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Getting root rights through the phone. What is Root Rights for Android? How to enable Root access on Android

If, when using the phone or deleting a file, the following messages appear: "Confirm access to rights", "You need administrator rights", "You need super user rights", "For correct operation, you need to get root" and the like, this means that in the current settings of your android there are restrictions on certain functions. For some, this doesn't seem right. After all, when we buy a phone, we all want to become its complete owners, to decide for ourselves which applications we need and which not, what to download and what to delete. But there is another side to this.

Android is a very versatile and flexible operating system, consisting of a huge number of files, thus providing many opportunities for its use. Out of experience, you may accidentally delete some important elements , considering them simply useless. Thus, damaging it, which may lead to freezing or even worse, to the failure of the entire gadget. That is why the developers came up with all these access rights and permissions for use, that is, this is a kind of protection.

Root rights or super user rights (super user) is a confirmation of access to the implementation of any actions in the android system.

That is, root rights are rights that give you unlimited privileges with your device. If I may put it that way, you become a full-fledged administrator of technology. After receiving them, you can do whatever you want with android. Remove system applications. Freeze them, turn them off completely, pause them. You can remove a bunch of software that you absolutely do not need and was installed by developers for personal purposes (they are also called). These system processes are constantly running and load your device, we can say exactly half.

Often, when choosing a phone, you are told that the built-in memory is 4gb. And as often happens, when we see what we dreamed of so much, we don’t even look at what is in it and how it all works. We completely trust the sellers, and they sing beautiful songs to us, how this model conquered the whole world. But when we already bought it and began to understand at least a little what was what, we see that from our memory in 4gb, exactly half or even less remained. How did it happen, because you haven’t really installed anything yet, and there is no memory anymore, but what will happen when you download your favorite and necessary programs, or start playing games on Android. Your system will start to slow down or even worse freeze. The phone will constantly warm up, as the processor is working to its fullest. And you cannot do anything, since you do not have privileges to manage your Android system, and for this you must become a root user, that is, a superuser.

As soon as you get root rights to android, then your entire warranty simply flies away! This is usually stated on the warranty card. After that, in case of a software failure, you will not be able to contact the service, where they will repair or replace it under warranty.

As I bought the last device, exactly one day later I installed root rights. If something happens, I can now flash the phone myself with the factory firmware and return it to its original state. After all, the Android system is so good that even a not very knowledgeable user can manage it. Fortunately, there are many programs for firmware on the Internet.

Something we have moved away from the topic. And so let's proceed to obtaining root rights on any device that supports the Android system.

We get root rights

There are 2 methods for obtaining root rights.

  1. Using a computer (you will need to connect the phone via a cable)
  2. Without a computer (just by installing the desired application).

Remember there is no one the right way getting root rights. It all depends on the device model and android version. Older versions (up to 4.0) are easier to root through a computer, on newer ones, you just need to install the desired application.

We'll show you how to root using both examples. If you are the owner of android version 6.0+, then you can safely go to the second method.

We get root rights through a computer

To do this, you need to download a special program. A lot of them - . Choose any. The principle itself is not fundamentally different. We'll show you with SuperOneClick as an example.

Training: latest version... You must have these programs on windows - NET Framework 2.4 and higher and Java Platform. We won't be able to do anything without them.

Drivers must also be installed, usually they come on a disk in the box with your device, and can be installed from the device when you first connect to a computer, or download from the manufacturer's website.

Be sure to disable software that went to the device. These are the kind of applications that you need to make it easier to work with your android (ps suite and the like). Disabling this is not all, it is imperative to close the process, if the program hangs in the tray, then just click on the exit. If there is no program, we look in the task manager, turn off the process we need. Be careful! If you do not know which processes are responsible for what, it is better not to touch anything. Or look on the Internet how to turn off processes on your computer.

We get the rights:

  1. Be sure to disconnect the memory card from our device, just pull it out.
  2. Disable all system protection on the computer (firewalls, firewalls, antiviruses)
  3. Unpack the downloaded SuperOneClick archive onto the hard drive and go to the folder.
  4. Turn on the device, go to the settings and check the USB debugging checkbox (Settings - For the developer - USB debugging)
  5. We allow the installation of applications not from the market (Settings - applications or security - unknown sources (check the box))

We connect your phone to the computer

  1. Again we go to the computer in the folder with the SuperOneClick.exe program. We launch it, see that psneuter is in the exploit selection list.
  2. Click on the root button and wait. In the process, you will be prompted to install BusyBox - you must agree, because it is a collection of UNIX command line utilities. If you did everything correctly, you will see the following inscription: Your device (device name) is rooted.

Possible causes of failures:

The rooting process takes too long - we reboot, read the article carefully, try another application.

The program does not start - you did not disable the antivirus and it removed the necessary exploits that it sees as Trojans.

Can't make root and that's it - If you can't make root, restart your computer and phone again, try again.

If the process is frozen at the “waiting for device” label, then uncheck the USB Debugging checkbox before connecting, and when the waiting for device message appears, put it back.

How to find out if I got root rights: After correct work in the suggestion menu, this is new program Superuser (SuperUser or SuperSU)

We get root rights from the phone

On the one hand, it is the simplest. You just need to download the desired program and run it. It would seem, what's so difficult? And the fact that there is no one correct program for this. What works for Samsung won't work for Xiaomi. Here is not a complete list of programs: Root master, Baidu root, Poot, iRoot, etc. In our opinion, it will be most optimal to get acquainted with several, and then install them for yourself. For this, we will provide a whole playlist of video examples.

Remove root rights

If you nevertheless decide to remove them, for example, in case of a warranty appeal to the store, then there are several ways:

  1. Flash with factory firmware (as we wrote above)
  2. Install a dedicated app for this. You can easily find them in the request "Unroot".
  3. Run SuperSu and do the following: go to the "SETTINGS" section, then find and select "REMOVE FULL ROOT" and reboot the device.

In conclusion, we recall: No program can guarantee 100% success in obtaining root rights. Any third party tampering with the system may harm the operation of your device. All actions you perform at your own peril and risk.

Did you manage to get root rights? We will be glad if you share your experience in the comments to the article.

    Root is the main administrator account. If you have access to this profile, a number of possibilities appear that are not available in normal operation.

  1. Namely:
  2. ✔ Change system files, themes, remove standard applications.
  3. ✔ Run Linux binaries.
  4. ✔ run applications that extend the capabilities of the SuperUser smartphone, etc.
  5. ✔ Take screenshots using apps like ShootMe.
  6. ✔ Make a system backup, for example using the Titanium Backup program
  7. ✔ Installing applications on a memory card, transferring browser cache, uninstalling built-in applications and games, etc.
  8. Root rights types:
  9. Full Root - full and permanent Root without restrictions.
  10. Shell Root - no access to change the system folder.
  11. Temporary Root - temporary Root (After a reboot, the superuser rights are lost).
  12. Some devices have a NAND lock, this function does not allow you to make changes to the system partition, therefore it does not make it possible to install the SuperUser program. On such devices, you cannot get Root, but only Shell Root or Temporary Root.
  13. Getting Root rights:
  14. You can get root rights with many utilities designed for this, I will give a list of the most common ones:
  15. 1. FRAMAROOT
  16. 2. KINGROOT
  17. 3.360ROOT
  18. 5. ROOT GENIUS
  19. 6. ROOT MASTER
  20. 7. ROOT DASHI
  22. 9. BAIDU ROOT
  24. NECESSARILY! Before installing the utilities for getting root on a smartphone, make a backup copy of photos, contacts and other data you need that you need to work. In the process of getting root, it is possible to lose them if something goes wrong. Also, you do everything at your own peril and risk, remember this, the author or the site is not responsible for your devices and actions.


    FRAMAROOT compatibility with smartphones:

    If you found your device in the list above, then proceed to install Framaroot:
  25. We do as it is written below, point by point, there is nothing difficult, we just perform the actions one by one.
  26. 1.) Download and install framaroot. Download from the official site! At the end of the article, I will give all the links to the resources described in this article.
  27. 2.) Launch the downloaded FRAMAROOT and select the application responsible for managing the superuser: Superuser or SuperSU.
  28. 3.) After we choose one of the characters we like, for example Boromir.
  29. 4.) We are waiting for the rutting information.
  30. 5.) Reboot your smartphone or tablet.
  31. Using the Superuser or SuperSU program, depending on which one you chose at the beginning of the installation, we do the necessary actions as root. If not one of the programs is installed, then you can download and install them yourself.
  32. Video instruction on getting root with FRAMAROOT.

  33. I think there is no more detailed instruction on how to get root using Framaroot, if it becomes unclear write in the comment below.
  34. Links to FRAMAROOT


    KINGROOT also does not require a PC connection.
  35. KingRoot is a utility that does not require a connection to a computer and performs a super user acquisition in two clicks. If you got root using this program, then do not forget to download the utility with which you can perform manipulations using the super user. Remember these utilities are called Superuser, SuperSU, they were mentioned in the example above. No matter how you get root, you will need these utilities to perform the tasks you need under the root user. The tasks and manipulations of the system as root were discussed above at the very beginning of the article, such as deleting or moving programs or games, etc., in fact, for which you need root.
  36. 1.) Download the program from the official site.
  37. 2.) Run the downloaded file and click on get root.
  38. 3.) We are waiting for the program to connect to the cloud base of smartphones, find your device and get root.
  39. 4.) After successful root, the program will notify you, restart the device. In 60% of cases, device users get root access.
  40. After rebooting, you download programs for manipulating the device under the root user, which you wrote about more than once above.
  41. Links to KINGROOT


  42. Supports over 1000 brands, 20,000 models mobile phones and as the developers say, getting root in 90% of cases. Below you can see your model of a smartphone or tablet, you saw try to get root if you need it. Also, this program can work without connecting to a computer, but if you need or cannot do without it, there is a version for Windows.
  43. Supported models:
  44. To get root, just click one button called "Get Root". Next, the program will find files for your device and start gaining access to the super user. You just have to wait and if everything works out you will see the message "Root received"
  45. If you do not get root, then the program will write that the root has not been received, try downloading the program for the computer and connecting your smartphone to the PC, get access to the super user. First, enable usb debugging on your smartphone, install all drivers on your computer to connect your smartphone, tablet to your computer.
  46. Links 360ROOT


  47. 1.) Download the file and run it.
  48. 2.) Check the box agreeing to the license.
  49. 3.) Press the Root It button.
  50. 4.) Reboot the device.
  51. 4.) With superuser programs see getting root.
  52. Obtaining rights using a computer device:
  53. 1.) Go to Settings> Developer Options> USB Debugging and enable USB Debugging Mode
  54. 2.) Download RootGenius for Windows
  55. 3.) Connect your device to your computer
  56. 4.) Wait until the device is found, then accept the user agreement
  57. 5.) Click "Root get"
  58. 6.) Wait until Genius Root finishes getting super user on Android device
  59. 7.) Reboot when finished.
  60. 8.) Next, using the superuser administration programs, look at the received root.
  61. ROOT GENIUS links
  62. [password for zip file = rootgenius]

  64. It also supports obtaining Root rights on Android devices without using a computer, just start the program and press the "START" button, wait for the process to complete and restart the device. Actually that's all, see all links below:
  65. ROOT MASTER links
  66. [password for rar file = rootmaster]

  68. Chinese developer's program for getting root on Android, different ways... ROOT DASHI is different ways rutting including a cloud service. The program supports many android models, an Internet connection is required, in principle, as in many other similar programs. Root Dashi is Baidu's improved super root program.
  69. More details with the installation and receipt of the root so that there are no questions. Download the file and run it after installation in the running program, press root:
  70. When you receive Root, you will be prompted to install additional utilities, select one of the installers and then refuse to install:
  71. After rebooting, Root will be obtained:
  72. When granting Root to applications, click the "Authorize" button
  73. Everything is very simple, below are the links to the official website and downloading the apk file.
  74. Links ROOT DASHI


  75. An improved version of the Chinese program for obtaining root rights Root Dashi, as described above in the example. Like its predecessor, BAIDU SUPER ROOT App supports a large number of android models and without using a computer. Internet connection is required as the program uses cloud technologies. Getting root in two clicks, launch the Baidu Super Root application itself and press the get root button. The program may ask you to update immediately after launch, we agree.
  76. Root received, reboot.
  77. If the device was not rebooted by itself, reboot. Then use the programs to administer the super user.
  78. In addition to root rights, there are additional programs:
  79. Your own antivirus;
  80. Root rights management;
  81. Management of startup programs;
  82. And recommended apps.

The main advantage of the Android platform is its open source code. Thanks to this, the end user of Android devices can find custom firmwares, programs and tweaks on the network for almost any gadget model.

In order for these capabilities to become available for the device, you need to get ROOT rights.

Gadget manufacturers have removed "administrator rights" from their Android skins for reasons of "reliability and security." This limitation negates possible breakdowns devices when deleting or modifying system files. If you are a confident Android user, then it's time to get acquainted with the information: how to get root rights to Android.

What is ROOT rights?

ROOT rights(super user or administrator rights) - provide the owner of the Android gadget with full control over the system. Thanks to this, you can change, delete, edit system files and folders.

ROOT access is easy to get today. Some programs allow you to do this right on your Android device, without the need for a computer. At the same time, the risk of damaging the software is practically minimal.

Yes it is. When installing root rights to Android, there is a risk of harming the system or turning the device into a "brick" (it will not be able to start).

If this is your first time trying to root Android, don't worry, many popular rooting programs do the job just fine. Therefore, we can say with confidence: "ROOT is right it is safe".

Advantages and disadvantages

Installing on the device Android root right, it gets a lot of privileges, sacrificing some features. To understand in detail, let's look at the points of the advantages of rooting:

  1. Modification and removal of standard and system applications.
  2. Installing custom firmwares and mods.
  3. Setting personal images when the device is booted.
  4. Working with applications that require ROOT rights.
  5. Customization and use additional functions Android.
  6. Using programs and tweaks to improve the performance and autonomy of the gadget.
  7. Removal of viruses and advertising banners in applications.
  8. Firmware and data backup.
  9. Adding Linux executables and more.

In return for such rich functionality, you will lose some features, namely:

  1. Loss of manufacturer's warranty (although root rights can be canceled at any time).
  2. Loss of the ability to update Android OS over the air from the manufacturer.
  3. Unstable operation of the device in case of damage to system files (but most often the gadget can be revived).

Advice! If you would like to root an Android device, read the instructions completely so as not to miss any nuances.

How do I get superuser rights?

Before installing ROOT rights in mandatory... When rooting a tablet or smartphone, information from the phone memory may be deleted. Therefore, secure yourself in advance.

And transfer photos, music, videos, documents and other files to an SD card or save to your computer.

Attention! Perform all further actions at your own peril and risk! You are the only one responsible for your gadget. If you are not sure of anything, contact a specialist!

Programs for root rights

The fastest, most reliable and in the best way obtaining superuser rights will be the use of specialized applications.

Android Apps

PC software


Kingo root



Universal androot

Root Genius


King root

King root


Advice! King Root program allows you to root devices Samsung, LG, Meizu, Lenovo, HTC, Nexus and many others. In practice, it can be called universal, so we will use it as an example.

Installing from Android

The installation process is as follows:

  1. Download the installation .apk file to the device memory and enable the "" function.
  2. Install the application, run it, select the options and root.
  3. Wait for the end of the process.
  4. Install the Root Checker application to check for ROOT rights on the device.

Application example King Root v4.9.6:

Obtaining SuperSU rights

Unfortunately, when this program receives ROOT rights, it puts the superuser KingRoot, instead of SuperSU. If KingRoot is present in the system, not all applications and tweaks will work properly, some programs may not even perceive the presence of ROOT rights. Therefore, you need to replace KingRoot to a stable and familiar SuperSU:

  1. Download and install the Super-Sume app.
  2. Run, click on the big blue button (first step).
  3. Start the second stage - the progress bar freezes during the initial process and the application freezes (for a long time).
  4. Click the cancel button and restart your device.
  5. Reinstall ROOT rights using King Root.
  6. Start Super-Sume. It already contains an invitation to the second stage. After starting, nothing freezes, KingRoot is removed, and SuperSU is successfully installed.
  7. After completing the operation, remove Super-Sume.

Installing with Windows 10

The installation process is as follows:

  1. On the Windows computer disable mandatory driver signing.
  2. Install the rooting software on your PC.
  3. On an Android device.
  4. Run the program and connect the device to your computer via USB.
  5. Root.

There are several ways to disable mandatory driver signature verification in Windows 10:

An example of working with Kingo Root software:

How to delete?

If you want to remove ROOT rights, use the same program that received them. For example, when you connect an Android gadget to a PC and turn on the Kingo Root program, you can delete ( Remove Root) and reinstall ( Root Again) superuser rights.

If you want to dig into the Android system, you may find that many applications require root privileges. V Lately there is practically no need to obtain superuser rights, but still some applications require root rights. This article describes how to open root rights on Android and why you might need them.

Why do you need root rights on an android?

Android is based on Linux. On Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the root user is equivalent to a Windows administrator. The root user has access to the entire operating system and can do anything. By default, you are not rooted on your Android device, and some applications will not work without superuser privileges. Like other modern mobile operating systems, Android runs sandboxed applications for security purposes.

A rooted user always exists in Android, there is simply no built-in way to access it. Getting root rights means that you gain access to the account with superuser rights. This process is often compared to jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad, but rooting and jailbreaking are different steps.

Root rights allow you to do a lot of useful things. With superuser rights, you can uninstall or freeze preinstalled applications, start a firewall, enable tethering even if your operator is blocking it, create a system backup and use many other settings that require low-level access to the system.

Apps that require root are not hard to find in Google play Store, but they won't work until you get superuser rights. Some apps have features that work on rooted devices. Therefore, you need to learn how to open root rights on android in order to take advantage of these functions.


On the Android devices cannot be rooted by different reasons... In fact, device manufacturers are trying their best to prevent the Android gadget from getting the rights. And that's why:

  • Safety: On rooted devices, applications go beyond the sandbox when running. Applications can abuse the superuser rights that you have granted and interfere with other applications, which is usually not possible. Therefore, Google does not approve of the use of Android Pay on rooted devices.
  • Guarantee: Some manufacturers claim that after getting root rights the warranty disappears. However, gaining superuser rights will not break the hardware. In many cases, you can perform the de-rooting procedure and the manufacturer will not be able to find out whether the rights were rooted or not.
  • Breaking: As usual, you do this at your own risk. Rooting is usually a safe process, but you do it yourself. If you screw something up, you can't count on free warranty service to fix it. If you are worried that everything will go smoothly, we recommend that you first look for information on successfully obtaining superuser rights on your device to be sure that there are no pitfalls in the process.

Plus, rooting can void your warranty for at least some repairs.

Several ways on how to open root rights on android

There are many ways to root an android, and which one you should use depends on your phone. In general, getting root will involve one of these processes:

  • Unlocking the bootloader: Google and device manufacturers do not officially support rooting, but they do provide an official way for low-level access to some devices, which allows you to gain root privileges later. For example, Nexus devices are for developers, and you can easily unlock the bootloader with a single command. And then get the root of the rights to download the .zip archive containing the file for obtaining the rights through the recovery screen. The Nexus Root Toolkit for Nexus devices automates this process. Other manufacturers also offer ways to unlock the bootloader, but only for certain devices.
  • Exploiting a security vulnerability: Other devices are locked. Their manufacturers do not provide an official way to unlock their bootloader and tamper with their software. These devices can only be rooted by exploiting a security vulnerability that allows the installation of a required file on the system partition.
  • Installing CyanogenMod or other custom firmware on Android: Technically, this is an extension of one of the above methods. Unlocking the bootloader operating system and exploitation of security vulnerabilities allows you to install custom firmware such as CyanogenMod, which is often already rooted. CyanogenMod has a simple toggle in the settings that allows you to enable or disable root access. Upgrade to new version CyanogenMod or other custom firmware will not disable root privileges if the firmware is already rooted.

In this article, we will first of all use the first method of enclosing an unlocked bootloader. If your phone requires exploitation of a vulnerability, then we cannot help you, as this process is different for each phone. You can look up information on how to root android on the XDA Developers forum. You can use the Kingo Root and Towelroot applications, which allow you to get superuser rights in one click.

Before you can root android, you need to unlock the bootloader in the official way, and then install the TWRP recovery environment using these instructions. We will use TWRP to root your phone.

How to download SuperSU to your phone and get root access

So, you have the bootloader unlocked and you have installed TWRP. Fine! You have almost done everything. To get root rights, we are going to use the SuperSU program. It is the best application that can give root access to other applications. SuperSU is also available in the Google Play Store, but this version will not give you superuser rights, it can only be used if you already have root rights. Luckily SuperSU is also available as a .zip file that we can download from TWRP. This will allow you to get superuser rights and install the SuperSU application.

So, to get started, follow this link to download the latest SuperSU. Download the .zip file to your computer, connect your phone via USB cable to PC and download SuperSU to your phone.

Next, boot your phone into TWRP mode. On different phones, this is done in different ways, but usually you need to turn off the phone and press and hold the power button + the volume up key for 10 seconds, then, using the volume keys, go to the "Recovery Mode" item and press the power button to select it ...

Once you do this, you will be taken to the TWRP home screen. Click on the "Install" button.

NOTE: you need to backup twrp before proceeding.

The following screen will appear. Scroll down and navigate to the zip file you downloaded earlier.

Click on the zip file and you will see this screen. Swipe the slider to confirm the installation.

When the process is complete, click on the “Wipe cache / Dalvik” button that appears and swipe the slider to confirm.

When the process is complete, click on the "Reboot System" button to reboot the Android system.

If TWRP asks if you want to install SuperSU click "Do Not Install". Sometimes, TWRP cannot determine that you already have SuperSU installed.

Root management with SuperSU app

Now that you have learned how to open root rights on android, you need to teach how to manage these rights.

After restarting your phone, you should see a new SuperSU icon in the applications menu. SuperSU distributes rights to applications that require them. Whenever an application wants to ask for superuser rights, it must ask your application for SuperSU, which will show this request. To make sure that the root rights are working, you can download the Root Checker application to check the root rights.

For example, let's open and add the Clean Master app, which allows you to clean your device of accumulated garbage. It requires root rights for more effective cleansing. After starting, you will see a message stating that you need to grant superuser rights. Click Submit.

To manage root rights, open the application menu and click on the SuperSU icon. You will see a list of applications that have been granted or denied superuser rights. You can click on an app to change its permissions.

To remove root rights, open the SuperSU application, go to the settings and select the "Complete Root Removal" option. If this is applicable for your device, then root rights will be removed.

Now you know how to open root rights on android and how to remove them. Good luck!

Android OS offers the user a wide range of customization options. At the same time, access to most functions is initially blocked, and opens only after granting root rights (superuser rights) on the android device. Methods for obtaining root rights on an android smartphone or tablet are described in detail in this article.

Root rights to android OS

In Android OS, root is a privileged account that gives the owner full control over the device. The presence of superuser rights allows you to remove the restrictions set by the manufacturer to the root folder, and allows you to perform all operations without exception.

The need to get root rights to an android OS often arises due to advanced customization of the firmware. When you get bored standard design or there is a desire to try new, previously unavailable functions. Also for installing a new or revision of the current OS, removing system programs or conveniently creating backups.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rooting Android OS

Root rights to the android OS allow you to remove restrictions and customize the system at your own discretion, which is an undoubted advantage. At the same time, excessive freedom of action often leads to undesirable consequences.

Main advantages:

  1. Removing, moving and backing up applications, including system-type programs.
  2. Moving the game cache to a memory card. Relevant for devices with an internal storage capacity of 8/16 GB.
  3. Setting up hidden graphical effects in games.
  4. The ability to get game currency for free using specialized utilities.
  5. Access to hidden installations, fine-tuning the sound, microphone sensitivity, etc.
  6. Installing custom firmware and kernels. Creating a full backup of the firmware or a specific partition.
  7. Full control over the file system.
  8. Change of visual design.
  9. Setting the operating mode of the processor and graphics accelerator. Setting a fixed frequency value.
  10. Setting up ad blocking in apps and games.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Without a sufficient information base, the user is likely to disrupt the system, which will lead to: a factory reset, reinstalling the firmware, or software damage.
  2. Security is reduced as it is easier for malicious applications to take full control of the device. It is easier for attackers to bypass the locks set by the owner.
  3. The resulting root rights to the android OS are a good reason for the manufacturer to refuse warranty service.
  4. It is not possible to officially receive an OS or security update as this will cause software damage to the device.
  5. To obtain full-fledged root rights, an unlocked bootloader is required.
  6. In the process of obtaining root-rights, a failure is not excluded that can lead to a "brick" - not a bootable device.

How to get root rights to an Android OS

Methods for obtaining superuser rights are conventionally divided into two types: without using a PC and using a PC. Let's consider each method separately, including the features and specifics of the installation.

Important! Starting with Android 5.0, obtaining superuser rights is only available using the TWRP method. For firmware versions 2.x-4.4.x, the "One-click" and "Using a PC" method is also suitable. It should be taken into account: the device's support by the program, on which firmware or kernel version the exploit is running, the preferred assembly of the application for rooting.

Rooting Android without using a PC

The easiest way to grant superuser rights to an android OS is through the installation of a special application. This method is called "getting root rights in one click." This is due to the lack of an algorithm of actions, it is enough to start the program, press one button and wait until the superuser rights are obtained. The number of such applications has exceeded three dozen, bright representatives: framaroot and Towelroot.

At the same time, this method of obtaining root rights to an android OS is highly undesirable. Since the principle of operation is to hack the system through available vulnerabilities. For this reason, most antiviruses treat such applications as a virus. In addition, most of the creators of one-click root programs reside in China. Therefore, for personal gain, they introduce Trojan viruses that get deep into the system after receiving root rights and are not available for detection. In the best case, the display of ads will increase, in the worst case - regular debiting of money from the balance and theft of personal information.

It is also worth noting that for the permanent presence of root rights, it is imperative to unlock the bootloader. Otherwise, the root is considered incomplete, where some of the functions will remain unavailable. And a regular reboot, in most cases, will lead to the removal of root rights.

Safe way to root Android without a PC

A reliable and secure way to get root rights using the modified TWRP bootloader program. It is enough to download the preferred version of the application, to regulate the granting of root-rights to other programs, boot into, and install.

Getting root rights to an android OS using a computer

The method is similar to that described in the method “root rights to android in one click”. Only a program, for example Kingo Android Root, is installed on a PC, not a smartphone, after which root rights are granted.

It should be noted that this method of obtaining superuser rights is also undesirable, due to its inefficiency and low security. The process is often interrupted due to insufficient optimization for a specific device. There is also a high probability of bringing in a hidden Trojan.

Instructions for obtaining root rights for an android in one click

Before downloading the application, you must first clarify the appropriate type and version of the program. If possible, ask the users who have used the application of your choice for hidden viruses and additional installation conditions. As an example, consider an installation using the Framaroot program.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. to your mobile device.
  2. After starting, select the Superuser or SuperSU utility.
  3. Below, select the name of a famous character, under whose name the type of exploit is hidden.
  4. After choosing a character, a window will appear with the successful receipt of root-rights or an error. In the latter case, you need to change the type of exploit and try again, use a different application or version.
  5. If successful, you should reboot the device and use.

In most other applications, to obtain root rights, more often you only need to press one button and wait for the operation to complete.

Instructions for a safe way to root an Android OS without using a PC

  1. Download your preferred SuperSU app to an external SD card.
  2. Launch TWRP mode, where you need to select "Install" or "Install" if the TWRP version is in English.
  3. Specify the path for the downloaded SuperSU application, and confirm the installation action.
  4. At the end of the operation, clear the Dalvik Cache and reboot. The flashed application will appear automatically in the list of all programs.

Instructions for granting root rights to an Android OS using a computer

After making sure of the supported version and type of application, download and install the program on your PC. As an example, we will describe the instructions for Kingo Android Root. Other programs work in a similar way.


  1. We launch the program and connect a smartphone or tablet to a PC. Use the original USB cable and ports on the motherboard to connect.
  2. We activate the debug mode and the checkbox for installing applications from unknown sources. These items are located in the sections "security" and "for developers".
  3. Kingo Android Root will download and install drivers, which requires an internet connection.
  4. After successful installation, click on the "root" button that appears.
  5. We are waiting for the end of the installation. The smartphone or tablet will restart automatically.

Root rights to android 7.0, 7.1, 8.0

Android 7 introduced a system for checking system integrity at boot for the first time. If the system partition is changed by the user or by malware, the OS will not boot or will start in reduced functionality mode. Therefore, the usual methods of obtaining superuser rights, starting from version 7.0, will not work. In this case, the sequence of actions is saved, only the files being installed are changed.

To freely use root-rights, SafetyNet will not allow either. The program analyzes the activity of applications and compares with original images... If applications or services are changed, the program will be blocked or uninstalled.

To get root rights to Android 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0, Magisk came to replace SuperSU. The utility makes changes to the boot partition, so that the system remains unchanged. This allows you to get root rights, as well as install system applications and modules. In addition, hide the presence of an unlocked bootloader and root for certain applications, including banking, which will allow the correct use of payment services, and also SafetyNet. Receive OTA updates of standard firmware without fear of turning the device into a "brick" - not a bootable device.

How to install Magisk


  1. The installation is done on a device with an unlocked bootloader, since the changes are written to the kernel.
  2. Installation requires Android version 5 and higher.
  3. Be sure to have a modified TWRP, CWM. The TWRP and CWM version for each model is individual.
  4. The algorithm of actions presented below is for general concept, and the algorithm of actions and file type may differ when installing Magisk on other devices.

Algorithm of actions on the example of Motorola Moto Z:

  1. Copy to phone memory Magisk. Since some Motorola models have an incorrect implementation of F2FS, you should additionally copy the f2fs loopback bug workaround module. For models from other manufacturers, if it is not indicated in the instructions, the module does not need to be flashed.
  2. Boot your phone into fastboot mode.
  3. Unlock the bootloader, and also flash TWRP 3.2.1-0-griffin if you haven't done so earlier.
  4. Back up the BOOT partition in TWRP. This action is required!
  5. In TWRP, open the Advanced section, and then Terminal, and then write the commands one by one:
  6. echo KEEPVERITY = true >> / data / .magisk
  7. echo KEEPFORCEENCRYPT = true >> / data / .magisk
  8. Flash "Magisk" and then "module" into TWRP one by one.

Important! If you have a third-party kernel - TurboZ, elementalX, you should not flash the module.

Disadvantages of Magisk

  1. Some applications do not support root, which can only be fixed by the developers of such programs.
  2. Installation on an adapted storage device is not supported - adoptable storage, where an external flash card is connected to the internal memory.
  3. Having problems without timely updating of components and shell.
  4. Some firmwares do not support Magisk.


Getting root rights to an android OS is best done by the TWRP method. This method will allow you to avoid unwanted virus infection, exclude incomplete provision of root rights and the likelihood of abnormal system loading.

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