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Design and research work Yastrebov Fyodor "Can a person live without feelings?" - My files - file catalog - primary school teacher. Life without emotions, experiences possible? I do not want to be empty

Can a person live without feelings and is it?

    I do not believe that there are really such people. But still they love themselves, and this is already a feeling. And in general, if a person does not feel feelings with appearance, it does not say that he really does not feel.

    Not a single person can not live without feelings. This is not a robot!

    Every day, it's hourly, a minute, a person is experiencing some feelings - pain, fear, jealousy, love, anger, joy, sadness, longing and many others. If a person does not feel feelings, then he died.

    Life is feelings.

    And the wider the spectrum of feelings, from the strongest to the thinnest - the richer the inner life of a person.

    The culinary has a professional term bridality, meaning the rudeness and primitiveness of taste sensations. The cook with bridality will not feel the nuances of flavors and flavors when tasting dishes.

    So and us, and the bridality of feelings in tasting life!)

    Without feelings and feelings, you are simply not possible. Emotions, various sensations, ranging from the most pleasant and ending with pain, are characteristic of everyone without exception to living beings. So our nature and essence are arranged. Only robots, and the dead can not feel. Honestly, I don't even imagine life without feelings and sensations.

    Man without feelings - dead man. The soul died in the heart of emptiness. The man does not feel pain in his own, someone else, forgets what compassion is, does not know greed and does not feel anger. Mechanical life, the body continues to work, but without emotions.

    It is difficult to call it life.

    The man is called a man, because he lives with emotions and feelings, and it gives him the meaning in life and helps grow moral and spiritually. In turning the heart and soul will be dead, if there are no emotions or feelings.

    Without emotions, in principle, do not live, it means that a person does not feel anything, he does not know any joy and not grief, he is just a mask that sits on it without movement.

    Any emotions are the coloring everyday life of a person, and depending on emotions, paints can be of various colors and shades.

    And while a person feels emotions and feelings, he actually lives and he has the meaning in this life.

    It depends on what feelings mean. But without love, it is quite possible to live. A person is experiencing a lot of positive and negative emotions. Usually women are more emotional. Compared to men. Named manifestation of various feelings gives us a feeling that we live full life And happy.

    If there is no feeling, then there is no life. I wanted to write that then a man is like a robot, but I remembered the recently read story of Isaac Azimov. So there the robots have the desires of feelings. So the robot does not fit. Love, hatred, joy, fear, experience - you can list our feelings and sensations for a long time. And they are all present in a person, a man without them cannot be.

    A man without feelings can not live, so conceived by nature. I would like to try it so much, and then nervous system Nothing is not suitable. I think I would like. When the old man says that he is tired, most likely, he is tired of feelings.

    Feelings, emotions, thoughts of us and distinguish from animals. After all, sincere joy, enthusiasm, love, and other feelings we are experiencing, saturating our life bright colors. Feel to live. Imagine that we are all, people who suddenly lose their feelings. Everything will be all the same for us, we will be indifferent to everything, there will be nothing to delight. Then, we strive to stop for the better, to change. Life is zoked.

We are different, but by God we are stored, everyone has their own angel and fate, they are offended by ranimimati of rude words, from envy and evil , The pain fades - again the life of Rad. And life goes, everything is placed in places, but you can not live in places. Always. Let us not leave our good feelings, let the soul fill in kindness!
Can not man live without feeling, because this is the value for his soul, but if there is no feeling, in the soul of that empty, and there is no warmth, nor kindness. good words The pain is discharged, -And warm words for everyone are important, responsiveness, as help, comes to us, good feelings - the leggings of the soul.
Feelings - the greatest gift to man, an integral part of his personality. In society, the true feelings have always been valued. They decorate the person himself and bring joy to others. American psychologist K. Isard allocates 10 fundamental emotions: interest, joy, surprise, grief (suffering), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and wines (repentance).
Excitement - nervous excitement, severe anxiety caused by (fear, joy, waiting, etc.).
Surprise is a short-term, quickly passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event. Describes as a "discharge" condition, in which the mind is cleared of thoughts for a split.
Shame - a sense that occurs in a person in the commission of actions contrary to the requirements of morality, degrading personality. The content of the actions causing the feeling of S. has a socio-historical nature depends on the evolution of the rules of morality. C. Tested as a painful concern, dissatisfaction with himself, condemnation of his behavior, regretful about the perfect act. C. can be stated with unworthy behavior of other people, especially close. The feeling of C. arises and when memories of a humiliating act, perfect in the past. Experiencing C. May have clear bodily symptoms - redness of the face, lowering eyes, etc.
Joy - an inner feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness
Fear is internally condition due to a threatening real or alleged disaster
Anger is a sharp and strong negative feeling; irritably hostile state.

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on this topic:

"Can a person live without feelings?"

Performed: Student 4 "g" class

Hawbs Fedor

Leader: k.P.N.Stugannikova E.P.

Voronezh 2015.


I world of feelings

1.1. Soul Soul

1.2.Od emotions to feelings

1.3. Types of emotions and feelings

II control emotions

2.1. Emotions as a source of energy

2.2. How to manage your mood


List of sources used and literature

Object of study: Man and his feelings

Subject of study: Effect of emotions per person

Purpose of work:

  • analyze the types of emotions;
  • consider the features of human behavior experiencing different emotions and feelings;
  • find out what the emotions differ from feelings.
  • learn how to manage mood;

Methods used in operation:

  • study of children's special literature and encyclopedia on the topic;
  • study of scientific and educational sites on the Internet;
  • view documentary films on this work;
  • survey of adults and interested people;
  • independent analysis of materials and sources.

Hypothesis Research: A person cannot live without feelings and stay indifferent to the world around him, as items and events cause him various emotions.


The usual is the morning in urban apartment house. Residents are in a hurry, to work, to school. Ahead of them is a rich day, behind the night. Someone rested well and gained strength. Someone cried a child or sick tooth. Some meet a day with interest, others - anxious or despondency. Opening the door of the entrance, they all see the familiar yard ... But are they really seen at this moment the same thing? Woke up with vigorous and cheerful one person will notice the gentle sun, his unsuccessful neighbor - the autumn dirt, the child is a striped cat, and his mother is a collapsed step, which must be paid to the attention of the son. Each of them sees what seems to be the most important, or, more precisely, what the emotional state guides - joy, irritation, curiosity, concern.

Any moment of your existence we are in some emotional state. It significantly affects everything that and as we do, we think that we see or, on the contrary, do not notice. Every our judgment about the surrounding world is rich in emotions and feelings.

I. World of feelings

  1. Soul language

Emotions - our language inner world. They inform us what importance for us are those objects, events, relations with people who were in these times in the field of our attention. A person will only prevent himself some situation, and emotions already define it as desired or unpleasant.

  1. From emotions to feelings

As a rule, emotions and feelings are accepted. Emotions arise immediately and change very quickly. Feelings do not appear immediately, and they are more durable. Feeling can accompany us long years. This may be a sense of love, confidence in the world, self-confidence or, on the contrary, hatred, rejection.

  1. Types of emotions and feelings

Scientists allocate 10 major emotions :joy, interest (excitement), surprise, grief (suffering), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and wines (repentance).

Joy - an inner sense of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness.

Excitement - nervous arousal, strong anxiety caused by something (fear, joy, waiting, etc.).

Surprise - This is a short-term, fast passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event.

Shame - A sense that occurs in a person when they commit a deeds that contradict the requirements of morality, behavior standards.

Fear -nutrient condition due to the threatening real or alleged disaster

Anger - a sharp and strong negative feeling; irritably hostile state.

In psychology, it is customary to allocate three types of feelings : moral, intellectual and aesthetic.

Moral (ethical) feelings - compassion and conscience, love and attachment. They regulate the behavior of a person, defining his actions.

Intellectual feelings - Curiosity, surprise, joy from getting knowledge and experience.

Aesthetic feelings - From pleasure to disgust. They manifest themselves in artistic assessments and tastes.

Emotions are largely predetermined by our perception of the surrounding. In joy we see the world through pink glasses And everywhere we find harmony. In the grief, everything for us appears in the gloomy light. In anger, it seems that there is some interference and obstacles around. In fear, the most ordinary things become frightening.

II.Emotion management

2.1. Emotions as a source of energy

People in their nature, primarily emotional creatures. Even learning is most efficient if it occurs after experience.

Emotions increase human capabilities as if connecting additional sources Energy. Such ability possess both positive and some negative experiences: the tired worker can feel the tide of the strength and some time fruitfully work and from sudden joy, and from great anger.

Conversely, a person, often experiencing anxiety, fear risks fall into stress. This manifests itself in a change in health, in health worsening. Stresses reduce the creative abilities of a person and lead to the fact that it becomes less successful.

2.2. How to manage your mood

Joyful day, the bright condition of the soul, the decline of the spirit, quiet sadness ... All this is a mood that can be good and bad, calm and irritable, raised and falncable.

It is very important to realize your mood. It signals what is happening in the depths of the soul, which is preferable for it. Given it, it is easier to plan your time.

2. Chista encyclopedia "Whatthis". Human. Brain.

3. Heel. Big children's encyclopedia.

4.Gigant children's encyclopedia.

5.Baby encyclopedia. Volume 7. Man.

A man with an absolutely healthy psyche lives in a colorful emotional world, passing through itself, like a sponge, a lot of life situations. However, completelya healthy person is practically nonsense, so each of us is one of us to one degree or another to different experiences, mental torments and looping at some unpleasant case, paying for it too much attention and strength.

However, there are those who feel many emotions are too weak, and some inner sensations cannot realize at all. They are not subject to some kind of disease or psychological disorder. A condition in which a person finds it difficult to determine its emotions, called Aleksitimia. When questioning that a person feels, answers are given, like a "head hurts" (description of physical sensations), "I think over the answer" (manifestation of logical thinking) or "I feel good / me bad" (assessing your condition). Sometimes, a person can even answer that nothing feels.

Aleksithimia may appear as a result of a long painful experience that injured the psyche over the years. For example, if a person grew up in a disadvantageous environment, and in childhood it was regularly subjected to physical violence from parents and peers. The only possible protection for the psyche, in this case, is ignoring pain. The protective mechanism and the child begins to gradually suppress all the emotions and feelings that are experiencing when beating. However, such a mental mechanism gradually becomes the main type of reaction, which in another situation remains the same "inhibited".

The second common cause of alexitimia is the lack of learning to emotions in early years Life. Consider this situation: the child fell and goes by hysteria. Parent asks "Why are you crying? Highed hard? Do you hurt? ". Soon the child calms down, because the adult understood his disorder correctly and even explained why he was so upset. But if, instead, the parent says something, like "and there is nothing to root here!" The child has a disorder in the inner sensations and external evaluation. In consequence, certain strong emotions will be perceived incorrectly and even scare, and the studied mechanisms of psyche will try to suppress them.

Getting rid of alexitimia requires a variety of time and working with themselves. You need to know my feelings gradually. Start standing with observation of your body, because emotions still flow into you, even if you do not realize them. But the body will definitely give its reaction to emotional state: compressed fists, twitching eyes, nervous twitching foot - all this physiological response to your internal processes. It will also be useful to communicate more with those for whom the manifestation and designation of emotions is not difficult. So you will unconsciously learn from others. However, it is worth remembering that in the process of manifestation of hidden emotions, the whole negative, copied in the first surface for a long time. Therefore, if you rose to the way of knowledge of yourself, be patient.

1. Can a person live without feelings? This question Sooner or later, every person arises. Should I replace emotions to mind? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that it is worth living, including common sense, because so calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, do not imagine their lives without constant bright bursts of emotions. As always, truth is somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two opposites: rationality and emotionality? Each person is characteristic of something to fear and doubt something. Cold reason often "helps": protects from tragedies, helps to comprehend complex situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings will save us from disappointments, but does not allow sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely - can not. That we are people to show emotions.
Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us is constantly experiencing a variety of emotions. Mind on this and give people to be able to show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who are not familiar with all these feelings? The characteristic of a person's senses is very wide and multifaceted. Just people show them differently. Someone immediately splashes all his joy or anger on others, and someone hides their emotions very deeply. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the most close people. Very often in pursuit of a prosperous life we \u200b\u200bforget about our emotional state. Many are really trying to hide their feelings as far as possible. IN modern society It is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who experiences feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person who has everything is built on the calculation. But at the same time emotional person May be happier than rationalist.

2. Creative people are most susceptible to emotions. Some of the artists prefer to live "Widely Stepping" with "open eyes and soul". And some - successfully sublimated the feelings of a person in the works of painting. Let us turn to an example to one of these paintings describing such emotions.
Example 1. V. Vasnetsov, "Alenushka" This Russian fairy tale is familiar to many children from childhood. Ivanushka's breath washed the water from the puddle and became a goat. His sister Alyonushka warns about what can happen, but brother does not make it. When it happens with Ivan, the sister experiences feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, grief and sadness. In the picture, it is depicted at the pond on the "grieving" stone. Touching from human eyes, the girl is experiencing a complex gamut of emotions, masterfully shown by the artist.

Example 2. K. Bryullov, "Horseman" of a person's feelings in painting works can be expressed in different ways. The painting of Bryullov depicts a young beauty that arrived at the horse to the veranda of the house. She is met dogs and little girl. The whole picture is imbued with emotions: a sense of joy of meeting, admire the festive variety and adoration of life in her brightest manifestations of beauty and grace.

Example 3.I. Aivazovsky, "Ninth Val" of a person's feelings in painting works can be expressed by image of nature phenomena. So, in the picture of the Aivazovsky we see the feeling of strength, power and power of nature. At the same time, awareness of the nullity of all human in front of the elements comes to mind. This complex storm of feelings, the artist embodies in this work.

3. We are accustomed that when it comes to emotions, ranging from deep sadness to endless joy, in mind they have a person. It would seem that another creature can so much to reflect his feelings outwardly. Well, not only people really possess such ability - animals too endowed. It seems unreal, but you just look at a variety of expressions of their "persons."
Animal emotions include surprise, and sadness, and joy, and experience, and modesty, and generally a complete set, so similar to our with you. There is even a special difference in favor of the brothers of our smaller - their faces look like cute, when they try to portray something.