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Why a person does not really set out the thought. Take any word and give him a definition. Select the main points

To speak correctly and beautiful, so so that you understand you, you need to-come!

1. Try to talk more with people (especially on the themes that you want to talk clearly and beautiful): to discuss, argue, criticize, explain, defend;

2. Try to listen carefully to those who like you to listen to, talk to them, even if at the beginning it will not be formed - adrenaline when selecting the desired words it also helps.

3. Read out loud. Process the diction, because speaking is the result of air and muscle voice ligaments. In some cases, it does not even matter what you are reading, and do it understand. (I heard that it is most useful to read the plays).

4. Read interesting booksThat could customize your brain to make thinking from which your speech would be born. (In my case it was different tutorials and scientific articles whose purpose was just the same and clearly explain something. A couple of books of the 80s were especially difficult, but after a time I began to understand them).

5. It will not be superfluous to learn the basics of speech culture, dispute management rules, etc. (We had several lectures in the curriculum.)

6. Learn to argue your opinion. When something else is confident and, not only on your views / intuition, but also on objective facts, the opinions of specialists, when you understand the topic of conversation - to speak easier!

7. If you have the opportunity and necessity, use all the possibilities for manifesting yourself as a speaker: you say to the toast to unfamiliar relatives or retell the abstract (it also happens unfamiliar) - it is a powerful training against fear of speaking.

8. Learn to see the narrative script. If there is an opportunity and the need to prepare speech, always need to clearly represent the structure: how to welcome where to start, how to go to the relevance, to the problem, to the conclusions, to proposals and how to summarize and finish and finish and finish you and start to ask questions. It is possible to make cheat sheets with the structure, but no harvested phrases (!), Otherwise your brain will try to somehow shove into speech, and your presentation will look torn on slooked pieces and "something between".

9. There are many phrases assistants who structure your story and the attention of the opponent. Use them. "The task consisted in" Thus, "," in other words, "," according to experts, "in conclusion, you can say", etc.

10. Fashionable thinking, epithets, allegories, comparisons, hyperbolas - our language is full of expressive means. Remind yourself that it is and try to decorate the speech by emotional inserts and, possibly, small lyrical deviations. If you plan a "lyrical retreat", do not forget to mentally leave the "anchor" at that moment, to which you plan to return, otherwise you can get into the embarrassing position "So what is me ...".

Clarity of thought determines the clarity of the presentation is the truth. Why many people are not able to speak clearly and clearly formulate their position? How to learn to explain so that you understand and wanted to listen.

Not every person knows how to express his thoughts. Listen, listen to such a person - and in vain, trying to catch a reasonable thought from the flow of words and understand what he wanted to say.

And then if you have enough patience to listen to the end. And you just start thinking: Does he understand what he says? After all, there is no wonder in the 17th century, French literary critic N. Bouoye wrote: "Who is clearly thinking, he clearly set out."

To be able to correctly formulate your thoughts to convey them to the interlocutor, it is important both in a friendly conversation and when taking a job, especially such that requires business contacts and negotiations.

What should I think before start talking

1. Determine the main idea

Before joining a conversation, the thought should be "thought" to the end, that is, to clearly imagine what we are talking about. L. N. Tolstoy considered: "To handle something like, it means to think something." Based on this, the inability to express his thought indicates that it has not yet been completely "matured" in the head of the speaker.

2. Use less details

The mistake of many people in conversation is that they pay too much attention to detail, as a result of which it becomes impossible to catch main thought. No wonder A.P. Chekhov said that brevity is a sister of talent. Excessive talkativeness and verbose only make it difficult to perceive the said.

3. Do not be distracted

Sometimes during the conversation talking distracting, considering foreign objects, because of which it often loses the thread of the conversation. Therefore, trying to convey to the interlocutor something important, it is worth focusing on your thoughts.

4. Speak clearly and clear

Often, telling something, we jump from one topic to another, say fragments of phrases and think at the same time that the interlocutor must understand us from a half-clow. It is not necessary to think that he is obliged to guess what we want to say - it is better to immediately speak clearly and clearly.

What depends on the ability to formulate thoughts?

In the ability to express their thoughts will help logic, because it is no wonder it is called science about the right thinking or art of reasoning.

The main task of logic is based on reasoning to make the right conclusion and get the true idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject of reflection. "The logic is a pursuer of dark and intricate thinking" - so said the English philosopher J. Mill in the 19th century.

Thus, in order to be able to correctly formulate your thoughts, you need to learn how to build a logical chain from reasoning to convey to the listener a clear understanding of the thoughts of the storyteller. And for this it will not hurt to explore the logic and its laws.

It is impossible to learn how to formulate your thoughts in the absence of a rich vocabulary stock. Suppose a person says briefly, it is not distracted, and he is not interested in listening to him and his interlocutor is no. Perhaps the fact is that he has a poor vocabulary. For example, vocabulary educated person Our days is approximately 10 thousand words. For comparison: A. S. Pushkin used more than 21 thousand words in his works.

A person who has a rich vocabulary and can take advantage of them, attracts people as an interesting interlocutor. No exception and employers, since good competent speech speaks of education and creativity.

How to increase your vocabulary?

One way to enrich the vocabulary is reading. This is confirmed by the words of the French enlightener: "People cease to think when they cease to read." You need to read not all in a row, but those works that will really help enrich speech - classics L. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, etc., and read thoughtfully, analyzing read. Liked words and expressions can be written in order to use them in their speech.

IN everyday life Most people tend to use the same set of words. However, it is easy to make interesting and deserving, if with the help of a dictionary synonyms or intelligent dictionary To banal and beaten words, which, perhaps, we are already tired of choosing alternative options and include them in their lexicon.

It will help to make speech bright, beautiful and figurative memorization of the words like words, phrases and expressions that can be "overheard" in someone else's conversation, film, etc. and make "their". Best of all, of course, write them from time to time, because they have a property forget.

How does the memory status affect the ability to present thoughts?

Many people are familiar with a sense of confusion when conversation, especially emotional, when not only "beautiful" and correct wordsBut anyone at all. And only after some time a man suddenly falls, which should be said. Here will help the development of memory and quick response.

The state of memory impairs insufficient blood saturation and, accordingly, the brain of oxygen. Many familiar feeling of fatigue, dumping with a long stay in a poorly worn room. The physical activity and sport improve blood circulation, ensure the health of the brain, which is reflected in the memory status.

No less important sleep night - otherwise memory at the chemical level will not work in full strength. Tobacco and alcohol in large quantities Over time, lead to a worsening of memory, and products that contain a lot of protein (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and are easily absorbed (for example, boiled vegetables) - it is improved. Stressful mental work is accompanied by loss of calcium and phosphorus, so their stocks need to be filled, turning off the cheese, nuts, eggs, etc. It is curious that worsens the brain and crowded stomach.

It is necessary to train memory in the same way as any other organ that otherwise atrophy. Export methods for everyone can be their own. The main thing before seeking help, first try to remember the forgotten yourself.

As a workout, you can, for example, fold the numbers in the mind, from which the numbers pass by cars passing out. Or with indefinitive counts, do not rush to use the calculator.

Many helps memorize the necessary names, other people's birthday, telephones and addresses with the help of associations and parallels built in their consciousness. For example, the commemorative code of the bank card 2467, we focus on the fact that 2 and 4 in the amount will be 6, after which 7 follows.

How to get the skills of forming thoughts?

Learn to form your thoughts will help the maintenance of a personal diary. Suitable as a computer version and "paper". The maintenance of the diary on paper will take longer, however, it will allow not to delete the unrelated text. Over time, texts at the beginning and at the end can be compared to estimate the result. Of course, it is necessary to write not dry and monosyllant, and expressing your mood, emotions and trying to show eloquence.

Some people to learn to express their thoughts are starting their blog on the Internet, for example, in a live magazine, and even risk uploading their videos to look at yourself and get an assessment.

The skills in the ability to formulate and state their thoughts, and also to defend your point of view, you can buy, participating in discussions and forums, both on the Internet and live. And the more sociable person, the more opportunities he will have opportunities for the manifestation of his "oratory" opportunities and "exhaustion" of skill.

However, it is important to have a not just a wide circle of communication - it must be appropriate in terms of intelligence and interests. After all, constantly dealing with people, in a conversation with whom it is not necessary to strain and which themselves cannot associate two words, the person gradually loses the ability to express his thoughts easily and understandable.

The ability to competently and correctly speak and express your thoughts come in handy a man, a woman and even a child. Little to learn how to simply utter words - you need to be able to speak beautifully and right.

Everyone knows that a person who knows how to express his thoughts beautifully, you can listen endlessly. There are many nuances and tricks that are important to consider when communicating. A man and a woman, the skills of competent and high-quality communication will help to become interesting and stay at the height.

List of main skillsTo which you need to follow a man and a woman to increase the level of eloquence:

  • Diction training;
  • Training technician speech;
  • An increase in the vocabulary stock.

To convincingly express your thoughts, you need to develop each of them.

Ways to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully

First I. important factorwho will help learn to speak beautifully - the ability to quickly think, understand the interlocutor, supplement it and be interesting to him in communication. Record the famous thoughts and interesting words that have heard throughout the day, repeat them before bedtime.

You need to read books. If an unfamiliar word is found, then it is necessary to figure out its value - this will allow you to learn to lead a conversation with the most different categories of people. Over time, you can easily communicate freely on any topics with children, retirees, schoolchildren and even professors.

How to learn to speak beautifully woman

An interesting interlocutor is important to a woman, and the man first of all evaluates the appearance of appearance. This information is true only for the first dates, and after a couple of meetings, even the most attractive person will be able to boring a man.

Therefore, a woman who does not know how to clearly formulate and convey thoughts, you need to work on yourself and above your erudition. A man will be boring the interlocutor who cannot convincingly to present thoughts.

The desire to communicate will help the girl to develop eloquence. Rhetoric - a gift that can sometimes divorce nature, but the main thing is desire, because the problem can be solved if you carefully work on yourself and stop being lazy.

Everyday work will allow a woman to speak in public and attract attention. Skill competently present thoughts to each other - need element relationship.

A man and woman such communication is to benefit, supporting a healthy union and ensuring complete mutual understanding.

Technique speech How to learn how to speak right and beautiful

Both a man and a woman's idea to develop a speech talent will help to become interesting to people around people. Each Council specified below will bring to achieve this goal.

How to learn how to express your thoughts exercise

In order to learn to speak beautifully, an exercise is often used, which came up with an orator of ancient time demosphen. This man was subject to the art of eloquence.

The exercise: To train the language for speed and accuracy. In your mouth, take pebbles, peas or nuts and read the speech so as to do everything correctly and prevent any errors.

Even part of the current speakers cannot correctly be explicitly. Find the records of Soviet masters (who did everything right) and take their speech for some standard.

How to develop speech - ways to learn to speak competently and confident

In order to master competent speech, It is necessary to know the language perfectly. Perform exercises with the words you are pronounced incorrectly. A competent person must have an ideal syllable. Call with strokes - the word that is said with a mistake spoil the impression of the rest of the speech.

To your public speaking It was competent, you must first determine where you make mistakes. Well, if an extraneous person will say about the errors. The permanent circle around you can constantly get used to you and not notice them.

How to learn how to build a conversation and beautifully? Remember your inaccuracies, learn from them. Clean witty and accurately answer the question. Answer informative - its quality will be reflected in general terms to the performance.

How to teach a child beautifully and competently talk

Tips that will help your child none talk, competently express thoughts and correctly apply words:

  • Do not apply with a child of diminitious words;
  • It is necessary to bring the child examples, help and recommend to properly state thoughts;
  • Its child should be exposed to each sentence correctly, clearly, but so that everything is clear;
  • Do not be afraid to say to a child when he allows an error;
  • A child, like an adult man or a woman, an audience is important - listen to him;
  • Read with him - give a child one role, and the husband is another, and everyone enjoy the process together.

My problem is that it becomes more difficult for me to formulate my thoughts every day, to correctly express them (forget the necessary words on half the phrase and have to look for synonyms, applying tremendous efforts). Often, the words, permanent reservations, disappears the clarity of speech (this reminds me of people who have undergone stroke). All this affects communication with other people. We lose the ability to analyze the situation (in some mental stupor). Losing clarity of thinking when talking with people, although alone with him is all right. At the face of some kind of degradation of the person. What is it connected and how to treat?

Answers psychologists

Lyudmila, hello.

There is too little information about you. To begin with, you need a detailed diagnosis of your condition and watching you, conversation with you.

The described symptoms can be as evidence of a complex disease, and not talking about anything serious. Contact your psychiatrist at the place of residence or to start the host, talk with a competent psychologist.

You can talk in Skype. Contact, write in a personal or look for another way of communication. You can immediately register on Skype consultation.

Biryukova Anastasia, your gestalt psychologist in full-time in St. Petersburg and in Skype.

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Hello, Lyudmila!

I recommend you to turn to a neuropathologist / neurologist to eliminate the causes lying in the field of physiology. Your symptoms may be associated with different reasonsBut it is better to start clarifying this not with a psychologist, but with a doctor. And it is better not to delay.

Good luck to you!

Akmurzina Natalia Viktorovna, Psychologist, Psychotherapist in Chelyabinsk

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Dear Lyudmila!

If you think that with memory you are fine outside communication with people, then you may have sociophobia in this way expressed. If you have a strong fear of dementia, then you can have hysterical manifestations.

Yes, what you describe, happens after stroke, but maybe with a different organic. If you are immediately difficult for a neurologist, a psychiatrist go, first follow the surveys: MRI of the brain, veins and arteries of the brain, the ultrasound of the neck and the brain fee (you can quickly pass). Then the picture will be clear for you - you really receive a diagnosis, although it should be then confirmed by doctors.

Or contact the district therapist, you will be sent to the hospital, to the examination, so even easier. You need, most likely urgent health careThe sooner - the better for you.

If you want support - write, call. Hope you have relatives, relatives?

I wish you health and well-being!

Rimma Dyusmetova, Member of the European Association of Psychotherapists Chelyabinsk

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Nowadays, many people are worried about how to learn how to express their thoughts correctly. Since simple communication on a business meeting, with colleagues, with close people require certain skills. And everyone can learn them.

You can talk with business partners in a frivolous manner, but with relatives during dinner, you should not communicate with a presentable tone. Maybe each of you noticed that people who communicate at work, study official techniques, are often not sincere in communication. A man who cares for a woman, a woman who coquettly communicates with a man, do not suspect that psychological techniques are complicated.

Communication brings people a new impulse, joy, pleasure, they allow you to cope with boredom, with a routine of everyday life, and in professional activities can raise on new level. Communication is the process of establishing and developing relations between individuals, the ability to understand each other, the exchange of information and so on.

How to, express your thoughts?

The ability of a person to express his thoughts is the ability to communicate. Agree that it is difficult to communicate with a person who is not able to say what he wants. For example, if you speak with a person in a state alcoholic intoxication. He has many philosophical thoughts, but he does not work with them with words.

Naturally, this is an extreme case, but in life, every sensible person has a minimal vocabulary.

You could meet a person who to explain their emotions, his own impression, lacked words. He could not designate images and thoughts in his head. Some words can often be heard in a conversation, for example EM and others. Maybe it was with you? Then you have a small problem with the expression of thoughts. She is small because it is overcome. Next, we will tell you about the exercises that will be able to develop this ability.

How to learn to communicate: Exercises

Read more

In order to be able to smoothly and consistently express thoughts, it is necessary to have a big vocabulary. So he was such - it is necessary to increase your own degree of honor, read books, magazines, newspapers, literature, etc. You will postpone the words that have a similar meaning, and the meaning of new words you can learn from dictionaries.

More chat

Discussing people a variety of topics or just communicating, you can learn more. If you have a lot of word stock, it does not mean that you can use them correctly. If you come across this, now we will give you some advice.

  1. Take any word and give him a definition in the form of a connected finished sentence, as if you ask yourself: "What is ... smile?", "What does it mean ... breathe?"
  2. Meniate 3-4 words and with the help of them to make a proposal, and the more you make them, the better. It is also useful to conduct such workouts and with a small child.

Difficulties in dealing with people

When a person communicates incomprehensible words

It is impossible not to remember the difficulties that arise in communication if a person is talking incomprehensible to other people phrases or words. It may be scientific terminology, a set of jargon phrases, obscene vocabulary. This is associated with culture and education. In this case, you should feel the interlocutor, ask whether he understands these words or explain them to him.

Approach in communication

This is pretty important momentBecause the ability to pick up words for that audience that listens to you, it is worthwhile. This is a manner of communication, style. It is necessary to use words that will be appropriate and understood by this circle of listeners. In different social groups, you need to use different words, For example, in the circle of friends alone, and at the meeting others.

To find out whether the words are appropriate or not, just put yourself in the person's place to which you appeal, and accomplish your loan from the side. For specific situation It is better to take advantage of specific phrases and expressions.

If you are on the interview loudly say "Respect and Respect", you can immediately set out the door. Communication is expressed by the degree of its interest and attitude towards the interlocutor.

Required tempo speech

It depends on the situation, for example, for hot debate, you can use a fast paced, and slowly fit in another situation. But it is important that the pronunciation is measured and smooth. Even if the desire to convey some news or a splash of emotions occurred, you need to try to make thoughts in your head first put on a coherent speech, and only then turn them into words.

There is an exercise that will help state thoughts in the same pace. When you go, just say something, you can about yourself or loud, and for each subsequent step, pronounce the same number of words, about two words per step.

As soon as learn to express thoughts, you will be able to get rid of such words of parasites as "well", "shorter", "Em". These words say people who have limited vocabulary, as well as those who quickly speak.