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Creative or creative thinking - this kind of thinking characterized by the emergence of completely new, unique and original ideas. The creative process is impossible without the ability to creatively think.

The word "creativity" is used not only to designate creative thinking, but also as a characteristic of the personality of a creative person.

Man is a creative producer, the Creator of his fate. No living being on Earth, except for a person, cannot mentally represent the image of the idea, imagine, and then embody her.

Children always think creatively, figuratively dream, fantasize and imagine. In the process of education and training, the ability to think logically and guided logic in behavior, strictly at certain framework. Creativity is often suppressed and even prohibited.

Creative thinking suggests well-developed perception, imagination and memory. These psychic cognitive processes Conduct the ability to think creatively.

Personality that is from the birth of talent or outstanding abilities to something can generate a large number of Original ideas for a rather short period of time. But even if a person is not given from birth, the ability to think creatively, this can be learned.

For creative thinking and creativity, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic and analysis - left. If a person is dominant is the right hemisphere, he knows how to think figuratively and generate creative ideas. If dominates left hemisphere, creativity, most likely, will have to develop in order to be a more harmonious personality.

Exercises for the development of creativity

Each person is able to develop creative thinking. The ability to perceive life creatively favorably affects performance, professional success, improves personal life, contributes to the ambulance resolution of conflicts, is a pledge of personal growth.

Creativity thinking develops if:

  • develop perception, attention, imagination, memory;
  • engage in creativity;
  • load the work of the right hemisphere of the brain.

There are also many special exercises that develop creativity.

Creativity Education Exercises:

  1. Exercise "5 + 5". Come up with any word (noun) and write five adjectives describing it. Now you need to come up with five other adjectives, which, on the contrary, should not approach the selected noun.
  2. Exercise "Mad House". Select ten random words (nouns). Now you need to imagine yourself to the architect who ordered the creation of a house project that would include all the characteristics of ten items (one characteristic is selected for each subject). These items - invented in the early exercise of the word. Draw your masterpiece on paper.
  3. Exercise "ClipMaker". Listening to music, a song or simply listening to the surrounding sounds, imagine yourself with a clipmerecer, that is, come up with a clip of the clip in the course of the sound. Pictures arising in the imagination should not be logically designed, but based on rapidly emerging associations and emotions.

To develop the ability to creatively think, you need to see every day to see a new one in the usual old, be ready and open to surprises, attentive and inquisitive.

Do you think yourself with a creative person?

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We are waiting for your assessment

Verify vacancies, creative people Everywhere is waiting with open arms. They are "open doors" for work or cooperation. But, oddly enough, to this criterion in the resume the greatest mistrust from employers. It turns out that they themselves do not know what is creative? Why demand from applicants, what is the doubt? How to recognize creative deposits? How to understand that we have a creative person?

What is a creative person?

A creative person is a person who can take creative ideas, thanks to the developed creative thinking. Do not think that such a person "with another planet". It will not necessarily look defiantly. There is no decayed punk, from which children run up with screams and the old women are baptized, it turns out to be a creative person. Absolutely no. Creativity is expressed in actions and ability to generate creative ideas - non-standard solutions.

Thanks to this skill commit scientific discoveriesTechnological innovations appear, works of art are created. But the inventors are valuable not only on a planetary scale. Creative approach is important on the household level, when solving non-standard situations in ordinary life. This is relevant for immigrants from the post-Soviet republics, among which, in connection with complex socio-economic conditions, each second is practically Kulibin. But, nevertheless, how to recognize that we have a creative person?

What does the word creative, it seems to have figured out. How to identify this quality in a source or potential employee? There are signs that are characteristic of creative personalities:

  • Disregarding stereotypes, rules;
  • Ability to fantasize;
  • Observation;
  • Irrigation routine;
  • The ability to see opportunities in unexpected directions;
  • Vary before criticism;
  • Search for new emotions, impressions.

According to these criteria, it is fairly easy to make sure that the interlocutor has creative potential.

Creative skills of man

Disregard stereotypes and rules

What is creative? First of all, creative is free. Such a person will be in the soul of a rebel or revolutionary. It will not necessarily be riding a tank agitate against power. No, revolutions are less bloody. For example, in a certain sphere of knowledge, the direction of creativity, etc. A creative person will always go against the system, dogma, schedules. If the interlocutor loyally refers to the bureaucracy or multi-volume rules, then, most likely, it is capable of creativity not fully.

Ability to fantasize

An important feature of all creative personalities is the ability to invent your worlds closed to others. This does not mean that their fantasies are torn off from reality. Simply, due to the ability to abstract, they can find unexpected decisions, or draw inspiration, as if rechargeing their creative potential. This creative person is very similar to the child. The ability to fantasize is the element of childhood, which is useful to preserve in adult years.


Non-standard ideas are very often visited by observation people, inclined to pay attention to the trifles. Thanks to this feature, creative personalities are able to pay attention to any trifle, which eventually becomes the key to solving the task. But their attentiveness is selective. This means that they sometimes do not notice the obvious things, while focusing on the fact that everyone else does not see.

Inosphet routine

A creative person, due to his creative nature, very badly tolerates commonness and seriousness. Therefore, the routine is the main enemy of non-standard ideas. If a we are talking About the creative person, then such a person will not leave "on the ears" into the fulfillment of monotonous and monotonous tasks. Rather, he will take away the fervor, will quit, or asks for the help of someone else.

Ability to see opportunities in unexpected directions

This skill can be considered derived from observation and ability to fantasize. A creative person in any situation can act non-standard. Where others face an insurmountable obstacle, a creative person will definitely come up with him to overcome it. Therefore, the presence of such an employee in the team practically guarantees the abundance of original ideas and solutions.

Prying before criticism

Each medal has its own back side. And creativity has its drawbacks. For example, excessive varying of creative people. Few of them are able to calmly transfer the criticism of their ideas or creations. Creative personality can be offended even on constructive comments. This feature It must be considered when communicating with such people, because one careless word can cause a real flue of emotions, temporarily overlapping the flow of creative ideas.

Search for new emotions and impressions

Creative people are looking for new emotions. This is one of the main reasons, because of which they are so intolepima for everyday life. After all, the routine does not give them the opportunity to be inspired to create another masterpiece. Therefore, if a person is creative, then he is most likely inclined to travel, original hobby. Also, creative personalities are distinguished by increased curiosity. They want to learn everything and try. They are prone to various types of dependence, for example, alcohol or gambling. Of course, not every creative person is different harmful habitBut in any case, he has a source of inspiration.

It can be concluded that the creative person is a reformer in the best sense of this word. Always comes against standards and rules. In this regard, he generates creative ideas from time to time. The universal formula of creativity does not exist. Each draws inspiration in its own way. The result is an absolutely new solution that allows you to perform a certain task in an unusual way.

A creative person has excellent development skills of his own imagination, he goes beyond stereotypes, revealing the borders of fantasy and inventing completely new ideas. What is creativity, why it is needed and who are such creative people - you will learn quite soon.

What is creativity?

Let's figure out what a creative person means. Creativity is a special personal quality that allows you to effectively engage in creative, creative, innovative activities.

Creative people are those who are able to find new and optimal ways to solve the tasks. They can see the problem under different angles, sometimes see her as not seen before anyone. Nevertheless, creativity is not only innovation and creativity, a way of thinking, bringing practical benefits in different types Activities.

What is the difference between creativity from creativity?

Very often, people mix these concepts or use as synonyms, without thinking about the true meaning of words. Creativity is also the ability to create a new one. However, the concept of creativity relates to the art and creation of aesthetic, and creativity - to the field of utilitarian, practical application. These two properties of the human person can intersect, but are not obliged to be in combination and do not result from one of the other.

For modern professions, especially those related to innovation, it is required precisely creativity - the ability on the basis of accumulated experience and knowledge to generate new ideas and methods that optimize the workflow or creating a unique product. The concept of creativity includes such qualities as determination, the ability to risk, intelligence, resourcefulness, the speed of thoughts. Also creativity always accompanies a wide range, for not having such, it is difficult to come up with a new solution to the problem.

Professions for creative people

Creative thinking is necessary in many, including in business, advertising, science, art and politics. Now in many job offers, you can find a message that the employer requires creative people to various positions.

Creativity in business is the ability to adapt to new to change in accordance with the changing market conditions. Business, especially small or medium, does not tolerate conservatism. Now the development of business technologies is very quickly, new advanced training courses are constantly emerging, new flows in personnel management and so on. Creativity in business is needed for mobility, rapidness of decision and innovation.

Creativity in advertising is the ability to prevent the product in a new way, under an unexpected angle. In the modern world, a person gets a rapid amount of information a day. No longer know how to attract the attention of the potential consumer and not cause irritation too intrusive or screaming. It is to solve such problems and need creative people in advertising. The advertising message must be high-quality, interesting and informative.

Creativity in the field of services is the ability to search for new approaches to communicate with people. This scope of application of creativity requires not only good knowledge of people in the household sense and developed intuition, but also accumulated luggage of knowledge in the field of psychology and sociology. For the scope of sales, it is important to be able to present the product so that the potential buyer wants to buy it, in the hotel business, there may be a number of rooms or, for example, the features of guest service.

Creativity will find a place in almost any profession, if subordinate to her purely utilitarian goals and not to be confused with creativity. Most often creative people are those that, in addition to developed imagination, have knowledge in the field of economics, management, production technology, and so on.

Methods for the development of creativity

What does the word creative person mean? Creativity is not congenital ability. Yes, there should be prerequisites for it, but it can be developed. There are various techniques for the development of creativity in children and adults. IN childhood Attention is paid to more development of creative abilities and skills, on the basis of which, in combination with acquired experience and knowledge, you can subsequently develop creativity.

Consider several exercises for the development of this ability.

  • Discussion of the idea in the team, where everyone has a certain role: criticism, dreamer and realist. Consideration of the problem from three points of view allows you to see its new faces and solutions.
  • Creating a tree of associations. On the sheet paper shows the problem, there are lines from it, where the ideas associated with it are written. In the process of creating a tree, ideas may appear that immediately would not come to mind.
  • Go through from the opposite. Imagine what needs to be done to make sure not to solve the problem, and then replace these ideas on the opposite.
  • It is recommended to expand your horizons - interested in everything that happens around. Go to theaters, attend exhibitions, read newspapers, journalism and more often communicate with cravival people, they have something to tell.

It is far from full list Exercises for creativity development, but they are all associated with the expansion of the horizons of thinking, the development of imagination and the destruction of stereotypes.

The most creative people

As an increase in the last decade of interest in the term "creativity" began to appear printed publications associated with this concept. Many countries produce their magazines on creativity. Editors publishers make up lists of the most creative people of the past year. These include owners and founders of advertising agencies, software developers, directors, designers, writers, entrepreneurs, singers and journalists.

According to the Creativity magazine, the most creative person is Sacin Agarv, the founder of the Posterous site. Also, along with him, be called the most creative man of his colleague Jerry Tang.

Signs of creative man

And yet, what does the creative person mean? Like all internal human qualities, creativity has an external manifestation in behavior.

What features can be allocated from a crowd of such a person?

  • Creative people are they are not afraid to try new.
  • Intuition for them is no less important tool for making decisions than logic.
  • Creative people have a great sense of humor.
  • Creative people are those who share their thoughts and ideas with others.
  • Easy to understand the most confusing interlacing information. Creative people subjected the information to the critical understanding, never go on the crowd.
  • They are interested in the process itself, and not just the result.
  • Love to learn new, look for answers to the most sophisticated questions. The harder the task, the more willing for it it will take a creative, creative person.
  • Creative people are always in search: solutions, answers, knowledge and ideas.
  • Creative people are excellent teachers. They are easily explained by the difficult things to understand others, trace the connection between the material available and create a new one.
  • A creative person does not tolerate borders and frames. He is constantly expanding his horizon, trying on new points of view.
  • Creative people - innovators. They are taken with interest to test new ideas and turn out to be competitive in the future.

Fashion for creativity

Currently in each second summary in the column " additional Information"Quality is indicated - creativity. Creative person is what it is important to be creative? Yes, many specialties require the adoption of innovative solutions, the ability to think non-standard and nontrivially present themselves or the product. But at the same time, there are enough specialties that do not require a creative approach. IN everyday life The value of this feature is even more blurry. In view of fashion for creativity, many people want to seem creative and inventive even in communicating with their buddies.

Not a creative person is not a person without fantasy, which is not able to think further of the template constructions. Creativity, rather, inalienable quality for some areas of professional activity, rather than the vital in everyday life. A person does not need to be creative, but creative abilities to develop useful at any age.

What is and is it in Russia?

Creative class in European countries and in America is customary to call people designing and creating new ideas, images, products. These are designers, advertising specialists, marketers and so on. The global task of the so-called creative class is to change the world, make it more convenient and adapt to the needs of the population. In a less global sense - to give an attractive type of product, to introduce any innovations associated with everyday comfort, add functionality to household items and equipment. In Russia, there is no such creative class. Here these people are in the minority, since society on this moment It needs creative developments less than European or American. This is due to the peculiarities of culture and mentality. However, it is possible to say for sure that the creative activity in Russia is developing. There are and creating new niches in the market of services where creative specialists are required. It is difficult to predict whether Russia will catch up in this sense, but you can not doubt that the creative class will be developed in Russia.

Why do we need creativity?

This quality in various fields is used to solve various tasks. In general, creativity is needed to optimize, improve, increase efficiency, increase functionality and production capacity. In a word - for a high-quality jump forward. In science and production, creativity is needed for the invention of new equipment, new technology, even the production technologies themselves. Creativity makes our life more interesting, colorful and more comfortable. The transition from industrial society to post-industrialized was marked by expanding the scope of services. Currently, in this area, the ability to present a service or product to a potential consumer play a major role.

Beauty, energy and novelty in combination with practical benefits - here is the creativity, which in practical use gives aesthetic pleasure and household comfort.

Creative skills - Man's ability to make creative solutions, accept and create fundamentally new ideas.

In everyday life, creative abilities are manifested as a moderate - the ability to achieve the goal, find a way out of the apparent hopeless situationUsing the situation, objects and circumstances in an unusual way.

In a broad sense, a non-trivial and witty solution to the problem, and, as a rule, non-specialized tools or resources. It also refers to the ability to bold, non-standard solutions to problems.

Creativity in terms of psychology

There are psychological instruments for measuring creative (creative) thinking; The most famous in world psychological practice is the Test Test Test. This test allows you to estimate:

  • verbal creativity
  • shaped creativity
  • separate creative abilities:
    • running - this quantitative indicator, in tests most often this is the number of tasks performed.
    • flexibility - this figure evaluates a variety of ideas and strategies, the ability to move from one aspect to another.
    • originality - this indicator characterizes the ability to put forward ideas that differ from obvious, well-known, generally accepted, banal or firmly established.
    • the ability to see the essence of the problem.
    • the ability to resist stereotypes.

Creative criteria

Creativity criteria:

  • fluency - the number of ideas arising per unit of time;
  • originality - the ability to produce unusual ideasdiffering from generally accepted;
  • flexibility. As Ranko notes, the importance of this parameter is caused by two circumstances: first, this parameter allows you to distinguish individuals that show flexibility in the process of solving the problem, from those who show rigidity in their decision, and secondly, allows you to distinguish individuals that are original solve problems, from those who demonstrate false originality.
  • susceptibility - sensitivity to unusual details, contradictions and uncertainties, willingness to quickly switch from one idea to another;
  • metaphoricity - willingness to work in a completely unusual context, the tendency to symbolic, associative thinking, the ability to see in simple, and in difficult - simple.
  • satisfaction is the result of creativity. In the negative result, the meaning and further development of the feeling is lost.

On Torrensu

  • Fluency - the ability to produce a large number of ideas;
  • Flexibility - the ability to apply a variety of strategies when solving problems;
  • Originality - the ability to produce unusual, non-standard ideas;
  • Development - the ability to develop in detail the arising ideas.
  • Circuit resistance is the ability to not follow stereotypes and for a long time "Stay open" for a variety of incoming information when solving problems.
  • The abstractness of the name is an understanding of the essence of the problem of what is really essential. The reflection process reflects the ability to transform generate information into a verbal form

Hypotheses of origin of creativity

There are several hypotheses for creative abilities. According to the first it is considered that creative abilities arose in a sensible person gradually, for a long time and were a consequence of cultural and demographic changes in humanity, in particular, the growth in the number of population, by the addition of the abilities of the most intelligent and gifted individuals in populations, with the subsequent attachment of these properties in offspring. [ ]

According to the second hypothesis expressed in 2002 by Anthropologist Richard Clain from Stanford University, the appearance of creativity was leapped. It arose due to a sudden genetic mutation of about 50 thousand years ago.

see also

  • Chixentmichia, Mihai, Psychologist, Creativity researcher.


Diagnosis of common cognitive abilities. - M.: "IP RAS", 1997.
  • Druzhinin V. N. Problems of general abilities (intellect, learning, creativity) - SPb.; Peter, 2007.
  • Tishina K. A. Modern studies of creativity problems in foreign psychology. M. 1997.
  • Tunic E. E. Diagnosis of creativity. Test Torrens. Methodical manual. SPb.: Imaton, 1998.
  • Stanislav Rayich "Psychodiagnostics of Creativity (review article)" Kiev. 2011 - 6 s.
  • Gifolds: abilities, motivation and creativity: a manual for teachers, psychologists, managers in the field of education / N. D. Alekseev, A. S. Isaenko, T. I. Kuzey - Minsk: Adukatsya I Vikavanne, 2006. - 88 p.
  • Mednich S.A. The Associative Basis of the Creative Process // Psychol. Rewiew. 1969. No. 2.
  • Torrance E. P. Guiding Creative Talent - Englewood Cliffs. NY: Prentice-Hall, 1964.
  • Torrance E. P. The Torrance Test Of Creative Thinking: Technical-Norm Manual. ILL, 1974.
  • Wollach M.A., Kogan N.A. A New Look At The Creativity - Intelligence Distinction // Journal of Personality. 1965. № 33.
  • Links

    • Reut D. V. Sweet curse of creativity // Cognitive analysis and management of situations (CASC'2001). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference. Moscow, October 11-12, 2001. T.3. M.: Institute for the Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences, p. 91-123.

    To creativity, which is a relatively sustainable personality characteristics. Initially, K. was considered as a function of intelligence, and the level of development of intelligence was identified with the level K. Subsequently, it turned out that the level of intelligence correlates with K. to a certain limit, and too high intelligence prevents K. Currently, K. is considered as an intellectual intelligence function Personality, depending on the whole complex of its psychological characteristics. Accordingly, the central direction in the study of K. - Identification personal qualitieswith which it is connected.

    Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix". L.Akapenko, A.V.Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .


    The creative abilities of the individual - the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate from traditional thinking schemes, quickly solve problem situations. It is characterized by the preparedness for the production of fundamentally new ideas and enters the structure of the giftedness as an independent factor. Among the abilities of intellectual is highlighted in a special type. According to A. Oil - this is a creative orientation, which is confidentious to everyone, but lost by a majority under the influence of the medium. According to P. Torrensu, creativity includes:

    1 ) increased sensitivity to problems, to the shortage or controversivity of knowledge;

    2 ) Actions to identify these problems, by finding their solutions based on hypotheses, to verify and change the hypotheses, to formulate the result of the solution.

    For assessment of creativity, various tests of divergent thinking, personal questionnaires, an analysis of the performance of activities are used. The study of factors of creative achievements is conducted in two directions:

    1 ) Analysis life experience and individual characteristics of a creative personality - personal factors;

    2 ) Analysis of thinking of creative and its products - Creativity factors: fluency, clarity, flexibility of thinking, sensitivity to problems, originality, ingenuity, constructiveness when solving them, etc.

    In order to promote the development of thinking creative, you can use learning situations, characteristic of incompetence or openness to integrate new elements; At the same time, students encourage the formulation of many issues. The question of creativity as an independent, independent of the intelligence property remains unresolved. Non-reliable ways to measure it.

    Vocabulary practical psychologist. - M.: Ast, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

    Creativity Etymology.

    Comes from Lat. Creatio - creation.


    Creative abilities of an individual.


    It characterizes the readiness to produce fundamentally new ideas. According to P.Terrenz, creativity includes increased sensitivity to problems, to the deficiency or controversial knowledge, actions to identify these problems, by finding their solutions based on hypotheses, on verification and change of hypotheses, to formulate the results of the solution. Creativity enters the structure of the giftedness as an independent factor.


    For assessment of creativity, various tests of divergent thinking, personal questionnaires, an analysis of the performance of activities are used.


    In order to facilitate the development of creative thinking, training situations can be used, which are characterized by incompleteness or openness to integrate new elements, while students are encouraged to formulate many issues.

    Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


    (eng. creativity.) - Creative opportunities ( ) a person who can manifest thinking, Feelings, Communication, individual species activitiescharacterized in general, and / or its individuals, products of activity, the process of their creation. K. Consider as the most important and relatively independent factor of giftedness (see ), which is rarely reflected in intellect testsand academic achievements. On the contrary, K. is determined not so much with a critical attitude to a new one with t. S. Experiencies, how many susceptibility to new ideas.

    An important stage in the study of K. served by J. Gilford (1967), which allocated convergent(logical, unidirectional) and divergent (running at the same time in different directions, retreating from logic) (cm. ). Most tasks in tests on K. focused on identifying divergent abilities: they do not intend a certain number replies; It is estimated not to correct the answers, but compliance with the task; The search for nontrivial and unexpected solutions is encouraged.

    P. Torrens (1974) identified K. as the appearance of sensitivity to problems, to the deficit or disharmony knowledge; definitions of these problems; search for their solutions, nomination hypotheses; checks, changes and rechecking hypotheses; Finally, formulating and reporting the result of the solution. Considering K. as the process allows you to identify the structure of K. (as abilities), conditions that stimulate this process, as well as assess creative achievements. In tests K., developed by torrent, used models of creative processes, reflecting their complexity in different areas Activities: verbal, visual, sound, motor. Tests are evaluated by K. in the indicators of fluency, flexibility, originality and the development of ideas.

    In addition to the tests for defining K., special questionnaires are used with lists of situations, feelings, interests, forms of behavior characterizing creative people. These questionnaires m. B. Addressed to both the subject and others around him. For product analysis creativityexpert estimates are used: scientists, artists, inventors. Standards for such estimates are always based on public judgment (see , ).

    High rates K. In children do not guarantee their creative achievements in the future, but only increase the likelihood of their appearance in the presence of high motivation to creativity and mastering the necessary creative skills (see ). Experience in learning to some aspects and methods of creative behavior and self-expression, modeling creative actions demonstrates a significant increase in K., as well as the emergence and strengthening of individuals such as independence, openness, new experience, sensitivity to issues, high need for creativity. Among the conditions that stimulate development creative thinkingMixed in.: Situations of incompleteness or openness in contrast to rigidly given and strictly controlled; resolution and promotion of many questions; stimulating responsibility and independence; focus on independent development, observations, feelings, generalizations; Attention to the interests of children from adults and peers. Prevent Development to.: Avoidance risk; The desire for success in any way; Hard stereotypesin thinking and behavior; ; Disapproving grades imagination(fantasy), research; Stay before authoriters. see also . (E. I. Schoblanova.)

    Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


       Creativeness (from.328) (from the English. Creativity) is the level of creative gifting, the ability to creativity, which is a relatively stable characteristics of the individual. IN last years The term received in domestic psychology widespread, almost pushing the previously extended phrase creative skills. These concepts seem synonymous, which could cause doubt about the appropriateness of the introduction of a foreign language term. Actually creativity It is more correct to determine not so much as some creative ability or a totality, but as the ability to creativity, but this is the concepts, although very close, but not identical.

    The creative components of intelligent processes attracted the attention of many scientists throughout the development of psychological science. It is enough to remember the original studies of the Frenchman Alfred Bina, the Englishman Frederic Bartletta, the work of Max Vertheimer, Wolfgang Keler, Karl Dunker, made in the row of Gestalt Psychology, and many other interesting research. However, in most of these works, individual differences in creative abilities were actually not taken into account, although it was recognized that different people endowed with these abilities not equally.

    Interest in individual differences in creative abilities was marked due to obvious achievements in the field of intelligence test metometric studies, as well as with no less obvious omissions in this area.

    By the beginning of the 60s. XX century A large-scale experience of intelligence testing was already accumulated, which in turn set new questions before researchers. In particular, it turned out that professional and life successes Not directly related to the level of intelligence calculated using the IQ tests. Experience testified that people with not very high IQ are capable of uncommon achievements, and many others whose IQ is much higher, often behind them. It was suggested that some other qualities of mind playing a decisive role here, which are not covered by traditional testing.

    Since the comparison of the success of the decision problem situations With traditional intelligence tests in most cases showed the lack of communication between them, some psychologists concluded that the effectiveness of solving problems depends not on the knowledge and skills measured by intellectual tests, but from the special ability to use information given in tasks different ways And in the rapid pace. " Such ability was called creativity. The main means of diagnosis of creativity was the "Test of remote associations" Remote Associates Test), With the help of which the features and "speed of movement of attention at a certain symbolic level within a wide amount of information are measured."

    J.Gilford and his staff allocated 16 hypothetical intellectual abilitiescharacterizing creativity. Among them:

       fluency (the number of ideas arising for some time unit);

       flexibility (the ability to switch from one idea to another);

       originality thinking (the ability to produce ideas different from generally accepted);

       curiosity (Increased sensitivity to problems that are not interested in others);

       irelean (logical independence of reactions from incentives).

    In 1967, Gilford united these factors in general concept "Divergent thinking", which reflects the cognitive side of creativity. Compared to the convergent thinking oriented on a well-known, trivial solution to the problem, the divergent thinking manifests itself when the problem should still be defined and when there is no pre-prescribed, set solution path.

    Initially, Gilford included in the structure of creativity besides the divergent thinking the ability to transform, the accuracy of the solution and other intelligent parameters properly. Thus, the positive relationship between intelligence and creativity was postulated. During numerous experiments, it turned out that highly intelligent subjects may not exercise creative behavior in solving problems, but there are no low-indemnial creatives.

    Later, E.Trains, relying on the results of extensive empirical studies, formulated the model of the ratio of creativity and intelligence: with IQ to 120 points, the total intelligence and creativity form a single factor, with IQ over 120 points creativity loses its dependence on intelligence.

    Further research has little contributed to the clarification of this situation, since they led to contradictory results. N.Kogan and M. Vollah critically analyzed the procedure for testing creativity in Hilford and Torrens experiments. Refusing elements of competitiveness, temporary restrictions and the criterion of accuracy, they as a result established the independence of factors of creativity and intelligence.

    In our country in studies conducted by the employees of the Laboratory abilities of the IP RAS, a paradoxical dependence was revealed: highly cooperative personalities are worse than the tasks for reproductive thinking (they include almost all tests of intellect) than all other subjects. This, in particular, makes it possible to understand the nature of many difficulties that are experiencing creatively gifted children on a school bench. Since, according to this study, creativity is opposite to intelligence as an ability to universal adaptation, then in practice arises the effect of the inability of creative solve simple, template intellectual tasks.

    An interesting study regarding the ratio of creativity and intelligence was held by our compatriot E.L. Grigorenko (now working under the leadership of R.Sterberg in Yale University). It was possible to identify that the number of hypotheses generated by the individual in solving a comprehensive thought problem, correlate creativity according to the Torrens method, and the correctness of the decision positively correlates with the level of general intelligence on the ventilation.

    Relying on this data, V.N. Spring concludes: Creativity and intelligence are orthogonal factors, that is, independent of each other. Meanwhile, they are opposite to the opposite: situations conducive to the manifestation of intelligence are opposite to their characteristics situations in which creativity is manifested. In other words, creativity and general intelligence are abilities, each of which defines the process of solving a mental task, however, they play a different role at various stages of this process.

    However, although the research of creativity is actively being carried out for several decades, the accumulated data is not so much clarified how much the understanding of this phenomenon is confused. It is enough to say that more than forty years ago, more than 60 definitions of creativity were described, and to date they are no longer possible to count. At the same time, some researchers ironically note: "The process of understanding what creativity is, it is necessary to create creative action."

    A few years ago, F. Barron and D. Garrington, summing up the research in this area, made the following generalizations of what is known about creativity.

    Creativity is the ability to react to the need for new approaches and new products. This ability also allows you to be aware of the new in Genesis, although the process itself can be worn both conscious and unconscious.

    The creation of a new creative product largely depends on the identity of the Creator and the forces of its internal motivation.

    The specific properties of the creative process, product and personality are their originality, consistency, validity, adequacy of the problem and another property that can be called the suitability - aesthetic, ecological, optimal form, correct and original at the moment.

    Creative products can be very different in nature: a new solution to the problem in mathematics, opening a chemical process, creating music, paintings or poems, a new philosophical or religious system, innovation in jurisprudence, fresh solution social problems and etc.

    Unfortunately, so far, scientists have not achieved agreement even about whether creativity exists in general, or is it a scientific context? However, the same doubts are expressed in the address of the traditional concept of "intelligence". It is not surprised that the ratio of these concepts causes even more disputes. According to some American psychologists, most of the data obtained on the ratio of creativity and intelligence make it possible to allocate creativity "as the concept of the same level of abstraction as intelligence, but more vaguely and vaguely measured."

    On this basis, it is impossible to exclude the fact that creativity, like a traditionally measured intelligence, is characterized by a certain set of intensively learned mental actions, skills and strategies. Certificates in favor of this were obtained in studies on creative formation. So, Gudna, Ward, Haddon and Litton demonstrated a direct dependence of creativity on the conditions of socialization, up to the level of educational institutions in which various people receive education. In other words, there are Schools conservative, forming performers - creative individuals in them do not get along, reject them; And there are schools creative, which in the literal sense of the word teach creatively. True, and firstly, the creators are published (let's remember the same Thomas Edison, who did not cope with the routine program), and the second does not guarantee the one hundreds of graduates at all. Probably, something is laid in the man itself, and not only in the cognitive sphere, but also in personality. What is laid, to what extent, how to stimulate and encourage? These questions are still waiting for their researchers.

    Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005.


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