Repair Design Furniture

What needs to be done so that the bed does not creak. What to do if a wooden bed creaks. What to do if the frame creaks

All owners of wooden beds sooner or later face the problems of the creak of their favorite bed. This is unrealistically annoying, sometimes even unnerving, if every movement is accompanied by disgusting sounds. Normal sleep, not to mention the spouses' nightlife, can be at risk. What can you do to prevent the bed from creaking?

Let's define the main reasons for the squeak. One day not at all perfect wooden bed will surely creak. However, high-quality work will postpone this day a lot. The reasons can be foreseen, but it is impossible to neutralize in any way - this is a physical phenomenon. Squeaking is caused by rubbing parts against each other.

As a rule, the fastening of the bed parts is carried out among themselves with self-tapping screws or fasteners. Over time, the wood undergoes some structural changes, and tiny distances appear between the parts. As a result - a creak. You can tighten the elements, and tighten the nuts. But as a result, you are in danger of breaking the body or legs. There is no way to completely eliminate the nasty squeak. But the hole that appears must be somehow eliminated without using wrench... The wood will continue to change, swell or dry out. Therefore, it is necessary to use something flexible that is able to maintain its shape (photo 1).

In this case, rubber glue is ideal. It can be used to glue each joint on the bed (photo 2).

This is done in the morning. And in the evening you can safely go to bed in a quiet bed. Rubber endures high loads, while retaining its elasticity. Friction between the parts continues, but now there is a soft pillow between them.

So, how to glue the bed:

  • we disassemble the product for parts;
  • degrease the joints with alcohol;
  • after drying, glue is applied to the joints - every detail;
  • the structure is assembled, dries.

It will be almost impossible to disassemble an already glued bed in the future, remember this. But if squeaking annoys you, then it's worth it (photo 3).

Orthopedic beds are more expensive than regular beds, but sleeping on them is much more comfortable and healthier for the back. You can choose and buy a bed in Kharkiv using this link. But they also creak sometimes. If such a bed is equipped with slats, first of all it is necessary to check the grooves (photo 4).

In the event that they were fastened incorrectly, this is the source of the squeak. Orthopedic bases equipped with a solid bottom last longer and without squeaking.

If it is the base that creaks, then you need to glue the joints (photo 5).

As a rule, it begins to make sounds during long-term use of the product. If the bed began to creak literally right after the purchase, then check that the parts are assembled correctly. Collected by experts, and there are no mistakes? The marriage of this product is obvious, you need to contact the administration of the outlet and take it back. In this case, demonstrate to the seller and manager exactly how the product squeaks, try to determine the source of the sounds together. Remember that the quality wood that was used to create the bed should not make any sounds at all (photo 6).

The fact that the bed squeaks indicates a marriage or improper storage of goods in a warehouse, for example, as a result of which the wood is deformed and squeaks.

Beds that have lifting mechanism, of course, more convenient. They are functional, because the space inside can be used for something. This is also the reason for the appearance of unnecessary sounds. Metal mounts on a wooden bed can be oiled (photo 7).

All photos from the article

How to get rid of the squeak of a wooden bed if it has caused restless sleep? It is necessary to determine the causes of unpleasant sounds, determine their location and take measures to eliminate these causes. We will show you how to remove the creak of a wooden bed and restore silence in the bedroom.

Determine the reasons for the squeak

The most common problems

Most people prefer to buy wooden furniture due to habit and aesthetic preferences, since no material can compare with wood in terms of the beauty of the pattern. However, it should be understood that this material has special properties, including a tendency to deformations and changes in geometry. They also lead to undesirable effects such as squeaking.

The strength of wood is relatively low, and the places of fasteners, joints and joints loosen and loosen over time, which causes backlash, as a result of which friction occurs, leading to squeaks.

So, we have shown that the occurrence of noise is almost inevitable due to the properties of wood, and most often they arise for the following reasons:

  • Wooden parts shrink or absorb moisture, while their geometry changes... Uneven resizing of fasteners, changing gaps and slots lead to friction and backlash, which cause unpleasant sounds; (See also the article.)
  • The places where the boards are fastened with bolts, spikes, nails or self-tapping screws gradually wear out under the action of loads, the holes increase, the fastening spikes or pins are deformed, the screws are unscrewed and the nails are loosened... All this leads to displacement of parts relative to each other with inevitable friction and creak;
  • The geometry of the frame itself is changing, the legs are giving way, the angles are changing... The structure becomes less stable, the loads begin to act in other directions and again lead to noise and squeaks.

In addition, the mattress may creak, especially if it is spring-loaded. Also on wooden frame a metal mesh can be installed to support the mattress, which also sometimes starts to make sounds.

What to do if a wooden bed creaks? First, find out the reasons.

Finally, floorboards located under the legs of the bed can creak. Also, the back or side board of the product may rub against adjacent furniture or a wall.

No matter how high-quality a wooden bed is, sooner or later it will make a creak when moving, interfering with sleep and rest and simply unnerving. With all the remaining comfort of the bed, such a tangible minus as a creak will become a reason for a deterioration in the quality of sleep, and therefore, human health. At the same time, changing this bed to a new one is not the most economically viable decision. In most cases, we are talking about fixing furniture and eliminating the auditory irritant that has appeared if the wooden bed creaks. How can we fix this so that you can continue to use your favorite bed for many more years?

The reasons for the creak of the bed

It is quite possible to get rid of the squeak without being a furniture specialist. However, if a wooden bed squeaks, the problem can only be solved by first understanding why the furniture is making these unpleasant sounds.

This is most likely due to the natural drying process. natural material- wood. An equally common reason can be that the fasteners of the bed parts weaken over time.

But you should exclude the sound that may come from the old mattress, since in this case it turns out that it is not a wooden bed that squeaks. What to do to find out if the mattress is to blame? You just need to take it off and put it on the floor, then lie down and move. If there is no squeak, then you need to continue the study of all parts of the bed: slats or boards under the mattress, all joints without exception, as well as the frame and legs. As soon as the place or places of the defect are found, you can begin to act in accordance with what exactly is causing the squeak.

Looseness of fasteners

Looseness of fasteners is the most common reason the appearance of an unpleasant sound, since all materials, without exception, tend to wear out, and over time, one part, wearing out, begins to come into contact with another more tightly than it was intended by the design. In addition, movement and weight acting on the parts can also weaken the fastening tightness. In such cases, it is sufficient to tighten all nuts and bolts.

But it happens that from time to time they are no longer able to withstand the load on their own, and the wooden bed creaks. What to do in such cases? You need to supply additional fasteners. For example, special corners made of wood or metal, which should be screwed on the other side of the furniture. Instead of or in addition to corners, all joints can be reinforced with wood glue.

By tightening, strengthening and allowing the glue to dry, you can check if the creak has disappeared. If it remains, you need to use one of the types lubricant, with which they cover the joints of the bed to eliminate the friction of all the wooden parts of the frame. You can use special silicone grease, grease, paraffin and even ordinary soap. This work must be done carefully and very carefully, since there is a high risk of damage to the upper protective and decorative layer of wood.

Bonding joints

A very good proven way to eliminate bed squeaks is to use rubber glue to seal the holes that make the bed squeak. The adhesive remains flexible enough to hold the filled space securely. You need to use this method according to the following instructions:

  1. Disassemble the bed into the smallest possible parts to assess the wear and tear.
  2. Degrease all joints with any alcohol, let it evaporate.
  3. Thoroughly apply rubber glue to each of the prepared parts.
  4. Immediately after application, we assemble and make a wooden bed and, putting it in its usual place, we wait for the glue to dry completely, in accordance with the recommendations on the package.

After that, the creak should not remain. The only drawback of the described method is that the glue between the elements will not allow the bed to be easily disassembled in the future.


The very slats on which the mattress is located is an equally popular reason why it happens that a wooden bed squeaks. What to do in this case? The problem can be eliminated only by replacing the old defective rails with new ones or by trying to swap the old rails in places.


It happens that the reason for the squeak lies in this defect is the most difficult task for home renovation... The legs, of course, can be replaced with others, but their installation can be quite difficult even for professionals. But it is possible to simply remove the legs, for example by cutting them down, without special skills and tools. In addition, instead of the boring classic bed, the result can be a new fashionable and original item interior - a platform for sleeping and resting directly on the floor.

Visual change of scene, stability and elimination of squeak in this way can be achieved at the same time. Of course, this solution is not suitable for everyone, but you can still consider it. Who knows, maybe someone close will wake up the talent of an interior designer, and the platform bed will become the most favorite piece of furniture in the house.

What else can you do if your wooden bed squeaks

What to do for those who have not been helped by the above methods? You can get rid of the squeak without resorting to drastic measures if you try to apply the following tricky solutions:

  1. A thick cushion is placed between the wall and the headboard as an additional shock-absorbing support, significantly reducing the strength of the skip.
  2. A small layer of any dense material between the frame and the bed net or slats.
  3. Special covers for furniture legs.
  4. Checking the position of the mattress (moving down can create noise).

Thus, having discovered the cause of the creak and knowing what to do if the bed creaks, you can stop this annoying misunderstanding at no extra cost and use your favorite furniture for a long time.

Any material changes its shape and characteristics over time, therefore, defects may appear in coatings and objects made from it. Bed creaks - how to eliminate this unpleasant, cutting sound? This phenomenon brings a lot of inconvenience to households, due to the fact that it is impossible to turn around at night without disturbing someone's sleep. When finances do not allow you to update a sleeping place, the question arises of what to do to remove these unpleasant sounds.

Determine the cause of the squeak:

  • The first step is to remove the mattress with an orthopedic base from the bed structure, put them on the floor.

Important! An orthopedic base is a special base made of wooden planks- it is located under the mattress.

  • Check for squeaks on the mattress. You need to make sure that the mattress is not the source of an unpleasant squeak before you move on to checking the frame of the bed itself. You need to climb onto the mattress and move a little. If squeaking is heard, the reason is the mattress.
  • Check for squeak orthopedic base... It is necessary to press on it from above and try to swing it. If you hear a squeak, most likely it is it that creates all the problems.
  • Shake the legs of the structure and listen carefully. Unpleasant sound often appears where there are butt joints between the legs and the rest of the frame.

Important! Try to find the exact spot where the creak is coming from.

  • Rock the support strips from below on the inside of the structure frame. Support strips are usually made of wood or metal. They are always located at a certain distance from each other and extend from one sidewall of the frame to the second. An orthopedic base with a mattress is later placed on the slats. You need to push down on each support bar to see if they are making an annoying sound.

Important! Very often, the reason for the squeak is caused by the friction of one piece of wood against another.

Eliminate the creak

So, now you can answer the question of what to do if the bed creaks. To save your sleeping place from creaking, you need to perform this algorithm:

  1. Take everything the right tools for further work with a part of the bed that turned out to be faulty. You need to see exactly how the butt joint of the bed frame is arranged, and the place where the sound comes from. If in your case fastening with screws, you need to take a screwdriver the right size... If bolted, arm yourself with a wrench.
  2. Tighten the abnormal sounding butt joint. Often the main cause of bed squeak is loose fittings in butt joints. Before disassembling the frame, you need to tighten the screws and bolts in those places from which an unpleasant sound is emitted.
  3. Use a washer if there is any difficulty that the bolt is not fully tightened.
  4. Completely disassemble the butt joint if the bed still squeaks. Use your toolbox to loosen and remove any bolts or screws that hold the joint together. They did it in a separate place so as not to accidentally lose them. Disconnect the frame parts that are part of the problematic butt joint.
  5. Lubricate all elements of the butt joint. Apply grease to the surfaces of the two butt joint parts touching each other. The following will be listed best views lubricants for this purpose:
    • Paraffin is a waxy substance that comes in the form of bars. They are easy to rub on the parts you need.
    • WD-40 is an aerosol lubricant suitable for treating beds with metal carcass... The only negative is that it can dry out over time.
    • Candle wax can be used to ease the creak of the bed. They need to rub the workpieces.
    • Silicone Grease. You can buy it at a hardware store, and then treat all problematic elements of the butt joint with it - this way you get rid of the squeak for a long time.
  6. Reassemble the bed frame. Return to their places all the parts that were unscrewed, tighten all the bolts and screws.

Important! Make sure that all fasteners are tightened securely so that they do not make even more noise later on.

  1. Check if the creaking has stopped. Try rocking your sleeping area to check for annoying sounds.

Fixing problems quickly

Wooden bed creaks - what if you can't fix it yourself? Several will be written below useful tips to solve this problem:

  1. Lay the support strips of the frame with unnecessary clothing. The fabric will prevent the orthopedic base or mattress from creating friction with the bed frame.
  2. Use a cork seal to fill excess gaps in wood-framed bed designs.
  3. Slip a towel or other cloth under the uneven legs of the bed so that it cannot sway and make unnecessary sounds.
  4. Place the book under the mattress near the source of the squeak. If the annoying sound comes from the support strips, remove it from the sleeping place mattress with an orthopedic base, and then place the book on the creaking bar. After that, you need to return the orthopedic base and mattress to their place.

After a hard day, you can lie on comfortable bed and sleep well. However, sometimes sleep is disturbed by a nasty creak, which makes it impossible to fully rest.

Creaky wooden beds have never been a pleasure for anyone. How to get rid of the problem that has arisen?

Creak of a bed made of wood: eliminating a nuisance

Try to pinpoint exactly what squeaks by starting with the mattress. Remove the product to the floor and crawl over it, listening for the sounds.

If the mattress squeaks, then buy a new one, sparing no expense. In the event that everything is fine with him, continue to look for the problem area.

Fasteners can also cause squeaks. In this case, it is worth tightening all the screws securely.

The joints of the elements can be lubricated with soap or silicone. Such products eliminate friction, so the squeak disappears.

If the slats creak, then it is worth doing a little differently. These elements are lubricated with paraffin or swapped.

The lamellas take on the main load, so over time they may even become covered with cracks. If suddenly the squeak does not disappear, then replace these elements with new ones.

The most difficult option is extraneous sounds that have arisen due to the loose legs of the bed. It is very difficult to repair such items.

Craftsmen often suggest cutting down the legs of the bed to get rid of the problem. Modern factories practically do not produce products based on such elements.

These are the main ways that you can get rid of the squeakiness of a wooden bed. If everything is done correctly, then you can sleep and wake up refreshed and vigorous.

Benefits of wooden beds

You managed to figure out the ways to eliminate the squeak. And now it is worth mentioning the advantages of wooden beds:

  • wood is considered safe material, which is not capable of harming human health;
  • the products are very practical;
  • the bed made of wood will serve for a very long time;
  • it is easy to care for the product, because it is enough to wipe the surface with polish from time to time;
  • wood furniture will fit into any interior, making the room as cozy and warm as possible;
  • the products are very comfortable, so you can get enough sleep and not feel tired.

These are the main points about using a wooden bed. If you make a choice in favor of such products, you can get a lot of significant advantages, because your home will become not only stylish, but also cozy.