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Life after death. Plato. Raymond Moody - Life after life

Immortality soul

Mortal or immortal human soul? Ask this question - it means to ask about the meaning of the existence of a person, about its nature, debt and hopes. A response that the person chooses is intuitive, since it is not given to us to choose, - predetermines its image of thinking and attitude to life. Therefore, the question of the nature of the soul is the main for everyone. Taking this or that position, thereby chooses the formula for its existence, for everything that happens to us is rooted in our worldview, in the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should and valuable. It also defines its attitude to death as such. At the time of Plato, as today, there were two main points of view on this. "Death is one of two: either to die, it means to become anything ... either, if you believe legend, it is some kind of change for the soul, its relocation from the local places to another place" ("Apology Socrates", 40).

If death is the end of everything, as Socrates says, it is not terrible, for what follows it, like deep, strong sleep without dreams, when no one bothers a man. If the soul is immortal, then death is only a transition from this world to some other world. It is this idea that Plato adheres to, and on the basis of it, he puts new questions. If the soul is immortal, if it has a divine origin, then why did she fall into the incident? What is the other world and what happens there with the soul?

The world is different

Plato's representations about the past world are decorated in a holistic and slender picture, various aspects of which are presented in the compositions of "Gorgiy", "Fedon", "Fedr" and "State". Describing the other world, he relies on the works of Homer, Gesiod, Pindara and Eschil, to the Orphic exercises and on the most ancient traditions.

"Aid is an invisible world, where the soul leaves after death, accompanied by his genius. The road that leads there is not easy and not the only one, and it should have many squabbles and intersections "(Fedon, 108A).

The other world is a world in which the court is going on above the soul, and the sons of Zeus Minos, Radamant and Eak, who, estimating her lifestyle on Earth, from the point of view of the Divine Law, carry out their verdict, thereby determining the further fate of the soul. This is the world of reward, therefore, there are areas that correspond to pure and spiritual life, and the areas in which the soul pays for all its pre-sackers. There the soul spends about a thousand years, so that the award and the punishment in tenfolded size exceeds their causes. In other world, the time is as if lengthened, flows slower than in the world manifested. This world is diverse and divided into levels, and the movement that the soul carries out there is a movement along the vertical axis, at one end of which the tartar is located, and on the other - Olympus.

The other world has its own landscape: mountains, rivers, lakes, fiery areas and deserts. There are rivers flow, among which four, corresponding to the four elements and parties of light: Ahernontt, periphetyton, coit and ocean. There are also lake mnemosins and the river oblivion - summer. There are borders separating the world other of the world visible. In myth about the era, which Platon completes the "state", the invisible world is clearly divided into the right upper space - heavenly - and the leftmost - underground. In one soul, it is cleared of all bodily and sensual, in the other it is rewarded according to her merit (contemplates the truth). Thus, the posthumous existence is the process of cleansing from past experience and the resumption of forces in order to return to Earth again, to continue the long way of recognizing itself, its true nature.

After the appointed date of the soul, choose your next life, and at the same time the choice most souls comes from experience and habits previous Life; This choice approved by Moyramors - the goddesses of fate, after the descent of the soul into the body becomes a reality for her.

In a sense, the geography of the other world is geography of the soul itself. How many people are so many invisible worlds. And in each of these worlds there is its lower and upper sky: the space of four elements of personal experience and the essential space of the Spirit. In this spiritual space of the soul rises through inspiration, in order to, using inner vision, contemplate the highest reality, which has nothing to do with sensual experiences and interests of the transient person.

After the death of the soul should go through the same roads for which he went during his earthly existence. Knowledge, as Plato says, there is a memoiler that the soul has seen before (in Aida), and her earthly life is the result of the choice that she made in another world to his birth. Like this, everything that happens to the soul after death should be a memoir about the lived life, an impartial assessment and court over all elections that were made here in this world. The choice of fate is a free choice. But if, during the earthly life, a person has the opportunity to influence himself, changing, to be done better, then after death, only justice affects the soul. We do not choose dreams, they just will shoot us, being a consequence of past experience. Like this, the experiences of the soul, when it is already in the otherworldly world, is no longer chosen, their choice was carried out throughout the earthly life. Each person creates and carries his tartar and Olympus inside. The first corresponds to a sensual aspect of life, and the second is the result of his spiritual quest.

Life is the deployment of the soul from the inside out; Posthumous experiences are coagulation. The soul-free soul meets his own deeds in another world.

Death - the exposure of the soul

According to legend, in ancient times, the trial of the soul was carried out on the last day of the human life, before his death. Some people came to this court in the best clothes, decorated with their noble origin, glory, power and wealth, and, moreover, a witnesses confirming the truthfulness of all their words with them. Others, no such opportunities, came such as they are, are not elegant, ugly. There were those who did not like many and against which the accusatory performances could be. All this created confusion because appearance Often deceived judges, and those whom the merit should be sent to Tartar, fell to the islands of blissful, and vice versa.

To solve the problem, Zeus ordered the trial of the court over the soul after death, so that she appeared nude at court. Since then, people do not know the day of their care and sentence over the soul is made on the basis of not external signs, but its internal qualities.

After death, "all are noticeable natural properties Souls and all traces that a person left every soul from their activities "(" Gorgiy ", 524d).

So, death is exposed to the soul, separates everything from it that a person had had something to identify himself during his life: from property to a position in society. She removes all false supports and all that by nature is not part of the soul itself.

Death leaves a person alone with himself - as he made himself during his lifetime, and for him, as well as judges, become visible all the advantages and disadvantages that he endowed his soul. They are us acquired property, what we always carry with you.

If a person lived unfairly, his soul is covered by scars of false oaths and actions, twisted by pride, and there is nothing straight in it, because she did not strive for the truth and did not know the truth. A fair soul is inherent in beauty. Staying indifferent to everything that most people appreciate, seeking to find the truth and make it better, a person thinking about death, lives life that will be useful not only here, but also in Aida ("Gorgiy", 525A-526a).

Court of soul is a kind of psychostasia, which includes the separation of everything that lived, on two signs; All that happens to us is psychologically perceiving as a single, indivisible integer, as one life, although in fact it is the mixing of two forms of human existence. These forms correspond to two roads, which are from the dissolution, where the trial happens above the soul leads to two regions of another world. The crossroads resembles a letter y sacred for the Pythagoreans, symbolizing the scales on which the soul is weighted. One of the roads leading from the dissolution correspond to titanic acts, and the other is Dionysian. One removes the soul from the good, the other approaches. One is dear Venus earthly, and the other Venus of Heaven. Everything that happens with the soul, or the wounds is either cleans and elevates it. In the Pythagorean school, psychostasia practiced daily. The student before bedtime was assessed the last day, answering the questions: "What sinned today?", "What did you do?", "What did the hell did not fulfill?"

As Plato says, it is necessary to look at the eyes of the judges of the world of others, and it means to keep an internal dialogue with your conscience, not justifying and not deceiving yourself. Only bearing over yourself, we take this clear vision, which gives the answer to the question: Do we have ever better than yesterday's today?


Before leaving the invisible world, after a long and exhausting journey, the soul comes to the plain, where there is no vegetation, and there drinks water from the Letya River, which brings her oblivion of everything that happened to her in another world. After that, she goes to a new body, accompanied by his genius of fate, which should accompany her in a new life.

In another world, Lake Monsina is also located in the Music Mother and all that resumes and strengthens the memories of heaven. The water of this lake can only drink the souls of the heroes of philosophers, related Eros and movable them in their passionate desire for the divine lifestyle.

PAsanius writes that, coming to the Come of the trophony, which was considered the son of Apollo, the pilgrim, who wanted to hear the Council or learn his future, first drank water from the source of the leaf, and then, when it came out, from the memory source. Turning to the Divine, he had to forget all the earthly worries and excitement, tormented by the soul, and leaving him, consolidate in his memory everything that saw and contemplated in the cave.

But in the cave, you can enter not only forgetting everything that aghesives the soul; You can also forget all that binds her with the sky. It takes this symbolic meaning in the "state", where the plato is a sensual world compares with a cave, in which people chained to their place live. They can't move, and all that they see and study are the shadows of things that are reflected on the walls. At the same time, they do not realize that their knowledge is knowledge of the shadows, and not a genuine reality, which is outside and is the cause of the existence of the illusory world.

How to find out this other reality if it is not available to feelings? How to teach virtue if it belongs to this other, hypertensive knowledge? Answering this question, Plato identifies knowledge with the memories. The knowledge of ideas is possible because the truth initially exists in the shower, she contemplated her even until his descent in the circle of necessity and in one way or another would remember the truth, and as much as it remembers it, is wise, and therefore free.

In Fedre, Plato compares the soul with a winged chariot. If in the case of gods and horses, and recovery of noble origin, then mortals are beautiful, kind and obedient, and the other is endowed with opposite qualities: he is hard and stretched to the ground. Making a journey through the heavenly draft, the souls of the gods and the soul of people contemplate the world of ideas and truth, which is ambrosia, soul feeding. By virtue of his imperfection, human souls are rising, they are lowered, and ultimately their wings break and they are included in the cycle of rebirth. Those of them who see more, remember them more, it is easier for them to restore the lost ability to fly. Being in the body, the soul through things of the sensual world, which is a reflection of the world of ideas, can remember what was contemplated before. Staying in the sensual world has the task of restoring the knowledge that she possessed, and not turn her into their prisoner. Speaking otherwise, the sensual world should play the role of a symbol or sign of another reality to play the role of a symbol or sign, to be an intermediary and a bridge, which is visible, which leads to the invisible, unknown.

In the soul initially laid everything that is in the world of ideas, although to a lesser extent and in an unveiled form - just as in the seed there is knowledge of what it can and should become. Growth and manifestation of hidden potentials and is the process of remember. And this means that the soul can clearly remember only what it has already become, and it is impossible to feel intuitively what can be in the future. The abilities we already own, these are the knowledge that purchased earlier - during previous embodiments. To the extent that we own them, they precede the experience, are what they know a priori. Similar to we meet in deep psychology, where the archetypes denote the congenital ability of the soul to grow in a certain direction, they are similar to those who have the same sources of rivers, on which the soul is moving in the process of their growth, and in their amount are the sum of all the potential human mental capabilities.

Genuine knowledge is the ability to choose a genuine benefit, and that it differs from non-immoching, which, choosing, does not know the nature of what chooses. That is why when choosing a soul lifestyle chooses the worst, considering it the best.

It means to remember, like Zeus, give birth to Athen in the soul in all its battle closures, it means to turn out and see what was not seen before, and this insight comes suddenly, like an outbreak of light, which makes those soul layers who used to be in the dark selflessness.

Caring for soul

Taking the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortality of the soul and realizing that in this case the death takes away from a person, except the soul, Plato leads us to the idea that the main care of a person in life should be care for the soul.

This concern means cleansing the soul, exemption from sensual in the desire of the connection with the spiritual - the breathtaking world.

Explaining the nature of the soul, then what the soul is now and what was the sensual to his descent to the world, Plato symbolically identifies it with the Maritime Divine of Glerk, a lot of dirt was attached to the body of which for a long time stay in the seabed. It is all covered with seashells, algae and sand, and his body is broken and crazy with waves, so it looks more like a monster than a deity. The soul is in a similar condition, and it should shake off everything too much - all that, making her heavy and shapeless, does not allow her to know himself. It needs to be cleansing from everything that has grown over many reincarnations.

A lot of "earthy and wild" attached to the soul, its internal contradictions are tormented. Plato says that an externally soul seems one being, but in fact it is a compound of three: a person, lion and chimeras who looked back with each other. The unreasonable person feeds his multi-headed beast, and inner man Morit hunger; Reasonable, on the contrary, seeks to establish justice in his soul. He tame a lion, finds all the gentle in Chimera and prevents the development of her wild qualities that lies soul. Each of the three parts of the soul is inherent in its type of perfection, its virtue: a reasonable start - wisdom, violent - courage, and the desired - moderation.

Plato repeatedly emphasizes that the soul spoil injustice, impostipy, cowardice and ignorance and other vices making it a prisoner of the body. To all this, you need to add egoism or excessive selflessly, which blinds the soul of a person, so that his own ignorance seems to be wisdom, he considers his ideas about true. Such a person is too proud and self-confident to learn from more wise people ("Laws", 732 a).

Purification of the soul by Plato is associated with a bodily and mental discipline, which internally transforms a person and likes him to the deity. "Prudence, justice, courage and wisdom are the means of such cleansing" (Fedon, 69 c). All these advantages are the goal of philosophical search, and as we cleanse them within themselves.

Cleansing is similar to the restoration of the soul, its ability to see is clear, contemplate the benefit and do good. Thanks to this inner vision, a person is able to distinguish between good and evil, virtue and vice, as well as what is neither the other. So, virtue cleans, and for Plato, it is a genuine knowledge. But it is also easy movement, and then forever free flow and flight good soul ("Mattal", 415 D). This transition from easy movement to the flight corresponds to the exit of the soul from the cave, its ascent in the area of \u200b\u200bthe light, which it exercises, moving the desire of perfection.

True, Plato speaks about a virtue habit, which is not an internal heritage of a person. If a person acts well only in a habit, and not on the basis of knowledge, his behavior will be only a surrounding reflection, since this image of the action is not the property of the person himself, but the property of the environment. In other words, the virtue acquired by upbringing is unstable, it easily eludes the soul with the "right opinion" to which it relies. Virtues need to be tied to the soul by dialectic, which is not a purely logical exercise for Plato, but first of all the means of internal transformation.

Relying in opinion, a person acts and behaves like blind, which is all that surrounds him, knows and learn only to the touch. For such a person, it is characterized by extrapolation of its ideas about parts for a whole and vice versa, this person often does not catch, that what he knows as a separate, in fact is the united integer parts. In addition, such a person moves freely only in the space to which he is used, and if you change his space, he begins to stumble and trying to all the best to reduce what he already knows. And just as the blind to gain vision, must first realize its blindness and the sadness to find knowledge, first should be aware of its ignorance. This recognition is the beginning of the philosophical road that returns a person to himself and gives power over himself.

The philosopher must exercise in the virtues of the practical, leading to the moral lifestyle, and the virtues of the contemplative, leading person to knowledge. In this way, he is approaching wisdom that likes him to the gods.

Lost integrity

The cleansing of the soul is carried out under the auspices of Apollo - the Divine, which personifies the unity and integrity (person and the world), harmony and order. According to Platon, it is a carrier of medical, rifle, musical and mantic functions, each of which is in its own way linked to the recreating the original purity and integrity of the soul. As a leader of the Muses, along with them, he is a symbol of a passionate desire and search for philosophical wisdom ("Mattal", 405 A-406 B).

The desire for one, the search for general in the multiple, climbing from imaginary to genuine virtue, from the world of sensual in the world of ideas and their reason, good - all this is the main task of the philosopher and the pledge of his liberation.

In the orphic tradition, the resurrection of Dionysus, the Savior and the recreaters of which is Apollo. He collects Dionysus into a single whole and revitalizes it. The descent of the divine into matter, the loss of initial purity and integrity is described symbolically as the separation of the body of Dionisa titanis on the part.

The soul of a person was created from the ashes destroyed by Zeus Titans. It carries two starts inside: Titanic and Dionyskaya, which must be separated from each other. The first symbolizes the spontaneous, tormenting the soul of power, all that is the cause of its crushing. The Dionysian beginning of a person's relatives with the deity makes it immortal, but it needs to be cleansing and restoring lost integrity.

Such a thought is found in "Pira", where one of the interlocutors of Socrates tells the myth, according to which each person is only half of one whole. In ancient times, people had a round body, four hands, four legs and two faces. Possessing a huge force, they began to encroach on the power of the gods, which, not wanting to destroy the human race, decided to divide them in half. Since then, each person is in the search for a lost half.

In one of the keys, this myth indicates a person inherent sense of degradation, the separation of consciousness and its dual nature. Inside us there is something that we do not realize and what we do not own, what we can call the superconsciousness, the part of the soul, which is inherent in creative abilities and which we achieve thanks to the inspiration, the moments when climbing themselves in the scope of pure spirituality and returning , Create creations exceeding their creators.

Philosophical Eros.

The soul occupies an intermediate position between sensual and breathtaking worlds, and it brings it closer to Eros - one of the geniuses that carry out the intermediary function between the gods and people. If Eros is the son of a prash - wealth and singing - poverty, then the soul in some sense of their daughter. Just like Eros, the soul is poor, and therefore she seeks to find what it might comprehend its existence, be it wealth, glory, happiness, truth or something else that from the point of view of a person has value. It moves from one purpose to the next, from one happiness to another, and this movement has no beginning, no end. But the soul is also rich, for what is looking for and to seek, she ultimately finds inside him.

Like Eros, it is a homeless being that does not know peace and always in need. But she loves, and her love is the desire to master the beautiful. And it opens up this beauty primarily in the sensory world, and then, as they seek, - and in the world of spiritual. Like Eros, she and "Mortal" and "Immortal", it dies in the same day, it is reborn. He dies when he gives his eyes to the ground, seeking to be carried out through transient, material benefits, or falling under the power of the body. It is reborn, waking up and awake in the sphere of spiritual.

The word "Poros" (Poros), except for wealth, means the bridge, transition through anything, path and means of achieving some kind of purpose. In Piros, Pra is the son of the goddess of methis - reason, and, as you know, Athena, personifying wisdom, is the daughter of this goddess. Together they represent wisdom and path leading to this wisdom.

Philosophy is love for wisdom, and the philosopher is a man who loving wisdom. It occupies an intermediate space between ignorance and wisdom. Unlike ignorant, the philosopher knows that his soul still does not have any beauty, nor kindness, or justice, and this knowledge of his imperfection turns into thirst, to the passionate desire of wisdom - the most beautiful of all things that exist.

Love is always a movement to what we do not possess, the desire to always have the subject of our love. She is what she does not give rest to the soul and absorbs it all stronger as it approaches the selected goal. She wakes up and assumes the soul to the sphere where she was before his descent in the body, when together with the gods could contemplate the world of ideas.

But love is not only the desire for the eternal possession of the blessing, its nature is inherent in the desire to perpetuate themselves, generating in physical and spiritual planes. As Plato says, it must give birth in beautiful both bodily and spiritually. And just like people, pregnant bodily, there are those who are pregnant spiritually.

Allowed from the burden, the mortal attachs to the immortal: the body is a continuation of the human race, and the soul is generating in the spiritual plane, both inside and beside himself. The philosophical Eros is the ability to become pregnant with spirituality and give birth to spirituality, free from the inside the beautiful, kind and fair, enaning them from the center of the soul, just like the sun enumerates the light, lighting and giving life to everything that exists.

Everyone must go through childbirth and generate their own immortality. But you can only give birth in beautiful and being close to the beautiful. The atmosphere of spirituality prompts the soul to resolve from the burden, and therefore the world that surrounds us is important. Approaching the beautiful, pregnant soul penetrates joy and creates what he carries inside. If it surrounds it with disgrace, it shrinks and closes, darkness and instead of giving birth, the fruit delayed in the womb ("PIR", 206 C-D).

The proximity of spirituality turns the soul to itself. Looking at the inner beauty, it creates beauty and makes life beautiful. The same can be said about justice, kindness and wisdom. Thus, the spiritual search is not some kind theoretical studies Or purely internal experience. Contemplating beautiful, the soul generates true virtue. Lifting up the steps from the beauty of things to the beauty of morals and laws and further - to the beauty of the exercises, and then to the best, it gradually overcomes that the abyss, which separates it from Divine Wisdom (Fedon, 211 e). She loves, and her love elevates her to God, improves her, forms a genuine person in a man, a genuine philosopher, who becomes an intermediary between the gods and people, Eros, who connects the beginning of the search and his goal, the mortal and immortal, which is equally like And God and humanity.

Philosopher in the face of life and death

For Plato, philosophy is not a profession, but a vocation, not a formal and fragmentary study of certain issues, but concentration on the main thing. She is not escape from life into the world of thoughts or care from the problems of society, but a passionate desire to transform individual and society.

Philosophy This is also recognition of yourself, its immortal nature, which, as purification, begins to shine increasingly moving through what has grown with the soul. She is a search for a response to the question "What is a person?", But the answer to this question cannot be found in the books nor analyzing ourselves as we are now. This answer comes as the ascent to the origins that are beyond life and death, but at their ascent, the philosopher should always remember both about the other.

Those who are truly devoted to philosophy, as Plato says, in fact, are engaged only by dying and death (Fedon, 64 a). Thus, the life of a philosopher, being the knowledge of himself, and the search for the correct measure, and the death of death, is carried out according to the three tips, which were written on the walls of the Apollo temple in Delphi.

Reflections on the death and mortality of life occupy an important place in the spiritual practices of different philosophical and mystical and religious teachings. The philosopher remembers death, and it turns it into an ally, and not the enemy of his research. To remember the death in reality means focusing on life as possible to improve and fill its existence. Do not be afraid of death means not to be afraid of life, and all sorts of trials that fate subjected us. Ultimately, the only thing that a person can lose is not life, for it continues after death; You can "lose" the most valuable than he possesses - the soul, and this must be afraid most.

Today, when philosophy is very careful starting metaphysical issues (for metaphysics is impossible as science), we are afraid of talking about the soul, death or God and all things going beyond the cave of the sensual world and his truth. If in the XIX century atheism and materialism were more theoretical, now they have become a way of life. A person who lives sensual truth is not interested in anything supersensible. For him, this interest is the delusion and remnant of the past. Here we will not discuss the consequences of this approach, they are in sight. Only we note that all that today is a delusion, maybe tomorrow is the truth, and what is considered truth can become a lie. Skepticism and cynicism, the relativity of ethical and aesthetic values, individualism and disbelief are not the first to fulfill the main roles in the theater of life. All this on a smaller scale we meet in Athens in the era of Socrates, opposing the sophists who argued that a person is a measure of all things and that the truth of one is no less true than the truth of someone else.

Unlike Ancient GreeceToday there are no philosophical schools, and most philosophers are looking for alone. Today we need a more practical approach that could bring philosophy to a person who does not have the complex concepts and definitions of academic philosophy, turn it into a lifestyle, which relies on an example and brings up through an example.

As Plato says, one of the tasks of the philosopher is upbringing, and this upbringing should not be based on the suggestion. What we want to wake in the souls of others, we must exercise in our own life. Best education is education based on the example you can imitate. Consequently, a good educator and individual, and societies can only be a person who leads a strict and wise lifestyle. If the young, seeking the soul will not train moderation from moderate, courage from brave, wisdom in wise, she granted to himself will grow, often getting captured by his ignorance and sensual part of the soul.

Throughout his life, Socrates called on fellow citizens to care about the soul, and the main purpose of his conversations was the desire to influence their soul, make anxiety into it and make a person do something for himself. A little doubt, it is necessary to take a step, which from ignorance leads to a deeper understanding. Recognition that our views are erroneous that we do not know the truth should lead to its search. Truth frees a person, and only she can make life happy. It is not a formal concept, something existing outside of a person, which is not involved in internally. A person approaches the truth as it is inside it the most acquisitions more clear outlines and shape. As the borne says, God is present in all things to the same extent, but not all at the same extent present in God. Similarly, truth is present in everything, there are no two truths, but everyone should make efforts to open it inside and around themselves. Changing himself, we will know the world. Changing the Universe, we will learn ourselves.

The original article is on the website of the magazine "New Acropolis":

On the magazine "Man Without Borders"

I stopped crying and broke the written letter so that the wife does not accidentally find it. In that evening, Dr. Klaman came to me and told me that there was a lot of difficulties with drugs so that I would not be surprised if I woke up and see myself surrounded by hoses, pipes, cars, etc. I did not say I have nothing about my experience, so I just nodded and said that I would take note of all that was said. The next morning I was operated on. The operation took a long time, but passed successfully. When I woke up, Dr. Klaman was near me. I told him: "I know for sure where I am now." He asked: "What is your bed on?" I said: "On the one that is the first to right, how to get out of the hall." He laughed, but, of course, thought that I was talking, being in a state of anesthesia.

I wanted to tell him about what happened to me, but just at that moment entered Dr. Watt asked: "He woke up. What do you want to do?" Dr. Klaman replied: "It was for the limit of my opportunities. I never in my life was so shocked, as now. I was here with all my equipment, but he didn't need it all." When I was able to climb from the bed and look at the room, I saw that I was on the very bed that I showed the light a few days ago.

It happened three years ago, but I won't remember much as then. This is the fantastic thing in my life and I have changed very much after that. I told about it only by my wife, my brother, my pastor, and now you. I do not strive to produce some kind of radical shift in your life and I do not want to brag. Just after this incident, I have no doubt. I know - there is life after death. "


Events of various stages of dying to say the most modest, somewhat unusual. From here my surprise when I came out for a number of years a large number of Parallel certificates. These parallel evidence are found in ancient or high esoteric scriptures of completely different civilizations, cultures, districts.


In our society, the Bible is the most readable and discussed book regarding the issues of the spiritual essence of a person and life after death. But in general, the Bible speaks very little about the events coming after death and the nature of the other world. This applies mainly to the Old Testament. According to some specialists in the Old Testament, only two texts in the entire Old Testament talk about life after death.

Isaiah, 26, 19: "Your dead will be revived, the dead bodies will revive! Refect, triumphane defeated in a praha: for dew your own - dew plants, and the earth will spew the dead."

Acts, 12, 2: "And many of the land sleeping in the praha will break on, one for the life of the eternal, others for eternal rules and entertainment."

Pay attention to the fact that in both texts it is said about the resurrection of the physical body and physical death in both cases is compared with sleep.

From the previous chapter, it is clear that very few people tried to describe from a specific biblical point of view what happened to them after death. It must be remembered, for example, that one person identified a dark pass through which he passed at the time of death, with the biblical valley of the death of death. Two mentioned the words of Jesus: "I am the light of the world." Apparently, on the basis of these words, they determined the light that we met, as a meeting with Jesus. One of them told me: "I have not seen anyone in this light, but for me this light was Christ, his consciousness, his unity with all things, his comprehensive love. I think Jesus literally spoke about it when he said that He is the light of the world. "

In addition, I came across the obvious parallels, which none of the respondents have yet quoted. The most wonderful parallel is available in the Scriptures of the Apostle Paul. He pursued Christians to his famous vision and revelation on the way to Damascus.

Acts, 26, 13-26: "Among the day on the road, I saw the sovereign, from the sky, the light, superior solar radiance, which has mastered me and sown with me. We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice that spoke on jewish language: Paul, Paul! What do you drive me? It is difficult for you to go against the root.

I said: "Who are you, Lord?" He said: "I am Jesus you drive; but you get up and become your feet, for I have come to you to put you to the servant and a witness that you saw and what I will open you" ...

Therefore, the king of Agrippa, I did not oppose the heavenly vision ... When he was so defended, Festa said with a loud voice: "You are impairing, Paul! A big scholaech brings you to madness." "No, Honorable Festa," he said, "I'm not impressive, but I say the words of truth and common sense."

This episode reminds some meetings with the luminous being of people who passed through clinical death. First, the creature is endowed with a person, although the physical form is not visible, and the voice that sets questions and from which the instructions are based on. When Paul tries to tell about his vision, they laugh at him and mock, calling him a madman. Nevertheless, the vision has changed the strength of his life. Since then, he has become the leading preacher of Christianity and led the life performed by love for people.

It should be noted and differences. During his vision, Paul was not close to death. It should be noted that Paul was so blinded by the light that could not see for three days. This is the opposite to our testimony, according to which the light that meets dying, although it was incredibly bright, but did not blind them blind them and did not interfere with them to see what happened around.

In the discussion of the posthumous life, the Apostle Paul replies that the body will be dead.

1. Cor. 15, 35-52: "But someone will say: how will the dead be resurrected? And in what body will come? Reckless! What you want will not come to know, if you don't die. And when you go, then you don't see the body, but naked The grain, what will happen wheat or other. But God gives him the body, as he wants, and every seed his body ... And during the resurrection of the dead: he sees it, he rises in the wrongness; he sees in destruction, he will rise in glory; he sees in the weakness , It rebels in power; sowing the body is spiritual, the spiritual body rises. There is a soul body, there is a spiritual body.

... I tell you the mystery: we will not die all, but everything will change suddenly in the blink of an eye, with the last pipe: for I will have the dead and the dead will resurrect the imperishable, and we will change ... "

It is interesting to note the short remark of Paul about the nature of the spiritual body, which is perfectly consistent with the reports of those who were outside their physical body. In all cases, the intangibleness of the spiritual body is emphasized, the lack of a physical substance. Paul, for example, says that while physical body It was crippled, the spiritual body was kiss. There is another example in which the spiritual body did not have age, that is, it was not subject to time.


Philosopher Plato, who was one of the greatest thinkers, lived in Athens from 428 to 348 G. BC. e. He left us 22 philosophical dialogue, most of which include the teachings of his Socrates teacher, and several letters.

Plato firmly believed in the need for reason and logical thinking to achieve truth and wisdom. In addition, he was a great clairvoyant, who said that the complete truth comes as a mystical revelation and internal illumination. He believed that there were plans and cuts of reality in which the physical world can only be understood in relation to the other, the highest reality plans. Accordingly, it was interested in a mainly conscious part of a person, his soul, and considered the physical body only as a temporary shell of the soul. It is clear that he pondered about the fate of the soul after physical death, and that many of his dialogues, especially Fedon, Congress and the Republic are discussing this particular problem.

Works of Plato are full of descriptions of death, which resemble those mentioned in the previous chapter. Plato defines death as a separation of the inside of a living being, that is, the souls, from its physical part, that is, the bodies. Moreover, this inner part of the person is less limited than its physical body. Plato indicates that time is an element of only the physical, sensual world. Other phenomena are eternal, and the wonderful phrase of Plato about what we call time, there is only a "movable, unreal discharge of eternity."

In many passages, Plato discusses how the soul is separated from the body, can meet and talk with the souls of others and how it moves from physical death to the next stage of existence, and how "bogged" in the new stage will be taught. He mentions that people can be met at the time of death by a boat that will transport them to "on the other side" of their posthumous existence.

In Fedone, the thought is expressed in dramatic interpretation that the body is a prison of the soul, and that death is a liberation from this prison. In the first chapter, Plato defines (Socrates in Socrates) an ancient point of view to death as a dream and oblivion, but he does it only to finally refuse and change the course of reasoning by 180 degrees. According to Platon, the soul comes into a human body from the highest and more sacred world; Birth is a dream and oblivion, because the soul, born in the body, passes from deep knowledge to the lower and forgets the truth, which he knew in the bargain. Death, on the contrary, is awakening and memories. Plato notes that the soul, separated from the body, can think and reason more clearly, the earlier, and distinguish between things much clearer. Moreover, after death, the soul appears before the judge, which shows a man of business, both good and bad and makes the soul look at them.

Philosopher Plato, who was one of the greatest thinkers, lived in Athens from 428 to 348 G. BC. e. He left us 22 philosophical dialogue, most of which include the teachings of his Socrates teacher, and several letters.

Plato firmly believed in the need for reason and logical thinking to achieve truth and wisdom. In addition, he was a great clairvoyant, who said that the complete truth comes as a mystical revelation and internal illumination. He believed that there were plans and cuts of reality in which the physical world can only be understood in relation to the other, the highest reality plans. Accordingly, it was interested in a mainly conscious part of a person, his soul, and considered the physical body only as a temporary shell of the soul. It is clear that he pondered about the fate of the soul after physical death, and that many of his dialogues, especially Fedon, Congress and the Republic are discussing this particular problem.

Works of Plato are full of descriptions of death, which resemble those mentioned in the previous chapter. Plato defines death as a separation of the inside of a living being, that is, the souls, from its physical part, that is, the bodies. Moreover, this inner part of the person is less limited than its physical body. Plato indicates that time is an element of only the physical, sensual world. Other phenomena are eternal, and a wonderful phrase of Plato about what we call time, there is only a "mobile, unreal definal of eternity."

In many passages, Plato discusses how the soul separated from the body can occur and talking to the souls of others and how it moves from physical death to the next stage of existence, and how the "Bester" perfume takes place at the new stage. He mentions that people can be met in an hour of death by a boat that will transport them to "on the other side" of their posthumous existence.

In Fedone, the thought is expressed in dramatic interpretation that the body is a prison of the soul, and that death is a liberation from this prison. In the first chapter, Plato defines (Socrates in Socrates) an ancient point of view to death as a dream and oblivion, but he does it only to finally refuse and change the course of reasoning by 180 degrees. According to Platon, the soul comes into a human body from the highest and more sacred world; Birth is a dream and oblivion, because the soul, born in the body, passes from deep knowledge to the lower and forgets the truth, which he knew in the bargain. Death, on the contrary, is awakening and memories. Plato notes that the soul, separated from the body, can think and reason more clearly, the earlier, and distinguish between things much clearer. Moreover, after death, the soul appears before the judge, which shows a man of business, both good and bad and makes the soul look at them.

In the 10th "Republic" book, we meet with the most interesting facts. Here Plato tells the myth about Era, Greek soldier. Er fought in a battle in which many Greeks were killed, and when compatriots came to remove the corpses, the body of Era was among the corpses. It was laid with others to the altar for the burning. After some time, his body came to life and ER describes what he saw during his journey under the ground.

Er reports that when his soul came out of the body, he joined the other souls and that there were paths leading from the earth to the kingdom of the future life. Here, ER and other souls were stopped and judged by some sacred beings that could immediately see everything that the soul had committed during their earthly existence. Era, however, did not judge. Other souls told him that he should go back to people to inform them what another world. Seeing a lot, ER was sent back, he said that he did not know how he returned to his body. He just woke up on the burial fire.

It should be remembered that Plato warns that the exact description of the details of the world after death is, at best, probability. Plato does not doubt that we are experiencing physical death, but he insists that it is impossible to explain the future life, because we are limited to our physical experience. Vision, rumor, touch, taste and smell can confuse us. Our eyes can perceive a huge thing small if it is located far, we can misunderstand what someone will tell us, etc.

As a result, we can get an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of things. Our souls cannot see reality until they are exempt from the deceptions and inaccuracies of physical feelings.

Secondly, Plato believes that the human language is not able to directly express genuine reality. The word is rather hiding than reveals the genuine nature of things. This means that there is no human wordsthat could directly designate reality. This can be done only with the help of analogy, in myth and other indirect ways.

From the book Mystery named Author Winter Dmitry.

Plato value and origin of the name: Presumably name means "broadly", "powerful" (Greek). Energy and karma name: Plato is a name, filled with energy of self-seeing, it seems to call your carrier to immerse yourself in unexplored and silent depths

From the book Shadow and Reality by the author Swami Sukhotra

Plato Student Socrates, Teacher Aristotle, Cretaceous Writer (427-347 BC) Almost all that we know about Socrates, it is known from the works of Plato. One of the doctrines of Platonism, which is close to the Vedic Concept of the Three Gun of Material Nature, is a doctrine "Education

From the book of the star of death Giza author Farrell Joseph.

VII Paleeography of Paleophysics, Part 2: Pythagoras, Plato, Planck and Pyramid for a person who performs their own supplies properly, all geometric forms and the number systems, all musical sequences and orderly circuits of the treatment of celestial bodies should

From book life after life by Mudi Raymond.

Plato Philosopher Plato, who was one of the greatest thinkers, lived in Athens from 428 to 348 G. BC. e. He left us 22 philosophical dialogue, most of whom include the teachings of his Socrate Teacher, and several letters. Bloton firmly believed in the need for reason and

From the book Phoenix or reborn occult Author Hall Manley Palmer.

Albert Pike - Platon Frankmonsonia In this chapter, we will not tell about the gentleman from Arkansas Albert Skayka, or about the perceptive lawyer Alberta soldek, or on the American poet Alberta soldek; In our goals, it is also not entered into the details of it

From the book of Mystery male name Author Higir Boris Yuryevich

Plato (Greek. "Widelide") as a child, stubborn and blow, do not develop by year. His senior society entails him. It may be calculated and at the same time disinterested, arrogant and at the same time charming. He has a synthetic mindset, quickly grabs everything, can imagine


Philosopher Plato, who was one of the greatest thinkers, lived in Athens from 428 to 348 BC. e. He left us 22 philosophical dialogue, most of which include the teachings of his Socrates teacher and several letters.

Plato firmly believed in the need for reason and logical thinking to achieve truth and wisdom. In addition, he was a great clairvoyant, who said that the complete truth comes as a mystical revelation and internal illumination. He believed that there were plans and cuts of reality in which the physical world could only be understood in relation to other higher reality plans. Accordingly, he was interested in a conscious part of a person, his soul and considered the physical body only as a temporary shell of the soul. It is clear that he pondered about the fate of the soul after physical death, and that many of his dialogues, especially Fedon, Gorgies and the Republic, are discussed by this particular topic.

Works of Plato are full of descriptions of death, which resemble those mentioned in the previous chapter. Plato defines death as separating the inner part of a living being, that is, the souls, from his physical part, i.e. Body. Moreover, this inner part of the person is less limited than its physical part, i.e. the body. Plato indicates that time is an element of only the physical, sensual world. Other phenomena are eternal; And the wonderful phrase of Plato about that what we call time, there is only "movable, unreal discharge of eternity."

In many passages, Plato discusses how the soul separated from the body can occur and talking to the souls of others and how it moves from physical life to the next stage of existence, and how "bogging" of perfume takes place in this new stage. He mentions that people can be met in an hour of death by a boat that will transport them to the "other shore" of their posthumous existence. In "Fedon" in the dramatic interpretation, the thought was expressed that the body is a prison of the soul, and that death is a liberation from this prison. In the first chapter, Plato determines (Socrates tired) an ancient point of view to death, as a dream and oblivion, but it does it only to finally refuse and change the course of reasoning by 180 degrees. According to Platon, the soul comes into a human body from the highest and more sacred world; Birth is a dream and oblivion, because the soul, born in the body, is moving from deep knowledge to the lower and forgets the truth that he knew in the bargain. Death, on the contrary, is awakening and memories. Plato notes that the soul, separated from the body, can think and reason more clearly, the earlier, and distinguish between things much clearer. Moreover, after the death of the soul appears before the judge, which shows a person of business as good and bad and forces the soul to look at them.

In the Book of the 10th "Republic" we meet with the most interesting facts. Here Plato tells the myth about Era, Greek soldier. ER fought in the battle in which many Greeks were killed, and when compatriots came to collect corpses, the body of Era was among the corpses. It was laid with others to the altar for the burning. After some time, his body came to life, and ER describes what he saw during his journey underground. Er reports that when his soul came out of the body, he joined other souls, and that there were paths leading from the Earth to the kingdom of the future life. Here, ER and other souls were stopped and judged by some sacred beings that could immediately see everything that the soul had committed during their earthly existence. Era, however, did not judge. Other souls told him that he should go back to people to inform them what another world. Seeing Much, ER was sent back, but he said that he did not know how he returned to his body. He just woke up on the burial fire.

It should be remembered that Plato warns that the exact description of the details of the world after death is at best probability, Plato did not doubt that we are experiencing physical death, but insists that you cannot explain the future life, because we are limited to our physical experience . Vision, rumor, touch, taste and smell can confuse us. Our eyes can perceive a huge thing small if it is far away, we can misunderstand what someone will tell us, etc. As a result, we can get an incorrect impression of the nature of things. Our souls cannot see reality until they are exempt from the deceptions and inaccuracies of physical feelings.

Secondly, Plato believes that the human language is not able to directly express genuine reality. Words are more likely to hide than reveal the true nature of things. This means that there are no human words that could directly indicate reality. It is possible to be done only with the help of analogy, myth and other indirect ways.

A person is a reasonable creature, but limited in its only physical
perception of the world. I suggest you, readers of this article, do not hurry
Either deny anything if new information does not fit into your presentation
about life. Everything flows and everything changes, including our worldview.
Connect your logical thinking and heart. I give information about those
unique cases of contacts with the otherworldly world about which there are no gears,
Conversations and discussions in our media. In some television programs
Scientists and astronomers continue to look for life in other worlds, and maybe
do see what they are looking for, although she is life -to exists everywhere in the universe
and our solar system in a huge variety and the time of change comes,
when knowledge about other worlds and installed for all people
Contacts with other civilizations. Now if we stopped being aggressive
creatures. The history of mankind has accumulated huge knowledge at different levels
His development, which still hide from the people. There were the works of the Great
Ministers of mankind: Pythagora and Plato, Beme, Paracelsa and Thomas Vogan.
They were people who were arted their lamps among the fellow, among life
Under a hail of misunderstanding and renovation. There were also great ministers of the East and West,
North and south. The Brotherhood formed by Pythagoras was dangerous in the eyes
rulers, Paracelles was a target for ridicule and discontent. Thomas Vogan
It turned out to be rejected. So the laws of darkness appeared. And these laws act before
so far.
One of the greatest thinkers of antiquity Philosopher Plato (428-3488g.
to the new era) left the descendants of 22 philosophical dialogue, most of them
Includes the teachings of his teacher Socrates. Plato was a great clairvoyant, he
said that the complete truth comes like a mystical revelation and internal
Illumination. He believed that there were plans and cuts of reality in which
The physical world can only be understood in relation to the other, higher plans
reality. He was interested in the main sphere of conscious in man,
His soul and mind. He considered the physical body only as a temporary shell
Soul. It is clear that he could not not reflect on the fate of the soul after
physical death. Plato defined death as a separation of the inside
Live being, that is, the souls, from the physical part. Moreover,
This inner part of the person is less limited than its physical body.
Plato discusses that the soul separated from the body may occur with others
Souls and how it proceeds to the next stage of existence. According to Plato,
The soul comes into a human body from the highest and more sacred world.
Birth is a dream and oblivion, because the soul, born in the body, passes from
from the deep knowledge of the subtle thin world to the lower and forgets the truth,
Which knew in that world.
There is a unique book: "Tibetan Book of Dead". This book
compiled for many centuries from the teachings of the wise men of the ancient
Tibet transmitted orally. She was finally written in the eighth century
new era, but even then it carefully hid it so that she did not get
Random people. Reading this book was part of the funeral ceremony and her
Read the dying in the last minutes of his life. She carried out two
tasks. The first is to help relive the extraordinary phenomenon at the time of dying.
The second is to help living correctly think about death and free from all
physical alarms. To achieve this goal, the book contains the description of the stages,
who soul is experiencing after physical death. Prepared by man
To new sensations, to the new perception of the surrounding world. This book opens
For the Spirit, much deeper and more than contains information and sensations.
People who visited clinical death.
Coming from antiquity to modern events there is an article:
"Poems from the next world" from the magazine "Worker" No. 8 for 1994.
"It happened quite unexpectedly. Suddenly some inner voice
Says "write." When I found a pencil went poems yourself, it remains only
Record from Galina P., Candidate of Biological Sciences Since then
and started in different time, in different places. Poems were
Also different, but very lyrical. When the correspondent showed
First selection of poems to specialists (not explaining the source)
They unexpectedly promoted and said it's only rather
Unknown poems Athanasius Feta. They are closer to his style of 40-50s
last century.
Another similar situation. She occurred with a woman faith
She is not a poet. In 1982, in a train, in a dream came to her
Vladimir Vysotsky. Takes me by hands, puts the bracelets. I srinkle him:
"I know that you died" and scream: "This is a dream, it's a dream." And he pinned me:
"What are you sleeping?" In the morning I go wash where he pinned - bruise! Passed a year.
Birthday of Vladimir Vysotsky. I come to my friend, steel
Listen records. And suddenly I ask: "Nora give me a sheet of paper and pencil."
What I wrote I do not know, but it all started. Anywhere in any
Time of day, he sings, and I spend to record. Textological analysis
She showed that this is a height style. Poem "from there" is written quite a few.
Here is one of them:

Give life again!

I just smell the dead
I understand the "peace" unconditioned,
If the day passed evenly calm
So there was no day - I thought.

Know did not know what peace is equilibrium
And I was afraid to know, seeing in this trouble,
Only now, I weigh them on my palms
Taking your height, mountain peaks of the ridge.

I thought - life is needed in a stormy boil,
Blowing the hearts, speeding up the motive ...
Flew across two I am impatiently
Before the molten, it was raw.

And now I do not tolerate the seats of the paradise
Not for me the cradle in a quiet Soon night!
I b Blooming in the blood, I would grab Masky
I'm downloading myself, so as not to scold your shoulders!

And I will again, I do not ask, but I demand,
I can not calmly wait for Solovy
And pull your hands to the high sky I
Not in prayer, but in a scream: "Let life again!"

Do not go coming, not gouring away into the monks, nor in the soils.
I must hide, puiting hearts ...
Let me go to the Most Holy Getths,
I don't need you, silence and crown!

I, Yuri, confess to you that I feel great excitement and were
Tears while printed this poem. Why I do not deny such
Contacts with a thin world. I will give at least one example. Once I
was in the same group witness when clairvoyant in the presence
about 30 people took direct poems from the light of her many
from those present knew and asked to read poems, but she first
She said that he did not take a notebook. After a while was installed
Communication and went poems with some pauses and repetitions of individual words.
I will give another example. The world famous illusionist Gardi
Guedini agreed with his wife Beatrice that after death
any of them they will try to contact each other through
Medium with only a known code. This code
Let us, without any doubt, to identify the identity of the sender.
Houdini tragically died earlier than his wife. His wife Beatrice turned
To the famous transidium Artur Ford (1896 - 1971), who possessed
A rare gift to communicate with already dead people. For several
Weeks in 1928 Special Publishing Commission: "Sintfik
America "attended all sessions Arthur Ford with" Houdini Spirit "
and stenked every word received "from there". The result exceeded
All expectations. Beatrice publicly recognized that the messages went by code that
Except her, he knew only her deceased husband.
There is also a unique book: "Letters of lively deceased." When
American lawyer, judge and philosopher from Los Stargeles David P. Hotch
After his death dictated a writer famous in the West
E. Barker fifty letters from the "Otterworld World". Son Bruce Hotch.
After reading this book, stated that the letters given in the book are undoubtedly
belong to his father, he fully recognized in them features
Thinking Father and Letter Manera.
In one of his works dedicated to Drunvalo Melchosadek
writes about the clairvoyant Mary Ann Stindfield, to which NASA appealed with
A request to track the satellite of the Earth and give them specific information on the instruments
Mary Ann satellite called instrument readings, and when stunned
Scientists asked her to explain how she found out, they heard
An even more decking answer. It turns out she flew next and
read readings
space instruments. And this despite the fact that Mary Ann Slepa from
birth. Drunvalo Melchizedek further writes:
"Mary Ann called me and asked during the conversation, I do not want
I look at a thin plan through her spiritual eyes I said - yes.
For a few breaths, my field expanded, and I began to watch as if
In a huge television screen. What I saw was amazing. It seemed
That I am without a body and very quickly moving in space. I saw the stars, looking
Through her spiritual vision, we moved along the comet chain. Around perimeter
This space screen was still twelve or fourteen smaller.
Screens, on each of them extremely quickly flashed images. One
they showed what happens in that space where we were directly
There were. There was another screen with the help of which she communicated
With the extraterrestrial life of our solar system. Here is a man who lives here
On Earth, but retains memory and life experience in other dimensions. what
It is fantastic? Artifice? Well no! This is a reality and not even an exception.
Because many possesses the ability of internal, spiritual vision
Real, high-dimensional clairvoyant. This ability can develop practically
Every person, having a desire, a huge desire, increasing the vibration of his
Body and doing on special techniques.
Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, apparently do not engage
Analysis of a huge number of phenomena, or hide from the people,
Described in different literature and in particular in the book: "Voice from afar"
Scientists Vitaly and Tatiana Tikhoplav. I will give some phenomenal
Cases. "The most unique and world famous (not for us)
"Music phenomenon" was Rosemary Brown, who ended with his earthly
Path in 2001. This striking woman talked for many years
With the great composers of the past: with Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Sheet,
Rachmaninov and others. It's through it that has not even graduated from the musical
schools passed our essays after the life of the musical
Works famous composers. When the girl was seven years old, in
Her life first appeared Ferenz Sheet and said: "When you grow up,
I will come to you and will give you music. "And almost through
Four decades he came again. And through it - and others. IN
The extended "Union of Composers", who collaborated with Rosemary
Twelve Great Masters: Sheet, Chopin, Schubert, Beethoven, Bach, Brahms,
Schuman, Debussy, Grieg, Berlioz, Rachmaninov and Monteverdi. They are
made an organized group to convince people that outside
earthly life man retains his individuality and continues
Create, spiritually develop. But how to make people believe? And they
Decided - this can be done with the help of the previously unknown musical
Works and with special musical handwriting of each composer.
In total, Rosemary accepted, recorded and handed over
Four hundred new works created there in another world. Long
Music studies time and most musicians belonged to rosemary reports
With irony, considering that it works under celebrities. It `s naturally,
associated with the disbelief of people to the existence of life after physical
Death and other worlds with a reasonable life. Change your worldview
it is extremely difficult when there is no personal experience in existing
Public education system. Especially since the official
Academic science is categorically denied. They were also not taught
at school about the importance and enormous spiritual - energy potential,
The most important component of man. Studying separate scientific aspects,
Most of the academics do not see a holistic picture of the world.
The school does not give a deep analysis of life (not by chance as astronomy
canceled) and limits the worldview of students. Rosemary and her
Music works were repeatedly subjected to study checks,
With the participation of various musical specialists. Compared S.
Lifted scripts and discovered amazing similarities with manner
Authors. Music critic David Hogard said: "I'm even for a minute
I can not allow the thought that all this is sochinya she herself. "Professor
The Faculty of Music of Wales University Jan Paros argued: "This
Woman - it is the medium, because the manner of touch to the keys
gives it not a professional in it, however, in musical works
Detected unique style those composers with the name of which they
Signed. And that is especially impressive, so this is what Madame writes
even score for concerts. "So how else to get to consciousness
and the mind of scientists stereotypical thinking and the people if even listed
Facts are completely denied.
One of the strong mediums that communicate with another world was
Arthur Ford. The achievement of Ford is what presented itself
A large number of fixed evidence confirming the continuation
Life after death. Ford said: "I am deeply convinced that a person
He experiences his physical death and already exist these evidence.
People can take them into account or ignore can
To believe or not to believe - nothing will change. This part
work has already been done, and done well. "And about your contacts with
He told the following: "I got up in front of the audience,
half disconnected from her and felt how to fall into some
Trans, without losing consciousness. Then either before me appeared
The dead themselves, or I was given the impression of them, and at that
same time I heard without words, those messages that they
Wishing to pass through me. "
It is difficult to indicate the date of the first physical or mental
manifestations of spiritual entities of the highest or lower type
Turning a strong impression on earthly affairs at all times we
We find traces of the father of a new teaching about interaction with the otherworldly
The world can be considered the Swedish scientist Emmanuel Swedenborg.
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote: "In order to fully comprehend
Swedenborg need to have a mind equal to its own, and such
It is born only once in a century. This illuminated mind belonged
Great religious reformer and clairvoyant, whom his
Own followers understood no more than Christ understood
His disciples. "Emmanuel Felberg was born in Stockholm in 1688.
The sphere of his interests covered philology, different directions of mathematics,
Astronomy and generally all natural sciences. Fogberg owned B.
Perfection nine languages. In addition, he was inventor and
A skillful artisan. He pursued telescopes
Microscopes, designed submarine, air pumps, musical
instruments. It is his merits and scientific works were adequately appreciated.
Swedish government, and Queen Ulric Eleanor elevated him to
1719 in the noble dignity and renamed SERVICE in
Swedenborg. It should be noted that in his youth of Swedenborg visited
vision, but practical mind and strong will, he long and carefully
I hid this side of my life. Since 1745, the activities of Swedenborg
Accepted exclusively a religious direction. Having free access
to the world of perfume, fluently moving in it and chatting with the inhabitants
He came close to studying new measurements of reality.
And for 27 years, before his death, was in continuous
Contact with the world of perfume. He wrote a lot about his travels in
The other world and published several books with a detailed description.
In the books: "Truth of Christian Religion", "Love for God and Wisdom",
"Oh Heaven, the World of Spirits and Ade" describes in detail
Conversations with angels and deceased people.
Investigate information that Swedenberg gave people
so extensive and multifaceted that for summary has the meaning
They are systematized. So it represents the spiritual world in
Vision of Swedenborg?
1. Immediately, the divine beginning of which consists
All the universe, there is love. Love lives angel, love
Lives and man. Divine Truth comes from Divine Love.
Love is like fire, and the truth coming out of love is similar to the light.
2. The silence of the subtle world Swedenborg presented in the form
Heaven of the world of spiritual and hell. Man after death comes to the world
spirits and, having visited there for some time, or ascend to heaven,
Or will overthrow in hell, depending on his earthly life.
3. In its initial level, the afterlife has a lot of common
With life on earth. In the other world, everyone is busy than
The purpose of achieving a common good, everyone learn at the same time
teach. Learn from the souls who have achieved a higher wisdom, learn shot down
Conclusive and confused from among the new arrivals. Universal fear of death
completely not justified. For enlightened people, the transition from one world
In another can be completely natural and painless.
4. Summary does not change the essence of things. After the transition of a person
faces the same problems that experienced in physical
world. Personality does not become more noble due to the fact that
goes into another form of being. What left from the ground, the fact
In the subtle world. The souls of our fathers are no better than us - neither in moral,
Not in the earthly dimension.
5. After death, retains feelings, memory, thoughts and
The love he had in the physical world. Entering B.
spiritual world, or in a posthumous life, a person remains in thin
body and often does not realize that he died: "He sees
As before, hears and says, as before, learns the sense of
taste and touch, he has the same inclinations, desire,
Passion, he thinks, reflects, reads and writes. "
Swedenborg met many times in the other
world with their dead familiar. With some of them to him
Began to speak literally two days after the death.
His acquaintances, everything as one, was very pleased with the fact that they
alive, and even with difficulty believed, extremely surprising
its former ignorance about life after death
and asked to convey them native that they did not die that they
now live with the same people as before, and only
Switched from one world to another. Swedenbor said: "I happened
see the recent aliens into that world and I recognized them
Person and speech, but afterwards I no longer recognized them:
who lived in the feelings of good accepted the face of beautiful, and living
in bad - the appearance of ugly, for the spirit of man himself
in itself is nothing but the feelings of love him, but face
Or the appearance of it is an external image.
The face is changing because it is impossible in that life, pretending
show those feelings that do not have to take face
or an image, the opposite dominant love remainsless and
Position of scientists in the other world. Those who have denied heart
Divine start, steel before that stupid, which could hardly understand
any civil truth and even less spiritual. Their internal
The spiritual essence was before being closed, which seemed black,
Therefore, they could not perceive heavenly light. Poverty is just as
Like wealth, rejects and removes a person from heaven between
poor many are very dissatisfied with their fate very ambitious
and consider wealth for the real blessing, as a result,
remaining without him, they indulge in anger and thinness thoughts about
Divine Providence.
In addition to information from Swedenborg there are other interesting
And instructive ties with people who went into another world.
Sir Oliver Lodge, a world-famous scientist, received the title for his
Outstanding achievements in the field of study atom and the theory of electricity.
In the scientific environment, the lodge was well known for its research
atmospheric discharges, electrolysis and electromagnetic waves. Being
I am convinced of the possibility of communication of living people with the dead, the lodge
Posted by a book: "Man survival" dedicated to the founders of society
mental research, which he called honest, most
patient researchers of the unpopular area of \u200b\u200bscience. Any similar
Study of life after death taken by scientists with less
scientific authority than Sir Oliver would have been publicly ridiculously
As scandalous. But such a cornea as Lodge leading representatives
The scientific world did not dare to impede in its research. (And we have
Commission to combat Lzhenauku at wounds as prevents
Works of outstanding scientists in the field of energy - information fields
man and nature. I wrote about this in the article: "How to separate the true
Science from Lzhenauka.) As a scientist Sir Oliver knew about a different kind of
Fraudsters who give themselves for mediums. But Sir Oliver found
such geniuses of parapsychology as Mrs. Catherine Kenndi, she is in
Translate status unconsciously automatically reproduced
Messages in writing, and Transmedium Alfreda guided Peters,
which was engaged in the study of parapsychological phenomena more
20 years. From the other world, a great activity showed Frederick
Myers, former Professor Cambridge, who died in 1901. For
He was intensively engaged in studies of posthumous existence,
And after the death of Myers in 1903 his book was published:
"Human personality and continued existence after the death of the body". Maers
often went through mediums to contact with their friends left
on the ground.
For many of us, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is connected with
His famous stories about the Sherlock Holmes detective, and few
knows that this amazing person most seriously
Engaged in the study of the other world. Doctor Medicine, Doctor
civil and canon law, president of the London Spiritic
Union, President of the British College of Psychiatry Sir Arthur believed
his main duty to God the dissemination of knowledge about
continuing life after the death of people living on earth during the years
The First World War was killed by the brother of his wife Conan Doyle Malcolm.
Through a talented medium Lily Louwater Simons Sir Arthur managed
Contact him and try to understand what it is he.
Malcolm told the details of his life from the world, known
Only Sir Arthur and sister. In addition, Medium Simons wrote
Under the dictation text of the authentic handwriting Malcolm. Now Mission
Sir Arthur and his wife was clear - they should do people,
We lost, relatives and loved ones, calm and hope. They had
Numerous contacts through a medium with dead people. Conclusions of Sir
Arthur regarding otherworldly life made by him as a result
studies have been fully confirmed by information provided
Other scientists.
In 1908, in St. Petersburg in the noble family was born
Future scientist Vsevolod Mikhailovich Zaporozhets. Supported scientific
materialism and convinced atheist Zaporozhets became a geophysicist and to
70 years he was enthusiastically engaged in science, reaching a high position among
Scientists. When his wife died, he was very good. And remembered that
read in your early youth some books about the spirits, about otherworked
world. Maybe there is some truth there. I began to read about it.
The more I read, the more I was convinced that everything is very
not so easy. For ten years, Vsevolod Mikhailovich studied materials
On the otherworldly world and mediums. And then began experiments
By relations with the past people in the subtle world. Familiarization with experience
the past showed that a huge amount has been accumulated by mankind
convincing and reliable data on life in the other world.
There is an abundance of quite proven materials that are more than once
Checked and rechecked. And yet only those who
directly joined contact with their loved ones in
Tom world, reached personal belief in the continuation of life.
Unfortunately, nor numerous cases of contacts in the past times
And today, no photos, no witnesses, nor scientific experimental
Documentation can convince most people in true possibilities
Contacts with a thin world. We do not notice deep imperfections
material world even in ordinary surrounding life, except
murders, corruption, lies and then in limited form.
In 1994, the book of Zaporozhets was published in a small circulation.
"The contours of the Universe", which includes a huge study
The author of psychism questions, mediums and contacts with the spirits of the dead,
as well as the physical substantiation of the existence of the posthumous world and
Method of communication with the world, simple and affordable. One
From important conclusions: "The conditions of posthumous existence are not determined
"Retribution for sins" and not the "reward of virtue", as
teaches christian church, and only the spiritual quality of the very personality,
Everyone gets what it corresponds to in the end of the earthly life.
That is what the importance of spirituality and morality, which are ignored and
In the pen in our society. Who of people know, although they do not let
What today is how massive messages from the airline never come
Earth and from a galactic level, from really existing space
Teachers helping humanity to understand the complexity of the current
moment, from Vladyka Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Kuthumi, El Moria,
Saint Germen, Maitrey, Sanat Kumara, representatives of the constellations of Sirius
and Pleiad, the spiritual leaders of our Galaxy sector they want our
Light future life. What do we want, in most cases thinking
only with yourself, about his earthly well-being but what fate we
Do you cook yourself?
Currently there is an incredibly huge struggle of light forces and
darkness for the future development of humanity and from us in Russia depends on what
The path we choose. While our country is in deep spiritual
Degradation. We all came to this life with the main purpose: his light
hearts and mind dissolve ignorance, cruelty, fear and return to
Earth pristine purity. Otherwise why God created our land
and humanity? But unfortunately few people understand.
I ask you not to perceive everything said as edification or
The desire to impose whose thoughts. My desire to help people understand
at least a small part of the existing truth that is extremely
Slowly penetrates the consciousness of people. Think, reflect and draw conclusions.
Why not know everything, not for curiosity. Many people
It is difficult to understand that there is no point in our life on Earth if she
limited only by our material aspirations, greed,
Cruelty and entertainment. God created our world and man in order
to give space the light and love of our hearts, help through
Development of energy flows of our world with subtle space worlds,
To ultimately combine the material world with the spiritual world.
CONCLUSION: Our oligarchs and highly delivered officials,
having millions and billions of dollars from "taking" national
Russia's wealth, do not know the divine law of rejection. After care
From physical life, they will appear before a member of the karmic
the rule of the earth, the goddess of mercy and the compassion of Guan Yin and have to
Answer for the deed. They will have to repent very deeply.
Their further fate will not be enviable. These are not my speculation, but
Perfect truth transmitted goddess Guan Yin from a subtle world to people
on physical land.

Note: Continued about other life in Article: "Letters
from that light. "


Dear, Yuri. My answer to your comment - "Let's talk about life .., after death" - part-1, where you ask, "and do you believe that a woman is created from the edge of Adam?" I believe, so my bible says and the woman "thinner is organized" and I know why. And you described cases in this article, I copied you similar from the Bible, only I can explain it, and you are not. This is the difference, faith in a single God and faith in the otherworldly forces that are not from God. So who is in the best position? Good for you.
6 and the Saul of the Lord issued; But the Lord did not answer him in a dream, neither through Urim, neither of the prophets.
7 Then Saul said to the servants to his: Find me a woman's wizard, and I will go to her and ask her. And the servants of him answered him: here there is a woman a wizard in anntore.
8 And I took off my clothes with my clothes and put our others, and my two people went with him, and they came to a woman at night. And Saul said to her: I beg you, leading to me and display me, about whom I will tell you.
9 But the woman answered him: You know what Saul did, how he kicked out of the country of wizards and gadels; Why do you set the network of my soul to death to me?
10 And she swore Saul by the Lord, saying: Lord alive! There will be no troubles for this thing.
11 Then the woman asked: who to win you? And he answered: Samuelov to display me.
12 And I saw Samuel's woman and screamed loudly; And a woman applied to Saul, saying: why did you deceive me? You are Saul.
13 And the king told her: do not be afraid; what do you see? And the woman answered: I see how God coming out of the earth.
14 What is it like? Saul asked her. She said: comes out of the ground. Human husband, dressed in long clothes. Then I learned Saul, that it was Samuel, and fell face to earth and bowed.
15 And Samuel Saul said: Why do you disturb me to come out? And Saul answered: it's hard to me very much; The Philistines are fighting against me, and God retreated from me and no longer answers me for the prophets, nor in a dream; So I called you so that you taught me what to do.
16 And Samuel said: why do you ask me when the Lord retreated from you and got your enemy?
17 The Lord will do what they said through me; Give the Lord Kingdom from your hands and give it to your neighbor, David.
18 Since you did not listen to the Glass of the Lord and did not fulfill the rage of anger on the Amalik, then the Lord does it over to you now.
19 And the Lord of Israel will betray, along with you in the hands of Philistines: Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me, and the Stan Israeli will betray the Lord in the hands of the Philistines.
20 Then Saul suddenly fell on her body to the ground, for the words of Samuel were severely frightened; Moreover, there was no strength in it, for he did not eat bread all the day and all night.
21 And the woman came to Saul to Saul, and saw that he was very frightened, and said: here, the servant of yours was obedient to your voices and ended his danger and performed the order that you gave me;
22 Now I ask, listen and you voice the slaves of yours: I will offer you a piece of bread, you sing, and there will be a fortress in you when you go on the road.
23 But he refused and said: I will not eat. And he began to persuade his servants of him, as well as a woman; And he listened to the voice of them, and got out of the ground and sat on the bed.
24 The woman had a fattening calf in the house, and she hurried to stick it and, taking flour, kneading and baked desolation,
25 And he suggested Saulu and servants of him, and they caught, and got up, and went on the same night. "1bniga of kingdoms 28 Chapter.