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Android Pay: What banks have connected a new payment service? Google Pay ™ Your Card in Your Smartphone ™ Android Pey which banks support

A new payment method has become available to holders of the Visa and Mastercard payment systems.

In Russia on May 23, the contactless payment service Android Pay. It allows you to pay for goods and services in stores and applications using smartphones based on Android 4.4 and above.

Banks working with new service on Visa maps:

  • Sberbank
  • VTB 24
  • Alfa Bank
  • MTS Bank
  • Tinkoff Bank
  • Opening
  • Raiffeisenbank
  • Ak Bars Bank

Banks operating with new service on MasterCard maps:

          • Sberbank
          • VTB 24
          • Alfa Bank
          • MTS Bank
          • Tinkoff Bank
          • Opening
          • Raiffeisenbank
          • Ak Bars Bank
          • Promsvyazbank
          • BINBANK Credit Systems
          • Binbank
          • Russian standard
          • Rosselkhozbank

CEO of VISA in Russia Ekaterina Pleetin: "Contactless payments have already gained popularity in Russia. 95% of Russian card holders with contactless payment technology are already actively using this payment method and appreciate it for speed, convenience and safety. Do not forget that the Russians also actively use Android-smartphones, so it is quite natural to combine these two concepts and provide a large number of Visa card holders the ability to make payments with their mobile phones. AndroidPay service works everywhere where payments are accepted on Visa non-contact cards. Today's launch is our regular contribution to the development of non-cash payments in Russia. "

Senior Managing Director of the Retail Business Block Sberbank Svetlana Kirsanova: "Sberbank's 13.9 million customers comes to the Sberbank online mobile app (Break) using smartphones with Android operating system. Currently, 30% of Sberbank customers who use the Babe application on Apple and Samsung smartphones with the necessary technical configuration (NFC chip, the latest version of the operating system), connected to Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. We are talking about 1 million people. To date, these clients committed 13 million transactions, the largest - 728 thousand rubles (the flight of three people business class Fly Dubai on the route Bali Kazan with a transfer to Dubai). Of the total transactions of 5.8 million - conducted in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, etc.), 6.2 million on the rest of Russia, including in small towns and settlements. Most often, with the help of a smartphone, purchases in the sphere of retail food, in restaurants / cafes / entertainment, as well as spending related to car service - refueling, spare parts, etc. Just 7.4 million people use the Sberbank application online with Apple smartphones. "

Head of the Electronic Business Block Alpha Bank Vladimir Urban: "For additional convenience and security, we offer our customers a unique functionality - in the mobile application" Alpha-Mobile "you can block a plastic card in case of loss or theft, android pays to leave active. Thus, the client will not remain without funds, even if the plastic itself is lost. We expect that Android owners of smartphones will be happy to appreciate the convenience and reliability of the new service and will regularly use it - just as many of our customers are already doing - owners of smartphones of other platforms. "

Deputy Chairman of the Board, Director of Tinkoff Bank Payment Systems Anatoly Makeshin: "Thanks to Android Pay, our clients, owners of devices on the Android operating system, will be able to make purchases in one touch. At the same time, they will still be able to receive bonuses for all shopping on the map and use other advantages of Tinkoff Bank cards. "

Senior Vice President, Department of Retail Business Department VTB24 Julia Demeniuk: "More than half of the VTB24 customers use smartphones based on Android, so the new service will use no less demand than running contactless payment methods. Statistics indicate that the monthly volume of operations of one client after binding the card to the mobile payment service increases by 10,000 rubles, and many practically cease to use physical plastic. "

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The Android Pay payment system officially earned in Russia on May 23, 2017. Google service for contactless payments announced the possibility of connecting maps 10 banks of the Russian Federation, which has become 11 countries in which Android Pay is running.

Separately, it is worth noting that bank cards can be connected to Android Peies, both MasterCard and Visa, which allow contactless payments to more customers in the Russian Federation. Android Pay is a mobile application to which you tie a bank card, and then you can use your smartphone or smart clock for payment for services or goods in outlets that have appropriate terminals for receiving contactless payments.

By the way, in Android Pay there is no challenge from the user of the Commission for the transaction, that is, an exactly amount will be debited from the buyer's cards, which is indicated on the price tag and in the check.

What banks and cards work with Android Pay

At the start of the work of the Android Pay payment system in Russia, you can connect the Visa and MasterCard cards of the main Russian banks:

  • Alfa Bank;
  • AK BARS Bank;
  • VTB 24;
  • MTS-Bank;
  • Opening (including Rocket Bank and Point Bank);
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Russian standard;
  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Yandex money.

If you follow how competitors in the person of systems developed in Russia or, it can be assumed that the new payment service from Google will very much will expand the number of banks whose cards can be connected to Android Pey.

What devices are Android Pay?

As follows from the description of the new payment system to the Android Pay, installed on the device supporting NFC technologies running the Android mobile operating system from 4.4 and higher.

Thus, if there are such versions of Android as Kitkat, Lollipop, Marshmallow or Nougat on your smartphone or in "smart watches", the device has the official firmware and not "shoved", the installation on it Android Pay will pass without problems.

How to connect a bank card to Android Pay?

And so, if you have a suitable smartphone or clock, you can set the Android Pay application on them by downloading it from the Google Play app store. Immediately after the first launch of Android Pay on the smartphone, the service will offer you to connect a bank card to Android Pay.

To connect, you can hover the camera of your smartphone on the front side of the map, to read such data as a credit number and validity period, and you can make this data into the application in the manual. In addition to these data, you will need to enter a CVV code located on the back of your bank card, and the user's address. After that, the verification code will be sent to confirm the binding.

Contactless payment through Android Pay in Russia is available at any trading point, which has terminals supporting NFC-technology (PayPass, PayWave).

Such payment terminals are in large trading networks of the country, for example, the "ABC of taste", "Carousel", "Magnit", "Okay", "Pyaterochka", "Crossroads", "Eldorado", Starbucks, KFC, Burger King , "Teremok", "Dublby". You can contact the contactless way in gas stations, such as Rosneft, Bashneft, BP, etc.

According to the press service of Sberbank, by the end of 2017, they promise to provide the possibility of paying a contactless way to all their terminals in Russia's retail chains, and these are more than 1,000,000 devices throughout the country.

How to make a payment through Android Pay

In order to pay for the service or the goods you need to "wake up" a smartphone or smart clock with the Android Pay installed and bring this device to the payment terminal for a couple of seconds, until the time when the screen of your gadget does not appear about successful payment.

In some cases, the seller or cashier can request manual entering the PIN code or signing the check of payment. Such situations depend on the requirements of banks issued a map or connecting the terminal to the outlet. Usually, when payments up to 1000 rubles, it is not necessary to confirm the transaction with the PIN code.

Please note that you can be connected immediately several different bank cards to the Android Pay application, in this case you can select the "Default Default" map, which will be used to pay in standard mode, but you can always before transaction to open the application and Select another card for payment, or generally reassign the default card.

Android Pay security - how are payments protected?

Google Corporation stated that it guarantees non-use of information about the bank cards connected to the Android service, that is, the payment system creates a virtual account of the card, the Seller is presented data from such virtual accounts, but not about your cards.

At the same time, there are other degrees of protection of your financial data, for example, when you first start the Android Pay, the system will require you to establish protection on your smartphone: either graphic or by fingerprint. If you do not do this, or disable your defense yourself, then AndroidPay will delete your payment details.

Similarly, bank data will be erased in the event that your device is inactive for 90 days. In addition, you can always block or "reset" your smartphone in case of loss or theft using Android Device Manager.

Android Pay in Russia appeared quite recently. But now this system has won the hearts of many. We have to deal with all its features. What is "android drink"? And how to use it?


Android Pay in Russia is nothing but a service for contactless payments. It works easily and simple. A citizen binds a bank card to a mobile device through a special application. After that, a person has the opportunity to pay for goods and services with the phone.

The main thing is that the Android operating system is installed on the device. Otherwise, the reception will not work. In fact, we are dealing with an application that replaces bank plastic. But what should be aware of Android Pay in Russia every modern resident?

Support banks

For example, it is important to understand, with what banks the system is running. Unfortunately, today the list of financial organizations is strongly limited. It includes only 13 banks.

What exactly? Android Pay in Russia works with the following financial companies:

  • VTB 24;
  • Sberbank;
  • "Yandex money";
  • "Alfa Bank";
  • "Opening";
  • "Tinkoff";
  • "BINBANK";
  • MTS-Bank;
  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • "Promsvyazbank";
  • "Ak Bars Bank";
  • Raiffeisenbank.

In the future, this list will be replenished. But so far, "Android Pey" supports only plastic of listed organizations.

Support phones

But this is not all. You need to find out which devices support Android Pay. After all, this system will not work on all phones.

There are 2 conditions that must be respected. Namely:

  • the presence of the NFC chip;
  • android 4.4 and newer operating system.

Also, sometimes among the requirements allocate the ability to emulate cards (HCE). Android Pay works even with old phones.

For example, you can allocate models of 2013:

  • "Sonya ikspairia XE 1";
  • "Samsung Galaxy ES 5";
  • "Achtisi Van".

It is advisable to see the characteristics of your phone. Only it will be possible to understand whether to use the studied electronic payment system. The bulk of modern smartphones allows you to implement ideas in life.

About root-rights

Another nuance. Android Pay application will not work on hacked smartphones. That is, the study is offered only to conscientious owners of phones.

Fans of digging in the "Android" system or have to abandon contactless payments through the phone, or acquire a new gadget. No root right, everything will work fine. But it is worth hacking the device as Android Pey will stop performing its functions.


Now consider the process of working with the application. How to use Android Pay? In fact, everything is easier than it seems. The most difficult thing is to bind a bank card. This will be told later.

To begin with, you should install the appropriate application. This is done like this:

  1. Open Google Play.
  2. Commit authorization in the application.
  3. Dial in the search for Android Pay.
  4. Select the proposed result.
  5. Download the appropriate application.
  6. Run the received document.
  7. Following the instructions on the display, complete initialization.

That's all. The Android Pay electronic payment system is sometimes trying to fake. It is worth paying attention to the developer of the program. The original application will sign "Google Inc.". It is advisable to avoid downloading utilities from third-party sites.


On the following steps, preparing for the use of contactless payments through phones is not charged. Now that Android Pay is installed on the smartphone, you need to properly configure the program.

The configuration guide will look approximately as follows:

  1. Run "Android Pey".
  2. Dial the details of the bank card (validity period, number, CVV) in the set menu.
  3. Specify information about the owner of the plastic.
  4. Enter the address of the residence.
  5. Register mobile phone number.
  6. Enter the code confirmation code. It will come to mobile in the form of SMS.
  7. Press the "Allow" button. It will automatically be displayed after entering the Card Adding Confirmation Code.

It is done. Now you can use Android Pay. Sberbank, as well as any of the previously listed banks, will allow after the proceeds done to pay a phone for purchases in stores or on the network.

Other maps

"Android Pey" has support for additional cards, discount plastics and gift certificates. If you wish, you can add to the program menu. Then there will be no need to always carry the listed cards with you.

How to cope with the task? It will be necessary to follow the manual of the following type:

  1. Open Android Pay.
  2. Click on a round button with a plus.
  3. Select type added plastic.
  4. Scan the barcode or manually dial card number.
  5. Save changes.

Quickly, simple, comfortable. In fact, everything is much easier than it seems. The studied option supports not all banks. Android Pay appeared in Russia in early 2017. And therefore, so far the list of financial organizations is limited. But the discount and gift cards in the program can be added any. After all, contactless payments are theoretically possible in all outlets.

About us

We met with the main stages of preparation for the use of "Android Pey". Now what?

You can pay using a mobile device. For this you need only 2 actions. Namely:

  1. Unlock phone.
  2. Lay the smartphone to the payment terminal.

Literally a few seconds will read data from a mobile phone. Money spikes from added banking plastic. Everything is very simple.

Without unlocking

In some cases, Android Pay Another financial organization is not so important who accepts funds) use only one action. The requirement to unlock the mobile device is allowed.

In other words, in certain cases, a citizen must simply take the phone and attach it to a special reading device. This alignment is allowed if the payment is more than 1,000 rubles.

Multiple cards

What if a user in the program "Android Pey" added a few cards? What kind of plastic will be charged with funds?

This parameter is set by the user. When binding multiple cards to Android Pay, you will have to open the application and choose the necessary plastic there. No otherwise make the payment will not work.

Not all stores

It is also important to remember that Android Pay in Russia works far from all outlets. Although theoretically, the application should function equally well in each store.

First, the studied possibility cannot be implemented in retail outlets without the support of non-cash calculation.

Secondly, the reader must have a chip for contactless payments. Fortunately, almost all modern cars for non-cash payments are equipped with a detail mentioned.

It is advisable to look at the entrance to the store (or at the checkout) support "Android Pey". Then the user will be able to answer accurately, will it be possible to use the studied program or not.

Clock and Android Pay

Surprisingly, modern citizens can carry out contactless payments using special hours. They are produced by mobile phone manufacturers. Not all models of gadgets have the support of Android Pey.

Today, this option is available on Huawei Watch 2 and on "Alji \u200b\u200bWatch Sport". How to act with similar circumstances?

There is no difference between the phone and the clock in our case. You will have to download Android Pay for a wrist gadget, install the program and tie plastic to the device. To pay using listed devices, it is sufficient to simply turn them on and bring them to the reading device.


We found out what Android Pay. Banks in Russia support the learned option. But so far, financial organizations that allow contactless electronic payments are not enough.

Already today "Android Pey" enjoys great popularity. Customize this utility and work with it is not difficult. Especially if you follow the instructions listed earlier.

If a person has a smartphone supports Android Pay, it is better to connect to this system. For work with the application, the fee is not charged. In addition, the Commission for the perfect operations is also absent. So it is not necessary to overpay. How to use Android Pay? The answer to this question will no longer make you think about it!

If you have a phone on Android, then I have good news, in Russia we earned the payments of Android Pay, you can try to pay directly from the phone without getting a card from the wallet. In principle, it was possible to pay for purchases using a smartphone on Android, for example, a Tinkoff Bank supports such operations, but for this you need to run the application every time, to confirm the payment, making an extra action.

What banks support?

So far, the list of banks consists of such organizations, subsequently it will grow.

  • "Alfa Bank";
  • "AK BARS Bank";
  • BINBANK (at the time of launch only MasterCard);
  • "VTB 24";
  • MTS-Bank;
  • "Opening" (including Rocketbank and "Point");
  • "Promsvyazbank";
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • Russian Standard (at the time of launch only MasterCard);
  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Yandex.Money (MasterCard only).

What phones support?

All smartphones on Android, I will notice here to list, the main thing is that NFC support is present, and the phone was Android 4.4 and above. In addition, the list of requirements is the presence of official firmware, no custom. Also, the phone should be without root and without a unlocked loader. If you do not know what it is, that's fine, and if you have already managed to dig in the filling of the phone, then do not be surprised that there may be problems.

NFC works in most middle-class phones, but with budget models problems, options with NFC are not so much. It is clear, if you have a top Galaxy or Xiaomi, then this question is not discussed, you will have NFC.

Accordingly, do not forget to turn on the NFC in the settings. And do not worry, the battery charge does not eat this feature.

Where to get the application?

In the theory, the program can be found in Google Play, but at the time of the preparation of the material the utility could not be found on the search. I think that after the official launch there should be no problem. Here is the link to the Android Pay application.

How to configure the phone?

The process of setting up the phone is simple, just enter the CVV code and all - the rest of the map data will take the application from the Google account if you have previously added a shopping card to Google Play. If not added, then the process will be a little longer. Open the application, enter the card data: number, owner name, CVC code. Either use for this camera, the phone itself scans without unnecessary actions.

To confirm the actions, you may also need to enter a fingerprint and pin-code for additional security.

You can enter multiple cards, and when you pay, select the desired in the application.

Need to pay for anything else?

No, service is free, no commissions or subscription fees.

Where do I make purchases?

Yes, in principle, anywhere, if only the terminals supported PayPass and PayWave systems. Believe the phone to the terminal and pay, when purchases up to 1000 rubles, the PIN code is not required, but sometimes you need to specify it or sign on the check. If the oparation has passed successfully, then hear the signal confirming the payment. Then the SMS with the remnant of money on the balance will come, if, of course, such a service is connected.

It's safe?

Yes. While paying a disposable code is created, and the data of the card itself is not used. Even if someone grabs this information, they will not give anything to an attacker, useless data.


I could not add Sberbank Card Master Card, and with Visa Alpha Bank and Tinkoff everything was in order.

I have long been using Apple Pay, sometimes paid through the Tinkoff application on Android phones. Turn the smartphone into the payment system is a great idea, especially when you use in a clue with a clock. Attached and went further, for purchases in stores in stores for simpler partitioning with finances and do not come up. The main thing is that the terminals work and everything is configured, and sometimes there are problems, and some establishments in Moscow still work only on cash. Fully spread with paper money does not work, but it becomes more convenient to live, this is a fact.

For shops, technically savvy people are a find. Buyers more often make purchases simply because they like a new way to spend money. This time. The second point - people pass faster through the cash registers, less worm, more sales. The third time is reliability, simplicity and mobility.