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Corrigative exercises in the exercise. Master class for parents "Corrigant gymnastics for kids. Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back surface of the thigh

Corrigative gymnastics variety of medical gymnastics. Children is a special physical system. exercises used mainly to eliminate violations of posture and spinal curvatures; It also provides both a fascinating effect on the body (trains the functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens certain muscle groups; restores the equilibrium between the curvatures of the spine, produces the correct posture).

A healthy spine, the right posture, a well-shaped chest, as well as symmetrically and sufficiently developed muscles are not only the basis of a beautiful and slender figure, but also the key to physical health and, often, social and psychological well-being. Unfortunately, to date, the Dvinally high percentage of preschool children who have different types of posture disorders, scoliosis, flatfoot.

Against the background of innocuous defects, such serious diseases are developing as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, vegeto vascular dystonia develop, various disorders arise and then disease internal organs. The presence of a disorder of posture, scoliosis in schoolchildren is often reflected in their academic performance. Such children are faster faster, tired of static muscle tension during lessons, and, therefore, more often are distracted, which leads to inattentive, worsening memory, poor learning material. Very often, the violation of posture is combined with violation.

Types of corrective exercises Symmetric exercise These are gymnastic exercises under which the midrange position of the vertebrae is preserved. Electromyography shows that with a scoliotic bend, muscle activity on both sides of the vertebrae of Nonodynakov. Consequently, the preservation of the middle position of the spine, the resistance to its deviation towards the stronger muscles will cause a stronger stress in the other side where the muscles are weakened. Thus, physical exercises are symmetrical in terms of the nature of the muscular tone asymmetric. With symmetrical corrective exercises, the gradual alignment of the muscle tone occurs, asymmetry is eliminated, partially weakens and the muscular contracture arising from the opposite side of the scoliotic arc.

Asymmetric physical exercises Asymmetric corrective exercises make it possible to choose the initial position and the muscular thrust of the corresponding muscles specifically to this area of \u200b\u200bthe spine. Variating the position of the pelvis and the shoulder belt, the angle of handing of hands or legs, taking into account biomechanics of movements, it is possible to quite accurately select asymmetric exercises to maximize the deformation in the frontal plane. It should be remembered that the selection of exercises should be strictly individual, taking into account the recommendations of doctors and indicators of x-ray pictures. The ill-conceived use of asymmetric exercises can lead to progression of the disease and further deformations.

Equilibrium exercises This exercise group is used for spinal defects to train the vestibular apparatus and postal reactions. They are performed with a reduced plane of the support, changes in the position of the head and body, in the rack on one leg, etc. and contribute to the formation and consolidation of the skill of the correct posture, they train the position of the body position in space. In the process of their execution, the body position scheme is produced, which makes it possible to submit a given pose to further. The complication of the exercises is achieved due to the gradual decrease in the support stand on one leg, on the socks, the use of shells (log, boom, narrow part of the gymnastic bench), as well as due to the movement of the center of gravity - raising the hands, the lead, the use of beams, stuffed balls d.

Exercises for relaxation These exercises are actively implemented with the highest possible decrease in the tonic stress of muscles. Relaxation is difficult for a child and requires a certain motor experience, the ability to strain the muscles. A compulsory physiological condition for arbitrary relaxation is a convenient initial position. If necessary, rollers or other devices are used, as well as additional techniques that facilitate arbitrary relaxation: shaking, shaking, fly movements in combination with massage. In order to strengthen the relaxing effect, stroking and vibration are applied.

Stretching exercises These gymnastic exercises are used for the preferential impact on the pathologically modified by the ligabling articular apparatus with a loss of elasticity. The methodological complexity of active stretch exercises is to avoid pain and unpleasant sensations. Exercises in stretching include fly movements, exercises with an increased amplitude with the help of special equipment and equipment circular exercises of hands, exercises with bulbs, sticks, etc. The type of stretching exercises are exercises in self-drawing during posture and scoliosis defects.

Exercises for increasing the mobility of the spine when conducting a corrective gymnastics, it is advisable to increase the mobility of the spine. It should be remembered that the implementation for this purpose of physical exercises is possible only with a preliminary good preparation of the muscular corset and active stabilization of segments with a symmetry violation. Exercises must be applied with extreme caution and under constant medical inspection. For the mobilization of the spine, crawls on all fours, mixed viscos and exercises on the inclined plane are used. When performing these exercises, it is necessary to remember about the danger of relenting the ligament apparatus of the muscles, since with insufficient preparation of the muscular component and due forcelessness, in addition to the active muscular component, the effect of body weight on the spine is always present.

Exercises for strengthening the muscular corset to this group of gymnastic exercises include exercises for the development of muscles of the back, abdominal press and the side muscles of the body. They are used to restore and build up the total forcefulness of these muscles. The method of their application is high-speed power or static stresses, in which the magnitude of the muscular voltage reaches 70% of the maximum capabilities. With high-speed exercises, the voltage should not exceed 20% of the maximum values, but the pace of their execution is fast. To generate a muscular corset, it is advisable to use and static stresses - the work of the muscles in isometric voltage, which ensures the rapid increase in muscle mass with pronounced spinal defects.

General methodical recommendations for exercise by corrective exercises by corrective gymnastics It is advisable to do daily, even better 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. The rate of movements when performing exercises should be medium or slow. All movements must accompany deep breathing, paying attention to the exhalation. It is necessary to start gymnastics from light exercises and gradually move to more complex exercises.

Preventive and correction exercises. To form a correct posture. Exercises for strengthening muscles back and abdomen. Exercises for stretching back muscles. Exercises for strengthening the side muscles of the body. Exercises for strengthening the rear and front surface of the hips. Exercises for belly and pelvis. Exercises for the "active belt" on the joints of the limbs. Exercises with round back, stubbornness and wonder blades.

Exercises for strengthening the foot of the foot. Exercises for strengthening the muscles of the legs and the foot of the foot. Breeding and minimizing heels, without taking socks from the floor. Capturing the feet of objects and lifting them. Maximum flexion and extension of the stop. Riding a gymnastic stick feet. Walking on a gymnastic stick and ribbed surfaces. Exercise complexes for flattened and flat foot.

Preventive and special breathing exercises. Exercises on the development of long and complete exhalation, imitating the stuffing of the candle, with the pronunciation of sounds in exhalation. Diaphragm breathing. Gaming complexes of respiratory gymnastics.

Corrigative gymnastics for primary school students Preventive and corrective exercises The mandatory component of each exercise by corrective gymnastics. The program includes the exercises of respiratory gymnastics, exercises for coordination of movements, on the formation of proper posture and strengthening the foot of the foot. These exercises allow us to solve the following tasks: to promote the prevention of respiratory diseases, form rational respiratory skills; develop the ability to coordinate the movements of various parts of the body; Promote the prevention of posture and flatfoot disorders.

A set of exercise corrective gymnastics for students of primary classes 1. Walking in place 10 15 p. On four accounts inhale, four - exhalation. 2. I. p. - about. from. 1 - hands forward. 2 - Hands to the sides. 3. - Hands up, stand on socks, stretch. 4. - and. p. Repeat 3 4 times. (Slow pace) 3. I. p. - about. from. , hands behind the back. 1 - MAX right forward. 2. - and. Clause 3 - MAX left forward. 4 - and. p. Repeat 5 6 times. (tempo of average) 4. Running on site at an average pace, 30 s. 5. I. p. - about. from. , hands on the belt. Jumping: (4 jumps) on the left leg, on the right, on both, four steps in place. Repeat 3 4 times. TC. 6. I. p. - about. from. 1 - Hands up, pull, inhale. 2. - Hands down, exhale. Repeat 5 6 times. TM.

Prevention of posture disorders: 7. Take the right posture at the wall or gymnastic wall: the head, the blades, buttocks, the heels relate to the walls to retry with a voltage of 4 6 accounts to repeat 10 times. 8. Take the right posture, move away from the wall for 1 2 steps, keeping the accepted position with the voltage of all muscles to repeat 10 times. 9. Take the right posture at the wall, make 2 steps forward, sit down, get up. Reconnect the right posture with the voltage of all muscles to repeat 10 times. 10. Take the right posture by the wall, lift on the socks while holding in this position 3 4 seconds. Return to its original position. Repeat 10 times.

Prevention Flatcase: 11. Walking on socks, not bending legs, hands behind your head, torso right. The tempo is medium. 1 3 min. 12. Walking on the outer sides of the stop, hands on the belt, the torso right. The tempo is medium. 2 5 min. 13. Feet in parallel, at a distance of the width of the foot, hands on the belt. Rise on socks at the same time and alternately. Ramine the fingers of the stop with the support on the heels at the same time and alternately. Run from the heel on the sock and back.

Corrigative gymnastics for middle-class students Special physical exercises for the correction of kyphosis (sutula and round spin). 1. I. p. Lying on the stomach, hands bent at the elbows palms to the floor slowly raise the torso, progress, reduce the blades, keep the position in the voltage of 4 accounts to repeat 6 8 times. 2. I. p. The same, hands up "in the castle" lift hands and straight legs, get into the chest department, keep the position with a voltage of 4 accounts to repeat 4 6 times. 3. Perform an exercise (2) to run forward, back 4 6 times.

4. I. p. Knoklochny, bending elbows and lowering chest, promote the housing ahead (sublimases) with stretching, return to I. p. Repeat 6 8 times. 5. I. p. Standing, legs apart, two steps before supporting. Tilt forward, grip for support, make a "round" back, joggle, Dold 3 s. Source 5 position (repeat 4 5 times).

Prevention Flatcase: Exercises are performed in the initial position sitting: 1. The legs are bent, the feet are parallel. Rimming the heels at the same time and alternately. 2. Rear bearing stop at the same time and alternately. 3. Rimming the heels of one leg with the simultaneous rear flexion of the foot of another leg. 4. Put one leg to the knee of another leg. Circular movements stop in both sides. The same with the other foot. 5. Capturing the fingers of the stop of small items and shifting them to another place. Then a jethead.

Corrigative gymnastics for students of high schools Complex of exercises to strengthen muscles during spinal deformations: 1. I. p. Lying on the back, press the lower back, slightly draw the belly (breathing not to detain), raise both legs at an angle of about 70 degrees, hold them Weight 5 7 seconds, return to I. p. Monitor breathing. 2. I. p. The same. Put the lower back, lift both legs and make circular movements with straightened legs "inside". One exercise 8 movements with your feet. Return to its original position. 3. I. p. Lie on the stomach, under the pelvis put the roller. Raise alternately right and left legs, holding each weight for 5 seconds.

4. I. n. Sit on the heels, hands on the belt. Tighten your belly, connect the blades. Tilt the torso forward (to perform the movement at the expense of the hip joints, and not in the lumbar spine), holding it in a horizontal position of 5 seconds. 5. I. p. The same. Hands on the back of the head. Perform an exercise (4). Then relax muscles.

Prevention Flatcase: Exercises are performed in motion. 1. Walking on socks. 2. Walking on the outer edges of the stop. 3. Walking in the position of socks inside, heels outward. 4. Walking in the position of socks inside, heels outward, with alternate lifting on socks. 5. Walking on semolot legs. 6. Walking on socks with a high knee lifting. 7. Sliding steps with simultaneous finger bending. 8. Walking on a ribbed board. 9. Walking down the inclined plane. 10. Walking on socks up and down the inclined plane.

Curving gymnastics are carried out by a group method. Individualization of the impact in the group method is achieved by the acquisition of small groups of 8 10 children, homogeneous by age and sex, and the appointment of individual exercises and dosages.

During the class it is necessary to avoid tedious monotony and take care of the emotional saturation of classes. It is advisable to conduct classes to the music. The room should be light, warm, cozy.

In class, corrective gymnastics, special attention should be paid to respiratory exercises. It is necessary to widely use breathing exercises in order to develop deep breathing, the effort of exhalation, as well as exercises in combining breathing with various movements of the hands, legs aimed at improving the coordination of movements. Each physical exercise should be done freely, without a delay of breathing. In cases where it is inevitable, after the end of the exercise, a breathing exercise must be done to restore disturbed respiration.

A complex of corrective gymnastics for the eyes of physical exercises for the prevention of myopia and during its progression not only contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, but also improve the activities of the eye muscles, improve blood circulation in the eye tissues.

Violations can be warned if you periodically give the opportunity to rest and engage in special gymnastics. Every 1, 5 2 hours of visually mental work, arranging the physical assemblusion, you need to give vacation eyes. You can closing them for 1 2 minutes or for some time to look into the distance. A peculiar eye massage is useful, for which you need to press the eyeballs on the eyeballs several times with the fingertips, having previously closed the eyelids. Circular eye movements are useful.

1. I. p. Sitting. Firmly clogged for 3 5 seconds, and then open the eyes for 3 5 seconds. Repeat 6 8 times. The exercise strengthens the muscles of the eyelids, contributes to improved blood circulation and relaxing eye muscles. 2. I. p. Sitting. Quickly blink for 1 2 minutes. Promotes improved blood circulation. 3. I. p. Standing. Watch right in front of yourself 2 3 seconds, put a finger right hand over the middle line of the face at a distance of 25 30 cm from the eyes, translate a look at the end of the finger and look at it for 3 5 seconds, lower your hand. Repeat 10 12 times. Exercise reduces fatigue, facilitates work at close range. 4. I. p. Standing. Straighten your hand forward, look at the end of the finger of an elongated hand, located in the middle line of the face, slowly approach the finger, do not bring the eye from it until the package does not start twice. Repeat 6 8 times. Exercise will facilitate work at close range.

5. I. p. - Sitting. Close the eyelids, massage them with the help of circular finger movements for 1 minute. Exercise relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. 6. I. p. - Standing. Put a finger right hand over the middle line of the face at a distance of 25 30 cm from the eyes, watch with both eyes on the end of the finger 3 5 seconds, cover your left hand left eye for 3 5 seconds, remove the palm, watch with both eyes on the end of the finger 3 5 seconds, Put a finger of the left hand in the middle line of the face at a distance of 25 30 cm from the eyes, watch with both eyes on the end of the finger 3 5 seconds, cover the right hand with the right hand for 3 5 seconds, watch with both eyes on the end of the finger 3 5 seconds. Repeat 5 6 times. Strengthens the muscles of both eyes. 7. I. p. - Standing, the head is stationary. Take half-bent right hand aside, slowly move the index finger to the right left and follow the finger eyes; The same else. Repeat 10 12 times. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the horizontal action and improves their coordination.

In the vital activity of man, the posture is of great importance. Proper posture is a normal, healthy position of the spine, and he is known, is responsible for the work of all organs and systems of our body. Proper posture is not only a guarantee of health, but also a symbol of beauty, vitality and self-confidence. Of all the existing diseases, the disorders of the posture for some reason are considered the most innocent diseases and therefore for a long time remain unnoticed by parents and teachers at school. At the student age, the defects of the posture fix it is already difficult. The universal complex of physical exercises to correct posture does not exist. Here you need everyday work on yourself, and it is necessary to fulfill it consciously and skillfully.

Corrigating exercises are special exercises that are aimed at the correction of the pathological deformation of the spine. They can be symmetric, asymmetric, deictioning.

The basis of symmetric exercises is the principle of the minimum biomechanical effects of special exercises on the curvature of the spine. These exercises do not require the accounting of complex biomechanical conditions for the operation of a deformed operating system, which reduces the risk of their erroneous use to a minimum risk. Symmetric exercises have an unequal impact on symmetrically located muscles of the body, which as a result of the deformation of the spine are physiologically unbalanced state.

The advantage of symmetric exercises is, in returning, in the fact that they are easier to choose correctly and fulfill, and, vocationally, in the fact that they involve internal reserves of the body into the process of compensation for disorders.

When performing such exercises, it is necessary to maintain the middle position of the spine. This in itself is a difficult task for a child with a posture defect in the frontal plane, since the muscles of the right and left sides of the body under such violations are developed unequal and symmetrical in the nature of the exercise, are asymmetric in terms of muscle operation. To keep back straight, weakened muscles with a convex side of the curvature are forced to overcome the resistance of stronger muscles from a concave side. With asymmetric posture, any symmetrical exercises for strengthening and stretching the muscles of the back and abdominal press are corrective if they are particularly careful to ensure that the spinner is exactly the midline. Muscular tone with such a training session gradually aligns: the muscles on the convex side are becoming stronger and rushing, and overpressive muscles on the concave side are slightly stretched.

Examples of symmetric corrective exercises.

Source position: lying on the stomach.

The brushes are placed one on the other under the chin. Take the correct position of the body (spinning processes on a straight line, hands and legs are arranged symmetrically relative to the spine). At the same time lift hands, chest and head, without taking off the floor, pelvis and belly. Hold this pose 37 accounts, keeping the right body position. Breathing free.

Perform the same exercise by simultaneously holding up straight legs.

Source position: lying on the back, hands stretched along the body.

  • 1. Take the correct position of the body, check it, lifting the head and shoulders. Translate hands to the belt, slowly sit down, keeping the right posture, return to the IP (exhale). Relax muscles (breathe), check the body position.
  • 2. "Bike": Circular movements of legs.
  • 3. Raise straight legs at an angle of 3045 °, spread them to the sides, connect, omit (exhale), relax muscles (inhalation).

Asymmetric exercises are also based on the principle of spinal correction, however, they differ in the optimal effect on its curvature, moderate stretching of muscles and ligaments on a concave curvature arc and the differentiated strengthening of weak muscles on the convex side.

Asymmetric corrective exercises are used to reduce scoliotic curvature. They are selected individually and affect the pathological deformation locally. Asymmetric exercises train weakened and stretched muscles. For example, from the initial position, standing along the body, legs on the width of the shoulders, the following exercise is performed:

  • a) The forearm is descended on the side of the chest scoliosis, the shoulder turns outwardly, while the blade is driven to the midline. At the time of bringing the blade, the correction of ribrane is a correction;
  • b) On the opposite side of the chest scoliosis, the forearm rises, and the shoulder turn forward and inside, the blade is delayed in the duck. In this movement is involved forearm, shoulder and blade. Turning the body is not allowed. When performing this asymmetric exercise, stretching the upper portion of the trapezoid muscle and strengthening the blade muscles on the scoliosis side; Strengthening the upper portion of the trapezoidal muscle and stretching the blade muscles on the opposite side. Exercises contribute to the alignment of muscle tone, the provisions of the forearm, the reduction of the asymmetry of the standing blades. It should be remembered that the improper use of asymmetric exercises can provoke further progression of scoliosis.

Now that you know your weaknesses, you can start a set of exercises to strengthen the affected muscles, which provides the so-called mode for all types of back pain. But even it does not always guarantee good results. To extract the greatest benefit from the complex, it should be borne in mind that the exercises that are performed once a week are only injured by muscles, they need to be performed daily in a given sequence. The complex must include exercises for heating and relaxation of muscles, allowing them to develop. Never oversight muscles. If you feel the pain in the back, the stomach or any other part of the body during the exercise, it does not mean that the muscles become stronger. The pain is the signal that your load is too large.
The first 6 exercises described below provide general relaxation and increase in muscle elasticity. You must fulfill them regardless of the nature of your violation. Exercises are not endurance tests. They provide muscle stretching in one slow incessant movement, and not two fast jerks.
Before starting classes, lie on the rug or litter. To support the pillow under your knees, hands and back. Then start the exercises, repeating each of them 2 or 3 times in the sequence in which they are represented, and 1 time in the opposite. At the end of the complex the first exercise is repeated.

  1. Relax, turning the head to the side, striking also shoulders, hands, hips, legs and feet. Slowly raise your hands, then drop them. Repeat these movements with hands, legs and feet. Turn your head left, then right. Breathe deeply. Not straining, slowly exhale.
And now try to feel like all your parts of the body are poured by lead - let the head, shoulders, hands and legs rest on the floor. Do not attempt to lift, even slightly straining muscles.
Breathe deeply deeply. Close your eyes, relax the muscles of the jaw, try to exhale as much as possible, with a hiss or buzzing sound.

Strain the muscles of the hands, then relax. Strain the muscles of the hips and neck and relax again. The most important thing in this exercise is relaxation, and not the tension of the muscles. The latter is only needed to feel the difference between tens and relaxed muscles.
Breathe deeply deeply. Slowly raise your shoulders to the ears, then lower and distort them.

  1. Stand up and see my shoulders again.
  2. Lie. Slowly turn your head left, then return it to its original position and relax. Slowly turn the head as possible to the right, return it to its original position and relax.
  3. Lie on your back, remove the pillows. Bend your knees and slowly raise the right as possible to the chest. Slowly straighten your leg, let it fall on the floor unbalanced and relaxed. Return it to the initial bent. Do the same to the second foot. Then repeat the exercise by each foot (Fig. 22).
  4. Lie on the left side. At the same time, it's convenient to rest on the pillow, the neck muscles are relaxed. Both legs are bent in the knee joints. Raise the right knee as close as possible to the head as close as possible, then slowly straighten the leg. Fall a relaxed foot on the floor. Perform an exercise 2 or 3 times, then turn on the right side and repeat it with your left foot (Fig. 23).
  5. Turn on the stomach. The head must be comfortable to rest on the arms folded hands. Then strain the jagged muscles. Hold this position for two seconds, then relax (Fig. 24).
  6. Lie on the back, legs bent in the knee joints. Scroll down, gradually lifting it up, pull out the sock outside, as shown in Figure 25. The exercise will be more effective if you add a load (with a permission of a doctor). You can use sand bags or weighted boots. Start from two pounds and add only half a second or third day. If you have to raise the leg with a jerk or strain, and the load is too large, it should be reduced to exercise only with a lightweight effort. This, the following exercise is aimed at strengthening the thigh flexors.
  7. Lie on the back, legs bent in the knees. Tighten your knees to the chest. Gradually, lower the legs, at the same time straightening them until they touch the floor. Relax (Fig. 26).
  8. You lie on the back, legs bent in the knee joints. Strain abdominal muscles. Try strain at the same time the muscles of the buttocks. If you do it right, your loin will be pressed to the floor. Tense muscles will move your pelvis and fit back to the floor. Perhaps you immediately have this exercise (Fig. 27) will not work, and you will have to start with the tension of the abdominal muscles and buttocks alternately before it is possible to strain them at the same time. With successful exercise, hold the muscles in the voltage over two seconds, then relax.
  9. Lie on the floor, legs bent in the knees, hands are freely stretched along the hips. Lift your head and shoulders from the floor, slowly lower them on the floor and relax. This (Fig. 28) and the next two exercises are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.
  10. Lie on the back, legs bent in the knee joints. Raise your head and right knee and try to touch your lips to him. Do not straighten too! Your first attempts may be unsuccessful, but in the end the exercise will turn out. Return to the original position and repeat the same with the left knee (Fig. 29).

  1. Lie on the back, the hands are intertwined behind the head, the knees are bent. Cook the leg socks for a heavy item (wardrobe, bed or heavy chair), which is not a tip. Sit down, then slowly return to the lying position. You need to sit down gradually, tearing off my head, shoulders, chest and only then lower back. When performing the exercise, the body does not strain, do not sit jerks. If you can not perform an exercise with your hands intertwined at the neck, try to perform it with your hands, lowered along the hips. Then twist your hands on the stomach, and even later, slightly fixing, put crossed hands on your chest and, finally, behind the neck. If the exercise (Fig. 30) does not turn out at all, perform the previous ones until you get enough forces for this.
  1. Lie on the stomach, put a pillow under the stomach. Raise your right hand and shoulder, drop them, relax (Fig. 31). Do the same hand. This and the following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the top of the back.
  2. Lie on the stomach, putting a large pillow under it (Fig. 32). Cook the legs for a heavy item that is not a led. Holding hands stretched along the thighs, raise your back to a horizontal position, but do not burn back (exercise for flexing back, or on topless, can cause pain in some patients. Therefore it is not a normal movement for the spine, if you are not an acrobat. Do not do this !).
  3. Lie on the stomach, under the waist a big pillow. Lift one leg, lower it, relax. Raise the second leg, lower, relax. This (Fig. 33) and the following exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back and buttocks.
  4. Lie on the belly with a pillow under the hips. Seek your hands for a heavy piece of furniture, which is not a tip. Lift both legs at the same time, then lower, relax (Fig. 34).
  5. Stretching in the lying position. Lying on the stomach, pull the left hand and right leg as far as possible, relax. Repeat the exercise with the right hand and left foot. Then stretch the specified members simultaneously and relax. These and the rest of the exercises are aimed at tensile all the muscles - from the adples to the tendons of the bends.
  6. Sit on the chair. Feel feet. Rock your head, then shoulders and arms and lean out as low as possible. Return to the original position, straighten and relax (Fig. 35).
  7. Stand on your knees, leaning on hands and knees. Pull the back of the feline and at the same time drop your head. Then drive around in the opposite direction, raising my head and forming the Latin letter "V" with my back (Fig. 36).
  8. Rotational tilts in the sitting position. Sit on the chair, lean, dropping your head and shoulders. Then - the slope to the left side and slow straightening. Relax. Repeat the exercise with the right to the right.
  9. Lie on the back, legs bent in the knee joints, hands stretched along the thighs. Try to touch the face to touch, then straighten the leg in the air and slowly lower the floor (Fig. 37),
When performing the exercise, you must feel the tension of the tendons, the extensor of the lower leg. Return to the starting position. Relax for a second before repeating the exercise with the second foot.
  1. Stand up, twist your hands behind your back, keep your back and go straight. Gradually, bend the torso in the hip joints until you feel the stretching of the muscles, bending the legs (Fig. 38).
  2. Sit on a chair, hands behind the neck, fingers are intertwined. Take the elbows back as far as possible, go back to the starting position, drop your hands and relax. Repeat the exercise (Fig. 39).
  3. Standing on the knees, go around the palms and elbows about the floor. Post

penno straighten the back, gliding forward on the hands and holding it and head straight. It will stretch your chest muscles. Return to the original position, relax, then repeat the exercise (Fig. 40).

  1. Sit on the chair, hands - on the shoulders. Try to cross the elbows, the holding right hand as far as possible to the left, and the left - as far as possible to the right, until you feel the stretching of the muscles of the top of the back. Return to the starting position, drop your hands and relax (Fig. 41).
  2. Lie on the belly by putting a pillow under the hips. Twen the blades together, then relax. This exercise will be particularly effective in combination with shrugs (Fig. 42).
  3. This is a climax exercise that is included in all complexes. To execute it, first relax, deeply breathing and exhausted. Slowly drop the head, let the body "hanging" freely from the hips. Slowly lower your shoulders. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times. With full relaxation, leaning from the thigh line, get to the floor

can be further. Return to the original position, relax and flip over the other side to repeat the exercise (Fig. 45). It is best to perform on the hard treads so that the leg can stretch down in relation to the surface on which you learn.
In the following eleven drawings, the exercise complex is given. Recommended after "execution of craw-webker tests. Each exercise is repeated 2 or 3 times, slowly and rhythmically, first in the specified order, and then in the opposite.
When you feel that it is quite prepared for a kind of sport, do not forget to start and end the exercises, warming muscles and relaxing them. Intense muscles cannot transfer increased loads. Preheating exercises stretch the fabrics and make them more flexible and puffy.
If you suffer the pains of the back, be careful when choosing a sport. Obviously, football is excluded. You can first try swimming, and then consult with your doctor if you can do tennis or running. No matter how much you choose, do it regularly, at least 3 or 4 times a week to constantly maintain muscle tone.

The corrective gymnastics program can be developed both for a group of people and individually for one person.

How exercise act on the body

First of all, it is necessary to understand the impact of physical exercises on human muscles and the body.

During the fulfillment of physical exercises in the body, blood supply to ligaments, muscles and, of course, bones are intensified. Experts claim that in a calm state, and especially in a dream, through human muscles proceeds from 10 to 12 liters of blood, and during exercise this figure increases 5 times. As a result, muscle strength and weight increases, the tendons are strengthened, the ligaments acquire elasticity, the bones are stronger. Physical activity improves blood progress on veins and vessels. When cutting muscles, the work of the heart and vascular system increases, the lungs work 3 times faster, resulting in breathing.

During classes, breathing will be deepened and the alveoli is repeated - pulmonary bubbles, the gas exchange process and the endurance of the muscles are improved, as well as the condition of pulmonary fabrics. When inhaling, the pressure in the chest is reduced, which increases the blood flow.

In general, it is worth noting that physical exercises contribute to strengthening skeletal muscles and hearts, an increase in the lungs and chest volume. Also, the warm-up and gymnastics are an additional means in the treatment of diseases of the back, joints and respiratory system.

There are various methods and forms of physical activity: relaxing classes, power training or corrective gymnastics. It is the last form of exercise that is intended for people who have problems with posture, eyesight, breathing and legs.

The essence of corrective gymnastics

Any corrective gymnastics technique is aimed at restoring muscle balance, that is, to relax muscles. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the relaxed muscular corset, no matter how strange it sounds. In this case, the corrective gymnastics helps to restore the normal operation of the muscles.

Wellness exercises can be performed using shells. It can be dumbbells, balls, rubber bandages and a gymnastic wall. Each set of exercises of corrective gymnastics can be performed at home on their own. It is important to understand what needs to be inserted into the rules for performing exercises.

It is advisable to engage in a correctional gymnastics every day twice: in the morning and evening. You can perform conventional gymnastics, which will consist of 6 exercises. An integrated and correct approach is important. It is necessary to make one exercise in several approaches. By duration, one occupation should not exceed half an hour. The corrective complex includes general collaborating, relaxing and correction exercises.

It is also desirable to alternate the pace of performance: from slow to faster and vice versa. Breathing is an important component of recreation activities. It all starts with a lightweight exercise option and gradually makes a smooth transition to complicated. Each time a complex of corrective gymnastics is much easier.

Goals and objectives corrective gymnastics

Fix the posture, to improve the body and strengthen the muscular corset helps precisely corrective gymnastics. The purpose of therapeutic exercises is the correction of defects associated with the back, muscle atrophy, assistance in the treatment of diseases of the joints, respiratory system and eye.

Corrigative gymnastics is aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • activates general and local metabolic processes;
  • forms muscular corset;
  • helps to develop power and muscle stamina;
  • improves equilibrium and coordination.

A positive result is achieved by systematic execution of a properly selected technique.

The benefits of gymnastics

Therapeutic or corrective gymnastics is appointed both adults and children. It ensures the effectiveness of treatment, and also warns the development of many back diseases.

The program of corrective gymnastics is being developed in order to strengthen the muscles, correcting the vertebral defects. In addition, all health exercises are performed in a complex with respiratory gymnastics.

In addition to the impact on the musculoskeletal system, the corrective gymnastics has a positive effect on the respiratory organs, heart, vessels and vision. There are special exercises for each body system. Correction classes facilitate asthma symptoms, normalize blood pressure and restore the body in the postoperative period.

Indication to Corrigant Gymnastics

The corrective gymnastics is appointed a strictly physician based on the state of man and the disease. Positive dynamics from classes are observed in people with bad blood circulation. In the violated operation of the respiratory organs, the mobility of the chest is noticeably improved, increases the lungs.

Correctional exercises are prescribed to patients with a violated functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the action is sent to the restoration of motor and secretory functions of the stomach, improved blood circulation in the abdominal cavity.

In addition, the corrective gymnastics is necessary for women suffering from gynecological diseases: the irregular position of the uterus, its curvature. Exercise helps to improve the overall condition of women.

Gymnastics for eyes

A modern pace of life obliges a person to follow their own health. Vision in this case is not in the last place.

Incorrect lifestyle, long-term finding in front of a computer monitor, a closed room - factors that do not affect eyes, or rather, on vision. If you ignore the overload on the eyes, then you can get complications in the form of glaucoma, myopia, astigmatism.

Corrigating gymnastics for the eyes supports a worthy level of view. Relaxing exercises are applied.

Vision correction and disease prevention

The following are used as relaxing exercises:

  1. Fast blink from 10 to 15 seconds.
  2. Strong compression, and then relaxation of the eyelid from 5 to 10 times.
  3. Circular movements with eyes clockwise and back 6 times.
  4. "Drawing" square with a look for 30 seconds.
  5. Circular movements of eyeballs with closed eyes 6 times in each direction.

All movements are made smoothly. The month of regular training gives its positive results.

Correction of posture

As you know, the correct posture is formed in childhood. The curvature of the spine and the violation of the posture is the problem of each second person.

Gymnastics helps to correct such problems:

  1. For the first exercise, it is necessary to get back at the wall. Heat, blades, buttocks, caviar and heels should touch the surface. It is necessary to remember this position and move away from the wall. Then the hands are drawn forward in this position and 5 squats are performed.
  2. We sit on the stool by the wall, to which we press the head with a straight back. Then we relax the muscles of the shoulders, neck and back, smoothly lowering your head. Source position: sitting on a bench without a back at the wall. We repeat the exercise 5 times.
  3. For this exercise, you need to lie on the floor on the stomach. Bend your hands in the elbows and put your head on the palm. Alternately take each hand aside, we return to I.P., then raise your hand over your head. Perform an exercise 5 times.

Children's corrective gymnastics

Each parent and teacher knows that in childhood, the main activity is the game. In this case, the corrective gymnastics is carried out in a game form. You can use a surprise moment, poems, riddles. The child will have an interest in the exercise.

For example, the corrective gymnastics after sleep may consist of the following exercises:

  1. Foot massage while walking on the correction tracks on the heels and socks. It is important to alternate the types of walking. Hands better arrange on the shoulders or belt. This will help develop equilibrium.
  2. Marsh with a high knee raising. It is advisable to combine this exercise with a scanning feet back.
  3. Effective exercise called "Nature". Clearing on the floor on all fours with flashed back.
  4. Feet are located on the width of the shoulders, and the hands on the belt. Turns are performed in the left and right side alternately.
  5. Squat with a straight back. It is necessary to follow the posture of the child.

Public corrective exercises

This is the most extensive group of exercises, which, the time of their implementation stimulate and normalize the work of many of the functions of the embassy. You can classify them by anatomical features: gymnastics for the press, back, shoulders, pelvic belt, hands. In addition, it is possible to use special devices, for example, ball, hoop, sand bag, pole and so on.

To accurately perform the complexes, as well as for greater efficiency, gymnastic walls, staircase, bench, log, etc. are used. Any corrective gymnastics is carried out at a convenient initial position: a person either falls on the floor or projectile or stands. In this case, the spine is not tense.

Card file

Correcting exercises for preschool children

1. "Rocking"

Objectives: Improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the ligorous muscular apparatus of the body and limbs.

On the forest clearing played a bear, funny swaying on the back. Let us try to show so too!

IP: To lie on the back, legs together. Flexing legs, press the knees to the chest and clasp the knees. Show on the back to the right, left. Pause. Repeat 3 times.

2. "Starfish"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, improved movement coordination.

I.P.: Lying on the stomach, raise hands and legs to the sides.

You are a starfish! Share on the waves.

3. "Resistant Tin Soldier"

Objectives: Development of the ability to maintain balance, the formation of proper posture, strengthening the ligorous muscular apparatus of the body and limbs.

Swim on the river boat, and in her tin soldier. Suddenly a sharp wind blew, and a pitching began. But nothing is scary to tin soldiers. Want to become the same persistent and strong, like a tin soldier?

IP: Stand on your knees, hands tightly press to the body. Bend back, as low as possible, keep your back straight and then straighten up. Repeat 3 times. Sit on the heels, relax.

4. "Airplane"


I.P.: Sitting, legs together, hands on the floor. Raise the legs up, the hands of dilute on the sides - "airplanes flew". Hold the pose of 5-10 s, then relax. Repeat 3 times.

5. "Heron"

Objectives: Improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

IP: Standing on the right foot, bend the left leg in the knee, the hands are almost on the sides, and stand so little. Then on the left foot. Repeat 3-4 times.

When the Heron sleeps at night,

On one leg stands.

Do you want to know:

Is it difficult to stand so much?

And for this we are friendly

Make this pose of this.

(2nd option: foot bent in the knee, lift forward, up, at an angle.)

Very difficult to stand so

The leg on the floor is not to lower

And do not fall, do not swing

For a neighbor do not hold

6. "Singing"


IP: Lying on the back, pull the left foot to the heel forward, and pull the left hand back out the head along the body. The same is the same with the foot and hand. Then two legs and hands together.

7. "Ah, palms, you, palms!"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, coordination of the upper limbs movements.

I.P.: Stop right and, starting your hands behind your back, connect the palms. Then, byverting folded hands up, arrange the hand brushes so that the maizins along the entire length touched the spine. The elbows need to lift, straighten the shoulders to stay back.

Hold the pose and pronounce:

"Ah, palms, you, palms!

Behind your back, I hide you!

It is necessary for posture, that's for sure!

Without embellished! "

Slowly lower your hands down, shake the hands of the hands and perform a calm exhale.

8. "Carousel"

Objectives: Improving the function of vestibular, strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

I.P.: Sit on the floor, raise straight legs up. Relying hands about the floor, turn around them with the help of hands. Split carousel.

9. "Slow baby"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the muscles of the pelvic belt.

I.P.: Sitting, raise a foot foot to the chest, hug her hands. To rock the "baby", touching the forehead of the knee and foot legs.

10. "Dance Clash"

Objectives: Strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities and the muscular corset of the spine.

Imagine that you are small bear, and decided to dance.

I.P. - O.S: put your hands on the belt, perform semi-mans. The tempo is medium.

11. "Bird"

Objectives: Development of coordination and speed of movements in large and small muscular groups, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine.

I.P.: Lying on the stomach, raise your hands up, to sides, progress. Wave hands like bird wings. We flew. Lie on the stomach, lower your hands. Pause, rest. Then continue the flight. Repeat 2-3 times.

12. "Various"

Objectives: formation of correct posture, strengthening the ligorous muscular body of the body and lower extremities.

IP: Sitting, the legs are slightly bent in the knees, and the hands in the elbows are pressed slightly to the body. Go! Moving on the floor forward, helping only legs. Hands perform circular movements, imitating rotational movements of the wheels. Stay in 2-3 minutes, pause, then continue the movement. (2nd option: Traffic back.)

13. "Frogs" ("Frogs")

Objectives: Formation of correct posture,

Here are a frog along the track

Scoped, stretching the legs.


Scroll, stretching the legs!

IP: Stand on all fours, sit down with fingers touching the floor. Knees dilute, hands between knees. Bill up and return to I.P. (Second option: with advancement).

Medium trees, on a swamp,

There is a house of frog.

Here are a frog along the track

Scoped, stretching the legs.

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

Scoped, do not spare the legs.

14. "Little bridge"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, a binding and muscular apparatus of legs and hands.

They walked through the forest. Before the streams.

How do they move through it? Let's help them: Build bridges through the stream.

I.P .: To lie on the back, without taking the shoulders and feet feet from the floor, lift the body. Palms of the hands bent in the elbows, maintain the back. Keep, keep your back, until the hedgehogs are offended on the other side. Here is the hedge and moved, and we will rest. Repeat 3 times.

15. "Scissors"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the lower limbs participating in the formation of the foot of the foot.

Let's imagine that our legs are scissors.

I.P.: Lying on the stomach, raise alternately straight legs up and down. In order for the "scissors" well cut, the legs should be straight. Lie on your back, relax. Repeat 3 times. (Second version: I.P. - lying on the back.)

16. "Swimming on kayaks"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, binder muscular apparatus of legs and hands.

IP: Sitting on the floor, the legs slightly bend in the knees, pull the hands forward. To lie on the back and try to slowly sit down without help and learn again. Floored! Repeat 5 times.

17. "Caterpillar"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of hands and legs.

I.P.: Stop on all fours, tighten your knees to the hands, without taking the feet from the floor. And then rearrange both hands at the same time forward as far as possible. So moving the caterpillar in search of food. And now you are all - caterpillars. Crawling!

18. "Giant and Dwarfs"


Walking around the hall. "Giant" - go on socks, hands up. "Dwarfs" - go to the half-grace, hands on the belt. Back straight!

19. "Everything is engaged in sports"

Objectives: Formation of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine.

Rides frog: Hands bend in the elbows, slopes to the sides,

Kva-kva-kva! Compress and squeeze your fingers in fists.

Swim duckling: imitate swimming.

Varya-Varya-Kry! Compress and squeeze straight fingers of the hands.

Everyone is trying around, one hand up, the other down.

Sports are engaged. Change hands.

Little Belchonok:Jumping up.

SCOK-SCOK!Jumping in place, forward back.

From the twig on the twig:One hand up, the other down.

Jump, jump-skok!Change hands.

All around try

Sports are engaged.

20. "Hedgehog with hedgehogs"

Objectives: Formation of the skill of correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the body, upper and lower extremities.

Under huge pineRunning on socks.

On the gland, on the forest,Sounds [FRRFrrrr].

A bunch of leaves where lies,Running in the semi-traced socks,

Hedgehog with hedate runs.hands in the harm on the hips, spin round

We all look around,

On penets sit downSit down, pulling the neck up.

And then all together sit downSit down on the hands of hands,

And needles just showhead down, spin round

Showed showed "showing needles. "

And home all ran home.Running on socks.

21. "Airplane - Airplane"


Airplane - aircraftDivide hands on the sides, palms up.

Departs in flight.Rotate to the right

Zhu, zhu, zhu,and pronounce the sound [F].

Stand and rest.Stand straight, lower your hands, pause.

I'll go wrongRaise your head - inhale; Run to the left

Zhu, zhu, zhu, exhale on the sound [F].

Stand and rest.Stand straight and lower your hands - pause.

22. "Mouse and Bear"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the formation of proper posture, improved coordination of movements.

The bear house is huge.Stretch, stand on socks, raise your hands up, pull, look at the hands - inhale.

The mouse is very small.Sit down to grab your knees to lower your head

-Had with sound utterance (w)

Mouse goes

On a visit to Mishke,

He will not fall to her.

23. "Nature"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine.

I.P.: Stand on all fours with a support on your knees and hand brushes. "The kitty is angry" - a spin round, head down as low as possible. "The kitty is kind, affectionate" - get into the back, raise my head.

24. "Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree"

Objectives: Education and formation of proper posture, strengthening of the ligorous muscular body of the body and limbs, attention training.

There are high ate in the forest. Stand smoothly like these slim fir, pull up, straighten up. (Head, torso, legs - straight, push the hands, "branches", slightly to the sides, palms ahead.) Let's go further into the forest, let's see if there is a sister sister? Here and sisters ate - Christmas trees. They are lower, but those are slim. (Take the right posture, but in the semi-man.) Let's go, looking for another sisters. So they are very small. But remote: beautiful and also slender. (Sit down, head and back straightened, hands with palms slightly divorced on the parties.)

25. "Swallow"

Objectives: Formation of coordination of movements,

I.P. - O.S: get up straight, right (left) leg raise back up, hands to the side, torso a little tilted forward, raise your head. Hold 1-2 s, then return to I.P. Repeat the same with the left foot.

26. "Become a sideways"

Objectives: Education and formation of the skill of proper posture, the development of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and the muscular apparatus of the stop.

I.P. - O.S: Take the right posture, sand bag on your head. Walking sideways with an appropriate step (right, left).

27. "Corner"


IP: Lying on the back, pull out closed legs. Raise legs and head at the same time and hold 1-2 s, the back is pressed to the carpet.

(The second option: the back is broken from the floor and lifts together with your head.)

28. "Kach-Kach"

Objectives: Strengthening the binder muscular foot apparatus; Increase the amplitude of movements in the ankle and the joints of the stop, toes.

I.P.: Lying or sitting on the floor, legs on the width of the shoulder (pull it out). Bend and blending the feet - right, left, up, down. Movement accompany the words "Kach-Kach".

29. "In Turkish we sat ..."


In Turkish, we sat, drank tea and wheels. They drank, drank, spruce, spruce, barely referred.

I.P.: Sitting, legs "Kalachik", brushes are resting under the chin. Jump head and torso from side to side.

30. Sitting Football

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and the muscles of the lower extremities.

IP: Sitting on the floor, legs bent in the knees and pressed to the stomach. Moving legs forward to discard the ball sitting opposite the child. He catches him with his hands, and then his legs sharply discard the ball to his partner. (Options: catch the ball dropped by the ball, roll it, then one, then the other foot, shoot down the bow of the bow, which is equal to the distance between playing.) After the game, the lead offers children to lie on the back, raise his hands and pull. Then turn on the stomach and reach again (lift your head and look ahead).

31. "Turtles"


I.P.: Stand on all fours with a support on your knees and hand brushes. Move forward, at the same time rearrange the right hand, left leg, then left hand, right leg. Spin smooth, lift head.

32. "Gus"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and the muscles of the lower extremities.

I.P. - O.S: Standing, then squatting, walking "goose step", put on your knees. Back to keep smoothly.

33. "Gusks"

Objectives: Elimination and compensation of posture deformation, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and the muscles of the lower extremities.

Geese pull neck.

I.P. - O.S: legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind his back, pull the neck - muscles are tense.

Gus, geese!

Tilt forward, nodding head.


Do you want to drink?

Neck muscles relaxed, back to get

Yes Yes Yes!

Geese, geese, here is water!

Hands behind back up, tilt forward, keep head straight.

34. "Hedgehog pulled out, curled"

Objectives: Improving the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthen the muscle corset of the spine, the muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

IP: Lying on the carpet, raise your hands behind the head and stretch as much as possible. Then, lifting the top of the body to the knees, lean forward, i.e. Grouple, clasping legs under the knees (the hedgehog curled). Repeat 2-6 times. Between each repetition lie down and relax.

35. "Bird"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of the upper and lower extremities.

IP: Sitting on the carpet, crossed legs and bent his hands in the elbows, touching with the fingers of the shoulders ("wings"). Back straight. Elbows, attracting as close as possible to the body, stay back. Raise hands up, perform mahu hands. Then get up and jump gently on the socks - "The bird is looking for a grain."

36. "Get a wand"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities and muscles involved in the formation of the foot of the foot.

I.P.: Lying on the carpet, legs bent in the knees. Raise the legs and press them to the chest. Then get to the gymnastic stick with straight legs. Stick at a height of 30-35 cm.

37. "Call the bell"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of the upper and lower extremities.

Running straight to the bell: run up to a suspended bell and, bouncing, get a hand to him so that he climbs.

38. "Lion in the circus"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of the upper and lower extremities.

In the vertical hoop, the baby rolling the ball and breaks himself, to fight his back, lift his head forward.

39. "Swing"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities and muscles involved in the formation of the foot of the foot.

IP: Singing squatting. Spring in the knees and ankles, scold to the lead.

40. "Airplane"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the body, the mild effect on the function of the vestibular apparatus, the formation of the skill of the correct posture.

I.P. - O.S: Dilute your hands to the sides and raise them at the level of shoulders. Perform turns to the side, put the legs on the width of the shoulders. (Second option: Heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt, sit down, dilute your arms to the sides. Return to I.P.)

41. "Listen carefully"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the body, upper and lower extremities, the mild effect on the function of the vestibular apparatus, the formation of the skill of the correct posture.

Walking around the hall with the execution of movements by the lead signal. On the word "stump" - get up on one knee, lowering my head and hands, then get up and continue walking. On the word "Christmas tree" - to stop and retain the devoted hands from the body, accepting the right posture. On the word "Sheaf" - to stop and raise the hands up, joining the head. Control the correctness of posture.

42. "Go to hats"

Objectives: The formation of the skill of correct posture, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements.

Put on the head easy load - "hat." Follow the posture, head straight, shoulders on the same level, parallel to the floor, the hands are quietly lying along the body. Walk around the hall, keeping the right posture.

43. "Kalachi"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the muscles of the abdominal press, the lower and upper limbs, the development of coordination of movements.

Kachi-Kachi Kachi-kach.

Make, friend, Kalach.

IP: Sitting on the floor, hands in the stop behind, legs together, socks are drawn.

1 - pull the legs to yourself, grab them with your hands;

2 - I.P. Perform 5-6 times.

44. "Kids grew up"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the formation of proper posture, improved coordination of movements.

We were small, but grew up big.

I.P. - O.S: legs together, hands are omitted. 1 - sit down, clasp your knees, hide head (exhalation); 2 - Climb to socks, pull, raise hands up (inhale). Perform 5-6 times.

45. "Lisa"


Fox - red-haired rut

Be sure of the back of deftly.

IP: Standing on all fours.

1 - Finger in the back, raise the head (inhalation);

2 - Cut the back of the arc, pressing the chin to chest (exhale). Perform 5-6 times.

46. \u200b\u200b"Skinking"

Objectives: Strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of the stop and the heads.

Very important toy

Jumping rope -

Preparation in the Master,

Liquor hardening!

Jumping without a rope: on both legs in place, on both legs around yourself, "fun legs", throwing away straight legs forward.

47. "Bike"

Objectives: Improving blood circulation in the legs, strengthening the muscles of the abdominal press and lower extremities, the development of coordination of movements.

Drove bears on a bicycle,

And behind them the cat is backward

And behind him, the mosquito on the balloon,

And behind them crayfish on a lame dog.

I.P.: Lying on the floor, hands along the body.

Make circular movements with legs, hands rest about the floor.

48. "Hippo"

Objectives: training of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening muscles torso and limbs.

Who goes on the bridge?

Clumsy hippo!

He is afraid to stupid

And fall into the swamp.

Walking in a straight line, making the heel of one leg to the sock of another, while maintaining the equilibrium.

49. "Trees and birds"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of the upper and lower extremities.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Hands raised and peelled- Climb on socks. Perform mahi hands up, side.

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushesShake hands with hands.

shake Hands bent in elbows.

The wind knives the dew.

Smoothly with the hands of fearRaise your arms to the sides waving hands

This is a bird to us fly,

As they sit down - show:Sit down Hands Back, Brushes

Wings folded back.connect the back side

50. "Cat and kittens" - 1

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and limbs.

Like our catIP: Stand on all fours,

gave the guysboot and bending the back

gave the guys

fluffy kittensStanding on the knees, compress and squeeze kulachka

the backs are wounded,

the tail is played.

And they have sharp on their paws


Really love to washImitate movements.

Paid ears scratch

And lick the tummy.

Elevated all on the barrel

And curled into the ball,

And then rose backGet back. And climbed everything in the basket.

Running on the site at an average pace.

51. "Cat and kittens" - 2

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the muscles of the pelvic belt, the upper and lower extremities, the development of coordination of movements.

Cat with kittensWalking in an arbitrary direction

Played together.Crawling around the hall on all fours with a leg support and

Cat kittens

Everything trained:hands

Fun jumpJumping on both legs (on socks)

Wave to wave.IP: Standing on all fours.

Here's like kittensPerform turns to the hip part of the body

Could play!right and left (imitation of movement)

52. "Wind"

Objectives: Development of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine.

The wind blows to us in the faceI.P. - O.S: the slopes of the body is alone, then in the other direction

Hardened a tree.

Wind quieter, quieter, quieter,Crouch your knees

The tree is higher above.Stretch, stand on socks, hands up.

53. "Snowball"


I play with a ropeSitting on a bench (chair),

In a bunch of legs sirring.Feet to collect "Snow" from the rope.

Once again, another time -Lay a circle.

It turns out a snowball!

54. "Go to mom"


Children perform movement under speech support.

To come to mom's mom

For a long time we need to go.

On the track we will go,Overcoming the bar of obstacles, follow posture.

Throw through the bridge,

Props we under the fence

And let's go to the wide yard ...

There and I will find a mammy.

55. "In the forest"

Objectives: Strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of stop and legs, forming the skill of correct posture.

It is necessary to go back to the forest.I.P. - O.S: back straight.

Walking on the site at a sporting step.

Through the river, through the bridge,

Through a stick from the track

Walk out our legs.Walking on the site sports step

56. "Butterfly"

Objectives: Strengthening muscles torso, upper and lower extremities, mild effects on the function of the vestibular apparatus, the development of coordination of movements.

Our moth flies here,Running on the site.

He is beautiful like a flower.

Wings waving, waving.Perform mahu hands.

Moth flew, flew,

On the flower quietly sat down.Sit down kneel hands

He sits, not moving,

So as not to eat bird crumb!Stand, straighten your back, hands on the sides

57. "Gorka"


Our legs are walkingOrdinary walking; Walking with a high knee raising

All above the path.Go to the ribbed board with a slope

Here we reached the top

We found a monkey.Reach to the toy.

Najornica Monkey

Here hangs here on Lianka.Descent with ribbed board.

Normal walking.

58. "Walk to the forest"

Objectives: Development of coordination of movements, strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of stop and legs, forming the skill of correct posture.

Teddy bear closureWalking "Spanish", putting the legs on the outside of the foot

Zainka cowardly jumps and singsFeet, hands bent slightly in the elbows

Gray wolf angryJumping on both legs with advance

It is important that

And foxing redhead passes byWalking a gymnastic step, hands behind his back

59. "We go for mushrooms"


On the trail we goOrdinary walk in straight.

Fun stepping.Walking with a high knee raising

Top top, top top.Walking sideways with an appropriate step

Across the bridgeBack straight, keep your head smoothly

There we will find fungi.

Op-op, op-op.Sloping forward, down, not bending cola

60. "Stick-rope"

Objectives: Development of coordination of movements, strengthening the binderhmate apparatus of the stop and the legs, the formation of the skill of the correct posture.

On earth was lying stick,I.P. - O.S: Spin Smooth, gymnastic stick lies in parallel foot footsteps.

I feel sorry for me.

I took a stick and sheLean, not bending her knees, take a stick in hand

Turned into a horse!The upper end of the gymnastic stick hold hands, the rest of the legs. Perform jumps, alternating right and left foot, follow posture.

61. "Vanechkin boots"

Objectives: Soft exposure to the function of the vestibular apparatus, strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of the stop and the legs, the formation of the skill of the correct posture.

Here is a fellow legI.P. - O.S: tilting forward, down

Vanechka booze

New, beautiful,Walking around the hall, follow posture.

Blue, like plums.

It will be a rain strongly pourStanding still, put forward the heel right, and for

the left legs.

Leaves no longer no one!

62. "Assistants"

Objectives: Strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and the muscles of the upper limbs.

Mommy came for me,I.P. - O.S: Hands to the sides

Something "bag brought.Back to keep smoothly.

Raise what load!Hand and back muscle tension.

I almost cry ducts!Relaxing the muscles of the hands and back.

63. "Dishes"

Objectives: Development of coordination of movements, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, muscles of the upper and lower extremities.

Here is a big glass kettleI.P. - O.S: Put the belly, hands on the belt.

Very important as the boss.

Here is porcelain cups,Sit down, holding hands on the belt, heels together socks apart

Very fragile, poor things.

Here is a porcelain saucer,Pull up, raising hands up

Only knock - break,

Here are tea spoons- I.P. - O.S: standing on one leg

Head on a thin leg.

Here is a plastic tray,I.P.: Lying on the carpet, pull

He brought dishes to us.

64. "Soldiers - Dolls"


Tree soldiers,I.P. - O.S: stand, stretching, pressing hands to the body, straining the muscles of the hands, back, abdomen.

How the columns are standingI.P. - O.S: chat with hands, turning to the right and left.

And dolls on the thread,

Like rags hang.To lean forward, relaxing the hands and the upper part of the body.

65. "Treet"

Objectives: Formation of proper posture, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine, the development of coordination of movements in large muscular groups of the upper and lower extremities

On the roads of the puddles.Walking a sporting step.

Well, we are not tusk.

Carefully wageWalking on socks.

Mostly moving around.Walking with an inlet step, sideways.

Put on legsTilt drips forward.

High boots.

Yes, how ... jump!

66. "Springs"

Objectives: Strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of stop and legs, forming the skill of correct posture.

Shot on the legs.Rhythmic squats, flexion and straightening of the foot "Springs".

Showing a little.

So, like this!

That's how kids are good,Walking in place.

Scum, kids jump.Jump on both legs.

67. "Who is faster?"

Objectives: Strengthening the binder muscular apparatus of stop and legs, forming the skill of correct posture.

We will play together,Walking in place.

We will jump and jump.Jump on both legs.

Who is stronger?

Who is Tuck?Jump on both legs with advance.

Who will jump all faster?

68. "Grasshopper"

Objectives: Elimination and compensation of posture deformation, strengthening the muscular corset of the spine and muscles of the limbs.

On the lawn beauty,

On the lawn bustle:Walking a sporting step, back straight.

Butterflies fuckRunning around the hall on socks, children

And beetles flyPerform mahs with hands.

And the grasshopper jumps:Jump on both legs with advance.

SCOCK on the flower.

Jump jump, lingeredSquat back, to the sides.

for a moment.

Here again cried and tired.Jump on both legs.

69. "Autumn"

Objectives: Training skills to coordinate movements, strengthen the ligorous muscular apparatus.

Autumn, autumn, leaf fall,Walking around the hall by the usual step.

Yellow leaves fly.Easy running around the hall, hands on the sides, up.

Became, concernedCut.

And they fell to the ground.Sit down, hands down, sides.

70. "Do not drop"

Objectives: Development of coordination of movements, strengthening muscles torso and limbs.

IP: Standing on all fours, with a support on your knees and hand brushes, on the back lies the bag with sand. Rook back, raise my head. Crawling on the site without dropping the bag with sand.

71. "Sparrow and Cancer"

Objectives: Training coordination of movements, development of muscles torso and limbs.

I.P. - O.S: Jumping on both legs with advance and in place (sparrow); Crawling back in the position lying with a support on the arms, legs bent (cancer).

72. "Small swing"


I.P. - O.S: standing on socks. Sleep on the heels, again rise (8-10 times).

73. "Hasiki"

Objectives: Training Coordination of movements, the development of the muscles of the ankle joint and muscles forming a foot.

I.P. - O.S: Raise the left (then right) leg. The turn of the foot outwards, then turn the foot inside (4-6 times).

74. Game exercise "Bug on the back"


I.P.: Lying on the back, hands and feet in a free position. Imagine how bug fell from the branch to Earth, but fell unsuccessful. It turned out to be on the back and tries to turn over to the tummy to wage.

Image of stagnaya laptops in different directions. Swinging on the back with a side on the side (side rocking). Attempting by a jerk roll over on the side, and then stand on the elbows and knees. During the tightening, it does not help your head and shoulders, rush to all the torso.

At the end of the game, children can be asked: what part of the body gives back to swinging easily, and what remains still? What kind of beetle are you? What do you have (paws, wings, shells)? What is your mood?

75. The game exercise "Do not splash water"

Purpose: Formation of correct posture.

I.P. - O.S: legs together. Hands on the blades holds a stick (rocker). The child represents that water from the well can be buried and convey it to the house.

The slope is right and then to the left side (improvisation of water dropping). With a proud light gait, he moves with a "rocker" around the hall.

A stick-rocker can be kept two hands at the shoulder level, wider shoulders, one hand, but in any case, it should be perpendicular to the body and parallel to the floor.

You can evaluate the most beautiful gait.

76. Game-exercise "Baby"

Purpose: Formation of correct posture.

IP: Lying on the back, hands along the body, the legs are tightly pressed to each other. The child is invited to present himself to the baby of infant age, depict his mood and movement.

Lifting the legs bent in the knees, pulling up the stop to the face, involuntary movements with hands and legs in the air, roaking, raising the head (without taking the shoulders from the floor), turns it to the sides, manifestation of the emotions of joy, improvisation of crying with sounds [UA-UA] , imitation of the movement of lips, sucking the nipple.

77. Complex of Exercises "Buratino"

Purpose: Formation of proper posture at the vertical plane.

Imagine that you are Pinocchio hanging on the wall. Karabas Barabas hung him per belt on the carnation. But does Pinocchio agree calmly hanging on the wall? Tired Pinocchio hang and decided he to warm up a little.

I.P. - O.S: at the wall, touching it with a population, back, buttocks, heels.

Raise hands through the sides up, return to I.P. (5-6 times).

Raise the leg bent in the knee, then pull it forward, return to IP.; The same with the other foot (5-6 times).

Rise on socks, as if trying to play with a carnation, hands on the parties - Return to I.P. (5-6 times).

Pull the right hand to the side, without tearing off from the wall, lift the left foot, without tearing off the wall, while maintaining the balance; The same else (5-6 times).

Raise the right leg bent in the knee, and by taking the shin with his hands, pull the knee to the chest, return to IP; The same with the other foot (5-6 times).

Raise the right foot, bent in the knee, pull the nose to it (shoulders are tightly pressed against the wall), only the neck and head are moving, return to IP; The same left foot (5-6 times).

Small marins, without taking off the heels from the wall, put legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Touching the walls with a backdrop, back, buttocks and shoulders, lean on the right side, return to IP; The same on the left side (3-4 times).

78. Complex of exercises "Cheerful Gnomic"

Purpose: Correction of shortness.

In the fabulous kingdom there lived a little gnome. He really wanted to grow up and become high and slim. He went to the old good wizard for advice. And what he advised?

I.P. - O.S. Rising to socks, rushing back back, hands raise up palms ahead, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times.

I.P. - O.S. Lifting on the socks, stretch the hands connected in the "Castle", rushing back back; Fix the position of the back, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 40-50 s.

I.P. - O.S: Feet apart on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Lean forward, hands to breed on the sides with palms down the book, get into the lower back, fix the position of the back, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P .: Rack on the knees, hands down. Lean back, flexing in the back, hands raise up, to the sides, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 s. IP: Rack on the knees, hands on the belt. Make a deep tilt back, flexing in the lower back, hands spread into a hundred rubles to the palms upstairs; Fix the position of the back, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P.: Lying on the stomach, hands along the body. Finger back, brushes are connected, raise your head, shoulders to take back, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace with an interval of 1-2 minutes.

I.P.: Sitting on a gymnastic bench (chair), hands on the belt. Slowly raising his head back and forth, rushing back back, hands pull up palms ahead; Fix the position of the back, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

79. Complex of the exercise "Doll Prince Tutti"

Purpose: Prevention and correction of scoliosis.

You are a living doll, which the prince of Tutti was presented, but no one should guess about it. Movement - synchronous, clear, facial painful face (but what do you feel at the same time?).

I.P. - O.S. Raise the left hand forward, right away back, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times at a slow pace, with an interval of 30-40 s.

I.P. - O.S: legs on the width of the shoulders, left hand at the top, right behind his back. Spring slopes on the right side, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 5-6 times with an interval of 30-40 s; The same else.

IP: Sitting on a chair, hands are lowered on his knees. Raise the left hand up, right stretch back, down, leaning right away, return to I.P. Repeat at a slow pace 4- 5 times with an interval of 1 min; The same else.

IP: In the kneeling, the hands are omitted. Right leg stretch back, fix the assigned position, then return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes; The same else.

I.P.: Lying on the stomach, hands bent under the chin. Babying back, stretch your left hand forward, right away back, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times with an interval of 1-2 minutes; The same else.

80. Complex of exercises for foot formation

"Helping legs"

Purpose: Prevention flatfoot.

1. Go to socks, do not bend legs, putting hands on the belt; hold the torso straight.

2. Go to the outer edges of the stop. Walking on the site, putting hands on the belt, leaning on the outer edges (like "Bear Kosolapiy") 2-5 min.

3. Go to the inclined plane. The board 10-20 cm wide is raised by one end to a height of 25-30 cm. On the socks at a slow pace go through the board up and down 5-10 times.

4. Go to the stick. Walking along a gymnastic stick, which lies on the floor, reducing the feet outside, raising his hands to the sides, at a slow pace. Repeat 5-10 times.

5. Cat in the ball. Ride the feet put on the floor of a small elastic ball (2-5 minutes alternately each foot).

6. Punction on a stick. Holding hands for the rail of the gymnastic staircase, stand on a stick lying on the floor near the wall of the gymnastic; Make squatting, relying on one, then on another leg. Repeat 5-10 times at a slow pace.

Flexion and extension of legs.

7.I.P.: Sitting on a gymnastic bench (stool), pull the legs. Alternately bend and blends the foot, without taking the heels from the floor. Repeat 10-20 times an average pace.

8. Cutting the ball. IP: Sitting on a gymnastic bench (stool). Capture legs, lift and shift on the floor cubes, balls (balls that lie on the floor in the hoop can be added into a small basket) 1-3 min.

9. Balance on the ball.

10.There on a weakly inflated big ball. By changing the position of the hands, slightly turning around the feet, trying to keep on the ball.

81. Set of exercises for proper posture

"Smooth back"

Purpose: Prevention of scoliosis.

Walking with the movement of hands, on socks.

I.P. - O.S. Slow rising hands up - breath, lowering - exhalation.

I.P. - O.S: Hands on the belt. Bending the leg in the knee, pull up to the stomach, return to I.P. Then the same other foot. Repeat 3-4 times with each foot.

I.P. - O.S: hands in front of the breast. Hand breeding on the parties (inhale), return to I.P. (exhalation). Repeat 3-4 times.

IP: Lying on the back. Hands along the body, moving the legs "bike" for 1-2 minutes.

IP: Lying on the stomach. Pull up, pulling out leg socks and pulling hands up to the limit (inhalation); Relax (exhale). Repeat 3-4 times.

IP: Lying on the back. Hands along the body, the legs are tightly pressed to each other. Watching the entire body to the right, like onions, hands and feet stretch to the left (inhalation), return to I.P. (exhalation). The same else. Repeat 3-4 times.

I.P.: Standing to the gymnastic wall, take up his hands on the shoulder level. Deep squats and return to I.P. Repeat 3-4 times.

I.P. - O.S: Hands on the belt, on the head soup with sand. Semi-manned with drawing hands to the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

I.P. - O.S: Hands to the sides, on the head of the bag with sand.

Walking on socks.

Standing in a circle, take up the hands ("Boots"). Rising hands up with simultaneous lifting on socks (inhalation), return in I.P. (exhalation). Repeat 4-5 times.

Standing in a circle, take up hands. Simultaneous squats with a straight back. Repeat 3-4 times.

82. Complex for proper posture

"Beautiful back"

Purpose: Formation of correct posture.

I.P. - O.S: hands to shoulders (brushes from shoulders do not tear off). Circular rotations bent hands forward, then back. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.

I.P. - O.S: hands in front of the breast. With voltage, jerks hands are bred to the sides, climb up, descend. Repeat 3 times.

I.P. - O.S: Hands are omitted. The child slowly raises his hands ahead and up, chanting them in the "castle" above his head, rises on the socks and bending the back. Return to I.P. Repeat 3-5 times.

I.P. - O.S: Hands to the parties. Raises a bent in her knee leg with simultaneous hands up, sock pull, back straight. Repeat 5-6 times each foot.

I.P. - O.S. Back straight, hands above your head in the "Castle". Walking with tensely stretched back on socks. Repeat 1-2 minutes.

I.P. - O.S. Quietly, very slow, smoothly on a breath lift hands up, pull. On the exhalation, smoothly lower your hands through the sides. Repeat 4-5 times.

IP: Sitting on the heels. Hands on the knees. Stand on your knees. With a tension, a jerk raise both straight hands up, lowering, the stomach is tightened. Repeat 5-6 times two jerk

IP: Sitting on the heels. Stand on your knees. Hands raise slowly, with tension up, sipping, rejecting the body back. Repeat 4 times.

IP: Sitting on his knees, hands down. Through the sides slowly on the breath of raising his hands up, in exhale omit. Repeat 6 times.