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Dangerous insects: does the bumblebee bite or not? Why bumblebee bites are dangerous, first aid Does a bumblebee leave a sting after a bite

Bumblebee belongs to insects from the order Hymenoptera. They have chosen wildlife countries located in the northern hemisphere of our planet. This hardworking insect pollinates various plants giving them a chance to exist. Today, scientists have a huge number of insect subspecies that differ in their external parameters.

According to their vital characteristics bumblebee close to honey bees... Bumblebees, social insects, and all work together. They spend a lot of time getting food, water, defending their lair, stinging them with poison from enemies. In this case, only females of Hymenoptera have a sting. Due to the fact that the weapon of insects has a flat and smooth surface, unlike bees, they do not forget it in the body of the victim.

The expression "bite" used in everyday life is actually not entirely true, since the bumblebee does not bite, but inflicts damage with the help of a sting placed at the tip of the abdomen. Insect defense tool has a hollow structure, inside resembling a needle of a medical syringe, due to which the poison penetrates the victim's body.

Sensation acute pain, itching of the skin, edema after a bumblebee bite are caused by the penetration of a poison, consisting of a protein mixture, under the skin. Such a poisonous solution very often causes severe allergies in a person. Although the likelihood allergic reaction in humans it is minimal and accounts for only 1% of all bitten annually.

Manifestation of local reaction the body on a bumblebee bite is expressed in the form of severe pain, burning, as well as redness of the swellings as in the photo and severe itching directly around the bite. In most cases, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own within a few days and do not require medical intervention or specific drug treatment.

In the case of an allergic reaction to a bumblebee bite, it develops rapidly within half an hour, and its symptoms differ depending on the individual characteristics of the victim's body and the amount of poison released by the insect.

  1. Itching, swelling and redness all over the body are the first signs of a bumblebee bite allergy.
  2. Vomiting and dizziness may occur.
  3. Also, suffocation is not uncommon when a person does not have enough air.
  4. The pulse quickens, chills appear, the temperature rises, the joints begin to ache.
  5. In especially severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible, accompanied by convulsions. The end result of such symptoms can be anaphylactic shock and, as a consequence, the victim's hospitalization.

Particularly dangerous are multiple bumblebee bites... Women in a spicy position and allergy sufferers are also at increased risk.

What to do if bitten by a bumblebee?

In the case of a local reaction that is not accompanied by allergic manifestations, medical treatment is not prescribed. But in such a situation, it is advisable to reduce the consequences of a bumblebee bite to a minimum, for which perform simple manipulations.

In case of poisoning of sensitive areas: neck, mouth or other parts of the face, you should urgently call a doctor, since delay will lead to serious complications associated with shortness of breath.

Bumblebee bite treatment at home

Despite the fact that the bumblebee bite is quite painful, its consequences can be dealt with on their own... Moreover, there is several popular folk recipes bumblebee bite treatment at home.

If a person is bitten by a bumblebee, then in no case you can not drink alcoholic beverages, as they cause increased swelling. Very often, a person is an insect provocateur, which uses a sting for protection, biting the aggressor. Bumblebee reacts aggressively to harsh aromas of alcohol, meat, roast, fire and even natural human smell. People should understand that the insect will never attack first, so it is better not to provoke it.

Bumblebee bite prevention measures

The bumblebee cannot be classified as aggressive insects such as the wasp and even the honey bee. Bumblebee bites are very rare... While collecting nectar, the insect does not react to the presence of humans. They will not pay any attention if people accidentally hook a flower on which a bumblebee is sitting. An insect attack, possibly only for the purpose of self-defense or to protect the nest. Therefore, in order not to provoke bumblebee attacks, you need adhere to simple recommendations:

  • do not intentionally touch the insect;
  • without proper ammunition, do not go to the apiary or other places where there is a lot of nectar or honey;
  • refrain from eating and preparing food on the street;
  • in the season when bumblebees are especially active, install mosquito nets on doors and windows;
  • do not wave your hands or make sudden movements if a bumblebee is flying nearby;
  • be attentive during summer walks in parks, gardens and summer cottages;
  • do not wear bright clothes when traveling to nature;
  • when working in the garden or in the garden, wear closed clothes;
  • when resting in the fresh air, it is impossible for a person to smell strongly of alcohol or sweat;
  • do not splash with perfumes with strong aromas, do not use lotion or other cosmetic products with a pronounced odor when traveling out of town.

Also bumblebees irritating smell of oxidizing metal, the occurrence of which occurs when the skin comes into contact, for example, with a ring, bracelet, metal watch strap and other jewelry.

What is contraindicated to do with a bumblebee bite?

Under no circumstances do not slap or crush the insect that has bitten a person, since the substances secreted by the bumblebee will induce the active actions of congeners. The site of the bite should not be scratched or rubbed, as any of these actions will contribute to the rapid spread of the poison. Plus, dirty hands can serve as a source of infection through an open wound from a bumblebee bite.

Once again, I would like to note that in the case of a bumblebee bite, the use of alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation, thereby promoting the spread of poison in the body. Do not use improvised means to cool the bite site, such as water from a river or a leaf torn from a tree, as this can lead to blood poisoning. In no case should you take a sleeping pill or sedative, which will enhance the effect of toxic components that have penetrated the sting under the skin.

Bumblebee bite, what to do

Bumblebee is one of the brightest representatives detachment Hymenoptera. Despite their impressive size and formidable appearance, these insects are the least aggressive, so the risk of being bitten is very small.

We will tell you what to do with a bumblebee bite, what the consequences may be, and it’s better to figure it out with photos and videos in our article.

Bumblebees never harm on purpose, this is done solely for self-defense purposes. Like all Hymenoptera, bumblebees do not bite, but sting. The sting is not chipped, never stays in the victim's skin.

All the unpleasant sensations that arise during the bite are associated with the poison injected under the skin. By chemical composition bumblebee venom - protein compounds. This is dangerous by the development of allergic reactions in some groups of people, since protein molecules are the most powerful allergens.

Bite manifestations can be both local (local) and generalized (widespread).

Local manifestations of a bite include pain, burning, redness, itching, and swelling in the area of ​​the injury. Sometimes a local temperature rise can join.

Very often the question arises, how long does a bumblebee bite go through? Pain sensations usually regress within half an hour after contact, the rest of the symptoms can persist for 2-3 days, and usually do not require specific treatment.

An allergic reaction occurs in 1-2% of individuals at the first contact, with each subsequent bite the risk of its development increases 2-3 times. Allergy symptoms may also vary - slightly worsening general condition before anaphylactic shock.

If an allergic reaction develops, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • itching and rash all over the body;
  • swelling of the subcutaneous fat in the places of its best blood supply (near the eyes, face, neck, possibly an increase in the tongue);
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature increase.

With the development of anaphylactic shock, the above symptoms are joined by:

  • Decrease in blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Deterioration of breathing, the occurrence of attacks of suffocation;
  • Convulsions are possible;
  • Loss of consciousness.

Anaphylactic shock is a very formidable condition. It is dangerous because it develops with lightning speed and requires immediate assistance. medical care... But don't panic in advance. Not all people develop anaphylactic shock.

The risk group for severe complications from a bumblebee bite includes:

  • Children under 6 years of age and pregnant women, as such people have weak immunity;
  • Persons with a history of allergies, cardiovascular diseases.

Of particular danger are multiple attacks of bumblebees. These are considered more than 5 simultaneous bites in children, and more than 10 in adults. In this case, the risk of developing allergic reactions and shock increases significantly, since the amount of poison that has entered the human body increases.

Bites on the face, neck, tongue are also dangerous, since these areas of the body are very well supplied with blood. This provokes the rapid absorption of the poison into the bloodstream and the development of edema at the site of injury, which is dangerous for suffocation.

Bumblebee sting treatment

First aid for a bumblebee bite is quite simple. If it is uncomplicated, the wound should be washed with any antiseptic solution (peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol) and a cold compress should be applied.

If the bumblebee bite itches a lot, you can lubricate it with an antiallergic ointment containing antihistamines (fenistil, psilo balm), or hormones. The most popular bumblebee bite remedy is hydrocortisone ointment. It is very effective, it is also available over the counter and is inexpensive.

The systemic use of antihistamines - diazolin, suprastin, claritin - can be added to the local treatment of itching. The dosage of drugs should be according to the instructions.

The provision of care in children and adults is no different. In children under 6 years of age, it is better to use antihistamines in the form of suspensions and syrups.

If, after all of the above measures, the victim's condition worsens, symptoms of the development of allergies or anaphylactic shock join, you should immediately call ambulance! Before the arrival of doctors, you should provide a person with an influx fresh air, unfasten all tight clothing, lay with the raised leg end and turn your head to one side, to avoid suffocation with your tongue or vomit.

In case of cardiac arrest, you should immediately start cardiopulmonary resuscitation! Pressing on the chest alternates with inhaling air into the victim's lungs (30 pressings - 2 breaths).

It is advisable to involve one more person in providing assistance, then resuscitation measures will be more effective.

If an allergic person has already experienced anaphylactic shock, his medicine cabinet may contain injectable drugs for its relief - dexamethasone, adrenaline. Epinephrine (adrenaline) can be either in an ampoule or in an autoinjector - a special device similar to a syringe-pen, with the required dosage.

If any, and the first aider is skilled at intramuscular injection, these drugs should be given immediately.

The medicine can be injected into the buttock, front of the thigh, or back surface shoulder. The recommended dosage is half an ampoule of epinephrine and one ampoule of dexamethasone. An adrenaline solution can also be used to inject the bite. This will cause vasospasm and slow the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance?

There are situations when you cannot do without qualified medical care, which can be provided by a doctor or paramedic, since it is very difficult to predict the development of complications.

An ambulance should be called in such situations:

  • a bite of a pregnant woman or a child under 6 years old;
  • multiple bites (more than 5 in children and 10 in adults);
  • bites on the face and neck;
  • deterioration after local treatment;
  • the development of a clinical picture of anaphylactic shock or the occurrence of Quincke's edema (edema of the subcutaneous fat of the face and neck).


In order to avoid unpleasant encounters with bumblebees, you should know some rules. The instructions below will help you prevent these insect bites.

  1. The best way to avoid being bitten by bumblebees is to stay away from their habitats. In no case should you destroy the nests of these insects, as there is a possibility of falling under the wrath of the whole swarm.
  2. You do not need to walk barefoot on the grass, as you can be imprudent to step on an insect lurking in the grass.
  3. If a bumblebee is flying next to you, do not try to scare him away with sweeping movements. There is also no need to run away from the insect, this will draw its attention even more.
  4. Avoid bright clothes and harsh perfumes on your country trips.
  5. Use mosquito nets in summer and spring.
  6. Prevention also includes the presence of a first aid kit, equipped with everything necessary for first aid and knowledge of what bumblebee bites are dangerous and what to do if you are bitten.

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As we can see, the consequences of a bumblebee bite can be different - from minor pain and itching at the site of contact, to the development of anaphylactic shock and death. Everyone should know how to treat bumblebee stings, as this can occur at any moment, and first aid should be provided immediately. Be healthy!

Bumblebees are by their nature very beautiful insects and at the sight of this "fluffy lump" one just wants to touch it. They are hard workers and are engaged in pollination of plants, not paying any attention to people. But there are cases, with sudden movements or for inattention, as a result of which the worker's peace is disturbed when the bumblebee bites. This behavior is typical only for females of this insect species. Despite the similarities with the honey bee, bumblebees do not die after being bitten, because they have smooth and even stings that do not remain in the skin. What to expect from a bite and what to do to avoid unpleasant consequences. This is the question that interests everyone who is faced with a similar problem.

What happens after a bumblebee bite

The reaction to a bite can be completely different:

  1. A toxic reaction is the result of not one bumblebee bite in a short time, but several at once. As a result, an irregular heartbeat and difficulty breathing can occur.
  2. With a local reaction (non-allergic), the affected area swells. In this case, the bite site may turn red and itchy. A similar reaction may not occur immediately, but after several hours. Symptoms usually last from 2 hours to several days. Often, signs of a bite spread to the surrounding tissues, occupying an area several times larger.
  3. An allergic reaction (general) often occurs after only a few bites. Only in 1% it occurs after a relapse. Its duration can be several minutes or half an hour. In turn, it is divided into several levels: red swellings are observed throughout the body; diarrhea, nausea, and subsequently vomiting are added to the previous symptoms; includes previous symptoms along with difficulty breathing and choking; all of the above symptoms are combined with fainting, anaphylactic shock and palpitations.
  4. Hyperventilation occurs as a result of fear from a bite. May be accompanied by a Level 4 allergic reaction.

Help for a bumblebee bite victim

In the event that a sting remains under the skin, it must be removed. The best way to do this is to use disinfected tweezers. It is not worth squeezing out the sting, this can lead to the development of an infection. The affected area should be wiped liberally with hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, or concentrated vinegar. For greater effect, it is best to make a compress. At the same time, it is recommended to apply a cold compress to the bite. This helps to relieve swelling and pain, and at the same time suspends the process of absorption of the poison. You can draw out the poison by applying moistened refined sugar after the procedures.

For people with allergic predisposition, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and, of course, drink plenty of fluids. Hot tea with sugar is best suited for these purposes. If the listed activities did not have the proper effect, a visit to the doctor is simply necessary. In addition, it is necessary to contact a medical institution:

  • if received a large number of bites;
  • with damage to the mucous membrane;
  • if there are symptoms chronic diseases;
  • if there are symptoms of infection;
  • if the bite is on the throat or mouth;
  • with allergies.

If there is an allergic reaction of level 3 or 4, then first it is necessary to inject adrenaline intramuscularly to narrow blood vessels, stimulate the heart and facilitate breathing. A toxic reaction is also a reason for seeking help from a medical facility.

The bumblebee, unlike the wasp and even the bee, is considered a very peaceful insect. He rarely stings and only if the person poses a threat to him or his hive. Therefore, not everyone knows how to relieve a bumblebee bite - what to do right after the sting, how to treat the wound, prevent its infection and the spread of poison throughout the body.

What to do after being bitten by a bumblebee?

To begin with, you should remember a few facts about these insects:

  1. Only a female bumblebee can sting.
  2. A sting is different from a bee sting - it does not have chipping and therefore does not remain in the skin.
  3. During the bite, a microscopic dose of poison consisting of proteins is injected.
  4. Allergy to bumblebee toxins is extremely rare (about 1% of cases) and only after repeated sting.

It is worth noting that after a bite, any person develops a local reaction in the form of swelling, pain, itching and skin irritation. The listed symptoms can persist for 1-10 days, depending on the location of the wound. The reaction to stinging sensitive areas of the skin, especially near the eyes, lasts the longest.

Here's what to do when a bumblebee bites in the leg or finger, palm, or other parts of the body:

  1. Disinfect the wound. Any antiseptic solution is suitable for this - alcoholic tinctures, potassium permanganate, vinegar with water, hydrogen peroxide. You can rinse the bite site or soak a cotton pad with liquid, and then apply it to the damage for a few minutes.
  2. If somehow the bumblebee sting still remains in the skin, pull it out with tweezers. It is important to pre-treat the instrument with an antiseptic or alcohol.
  3. Try to slow down the absorption and spread of the poison through the bloodstream. An ice pack works well for this. A lump of refined sugar absorbs toxins a little.
  4. With pronounced pain syndrome and signs of an inflammatory process, take Aspirin.
  5. To reduce puffiness and itching, treat the wound with specialized local preparations, for example, Azaron, Fenistil, Psilo-balm.

If a bumblebee stung in a more sensitive area - the eyelid, lip, bikini area, armpit, it is also advisable to take a non-steroidal pain medication. Well in such cases, ibuprofen-based products help.

What to do with a tumor after a bumblebee bite?

As already noted, puffiness will appear in any case when an insect is stung. This is called a local reaction that occurs as a result of the injection of the poison. Therefore, it is completely normal if an arm or leg is swollen after a bumblebee bite - what to do and what means to use is described in previous section... Such reactions can spread not only in the area of ​​the sting, but also neighboring plots skin, which is also not considered a pathology.

A more serious situation occurs when the victim was bitten by a bumblebee again, and he became allergic to the protein compounds in the insect's venom. The immune response is of 4 types, depending on the severity of the lesion:

If you have any signs of allergy to bumblebee venom, it is important to immediately call the medical team or take the person to the hospital. To alleviate his condition, you can give the victim an antihistamine (Tavegil, Clemastine). Sometimes more potent drugs are required - (Dexamethasone), an injection of adrenaline.

Bumblebee bite for most healthy people is not dangerous, except that it is very painful. Rarely, in about 1% of cases, a severe allergic reaction is possible. This happens more often with repeated bites.

The part of the body in the place stung by a bumblebee swells, turns red - this is a local reaction (non-allergic), which appears immediately or within a few hours after an insect bite and disappears in 1-5 days. In cases where the swelling spreads to a larger area of ​​the skin, it is also a local reaction, although it lasts longer. After the first bite of a bumblebee (or similar stinging insects), most often there is no allergic reaction due to the lack of antibodies to bumblebee venom in the body.

An allergic reaction occurs within half an hour after the bite, it happens different types depending on the intensity:

Swelling, redness, itching spreads throughout the body;
- diarrhea and other digestive problems are added to the first item;
- the first two points, as well as the person begins to suffocate;
- all of these symptoms are aggravated by an increase in heart rate, loss of consciousness, convulsions, fever, chills, pain in the joints and lower back are possible - this is already anaphylaxis.

If a person has been bitten by bumblebee many times in a short time, a toxic reaction may occur. This is fraught with problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, heart rhythm disturbances and breathing. Sometimes, with multiple bites, a person can die.

Women and people taking medications such as beta blockers should be especially careful.

Help for a bite victim

In cases of a non-allergic reaction, it is enough to rinse the bite site with running water or apply a tampon soaked in hydrogen peroxide, drink antihistamines (diphenhydramine, etc.). It is also recommended to apply cold to the bite site, especially if it is a sensitive area (near the eye, for example), to drink more liquid.

It is necessary to observe the victim. If the reaction to the bite is aggravated by other symptoms (edema spreads to the whole body), you need to urgently call an ambulance or take the bitten one to a doctor. In especially severe cases, with cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, it is necessary to give the patient artificial respiration and heart massage before the ambulance arrives.

Precautionary measures

Do not provoke a bumblebee if it is nearby, do not wave your hands, do not grab an insect, be calm. Also, bumblebees do not like the pungent smells of alcohol, perfumery, sweat, metal oxidation odors. All this causes aggression in them. They are attracted by the blue color in their clothes.