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Polygraph test: how to fool a polygraph when passing a test. How to pass a polygraph without problems: practical advice from experienced

Today we will talk about how to deceive a lie detector or a polygraph using the methods of the FSB, FBI, CIA and other security services and intelligence units. We will also find out what to do if you were offered to take a polygraph test in order to detect lies in your testimony.

Today, a myth about the super-efficiency of the polygraph circulates in society. Unfortunate oversights are attributed to the insufficient qualifications of individual specialists, but the very reliability of the technology is hardly questioned. On the pages of various publications, you can often read "authoritative data" that the reliability of polygraph tests is 90-95 percent, or even higher. This myth is strongly supported by both the polygraph examiners themselves and other interested structures. Firstly, for advertising purposes, in order to create commercial demand for such services.

They are not cheap and bring a good income to specialized firms. Secondly, to put psychological pressure on the test-takers, depriving them of the will to resist and thus increasing the effectiveness of the tests. This approach, figuratively speaking, helps to ensure victory even before the battle begins. Thirdly, there are deeper, socio-psychological aspects of this phenomenon. Even in ancient times, they knew that the fear and simultaneous admiration of the crowd before something mysterious and powerful is the basis of power over it. The myth about the power of the polygraph, which is cultivated today, is no exception. "Chiefs" use it and will use it to keep those who are below them on the social ladder (the people, the plebs, subordinates, office plankton - call it what you want) in obedience.

Each polygraph examiner, before starting testing, without fail tries to inspire the “victim” with the idea of ​​the futility of counteracting the polygraph. During the briefing, they will explain to you in a friendly and relaxed manner that, they say, the lie detector “sees everything” and it will not be possible to deceive it. And you just have to relax and enjoy the process of turning you inside out, when other people's insensitive fingers unceremoniously climb into the hidden depths of your soul. Let's not blame the specialists for this professional trick - this is part of their work, prescribed in the instructions. Let's talk about whether it is actually possible to deceive a lie detector?
Science and technology do not stand still, but the real efficiency of the polygraph today is still far from the declared indicators. This is evidenced by a large number of mistakes and high-profile scandals, when the results of a test on the detector literally broke the fate of innocent people. Even in the USA, where (unlike Russia) the tradition of active use of the polygraph goes back several decades, vast experience has been accumulated, and the level of training and qualification of the staff is not like our home-grown specialists, the reliability of estimates today is estimated by unbiased experts at best at 70%, and this is the most optimistic data.

Laboratory and field studies examining the accuracy of polygraph tests have shown that they are subject to a significant number of errors. Experiments were also conducted that proved the possibility of learning to successfully counter the polygraph. This means that it is difficult to deceive a polygraph (lie detector), but it is quite real.

First of all, you need to overcome the fear and "reverence" for the polygraph, which they inspired you with a manipulative purpose. Remember that a lie detector cannot read your thoughts and thus learn something about you. It only records the state of the subject at the time of testing. Or rather, a change in physiological parameters when answering questions. Based on the collected data, the computer generates a probabilistic estimate, which is then analyzed by a specialist. A polygraph, like any machine, can be fooled, beaten to its “brains” so that it cannot give an accurate answer.

A unique video tutorial on drawing a manicure pattern that will switch attention if you look at it during a polygraph test:

YouTube video

The lie detector can be quite easily confused by pathological liars, because if a person sincerely believes in his lie, then for a polygraph it already looks like the truth. Another group is highly professional actors who are fluent in their craft (the Stanislavsky system, etc.) and able to merge into one with the image of their hero, up to physiological manifestations (“laughter and tears to order, whatever you like”). It is also necessary to mention the employees of the special services who received special training. For other people, this will require training, sometimes quite a long one. Individual geniuses with such a gift from birth do not count, since there are very few of them.

There are three main ways to counter the polygraph

The first is to try to reduce the sensitivity of your own sensory analyzers. To do this, it will be enough to drink a certain amount of alcohol the day before. The next day, a person becomes weakly sensitive, his reactions are conditionally “inhibited” and he will not be able to objectively respond to the stimuli presented. The lie detector will not be able to draw unambiguous conclusions.

Specially selected medications are another remedy. However, you must know and understand your body's reaction to "chemistry" well, because. if the test subject has taken psychotropic substances for the first time, he will be in a new mental state for him and “out of habit” may begin to behave inappropriately, which will be instantly noticed. Non-chemical methods can also be used. For example - lack of sleep for several days.

Due to chronic lack of sleep, a person falls into a state close to a trance, between sleep and wakefulness - his physiological response to all questions will be equally insignificant. But it should be noted that an experienced polygraph examiner will notice such a state. He analyzes the magnitude of reactions to special control questions that are not known to the subject. If the reaction to them does not differ from the "general background" - the polygraph examiner can stop the test, or reschedule it for another time. However, sometimes even such a delay plays into the hands of the test.

Another approach is to suppress all emotions so that no stimulus elicits a response. The basic principle here is that a person tries to answer all questions automatically, without paying serious attention to them. He should focus on the picture of the wall in front of him, or on some other neutral object or memory from his life experience. This method requires the ability to self-concentrate, it takes long training to master it, but its effectiveness is also quite high.

The third approach says: “It is not the absence of a reaction as such that is important (which is quite easily detected by special “control” questions and can arouse suspicion), but the ability to give the desired reaction.” Those. Your reaction should look natural. Effective are feigned emotional reactions to insignificant stimuli. If you want to elicit a reaction to the right question, try simply mentally multiplying a few multi-digit numbers or thinking of something that evokes rage or sexual emotion. For example, if you don't want to be accused of homosexuality, multiplying the numbers in your head is necessary when you are asked "do you prefer women."

And if there is an inverse problem, i.e. You have to pretend to be a homosexual, which you are not (for example, to "slope" from the army), then you need to multiply when you hear the question "Do you prefer to have sex with people of the same sex", etc. Alternatively, when you are asked about women, at that moment you imagine or recall sex scenes with men (or vice versa).

Thus, the sexual reaction to the pictures from your imagination is “superimposed” on the question being asked and it seems that it was the question that caused such a reaction. With a certain impressionability, willpower and a well-developed skill, this method works. The result can also be achieved if you start reading poetry. About myself, of course. Something long, like "Eugene Onegin." Worrying about the protagonist and answering questions as if in between times.

The physiological responses characteristic of psychological stress also cause pain. Some, in their attempts to deceive the polygraph, thought of putting a button in the boot under the thumb: the pain when pressed on it should cause a “false reaction”. There are many different ways to create fake reactions, one of them is the tension of some muscle groups that is invisible to the expert. Usually people press their toes to the floor, turn their eyes to their nose, or press their tongue against the hard palate.

The difficulty here is to hide these movements from the interrogator, since such methods of deception are known today even to amateur polygraph examiners. The person being tested is often filmed on video cameras, which capture close-ups of any of your movements and changes in the expression of the “muzzle of the face”. Therefore, this should be done very carefully. Remember that any suspicious or ambiguous behavior will necessarily be interpreted NOT in your favor.

As an alternative to a needle in your pants, you can recommend techniques from the NLP arsenal - learn to put a "psychological anchor" (for tension and relaxation), using it at the right time. After all, it is the internal, mental methods that are most difficult to expose. If you use them at the right time, it is quite possible to deceive the polygraph and lead the expert to erroneous conclusions.

For connoisseurs of English, I recommend visiting the site of staunch polygraph fighters The credo of this site impresses me very much. In a free translation into Russian, it sounds something like this: "Their right is to try to find out all the ins and outs about us, our right is to send them all to hell ... This is democracy." This site presents a curious work "The Lie Behind the Lie Detector". In it, opponents of the detectors offer their own methods of dealing with "unscientific ways of testifying, designed for idiots and working only in a lawless country."

These recommendations apply to the classic bark detector, which detects pressure fluctuations, respiratory rate, blinking, heart muscle contractions, skin electrical activity, brain activity, involuntary movements of the arms and legs. For example, when the device is connected to the body, the first thing to do is to pay attention to even breathing. Its frequency can range from 15 to 30 breaths per minute (this is approximately 2-4 seconds).

It is generally accepted that rapid or slow breathing indicates that a person is lying. In addition, it is known that after a “dangerous” question, a “sigh of relief” follows, so you should control your breathing until you are completely “disconnected” from the wires with which you are entangled.

In order to deceive blood pressure sensors, enthusiasts advise doing the following exercise between questions from a polygraph examiner: squeezing the muscles of the anal sphincter and biting the tip of the tongue. You need to squeeze the muscles so that the legs and buttocks do not move, as in modern models There are sensors attached to the seats that indicate the slightest fidgeting in the chair and wiggling of the ankles.

Techniques such as those listed above can be used not only during a polygraph test, but also during a regular interview, for example, with a psychologist or a personnel service specialist when applying for a job. After all, an expert psychologist will also monitor your reaction to his questions very carefully to find out if you are telling the truth.
The point is that you can cheat a polygraph using the methods you suggest... But for this you need to be a very prepared person. The committee has been preparing people for this, mmm...well, for a very long time. After the failure of the Stasi agents, if sclerosis does not fail me in the 60th or 61st year. I mean the methods of replacing questions or (even more so!!!) suppressing emotions. The button method is good, but... In modern testing, sensors are placed under the legs of the chair. And any movement will be instantly detected and will be interpreted not in your favor. As well as muscle contraction.

Pressing the tongue against the palate, biting the tongue is quickly determined by appearance by any, even not very experienced expert, who during testing will not look at the tape at all - why, it is recorded automatically anyway, well, or at the monitor screen, but will look at your face, revealing additional, NOT psycho-physiological reactions, especially eye movement . Coming from a hangover is good. It's also good to come JUST after drinking some alcohol.

Maybe NOT alcohol. You can coffee cups 7-10. You can and other drugs, such as tranquilizers. But then again, with SERIOUS testing, you will definitely get a blood and / or urine test. What all your tricks will calculate. Which again will be interpreted NOT in your favor. Not to mention that testing can simply be postponed. In addition, all this affects the heart rate. And it is ALWAYS measured during polygraph testing. And an increased number of heartbeats per minute can also be interpreted AGAINST you. - Google Sites Tweet Button

And absolutely all these methods are inapplicable if you are being tested FROM THE CAMERA. But the method that I will allow myself to offer you is largely free from all these shortcomings, tested (do not ask where!) And showed good results. With this method, you also need to drink. But only water. And in large quantities. Everyone knows approximately how much he needs to drink to go to the toilet ... well, VERY wanted. How long to drink... You can try to calculate in such a way that on preliminary, "sighting" questions, you still don't really want to. And this is about the first 10-30 minutes.

But, even if they didn’t calculate, all the same, you can force yourself not to think about what you want to go to the toilet on “sighting” questions, to relax as much as possible ... Well, in general, everyone has their own ways of dealing with themselves in such cases. But then ... He will concentrate as much as possible on his bladder, which is swelling, swelling, which is about to burst, thinking only about the unbearable desire to go to the toilet, no more strength to endure, no more strength to think about anything other than What do you want PI-PI!!!

Even if you were invited to take a polygraph test, which is called either a “truth machine” or a “lie detector”, and promised that with its help you would be able to prove your innocence, you should think several times before passing it. The polygraph has yet to prove itself as a miraculous machine capable of revealing the truth.

The polygraph is used not only by police investigators, but also by private detectives (private investigators), representatives of insurance companies, etc. But even in these cases there is no obligation to test oneself.

The activity of the polygraph is based on the principle that when we tell a lie, we undergo physiological changes: the pulse and breathing become more frequent, blood pressure rises, sweating increases. The polygraph is able to detect this. Therefore, sensors are put on the test subject for subsequent fixation of possible changes, and then a test is carried out, during which a verification document is drawn up. The specialist conducting the test then evaluates the data obtained and, based on the observations of the instruments, decides in which cases the subject was telling the truth and in which he was not.

The verification system is not very complicated. The subject is asked to answer all questions in the negative. And later, the inspector compares his reaction to the questions that were asked during two periods: when he answered deliberately incorrectly the questions posed that were not related to his case, and in the second case, when he answered the sharp questions posed, i.e. to those he was afraid to answer.
It is very important to strictly observe that the questions are asked accurately and specifically. You don't have to agree to answer questions like, "Are you an honest, straight person?" or “Are you prone to deceit?” As for the case under investigation, the inspector must formulate it correctly, i.e. do not ask the subject, if he is being checked for involvement in the theft of money from the cash desk of the enterprise, whether he stole something, but ask if he did not steal a specific amount from this cash desk. Because if the question is asked incorrectly, incorrectly formulated, then the reaction of the subject will also be incorrect.

In the latter case, it is very important for every person undergoing the test to know this. The bottom line is that if the subject incorrectly answers the questions - not because he is trying to deceive the polygraph, but because he got confused in the questions posed and does not clarify them, then the inspector may get the impression that the subject really committed this offense, and he will indicate this in his conclusion. Such a conclusion will subsequently complicate the defense of the accused in court and entail great difficulties in proving the incorrect conclusion of a specialist.

Is it possible to "cheat" a polygraph?

There are people who are not suitable at all for a polygraph test, because when they tell a lie, their physiological reactions to it are different from those of other people. Their pulse does not quicken, their blood pressure does not rise, their fingers do not tremble and their eyelids do not blink, etc. These people are able to deceive the "lie detector".

Such a state in people can occur either due to their education and self-confidence, or there are pathological liars who tell lies and feel at the same time as if they were telling the truth, and the reactions of the body indicate this.

A change in the normal reactions of the body can occur due to the use of chemicals. So, drug addicts are not subject to a polygraph test, because their reactions differ from the reaction of ordinary people.

Rarely used is a method of deceiving a polygraph, like hypnosis. During the hypnotic state, they try to change the subject's memory about the event being tested, which will subsequently be verified using a "lie detector".
Simple but effective remedy deception is a distraction of the subject's attention while he is asked questions. Those. the subject who wants to deceive the polygraph tries at this moment to think about something else, which is certainly difficult for him, and few people are capable of this. There were cases when the subjects tried to use a sharp object at the same time, so that by inflicting pain on themselves and concentrating on it, they could be distracted from the questions being asked.
In light of all this, it is generally accepted that persons suffering from heart disease or high blood pressure, and any person who is constantly taking medication or who took a special medication on the day of the test or depressant- do not undergo a polygraph test. During the preliminary conversation, the tester asks the subject about this and if the answers are positive, the test can be canceled.

Reliability of the polygraph

In our country, polygraphs are used by three bodies: the police, the security service and private institutions. The latter are used by insurance companies that put forward a special condition for the plaintiff to pass a test to confirm the veracity of his words, threatening otherwise not to pay him anything. Also, the polygraph can be used by employers who want to either check an employee entering a job, or someone already working, to identify the person guilty of a certain violation (for example, someone stole money from the cash desk of an enterprise, or transferred secret data to a competitor, etc.). d.).

The reliability of the polygraph is debatable. Even the experts working with him believe that it is impossible to guarantee 100% verification efficiency. Opponents of such a test talk about the low efficiency of the polygraph and claim a 50% reliability of the test, comparing it with a coin toss.

Very often the myth that the polygraph can always establish the truth is more effective than the machine itself. So, the test subject, who was brought in for testing and he is closed for a conversation with a specialist, because. knows that he is deceiving, and his deception will be revealed with the help of a polygraph, he can “break down” a few minutes before the start of the test and tell the truth.
Sometimes the investigator, without waiting for the result of the test, may tell the suspect immediately after the polygraph test that he already knows that he is deceiving, and offer to start telling the truth.

Where is the polygraph taken?

A simple and well-known rule is that the result of a polygraph test is not accepted by the court. This has been pointed out by the country's Supreme Court many times. You can quote one of the judges, who noted in his decision "... the data obtained as a result of the use of a polygraph is not evidence at all ...".

Despite this, the results of a polygraph test sometimes have some value and are used in some cases. First of all, when considering procedures related to the arrest, when the judge must be satisfied that there are acceptable grounds for the police that filed a request to extend the arrest of a suspect, and there is not enough evidence to support the request. In this case, the judge accepts both the result of the check and the message about the suspect's refusal to pass it, which strengthens the suspicion against this person.

Therefore, it is possible to recommend to a person in respect of whom a criminal case is being investigated, who considers himself innocent, to contact the investigators with a request for a desire to undergo a polygraph test. If such a check is carried out and the results are in favor of the suspect, then you can take advantage of this and ask for release from the court.

Methods of polygraph testing. Quiz Test
It is very important that the subjects are not distracted during the polygraph test. Any distraction can cause a physiological reaction that will be noticed by the polygraph and may affect the result. Therefore, it is desirable that the test take place in a soundproof room where extraneous sounds do not penetrate. Also, the experimenter and equipment should be behind the subject.

Moreover, subjects are not allowed to move and are only allowed to answer “yes” or “no” questions, as movement and speech can lead to unwanted physiological responses. It becomes obvious that cooperation with the subject is necessary condition testing. Therefore, participation is only possible on a voluntary basis, and subjects have the right to stop the test at any time. However, the termination of testing seems undesirable, since it can arouse even greater suspicions on the subject and easily lead to questions such as: “If you are innocent, then why not prove it with a polygraph test?”

A typical security question test has four stages. At the first stage, the examiner formulates and discusses with the subject the questions that will be asked during polygraph testing. There are two reasons for discussing questions with the subject in advance. First, the experimenter must make sure that the subject understands the questions, so that later, during testing or after it, there is no discussion of the content of the questions. Second, the experimenter is reassured that the subject will only answer "yes" and "no" questions (rather than "yes, but..." or "it depends...").

There are three types of questions, namely, neutral, meaningful, and control questions.

Neutral questions are general and should not cause excitement (for example: "Do you live in the USA?", "Your name is John?", etc.) Neutral questions play the role of fillers. Therefore, when processing test results, physiological responses to these questions are ignored. Fillers can be used to test how attentive the subject is to the examiner's questions.

Significant questions are specific questions about crime. For example, in the case of theft, the following question might be asked: "Did you take this camera?" Of course, both guilty and innocent subjects will answer “no” to this question, otherwise they would have confessed to the theft. Meaningful questions are expected to arouse more arousal in guilty suspects (because they are lying) than innocent ones (because they are telling the truth).
Control questions are related to actions that are related to the crime under investigation, but do not directly point to it. They are always generalized, deliberately vague and cover a long period of time. Their purpose is to confuse the subjects (guilty and innocent alike) and cause excitement. This task is facilitated by the fact that, on the one hand, it leaves the suspect no choice but to lie when answering control questions, and, on the other hand, shows him that the polygraph will reveal this lie.

The polygraph examiner formulates the control question in such a way that, in his opinion, the negative answer of the subject was a lie. The exact wording of the question will depend on the circumstances of the subject, but in a theft test setting, the question might be: "During the first 20 years of your life, did you ever take something that did not belong to you?" The examiner believes that the subject really could have taken something from someone else before the age of 21 (as this is typical for many people). Under normal circumstances, some subjects might have confessed to their wrongdoings. However, during a polygraph test, they will not do so, as the examiner will usually report that a confession of theft of this kind would cause him to think of the subject as a person capable of committing the crime under investigation, and therefore put the blame on him.

Thus, the subject has no choice but to deny the misconduct committed earlier and, therefore, to give a false answer to control questions. If, nevertheless, the subjects confess to some misdeeds, then the wording of the control question is changed (for example, "In addition to what you already told me ..."). Moreover, the examiner usually informs the subject that false answers to control questions during testing cause physiological reactions and are recorded by a polygraph. The subject then begins to think that lying to the control questions shows that he was also dishonest about significant questions regarding the crime under investigation, and, if we return to our example, he will be accused of stealing a camera. In fact, as will be discussed later, the examiner interprets strong physiological responses to the security question as an attempt to be truthful, but he simply does not inform the examinee of this!
In general, control and meaningful questions can evoke different patterns of physiological responses in guilty and innocent suspects. In an innocent suspect, control questions can be more arousing than meaningful questions for two reasons. First, an innocent suspect gives false answers to security questions, but truthful answers to meaningful ones.

Secondly, since the subject answers dishonestly to the control questions that the examiner places such a strong emphasis on, and since he knows that he is giving truthful answers to significant questions, he will be more concerned about the answers to the control questions. On the other hand, guilty suspects are expected to be less aroused by the same control questions than by meaningful questions. A guilty suspect gives false answers to both types of questions, when in principle both types of questions should lead to similar physiological responses. However, since the significant questions pose the most serious threat to him, they will lead to a stronger physiological response than the control ones. A guilty suspect might reason: "If the examiner finds out that I'm lying when answering meaningful questions, it's all over for me, but there is still little hope if the examiner notices that I lied on control questions as well."

After the questions are formulated and the examiner is convinced that the subject understands their meaning and will only answer “yes” or “no”, the second stage begins, the so-called stimulating test. The purpose of the stimulation test is to convince the subject of the accuracy of the technique and that the polygraph is capable of detecting any lie. For polygraph testing, it is very important that the subject believes in the infallibility of the test. Believing that the test is 100% accurate will increase the guilty suspect's fear of being found out when answering meaningful questions ("There is no way to fool this device") and will increase the confidence of the innocent ("The device works accurately, and since I am innocent, I will be acquitted"). The opposite situation can be observed if the subjects do not believe in the accuracy of the polygraph. Then guilty suspects may become more confident (“Nothing is lost yet, there is still a chance to beat the polygraph”), and innocent suspects may feel more fear (“I know that I am innocent, but what will this device show? I really hope that the polygraph is not make mistakes").

A card game is often used to conduct a stimulation test. The subject is asked to choose a card from the deck, memorize it and return it back. Then the experimenter shows several cards, and the subject is asked to answer "no" to the appearance of each card. After that, the experimenter evaluates the answers of the polygraph and tells the subject which card he chose. Very often the examiner does right choice, since showing the right card will almost automatically trigger a physical reaction in the subject, for example, as a consequence of the tension associated with whether the examiner will detect a lie in this particular case. The card test allows the examiner to establish a reaction pattern of the subject when telling lies and truth. At the same time, the examiner openly speaks about this to the subject.

Examiners always run the risk of making the wrong decision and being in a stupid position, which would have disastrous consequences. If the subject is called a four of hearts, when in fact he needed a five of faults, it would probably become useless to continue testing. In order to avoid error, examiners sometimes resort to tricks, such as marking the right card or using (unbeknownst to the examinee) a deck that contains only one type of card (Bashore & Rapp, 1993). Obviously, in this case, the examiner does not show the cards to the subject, but only names the proposed card. Other examiners do not use card games, instead they convince test subjects of the effectiveness of the technique with a well-equipped office, various diplomas and certificates in frames adorning the walls (Bull, 1988).

After the stimulating test, it is the turn of the third stage - the main test. Here is an example of a sequence of neutral/significant/control questions in case of theft of a camera,

H-1 Do you live in the USA? "Yes"

K-1 In the first 20 years of your life, did you ever take something that didn't belong to you? "Not"

3-1 Did you take this camera? "Not"

N-2 Is your name Rick? "Yes"

K-2 Before 1987, did you ever do anything dishonorable or illegal? "Not"

3-2 Did you take this camera from the table? "Not"

H-3 Were you born in November? "Yes"

K-3 Before you were 21, did you ever lie to avoid trouble or cause trouble for someone else? "Not"

3-3 Do you have anything to do with the theft of this camera? "Not"

The exact wording of the control questions depends on the specific circumstances. The same sequence of questions is asked at least three times in order to eliminate random differences in physiological responses between control and significant questions. That is, it may happen that an innocent subject accidentally gives a very strong reaction to one of the significant questions. The more questions the examiner asks, the less will be the influence of random reactions on the final result.

The last, fourth, stage of the test is the interpretation of polygraph charts. There are two methods for interpreting data, namely the general approach and the numerical expression approach. As part of the general approach, the polygraph examiner makes an impression of the physiological reactions of the subject to the test. This information is then randomly combined with an assessment of the factual material of the case (criminal history of the subject, evidence) and the subject's behavior during testing in order to make a final decision about its veracity.

The scoring method compares responses to significant questions and follow-up questions (3-1 is compared to K-1, 3-2 is compared to K-2, and 3-3 is compared to K-3). There are four options. If there are no differences in the physiological response, a value of 0 is assigned. If the differences are noticeable, a score of 1 is assigned, while 2-3 points are assigned, respectively, to strong and very pronounced differences. However, there are no standardized rules for defining what a “noticeable”, “strong” or “very pronounced” difference means. According to Raskin, the most common score is 0 or 1, rarely 2, and very rarely 3 (Raskin, Kircher, Horowitz & Honts, 1989). If the response is stronger to a meaningful question than to a control question, a negative value (-1, -2, or -3) is assigned. Conversely, if the reaction is weaker to a significant question than to a control one, a positive assessment is given (+1, +2 or +3). The scores are then summed up and the output is overall score by test. The final test score is based on this overall score. If it reaches -6 or below (-7, -8, etc.), the experimenter concludes that the suspect has failed the test and is therefore guilty. If the overall score is +6 or higher (+1, +8, etc.), the examiner considers the test passed and the suspect is not guilty. Scores ranging from -5 to +5 indicate an uncertain result. Reactions to the first control and significant questions are often ignored, as subjects sometimes show inappropriately strong reactions to the first questions due to lack of experience with the polygraph or the nervous state associated with the investigation.

The informal, fifth, stage of testing involves telling the subject immediately after the test that he or she is lying. Also, the subject is asked to think about why it became possible that the polygraph charts indicated a lie message. In order to speed up the thought process, the examiner leaves the room for a while. The goal of the fifth stage is to achieve recognition. The subject may experience anxiety at this stage, decide that the game is over, and therefore confess to the crime. This is exactly what happened in one case when, after being accused of lying, the examiner left the room for a while to observe the subject from another room through a one-way mirror. The subject, visibly upset, continued to stare at the polygraph charts, then made up his mind and began to eat them - almost 6 feet of paper 6 inches wide. After waiting for the end of the meal, the examiner returned as if nothing had happened, leaned over to the polygraph and asked: “What happened? Did he eat them? The subject exclaimed: “My God, so this thing can talk?” and confessed to the crime.

Preparation for testing on a polygraph can be considered a work of art. For successful testing, the polygraph examiner must formulate control questions in such a way as to evoke stronger physiological reactions in innocent suspects than to meaningful questions. On the other hand, in guilty suspects, these control questions should evoke less pronounced physiological responses compared to significant questions. Of course, it is not easy to formulate questions that meet these criteria. If the examiner frightens the subject too much with control questions, then there is a risk that guilt will not be revealed in the guilty suspects. In such a case, the physiological responses to control questions may be the same as those to meaningful questions, and test results will be inconclusive. Another problem with too "difficult" control questions is the danger of harming the psyche of the subject. On the other hand, if examiners do not cause sufficient embarrassment to test questions, they run the risk of blaming innocent suspects, because in this case, physiological reactions to significant questions may be stronger than to control ones.

It all depends on the specialist's skills to conduct a serious critical analysis of testing. For accurate results crucial has the level of psychological sensitivity and sophistication of the examiner, as well as his experience. Unfortunately, many lack appropriate training in psychodiagnostics and are unfamiliar with the basic concepts and requirements of a standardized psychological test. These problems are exacerbated when the examiner formulates and presents control questions to the examinee, since it is very difficult to standardize the wording and procedure for discussing questions for all examinees. Much depends on how the subject perceives control questions and reacts to them during the preliminary interview.

Criticism of the Quiz Test

The test of control questions draws serious criticism from its opponents. The most significant remarks are described below.

This test suggests that innocent suspects give stronger physiological responses to control questions than to meaningful questions. Psychologist Paul Ekman (1992) cites five reasons why some innocent suspects may exhibit the opposite pattern and become more aroused in response to meaningful questions than control questions.

Innocent suspects may think that the police are fallible. Indeed, if they were asked to take a polygraph test, then the police had already made the mistake of accusing them of a crime they did not commit. Perhaps they have already tried to convince the police of their innocence, but to no avail. Although, on the one hand, innocent subjects might consider the test as an opportunity to prove their innocence. But on the other hand, it is also possible that they may be afraid that those who have already made the mistake of accusing them of a crime will not do it yet. big mistakes. In other words, if the methods of the police are so unreliable that they mistakenly brought suspicion to an innocent person, why shouldn't the polygraph tests also be wrong?

An innocent suspect may think the police are unfair. People may not like or trust the police and therefore fear that the polygraph examiner will also misjudge or cheat.

An innocent suspect may think the instruments are making mistakes. For example, he may have experienced difficulties with his personal computer or other technical devices and therefore did not believe that the device could be flawless.

An innocent suspect is afraid. Someone who experiences generalized fear may respond more strongly to meaningful questions than to control questions.

As mentioned earlier, the suspect, even in the case of his innocence, reacts emotionally to the events associated with the crime. Let's say an innocent man is suspected of killing his wife. When asked about the murder in meaningful matters, memories of the deceased wife can evoke strong feelings towards her, which will be registered on polygraph charts.

You can add a sixth reason. A test whose validity depends on a clever trick is vulnerable in the sense that the trick must succeed or the test will fail. Therefore, subjects must believe that the test is error-free, and control questions are crucial. According to Elaad (1993) and Lykken (1988), it is impossible for all subjects to believe this. There are dozens of books and articles that provide information about the test, including the details of the challenge test, the nature of the test questions, and the fact that the test sometimes makes mistakes. Information about the test appears even in popular newspaper articles. Of course, those who are tested on a polygraph have access to this literature and may well become familiar with it. Therefore, it is unlikely that subjects who are familiar with the test methodology and / or its errors would believe the examiner's lies about the importance of control questions and that the polygraph is never wrong. Apparently, polygraph testing will become less and less effective when dealing with people who do not trust the examiner. Skeptical innocent suspects have good reason to be very anxious when answering meaningful questions, since skewed test results - and they are always possible if the test is not infallible - will lead to being charged with a crime they did not commit.

An additional complication is that the polygraph examiner may never know whether the control and meaningful questions that he is going to ask are suitable for achieving the desired effect. Many experts argue that polygraph examiners should record the behavioral manifestations of the subjects during the preliminary test. However, this is a very difficult and risky task. Ekman and O'Sullivan (1991) specifically studied polygraph testers and found that they had a particularly difficult time detecting lies based on behavioral manifestations.

And finally, the reactions of the subjects to the control questions are most often not a "deliberate" lie, but only an "assumed" one. The polygraph examiner only assumes that the subject's answers to these questions are false, but he does not have absolute certainty in this. Of course, when the assumptions made by the examiner are wrong, the test questions will not lead to the desired result, since in this case the examinee is really telling the truth.

A situation may arise when the confidence of the polygraph examiner in the guilt of the subject even before testing on the lie detector will affect the test result. As a rule, the subject is not completely a stranger, the polyrapologist usually knows important details of his biography (including information from the criminal case). Also, the polygraph examiner makes a certain subjective impression of the subject (negative or positive) during the preliminary interview, in which control and significant questions are formulated. If he believes that the suspect is innocent, the result may be involuntary pressure on the subject during control questions. As a result, the likelihood that testing will show "not guilty" increases. On the other hand, if the polygraph examiner considers the suspect guilty in advance, this may lead to placing too much emphasis on control questions. In this case, the result of the test will be "guilty".

It should be recognized the decisive role played by the subjectivity of polygraph examiners in relation to possible mistakes and assessing these errors as appropriate. Since the circumstances of the case are known to the examiner before the polygraph test is administered, and since the test is not standardized, it is possible that not only will the results be judged on the basis of the examinee's information and the examiner's attitudes, but also that the conduct of the test will be affected by these biases. Since the test is psychological in the sense that it involves complex, interview-like interactions between examiner and test taker, any distortions in the preparation and administration of the test can lead to a result corresponding to these distortions. Therefore, different subjects who are accused of committing certain crimes can be offered completely different tests, although they are all called by the same name - a polygraph test. In fact, the term test itself is misleading, since it implies a relatively standardized method of examination, such as an IQ test, which, although controversial, essentially gives the same result in competent diagnosticians.

Thus, the test result reflects the examiner's preliminary subjective beliefs about the guilt of the subject. These difficulties can be overcome by using a computer method for processing polygraph data, in which the "human factor" is minimized. Another solution is to involve independent experts who are not familiar with the case being tested and investigated. For example, most polygraph tests conducted at the government level in the United States are checked by quality control specialists who only evaluate the charts and do not have the opportunity to observe the behavior of the subjects.

There is also an ethical side to the polygraph test, since misleading the subject plays a decisive role in it. It can be argued how appropriate it is to use deceit. Proponents of this test say that the end justifies the means and that it is important to make dangerous criminals confess by deceiving them out of necessity. Also, supporters believe that polygraph testing sometimes benefits innocent suspects, namely when the test confirms that they are innocent.

Opponents of the test point out that it is unacceptable to deceive suspects, since negative consequences are possible. For example, it may undermine public confidence in police services and other institutions that perform polygraph testing, or suspects may decide they are allowed to lie because the polygraph examiner is allowed to lie to them. Finally, suspects may decide to stop cooperating with the investigating authorities when they discover that they have been deceived (cooperation is sometimes necessary to obtain additional information, since polygraph test results are often not considered evidence at trial).

In addition to arguing about the appropriateness or desirability of deceiving suspects, it is often illegal to do so, since in many countries investigative methods that involve deceiving suspects are unacceptable under law. Consequently, in these countries, information obtained through polygraph tests can almost never be used as evidence in court.

Previously, only criminals and the military had to deal with lie detectors. Today, everyone can undergo a polygraph test. But the detector can also be fooled. We'll show you how.

Polygraph. Where and when.

The polygraph is an old invention. The ancient Hindus asked the subject neutral and leading questions, and he beat the gong on each answer. It was believed that during a false answer, he would hit the gong harder than usual.

IN Ancient China The suspect took a handful of rice into his mouth. If he remained dry, then the offender was found guilty - salivation decreases from stress.

The polygraph that is used today is the same gong and the same rice. Only with wires. It was brought to mind and patented by a man with the poetic surname Keeler. However, there were detectors before him. And the "merit" of their popularization belongs to Cesaro Lombroso.

Why do you need?

Before deciding to deceive a polygraph, think - do you need it? A deliberate attitude to cheat, especially if you are poorly prepared, can ruin everything. You will behave unnaturally, this will arouse suspicion and will be interpreted not in your favor. If you are too nervous, it will not be interpreted in your favor. If you are too dispassionate, it will also convict you. Therefore, if you are still serious about deceiving a polygraph, prepare in advance. Forget about the buttons in the shoes and other "tricks". There are more effective methods. They are designed not to hide evidence, but to protect the natural human right to privacy. There is even a public movement "antipolygraph". His motto is: "Their right is to try to find out all the ins and outs about us, our right is to send them all to hell ... This is democracy."

Where to begin?

It is better to start with a general attitude. The calmer you feel, the better. Lie detector tests are carried out by trained people. Feel sympathy for them. Let them be your colleagues during the interview.

Get rid in advance of reverence for the polygraph and polygraph examiner, as well as feelings of guilt (it will be instilled). The lie detector is just a machine. It only registers your state. Let the polygraph be just a detector for you, without any "lie".

It is important to understand that the polygraph examiner will try to take you out of your comfort zone. His questions may seem provocative, the chair uncomfortable, the lighting annoying. However, with the right level of preparation, you can do it.

How the lie detector works

The polygraph has no intelligence. This is a mechanism with preset calibration parameters. It tracks perspiration, heart rate, respiration, skin tension and muscle contractions. The latest models are more sensitive and capture more parameters.

During the test, the polygraph examiner will ask questions. They are divided into neutral (which should not cause you to overreact), control questions and trap questions.

Important: do not rush to answer. Find a pace that works for you and stick to it. The “silent answer” is also practiced - you are asked to think about the answer to the question, but not to say it out loud. Rehearse it too. The main thing - do not get fooled by provocations.

The work of the polygraph is often duplicated by external video surveillance. Keep calm. Firmly understand: no one is blaming you, they are working with you. As a rule, the interview is conducted in a static state - remember it and try not to fidget.


The first level of control is breath control. Many candidates "cut off" on a "breath of relief" after problematic issue. This must not be allowed. Breathing regulates heart rate and blood pressure. Learning to do this can help special gymnastics, yoga, qigong and sports. Take care of this in advance. The ability to breathe is useful in everyday life.

Play "fool"

One of the most effective ways to fool a polygraph is to play "stupid". You come to the test and begin to answer all the questions frivolously and unsystematically. The polygraph can be confusing, since setting the right calibration when interviewing schizoid-type personalities is a difficult task. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Excessive "sillyness" will be perceived in a negative way.

And people are all actors

Professional lie detector actors are not afraid. The ability to get used to the role until you are completely immersed in it perfectly masks the reactions of the body. The method of "identity substitution" is also being studied by the special services. For them, passing a polygraph test is an easy walk in the autumn forest. If you have not studied acting and are not sure that you are able to "finish the role" to the end, we advise you to refuse this method.


We will not recommend using medications to lower blood pressure. First, it is not safe, especially for people with hypotension. Secondly, too weak a reaction of the body, as well as too strong, is a sign that you intend to hide something. Thirdly, in serious organizations, in addition to a polygraph test, the subject may be asked to take tests. Therefore, medications are the most controversial way to deceive a lie detector.


There is one interesting way bypass the polygraph - come to the test in a state of extreme fatigue. For example, after a few sleepless nights or after a hard workout. The organism will then be almost in a state of trance, and physiological reactions will be equally insignificant. In the jargon of polygraph examiners, such a “client” is called a “body unsuitable for research.”

Want the impossible

Ideally, you shouldn't pay much attention to the polygraph test. By experiencing this event, you thereby increase its significance. Do not concentrate on the procedure, try to perceive it as something everyday. How to achieve this? You need to completely switch your attention to something that is not directly related to the lie detector. For example, if you really want to go to the toilet, then you will forget about the polygraph. Time it out so that you have to restrain your natural urges during the test. The method works if you are not asked to take tests before the procedure.

Alcohol and "substances"

Drinking alcohol before the interview is highly discouraged. It might come in handy the day before. A hangover person has extremely unstable reactions, and due to an electrolyte deficiency, the device will weakly read body impulses. Another question: is it worth it to go with a hangover to an interview at a company where you would like to work. This can become a reputational fiasco, and even if you pass a polygraph, you will not get a job. The same applies to other "substances" that are sometimes advised to take before the test. Who needs an inadequate employee in a company?

As it turned out, the polygraph is not a toy. It is very difficult to assess the real correctness of the test if you have nothing to lose. Everyone can pass the test, but a person for whom the result is really important, who has something to lose or gain, can really demonstrate physiological signs correlated with a lie.

How does a polygraph work?

More commonly known as a lie detector, the polygraph measures the physiological changes that occur in a person's body while answering questions. Typically, these are body temperature, heartbeat, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and electrical activity of the skin. More rarely, additional monitors are used that record changes in the size and movement of the pupils and even brain activity.

Typically, polygraph scores are not accepted in most courts as even circumstantial evidence of guilt or innocence. However, polygraphs are successfully used for other purposes, even in the field of crime detection. For example, in the UK they are being used to test the conduct of released individuals previously convicted of serious sexual offences. In the United States, the polygraph is used during job interviews for the CIA, NSA, and other government and law enforcement agencies.

Solving crimes with the help of a lie detector

Despite the fact that polygraph data is not accepted in court, it still helps investigators weed out unnecessary witnesses and suspects. Such interrogations using a lie detector are called focused investigation. It's fast and easy way determine at an early stage of the investigation whether it is worth spending time on this suspect or whether it makes sense to focus on further searches.

In addition, serious consequences await those who help suspects deceive a polygraph. For example, an Oklahoma City Police officer was recently sentenced to two years in prison for aiding and abetting.

Common interrogation strategy

Most often, experts combine questions, dividing them into those that are relevant to the case, and those that are aimed at obtaining a basic picture of the physiological response of a person. The questions are asked in no obvious order. Direct questions might include, “Have you robbed a bank?” and basic questions, “Have you ever embezzled anything that doesn’t belong to you?” The questions are similar to each other, but the second is difficult to answer “no” without lying.

Thus, the physiological response to questions of the second type helps the expert to determine the basic pattern of behavior, which then will help to correctly interpret the response to important questions that are directly related to the case. This strategy is much more effective than using simple questions like "What is your name/age/gender?"

How to fool a polygraph?

Most effective method deceive the lie detector - increase the physiological response to control, basic questions. For example, if you are asked, "Have you ever cheated to get rid of a problem?", this is a security question. Before answering it, try to solve in your mind a mathematical example, like 7x8-4. Mental activity as a result of such a trick will increase significantly, which will lead to rapid breathing and heartbeat, and so on. If your reaction to control questions is stronger than the one you demonstrate to direct ones, you can fool the polygraph.

However, this trick will work only if the expert using the lie detector and interpreting its results is not very experienced. It's one thing to deceive a machine, it's quite another for a person who spent half his life watching people lie. Experienced Expert easily recognizes abnormal physiological responses, especially if they do not match body language or the meaning of the question being asked.

Reliability of polygraph tests

Many experts believe that the percentage of polygraph errors demonstrates, rather, the unfounded guilt of innocent people, rather than the successful deception of the guilty. That is, if the polygraph data were accepted as irrefutable evidence, more innocent people would go to jail than criminals would go free.

If you are too nervous or overly control the reaction of the body, the truth is read by a polygraph as a lie. Considering that tests based on the strategy of using two types of questions show 15% of incorrect results, it is not surprising that some researchers and experts call this strategy in particular and the use of a polygraph in general a mistake.

Even the most effective test strategy, which reveals the reaction of the interrogated person to the details of the investigation (the exact amount of what was stolen, the content of the conversation, etc.), shows erroneous polygraph readings or misinterpretation of the results in almost 10% of cases.


If you think that a polygraph test does not threaten you, then you can be very seriously mistaken, especially since this device is often used even when applying for a job.

It goes without saying that not everyone wants to tell the truth, which is why there are a lot of ways to outwit the lie detector. By the way, it is not so difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism.

We will now talk about how to keep your secrets to yourself and successfully, seamlessly pass a polygraph.

Often lies are told in secret in order to find out the truth.


Some people have an erroneous opinion that it is very easy to deceive a lie detector. The question emerges from this: why is it needed then? But everything is not so simple.

Indeed, it is quite possible to complete the test without noticeable biophysical changes (we wrote about the specific history of polygraph fraud earlier), but the fact is that for the first twenty minutes you will be asked "calibration" questions, setting up the device individually for you.

So, the same reaction to all questions asked by a specialist, of course, will not harm you, but it will not help either. Moreover, the test results can be canceled and a new one assigned.

The whole secret is not to keep all emotions under control, but to show the right reaction to the question at a certain moment. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that the polygraph examiner is not alert.


So, what you need to do is evoke fake reactions to simple questions that you might generally be concerned about, and hide these reactions when you need to answer the key ones.

  • The first is quite simple to do, just take some external irritant with you - for example, a button in your shoe.

  • You can indulge in various thoughts that evoke certain emotions in you.

  • Before testing on a polygraph, you can drink some alcohol or valerian to calm your nerves,

  • Can't sleep all night

  • You can also drink plenty of fluids to make you want to go to the toilet - and the test results will be as they should.


We use all our acting skills. Of course, the best option is high-quality acting according to the Stanislavsky system. The whole trick is to be so imbued with your lie that you yourself believe in it.

Agree, if you believe in fiction, then this is no longer a lie for you, which means that your body will perceive this information as true, therefore it will give the appropriate result to the specialist conducting the test.

It goes without saying that for this it is simply necessary to think through all aspects of your deception in advance, so much so that you can discuss this topic for a very long time without inventing a plot along the way, but as if remembering it:

  • Add little things to your story, like what the weather was like, what you smelled - just don't overdo it and don't get distracted from the main topic.

  • If you already undertook to deceive a polygraph with the help of acting, then emotions will definitely not be superfluous, they only need to be changed, turning fear into anger, and repentance into humility.


Keeping track of your pressure Now let's move on to blood pressure, which also needs to be controlled.

There are two ways to do this:

  • contraction of the sphincter muscles

  • biting the tip of the tongue.

Just remember that you need to do this without any additional facial expressions that can give you away.

Yet, control your breathing- under normal conditions, we take a breath no more than once every 2-4 seconds. And it's better not to delay him- there is a risk of heart palpitations.


Updated: There is a long-standing myth that it is possible to deceive a lie detector with a pushpin.

The gist of the scam is this:

  1. Place a thumbtack inside your shoe under your foot.

  2. When you are asked a security question, such as "What's your name?", answer and step on the button.

  3. Pain causes a small surge of emotion and is reflected in the detector readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, when telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. the sensors will respond to lies in the same way as to a question about your name.

  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in almost identical polygraph readings and gives you a positive resolution.

The catch is that in many testing companies on this moment before the test, the test subject is checked for such "pranks", including checking shoes. Thus, at the moment, this method of passing a polygraph test can be considered almost inapplicable. We do not recommend checking!


We can conclude that it is not that easy to deceive a lie detector, but it is quite real, you only need a sincere desire and patience. The answer to the question of whether it is worth doing this, each person must give himself.

But one thing is true in any case: if you have made a firm decision to pass the test and fool the polygraph, then try to do it.

About how to deceive a lie detector - 7 ways + interesting facts. We take note!

A mysterious invention called the polygraph has revolutionized the world.

With its help, it was possible to determine when a person is lying, and when he is telling the truth.

It would seem that with his appearance in prisons there will no longer be innocently convicted.

Asked the suspect, "Did you commit a crime?" and close your case if you have a guilty person in front of you.

But, as it turned out, the polygraph is not ideal, because it accuses some, especially nervous and unstable people of lying without reason, while people with steel nerves know very well how to cheat a lie detector and escape justice.

It's really not that difficult to circle this car around your finger.

What's more, many people have been very good at it.

You will also succeed if you learn more about the lie detector.

How did the lie detector come about?

Shamans, priests tried to find out the truth with the help of some rituals, priests - through confession, the ancient Chinese - with a handful of rice placed in the mouth (rice had to remain dry if the person is innocent), etc.

The history of the modern lie detector looks like this:

    In 1877, Angelo Mosso invented an instrument that measured pressure.

    He worked simply: if a person lied, his pressure increased.

    Focusing only on increasing pressure, the criminologist Cesare Lombroso also worked.

    He owns another discovery: he found out that suspected liars have an increased pulse rate.

  1. The first polygraph, which took into account several indicators at once and was attached to a person, was designed in 1933 by Leonard Keeler.

For a long time I thought that the appearance of a lie detector into the world is a very interesting fact in itself.

But having taken up a more detailed study of this issue, you understand how much incredible happened during various checks.

Here are 3 of the most interesting facts about the polygraph, in my humble opinion, of course:

  1. If the first detectors made their verdict based on just a few indicators, then modern devices take into account almost 50 indicators: increased pressure, sweating, changes in pupil size, conditions vocal cords, subconscious reactions, etc.
  2. The polygraphists themselves insist that the polygraph should not be called a lie detector, because this device does not so much determine whether a person is telling the truth or not, as it notes a change in a person’s state when answering various questions.

    It is because of this that the polygraph is so often mistaken.

  3. The scientists involved in the study of lies themselves are against testing people on this detector, because they consider the results obtained with its help to be too inaccurate.

Who can fool the lie detector?

Not everyone can fool the lie detector.

More precisely, anyone can try, but there are those who succeed without much effort:

  1. Scouts and spies - they are specially trained for this, moreover, for more than one year.
  2. Pathological liars - these simply do not understand the difference between truth and deceit.
  3. Sociopaths - they react to many things differently than normal people, so they just confuse the lie detector.
  4. Children, because they sincerely can believe even in fictitious things and old people who are in insanity.
  5. Professional actors - they are used to lying a lot, pretending to be other people, so they can easily deceive a car.

But, even if you do not belong to any of the above categories, you can still outwit a polygraph.

This can be achieved by understanding how the device works.

Go for a few checks and analyze everything you see.

Real people who managed to fool the lie detector

Those who work on the polygraph with passion prove that it is impossible to deceive the lie detector in any way.

Like, even a yogi who knows how to stop his heart will not be able to cope with such a difficult task.

I can give at least three examples when people managed to deceive a polygraph, and more than once.

    The American Floyd Fey was not a good boy, but he did not commit the murder that they wanted to hang on him.

    It was the polygraph test that became decisive for the conviction and imprisonment of Floyd.

    He was so angry with the stupid machine that he decided to take revenge on her.

    Fey began teaching the other prisoners how to fool the lie detector.

    And what do you think?

    23 out of 27 of his students succeeded.

    Aldrich Ames was considered a valuable member of the CIA, had an impeccable reputation, a good track record.

    During the years of service, he repeatedly passed a polygraph test and each time he was asked if he was a double agent working for the USSR.

    “Of course not!” Ames answered indignantly and the polygraph confirmed that this was a truthful answer.

    Only after many years it turned out that Aldrich every time managed to circle the miracle device around his finger, and over the years of service he sold a lot of secrets to the KGB.

    The name Kim Philby is familiar to those who are interested in information about spies.

    British intelligence received a devastating blow when it learned that one of its leaders was an underground communist and had served the interests of the USSR government, and not Her Majesty, for decades.

    Yes, no James Bond films can wash away this shame!

    What is most interesting is that Kim Philby took a lie detector test, which he managed to deceive by taking Valium, a sedative drug.

How to deceive a lie detector - 7 ways

There are several ways to fool the lie detector, the simplest of which are:

    The habit of lying.

    If a person constantly tells a lie, then he begins to sincerely believe in what he says, which means that, knowingly lying, he will not sweat, be nervous, suffocate, that is, he can easily deceive a polygraph.

    Sedative drugs.

    Take an example from Kim Philby - a spoonful of Valium and you, calm as a boa constrictor, can easily answer the most tricky questions that are recognized as true.

    Abuse of something harmful the day before(alcohol, soft drugs), which will reduce your sensitivity.

    No, I do not promote a harmful lifestyle, but since there is such a way, it means that it also needs to be said about.

    To keep fingertips from sweating, you can cover them with talcum powder or antiperspirant deodorant, or a special ointment for sweating, or even ordinary alcohol.

    It is very important that the product is moisture resistant, odorless and colorless.

  1. Stay up the night before, then your psychosomatic reactions will be weak, and the results will be as you need.
  2. Psychologically resist the effects of a polygraph- only mentally stable people with a huge are capable of this.

    And, of course, in this case, you can not do without training.

    The printer compares your responses to a security question, to which you answer, being absolutely calm, that is, you do not give out a reaction, and - to the main questions.

    If the reactions match, you are telling the truth.

    To fool the detector, you must give a response to the security question as well.

    This can be done by squeezing the buttocks or putting a piercing object in the shoes.

The video below shows the experiment

How effective are these methods for the average person:

According to recent studies, only 70% of 100% of the polygraph is not mistaken.

And these are optimistic forecasts, because they mean that, having familiarized yourself with this invention in detail, you will know for sure how to cheat a lie detector.

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