaching the other side, we jump from the trolleys, we go to the left, jump down and move through the pipes on the left to another building. Find a door with a mirror on the right. Persist.

Moving on. We pass offices and hear Kidman's cries. We approach the way in the wall on the left and see how Kidman runs from undead. Jump on the red container on the right. We see the doors that open after a certain period of time.

We approach the edge of the container and, as soon as the doors begin to open, making the sound signals, jump into the water and float through them. If we melt, we will be eaten alive by one of the representatives of the local fauna. We climb on the stairs to the left and go to the edge of the platform. We kill the dead near Kidman, so that it was easier and dead man who stands down on the car, if he is not killed, he will interfere with us further. We go to the stairs to the place where the cartridges were lying for a gun, and shoot a corpse into our neighbor. Breaking your head into the water, we floate to the car near the floating pallets and we climb it. Here you have to push the moment. As soon as the door starts open, immediately shoot the corpse, which hangs on the platform under Kidman, and sharply dive into the water. Swim through the door and climb the stairs. We go to the floor where Kidman is located, and carve all the undead in the room. Kidman will open the door and will attack the new wave of enemies. We kill everyone and go to the open door.

Go down. We go outside and go on the platform, listening to the dialogue of the characters. Go down the stairs and go to the door opposite. We rise and go to the building through the red door. We watch the video.

We pass through the door and see the inscription "Flameless". So, apply gunshot weapons will not be released. We convege, extinguishing the lantern. I check under the shelf and wait until the enemy passes by, freeing the passage to us. We get out from there and go to the stairs on the wall on the left. We pass to the other end of the bridge and go down. We have a door that requires a key card. We go to search and discover that the terrain patrols the crowd of enemies. Our task: to be secretly passing by them exactly and first to close the valve, as follows, the feeding of flammable gas will stop, and we will be able to open fire. By killing enemies, looking for a map. It is near the blue container, in which the grasses dine. We take it and go to open the gate. We climb the stairs, we go out and glimpse, like Joseph ran around the building right on the right. We go down the stairs and go to the alley, after having running into a room with a mirror and retaining the game.

We pass the alley and climb the stairs. Survey the room on the left and proceed to the other side, where they accumulate on Joseph. Episode completed.

Episode 12. Trip

We talk with Joseph and learn that he no longer had the attacks, it gives us to understand that the route fully switched his attention to us. Joseph found transport - school bus. I go into it and kidman's breaks, trying to start the bus, as it pursues a huge arachnoid, and now. Shoot him in the head so that he is pulled off the bus. Kidman starts movement. We do not spend the guests, while he is chasing us, we will not harm this. Road blocks a truck with a tank. We shoot enemies until one of them drops dynamite and does not explode the tank. Going further. Again Aranoid. Tactics are similar. We shoot in the head until he feces down. By the way, from the slugs, whom he produces, walks the flow of ammunition. Arachnoid killed on the wall, and we continue our way.

Joseph shot, and by the will of the case nearby there is an ambulance car. Our task: get to her and take a first-aid kit. We go through a tight range of cars, collecting ammunition and shooting off the undead, take the first-aid kit, and then a military "patriot" comes with a machine gun and opens fire on us. We go to him, hiding behind the machines. Note that if you stay for the machine after it releases the queue according to it, you will most likely die from the car's explosion. We go around the "patriot" from behind, kill the arrow and personally sit down for the machine gun. In our hands, he will bring much benefit. We shoot a stupid bunch of neldely and go to the bus. Here we will be given for a short time to manage transport. Davim all the undead and at the end of the road notice the ruver.

Davim on gas and watch the video. Episode completed.

Episode 13. Losers

We flew out of the bus, being in the building. We discover that Kidman is not with us, and we conclude that it remained on the bus. Our goal: Go down, breaking through the floors. Immediately to the right of the holes in the wall there is a mirror. Survey the floor and jump down. We see a new, acid trap, which is neutralized longer than the rest. We pass along the corridor to the elevator mine, we shoot the cable and go down. Joseph will not be able to undergo us on this path, so we are moving alone next.

We go through ventilation and come back on the keeper. In fact, in this area, you can not be afraid, but here there will be two copies of the ruver, which is better to kill secretly. We fold to the left, on the right we discover the enemy. We are waiting until he is suitable for us, and as soon as it turns out, moving to it in power mode. Do not forget to neutralize the trap, which is immediately around the turn. Sweet kill him and come to the edge of the corridor, watching the twin of the roll. As soon as he starts to go into the room, we immediately move to it and stuck the knife into the skull.

  • You can jump from one balcony to another and secretly cut down the dead, and then - another copy of the ruver.
  • The second option is to go through the door to the corridor and the first thing to kill the fake roll, and already deal with the dead.
  • And the latter, not the most recommended in case you have problems with ammunition - cheekly shoot all the enemies with a threatening facial expression.

Do not forget about the fact that there are many traps on the floor. When the case is done, neutralize the acid trap, blocking the path to the stairs and go on.

Go down to the floor below. Here wanders the keeper. Going into the corridor, we turn right, watch the keeper and see that he leaves. Neutual traps, collect equipment and neutralize the acid trap, which prevents us from passing. We see that rats are running into ventilation. We do the same, since the rats of self-preservation instinct are very developed. We go through the ventilation mine and see the bus. Kidman does not respond to Call Sebastian. We go on the left side of the destroyed building and go down until we see the door. We go and see the closed door to the left and the door with the mirror. Persist.

After saving the door will open. We go to her and jump down. In the corridor we see traces of blood and enemy with red lights. You can guess that red lights are mines, which, naturally, will explode as soon as we come to the enemy. Do not try to kill him secretly. As soon as the enemy dies, out of the first door, another one is the same. When Kamikadze is killed, examine the room outside the door from which now the deceased jumped. Next, we climb into the ventilation on the right wall at the end of the corridor. We collect equipment and reach the kitchen. We see how Joseph is flying from the keeper, and a ruver appears, which launches small discs with saws that move on the floor.

We pass the kitchen, neutralizing traps and bypassing discs. It is advisable to move slowly and nourished, as in some moments from the ceiling and spikes will be shifted from the walls. We reach the end of the kitchen and neutralize the acid trap. We go to the door. First we go to the right, collecting equipment. Then left to the door. We fall into the room with hanging carcasses. We see Joseph runs away from the keeper through an elevator. Now the enemy is completely concentrated on us. We need to kill it twice so that the elevator returned to our floor. It is best to do this with a grenade. When the elevator doors open, we climb into it and run away from the keeper. We collect equipment in the room and go to the door. We look at the window and see Kidman and Leslie. We go further along the corridor, go down the stairs and go out on the street. We watch the video. Episode completed.

Episode 14. Hidden motifs

I appear at the entrance to the subway. Go down on the escalator. We go into the room to the right, neutralize the bomb and take objects. Next, we go to the male toilet, it is opposite this room. Do not rush go there quickly, first it is recommended to throw a grenade. If you do not have them, then come in, come closer to the bomb until you heard the characteristic signals, and quickly run back. Also there is an enemy with a crossbow, which shoots these the most bombs. Clean the restroom and collect a green gel. Next again down the escalator. On the left he wanders the twin of the ruver. We are straightening with him and another pair of the dead. Turn to the right, neutralize the bomb and open the gate. We fall on the subway path.

There is a lot of undead and twin wandering. Carry out everyone and go to the car. We move on it, blasting mines. We go to the end of the wagons, taking traps. We jump into the water and go to the next one. I advise first to blow up bombs, it is desirable when the enemy will pass by. We jump out from the car, going through the mine go to another one. We see the wagons sagging over the abyss and understand that we are there. We leave from the car through the open door to the left, then another one and we see the cobweb from the mucus. I burn it with the help of a match and pass on.

Down the stairs. Kill the undead and pass to the left. We are not in a hurry, we go to the room behind the grid, first neutralize the trap in the opening. We collect equipment and go along the corridor. We pass to the end, right down the stairs. We see that the electric field is blocking the path. Under the first one, you can go swollen, and the second must be turned off using the lever on the wall on the left. But first burn the corpse, which lies between the fields. To the right, down the stairs again, turn off the field with the lever again. Tear under the mucus and pay attention to the grille on the left. We go to the end of the room. On the right we see ventilation, at the end of which the bank of the green gel, and the door to the left with a mirror. Persist.

We go to the lattice, which was noticed for some time ago, and the dead pops out of it. Need to renounce and climb into the mine. We fall into the flooded passage. Watch left and see how some tick takes a dead man. Go to her right. Again, we collect equipment and go to the stairs. We go slowly and neatly, as there are traps under water, the rips that can be gaining big problems on their already completely scored with thoughts head. We reach the staircase and climb. We turn left and tick the fuse from the shield. The field is turned off, and we can pass. We pass to the end on the platform and tighten the valve. Water leaves, now we have a passage to the pipe, which was flooded.

Having passed into her, climb up the stairs and see how the tick takes the next dead man as soon as he pays attention to us. Again up the stairs. We pass along the corridor and we turn right into the pipe. Burn mucus and prolazis between the growths. We get into the room and see several electric fields, two passages on the right, one of which is flooded, and hanging the dead. They all agrees, so we shoot in them without thinking. We go to the end of the tunnel and take the fuse from the shield. Shields are disconnected, and in the room increases the infection. New dead appear. We go to the passage with the valve, turn it, and the water from the second passage goes away. Go down to it and pass along the corridor.

We are grabbing clashes, the same creature, which dragged the dead. We shoot her right in the face, and she will let us go. I burn the mucus on the left, we take objects and climb the stairs to the very top. After going down the corridor, we find a room with a mirror. Persist.

We find ourselves in the room where the mechanism and electrical switch are located. We pass to the end of the corridor and tick the fuse from the shield. Now we go to the main shield. As a result, we have three fuses. We put them like this: the triple on the left to the red lamp, the same in the middle to the blue lamp and the double right to the green.

We go to twist the mechanism, and the boss attacks us.

Palm in the creature from all the trunks, hiding behind the poles. When she disappears, we look from where the slugs are crawling, and shoot exactly in this place. It happens that the creature hides in the pipes from above. Freeze, immobilize, undermine grenades and generally use the entire available arsenal. From the slugs in their murder will fall ammunition. When the creature fade, take the green gel and again go twist the mechanism. We rise on the elevator up and find themselves in place where the wagons hang over the precipice. We pass through them, and we again move to the hospital. We do the same operation as in the 5th episode. We pull out some cords from the backshadows, having previously knocked down. And on a similar notch, the episode comes to an end.

Episode 15. Evil Root

This episode is an epilogue with fascinating junction, so that in order not to spoil your impressions, it will cost without screenshots and detailed descriptions of the situation.

We go to the hospital for Leslie. Having passed on the hospital and going to the beacon himself, on the right there is a room where you can persist. We go to the door and enjoy the rollers. When I find yourself in the head of the Ruvik, our task will simply shoot the crowds of undead until the sadist appears with the Bazuka. Going up to him closer and slightly by hanging around him from a fireary, he will take his old saw and will chase us along the location. Drive him behind the nose and kill. We go to the door. Here on the sides for fences in front of us, they are sitting. Two left and two on the right. On both sides of a sniper and a demolition with dynamic. Remove them from sniper and pass on the door. We get into the shower. Neutralize all traps and pull behind the lever, go to the door, and two keepers are attacked on us. Just kill them in turn, cutting circles around the shower through the pass on the right. The main thing is not to surround them yourself and do not get into the trap. The door appears again, go to it.

Here our task: get to the end. We pass the first zone without hitting the rays of the light. Dreesham for two levers, first on the left, then right. We go along the edge of the cliff. The bomb does not touch, too little blue zone, nourishing it will not work. We pass through the stretch marks, first holding the walls on the left, and reaching the last, turn right. We go further and again pass through the stretching in the same way, but considering that the light passes around the perimeter. Run forward. Behind us appears a huge saw. We run on the light, rubbing the puddles with blood. Having reached the goal, again we get to the lighthouse. We go to it and climb up on the elevator. Enjoy the rollers.

We need to run forward, rubbing the paws of the mounds. The first and second run on the right, the third and fourth to the left. We run right and get behind the Hammer machine gun. We shoot on the dedicated red limbs, and when we fly past the head, shoot it, and so several times. When we have a bazooka in our hands, shoot the monster until his head is standing out with a red contour, and only after that we shoot in the head. After that we repeat the operation. When you drop, make a control shot with a roll in the head. The enemy is blocked. I think further explanations of unnecessary. We look at the final video. The game is passed!

Congratulations, dear reader, with the completion of the game "The Evil WitHin". After the titles end, you will get very nice bonuses. Thank you for reading this passage!

So, the first meeting with the game. Meet the detective whose name is Sebastian - he is the main hero of this game. He and his partners go to explore the place where the mass murder occurred. At the scene, experienced officers face a very mysterious force that kills the partners of our detective and eventually gets to Sebastian.

After our detective comes into itself, the world becomes not at all as it was before. He found himself in a world that was intense with terrible and dangerous creatures, so the main task of Sebastiana is to survive and deal with those who are behind it all. The first your difficulty lies in the fact that the protagonist is suspended on one rope, like a semblance of a pig and on the room wanders a terrible sadist - he is just a huge and not too friendly. Inspect the situation and soon notice the knife. The knife sticks out in some body that hangs nearby. Wait for this healthy sadist to fall into the nearby room and shake quickly, subsequently get the knife and you can free yourself.

Soon the sadist will come back. Since you have a knife, then you will certainly appear to fill it out - this is a mistake. Sadist do not kill at all. Move the room to which it passes and immediately hide. As soon as it comes out, then run back to the room and take the keys on the table, then carefully exit back. Move up the top let's unlock the doors. To distract the enemy you can use the bottle.

Move forward until the siren works. Next, a small scene and soon you should run forward, along the way avoiding traps. When you see the hatch on the floor, then you will need to go down to it. After descend down, you will need to avoid a variety of dangers. As falling on the bottom of this bloody meat, you can find a staircase at which you can get out from here. Move on and next to the fan, that on the wall - turn the right side and jump further into the water. Get to the next staircase and raise upstairs, then move to the body that is located on office chair. Near the legs of this corpse, you can find an interesting note that you will find out where you need to move on.

Continue to move on and again will need to climb the stairs, then find yourself in the next room. On the table, behind the metal grille is leaflets in which the principles of the functioning of STEM are described. Continue to move on and will soon pass through the doors, after which you will enter the next room and meet a friend - sadist again. Rather, hide from it inside the cabinet next and wait when it goes to the next room. You can climb and gently move behind the sadist until the next room. Wait for the moment when it turns out, then go to the room and immediately roll up to the left - here you can hide behind the mountain boxes. You will have to take a bottle into your hands and throw it to the doors, through which once entered - the squint immediately turns to the side, where the bottle was broken and in this way, you can reach the next door indoors.

Continue on this hospital until you find yourself in the corridor, which is filled with armchairs on wheels. At the very end there will be an elevator, but along the way to this elevator, will jump out soon at the back of the sadist, so it will have to run away again. But it is good that the elevator will actually become a salvation for us.

Now look through the entrance video and leave the elevator, then go out and move to large dual doors. As soon as the earth will begin to tremble, then rather run and leave this huge hall, after which the next video will follow.

Chapter Second - remains

Take the newspaper that lies on the table and do not forget to take the packaging of the gel. Next, leave the room and execute the request of the honey sister. You can also save your game. Next, go through the door on the right side. In one chair will lie part of the map - take, then sit for this chair. Instructions will immediately appear on your screen, which will be able to give you to understand how the gel found can be improved by your characteristics. Next, view a small scene.

And now you are again in this dangerous universe. Move forward and soon you will need to raise therapeutic syringe. Continue your way through this "landing" until the moment until the animal skeleton. There will be a box that, if you open, you can find a gel. Move on and find the lantern - take it and soon there will be another scene.

Going closer to the cliff, you will soon meet Connels, which will be hiding something in your small tent. Nearby will lie a pistol - take it. You do not need to use a gun in a fight from Connel, as you spend a huge number of cartridges. You can just ride from him and run into his tent, take a gel from the body and move on by your business. In general, it is not necessary to touch him at all.

Your next destination is a cave. Soon, you will dug and connect from you, so you can move further calmly. Hurry up attentively to these surroundings and you can find more gel. Gel will come in handy in the future. Soon you will meet Leslie and you can learn to neutralize traps. Move on until you leave this cave. You snap into one body, after which the game will tell you how to burn corpses. Do not forget to walk behind the truck - there will be more gel. Go down from this to the boogue and on the left side, you can find a gel in the booth. Also here you also find part of the diary of our hero and a mirror that you can move you to the room to Leslie.

Now save the current game and look at the new newspaper, poster and documents. Do not forget to pump your character using the gel collected. Next, use the mirror again and go back to the booth with which they came.

Go out and move back to the left. Continue to descend from this bulb. Next, you will tell you how to kill your opponents silently. Go to the house and move the following for Leslie. In front of the huge gate, separate the figure on the left side - you can find the key in it.

After another scene, Sebastian will collide with two opponents. You can distract them with a bottle, after which you quickly go through a dangerous territory. But it is best to try to kill opponents and after, to search this area, because here you can find a lot of useful things.

Passing on you will meet another opponent. There is nothing to do with you except to sneak to the enemy from behind and overlook it. Next, go inside the booths and take all useful items. Now keep moving to a huge house. Soon you will meet the enemy, which wanders with a torch. You will need to hide behind the wall and wait when this enemy turns back to you, then just kill it. Go now inside this house and on the left side in the closet take the second part of the card. Do not forget to break the lying boxes (inside you can find useful things). There are doors that are barricaded by boards, but also besides that, there is a trap among the barrels. So first you need to neutralize the trap and only after that break the boards. Having all the obstacles, go inside. Note that you will meet your opponent again. But if you work quickly, he will not even have time to hit you. After, take gel near the entrance and the key on the right side of the entrance.

Exit and move to the gate. They rather burn two bodies in front of them, but if this does not do, then provide yourself with additional problems. After, open these gates. Passing further turn on the left side and you will hush on the next cabin, inside which the third part of the card will lie. Continue your way focusing on the lights and ignoring all opponents (they will not catch you anyway). How to reach the second gate, then the chapter on it will be completed.

Chapter Three - Jaws of Horde

Select more from the water and move along the berth, then climb the stairs. Burn the body and will soon be in a small yard. Go until the construction on the right side and neutralize the trap there. In this building there is a room in which you can last. But also do not forget to search all the houses that are located in this area - you can find a lot of useful items.

In a place where you are preserved - raise to the top and go further. Move until you meet the doctor named Himenes. Next, another scene, after which go to the gate, which was opened. Raise a little higher and there you will have to deal with the enemies (there will be three).

Carefully examine the surroundings, as there are various ammunition, equipment and even grenades everywhere. But the found grenades are best debugged for later, since so far with enemies can be cope with and without them. On the this moment The main thing is not to rush and carefully think about every attack.

Soon you will need to go down and go out. Dr. Jimenez just start distracting opponents over himself. But it is better to go up, since one enemy will still try to shine in our hero. Further cleanse the territory. Enemies need to kill in each house and how always do not forget to collect a variety of things.

Pay your attention to the fact that the next sadist appeared with a huge saw, but he may seem in the barrier and it may seem to see that he does not break off him, but it is not. Going too close, he will soon be eagerly from his cell and will get to you, so clean the surroundings from strangers and can only move to it. Do not forget before this will continue again.

And also, carefully disperse with everything that is in the district. On the left side, there are two houses, and in them you can find cartridges for weapons, gel and other useful littleness. And by the way, there will be a pass between the houses in which you can find a chest, which has also useful objects. In the second house you can find a shotgun with the bow. If the shotgun was not here, then check the far home on the right side. And note that the observation tower around which a huge number of traps is located on the right side.

Now it's time to deal with the most difficult opponent. To begin with, make the drop-down charges from the garnet and their spare parts. You need to do three shots: the first one - on the left side at the foot of one barrier - here you can hear the growl. The second is in the corner where the pigsty is located, and the third - in front of the inlet itself in the barn.

Go further and the monster will soon break the barrier, but also exploded immediately on the first mine. Now you need to start it for two more installed charges. You yourself do not explode on them. After the third explosion passes, then take a shotgun and kill monster from him. On the rest of the opponents, you can not pay attention, as they are very slow and there are no special problems to deliver.

After the battle, you can choose prey and open the gate.

Chapter Fourth - Patient

Go for Jimenez to the closed doors - there is a mirror behind it, with which you can save your game.

Continue to move and after some time, Jimenez suddenly see her brother. This illusion will soon unfold by a conventional slaughter. Try to kill your opponents with a shot in the head - in this way you can save part of the cartridges.

Go to the room where you need to take keys from one body. Do not forget to carefully look around - this room is usually rich enough for useful items, after searching to go outside. Move on the left side, then on the left side, go through the street until the passage. There will be a door that will need to open with a blow, and after descending into two staircases down. Do not forget to search the rooms behind the doors - there are useful items.

After the ladder, there will be a fishing line in the room, which will soon begin to attack an invisible opponent. You will have to hit the invisible time, after which you get your shotgun and shoot it. Next will follow two scripted scenes.

After these scenes, our hero will be in an incomprehensible pit, which is common in full blood. Inspect the columns - on one of them there is a lever, with which you can drain this blood. Collect all the extraction from the floor, then climb the top (do not forget to neutralize the traps here). At the top for a short time, a revive will seem, after which you will begin to attack a huge number of enemies. You will not be too difficult to deal with all of them, just try to keep the distance more and do not let them attack them. In the lateral premises there are two barrels in which there is an explosive. You will need to make here your enemies and wait for a suitable moment for a shot. Next, it remains only to finish everyone who was able to survive.

At the end of the corridor there will be another new opponent - Pugchikha, which by the way is fine on the walls. It is useless to attack it, so it just remains to run from her. Run back - rear door. In the room with the staircase, you will have to first press the button, after which it blocks the doors. As a result, you will get some time to collect production. Next will need to go down the stairs down. How to find yourself in the next pass, then you need to be attentive - there are many diverse traps who will kill you if you are on them. Run into the elevator, then descend lower and how do the doors open, run forward - Pouchikha will continue to pursue.

Rather, run into the door on the left side, after which they hide behind it until it is locked. Now you can breathe, since you finally achieved a safe place. Next, it is necessary to go down on the metal staircase of the spiral type - here you will once again meet the reviva. It is not necessary to approach, just run away in the opposite direction, after which the scripting roller follows and at this point the chapter will be completed.

Chapter Fifth - in depths

Next will follow the corridor in which there are doors on both sides. You just come in all the doors, because in probably find something very worthwhile. But they will have to act extremely carefully, since in some room you will certainly attack the invisibility. You can find it through the traces that he does on the water, door handles and other trifles. For his murder, use a shotgun.

Soon you will reach the end of the corridor, where to go to another room and drop in the hole, which is in the floor. Here it will be necessary to fill the rat, after which break the statuette, inside which you can find the key. The key you can be used in the hospital on the chest, where you usually persist and pumped your skills. Soon you will hush on the doors that require a key card for further passage. You will need to go a little further, having killed a couple more invisible enemies (here it is better to immediately take a shotgun in your own hands, since for example a pistol, it is clearly not enough). Do not forget to search the rooms, besides the specified card, you can find many other useful items.

Pick up the card, after which it is more likely to run back - you do not need to spend your time and reserves of cartridges on opponents that are not worthy. Move forward will have to be locked in the room without any doors. Take a closer look more carefully and see small recesses on the walls.

Each such deepening will open the doors on the right side. Go inside and assemble all useful things. Be careful, there are very many diverse traps. As soon as you break through all three rooms - then the passage to the fourth room will open for you. Here is Joseph and he will have to provide urgent medical care. Next, check out all the rooms in different sides and continue to move the central road. Soon on your way there will be the doors on which three min traps are - with them can figure out your new satellite Joseph. Further see a small scene, after which moved to the passage from the right side. In the end, you will get to the hospital where you need to save the game and once again to pump.

Next, go upstairs, where to meet and soon fight with Julie. The battle will begin with the fact that the main character will first fall, after which it will certainly be attacked by a pack of opponents. It is best to use exploding arrows - in this way, you can explode big packs of advancing enemies. Please note that some of your opponents will carry dynamite with them, so first will need to shoot them, after which the shock wave will kill everyone. The main detail of this battle is to prevent your enemies to come closer to you.

When you finish with all your opponents - then listen attentive to the following Joseph instructions. Send to the specified cable and kill the next enemies. On the control panel you need to set such numbers: 22 and 5. Now browse another small video.

How the video will pass, then you will fall down, after which the enemies will be thrown on you, so you do not take, but rather destroy them. Move on and soon meet Joseph with Julie. Here we look at a couple of squeezed situations, then move along the next corridor, while avoiding all the oncoming traps. At this moment, do not forget to save your game and, of course, how to pump your hero, unless of course there is such an opportunity and necessity.

Somewhere at the end of this corridor you will meet two serious opponents. You can kill them with your explosive archers from distant distances. After them, you are waiting for a meeting with the boss.

You will have to finally overlook the pachecheu, and it is best to use fire against it. If you can lure her into the flame about five times, then she will surely die. It is for that, here and made exploding barrels and a couple of fiery traps. Putchikha in turn will pursue a corridor, so you have to be attentive and constantly monitor her. You will have to activate the switch when there are traps nearby. As finally overpower the crawled creature, you can go to the door, where the last time you fight with packs of enemies. At this moment, the chapter will be passed.

Chapter Six - not your own

Move along the path that in the mountains, do not forget to check the surrounding areas - here you can find useful items for you. Near the wooden doors, our main hero will again meet the old acquaintance of Joseph - he is just trying to lay his explosives to prevent the attack of monsters.

On the other side of the door you can find a freezing boom. You will have to move after Joseph - he will hold you to the room where there will be two explosive barrels. Please note that a group of opponents attacks you. You should blow up the barrels in the room in such a way that the explosion will make the most accurate opponents. How to overcome them all, then a small video will follow, after which our main character will receive a new weapon - sniper rifle.

Now your path is lying to the tower. On your way you will meet the enemies that will attack our hero from distant distances. It is here that your new weapons come in handy - a sniper rifle. Soon you will have a problem - psycho with chainsaw. In order to get rid of him, you will have to lure him to explosive barrels and naturally blow them up when the enemy will be near.

Next, rise by the stairs straight behind Joseph, do so burn one body. Now save your game and make a couple of upgrades to your hero. After you finish with your affairs, go to the elevator.

Coming out from the elevator, you will find yourself on a huge stone bridge. Soon there will be another script scene, after which it is more likely to dock made of wood - here you take your sniper rifle and kill two enemies that try to kill Joseph. After a small operation, you reunite with your friend and follow another scene. You will have to cover the back of Joseph, let him be able to unlock the doors. Try at this stage of the game not to spend too many explosive ammunition, as they will be very good in the future.

On the market you need to make a small pogrom: the more you destroy the boxes - the more valuable things for yourself will be found. Next, browse the next scene. This time, Joseph will cover you back. He will take the stairs to the top and will cover you from a sniper rifle. Here you have to be as cautious as possible, as passing further, you will get very big enemies, from which it is best to run while your friend will not pour them out.

Go through the iron gates and move on. Also do not forget to assemble in a variety of prey. For a fight with a couple of bosses you will need a lot of explosives, so we hope that they made what was indicated above (save explosive). You need to go out into the body and it is advisable not to laugh. After the boss falls on the knees - then you need to finish it immediately. At the next stage, you will be wagged in the basement. Go further to the next room - the numbers will be drawn on the wall, and the levers will be on the other. You need to shoot the ninth and fifth lever, let you continue your way. Use a huge cage, then collect all the useful prey, which lies around. Now go to the locked gates.

At this stage of passage, the pupin suddenly attacks you, so you have to try to shy away from her attacks. It is worth noting that it is extremely difficult to donate from it - a fastest, therefore, there will be a shock and freezing arrows here, of course, if you were not spent. Discover the dog is needed at the moment when it hides in local thickets. You only need to get a grenade and throw it with a straight dog in the bushes.

After a small video breaks - there will be a psyche, but now you have to run from it until you take glasses. How to dress them - then go to the church. At this moment, the chapter will be passed.

Head Seventh - Guardian

This chapter of the game will be quite linear, but with very dangerous traps (most will kill you the first time). At the very beginning of the passage of this stage, move forward. By tradition, collect everything that has value. Near the stairs, your protagonist will be attacked - you can beat back from the enemies. You can easily at a distance and shooting only in the head. And do not forget that the bodies must be burned.

Soon you will reach up to three torches, with which you have to interact a little. Here you get your first old lithography. In total, you will need to collect three things, then get a well-deserved remuneration. Do not forget about the hardened room - here you will also find what to get started. After passing further, you will stick to the room with monuments - there are notches for your lithographs. At first, insert the one that recently found. There are two doors in this room: on the left side and right. The right door will lead you to the mirror where you can continue and pump.

Open two valves, then raise to the next stairs. On your way, the next enemies will stand, with which they will have to reveal again. How to overpower them, turn the wheel that will open the passage, but it is worth considering what the road will later be overlapped. So it's time to search still time.

The head of the eighth - grain germinates

Engage inside this cave and will soon stumble on the lever. Twist it and keep going on. Go to the opposite direction and then you will not be hung flying stones. Go around or kill another group of walking corpses and will soon be in the hospital. Pull the lever and watch the next movie. After the video, a very nasty boss appears. You will have to immediately run away from it along the corridor, simultaneously need to look for a place where to hide from the pursuer. How to keep up - you will have to be quietly witched to the doors where a new video will follow.

Ninth chapter

We talk with my sister and after going to the mirror. After you left the hospital, you will have to go to the local hospital. Here you will use the only advice - try not to come across the roll. You can't kill him, so you have to hide anymore somewhere. Go straight and come to the door, but to open them, you will need to spend three small operations on the human mind.

Go to the room on the left side and neutralize there monsters. Insert the bolt into the brain and watch the next movie. Now you have to run away from the ruver upstairs, do not forget to find the keys. Another key will lie in the library. Go back to the laboratory and insert another bolt to the mind of another patient. Now you can go back to the central doors and go through it. Insert the two drum keys into the hole and install the following numbers: you need to put 11 on top, and then place 2.

Go further and see the scene, after which leave this building. You need to move to the local farm. Soon the big fire will begin and you will have to pull the lever, and after turning the valve. You will comply with another not too friendly boss. It is just important not to let him close to himself and afterwards he will just perish from the fire.

Chapter Ten - Master Tool

Go down below the stairs. In the bottom, move directly. Please note that there are a lot of traps and they stand almost at every step, so the enemies here it is better to kill extremely quietly. Climb the floor above and from here go to the left. Go further - there will be a blue door, next to which there is a spare part. Spare this insert into the mechanism and turn it on. Now climb the stairs up.

Chapter Eleventh - Reunion

Spare on the surface and pass straight on the corridor, passing all your enemies. As a result, you will go to the prison courtyard, where it will be necessary to clean the territory. Next you will need to go through the water. You can distract the monsters with the help of lying corpses. Having passed on the bridge and it will be necessary to kill the next monster, after which he to pick up the key from him and open locked doors with this key. You will have to move through the sewer trail, passing the crowds of zombies. As a result, you will get to iron doors. Next, rise at the construction site and save your girlfriend. After salvation, the next video will follow. How to look, then go on. Soon you will hug on the next lever - pull it and open the gate. You will attack another monster from which you will have to flee. With the help of switches you can get rid of barriers on your way. Sruit a couple of mechanisms and can pass to the elevator. We talk with the doctor and now the battle with another boss. It is effectively shooting against it from your crossbow and use electric grenades. After, you will need to go to the elevator and see another movie.

Chapter Twelfth - Trip

Shoot the monster right. At one point, he will start to retreat - it is more likely to take cartridges and a first-aid kit. Next, go along with Kidman. As a result, you will be in a dead end, where you have to fight the monsters. After a certain time, the boss will come back to you and this time you will need to shoot him in the sides. Then you need to escape to honey transport and take what you consider it necessary. Now go back to the bus and kill zombie packs. How to cure Joseph - rather sit down for managing the bus and start putting everyone who stands on your way.

Chapter Thirteenth - Loss

Move through a bunch of fragments to Joseph. See the next video and after, shrink a couple of times on the cable. Go down to the bottom and kill opponents. Quietly go around a large man with a safe instead of a tank. Taking advantage of the mine, choose out. Continue to move on the intended path. Soon, you will have to kill a couple of enemies and meet again Rubel. After that, you need to move on, along the way, cutting the traps. A new meeting with the butcher will occur - kill it and watch the next video.

Chapter Fourteenth - Hidden Motives

Quietly come into a group of monsters and climb into the car. Pass under electric trap And take it off with the lever. Below you can not touch opponents (another monster will deal with them). Move along the corridor until you encounter a monster with huge tentacles. You will need to freeze it with bolts, and after shooting straight to his head. After killing the unclean, go to the shield. Repair the supply of electricity into one elevator, then sit down in it and go. Another video will follow and you will be in the hospital. You will need to fight back new enemies, well, and see another video.

Chapter Fifteenth - Evil Root

Almost all of this chapter you will have to kill zombie and demons. First, everything will begin with the most ordinary monsters. You can simply climb up and destroy them all of your firearms. Next follows the video, after which the next wave of monsters. Here you will already have to kill snipers and opponents with grenades. After the new scene, you are transferred to a new location. Here you will need to split two bosses from each other. You can do it with the help of girlish levers and traps. Next you can kill them one. After the victory, go through the long corridor and be careful - here traps. At the end there will be another scene and the boss. The boss must be shooting in the tentacle and in the head. Soon he will cover you aside, but you do not relax and continue to attack it. Wait when the red zone appears - on it you need to shoot. After the victory will follow the final video.

On this game will be passed. See final titles.

3 years after the release of the first The Evil Within, finally the way out of its direct continuation, which turned out to be almost better than the original. For example, now players will be able to wander not only by narrow corridors, but also on huge urban locations. True, all this made the game even more difficult, so, from time to time, you will probably wonder where to go and what to do. For this reason, we decided to write a detailed passage of The Evil Within 2, placed on this page.

First chapter - in the hollow

There will be no cat-scenes at the beginning, that is, we will immediately throw in the thick of the events. We will be in front of a small house covered by flames. We run to the mansion and try to open the door by clicking on the interaction key with objects. Turn the right and inspect the sliding door of the glass - the main character immediately breaks it.

Getting inside the house, we go to the kitchen, and then turn left. Open the door on the left side and climb the next floor on the ladder. We look into the room for children (children's drawings hang on her doors) and see the long-lasting cat-scene - apparently it is an entrance video.

Immersed in Stem, go ahead to different objects that will appear in front of us. As a result, we get to the table and take the radio. We associate with Kidman and find a cabinet, which is the main safe area where we can talk with our partner. We listen to the conversation, and after begin the passage of the second chapter.

The second chapter - something went wrong

We approach the chalkboard with information hanging on the right side, and inspect it. We read information about all missing participants in the Mebius group. We are talking about the following characters:

  • William Baker - the leader of the group.
  • Milze Harrisone - Spec on combat clashes.
  • Liame O'Neile - Technical Specialist.
  • Julian Sayx is one of the STEM programmers.
  • Yuciko Hoffman - a psychologist.

Then we study a few photos on the board, and after we leave out of the room. On the table notice a black cat. We approach her and raise a slide near it. We will be able to inspect similar pictures, and then discuss them with Kidman. We use the projector located next to the cat to look at the slide.

Get out of the chair and find a jar with a green gel - a woolen lump will show on it. We go to the end of the room and click on the terminal located on the right side of the mirror. These devices are designed to create saves. Then use the mirror and leave this location.

We look at a new cat-scene, and after passing through the door, go upstairs and approach the picture on which the door is depicted. We turn around and see before you seen the door. Opening it and pass to the corridor. We turn on the flashlight, we enter the left door and see the Baker, who was shot straight in the head. This is a memory that we can constantly lose back and forth. Do not forget then explore the camera.

We go to the left room, where they were engaged in a photo manifestation. On the table we find a snapshot of William Baker (one of the documents). In the next room we find racks - we look at the floor near them and come to the conclusion that one of the racks constantly moved. Click on the rack, open a secret passage and go to the corridor. Reaching his end, answer the call (the phone is in a well-hidden niche) and listen to the sinister laughter. Already shaking a silence? We still have ...

We rise to the next floor and try to unlock the door having glass inserts - we will notice the girl who is impossible to help. We get squatting and make your way under the grille on the left side. We find an unusual writing (one of the documents) on the table located near the right wall.

We go to the floor above and pass through the room in which the red curtains are awesome. Click on the door and see how the mysterious killer is painted with an unknown man. This event is also a memories, and therefore repeats all the time.

I hurt for a sofa and moving to the left. We approach the corner and go around the maniac. When the killer leaves through the entrance, from where we came, we see the sacrifice, and then choose from the room. We will again be near the previous ladder, but the location itself will look much more terrible. We go to the right corridor and notice someone's legs peeking out of the opening. Suddenly someone will drag the corpse inside. We open the locked door, jump over the table and the picture, and then find a photo of another victim (one of the documents) lying on the table in the left corner.

We rise to the next level pass through the door, behind which you could see the girl. We go to the balcony and go ahead until we note a large installation with the bodies. We study it and click on the table Rebirth. We enter the left elevator and go down to the lower floor.

We pass through the hole on the left side, swollen in advance. We approach the symbol on the wall, turn around and go to the fotik, standing on the trinity. Then look back and see the door. We open it and face a person holding a camera. We arrive in yourself, and after approaching the mirror, on which the photo is fixed. We put it in the inventory, and then we meet with the monster.

We go around the boxes, and after running away from the monster along the corridor. We close the door, and then try to find an output from the room, which is in the extreme left corner (if you get up to the door of the back). We find the ladder near the wall. Press it and climb inside the pipe.

We go along the ventilation move until I see the hole. We jump down and run away from the monster again. At the end of the ends, he will catch us - Quickly click on the "E" key and amazed from the monster to a safe house. Health will be restored, but only to a certain mark on the scale.

Unlock the door, come to the table and find a syringe. We use it, and after we go to the next room and find a diary on the table (one of the documents). Next, we choose from the house and see how the main character finds a gun and inspects the photo of the Kastellanos family (one of the documents).

We go on the road, inspect a dead body in the car, and then go to the house for a girl. We finish it with a gun, we go to the kitchen with the corpse and find the first-aid kit with a syringe near the right wall. We rise to the 2nd floor and find a jar with gunpowder. We can use this item in the future to create cartridges.

We leave the building and turn left. We destroy several boxes and find useful things in them. We continue to go along the path until we notice how Steam participants are trying to escape from the mounds. One of them will be able to hide in the house. We stand on a squat and hiding behind the car.

We are waiting until the monster is wounded by the ravis, and then go to the left through bushes, raising herbs from the ground. Touch the enemy and imperceptibly attack it in the back. This is done with a monster, which knocks on the door. From each monster will flow out a green gel after death - do not forget to raise it.

We go into the house, turn left, go down and discover another refuge. We view the cat-scene in which we will be able to talk to Liam O'Neal.

Third Head - Resonance

We talk with Liam and get a side mission from him under the name "unusual signal", which we can perform a little later. In addition, Liam will indicate the point in which the BTR is located on our map. Near it will be able to find the crossing of the "Guard" cross.

We look as looking asylum. With the help of a coffee machine, we can fully fill their scale of life, and you do not have to pay for it. In boxes with supplies, there are medicines and ammunition - over time they will fill, so we advise you to attend them in the absence of cartridges to weapons.

With the help of the workbench, we will be able to krafting a variety of things, such as cartridges and aid kits, and modify weapons. In the first case, the grass will be needed, powder, and so on, and in the second - spare parts for weapons (somewhat lie in this shelter). We should have enough details to improve the gun.

We are chosen from the asylum and we meet the nurse named Tatiana, which helped us in the original. We go beyond her straight in the mirror and fall into the office of Castellanos. Then we sit in a wheelchair and find yourself in the hospital. Here we will be able to acquire various improvements, spending green gel.

Note: The modification system of weapons and the purchase of improvements has been finalized - now we cannot assemble a bunch of green gel and get everything in a row. The fact is that the best skills and upgrades are closed on the lock and you can only open them with the help of high quality or red gel parts.

We get out and see how the protagonist pulls out its communicator. Turn it and wait for the appearance of the prompt. Then we set the necessary goal. I hide the device in your pocket and move across the road. We enter the church and deal with the priest and his novices. We pass for the altar on which the dead body is lying, and we find a statuette with the key standing on the floor.

We go along the track located on the right side of the church and we turn to the left. We go ahead and after a few tens of meters, we discover the dead body on the road, next to which is a peason, which increases the number of portable cartridges for a gun for 6 units.

Then we return to the liama refuge and we find a building with large doors opposite it, which is the tourist center of the city. Near the bench is another statue with the key. We enter the building and discover the booklet (one of the documents) on the right side. We try to open the door to the basement - it will be closed, but we still have to get there a little later.

We are chosen from the building, get up to him and look left. We find a ladder in the alley, which leads to the roof of another house. We rise first along the steps, and then use the fire staircase. Upstairs we kill a monster, and then search by a couple of corpses of operatives - one of them we can find a magazine about the communicator (one of the documents). On the edge of the roof, by the way, is a faulty sniper rifle.

Side Mission: "Unusual signal"

Now it is worth taking the execution of a secondary task, but at the same time we find several useful things. Let's go after the green marker, and after we take into the hands of the communicator and approach dark silhouettes. Stop next to use the device and get the scribe of memories.

Next, we will need to explore another couple of places with resonance. However, for beginnings, we pay attention to the trailers standing nearby. We go to the most distant of them and enter inside. We pass through all the wagons, painting with all the enemies on our way. In the end, we will find the body of the girl, near which one more place of resonance is located. We approach closer and use your communicator to view another obscurity of memories. Next to the corpse also lies red gel.

We leave from the car and go after the resonance "spot". As a result, we turn out to be near the car service. Opposite the entrance to the autocentre we see the house, on the porch of which is a statue with a clavicle.

Do not go to the car repair shop immediately. First, go around it on the left side and detect the door in the mesh fence. Shot into the castle and pass to private ownership. We jump over the chain and approach the dead body lying near the car, which has alarm system. We inspect the corpse, and then kill the monster that appears. Then take a gun with a laser sight from the ground.

We restore the supply of electricity with the help of a shield seen in the memoil. Click on the 2nd and 4th dumplings from left to right (we can do it in any sequence). After that, we will have to fight with a white dead man, which is much stronger than usual. By the way, it is impossible to kill his empty. Having understood with the monster, raise the car closest to us, we get squatting and open the hatch leading to the basement. We go ahead, turn left and find a dead body. We take in the hands of the communicator and find a new memories.

Again sat down and pass through the tunnel. We fall into the corridor, in which there are doors on both sides. On the left side will be closed on code CastleHowever, nearby can find the body, after being searched which we discover a special card. No, with her, it will not be possible to automatically open the door, but it will help us find the right combination. We look at the closed door and remember the inscription on it: B-34.

Then click on the access panel - to the right there will be a card with a sign and numbers. We find the necessary table in the letter, and then highlight the chain of numbers next to the desired numbers. As a result, we turned out the code 7696. We enter it and pass to arsenal. Here we will find an explosive bolt for the crossbow, found by us next to the BTR.

We go into the room opposite and take all useful things. Then we spread with opponents and raise the cargo located on the loader. We shift the cart and open the passage to the outside. In one of the room, we will be able to find the best spare parts for weapons with which you can unlock some upgrades.

We are chosen outside and opposite the auto repair shop, I find the garage - it is located on the right side of the house, on the porch of which lay a figurine. We enter into the construction and collect all useful items. Then we go out and go around to catch a new signal. We take the device and see that it leads us to a house, standing nearby. We go to it, go to the long room and take another diary from the table (one of the documents). Suddenly the picture will change and the temperature will decrease in the room. We return back and see a ghost of a kind of girl.

We run away from ghosts and inspect. Here we find the door with the code lock - you will need an access card. We find another door next and pass inside. Then we turn into the door on the right side. We make your way to another chamber, taking advantage of the hole in the wall and take the key card from the bedside table, on which there is a photo. We go back, we run to the door with a code lock and open using a key card. Then we get to the original world and we find a slide on the table.

We go to the street and notice a big two-storey mansion, standing across the road, but we need not he, but a house located on the left of him. Going to it, get the communicator and check the signal. We enter the building, and then pass through the door of white and fall into the garage. We raise the request for a survey (one of the documents) on the left side of the car.

We will be in a new nightmare where we have to visit several rooms. We go to the bedroom and select a report (one of the documents), which brought through the doctor's ghost. We continue to explore the "Sleep" until you get to the hospital "Mayak". We take the slide that lies on the chair for the disabled, and after looking at the body sitting on the chair. We return to the initial world and select a Carpun Bolt with a corpse.

Easter: On the right side of the mansion, about which we mentioned earlier, there is another house. On his roof wanders the dead man with a Molotov cocktail. We climb the barn, located next to the side, and on the boards we pass to the roof of this house. There we find a mysterious weapon, which is reference to Quake.

If we talk about a two-story manor, then with one of her sides, we find the yellow ladder. We rise to it upstairs and pass on the balcony. Touch the cord activating the slowdown and kill the mound. On the balcony, we discover the dead body and the box in which we find a sock for a shotgun, an increase in the number of climbing cartridges for this weapon.

We go to the street and run towards the second signal, which we managed to fix after finding the first when passing the secondary task. We enter the building, we pass to the extreme room, we kill all opponents and with the help of the device we catch another fragment of memories. We go through the door, for the boxes we find the hatch leading to the basement. Then PC is located - click on it and fall into the arsenal "Network".

Here we move around the premises and spread with opponents until we get into a dead end with two doors - on the left side it will be possible to open with the help of an electric bolt released into the shield. Since we don't have a bolt yet, and there is no point to open this door either, because it only gives us the opportunity to cut the path leading back, then immediately open the door to the right. To do this, we combine the waves in such a way that they are connected to each other in frequency and amplitude. Inside, looking for a new weapon - a shotgun. We take all other useful things and go back to the city.

After activating both points of resonance, the third will arise, showing the center of tourists. When a hike in this building, we return to the shelter and update your skills and weapons. Then we go to the center and go to the extreme door - it will automatically open. We descend and run the device to activate the new ripping. We look at it, and after select a new magazine from the table (one of the documents).

As soon as we take this magazine, there will be pointers on the map, showing exactly where all the bodies of the metabius operatives are. They can find several useful things. We are trying to go out, but we are sfotkat a strange stranger. We pass forward, we are painting with all the enemies and choose out.

We go to O'Nelu in the shelter and tell him about everything that we saw to receive award and completing additional task. Then go from the corner in which the BTR is located, upstairs on the map and go around with a company dealing with the carriage of goods.

Easter: pass on private territorywhere the transport organization is. We understand with all the monsters, inspect several trucks and detect the mysterious mechanism inside the red car, sending us to Wolfenstein: The New. ORDER.

We continue to go north and stumble upon a new intersection. You can find one more refuge in front of the right side, but we are still interested in the building even further. It will not be possible to go into it, but there is a garage in the back, in which we can find spare parts for a sniper rifle, with which you can repair the weapon found us before, using the workbench.

Then approach the doors of the new asylum, shooting from the crossbow to the shield, using the electric bolt, and thus raise the buildings. We kill the mounds attached inside, and activate the communicator to view the new memories.

We are going to refuge through the left door and find a report 00122 (one of the documents) on the table near the box with supplies. Inside the box we discover the smoke bolt, which is a new ammunition for the crossbow.

We continue to go after the pointer, which will lead us to the Snatcher "Pit Stop". By the way, next to this building on the bench is a statue with a wardrobe key.

Fight with several enemies, among which one new one will be - he shouts from time to time, thus convening to help other monsters. We are growing with a crycluna at a distance using a sniper rifle.

Next to the diner, activate the communicator and decipher the signal, going to the ghost of Lily. We enter inside, go to the long door and try to unlock it - we will not come out. Nearby we find a hole, but for the beginning I move the bedside table. We pass inside, inspect and take the doll doll Lily.

We are chosen outside, go around the building and find the window leading from the direction. We look at the trash can and find traces of the girl. As a result, we get a new pointer on the map. We go after him and stumble upon new opponents. We are growing up with them and reach the Marker. Turn on the devices and continue to go in the footsteps of the daughter. Sometimes we have to press objects lying on Earth. We repeat the same procedure next to the transport organization.

The main character considers that his daughter went to warehouses. We go to them and inspect the door - it is necessary to submit electricity. We draw attention to the wire, leading straight to the electric tailor. We go around the boxes, break the chain and destroy all the mandes. Next, click on the switch to restore the supply of electricity. Open the warehouse by clicking on the switch next to the gate. We are going to the room and inspect the plank, which blocks us the road.

Press it and Sebastian breaks up the board. We go to the wall on the left side and knock for a goal for the use of the door. We rise to the next floor and pass to the last room for collecting useful things. We return to the first level and go next to the left wall. We get squatting and piercing under racks. We rase with a monster and raise the ladder.

We enter the room on the left side where the workbench is located. On the shelves we find a report 00654 (one of the documents). We go to the room nearby and take into the hands of the peace doll. We look at the cat-scene, come out of the room and destroy all the enemies. Returning to O'Nelu and talking to him. He will give us a gas mask.

Now we go to the North refuge, where the computer is standing with which you can get into the "network" and go through the tunnel that leads to the city hall.

Fourth chapter - behind the scenes

After receiving a gas mask from O'Neill, we study a new goal - we need to reach asylum in the north, where we have previously been to use the computer to enter the "network". This computer system is protected by code, but Liam will tell us. A little more talk with a technician, and then find out that a shooting gallery appeared in the hospital.

To visit the Tira, we interact with the mirror and get into the Cabinet of Sebastian. Next, pay attention to the White Door. We go to a new room and shoot a dash. Then we will be able to participate in two trials: in the first of them we can just shoot on targets and score glasses without time limit (there is no reward), and in the second (chain shooting) will be able to get a good prize. In the latter, you need to open fire on various targets that are located near each other, and a sanding clock that increases the time. We do not shoot in squares with crosses, otherwise we will reduce the number of points and reduce the time given to us on shooting. The award directly depends on the points received. However, twice get the same prize will not work. Therefore, if we bring 100 thousand points from the first time, then you can then not take part in it.

Shooting in a dash, go on a refuge in the north. We enter it and talk with Kidman. Near the entrance to the construction, finding out the report 00122 (one of the documents). Next, we use PC and move to the "Network" control room. We choose from it and move along the corridor ahead. We hit twice the vending machine, standing on the left side, to obtain a gel. We go into the room to the right and interact with the computer. As a result, we get a new message (one of the documents).

We are chosen on the balcony and go down, since all the doors will be closed. Opposite, we find the ladder. We climb on it, open the door and find the dead body of the "Mebius" operative. Near it is a peason for crossbow. We go out, go down again and approach the door with the display. Give the communicator, tighten the wave and look at how the blocking system is starting. As a result of previously locked doors, various mounds are shed. We kill them all and inspect new rooms.

Next, pass through the door with the screen. We reach tunnels and omit the handle to drain the water. After we use the ladder and go down. We go to the opposite direction and climb a little higher. We can press another chop to lower the bridge. Then go through double doors. Before this, the main character will put on the gas mask and the camera will switch to the view from the 1st person.

The opponents will be not very much here, but we can only fight with a knife or ax, so you should act carefully. Get to the door of white, closed by an electronic lock. Moving after the wires, we reach the first development and turn to the left in the gloomy tunnel. Activate the lantern and find a statue with a clavicle that stands on the barrel.

We smack a statuette, and then continue to go after the wire in the edge room. Here we will find a shield and 4 togglers. Each of them can add a specific number of lamps. It is necessary to include them in such a way that the total number of light bulbs does not exceed 10 pieces. Activate the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tumbler. We return back to the closed door, we open it and climb the ladder. The camera will return to the usual location.

We rise even higher, inspect the PC that stands on the table on the left side, and find a new letter (one of the documents). We go out and run by corridor. We rise to the steps on the right to find the supplies. We pass through the white door, approach the dead body and use the communicator to view the memories. Returning to the door of this room and to the right of it we discover ventilation hole. Moving on it forward until we find yourself on the other side of the cliff. We enter the new room and re-interact with the computer to exit the "network". As a result, we turn out in the part of the city in which the mayor's office is located.

We use a coffee machine to replenish health, a storage terminal to preserve and a mirror for visiting Sebastian Cabinet. By the way, behind the mirror lies red gel. We rise to the top floor, reach the device and set the resonance point. As a result, a green index of the neighboring structure will arise on the map. We are chosen outside and head towards the mayor's office, where we find a mysterious stranger. After that, the next chapter starts.

Fifth Chapter - Waiting

We pass to the gazebo marked with a green pointer and get the device to view a new memories. Get to the passage leading to the mayor's office and a barrier fenced. We look at the dead body, to whose head the photo of Sebastian (one of the documents) is fixed. We go ahead and get into the courtyard. Suddenly, the guard will rise from the dead bodies with a huge circular saw.

We will need to deal with this enemy. At the level there are 3 places with a wire with a hitch of which the mode of slow motion is turned on. Missing the enemy into these points, and then shoot the boss until it is in the inverted state. We can also force it to constantly wake up and hit - at this point we run away away and discharge all the clip in it. It is best to attack this enemy from a shotgun or crossbill with explosive bolts. By defeating the boss, we collect a green gel and other useful things. Now we can enter the mayor.

We approach the soldier with serious wounds and learn about the radiator. He will also give us the Harrison Communicator. We pass through the door facing in front. First check the locations on the right and left, collecting all valuable items there, and after going forward, where the spacious room is located with another slowdown event. We go to the door on the left side, we go inside, turn the left and at the end of the corridor are looking for a ladder. We rise to it upstairs and pass for the curtain. We look at and see on the wall a picture representing a hint. Under the picture in the vase we will find roses - select them.

We look into the right side and on the bedside table, we find a mannequin with a necklace. We take the decoration and hang it on the mannequin, on which wearing a blue dress. After turning it towards the camera. Then put roses in a vase, standing near the mannequin. Next, we interact with the camera and take a picture. If everything was done true, then the picture of the rear of the mannequin will become a real corridor.

When studying the corridor, we pay attention to the table on the left side. You can see a useful article (one of the documents). Next, we inspect the pictures that hang on the walls, turn around and see that another one has arisen. We look at the drawing, where Lily was depicted, we run into the end of the corridor, turn back and notice the side open door. We pass into it, come to a new image and listen to the maniac.

Then turn around and notice the open door. On the long-distance table, we find a new photo (one of the documents). We try to reach the photographer, and then descend on the ladder and approach the chair on which the mannequin's head is. Then find yourself indoors with large quantities of people. We approach the door and from the table standing on the left side of it, select a note (one of the documents).

We go into the room where the emitter is located, turn it on and look at the cat-scene in which you get acquainted with Stefano. Then there will be a terrible monster under the title. It will not work out with him, but we can stun it for a while. Sometimes the monster will take pictures of the emitter, which will lead to its grinding. You must try not to die while there is a countdown. If the monster stopped the time of time, then we will need to track it and shove it a couple of times until the countdown will begin again. When the timer expires, the monster will immediately disappear.

We leave out of the room and go to the hole in front. Once on the top-level balcony, we turn into the left door and get into a new room. On the table, we discover the report 00213 (one of the documents). Go down to the hall in which there was a slowdown event, and we find a new passage. We go there and see the nightstand on which the statue is with a key. Turn to the right, we go through a couple of rooms and reach room with book lockers. We find the report on the table 00977 (one of the documents), we are chosen outside, speak with partners and wait for the beginning of a new chapter.

Sixth chapter - on the hunt

Leaving the neighborhood of the city hall, turn left and find the dead body of the metabius operative. We take from the corpse of a peason for syringes. Again we go to the computer system and move to the "network". We choose from the room and see how the gate has opened. We pass forward, open the doors from the left side (for one of them you will need to connect the frequency and amplitude). At the end of the door to the left, there is another dead body, after the search of which we can find a pistol sock.

We go along the corridor, we are afraid of opponents and go down. We will fall into new corridors in which strange eggs lie. We make your way to a room with screens and wait until the main character will not see the new memory. Then we raise the new slide from the table.

We continue to go ahead, do not fall on the eyes of the monster, fueling from him by corridors. Then we shoot it from the gun. If we go back, we will see that the monster was going somewhere. Once in front of the door, on which the red symbol is depicted (referred to asylum), do not rush to enter it. First open the door locked on the code lock (you need to combine amplitude and frequency). Inside, we will find a report 00532 (one of the documents). Then we go to the room with PC and view a new cat-scene.

After conversation with Hoffman, we interact with the computer system located near the e-mail (one of the documents). With the help of a computer, we get into the location with the theater.

We leave from the office and immediately use the Communicator to detect the obscurity of memories. We go to the street, turn to the left and try to open the warehouse, but for this you will need a key. We go to the gas station and inspect the burnt corpses. Here we use the device again and view a new memory. Then another monster arises, consisting of several corpses, but this time it will not work out this time. In addition, the murder monster will need a lot more cartridges.

After the murder of kills, we go to the diner, and then another little further, approaching the train. As a result, we find a dead body in the extreme room, sitting on the chair. We use the device and view a new memory. Then we try to get out of the cafe, but it suddenly will play a song from the music machine. We approach him and exposed to an attack of a ghost leaving the mirror. We run away through any door and find yourself in the same place.

The fact is that we will need to choose the right doors, and for this you need to look at the mirror. We find out which the door is lit in the reflection and pass through it, but do not forget that the world in the mirror turns on the contrary. In the second room, we do the same, but now we still have to avoid meeting with a witch. In the end, we will be able to go back to the cafe. In addition, in the hand of the corpse on the chair we will find a new slide that can be viewed in Sebastian's office.

We leave from the snack bar, we turn around the corner and detect the corpse on the porch. Search it and find a sock for a sniper rifle. We pass across the road, we go on the face and see the devil bar. We enter it and select a diary from the oldest right table (one of the documents). It is necessary to be left of the diner to find the location, fenced by the fence, from where the cries of help are heard. We take on this territory, opening the gate, and approach the soldier sitting in an inverted car. As a result, a side task will begin.

Side Mission: "There, outside"

We raise with all the walking dead, and then speak with the agent. He will suggest to go along with him in the shelter. First we collect all the useful things, and then agree to accompany the peasant. Once in a safe place, speak with Sykes and get the first quest from him.

Before taking care of its implementation, we go to the street, we go right and pass through the gate leading to the location where we found a previously siza. We go down the street, holding the right side, and we turn around the corner. In the alley, we find the box of blue, behind which witch walks. We kill it, jump over containers and find the body of the "Mebius" operative. Search it and pick up a sock for a shotgun.

Then go to the pointer placed at the bottom of the map. We need a street on which the garbage truck is located. We deal with opponents, we turn into the right alley and get the device next to the girl's body. As a result, we see another scribe of memories. Search the corpse and take the key from the warehouse located at the beginning of the location.

We go to the warehouse and fight with the mind, which consists of several tel. Kill him and pass to the warehouse. We take everything that is not screwed to the floor. In a suitcase, by the way, there is a long-life shotgun. Again will arise a terrible woman. First, try to unlock the door, and then hide from the enemy in the corner. When the monster approaches us, we will return to STEM.

Side Mission: "Again in touch"

Here we have to get to the "network" again and go to the sign. We enter the room and interact with the PC to enable the server. We detect the box on the side of it. It will be open, and therefore we can apply it and other similar boxes for warehousing ammunition. We go again to the Sayx and tell him that we fulfilled the mission. Open the container in the shelter to get new supplies and a gun with a silencer.

Further, we go to the place where the passage is located in the theater, however, the road will be closed by a couple of apartments. With the previous study of the location, we have already seen these images - one of them was at the Devil Bar, and the second - the Resident Hotel. As a result, new pointers will arise, and the communicator will show on the resonance points. The next chapter starts.

Seventh Head - Thirst for Art

First of all, we go to the devil bar. We go to the extreme room and click on the picture hanging in the corridor. As a result, we will fall into a different reality. The door will be closed on the key, so you have to find it. Wrap and run into the end of the corridor, listening on the road a monologue of the creator. We take the key from the hand and go back, bypassing the obstacles and straightening with the enemies.

We approach the lattice and open it with a key. There will be a stretch. Sit down on a squat and go to the right side, not hurt stretching. Then see the passage to the mannequin and go through it. Going to him, we interact with him and thereby destroy.

Then we go to the hotel "Resident" and climb to the second floor. Then click on the picture. Here we will again be left the grille for which the key will need. We go to the left room and avoid meeting with scubout. We find keys and neutralize the monster while being in the far corridor.

Then quickly run to the grille and raise it. We advise, by the way, shoot in a monster by electrical bolts that can delay the monster for a long time. Open the door and pass through several stretch marks. Next, we are cutting into a mannequin and destroy it. Now the road to the theater is free. We return to it and pass inside.

Eighth Head - Premiere

We enter the theater and go to the top level. We do not go immediately into the hall in which there are chairs, and for the beginning I find out the work of Stefano, located at the top. We use the communicator and find a new scribe of memories. We look at the long cat-scene, and then begin to pursue the villain.

Suddenly, the location starts to fall apart and we will need to run forward, without falling across a huge eye. As soon as the monster goes on the right side, go behind him and hiding behind the shelters. Then we wait until the glazing leaves back, and continue to move on. We repeat so several times, and after leaving the location. Go down on the ladder and go on the corridor. Then we open the door and look another cat scene. After it starts the fight with Stefano.

How to kill Stefano?

Finally, we were given the opportunity to deal with one of the main villains of the game. The battle will be pretty simple. It is necessary to just remember all the main boss strikes and use the electric bolts for its temporary stun. In the absence of such ammunition, we use a gun and a shotgun. On the location, by the way, we can find a lot of ammunition.

During the first stage of battle, the enemy will move under the arena with small jumps, that is, teleport from one place to another. After 4 displacements, it will stop. We can not even try to get into it during teleportation. When he stops, we will not spend a lot of cartridges on it: pairs of shots from a pistol or one shot from a shotgun will be enough. We add that after stopping jumps, he will run on us and will try to strike with a knife, so first shy away, and then shoot. From time to time he will throw in the hero of the knife, but they can easily dodge them.

The boss will also try to slow down with the camera. If we see that he pulls out his camera, then we are right away from the zone of his visibility and do not come to him until he heard the shutter deviations. Then turn around and shoot the enemy again. By making several accurate shots, waiting for the first phase of the battle.

Stefano will begin to move faster and more, and its racing will be chaotic character. From behind it will arise a big eye, similar to the camera lens. We choose one of the sides of the room and remain in it. We stayed on the right side (if you face the eye), as in this part it is easy to shy away from gigantic tentacles. However, the tactics of the battle will not change. We wait until the boss stops, and after shooting it. Sometimes he will yell and try to catch up with us, running in a straight line. At these moments, we do not run away from him, and on the contrary, trying to knock him down by shooting without a break. True, if he manage to catch our hero, he will cause a huge damage. Although at the last moment you can always make a jerk to the side.

Sometimes the enemy will try to shoot us on the camera to slow down. In addition, cubes of orange will begin to appear in the arena. If you touch them, the explosion will happen. Here in general, everything. In the end, we will defeat this dangerous opponent.

We view a cat-scene in which peace and lily will participate, and then observe the appearance of a giant monster.

Ninth Chapter - New Evil

We go to the altar for rituals and move to another location. We pass through the door and go down the steps, finding ourselves in a room with several chairs intended for torture. We collect useful things and continue our journey. Go down again and turn right to find a small hole leading to a secret room with various subjects. We take them all and go on.

We go to the basement, in which there is a closed lattice and a mechanism for opening it, which does not have a lever. In the basement there will be many locked cells. We inspect all the chambers and kill enemies (one shot in the head will be enough). The fact is that when we find the right handle and disconnect it, then the cells will open. All lying monsters with whole babs only pretend to be dead, so we shoot them in the head. By the way, in one of the chambers on the left there is a statuette with a clavicle. We select it after opening the doors.

We move to the cameras located in the right wing, and next to the last cell we find the lever and remove it from some equipment. As a result, all the chambers will open open, but since we have already killed all the monsters, we can only gather with them Lut. Then we go to the mechanism and find the grille on the right side, which leads to another room. In it, we search for an interesting page (one of the documents) and the peason for the Crusta Crossbut.

Next, raise the lattice by installing the lever into the mechanism. In this corrider there will be several cells. Pay attention to the second right. We enter there and deal with the "Mebius" operator (if it is alive). From the left side of it, I find a hole. We sit down and can be inserted to reach another cell and apply a device for finding a new memories.

The same is done with the cell on the left. It will be open - pass inside, break the boxes and finding a hole that leads to another camera with a dead body and ammunition for a gun. The corpse next to the door will be a living dead, so you first kill him shitting in the head.

We look at a few nightmares and strange visions, and after we exist in the room, which is filled with the burning dead. We kill them all, and then approach the wall with a symbol embraced by a flame. There will be a passage and we can use the mirror to move to the Sebastian office and purchase new skills or open additional lockers. Then we go to the spacious room and reach the closed lattice.

We rise to the top of one of their yellow ladies and search for 4 valves. First, you turn the extreme valve on the left side to adjust the plate located to the lattice closest. Perform it easily - just a narrow part turn the plate towards the gate. Although it is better to first adjust the second lever located on the left. We need to combine the left plate with two extreme yields.

Then begin to rotate the center so that the wide channel begins to match the top. Next, turn the left handle again to turn the discharge plate. As a result, the narrow part turns out to be rotated directly on the grille. At the end, turn the extreme valve to the right to the channels on the right side coincide with each other.

The tenth chapter is initially hidden

Meet Torres, but first we destroy all monsters. Initially, they will attack on us in front, and after - from behind. At the end, it will be drunk from all over the corners, besides, we will have to deal with several creeping urodes. After the murder of mutants, we go for Esmirald to another room. Then we speak with her on various topics.

Next, we will need to go for your newly new partner and help in all its endeavors. In a couple of minutes, we will have an opponent with a flamethrower. He will quickly wake up the ravis, but at the same time leaves many fiery monsters. We understand with them using a sniper rifle (one accurate shot will be enough to kill one opponent). Then come to the tree on which the red checkbox is banging and go down. We speak with Kidman and Torres, and after waiting for the beginning of the next chapter.

Eleventh Head - Reunion

In the shelter, we find a diary (one of the documents), which will lie on the table. In it we can find out, because of what Esmirald decided to join the operation and save Lily. Inside the box located in the room, you can find cryoboloth. Chatting with Kidman and find out that a certain gift was left in the Cabinet of Sebastian. We find the mirror and move to the office. Then go to the room where the board is located with information. Under it we find a new slide.

Use the computer to return to the "Network". We search the room and take the capacitor needed for the crafting of the shells used by flamethrower. We leave and detect the gate ahead. Click on the electric shield on the side and activate all the sinks, since only in this case we can get exactly 10 luminous light bulbs.

We find out that the Father Theodore has already visited here. Turn to the left side where the burnt body is. Near the door we see a red bedside table, on which candles are burning - we look at it and find a slide.

We enter the room on the right side and we find the dead body of the "Mebius" operator. Move the trolley and get access to the box with ammunition. We pass to Hoffman asylum, but there will be no girls here. But we will find the memory in which we learn that Hoffman went to the long part of the laboratory in the closed zone. To begin with, we study a PC nearby to get a new file (one of the documents). Then go to the closed zone and detect the dead body of the "Mebius" operator for the corridor. We inspect the corpse and find a sock for a shotgun.

Go down on the elevator. Ahead we detect several turnstiles and two bodies belonging to the guards. On the left side through the window there will be a PC and a room with a mirror. We approach the window and start working with a computer to get another file (one of the documents). We pass through laboratory premises and go ahead until we see a new memory. We find out that for opening the door we need a cerebral chip.

We face the door to the door for which the chip is needed. Turn to the left and pass through the screen. IN new room We find a new report (one of the documents). We look at the hall and find the door next to which the electrical stopper is hanging. We shoot it from the crossbow, using an electric bolt to open the door. However, do not pass into it, but turn to the left and find the ladder, which leads to the top. Again, you are not in a hurry to use it, and instead we find a small door to the left, leading straight into the morgue. We enter inside and go to the extreme room on the left. On the catal, we find another report (one of the documents).

It will be very cold again. We are trying to go back, but the mysterious ghost will be attached to us again. Avoid it, hiding behind the couches and pillars. First, we try to go through the right side, but the girl will reset a huge pillar, closing us the road. We go to the left and go down the steps. But on this nightmare will not end, as we have to constantly change their direction in order to leave the trap and do not become a new victim of the ghost. However, here you can snatch a little and just run forward. The fact is that after the witch kills us we will be resurrected in the place where the woman was last shifted, that is, we will be closer to the exit.

We continue to run forward by the corridor and get to the hall with a wheelchair. Then we turn right and find a report on the table (one of the documents). Next, we move to the left side of the room and find the letter on the bank (one of the documents). As a result, Sebastian manages to kill part of itself, which remained in the STEM after visiting the "lighthouse". We will automatically get a new-old revolver. Do not forget to find a slide on the table near the PC.

Next, go back and climb up the steps. We kill all opponents, we go to the laboratory at number 3. We go to the long room and find a stranger on the operating table. Come to the computer and click on it to receive a file (one of the documents). Then go to the laboratory at number 2, located on the same floor. We use a device for viewing the breakdown of memories. Search the corpse of the operative of Mebius and detect the peat for the syringes.

We go to the 3rd laboratory located at the second level and go into the room where the corpse is on the table. We inspect the signs and detect digital combinations on them. We try to introduce all of them on the panel located near the feet of the corpse. One of the codes will work and from the head of the employee will be pulled by the chip we need. We take it and go down. Then we pass through the necessary door. By the way, in our case, the combination looked as follows: 0128. It is possible that it will work for you too.

We get to the 4th Laboratory and we meet Yukiko and Liam. With the latter to figure out - just shoot in his head from a sniper rifle 5-6 times. Do not forget from time to time to press the levers activating the fire extinguishing system. Having understood with the enemy, speak with Yukiko and select a faulty flamethrower.

We enter a new laboratory and get a communicator to view a new memories. We look at and pass along the corridor ahead to the room with the equipment, which our past enemy requested to destroy. After a few seconds, Torres comes. However, you are not in a hurry with the execution of the task. We go around the generator and find a statuette with a key. Then we speak with the girl and order her to destroy the system.

The twelfth chapter - bottomless abyss

We fall into the unfamiliar area where we were tightened by theodor. We go to the light, turn right and approach the second source. We detect the pistol for a gun near it. Then we move forward, painting with all the enemies. First of all, we understand with all opponents, and after turning the handle near the gate. New location will be abounded by monster of different sewing - we will need to walk to the ladder, which leads down. We go there and look at the cat-scene.

Important: A statue on fire will appear on the screen at a certain point. Come to her and take a page with the altar with interesting information (one of the documents).

Finding into the house of the main character, we leave the bedroom and go to the room for children. We select the slide on the shelf on the left side. In the room near the ladder, which leads to the first floor, finding out the mysterious symbol, which is another Easter - now on The Elder Scrolls Online.

We go down to the first floor, go to the kitchen and select a letter from the table written by the world.

Thirteenth Head - Firm

We speak with Yukiko, and after select an assault rifle, which lies near the Torres corpse. By the way, we will find out, because of what Esmirald wanted to save Lily. We go to the PC standing near, and speak with Sykes, which will give us another additional task.

Side Mission: "Last Step"

We are chosen to the street and notice the enemy, a flamethrower. Be sure to kill it, because after his death we will be able to find the missing item for your own faulty flamethrough. Then we go towards the theater, but without reaching it, we turn left. Let's go down to the different, and after climbing the parking lot on the left side. Use the device to search for the resonance point. We go to the body of the operative "Mebius". We search for his corpse and take the peat for a sniper rifle. By the way, not far from here is a shelter of sims.

We go to a safe place, speak with the technician. He will show us a computer. Click on it and move to the sublevel. Here we are painting with all the enemy in the corridor, and then go through the air duct and get into the next room. Kill other enemies and reach the electrical tailor. Then omit the 1st, 2nd and 4th tumbler. Go to the door leading to the laboratory. Inside it we associate with Sykes. We look at the cat-scene with the disappearance of the engineer, and then go to the room with a capsule and raise the slide from the stand. On the left on the floor will be a suitcase in which we can find a double shotgun.

Note: If you carefully read our Evil Within 2, then you currently have exactly 10 slides. It remains to find the latter. Go to Sebastian's office and learn all the slides, not forgetting to discuss them with Kidman. Then go beyond the cat and take the last slide.

We add that in the Union we can meet a few mandes with flamethroughs - we paint with the second of them and create yourself flamethrower, using the crafting system in your inventory. In the laboratory, we also should explore a reserve document from Steam. Therefore, it was still unclear whether Sayx could come out.

By completing this minor mission, we go to the shelter of the simicles and detect a letter from it on the table (one of the documents).

We go out into the city and go to the lane with the garbage truck, located to the right of the devil bar. There will be a dead body of the operative, after the search of which we can find a sock for an assault rifle. The second peat for this weapon lies near the corpse, which is behind the hotel "Resident". We also do not forget to visit the devil bar, where there is a new statuette with the key (we study the corridor with the Stefano picture). We enter the hotel, then talking to Hoffman. After a conversation with it, it looks well - on the table, standing opposite the fireplace will be a diary (one of the documents).

We go to the administrator's rack and search for a mysterious circle, which shows the company's logo present in Prey (2017).

Fourteenth Chapter - Burning Altar

We continue to go ahead, picking up various supplies. We rise to the steps and find on the altar Scripture of Theodore I (one of the documents). Open the door ahead and find yourself on the fork. First of all, we go to the right side and find room with a mirror. Here we select the peat for the assault rifle lying on the table. Next, we go to the left and fall into the hall with suspended cells covered by the flame. There will be fiery enemies that can be easily shooting.

Then see a couple of passes that lead to the same place. Initially, we go to the pass, in which the pipes with a twinkle can be seen. We approach the grid and go down the steps. We kill enemies behind bars and only then drag for handle. After some time, the grill will open. We search the room and come back, as the other lattice should be climbed.

We go in the second opening, follow the corridor on the right side and in the room next to the wall we discover another lever (it will not be easy to find it). I pull for it and see how the necessary gates are revealed. We pass through them and climb the steps. Turn the valve and turn off the fire. Next, we pass a little further. We enter the room on the left side and take the second Scripture (one of the documents).

We continue to rise upstairs and shoot in a small handle to disconnect fiery pipes. This mechanic was still in the original. We go along the wall on the right and detect the door. During the approach to her, opponents will attack us. We kill them, pass inside and find a sock for a shotgun.

Then make your way through fiery obstacles, we understand with all the monsters and on the elevator are heading towards theodore. Once at the top, turn on the communicator and use the staircase indoors to get into the pool of the blood. Here we find a new memories.

We begin to watch the cat-scene, upon completion of which we will have to fight all the monsters from the first part.

First of all, we are dealing with a psyche, oil-wing chainsaw, then watch the video, and after approaching it and cut the poor fellow in half. Then three times we kill the butcher, wearing a safe instead of my head. A cat-scene will be launched, in which it will be shown how another creature is selected from the safe. We can either shoot her, or try to lure into the flame. In the end we watch the video.

Fifteenth Chapter - End of this World

Let's go through the door and see what happened to the world. Here we will have to chase around the peace, shooting ordinary opponents and killing one halter (we shoot on the spots of red color).

Walking along a snow-covered location, stay next to the post and apply the communicator to listen to a new obscurity of memories. Turn to the right and find another fragment next to another post. We continue to go right and reach a high building where we can view the third memories. Climbing towards the facilities, watch a new scribe and go upstairs. Then watch the cat-scene.

The battle with peace starts, which will be a huge monster. Fight with her relatively simple. At first we shoot her in the stomach, in which you can see the luminous stain. When he explodes, destroy one of the hands of the monster. This limb boss grabs the main character, but it is enough to shoot it several times from the pistol. Next, we tear off the second handle, and at the end we make several shots in an empty enemy head. We will be able to replenish the ammunition by destroying the frozen enemies and the destruction of spiders.

Sixteenth Head - Exit

It is still easier. We will need to reach the house, go to the top floor and go to Lily's room. At the same time, you will need to take the control of Kidman and deal with several metabila operatives. Then we look at the long cat-scene. Congratulations, you went through the game!