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Electrical heating home sip panels. Options for heating SIP at home. How to protect yourself from heat loss

Deciding that you will build your house from the sip panels, you still have to determine all the engineering stages. It is with all that, because they are usually interrelated.

Consider the choice of type of heating.

To make the right solution, it is necessary to determine

Having this data, let's see which options for the choice of the source of energy.

1. Gas heating.

At the price today, gas is
the most economical resource. If a
nearby is a gas highway, the device of gas heating of an individual house is simplified.

Gas boilers in power are divided into small
(up to 65 kW), medium (up to 1,700 kW) and large
(up to 15,000 kW). We do not need big boilers. They are usually used on industrial facilities. Select between small and medium it is possible only by calculation.

By functionality, gas boilers can be single-circuit and dual circuit.

Single-mounted boilers are only heating, double-circuit - this is a heating plus hot water.

With a slight amount of hot water, a double-circuit boiler of a flow-type is used for more expenses - with a built-in boiler. Burners can be atmospheric and ventilation. For a private house, atmospheric is usually used.

There are boilers outdoor and wall.

Wall mounted - mounted, they are cheaper, more compact and have less power, but they have less service life. Outdoor boilers are more powerful, more overall, cost and durability are higher.

2. Heating on hard and liquid fuel.

Boilers for solid fuel you can dump only small country houses with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 60 m. Boilers usually have two types: cast iron and steel. Steel boilers look more completely and repairing, cast iron - mounted in factory conditions and repair them is difficult. The hard fuel includes firewood, peat, coal, combustible shale, etc .. require constant control.

The use of liquid fuel boilers is distributed in Russia. This type of boilers have many advantages, but also enough minuses. Before choosing them, we should weigh everything. Working with liquid fuel (diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, etc.) does not require communications: do not pull the cable, like with an electrocottal, and the gas pipeline is also not needed. He has a high level of efficiency, but he has high fuel costs. It requires a container for storing liquid fuel and a constant good entrance to the house to bring it. It will be necessary (as for the gas boiler) a separate room with an exhaust and more complex care. Often smoking.

3. Electric heating.

The point of view is widespread that the electric heating system cannot be economical. The main argument in opponents that electricity is quite expensive energy resource compared to gas. You will not argue with it. But the economy is developing not only from the difference in the cost of equipment, electricity and gas. First you need to take the cost of the gas pipeline project, add the value of the insert. And the master of the gas pipeline is "Barin" - wants, for example, to "discard" a pipe for 10% of its power. And the project, by the way, must pass the examination, which is also not cheap. Plus, the work itself on the gas pipeline (the problem, if he passes by private property), passing the outdoor gas pipeline, ordering a project to the domestic gas pipeline, installation, examination and passing it.

If you think that you meet the season, then you are a big optimist. Gasoviki - the people are spoiled, although competent, so that you may not be enough for years.

And electrical installation has options that exclude the wiring of the coolant throughout the house (by the way, in the SIP panels, engineering is impossible to hide inside). And, of course, the number of days a year will have important in the calculations when you enjoy the heating system.

The exact numbers in the difference of the cost option can be called only in each case. But if you divide this difference for years of operation in a year, then get 10-20 years. This is guaranteed. That is, so many years you can extinguish the difference in the cost between electricity and gas.

By the way, according to statistics, the percentage of electrical heating houses is growing, so it is reasonable to consider the main types of electric heating.

The most common in the operation of electrocotels. This option is usually considered with a small house (up to 60 m square) and the absence of gas. Almost all electrocostiles operate according to one principle: in the heat exchanger, a heating element is placed (TEN), which, when turned on, heats the coolant. Control the boiler using control, control and adjustment blocks. Some boilers have built-in circulation pumps to ensure the movement of the coolant and valves overlapping its stream. If they are not in the boiler, the pump and the valve are cut into the system.

The advantages of electrocotals include compactness, fire safety, do not need a separate room for both gas or diesel boilers, do not need ventilation.

The electric boiler can be mounted independently, on automation it is one of the best, control is very simple. And if fate still made you make this choice, you need to remember:

    about the high cost of electricity (it is reasonable to delight the two-timing counter);

    on interruptions with electricity. Of course, you can stock batteries, but these are additional costs. By the way, in this case, the houses from the sip of the panels are so heat saving, which will help to survive the short-power disconnects of the power supply and without batteries;

    weak place in the boiler (from personal practice) - TEN. He often "crashes", without even worked out the warranty period. As it is removable, immediately count on how you will change it and purchase the spare. When "lights up", in the store may not be the desired brand, will find quickly, within 1-3 days, but if it happens on December 31, everything will be much more difficult here;

    check the wiring, lay better copper with a cross section at least 1 mm on 8 A, maybe you will need
    3 phase wiring;

    all systems suffer from rigid water, but Tanes are especially. Put the filter on the input;

    electric boilers are not two-chamber, so hot water should be done separately. If it is a pity to pay a specialist for the calculation of the needs of hot water (it is better to spend these 5 - 10 thousand to more perfect, and not Chinese equipment), then at least catch themselves:

    Normally, 1 person has 200 liters of water, 80 liters are hot. Water is considered hot when its temperature is above 55 degrees. We will not wash such water, but there are mixers for this. Usually, a person applies a hot water of 35 degrees, but not more than 40 degrees.

    The accumulative water heater heats up 25 liters to 55 degrees. Somewhere in an hour. Holly boiler - for 4 hours. From here, the method of interpolation can be calculated a boiler of any volume. If the reserve of electricity is not enough, then your option is a cumulative boiler. Adjust the rate of consumption by the number of family members and pick a boiler. In addition to the volume of daily consumption of hot water, the intensity of its supply is also important, and the uniformity of the flow during the day. Having worked with the numbers, you will understand that during the day the boiler for 50 liters and the solitar is heated equally - 600 liters.

    On average, from practice, a 50-liter boiler is enough for a family of 2 people, and on a family of 2 adults and
    2 children - 100-liter. If you prefer the soul of the bath, then note that by 200 liters of comfortable water (medium volume of baths) it is necessary to 70-80 liters of hot. And the shower after the bath may not be enough. Exit - B.
    A 200 liter boiler or purchase of a flow water heater (but only when the power is available).

    In the flowway water heater for a comfortable soul or filling of the bath, hot water consumption must be about 4 liters per minute. This requires the power of at least 8 kilowatt. By calculation, we did not include washing and washing the dishes, hoping that a person who does not represent life without a bath will definitely be dishwasher and washing machine.

Most recently there was a new technology for hot water supply - inductive water heater. In principle, the device is made on the work of the great scientist Nikola Tesla. The main thing is that the induction water heater does not have a direct heater, as in gas and electrical heaters, and this significantly extends the service life of the entire system. According to the principle of the induction coil in induction heaters, an alternating magnetic field is created, in which the metal exchanger metal is heated, and the heat heater is heated. And, most importantly, induction water heaters are consumed by 30-50% less el. Energy than bean and have faster heating. They are installed only in a vertical position.

4. Infrared heating.

It can still be called radiation. The principle of work one to one coincides with the principle of heating the Earth by the Sun. The rays of the Sun, passing through the outer space, the earth's atmosphere, reach the ground and heated it with its energy. The heated land gives the heat of air, which, according to the laws of physics, rises up, giving birth to the convection of the air masses. Any child knows that the higher the earth, the more cooler (although closer to the sun). Infrared radiation is an electromagnetic radiation having a smaller frequency than visible light, but large than microwaves that are used in microwaves. Infrared radiation is not warm, but only a method for transmitting the motion of molecules. This we perceive it as warm. We make a conclusion - the air does not absorb the energy from the heating device, the infrared rays do not interact with air, the heating goes below and the temperature of the ceiling and the floor is aligned. In this case, there is no excess heating, and this is already solid savings.

Options for infrared heating devices a lot, but there are general rules:

    do not put the device over the window - at least, not economically;

    the higher the thermal insulation of the material of the house, the more savings in this method of heating,
    SIP in this case is the best option;

    use voltage stabilizer;

    these heaters cannot be installed closer than 0.5 meters from the human head, so the installation height is usually
    from the floor is 2.4-3.5 m;

    do not install IK Heaters in the constant presence of a person (bed, sofa, table);

    when balancing the load, the main principle: the heater must be turned on no more than 20 minutes. per hour to support the optimal temperature. Peak load - 1.8 kW.

Installation of infrared film is easy to perform on its own. The failure of a single film segment will not entail the complete incapacity of the system, and the replacement of the faulty segment is simple and does not require the installation of a new strip.

Conclusion - I.K. Radiation does not dry air and does not burn oxygen. It is said that there are research (refer to the Japanese), confirming that I.K. Radiation has a beneficial effect on man.

    easily applied zonally and can serve both autonomously and in combination;

    speed of heating;

    at the price of the electricity spent, this is no more than I pay for a two-room apartment (60 m2) from central heating.

Heated Square M2. Coverage area M2. Power consumption
kW / month
Cost of electricity
rub / month *
10 8 57,6 172,80
15 12 86,4 259,20
20 16 115,2 345,60
25 20 144,00 432,00
40 32 230,4 691,20
60 48 345,6 1036,80
100 80 576,00 1728,00
150 120 864,00 2592,00
* at the rate of 3.00 rubles per kW

But do not forget: that the Japanese is good, then Russian - .... And in general, the declaration of termination of the state of war they (Japanese) signed, but a peace treaty - no. The embassy in Moscow is open, and the world is not! They write that IR radiation has a beneficial effect on a person, and restrictions in accommodation near a person are. East is a delicate matter. By the way, IR heaters are not a cheap thing.

5. Thermal pump.

Thermal energy surrounds a person constantly, it is produced by nature itself, and sometimes it is thrown into the environment with negligent owners. Thermal pumps are created to collect it and properly distribute around the house. Therefore, depending on where the heat is taken from and where it is given, heat pumps are divided into several types: air-to-air, water-air, water-water, soil-water.

Housing heating is performed on a specific cycle. A special refrigerant is used - gas similar to Freon. Through the finest capillaries, it enters the camera under very high pressure, where the pressure is much smaller, due to which rapid evaporation is achieved. The gas evaporator actively takes heat from the contour used (water, earthy, air). After that, the refrigerant in the gaseous state is compressed using the compressor. This is where the gas temperature rises to 85-125 degrees. At this time, the gas is in the condenser. It is this heat that heats the coolant in the heat exchanger, which is moving through the heating system using a circulation pump. In the condenser, the refrigerant is cooled and returns to capillaries. In principle, this is a closed Carnot cycle.

Thermal pumps have an electronic control unit, with which you can adjust the entire process. If you complete the reverse valve system, you can cool the room during the summer season. And this means that you got a modern climatic installation. It seems that everything is very good. Consider the advantages:

    energy savings of Energy 3-4 times;

    ecology and autonomy (almost);

    control and full automation;

    at the same time heating, hot water and cooling system.

The word "disadvantages" somehow something is uncomfortable, because the idea is good and with time it may be ... But "Overace tongue - a half, yes, the rules". Recently, thermal pumps are really conquering Europe and even the southern regions of Ukraine. But the conditions of these areas differ from our central, not to mention Siberia.

Let's wonder the pros:

    Saving. According to the data of the thermal pump of 1 kW of the expended electricity produces 3-4 kW, but we have 1 kW from gas cheaper 8-10 times than from electricity. It turns out that applying gas is cheaper than 2 times. Everything is simple: in Europe, gas is more expensive and this is an incentive of the introduction of the so-called. We, fortunately, is not so.

    With the purity and ecology you will not argue, here is indisputable. Autonomy of conditional - electricity is still needed.

    Control and full automation is also true, but also on electric pumps and infrared elements it is no less.

    At the same time, heating, and cooling, and hot water. That's the main question. Good and proven reviews are received from Europe, but there, there the average air temperature in the winter period does not fall below minus 5-7 deg.s.

Consider the soil source.

We will not say that it is not every host (communication, existing structures, a huge amount of earthworks) to develop a recalcitrant of more depth of freezing for several acres. Causes doubt, is there enough heat in this earth mass (much depends on the type of soil) for the entire heating period and will this volume have time to dial the necessary heat over the summer? Winter has a long time, and in Europe, the ground almost freezes. The land will be warm only from above, it does not come from below. Proof - Eternal Merzlot. In Chukotka, it reaches 200 meters and thaws only from above in the summer season. Well, imagine that we draw warmth from this earthy mass, driving back cold. And she (mass) gives everything and gives thermal energy. At a minimum, the return of heat should fall on the curve down and by April will be very different from September. And in this regard, there is no distrust of the capacity of the entire system. Will it be able to reach the calculated power.

The vertical placement of the heat exchanger removes the volume of earthworks, but adds the cost of drilling wells. Registration of documentation also increases.

In the 70s of the 20th century in Soviet institutions, we have already read lectures with the technical and economic rationale for thermal pumps. The novelty, innovation and the prospects of this method were recognized, even trial settings were built and showed themselves well. But, most importantly, it became cost-effective in the use of waste production: waste water TPP, CHP, cooling towers filled with water of old mines.

Volumes and power were too large for private use, but the greenhouse complexes acted. 300 km from Magadan there is an urban type village - Talaya, with a source of hot, and even therapeutic water. In the village there was a "hot keys" and prison sanatorium (Kolyma, nevertheless). In 2005, the prison was closed, and the sanatorium lives. Healing water flows straight from the crane in the residents of the village, it is the source of heating. The water temperature is 98 degrees, for use directly - hotvat. Many residents of Kolyma and Chukotka corrected in Malnia health, he treated a couple of times a couple of times in the 60s and my father. But this is not our option, if you, of course, not from the Valley of Geysers.

In general, recognizing the right to the existence of thermal pumps and thinking that they can take their niche in this business in Russia, not to stop at them, because:

    very expensive equipment and installation;

    difficulties with spare parts;

    the option in our area is not rolling;

    operation is more expensive than when using a gas boiler.

6. Combined boilers.

It happens that the house at the exit, and the gas pipeline will be submitted only for the next year or two. That is, gas will be. In this case, the combined diesel gas boiler is the best option. By the way, today this option is the most common, because to transition from gas to dieselo, you only need to change the burner, because In both options, the same combustion chamber.

One-two can be used diesel fuel, and when the gas appears to leave a diesel version as a backup. Why diesel - backup? Yes, because it is more expensive and less environmental.

There are boilers gas-solid fuel. There is practically no security control and automation, but they are cheaper than other analogues.

Boilers Firewood-Electricity is an option for a country house (cottage) without permanent residence. While you are in place, you can drown firewood, when departure to put on the machine and with the help of electricity to maintain a positive temperature.

There are multi-fuel boilers gas-diesel-solid fuel-electricity. But this is only for extreme conditions, and so - money for the wind.

I would also like to consider the so-called option "for the soul."

7. Furnaces and fireplaces.

Many people think that in houses from the sip panels on the screw piles is difficult or impossible to the device of furnaces or fireplaces. There are no features on fire safety, everything is like in a wooden house. Today, the choice has a large number of finished furnaces and fireplaces with chimneys. If you want an exclusive - it is better to contact a specialized company. But, most importantly, even before the construction of the house, decide on weighing and dimensions of the planned fireplace. The whole issue of installation strength is the bearing capacity of the screw foundation.

If the furnace or fireplace does not exceed the calculated operating load on the overlap (less than 150 kg per mq), and the overlap itself is done according to the requirements of SNiP, they can be put in any convenient location. If the load is more serious, you can filt under the future fireplace or one-two supplement oven than the excess load from the overlap is removed.

Under heavy ovens and fireplaces need to do separate foundations, independent, from 4 piles.

In this case, the foundation and elements of the furnace do not have a rigid connection with the building structure. With capital ovens under the oven, a separate monolithic foundation is poured. The fireplace, of course, has a bad efficiency and as if takes place. But it is also part of the interior (what else from the boilers will pull on it). The fireplace is a comfort, comfort, peace of mind. It is better to save on something else. After all, it is no secret that for a Russian man often the fireplace and the bath are the first incentives to start their own construction.

Consider the advantages:

    compared to other boilers, a fireplace with a water jacket is not so roads. Mostly the price can grow due to design;

    large compatibility with other systems;

    affordable and inexpensive types of fuel;

    the ability to heat large rooms;

    does not require special premises;

    the circulation is natural, so if the electricity is turned off, the heating system will work, and these are guys, and there is absolute autonomy;

    facing can be made from various materials and in harmonious to enter in any interior. It all depends on your imagination and wallet (here is the boiler + fantasy can drag the cost of the gas boiler).

Despite all the advantages, their efficiency is weak, in connection with which they are not always recommended to use in areas with a harsh climate. But it is brick, block and wooden houses with their numerous cold bridges and much greater heat loss than a house from the SIP panels.

Well, if you are not a happy owner of the house of panels, the use of fireplaces with a water circuit as an additional system gives you saving up to 30-40%.

The second minus is insufficient automation, but it is not quite critical if an additional system is used.

At the request of the consumer, the boilers are equipped with appliances for cooking on the grill. For those who like to look at the open fire, various solutions of transparent screens with a spherical shape or side inserts are provided.

There are combinations when, in addition to heat from the water circuit, the remaining heat of the heat of the chimney is used, so to speak, also added air heating. And this is a plus of 20% savings.

We reviewed the main types of heating, the main ways to use these species, it is time to make a compressed conclusion, but some, especially inquisitive, the question arises - is it worth adding a backup heating system to the main system? One thing can be answered: and the options are set and conditions are unpredictable, and most importantly - we are all different and that for one little thing, for another - an unresolved problem.

You can select the main one:

    if there is gas - today the gas boiler is the most economical and automation on it enough;

    if there are doubts about supplying gas (frequent breaks) - the most economical and simple version is a combined gas boiler + diesel fuel (ease of transition);

    if the house is up to 160 m square and non-permanent residence (given that it is minimal from the sip of panels and the loss of heat) - you can talk about electricity (automation and remote control. Many warm up at home from urban apartments like a car at the entrance);

    from the heat pump, I would warn, but science does not stand still, you must track;

    the house from the sip panels in the area of \u200b\u200b200 m square, with the gas stress, electrical capacity is, but limited. Accommodation - April-November and Winter Natures with family on holidays or when you want to heal at least for a day or two in Berlogue and not see anyone (the men will understand me). The best choice, in my opinion, the main type of heating is a fireplace with a water boiler with a function of cooking. The second (it is the backup) - infrared heating, namely, film-ray heating elements (PLEN) with automation and remote control. Pren I would warm up (if necessary, after all, the house from the sip panels) of common areas, hall hall, corridors and passages. In general, the place of non-permanent presence of a person. Bedrooms, kitchens, etc. He would provide a fireplace with a water system of heating. During permanent residence of PLEN, it practically will not work, but during the winter period, when the fireplace does not work, PLEN will support the minimum positive temperature in the house.

Considering the panel of the SIP, the costs will be small, and if we take into account that in the period of active exploitation, a fireplace was mainly worked, it turns out that the gas is not at all cheaper.

And, ending, I ask you to pay attention to the following points.

    Planning heating in the house from the sip panels, do not forget to think well about ventilation. Ventilation must be in any house. The house breathing through the carrier material is myth. The peasant hood breathe through the gaps, asking the crowns, burdens. And it's easy to breathe on a haymaker, but the winter is sad there - not natopysh.

    Having calculated the power of the boilers, add 10-20% at the end of the calculation. Any boiler, working in the maximum mode, is much faster. Save here is unprofitable - the service life pays for a difference with interest.

Is it possible to build a house in two weeks?

Is it possible to make heating in the house for 1 day?

Is it possible to enter the new home in 15 days and start living in it?

How would you answer these questions?

Let's in order!

Of course, everyone heard about the technology of prefabricated houses: there are quite a lot of them. But perhaps the fastest today is the technology of construction from sip-panels. The total time of the construction of such a 2-storey house with an area of \u200b\u200babout 150 square meters. M using screw piles as a foundation is no more than 14 days. Only: 14 days, and you are the owner of a new house, which dreamed of. New house in the place where 2 weeks ago nothing stood! Therefore, the answer to the first question is yes!

Well, now would now be the same fast heating, for example, for 1 day? Do you say it is impossible? And if possible, it is probably very expensive? And you can: quickly, cheap and low monthly expenses? And we are ready to answer this question - yes! But how is this possible? - you ask. Elementary!

With the help of a thermal pump that produces from 2 to 5 kW heat for each kW of the expended electricity. This allows you to get closer to this monthly expense, as if you had a trunk gas. Now the heat generated by the heat pump is only 20-30% more expensive, but taking into account the trend of gas tariffs in the next 2-3 years equal to it, and then it will become cheaper. Electricity in the heat pump is not spent on the production of heat, as in electrical heaters, but on the heat transfer process outside the home inward. This work is performed by Freon, circulating on a closed contour by operating the compressor, which is the heart of the heat pump. Evaporating in the heat exchanger of the outer unit at low temperatures, the freon takes the heat from the surrounding air, which contains the stored energy of the sun in low-precision form (for example, heat can even take the temperature of minus 15? C, as a result of which its temperature drops to minus 20 ? C, and 5 degrees will go to Freon). Moving further on the contour "Preheed" Freon is compressed by the compressor in the inner block, as a result of which its temperature rises to +20? C ... + 45? C (depends on the degree of compression). This hot freon warms the air circulating through the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. In turn, this warm air and heats the room. Thus, the heat pump is a device that can take energy even from cold outdoor air, and then convert it to a high-temperature form convenient for use. Carrying out hot freon inside the room, you can heat the air, which heels the house. The air heat pump is mounted for 1 day and immediately starts working. Therefore, the answer to the 2nd question - too, yes!

Having built a house in two weeks and installing an air thermal pump in it as a heating system for 1 day, you can travel and live in such a house! It remains only to arrange furniture!

Now let's discuss what advantages have a heat pump in sip-houses in addition to its fast installation.

The house built from sip panels is energy-saving: the loss of heat in it is very small. In fact, this is a house - thermos. For comfortable accommodation in the house you need to have room temperature in the range of +20? With ... + 25? P. All traditional heating systems are based on fuel combustion and creating an elevated temperature source in the house, which distributed throughout the house heats it. But the combustion temperature is too high for a person, so you have to use an intermediate agent - the coolant (water, ethylene glycol), which taking on high-temperature burning energy spreads it around the house, warming air through water-air heat exchange devices - radiators or batteries. But the water temperature is +50? C ... + 90? C is still high, compared to the required air temperature. Those, using traditional boilers, we are forced to overheating the coolant (water) strongly, while spending excess energy. In addition, the so-called "saw of temperature" takes place (natopyl - cooled), because Any boiler works in "Turnable-off mode". This leads to a strong fluctuation of water temperature (and, respectively, air) near the desired temperature in the range of 5 changes? C ... 7? C and additional fuel overruns. Only a house made of massive brick or stone can smooth these oscillations.

In contrast to the above, the invertor heat pump heats the air or water exactly to the minimum temperature (not higher than +45? C), which is necessary to obtain comfortable +20? With ... + 25? P. Supports the temperature you specified with an accuracy of 0.5? C, using a smooth change of its performance.

It does not burn in it and does not explode: he fireproof. The installation of such heating does not require any coordination with the supervisory authorities. The heat pump is a fully autonomous system capable of maintaining the air temperature specified by the master even in its absence. In the event of a power off, the power supply is automatically restarted after the resumption of electricity supply. Supports economical mode +8? With ... + 10? With, saving money and not allowing the house to freeze. It effectively heats the house even with the outer air temperature minus 25? C and at the same time there is less than any traditional heating system.

The internal unit of the heat pump with the help of the blinds directs the warm air vertically down to the floor. Heating it, warm air, twisting, fills all the inner space at home, rises up and warms the walls and ceiling. Mixing well due to the initial speed and convection warm air fills the rooms and warms them. When the house is already warm, the heat pump operates in the mode of maintaining a given temperature, while spending the mining of electricity. A prerequisite for the effective warming up of all rooms is the possibility of penetration there of warm air. To do this, you need the doors in isolated premises to keep open at least part of the day. Either establish several heat pumps in the house, each of which covers its isolated zone. And the thermal power of the device is selected, based on the size and nature of the room.

Of all manufacturers who are present today in the air thermal pump market, 2 manufacturer advanced on all: Mitsubishi Electric and General-Fujitsu. It is their heat pumps that show the best characteristics of heat production at low outer air temperatures -25? C ..-30? P. On average, for the heating season, which is in our latitudes about 7 months, the air heat pump produces 3 times more thermal energy than an electric heater, with the same consumption of electricity. That is, such a heat pump, on average, for each kW of electricity spent 3 kW of heat produced. Electricity is spent only on the operation of the compressor and control electronics. With a small initial value (for example, 3 kW thermal pump costs from 65,000 rubles), it pays off for 2-4 seasons, and serves 15-20 years. For comparison, 1 kW heat heating heat is about 70 kopecks, and for a heat pump about 90 kopecks. But it is now! And where there is no gas or it is expensive to bring alternatives to the air thermal pump, in general, no. Even with a detection of electricity, which is usually 5 kW, you can organize a steady full heating, because the heat you will get 3 times more! Thermal pumps are most effectively and economically working in homes with small heat lines (less than 100 W / m2), namely, they are at home from sip-panels. Here the heat pump pays off even faster. Thus, the heating of sip-houses with air heat pumps is optimal, both at the initial cost (relatively inexpensive) and on monthly costs compared to the main gas, which allows you to quickly recoup the invested funds.

And if you are going to become or have already become the happy owner of a house built on sip-technology, it is worth using such "low-temperature", fireproof heating systems as air heat pumps. In addition, by installing them, you get another important advantage: in summer, in the heat, they can cool the air in the house, working as air conditioners, supporting comfort and coolness in the house. In this case, the street and the house are changing in places: heat is closed inside the house and transferred to the outside, and this is cooling. Add here to clean the cleaning and disinfection of the air, which are contained in the air air-air heat pumps, and you get year-round Universal home climatic systemWhich warm in winter, and in the summer cools, creating comfortable conditions for households. No matter what weather outside. Are you always comfortable +20? With ... + 25? C!

The houses from the sip panels themselves are inexpensive, plus savings on heating, insulation and the necessary costs during construction, make such houses in the modern world very popular, even necessary. Because of its qualities - strength, reliability, economy, environmental friendliness - they conquer more and more sympathies of people in the world. Perhaps you will be lucky to become the owner of such a unique home.

Source: http: //xn--80aakgajgbmsergta3a.xn--p1ai/index.php/2013-07-07-10-49-53

How to start when choosing a heating system?

Suppose you wondered over the construction of a country house or cottage. If you are planning to be independent of weather conditions outside the window and stay in the house in the cold season, then the first thing you will need to think about is heating. Without it, it is difficult to imagine comfortable conditions and comfort. Even if the country house was highly insulated during construction, taking into account the climate of our country, without heating could not do.

Tip: In order for your family to be nice to be in the house at any time of the year - think about how you will give your home already at the design stage of your home.

Of course, you can independently deal with the issue of home heating, but in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, this process is better to entrust professionals. They will help clearly calculate the necessary equipment, and you will not spend your time.

Tip: Trust the issue of heating at home only by specialists!

For many people strangers, even the terminology that specialists in the field of heating are used, which is to talk about the equipment itself. It is even more difficult to determine the brand of heating equipment and the necessary parameters. On our site you can familiarize yourself with the various ways of heating at home, choose the right equipment, as well as contact our managers for help.

Stages of choosing a home heating system.

Customized (autonomous) systems of heating are increasingly popular. This is due to the growth of country construction - in connection with the deterioration of ecology, many people seek to acquire their home away from the city.

Selection of boiler equipment. A wide range of boiler equipment is represented by Buderus, "Dakon", "Mora", "Viessmann", "Watts", the most high-quality burners are produced by Oilon, WEISHAUPT, "Giersch", Mora. To ensure the circulation of fluid in heating systems, Grudfos and "Pedrollo" pumps are installed.

Selection of heating devices. It is worth noting that the Kermi, Sira Radiators, Arbonia, Delta, Outdoor Convectors of Breeze, Zehnder, Zehnder, Warm Plant Board, Warm Plant Board, are most popular today are the most sought-after.

The choice is determined by the type of available fuel (gas, diesel, electricity), budget and architectural layouts. The modern house is a high-quality heating system, which suggests the minimum costs during operation and reasonable - during its device. The most popular is water heating with the help of collector wiring with heating devices. Such a system of the system does not cause the hosts to the owners: no additional adjustment and adjustment during operation is required. All labor costs in the production of repair in the house or in the heating system are minimized, since each device can be turned off / connect / dismantle, without turning the heating of the cottage. Of course, the work of the system itself largely depends on the choice of boiler equipment (boiler).

Tip: The work of the heating system depends on a lot of the boiler, so it is responsible for its choice.

Choosing boiler equipment

Since the boiler is the heart of the heating system - to its choice should be approached most carefully. In the relevant sections of the site you can familiarize yourself with the various types of boilers offered by Kontur-West.

After you decide on the heating system and the type of boiler, the specialists will be prepared a boiler house. The final stage will be the installation of equipment at the facility and commissioning work. With prices for these services you can also read on our website.

An important stage in the design of a country house heating system will be the selection of heating devices. To date, there is a wide variety of radiators and convectors, they are performed from various materials, any size and colors. In Kontur-West, you can also purchase design radiators, which, in addition to the heating function, will also perform the function of the decor. Sometimes for different reasons it is better to do without heating devices and replace them, for example, on the "warm floor" or "warm plinth" systems. All this equipment can be chosen under any interior design, which in modern times is especially important.

Heating system - This is one of the most important parts of the engineering communications of any home. Specialists of the company "Kontur-West" have extensive experience in designing and installing heating of various levels, both for small country houses and industrial facilities. Contact us, and we will help you choose, design and calculate the system suitable for you. Thanks to the experience gained years in this area, our specialists will fulfill all the works "turnkey" as soon as possible!

The frame house is deservedly popular with the owners who decide to build individual housing.The advantages that this object possesses are numerous - low cost, the speed of construction. However, the comfort of living depends on the possibility of heating the house to hold in it the optimal temperature.

And in this, the house of the panels is favorably different from other objects, since a large amount of synthetic insulation has already laid in the elements initially. In this regard, the heating of the frame house with electricity is one of the economically acquitted actions - a decrease in heat loss and a small required power of one or another unit. What to choose as an instrument to maintain the optimal temperature in the house and how to save on the resource is described below.

Examples of aggregates for heating frame house

The most famous devices for the heating of private houses are furnaces and fireplaces. However, they cannot provide the room with sufficient warmness even where they are directly - near the unit is quite hot, and in general terms, the temperature is far from comfort indicators.

Explanation of simple air, in contrast to water, as a coolant, heats up slowly, processes to substitute the spent masses into the cold, is continuous. Consequently, heat the whole house without an extensive network is difficult and expensive. There is an alternative - heating at home from sip panels electricity. Types of devices are numerous:

  • The area under the boiler should be at least 3 m².
  • Nearby should not be other electrical appliances or other heating systems.
  • It is not located next to the doors or windows. The distance from the boiler to the openings should be 4-5 m.
  • Water cranes should not be located at the close of the electric boiler, the exception will be only a pipe wiring from the cold water supply system.
  • Convectors. Created on the basis of the simplest physical action - replacement of warm air into cold masses. Circulation is quick - the warm-up time of the entire room is a few minutes, then the automation turns off the elements, until the heat level decreases.
  • The efficiency of the devices are very high, however, large rooms will require almost constant work, and therefore no electricity savings. Convectors are good for small cottages, with seasonal departures - maintain the optimal temperature in the fall or spring.

  • Heat curtains, fans. They are similar to the principle of working with convectors, with the only difference that the design has a built-in fan, so heating is faster.
  • The disadvantage of models becomes noise - a constantly working fan is not suitable for a comfortable pastime at the cottage and especially for a permanent place of residence. They are good as emergency measures - you need to quickly warm the room or veranda.

  • Oil radiators. The appearance resemble ordinary batteries. Work from voltage to 220V.
  • However, they should not be called panacea for constant heating of housing - they are not economical heaters, they have explosion hazard, they can not be placed horizontally and use both drying clothes and shoes. They can not heat the large squares, besides, they cut the air, because of which it will be uncomfortable in the house. Good in one-time use in the offseason.

  • Infrared emitters. They are not heated by air, but nearby items that, in turn, are heat as follows. Thus, the beginning of the chain reaction is laid. Large advantage is the fact that almost all surrounding items give warmly and get it with the same frequency - it means comfort will be ensured constantly.
  • The devices are preferably at the top, which allows them to cover a large space by radiation. Safe. The disadvantage can be called "eating" oxygen - it is difficult to breathe in the house, and since the object consisting of the panels cannot be called environmentally friendly, the acquisition of such an appliance will aggravate the situation.

  • System warm floor. The most acceptable solution for the private house. The model is an adjusting thermostat and networks as a cable or water pipes located under a concrete tie or flooring.

    Advantages Many: Comfort, from a physiological point of view - a person gets warm immediately to the legs, the ability to regulate the temperature - smart systems do not allow to spend energy in the absence of owners, quick premises, independent assembly.

    Of the disadvantages - if the area is large, then electricity costs are essential. Most often, such aggregates use point - in children's rooms, bathrooms or hallways.

    The list of popular systems for heating of private houses does not end. However, all listed aggregates require a source of resources, that is, without the use of centralized networks can not do.

    Expenses are directly proportional to the power of the device used and the local tariff for electricity.

    In most cases, it is expensive. The question is how much the heating of the frame house with electricity is irresistible. We calculate, on the example of a small structure 6 * 7 m and a height of 3 m according to the formula q \u003d s ∙ dt / r:

    1. The length / width / height of each room is determined. The wall thickness and the type of insulation used also matters. Thus, it is possible to find the thermal meaning of each material, separating the thermal conductivity coefficient to the thickness of the layer - R.
    2. Next, we find the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls - 78 m. From this amount, the area of \u200b\u200bthree windows and one door should be subtracted - 78- (6 + 1.6) \u003d 70.4 m. It should be rounded to the integer - 71 m.
    3. Next, we find the thermal resistance of polyurethane foam, trim and bar for the frame. Total, this value reaches 3.7 m² ∙ ° C / W.
    4. The difference between temperatures + 18⁰ and -25⁰c is 43⁰.

    Therefore, Q \u003d 71 * 43 / 3.7 \u003d 825 W / h or 0.8 kW / h. Now you should translate this value to rubles. The approximate rate is equal to 3.0 rubles, therefore 0.8 * 24 * 30 \u003d 576 rubles / month. The benefit is weighty, given that the brick house of the same size will take the owners of dozens of times more.

    There is a benefit that the electric heating of the house from the sip panels. But the owners need to know that the calculations are approximate.

    Alternative energy sources

    Industry has long been proposed to use alternative electricity sources. Some of them are common, others are known, but require the conditions that the lack of which will affect the feasibility of acquisition. About them more.

    Elements generating electricity from a natural and free source - the sun. The design is a setting of several units located on the roof, battery cumulative elements and the converter.

    The collected consistent system allows you to directly receive a free current, sufficient for heating rooms, but the use of household appliances is excluded, since the efficiency of solar cells is only 25%. It is good to use them together with another source if the owner is extremely necessary for life to be well established. The functioning of the system is available only if there are following conditions:

    1. The terrain should differ in sunny days - at least 20 per month. Otherwise, it makes sense to install the system, no. She simply nothing will eat, and accumulate energy, she will not be able. Such systems are distributed mostly in the southern regions.
    2. The roof area should be at least 40 m². In addition, there should not be high trees that can create a shadow.
    3. The rafter system should withstand the considerable weight of the set of elements.

    Installation Road, but by paying only once, the owners may feel the advantage that has an electric heating of the house from the panels with such an installation in front of other sources, already in the first year of operation. Fully costs pay off in 5-6 years. The durability of the system allows not to think about replacing several decades. Mounting can only be installed.

    Geothermal sources

    Not only the sky, but also the subsoil of the earth can give a person an inexhaustible energy supply at any time. However, for the owners of houses from the sip panels, such an installation will not suit - it costs at times more than the house itself. In addition, the plot where the well will be clogged cannot be subsequently plant or build anything there.

  • The heating system of the house from the sip of panels can not differ anything from the heating system of any other home. There are several options for heating, each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

    Electric heating

    In SIP houses are warmly stored as in the thermos, because such houses are sealed and reduced heat loss. Therefore, for them is more relevant, the heating system, which can be adjusted, including and turning off as needed. SIP of the house is considered energy efficient, they allow you to significantly reduce the cost of heating the house.

    Electric heating can be different:

    • oil electrical heaters;
    • convectors;
    • warm floor.

    Optimal for home small square are. They allow you to heat the room evenly, while they are completely invisible.

    Gas heating

    This option is more suitable for a brick house. Summing up the gas and obtaining all necessary permits can be very burdensome. The cost of gas is also not cheap. In addition, gas heating is good when constant heating is required. In the SIP houses, such heating is often excessive.

    Chimney (fireplace) heating

    This type of heating is the most traditional for our country, but to put the Russian oven in a modern house, at least weirdly, and the fireplace heating is difficult to call full. It is rather for beauty than for heat. Stop wood or coal spending and harmful to health.