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What program to get root rights. How to install Root rights on Android - several ways to get them

The Android operating system, quite open in comparison with its opponents, is not devoid of prohibitions and restrictions. An ordinary user will not be able to shamelessly interfere with the work of any system program, change settings for potentially dangerous or delete any important files.

However, the taboo is lifted if the owner of the device becomes the owner of the superuser (root) rights, thereby opening up ample opportunities to control his device. In this article, we will tell you how to install root rights on Android, about the nuances associated with obtaining root rights, the dangers and pitfalls of having such rights.

The definition of "root" should be understood as a built-in system administrator account that has advanced capabilities for working with the Android OS, which are not available to ordinary users. Rooting the device is used to remove the restrictions set by the manufacturer in order to protect the device from malware, potentially dangerous modifications. system settings and ensuring that applications are protected from unauthorized copying.

What do root rights to Android give and what are they for?

The main goals of Rooting, i.e. obtaining "root" or "superuser" rights on Android devices - removing the manufacturer's or telecom operator's bans for manipulating system applications and launching programs and applications that require administrator rights. The owner of root-rights gets unrestricted access to any system files, regardless of the set access rights restrictions. Simply put, having root rights, you get full control over your device.

  • Access to system files, shortcuts, themes, programs, etc. with the possibility of changing them.
  • Installing applications that require root for their work (emulators, drivers, etc.).
  • Removing, replacing or blocking preinstalled unnecessary programs.
  • Activation additional functions Android OS.
  • Installation of various mods or third-party firmware.
  • The ability to create backups and data transfer.
  • Application control (blocking the sending of SMS messages to paid numbers of dangerous software or calls).
  • Other privileges.

Please note: the presence of root-rights in itself does not in any way provide any advantages, but only makes it possible to perform certain manipulations with the device.

What's wrong with getting a superuser?

Various Internet sources are full of all sorts of horror stories about root, but in fairness it should be noted that they are not unfounded. What are the disadvantages in this regard, it is worth noting:

  • Void of manufacturer's warranty (does not apply to all devices).
  • Disable official device system updates (firmware) via the Internet (OTA or FOTA).
  • Threat of device breakdown in case of inept use of Superuser rights.
  • Disable phone system malware protection and unauthorized access.

There are many ways to get root access on Android. Moreover, for each of the devices there are methods that can be found on highly specialized forums. In our material, we will try to talk about universal ways get Root that can be used for most gadgets.

To get started, check out existing species Root-rights:

  • Full Root is Root rights without any restrictions, permanent and full.
  • Temporary Root - temporary Root access, used when there is no way to get a full Root. When the device is rebooted, the superuser rights are lost.
  • Shell Root is also permanent Root rights, but without the ability to change the \ system folder.

For some gadgets, due to the NAND lock function available in them, which does not allow making changes to the / system partition, it is not possible to obtain full root access, in which case it is possible to use Temporary Root or Shell Root.

On other devices, su (short for superuser) programs exist to provide full access. The rooting procedure is usually not too difficult if you follow the instructions exactly.

The most common program to root a large list different devices- Framaroot. It makes sense to try to install it even if the name of your gadget is not in the list of supported ones, because the probability of getting root rights is quite high.

Installing root with Framaroot without a computer

  1. latest version apk file "Framarut".
  2. Install the downloaded apk file to your device.
  3. We launch the application. If your gadget is supported by the application, then a list of possible actions will appear on the main screen, including options for obtaining or removing RTH. The names of the exploits available for use will be listed below.

4. Next, it is suggested to install SuperSU or Superuser applications. There is not much difference between them, so it all depends on your preferences. In addition, the possibility of unroot will be indicated, i.e. removal of existing superuser rights.

5. Click on the selected item. We are waiting for a message to appear about the successful completion of the procedure for obtaining root rights (in case of failure, try using the second option)

6. After successfully rooting, reboot the device.

Installing root using a pc

There are many programs that allow you to get Root rights using a personal computer. This:

  • Kingo Android ROOT - Supports most gadgets, simple rooting.
  • VRoot is a universal utility that allows you to get root for a large line of devices.
  • SuperOneClick is a great app that supports a large number devices and ease of installation.
  • Other.

The principle of obtaining Root access via a PC is identical for all programs and comes down to the following steps (for example, Root):

In the settings menu of your device, go to "Developer Mode", enable USB debugging:

Rooting (the process of getting root):

  • Download and install the application on your PC (VRoot 1.7.0).
  • Disable antivirus software if necessary.
  • Install the necessary drivers on your device (if not installed).
  • Launch VRoot and connect the included device to the computer. On the gadget, you need to enable "Installation from unknown sources", "Debugging via USB" in the USB connection, uncheck the "Camera (РТР)" and "МТР" boxes. If the smartphone is not automatically detected, we change the connection type.
  • After identifying the device, press the "ROOT" button.
  • We are waiting for a message about a successful operation, disconnect from the PC and reboot the device.

Attention! Some devices require unlocking BOOTLOADER.

In conclusion, I would like to note important points:

  1. If you cannot classify yourself as an advanced user, and you are not very clear about what exactly you need Root rights for, then in order to avoid big troubles, it is better not to wake up dashingly and not tempt fate by experimenting with rooting your device.
  2. Antivirus specialists usually define the utilities for obtaining Root as viruses or Trojans. But, in fact, such applications, due to penetration into the core of the system, are just such. Therefore, as a rule, downloading and installing such programs requires disabling the antivirus.

As always in our publications, we invite you to discuss what you have read and contact us about any difficulties that arise. Good luck!

The Android operating system, due to its openness, provides tremendous opportunities for customization and customization, but not all of them are available to the average user. For complete control over your mobile device, you need to know how to get ROOT rights and become Superuser... In this article we will show you how to do this quickly and safely.

How to get Root rights to Android

I am often asked the question: “ How to get root rights to Android?" or " How to install Root rights to Android?”. I will try to answer such questions in this article.

Users who are not properly notified of how to get root rights to Android risk spending several hours figuring out how to get Root rights to Android, and then they still need to figure out how to use them. But the time spent is not a problem compared to the fact that you can simply “kill” your smartphone.

Nowadays, advanced applications and scripts allow you to get root rights on Android in a few clicks. And all this with minimal risk to the device. But each such application is created for a specific version of the Android operating system. So having updated your OS, you have to look for a new rutilka for your smart.

First, consider the positive and negative aspects of getting root:

Benefits of Root access:

  • changing and removing system applications and files;
  • installation of special applications that require root;
  • use of additional settings and functions of Android;
  • removal of preinstalled, system programs and unnecessary garbage;
  • using programs and tweaks to achieve better performance and autonomy of the device;
  • removal of advertising banners from applications and games.

Disadvantages of getting Root:

  • loss of warranty (although the root of the right can be canceled when required);
  • unstable operation of the device in case of damage to system files or rash use of tweaks;
  • deprivation of the ability to receive firmware updates from the manufacturer over the air.

Having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of getting ROOT and firmly deciding to make it on your device, you can proceed to the next stage.

Before putting on Android Root, it is desirable to do backup files and contacts, because any actions with your device can lead to their loss without the possibility of recovery, and you should take care of this in advance.

Attention! On some devices, to get root, you need to do a flashing

Below in the article will be listed different ways getting root.

How to get Root rights to Android?

There are many ways to get full access to files of the Android system: simple and complex, using an application or software on a PC. Various applications serve as helpers in this.

Root applications

I think rooting an Android device using APK apps is the easiest way to root an Android device with just one click. There are many Android applications which can help you get root access:

  • iRoot
  • Kingoroot
  • Framaroot
  • KingRoot

If you decide to get Root rights to Android without the help of a PC, firstly, you need to allow the installation of applications from the device in the security settings.

Let's discuss what steps you need to follow to get super-user rights on your phone:

  1. download the rooting app and install it on your device
  2. launch it and start rooting your Android device
  3. wait until the process completes
  4. download the application Root checkerto make sure the device is root

How to get Root rights to Android using a PC

Rooting software for Android is not complete without connecting your device to your PC. Before you start rooting Android, you need to have at least 50% battery charge on your phone, you should also install the appropriate drivers for your device and go to => Settings => Applications => For developers => USB debugging, also check the "stay awake" option.

There are many various programs to get root rights to Android, here are some of them:

  • KingRoot

Let's dwell on one - free program Kingo Root, with which in just a few simple steps You will open full access to all the capabilities of your Android device.

Preparing to get Root rights to Android

First, you need to determine if your device is supported by the Kingo Root program. If your device is not in this list, this does not mean that it is not supported, only verified devices are located there. You should not despair, it is quite possible that you will also successfully get root rights, but the risk also increases a little, so it's up to you to try or not.

Next, you need to download and install the program itself, you can also find it on official website... Supported OS XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1. Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users may need to disable driver signature verification. You can do it like this:

For Windows 8:

For Windows 8.1:

The preparation of the PC is completed, now directly to the preparation of the Android device. First you need to open " Settings" Further " For developers"Where to include the item" USB debugging».

If the menu “ For developers"Is absent, go to the item" About the phone", Find the line" Build number"And tap it 7 times - now you are a developer.

Since after obtaining root rights, it is possible to erase data on the internal memory of the phone, the next step is to save this data. Contacts can be backed up to a USB flash drive, sim card, synchronized with a Google account. There are many programs for saving sms - SMS Backup +, SMS Backup & Restore, Titanium Backup.

How to get Root rights to Android using Kingo Root

When all the necessary data has been saved, you can finally figure out the question "How to get Root rights to Android":

1. Launch the Kingo Root program and connect your android device to your PC using USB.

2. The program will start searching for connected devices. At this moment, a request will appear on the android device “ USB debugging", You must check the box" Always allow debugging from this computer"And agree.

3. An application for receiving root will be installed on the device. When everything is ready, a button “ ROOT", Which we press. We agree with the installation request " Custom Recovery”And the process started.

4. The machine will reboot. If you have HTC, Sony or Nexus, and the bootloader is not unlocked, you will be prompted to do this on the device screen. It is necessary to use the volume keys to select the item " YES»And confirm the selection with the power key.

5. Upon completion of the root installation process, the following message will appear in the main program window: “ Root Succeed", Which indicates the successful completion of the procedure. Click " Finish"And use our android device as a Superuser.

How to uninstall ROOT on Android?

If for some reason you decide to remove root access from your device, then this procedure will not take much time if you use the Kingo Root program again. We open it, connect the device to the PC. After connecting, two new buttons will appear in the program: " Remove Root"- remove root and" Root Again"- reinstall the root. Click " Delete»And wait for the end of the process.

How to get root rights to Android using KingRoot?

This program is probably the most versatile of all that allows you to get superuser rights. Practice has shown that this program is able to provide your Android Root with rights even to Meizu with Flyme OS 4.x firmware, which, in principle, no other program can offer. Let's take a look at how to get Root rights to Android using KingRoot:

  • Download and install the KingRoot app
  • Open the app
  • Click " Try to Root»

If everything goes well, then you will see a screen with a proposal to clean your device from garbage. Unfortunately, KingRoot itself can be called garbage, because after you get the root of the rights, it climbs into the system and tries to stay in it forever, so you should immediately change it to the one familiar to many users SuperSU, for this:

  • Install Super-sume
  • Start the first stage.
  • Start the second stage - the progress bar freezes at a certain initial percentage and the application freezes (for a long time).
  • Do undo (back button) and reboot the device.
  • Go to KingRoot and get Root rights again.
  • Start Super-Sume, the invitation to the second stage already hangs in it, press the button - everything goes successfully to the end.
  • KingRoot removed, SuperSU installed.
  • Super-Sume can now be removed from the device.

The Android mobile platform belongs to operating systems closed type... This means that in normal mode, users do not have the ability to make any changes to its root directory. Such prohibitions somewhat reduce the functionality of smartphones and tablets, which is not liked by all owners of modern gadgets. To remove restrictions on interaction with system files on Android, there is such a thing as root access. Let's see what root rights are for Android device what this tool gives and how to get superuser rights yourself.

Why do we need root rights and what functions do they perform

Root rights are a kind of identifier for the main administrator in the system (User Identifier or "zero" user). This term came to Android from the Linux OS, so for those who have encountered this operating system before, it will not be new.

Considering what root rights are and what they can give to the owner of a smartphone or tablet, their main privileges should be noted:

Despite the fact that after activating the superuser mode, the mobile device becomes more functional, extended access also has some disadvantages:

  • to get root rights on Android is to deprive the device of the manufacturer's warranty (unlocking the superuser will void the existing warranty);
  • if you delete the wrong files, your phone may fail;
  • when User Identifier is enabled, the gadget becomes defenseless against malware.

Ways to get root rights

Considering how to get root rights to Android, it should be noted that today a lot of effective software has been developed that allows even an inexperienced user to achieve the desired result. At the same time, all programs for obtaining root access can be conditionally divided into two categories:

  • installed directly on a smartphone or tablet;
  • working through a computer.

The first method is easier to use, but not suitable for all mobile device models. The second method is considered universal and reliable.

All activator apps are completely free and can be downloaded from both Play Market, and from third-party resources.

Activating root access without a computer

You can get root rights on Android without a computer using the following programs:

  • Framaroot;
  • OneClickRoot.

Other applications also allow you to open extended access for free, however, it is the specified software that works on most firmware and mobile device models.

Getting root rights through Framaroot

To get root on Android through Framaroot, you will need:

After restarting Android, you will become the proud owner of a superuser profile. By the way, the program for obtaining root rights Framaroot also allows you to remove the previously installed User Identifier. To do this, select "Remove Root" in the initial window.

Opening a superuser profile via OneClickRoot

You can also unblock root rights on Android without a PC using the OneClickRoot utility. The procedure for working with it will be as follows:

Activating Accessibility from a Computer

Answering the question of how to get root rights on Android, one should single out a method that involves the use of a personal computer and a special activator program. This method will allow you to download the root rights to Android even in cases where the mobile applications did not cope with the task.

The following software will help you get root rights for Android:

  • Kingo Root;
  • UnlockRoot;
  • VRoot, etc.

Before you can root the rights to Android, you need to do two things:

All activator programs work in almost the same way, so it makes no sense to disassemble these utilities separately. As an example, let's look at how to make root access through Kingo Root.

New Android OS released with large quantity additional programs. Many of them are not needed by the user, and they can be removed without harm to the system, thereby freeing up disk space on the tablet / smartphone. But for this to be installed root rights on Android. Having received extended rights, you can not only get rid of unnecessary programs that are in the assembly, but also change the OS settings for yourself. Mobile device owners can root in a variety of ways, but not all of them are easy and secure. Are there any surefire ways to get root privileges?

Methods for setting root rights for Android users

Root rights for Android can be set in two in safe ways.
  1. Using the .apk app on mobile device.
  2. Usage computer program(you will need to connect to a personal computer).

Both the first and second methods of rooting tablets, smartphones on Android are reliable, but for some users only one may be suitable, so it is worth considering both.

How to Root Android Using PC Software

Multifunctional program Kingo root for Windows OS in Lately is increasingly used to obtain root rights. Users appreciate it for its efficiency, safety and versatility.
The installation file for the program can be found at. Click " download for Windows"And wait for the automatic download.

Immediately after the installation is complete, you can start rooting Android. To do this, you need to run the program and connect it ( this is done via a USB cable).

The next step is to connect your smartphone to your computer. On the smartphone, you need to allow USB debugging... Check the box in the menu, and if it does not appear, configure via USB connections.

The next step is installing drivers and rooting. You just need to click "Root", the program will do the rest by itself.

It is important! You cannot stop the program, restart the computer or turn off the smartphone, even if you do not see the installation process. Rooting Android on computers of different capacities can take place differently, sometimes the installation process can take quite a long time. Don't do anything, just wait until rooting is over.

Getting root rights using the program installed on the device

Not every user, probably, can use the first way to get root rights for a smartphone, for example, if there is no computer at hand. In this case, there is a second way: the application can be installed not on the computer, but on the smartphone itself. An updated and improved version of the application for root-rights of Android devices without a PC can be downloaded at.

If you are using the Chrome browser, do not be intimidated by the framaroot insecurity pop-up warning. The downloaded file will have the extension not .exe, as for a computer, but .apk. Move it to the memory of your smartphone or tablet.

This program will not install as it should, because it was not downloaded from the Play Market. Android devices are not allowed to use other applications for security reasons. Therefore, you should allow the installation of the program by changing the settings of your smartphone.

After the changes have been made, the application can be installed. Find it in File Explorer and open it. It will take some time for activation.

In the activated application, choose one of two programs (the set also includes a magic hero).

If you see an emoticon, rooting has been completed successfully.

But it also happens in another way. In this case, the second method did not suit you. But do not despair, there are many ways to root, and it makes sense to try several.

What you need to know when getting root rights on Android

Rooting allows you to control your tablet / phone in advanced mode. You get the rights to change settings and remove unnecessary applications. All additional programs that came in the package can be removed.

Important note! Do not overdo it when uninstalling programs. If you do not know their purpose, it is better to leave it unchanged in order to avoid incorrect operation of the OS. And if you accidentally delete, for example, the camera or keyboard, it will cause interconnected applications to malfunction. But deleting system files is fraught with sad consequences.

There are elements that affect how many important applications work. And if you suddenly want to delete the Android gallery, because there is no need for it, you will not be able to use many useful programs. They either won't start or won't work as they should.

You have done rooting correctly, now you can control your smartphone by making changes to settings and parameters. But any actions of a user with advanced rights must be considered.

Not everyone understands why this is needed, but we will figure it out today... There are many ways to access operating system files on a mobile device. It will hardly be possible to consider everything, but we will try to provide an overview of the most popular of them.

What are Root rights and what are they for?

As a rule, it already has a certain filling. Manufacturers often add preinstalled programs and applications to the gadget that are not needed by the owner and only interfere with the operation of the gadget. A simple user will not be able to remove such advertising products, since he does not have access to the system. In order to get superuser rights, you need to get the very root-rights.

After gaining access to the system, the user will be able to fully customize the smartphone for himself. It becomes possible:

  • work with system and pre-installed applications;
  • the ability to allow access to the system for the desired application;
  • working with the interface (choosing a theme, changing icons, system sounds, greetings and animations);
  • the ability to reflash the phone;
  • installing applications on a memory card;
  • backing up the entire system in case a rollback is needed;
  • using a file manager to work with all applications and files.

Do not be reckless about rutting and before looking for an answer to the questionhow to get Root rights on Android,it is better to think about whether such a thing is really necessary. After that, you completely lose your phone warranty. Some of the official applications do not work on such devices. An inexperienced user can damage the operating system and be unable to restore it. In addition, carefully monitor where the root-rights tool is installed from. Doubtful sources can not only cause irreparable harm to the device, but also steal the owner's confidential data, including data on cards and accounts, as well as passwords from various services.

Preparing for the process

There are two ways to solve the question posed: using PC applications that allow you to control the smartphone system and installing similar products on the smartphone itself. Before using any of the above options, the user must be able to connect a smartphone to a PC in USB debugging mode and allow the device to install programs from unknown sources.

USB debugging is configured as follows.

  • Open the gadget settings and find the "Accessibility" section.
  • Open the "For Developers" item and enable USB debugging.
  • Confirm your intentions.

If everything went well, then when the gadget is connected to the computer via USB, the user will see a notification in the status bar that debugging is enabled.

To allow installation from unknown sources, just open the security section in the settings and find the corresponding menu item. Set the switch to the "allowed" position.

On this preparatory stage completed. You can go to the overview of tools to get Root.

How to get root rights on Android:available programs

As mentioned above, tools are divided into those that work with a smartphone via a PC and require installation on the device itself.

PC software

So, in order to use such a program and access the system files of an Android device, the user must enable USB debugging and install the right tool on a PC. An overview of the available products.

Kingo Android Root

A simple and straightforward program for hacking the phone system and gaining access to system files. Before starting the process, you need to install the software development on your PC and run it.

  1. Connect the fully prepared phone to USB and connect it to the PC (the program is already open at this moment).
  2. Wait until the system detects the smartphone and installs all the necessary drivers.
  3. Click Root and start the process.

The hacking process will begin, while in the application window the user will see the progress as a percentage. Once rooting is complete, restart your gadget.

VROOT program

Despite the fact that the shells often have complete similarities, the operating systems themselves have different developers with their own nuances. And quite often it is not possible to obtain Root-rights by a certain program. For owners of smartphones with Chinese firmware, the current jailbreak tool is fine.

You should be prepared for the fact that the application has a Chinese interface, you need to be careful and act strictly according to the manual, fortunately, the most important points are spelled out in English:

  • Download and install the program. At the last stage of installing the application, be sure to check the box to launch Launch iRoot.
  • Prepare your gadget.
  • Connect your smartphone to a PC via USB and wait for the device to be detected.
  • Click Root and wait for the process to finish.

Reboot your smartphone.

These are two main programs that allow you to solve the to get root rights to Android.If you cannot open access to one, then the second will certainly cope with the task. There are many more similar developments, but all of them are based on a similar principle of operation and are not always effective on a par with the examples given.

Android Apps

You don't have to use a PC to access the system and jailbreak the device, you can use a smartphone app. The result will be the same.

Root access with KINGROOT

This program is one of the most popular, in large part due to the fact that it allows you to get superuser rights quickly and easily. You can download the product on the developer's website, in this case, permission to install applications from unknown sources is useful. Click on the "free download" link and confirm receipt and saving of the files. Wait for the download to finish. You will have to install the program from the downloaded files, just click on the downloaded file and click "Install".

After successful installation, the application shortcut will appear on the device desktop. Run the application. It will determine the model of the smartphone and the presence of root rights. If access to system files is not found, then the user must click Try To Root and wait for the device to reboot (this will happen without user intervention).

OneClickRoot Program

You can download the installation distribution on the website The advantages of the development are that after installing and scanning the device, it immediately informs the user whether it can open access to the system or not. In case of refusal, it will be possible not to torment the gadget and simply delete the application. If you press the Notify My button after scanning, the program will prompthow to get root rights on Androidthe current version.