Repair Design Furniture

Call about heating. Where to complain if the batteries do not heat well? Who is to blame for the "winter" in the apartment?

Moscow. Heating hotlines. Where to call?

    For questions about the onset of the heating season, as well as for all other problems with heating, utilities, complaints about poor-quality heating supply to the house, you can call here:

    The same organizations also accept all kinds of comments on the supply of electricity.

    if they cannot solve your question, they communicate with you incorrectly, then you can still call here:

    Of course, if residents and citizens have questions about the new heating season, they can call hot lines . For example, for such phone numbers.

    Hot phones on heating, electricity and hot water supply:

    Hot lines Moscow Housing Inspection for Heating Problems in the Districts:

  • In Moscow, on September 29, heating is turned on in all districts of the city. Muscovites are lucky, but we are freezing and count the average daily temperature. Phones have been published, which are recommended to call in case of any problems, cold batteries and other things. However, complaints have already appeared on the network that it is impossible to get through on some phones. Unfortunately, this is natural at the beginning of the heating season.

    The benefits of civilization have firmly entered our lives and have become familiar. If earlier people took water from wells, then we just need to open the tap. And it flows from them immediately and cold, and hot water- you can safely take a shower, wash the dishes, without fear of freezing your hands. And all the more unpleasant when hot water is turned off for some reason.

    So, if there is no hot water in the tap, why should the residents of the house complain? In this article, we will answer this question, and also consider the reasons for this situation and how to recalculate the fee for the period when the service was not provided to you.

    Consumer rights

    Every tenant apartment building must know his rights and defend them in the prescribed manner. The legislation states that:

    Of course, sometimes these rights are violated. Most often, tenants are faced with the following problems:

    • Despite the planned shutdown of hot water, it is invoiced in full.
    • There is no water supply for longer than the prescribed time.
    • Residents are not warned about the upcoming shutdown, or the announcement is posted in violation of the terms provided by law.

    Let's talk about how to properly act in such cases.

    No hot water: where to call?

    Disconnection of hot water supply can be of two types: planned or emergency... Scheduled maintenance work is carried out in the summer, when the heating season is over. A warning about this with an indication of specific shutdown times is usually posted on the porches in advance.

    The lack of hot water can also be associated with an emergency situation arising from damage at the CHP or in the distribution system.

    In the first case, you should wait until the end of the repair. If its deadlines are clearly delayed, residents can contact the Management Company that maintains the house, as well as the Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office.

    In the case when there were no announcements about the shutdown of hot water supply, you need to call:

    1. To the Management Company or ZhEK... Find required phones can be at the entrance of the house or in the receipt of payment utilities... Require that your appeal be registered. Write down the number and time of the application in order to later demand a recalculation of the payment for hot water.
    2. To the Emergency Dispatch Service... If the housing office does not know anything, feel free to call here. Be clear about your details and the exact address. The dispatcher must tell you about the causes of the accident and the expected timing of its elimination. When about lack of water emergency service it is unknown, a specialist is being dispatched to the site. He must check the information received and identify the breakdown within two hours.

    Phones to be used by residents of Moscow

    Moscow is the most Big City in Russia. When hot water is turned off, residents of the capital should call on hotline MOEK by phone 8 (495) 662-50-50. Complaints are accepted around the clock. They also accept complaints about interruptions in heating.

    Should promptly respond to the appeal and in Moszhilinspektsi and. You can call the hotline by the following phones: 8 (495) 681-20-54, 681-77-80, 681-21-45.

    Where to complain when repairs are delayed?

    It happens that the Management Company ignores complaints from citizens. In this case, you need to be persistent and act exactly according to the plan:

    If you have the Internet, you can leave complaints on the websites of the organizations listed above. If the problem is especially acute, and the solution is being delayed by various authorities, it makes sense to contact the media. Through the press and television, you will quickly attract the attention of the authorities, which in this case is required.

    Recalculation of payment for water supply

    When hot water is turned off for long term, the amount of payment for the service is reduced taking into account the amount not received. This applies to those consumers in whose apartments water meters are not installed. A recalculation can be achieved if the prescribed limits were exceeded when the hot water was turned off:

    • 4 hours at a time for scheduled repairs;
    • 8 hours in total in standard situations;
    • 24 hours in case of emergency elimination of breakdowns on a dead-end highway.

    For every extra hour spent without water supply, the payment is reduced by 0.15 percent of the standard amount. There must also be a recalculation for the sewage system, which many housing offices forget about.

    Where to go if the required recount has not been made? First of all, you need to remind about the fact that hot water is turned off in the housing office or U.K. If you refuse to make changes to the receipt you should look for help in Rospotrebnadzor or local government. Under any administration there are special committees designed to control the activities of housing and communal services.

    When the hot water is not hot

    Sometimes, formally, hot water runs from the tap, but its temperature does not correspond to the prescribed 50-70 degrees Celsius... In this case, payment is charged in full. Where to go to restore justice?

    The same ZhEK will come to the rescue. You will need to draw up an act on violation of the standards established by the state. On its basis, a commission will be formed that will take accurate measurements of the water temperature directly from the tap. If the information about the low temperature is confirmed, an act will be drawn up in two copies. One of them will be handed over to the owners of the apartment, and upon presentation, the payment for water supply will be recalculated.

    To identify the reasons for poor-quality service, a technician is involved, who must examine the communications. Specialists are given one week to troubleshoot problems.

    Remember: all utilities in the city are obliged to provide the population with high-quality services... Residents pay for them out of their pockets in full and have the right to demand compliance with the norms stipulated by Russian law.

    Publications, 16:06 20.10.2011

    Heating in an apartment: what is the heating rate and how to get it warmer


    How many degrees

    We will warn you right away: in order not to download the rights in vain and uselessly, you first need to make sure that the temperature in your home really does not meet the established norms. And in Russia they are, frankly, not a resort. Doctors note that most of us are comfortable at 23 - 25 degrees. However, the developers of housing and communal standards, apparently, decided to temper the population, and set the following minimum temperatures for apartments in the cold season:

    Living room +18 degrees, in the building of the first year of operation +20;

    Corner room +20 degrees;

    Kitchen +18 degrees;

    Bathroom +25 degrees.

    In the lobby and on staircase the entrance should be at least +16 degrees, in the elevator +5, in the basement and attics at least +4 degrees.

    These indicators are set State standard RF GOST R 51617-2000 "Housing and communal services. General technical conditions"(approved by the decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2000 N 158-st).

    Control measurement

    If your apartment is clearly cooler, and the batteries are barely warm, the first step is to call the dispatch office of the management company (MC) serving the house (DEZ, Housing Department, private MC). Write down the date, number of your application and the name of the operator who accepted it. According to the rules, a caretaker or an engineer of the management company must be sent to you on the same day. The arriving utility company takes official temperature measurements to make sure that your claims are true.

    The procedure should look like this: the temperature is measured at inner wall each room, kitchen and bathroom at a distance of one meter from the wall and at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor. Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up in two copies, one of which is issued to the owner of the apartment.

    If the temperature indicators turned out to be below the state minimum, then Management Company is obliged to take measures to normalize heating in your home. Please note: there are no clear deadlines for this in the legislation, therefore lawyers advise using the rule of a reasonable time (it is spelled out in article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Based of this rule, your request must be fulfilled within 7 days from the date of its presentation. The employees of the housing maintenance organizations themselves confirm: if the applicant (the owner of the apartment) behaves competently and persistently, then in practice his problems with heating are usually resolved within 3 to 5 days.

    If public utilities pull rubber

    How to convince utilities that you are a literate and persistent consumer? Having received an act on measuring the temperature in your apartment, prepare a claim. In it, indicate that the heating service is provided of poor quality, since the indoor microclimate indicators established by GOST R 51617-2000 are not observed (paragraph 4.16.2). In this regard, you demand that the deficiencies be eliminated within a reasonable time on the basis of Article 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    Print your claim in duplicate. Transfer one to DEZ (housing department or other management company). On the second, you should be marked for admission. Alternatively, you can send a claim by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, a reasonable period will be counted from the date the utilities receive your letter.

    If your management company shows miracles of sluggishness, does not react to a claim or "dynamite" in any other way, contacting several more instances will help to stir it up.

    1) The authorities of your settlement... In Moscow, this is the district government, in other regions - district administrations, village councils, etc. In such bodies there is always a subdivision (department, committee) in charge of housing and communal services. The author of this material has tested the effectiveness of handling a complaint about heating to the administration on her own experience - it worked very quickly.

    2) "Hot lines" of power supply organizations. Phones can be found on the Internet or in the help desk.

    3) State Housing Inspectorate. This body is empowered to control, inter alia, the quality of utilities, the work of management organizations and issue binding instructions to violators.

    Question in the topic: maybe put individual counter heat?

    This question is increasingly being asked in recent times tenants who want to save money in light of the constant rise in the cost of housing and communal services. In principle, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation allows you to do this. However, experts believe that in practice such a measure would rather turn into an additional and at the same time stupid burden for the wallet than a real saving tool. The fact is that in most of our houses (except for new buildings of the last generation), apartments have such a pipe layout, in which it is simply impossible to regulate the heat consumption of each specific battery. So, having installed the meter, you can only observe its indicators, but it will most likely not be possible to reduce or increase the heating.

    Well, why do you need such fun?

    Anna Dobryukha

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    Even in new buildings, heating problems are not uncommon. What can we say about secondary housing, erected 30-40 years ago. Where to go and how to behave correctly in order to quickly "warm up" the batteries? Let's formulate an algorithm of actions.

    16:06 20.10.2011

    How will it look like:

    Even in new buildings, heating problems are not uncommon. What can we say about secondary housing, erected 30-40 years ago. Where to go and how to behave correctly in order to quickly "warm up" the batteries? Let's formulate an algorithm of actions.