Repairs Design Furniture

Puppet house from plywood with your own hands: Scheme, job description. Dollhouse do it yourself from plywood: scheme and step-by-step guide Production of a house

  1. Why plywood
  2. What to pay attention to
  3. What to pay attention to
  4. Accept for work
  5. Additional functions
  6. Let's summarize

Apartments for dolls is often expensive, made of plastic - fragile, quickly breaking material. The article describes how to make toy house do it yourself.

To fulfill the dream of a child about a house for a favorite doll, it is not necessary to go to the store. You can make a cottage from plywood on your own project.

Independent Manufacturing Arguments

Why should I build a homemade puppet house from plywood:

  • Individuality. The project will be unique.
  • Collaboration with the child. Helps strengthen family relationships.
  • Development of creative abilities, skills, motility, acquiring new experience in children.
  • Ability to create a house of any size.

Why plywood

Dollhouse Make out different materials. The best way - plywood:

  • The use of plywood for construction ensures the strength of the future at home. For good mount Details are not collapsed, not laid out.
  • Plywood is easily processed by conventional tools.
  • Wooden toys are pleasant to the touch.
  • Beautiful appearance of a tree allows you to do without additional design, surface design.
  • Low value of the material.

What to pay attention to

In the production of plywood use formaldehyde. They are part of the impregnating glue to connect the fibers. To avoid poisoning, ingress of dangerous material in a nursery, you need to pay attention to the marking of sheets:

  • E0 - less than 6 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of the product;
  • E1 - 7-9 mg per 100 g;
  • E2 - 10-20 mg per 100 g.

Furniture and its components must be performed from the safest plywood class - E0.

How to do

Making a house for plywood dolls is a multi-step process. It is required to follow a certain sequence of actions. To facilitate work, you can use step by step instructions.

Stage 1. Sketch preparation

The scheme should display the layout, the size of the floors in length, width, height.

You can find a sketch on the Internet, adjust it. The photo presents several schemes of the bases of the toy dwelling.

The most important thing is to comply with the scale proportions. This is necessary in case, during the work of the product dimensions, it will want to change the product.

Design can be thought out in advance to purchase and prepare necessary materials For decor.

Stage 2. Preparation of accessories and tools

For the assembly it will be necessary:

  • Plywood. To determine its quantity, the drawing is used: they calculate the number of parts, their dimensions are obtained total area Surfaces. Based on the result, the required number of sheets acquire. For a desktop house, you will need 2-3 workpieces, for a large mansion can take up to 7-10 sheets of plywood.
  • Corrugated roof cardboard.
  • Tool cutting tool. It is recommended to use electric logsik. It will help quickly, exactly cut the details. necessary forms, dimensions.
  • Joiner adhesive for fixing the elements of the assembly.
  • Scotch mounted as an aid for fastening parts.
  • Sandage shallow fraction.
  • Roulette, line, pencil for applying.

For registration you will need:

  • PVA glue or silicate.
  • Wallpaper, color films.
  • Self-adhesive film for imitation flooring.
  • Color cardboard or paper for registration individual elements premises (optional).

Stage 3. Image transfer

To assemble wooden parts into a single whole, they must be cut from the sheet-blank. For this sketch, the scale is transferred to the paper, the finished parts are cut out of it, in the future use as a template.

If the window diagrams are not marked, when transferring the patterns, they are drawn. On the house flat view Without the front wall, cuts under the windows are not needed.

Stage 4. Assembly

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. Electric jigsaw cut out the parts transferred to the phaneer. They try to do it carefully, without leaving the line of the contours: when the design error can be connected incorrectly.
  2. Okrew edges to make details safe, avoid injury.

Cutting and processing edges must be performed by adults.

  1. The assembly begins with the unification of the internal space. To the vertical end walls with the help of glue and mounting tape is attached overlapping and internal partitions According to the scheme. To enhance the compound internal angles Skinned with thin rails. They will give rigidity. At this stage, a child can take part in the work.
  2. Staircases are performed from wooden lines. They are put in the form of a slide or cut one, glue the real staircase from it.

  1. Attach the rear wall.
  2. Collect the roof. From the cardboard you can cut one-piece skates and glue them. Another option is to assemble the roof from individual pieces in the form of a tile.

The ready-made cozo of the house is left for a few days before drying the glue, the acquisition of sufficient strength.

After the assembly, proceed to design.

Stage 5. Design

The finished frame is decorated and furnished with doll accessories. Recommendations:

  • Paul can be left in original form or decorate. Plywood has a pattern of wood, so it is impractical to cover it with a similar ornament.
  • You can make swing windows, doors. To do this, the canvas fit the pieces of cardboard or use small metal door hinges. Passages overlap tissue curtains. Windows is sometimes replaced with cardboard shutters.
  • Ceiling, walls can be placed with colored films, wallpaper, paint.
  • The rooms arrange furniture for toys.

Additional functions

Not only aesthetic, but also the practical side of the house: toys must be stored somewhere, it is necessary to remove the accessories, something to hide. You can make additional built-in boxes in the upper or lower tier. This is appropriate if the house is big, takes a significant place in the residential room.

Boxes also make plywood. In the drawing, provide a place for storing things. From plywood cut the sides of the box, glue them. Screw the handle, insert into the department.

You can make a folding door as in the photo. For this, the carved canvas is screwed onto the shells of metal.


The house for toys from plywood made by their own hands will be a good gift for any child.

The construction process will take 2-3 days, taking into account the preparation of blanks, cutting them, drying glue. Premises a child can independently.

In the statist of the site, I constantly appear about the "Drawings of Puppet Dominics", and I was very interested to look at ready solutions. And since I am in lately It is thoroughly sorting out from Google Sketchup, I decided to search for samples there, I was lucky 🙂 How do you like this house? (in the image you can click to twist the model)

This is the same house, only he with the open doors.

Another house:

We are simpzing just, download the program itself, in the File menu we are looking for a line 3D Warehouse - Get Model ..., or go on this link, and enter the search for "Doll House" or "DollSHOUSE" in the search string, in general, something like 🙂 will find all these Models that I indicated above - for sure.

If you have never enjoyed the program, then it's time to deal with it. Since our compatriots are usually not divided by models, but put out comrades from other countries, it happens that dimensions are indicated in inches. But even this is not a problem - so that all sizes are in inches, you need to choose a template when opening the program, where the unit of measurement in millimeters. Then, if you import the model, all sizes go in millimeters. At least, in my case, this method always works.

Another hostess on a note - models are downloaded as a single component, that is, a single group of elements that cannot be separated separately. So that the elements were not one group need to click on the entire component (it will immediately stand out), then right-click Clear mice - a context menu appears, in which you choose the "Explode" item (sorry, that everything is in English, it is more convenient for me to work with it), now all the elements are ungraded. It often happens that there is one more inside the component. Therefore, we perform the same trick with Explode.

How to get sizes is one of the most basic and simple features Sketchup - It is called Dimension, it can be found in the Tools menu (in the Russian version, probably tools). But this is already a basics, in the internet you can find a bunch of lessons on the basics of Sketchup, I advise you to see-read.

Immediately I will say that there you can also find several models of doll furniture, and, of course, the usual, which can always be reduced to the size of the puppet. I hope I understand everything clearly - if you need more - how to change the drawings there or how to remove the sizes - comment - write :) I'll tell you with pictures 🙂

All photos from the article

In this article we will look at how to make a puppet house from plywood. Early, you can always go to the toy store and buy a ready-made model there, but there are several reasons for not hurrying with such a decision and still take into hand tools with the goal of creating a small miracle for your child. So, proceed.

General provisions

To begin with, let's deal with the motivation, why at all it is necessary to take for the manufacture of a house for dolls with your own hands:

Advantages of their own manufacture

  • Saving. The price of factory models is high enough, while homemade will allow to significantly save a family budget;
  • Uniqueness. The project you realized will be the only one in its own way, your daughter will definitely not meet the same toy in his girlfriends;

  • Compliance with desires. In your doll house there will be exactly the rooms, such shades and such decorations that the child will wish;

Tip: Connect your child to work, it will allow you to spend more time to spend time and make a homemade toy even more beloved.

The advantages of choosing plywood

So why should be done own handsAnd not run to the store, we figured out. Now let's decide on the material.

The wooded plate consists of several glued sheets of wooden veneer, which determines the presence of the following advantages:

  • High strength characteristics. Durable children's toys are always much longer than their garlands;
  • Easy processing. Plywood is easily sawn, painted, dried, milling and fixed by nails or self-drawing;

  • Aesthetic appearance. The top veneer has a beautiful original textured pattern and a pleasant eye with a warm tint;

  • Low thermal conductivityThrough what warm to the touch. For a child, this is an important factor;
  • Relatively low cost. Wood-layered stove does not differ high cost, besides, it will take quite a few material to perform the task under consideration.

But, speaking of the advantages of plywood, it is necessary to mention and its possible disadvantage that has an important meaning. The glue used during the production of the wood-layered plate may contain formaldehydes with high toxicity.

Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the appropriate labeling and select an environmentally friendly product, because it contacts your child with it, and the following marking will help you:

Getting to work

The instruction begins, as in most cases, with the preparation of all necessary accessories that you may be needed in the process of implementing a conceived project:

Step number 1: Preparation of accessories

  • The required number of plywood sheets is 5-7 mm thick;

How to make a house for dolls do it yourself

If you have long wanted to make a dollhouse for your favorite child with your own hands, download this drawing and go to the workshop where there is a laser cutting machine! This equipment is now in any, even a small town. Cost of cutting will be 3-5 times cheaper than ordering ready house. And if you bring your fane will be even more profitable. You need one leaf of birch plywood 3 mm with a thickness of 1.2x2.4 meters.
You can make this house for dolls from cardboard. You need 3mm cardboard and widescreen printing services. Print from CDR file details on adhesive oracale. Stick to the cardboard and cut off manually in detail)

Pay attention to the drawing of a puppet house - the blue line is not a line of cutting through the line of drawing on the parts that are obtained on weak power laser Machine. In childhood, everyone burned? Almost the most more accurate :)

Follow patience and glue, because it is very difficult to adjust so that the grooves perfectly sat down at seats! Rejoice your children and they will delight you!

In the archive will find files:

CDR for Corel Draw
PDF - assembly instruction

Again dramatuti. Greetings, comrades. A small post is not about 3D printers, but about creativity in the work. True, about six months have passed, but the post decided to decide today. Gods .. fate .. so it happened that I work for furniture manufacturing Design Engineer. And in my duties, in addition to the design, the writing of the control programs for CNC machines (milling) is included. In general, it comes somehow the boss: "In short, the director wants a gift for the granddaughter of the chairman of the concern ..." And the photo of a puppet house is fussing. We work with a tree, choted not to master the otrel? Hu .. Not a question. Dimensions wish 1200x1000x360
I sit for design. Before this, consult with the employee who grows his daughter and there is a puppet house micro-mansion. Specifying the nuances for use, I choose the material to Faneru 10mm and 6mm. After a while, sketch is poured. And here comes a thought: "It would be necessary to make a house quickly-team with grooves." Well, practical, considering the dimensions - it is not very convenient to move such in the collection. Solved. Remier. In case of Faila, the inability of the assembly is to perform a control 3D model. It seems, everything is OK.

I agree with the leadership of the sketch and inhibit the writing of CNC programs. Flat milling does not cause difficulties especially in the presence of ready-made models - the contour is pulled out with a bang. Programs are ready. Basic structure It will be 10mm, the entire decor is 6mm.

You can go home to the machine. When I took off the program to the machine and started the work, the workers were incredibly twisted with his finger at the temple were actively interested in what kind of revenue ohu ... delicious idea this time? Having learned about my goals, we left and again twisted the finger at the temple admired the idea of \u200b\u200busing the machine with a 330x1260 working field for cutting plywood doll house and the management of the factory.

After all the details are ready - I give to the grinding site and in the finish. Well, then the assembly was going to the house as conceived - without the participation of fasteners, with the exception of the frames of the window (they were taken to the glue type "liquid nails". If desired, the design is fixed by a pair of screws. This is the gift.

P.S. It seems to be liked by the management. However, after a couple of days, he received a censure for writing in the documentation " children's house"Instead of" puppet ", and this is a type of additional requirements for the standards of children's furniture, in general. Bureaucrats are smooth.