Repairs Design Furniture

Electrical circuit diagram of oil heater. The repair of oil radiators does not work with their own hands

At the coldest seasons, the heater helps us to warm up. Especially he cuts off at that time when heating has not yet included, and on the street is already cool. Not to say that everyone uses heaters, but here are families in which small children, this device Just needed.

But what to do if the heater has stopped a warm or oil heater does not turn on? You should not immediately go and buy a new one, you can try to repair one that broke. After all, breakdowns are different, most of them can be eliminated themselves.

So, we have an oil heater turns on, but not heated. It is necessary to find out about our oil heater, if it does not warm and what is the reason. For disassembly, we need a screwdriver.

We see two bolts in the place where the cord is wound, but they do not need to get out, because these bolts are held inside the board.

In the lowest part of the heater, Scarlett have two more bolts, here you unscrew them.

There is a single bolt at the top, you also need to unscrew. After that, the front part of the heater can be removed.

Calculation of the defect did not make himself wait, clearly see that one wire burned out of the existing three, and he disappeared from the terminal.

Apparently, the SCARLETT SC-059 heater does not heat exactly because of this. From the end of the wire you need to consider winding and using flux, tin and soldering iron to carry the wire.

Now we take the burnt part of the wire from the terminal, and insert the end of the wire into the terminal and clamp the tongs. Next, we will collect a heater, turn it on and check if he warms it now. The SCARLETT SC-059 heater began to warm. Repair completed successfully. As you can see, it was not so difficult to repair the heater. There are other reasons why heater ceases to warm, for example, the thermal consistency oil heater It comes out of order, but about it next time. All successful repairs.

Repair with your own hands is quite real. Many owners successfully restore the performance of these heat sources without resorting to the services of masters.

Getting Started by the repair of any electrical appliance, you need to know two things - and how it works. Oil heater consists of:

In the heater body, the oil is flooded, which, when turned on, heats up by the Tane. Heat is transferred to the walls of the case, and from them - to the heated room. When a certain temperature is reached, the control unit is triggered, and heating stops. The cycle is repeated all the time until the heater is connected to the power grid. As a result, a constant temperature is maintained in the heated room.

Major faults

The reasons for which the oil heater does not work is not so much. Conditionally, they can be divided into two parts - electrical and mechanical. Failure in work electrical equipment Most often it is necessary on the TEN and control communications - the thermal relay, switch, thermal stitches. There may be a problem in the electrical wiring, but this happens extremely rarely.

TO mechanicaldamage includes various housing breakdows, as well as the formation of sinks on it, through which oil flows. As a rule, these are the fruits of corrosion activities. Determination of the type of malfunction of great labor does not represent. Mechanical breakdowns are always associated with the presence of oil stains under the heater. All other faults are associated with the electrical part.

Preparation of workplace

To fix the heater, first you need to create conditions for this. One of the main prerequisites for successful repair will be prepared for it. First of all, you need to choose a place where you will disassemble the heater. It should be quite spacious and well lit. It is best for this garage or any separate room.

Then the tool and auxiliary accessories are preparing. Since the heater device does not represent any complexity, then the tool will be the most ordinary. A set of screwdrivers, passage and booths, a small hammer and awl - it will be enough to repair. Before repairing at hand, you need to have a soldering iron, a tester, WD-40 liquid, lubricant (graphite or lithol-24) and a little alcohol for wiping the contacts. Be sure to be pure rag. If the reason for the breakdown is defined in advance, it means that we need spare parts for replacing the details failed.

Start repair

The question is how to repair the oil heater with your own hands, each occurs when the device stops working. Meanwhile, there is absolutely no difficulty in this matter. First of all, you need to disassemble to get to the repair object. To do this, you need to disconnect the control panel from the housing. As a rule, it is attached to latches. But it happens the fastening and other kind. For example, screws or brackets.

Therefore, at first it is necessary to carefully examine the heater to determine the method of fastening the panel. Then carefully, without making great effort, remove it. The disassembly must be carried out without the use of coarse force, since the entire fastener is made of plastic.

Before repairing, it is necessary to de-energize the heater.

Checking the network cord and switch. From this it is necessary to begin work on the restoration of the oil heater's performance. The fact is that during long-term operation in the connection places, the wires are usually tightened, and the contact is broken. In this case, it is enough to disconnect the wire and clean it, and at the same time the place of attachment. After that, again to gather everything. Contact restored. Tester check whether it is true. At the same time, you need to check the network cord for the wire break. Rarely, but such a malfunction occurs. It is just done, with the same tester.

Next stage - inspection of all contact compounds In the control unit. It is necessary to very carefully inspect every contact for the boron, oxidation and weakening of the attachment. Screwdrivers, fine-grained grinding skins and rolling, moistened with alcohol, will be quite enough to repair. It is possible that somewhere you will need a soldering iron for soldering a torn wiring.

Can happen so that malfunction in thermal relay, or temperature regulator. In this case, it is necessary to take it carefully and disassemble it. After disassembling the bimetallic plate, which is inside, is extracted and replaced by a new one. The thing is that there can be no more faults there. After replacing the plate, the relay will restore its potential.

Repair thermal stuffsit will be to verify their health and replacement if necessary for serviceable. Check - simple testing tester. Thermal stuffs, or they are also called thermostats, maybe several. Check each.

Left check the condition of Tanov. To do this, it is enough to measure their resistance to the tester. It should be less than 1 coma. One connection is carried out on the circuit breaking. Thus, if the tester shows a large resistance or does not show anything at all, then it's time to change the TEN.

On this check, the electrical part of the heater can be considered complete. Go to mechanical malfunctions.

Only one is relevant from them - oil flowing. In this case, the heater will have to disassemble the remaining inside the oil. In the presence of damage to the case, it is important to accurately determine in what place it happened. Then you need to thoroughly clean the found space with a grinding skirt. This is done to determine the method of repair. If it turns out that the hole is small, and there is no corrosion tracks, then one of the repairs will be screwed into the hole of the self-press or suitable diameter Screw. Another option will be the use of a special sealant called " cold welding" Before use, it is warm up in hand to the condition of plasticine.

The stranded sealant ball is superimposed on the hole and carefully smoking on the surface. After 15-20 minutes, he hardens so much that heater can be used. A slightly harder will eliminate a hole that was formed from rust. In this case, it will take care of the emery skirt of the entire rusty stain to the "living" metal. Then you need to carefully examine and estimate the size of the opening. If it is not very large, then it can be sought. If the hole is large, then it is necessary to apply welding here, that is, impose a latch and desoem it. In this case, the repair of the oil heater will be more serious and will require not only a special tool, but also skills.

The housing of the heater rolls the brass solder or replacing it. Only not tin. Welding is better to carry out a semi-automatic. That is, the wire, not the electrode.

As we see, the repair of oil heaters, and even with your own hands, for everyone who is familiar with the AZA electrical engineering and a plumbing business. Therefore, before throwing off the heater, it is necessary to examine it carefully. If the breakdown is insignificant, repair will be much cheaper than buying a new.

Oil electrical heaters have simple design Therefore, usually, when they are operating, there are no special difficulties.

In most cases, they out of constructionHaving worked out not one warranty period.

However, even the simplicity of construction sometimes can save the oil heater from breakage, usually happening in the most incorrectly.

Difficulties in troubleshooting can only cause oil leak, the appearance of which is easy to detect when visual inspection of the device. Angels of oil that appeared on the heater body, suggest that the device must be turned off urgently, and then take care of purchasing a new heating device.

Some craftsmen are able to return the oil heater to life and after the appearance of such a malfunction, but this work quite complicatedHaving a lot of time. Engaged in such a repair is extremely rare.

To correct other damage usually refer to the specialistHowever, possessing elementary knowledge of electrical engineering, it is possible to solve the problem yourself.

Attention!Any repair of the electrical heater must be performed in compliance with the safety regulations. The device must be disconnected from the power supply.

Experts believe that the right definition of malfunction Makes repairing the device already half performed. Therefore, the first stage of the repair of the oil heater always becomes diagnosing the device. In order to find a malfunction of the device, you need to know how it is arranged, which details are included in its design.

The outer view of the oil heater is most often reminded conventional battery Heating, however, this device is sealed, and its internal space is filled with oil.

At the bottom of the tank inserted tang. The thermal stitch is located nearby, which serves to shut down the heater with an excessive increase in its body temperature.

Thermal relay It is usually located in the upper part of the case, not touching it. The switch is placed near the relay. With its availability, it is not necessary to turn off the heater to remove the plug from the rosette.

Simplest Oil heater scheme looks like that:

When closing the switch, After turning on the electrical appliance fork, immersed in Ten oil begins to heat up. On the start of the device, the light bulb flashes.

With the help of an adjustable thermostat, the maximum temperature is determined after which Ten will turn off. Again to the heating mode, it will switch after cooling the device to a given temperature.

Adjusting the thermostat There is a bimetallic plate inside it. The position sensor is designed to rupture the electrical circuit when tilting the heater.

For better management The operation of the device is equipped with two tanks. In this case, two switches are installed on the housing. With their help, heating power is adjusted. When adjusting, one of the heating elements can be turned off.

The schematic diagram differs practically little from the usual heating device. Its main difference is that if there is a fan heating elements unable to enableIf the fan for some reason does not work. Such a heater scheme eliminates the damage to the Tan from their overheating.

Malfunctions and repair of the oil heater

If yesterday, a working heater opened, today ceases to heat up, then there is no need to immediately run into the workshop, or in the store for a new heating device.

Many malfunctions can be quite eliminate yourself, having basic skills in the repair of electrical appliances.

An exception can be faulty TEN, most often tightly foolished in the heater body. It is quite possible to remove it, but it's no longer possible to install it. Even if the heater is equipped with a removable pen, then when it is replaced by the tightness of the device, it will be difficult to achieve.

Usually, faults occurring during the heater breakdown appear in more accessible places. The most vulnerable place Devices are cord, so its integrity should be checked first. If the fork design allows it to disassemble, then you need to check the connection locations of the cord with the plug pins.

With good condition The next step should be to check the condition of the cord itself, as well as the place of its connection with the power supply unit. For this removes decorative cover The device panels and the tester are checked by the service of the cord. When damaged, the cable changes to the new one.

If a the cable is goodThe fault may be hiding in the power supply of the power supply. Contacts can be covered in nagar and weakened.

In this case, contacts are cleaned from Nagara emery paper And weakened contacts are neatly tightened.

The thermoregulator is located in the same place. If the darkening is visible on his contacts, they should also be cleaned. In the thermostat may be faulty bimetallic plates. When their damage is detected, the thermostat is neatly disassembled, and the plates change to new ones.

If the oil radiator refers to the category energy SavingIn its design, there is a thermostat that ensures that you enable and disable the device with the specified parameters.

With excessive heating Heater, or low temperature it also needs to be inspecting. If a malfunction is detected, this part changes to a new thermostat that has similar parameters.

In the presence of a fan oil heater, it is also need to check. In this case, not only the contacts of the device are checked, but also the integrity of the winding of its motor. It is possible that it may be necessary to replace it.

After completing the above checks and eliminate the observed faults, the heater is collected and then turns on to the network. If the heating device still does not work, you will have to seek advice from a specialist.

Most likelythat he advises to purchase a new heater. Some types of repair can do so expensive that it is easier to go to the store.

Device I. electrical circuit Oil radiator you will find on video:

Instructions for repairing (replacement of the Tan) of the oil heater look at the video:

Fan heater can be used as an additional electric heating For home and giving. If your system does not cope or have not yet included central heating In the apartment, such heaters can come to the rescue. But what to do if after summer the fan fan does not turn on either blows, but does not warm? In this case, it can be tried to repair independently, which is not really very difficult. Next we will provide the most frequent reasons breakdowns and ways to repair with their own hands.

Does not respond when turned on

If the fan heater does not turn on when connecting to the network and press the button, there may be several causes of malfunction. The first thing to be done is to check the electric cord, possibly confused during the summer storage somewhere. Did not help? We take a screwdriver and multimeter, after which you get to independent repair Heating agent. Most likely the cause of the malfunction is the fuse block, one of which worked with overheating.

On the example of a household heater Scarlett SC158.consider in the form step by step instructionsHow to fix the fan heater with your own hands:

We draw your attention to the fact that it is strictly prohibited to replace the fuses with thin wires (bugs). With this method of repairing a fan heater, you will make a fire hazard, which will not work when overheating!

Video Repair Instructions:

How to find a breakdown by a multimeter and repair it

Turns on but not heats up

The second popular vehicle breakdown is blowing, but does not heat the air. In this case, the cause of the malfunction is most likely the heating element - a spiral or a ceramic TEN. Here everything is simple - a multimeter check the resistance in the chain and if somewhere there is a break, you need to replace the heating element to the new one. Sometimes it happens that the heater has stopped warm, because Damaged one of the sections of the spiral. In this case, you can try to perform the repair of the fan heater with your own hands, connecting the nichrome spiral.

It is also not a rare case when the cause of the breakdown is the same fuse. If the fan heater does not heat the heat, check the fuses using the technology provided above.

In addition, the bimetallic temperature regulator often fails (showing the photo with a red arrow). For repair you only need to clean it up with the contacts to metal color and heat the soldering iron yourself. The thermostat should behave as follows: when heated, the contacts should break the chain, when cooled, closer again. If the device does not work like this, try manually to close the temperature controller and connect the heater to the network. If she is working - the heating of the helix should occur.

The blades are not spinning

If the fan guide works, but the fan does not twist, most likely causes the cause of the malfunction - the motor stopped working. What to do in this case? Contact the detail of the multimeter and check its insides. Perhaps simply wear bearings that should be replaced. About, we told in the relevant article!
Another breakdown variant is strong dust pollution, with the result that the fan does not twist either often turn off. Try to repair the engine with your own hands, rubbed it with a rag and pin down a little machine oil between the moving and fixed part. Did not help? We change the electric motor that broke into a new one, with the same characteristics.

Bad works

Well, the last malfunction - the fan heater warms the air. In this case, the cause of breakage is contamination of spare parts. Most likely the TEN is all in dust, as a result of which the heating occurs weakly, for example, in the second speed, as on the first. For such an easy repair, turn off the power and a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner through all the elements of the chain, the main thing is not damaged. Made, but did not help? Check the electrical plug, it is possible to blame. Turn on the heater for a few minutes, then remove the plug from the socket and swell the electrodes. If one of them is noticeably warmer than the second - a broken electric fork, as a result of which household heater Weakly allocates heat.

The thermostat is a device for automatic control. temperature regimeinstalled by heating equipment. It is inconvenient to use the heater without a thermostat, since it will have to constantly manually turn on the device depending on whether it is cold or hot in the room. In addition manual way It will not work pre-warm the room, for example, before returning home from work.

It should also be noted the fire hazard of instruments that are not equipped with regulators if they are left included for a long time. And finally, the thermostat allows you to optimize the consumption of electricity in the room, as the automation includes the equipment only when it really needs.

Varieties of thermostators

There are three types of regulators:

  • electronic;
  • electromechanical;
  • mechanical.

Below, briefly understand the characteristics of each of them.

Electronic regulators

Temperature regulator S. electronic filling It has three components:

  • temperature sensor;
  • microprocessor responsible for processing and transmitting information;
  • thermaller, thanks to which the control is carried out.

The main advantage of electronic regulators - high accuracyWith which the room temperature is determined, efficient and simple temperature control.

Electronic thermostators are applied not only in oil heaters, but also to organize the management of larger heating systems (for example, a "smart home").

Electromechanical regulators

Electromechanical devices based on the relay are much easier than electronic devices. There are several types of electromechanical regulators:

  1. The first group devices include a group of contacts and dual metal plate. When the equipment is heated, the plate is disintegrated and, thus, opens a group of contacts. The consequence of the opening is to stop the supply of electricity to the heating plate. When the heater is cooled, the plate is returned to the starting point, and the electrical panel starts working in the same mode, since the contacts are closed again. The cyclicity of work allows you to maintain the temperature level at approximately the same level.
  2. Devices equipped with relays work on the principle of expanding its elements as a result of heating. The relay is a cylindrical tube, which contains a responsive substance to heating. The pipe is in the tank with water. When the heater temperature rises, the substance in the pipe expands. When the temperature reaches a certain value, the extended content affects the electrical circuit using the drive, resulting in a closure or opening of contacts. Such a way it is possible to avoid overheating of equipment.


Machine type regulators are most simply arranged. Such thermostats are conventional shut-off valves. The design of the device includes a cylinder with a rod, which is filled with a thermally sensitive substance. As a result of the expansion of the substance during heating, the rod is partially or completely overlaps the coolant flow in the system.

Typical breakdowns of oil heaters

Before proceeding to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to diagnose. Below are several tips that will help find out the cause of the fault:

  1. Crack after turning on does not mean breakdown. Most likely, we are talking On the heating of oil inside the radiator. Also, the cracks may be a consequence of slopes or heater drops, the result of which was the displacement of oil and air. Lower the noise level will help installing equipment on an ideally smooth surface.
  2. If the radiator does not turn on, it is necessary to exclude the outlet from the list of potential problems, connecting the device to another source of electricity. By the degree of prevalence, the breakdown can be built in the following sequence: the contact, the problem with the fork, the cord damage is made.
  3. If the device is delivered exterior signs Works (light bulbs indicators are included, fans rotate), but does not heat up, the problem is most likely in the thermostat. You can replace this item with your own hands.
  4. The absence of heating can also indicate a malfunction of the heating element. In this case, it is not recommended to repair on their own, you will need the help of a qualified specialist.
  5. You can talk about the thermostat malfunction in the case when the heater does not turn off after reaching the required temperature.


If the reason for breakage in the electrics, you will need a special device - multimeter.

With this device check:

  • feed fork and sockets;
  • no short circuit between heater elements.

Often the problem is the burnout of the wires at the points of their connections. Develop equipment and check all the switch keys.

To check, use a multimeter in the following positions:

  • the "Included" position will be short circuit;
  • the "Disabled" position will not be any reaction.

Checking the multimeter regulator. The resistance level should be insignificant in the absence of short circuit.

We disassemble the case and evaluate the status of the contacts in the control unit: they can be weakened, distorted or oxidized. If the contacts oxidized, they will help them with alcohol, as well as stripping sandpaper and isolation. The best isolator is a fiberglass insulating tape capable of withstanding a 200-degree temperature. Weed contacts tighten with a screwdriver, distorted by changing. After working with the contacts, we once again check the equipment for the presence of short circuit.

Thermal stations

Fuses may be several. After the transclock and detection of the blurred fuse, we remove it. Install a new fuse, and insulating wiring.

Bimetallic plate

If the plate has undergone deformation, it must be changed.


  1. We disassemble the thermostat.
  2. Install the heating temperature to a minimum.
  3. Remove the thermostat handle from the screw, we spin the nuts, remove the frame.
  4. We change the bimetallic plate for a new one.

Strong damage to the plate often provokes to flow oils.

Oil leak

In this case, you will need to repair the tank. This is not always justified, since the tank is easier to replace. However, if it was decided to repair work, you need to consider the following nuances:

Tan Malfunction

This detail of the oil radiator is not subject to repair work, it needs to be changed. However, the replacement of the Tan is possible only if it is removable. The new item is selected based on the required power. Best MaterialFrom which high-quality TEN is manufactured, copper.

When installing the Tan, pay attention to the joint of this part with the case. The gasket should be treated with a sealant, although in the future, probably need repeated sealing. It is possible to establish a new tan on an incentened construction, but in this case it will be very difficult to produce a rolling part.

Position sensor

This security element is a load, when changing the angle of which an instrument automatically turns off. To check the work of this part, it is necessary to put the cap heater and perform a call transclon. If the sensor is faulty, it is not subject to repair.

When choosing a thermostat, it is recommended to give preference to well-proven manufacturers to manufacturers, since this item is part common system And its malfunction can cause an emergency room in the room. It is also necessary to take into account all the features right organization heating system, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the equipment.