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What is a stream condition and how to enter it. How to enter the stream state

I spent a little research and want to tell how to enter the stream state. This will give you a lot of advantages, but about everything in order.

Flow - This is a special state of the psyche. It comes when we are engaged in your favorite thing, forget about everything and are completely concentrated on a specific task. In such a state, our productivity, mental and physical abilitiesWe are more original and trainers. Man in the stream and outside it seems different personalities. This is how people of different professions describe this feeling.

  • Poet: This is the door that opens into the sky.
  • Figure: I'm just merging with music.
  • Composer: Forget about everything, and the hand itself writes a melody.
  • For me, this is a state of special insight, a sense of unity with the universe, for example, when I start to see the links between the elements of the complex system.

The author of the concept of a stream, for more than forty years, studied this question, but, according to him, he is far from a pioneer in obtaining such information. Followers of Buddhism and Taoism about two thousand years old Apply knowledge about how to enter the depot rate in their spiritual practices and martial arts.

List the mains advantageswhich can be obtained from the stream.

  • Increased attention.
  • Strengthening mental and physical abilities.
  • Productivity.
  • Ecstasy.
  • Confidence.
  • Originality.
  • Efficiency.
  • Concentration.

Undertatic conditions

Whoever has a man and wherever he is, for the state of the flow, which he is experiencing is always characterized by the following facts.

  • Deep immersion and continuous concentration on activity.
  • The activity itself is a reward.
  • Clarity what needs to be done.
  • Human abilities and skills correspond to the complexity of the task.
  • The task is difficult, but fulfilled.
  • Loss of the feeling of time.
  • Tranquility and feeling of feeling part of something more, "leaving yourself."
  • Internal motivation from being in the stream.

How to enter the stream state

To be in the stream, you can use triggers from two groups. These are triggers S. novelty and unpredictability (Travel, learning uncharted, walk in the forest, conversation with a stranger). Either triggers S. concentration of attention and physical efforts (Meditation, martial arts, yoga, visualization).
Each specific trigger in different ways defines the duration of the future state of the stream. It is clear that streams from travel and meditation will be different in length.
I studied the works of Stephen Kotler, who found practical application for the concept of Micah Chixentmichia and developed a technique how to enter the stream state. He conducted neuroperobole studies and concluded that the full dive mechanism into the flow consists of four phases.


In the first phase, we are confronted with a certain task that you need to solve. This leads to the emission of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. Thanks to the latter, we experience fear and the Bay or Run reaction. It is important to notice these signals. They talk about the imminent way to flow.


Then "pops up", and dofamine and endorphins are going to move. It becomes easier for us, fear and stress go. They are replaced by pleasure, joy and pleasure.


We enter the stream state. Part of the cerebral cortex temporarily ceases its work for increasing mental abilities, accelerated learning, concentration on the task. This is manifested by a feeling of time loss. A person forgets about himself. Those. The feeling of hunger and the likes can remain unnoticed in the stream.
If the concentration is disturbed during the stream, then we are thrown out of it. Therefore, you will have to go through the whole cycle again if you need to return this state. But it is better, of course, get rid of all stimuli and not distracted.


The brain restores its work and goes into a "regular mode". We remember themselves, "return to Earth."

Now you know how to enter the stream state and can always do it when it will need it, and not just spontaneously and from time to time. And how often do you find yourself in the stream? And how can you describe this feeling?

"I think is largely, I will help thousands and thousands of people! I think like a millionaire! "

(T. Harw Eker, consistency lesson No. 4 from the book "Think as a millionaire")

How to enter the stream state? What your soul wants, what contribution you want to enter the world, is no longer just a goal, this is a life guide, this is the way to implement your life destination. And if you go on this road, everything, although it is not immediately, should get by itself, easy and simple.

Get support from the Universe

To be in a stream state - it means to be connected to high energies, to. This spiritual connection gives the force of man, gives answers to questions and assistance in any endeavor. Of course, before life starts to help, a person will experience difficulties in dedication, but if a person is withstanding a test, he will be enormous support.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - an outstanding philosopher, a writer, a public figure in the article "On the world of the whole world" (1934) arguing over the theme of the spiritual principle (idealism), as something completely impractical for real life, according to many people, wrote: "There will also be a day when the so-called idealism will understand not only as something practical, but also as the only way in solving other everyday problems. The same idealism also gives the desire to honest, unlimited knowledge, as one of the most saving marins. "

In many books, I came across such an opinion that a person reaches large results when it takes care not only about his own well-being, but about other people. The more people a person helps, the more abundance comes into his life.

"! Today we will learn to enter the changed state of consciousness, or alpha condition and learn how to do it in 10 seconds. My record of entering the alpha condition of 7 seconds, and in a deep state (2-3 seconds for relaxation, the same on the entry into the usual alpha and further a pair of seconds in the deep state of the changed consciousness).

Then we turn to the practice of the state of the state, although it is possible that you will fall into this condition already in the first technique.

Alpha Brain condition allows you to quickly relax the body, enter into deep meditation, get answers from the subconscious, effectively reprogram the destructive programs. In this state, it is recommended to work with visualizations, affirmations and other technicians.

First you need to just learn to enter the changed state of consciousness, and then reduce this time to a minimum (10-15 seconds or less). I entered this condition for 7 seconds when it was calm.

I will tell you about the frequencies of the brain for those who do not know about something. Brain frequency, these are waves with a frequency of about 0.5 to 40 cycles per second or from 1.5 to 40 Hz. It depends on this frequency, in what condition we are, awake, sleepy or deep sleep.

The lower the frequency or less, the state of the person becomes closer to the sleep. The frequency is higher, the faster our brain works more active.

No need to confuse the brain frequency with the human frequency. These are completely different systems.

Conditionally frequencies of the brain broke on 5 parts. The brain radiates Gamma, Betta, Alpha, aunt and Delta waves. Now let's get acquainted with each wave.

Gamma waves are the fastest. Their frequency is 30-45 Hz. These waves are generated by the brain in both hemispheres. Consciousness at this frequency works at the maximum. It is believed that these waves begin to be produced when a person needs to simultaneously work with different types of information and at the same time to quickly bind them among themselves. With a decrease in the gamma waves, the ability to memorize ability begins.

Betta waves It is generated by the left hemisphere of the human brain. Their frequency is from 14 to 30 Hz. They are responsible for logical thinking, concentration of attention, decision making. Betta waves make it possible to actively act in society. They accelerate the work of the brain, as well as increase the processing and assimilation of information. They also enhance the total energy of the body, excite the nervous system, remove drowsiness and exacerbate feelings.

Alpha waves. It is with them today we will work. When you begin to relax with closed eyes and, in this case, various images begin to appear in the mind, the imagination begins to work actively, the Alpha waves appear. Their frequency is from 7 to 14 Hz. Alpha waves are generated by the right hemisphere of the brain.

When an adult is in a relaxed and comfortable condition and, at the same time, it remains conscious activity - a sufficient amount of alpha waves are produced. In fact, it is a condition before falling asleep.

At this frequency, a person can effectively cope with the tasks set before him. Alpha Waves repeatedly enhance the ability to perceive a large amount of information, develop abstract thinking, help self-control. Also at this frequency it is good to clean stress, nervous tension and anxiety.

Alpha Waves help to combine consciousness with subconscious (or soul). This frequency is produced by so-called joy hormones, which contribute to the decrease in pain and are responsible for a positive look at life, happiness, joy and rest.

Teta waves Conduct the body into a state of deep relaxation. This is a state of dorms, where there may be a dream. Their frequency is from 4 to 7 Hz. If you master the conscious entry into this frequency and conscious stay there, the solution of many questions will occur much easier. I have not mastered this condition. Today, I have enough alpha.

In theta rhythm after heavy loads, the body can quickly recover. This frequency appears a feeling of bliss and peace. The aunt wave is generated by the right hemisphere of the brain. They are the border between consciousness and subconscious.

Theta waves contributes to the manifestation of paranormal abilities. They enhance emotions and feelings, also allow you to program and reprogram the subconscious, get rid of negative and limiting thinking. For people engaged in self-development, the development of this frequency can bring much benefit.

Delta waves. This rhythm begins to work during deep sleep. In the Delta state in the body, the processes of self-stop and self-witness are intensively. The wave delta is generated by the right hemisphere of the brain. Their frequency is from 0.5 to 4 Hz.

The changed state of consciousness (UES) begins with alpha frequency and on the border of alpha and aunt waves.

It is at these frequencies to reprogram the organism. Ideal it would be to work on the aunt frequencies, but it is actually a dream and for this requires long workouts.

Now we will learn to enter deep alpha condition without a computer and special music. In this state, it is possible to recover literally for 10-15 minutes, finding a solution to problems, receive answers to exciting questions to which you cannot get an answer in the usual state, produce a migration of the entire body, reprogram the internal programs and beliefs, configure the events.

Preparation for practice

You can enter the alpha condition sitting or lying, as you will be more convenient. If you are quickly falling asleep in a relaxed state, it is better to do this technique. At first workouts before entering the changed states of consciousness, you do not need to put any goals. To begin with, you just need to master well to get into this condition. Before you remove all annoying factors: turn off the phone, intercom, close the doors so as not to disturb relatives. Clothes should be free. If extraneous sounds are still present, put the headphones.

Good time for this technique before bedtime, when everyone in the house calms down. The position should be comfortable, hands and legs can not be crossed.

How to enter alpha condition - practice

Close your eyes, and we make the first counting from 3 to 1 as follows. First, there is a deep breath and in exhale mentally uttering a number 3 three times ( three three, three) And we present the image of the troika before the inner screen. Let this image be the way you come. Concentrate your attention on the figure. At this time, you relax your body from head to feet.

If you do not know how to relax, first work with relaxation to such an extent to do it in a few seconds. I am not writing about deep relaxation. Enough primary general relaxation.

After that you need to lie down a few seconds. Further take a deep breath and in exhalation. Try the number 2 three times ( two two, two). All the same. With a number 2, you relax your face, cheeks, jaw, headings and eyelids. Pay attention to the relaxation of the eyelids. Next, lie for a few seconds or a little longer, as you want.

Then there is a unit. Also 3 times I say figure 1, not forgetting about the image of the unit. Now we do not relax anything, but simply concentrate on one.

Further is lying a few seconds and begin the second countdown from 10 to 1. Now the deep breaths and exhalation do not need to do. Everything is done easily and relaxed. We start with dozens. Also mentally pronounce the figure 10 and present it. After 2-3 breaths on exhale mentally pronounce the word "Deeper" And mentally, as it were, fall into the depths, in something pleasant, as in the pillow.

If on some digit you start to get off, forget what your account you have, then you are already in Alpha.

This can happen on any digit. As soon as it happened, it is not necessary to count more. Feel this condition. There should be no active thoughts. If thoughts appear, just watch them somehow from the side and they will go away. A large stream of thoughts displays from the state of a changed consciousness.

If you slipped alpha and fell asleep, nothing terrible. Just need to train. If the first time did not get into this condition, are in the state in which you will. It will still be alpha, just not deep.

Deep alpha condition is very pleasant, which is difficult to describe. This is a relaxed state with an indescribable depth, it is good and nice. When you get into a deep alpha, you will understand it.

You are in this state as much as you want. If time is limited, you can put an alarm clock with a pleasant melody.

In the usual alpha there is a gap when you are covered by love and happiness. Just watch this condition and leave deeper. If you want, you can stay in this state, but it is easy to slip, it will be speedy. I have this condition within a few seconds. Although this state of love may not be, we are all different.

Sometimes 10-15 minutes in the deep alpha can be replaced with 1-2 hours of sleep.

In the changed states of consciousness, various images may appear. Watch them and stay conscious in order not to fall asleep. After some time, watching images, you can stand up, you can understand something that you never understood, you can come an interesting thought or idea, the necessary information you have long forgotten in your memory.

We solve problems with the help of alpha brain condition

In this trance state, you can configure the solution of the necessary problems and simply watch the thoughts and images. After you learn to enter in deep alpha condition, you can master the solution to problems through this technique. Before practice, tune to the solution of the right problem, otherwise it can not be remembered in Alpha itself and immerse yourself. I found a solution to the problem, immediately go out of this state, otherwise you can not remember.

With the help of an assistant, you can make big things, up to writing books. To solvely solve solutions, just enter Alpha and watch what is happening there. Received the answer, left alpha.

If you need to get a large amount of information, it is difficult to remember it. In this case, the ideal option will be an assistant. You got a fragment of information in Alfer, uttered it out loud and immediately entered Alpha again. The assistant recorded information.

The new fragment of the information came, they said out loud again, the assistant recorded again, etc. Thus, you will not exit this transcendent and dictate information to the assistant. Of course you can use a voice recorder for this.

From the alpha condition is very easy to go out. A slight effort of will and you are already in Betta. When leaving Alpha, try to endure this great condition that you will have.

Thus, you will become stronger and happier, you will continue to act on you and less stress and problems, you will become more confident person. Some fragments of texts on this blog I prepared with the help of alpha condition.

This feeling knows each of us. Many in childhood it visited more often than in adulthood. How to recognize a state in which the mind is completely absorbed by the case and learn how to direct it?

"Put on the flow", "move in a common stream", "the flow of consciousness" - this word has many negative meanings. But when it comes to work or any business, in a state of flow - continuous, fascinating, almost trance experience - we achieve the best results.

What does it mean?

The concept of the flow (Flow) has developed an American psychologist Mihai Chixentmichia. He and his colleagues surveyed many people whose work was associated with creativity, they described the feelings in the best hours in a similar way. Writer, physicist, engineer, cook, businessman - regardless of profession The general state of the absorption was visited by everyone.

This condition is not connected only with pleasant feelings, for many its occurrence required overcoming difficulties. There is little pleasure, the challenge must be thrown - the task that was not previously resolved.

Chixentmichei found that the flow is a universal state. Everyone has the need for everyone. We strive for these experiences, but we do not always find reasonable ways.

Someone finds dependence on gambling, someone needs to constantly risk life, performing dangerous stunts without insurance. The problem is that everyday life often does not contain what can be described as a stream. Let's try to figure it out with Michae Chiusentmichia, why this happens and how to change it.

How to determine what we are in the stream?

First complexity: it is difficult for them to manage. "Happiness from the experience of the completeness of life comes itself, like a butterfly, which quietly sits on your shoulder when we are keen on something," Viktor Frankli wrote. But enthusiasm is too abstract concept. Chixentmichei allocated nine elements inherent in the degree of passionism in which we become one with your occupation at the moment:

At each stage, we see a clear goal.We see how one follows from the other. The climber knows where to put his leg, the musician moves from the note to the note, and the writer seems to get to the word that he needs from a huge bag. In a state of flow, what we work with, be it words, ideas, or objects, becomes close and visible.

Each action follows feedback. The mountaineer immediately understands whether the movement committed correctly, and the musician hears, rightly took a note, writes Chixentmichia. The response can be inner: intuition suggests, in the correct direction we are moving. Often we have to doubt and try again at random, but as if the internal sensor is triggered.

The complexity of the task corresponds to the capabilities, but contains a call. It looks like a game: we know the rules, we have already formed the skills, our own techniques and tricks, but still the winnings require a little more dexterity and tension. If the task seems impracticable or too easy, the state of the stream will not come.

Action and awareness are synchronous.There is no alarm site about how the result will be assessed by others, what will be the consequences in case of an error and what awaits us, if we do not put on time. We fully concentrate on what we are doing.

Concentration and immersion: distracting factors cease to exist.In the usual state, it is easy for us: we ourselves are happy to switch to something, like the links. Here we are like entering trance: the most important thing in life happens right in front of us at a present second.

In the stream, we stop afraid. We are so absorbed in what happens that there is no place in my head. As Chixentmichei writes, the whole thing is in control: we clearly see what should be done, and we feel stubbornly and the tide of the forces when it arises difficulty.

Feeling accessories, expansion "I".One of the reasons for failures is anxiety about your own "I". Thoughts focused on protection. But in the flow state, the defense is weakening, because "I" expands. We feel part of something more - a sports team, orchestra, the new reality that we create, soothes and gives a sense of internal support.

Creative people notice a distortion of time.Some of those who interviewed the Chixentmichi team (especially writers and poets), talked about smoothing time, as if they were overpowered by a bitch branch, and then she became smooth as the metal pole, which could be slid faster.

The aggravated experience of the value of what we do. In this, the essence of the state of the flow - it itself is our award. We can pay for work, we can admire. But the flow causes a unique experience of the value of what we do is because we do. In essence, as emphasizes Chixentmichia, the flow is creativity.

How to enter streaming

Among those who are familiar well, it is no coincidence that is often called athletes, because they are not just doing what they like. They achieve skill and constantly compete with others with them. Stephen Kotler, author of the book "Revival of Superman", studied a lot of time triggers, which they use to enter the stream. He proposes to borrow from their practice several ideas:

Whether the abyss?

For this state, two elements are required: awareness of their own competence and understanding that will be a challenge in the next task. Therefore, according to Cotler, it is important to constantly represent that you are already on the shoulder, but what else is not. Test your feelings, replenish a list of your strengths, put yourself estimates every week. So you, firstly, you will feel progress, secondly, learn how to evaluate the possibilities and understand the width of the abyss that you will be able to jump.

How ready do you are ready for risk?

There is no comfort in the stream. If discomfort for you is associated with constant negative stress (Distress), try to understand why this happens.

Perhaps you put a bar too high or think that we will handle everything? Do not well evaluate your strength well enough? Let's say you are accustomed to the fact that you have a lot of praise or freed from excessive loads in childhood, and now you have begun to scare serious purposes? Read the history of scientists, athletes, businessmen about achieving skill. What did they teach them how they adapted to it?

Look for a stream in your experience

"When we describe the people of the stream, they recognize them. But often do not notice them at home until we directly point to them, "writes Cauche Marilyn Atkinson in the book" Life in Stream ". Each time he feels free, powerful, immersed in some important thing or remembers such an episode from childhood or adolescence.

Immerse yourself in this memory and answer your questions. What caused it to which atmosphere it happened? What type of work was especially stimulating?

Maybe you were looking for a puzzle solution, came up with a cheerful congratulation, did something on your hands? Return to children's streaming experiences can sometimes specify the path to the vocation.

The body will help tune

The sport is important. Imagine that now you have to have an important swim, overcoming the track or the speed. If you feel tension, look at how it penetrates into the fingers, your view becomes tenacious and focused, fog in the head scatters and thoughts quickly rush from one subject to another.

"The body and the brain are closely connected," Kotler writes. "Similarly, our fears are transferred to the somatic level the body, it becomes counted, wooden and mental" warming up "helps to return the body into a state of readiness to action."

Additional methods

Streaming condition almost never arises where everything is familiar and constantly. And this applies not only to athletes, but also to those who are engaged in intellectual labor.

The athlete needs to constantly look for new unusual exercises and ways to work out techniques. Similarly, writers, scientists, businessmen or professionals need to refer to the influx of impressions.

For some, it can be books for others - communication and permanent exchange of ideas with others, for Third, a visit to master classes, classes and lectures. The main thing, do not be afraid to declare your needs. Office standard from nine to five is no longer associated with creativity. Random meetings in the corridors, conversations for coffee machines and joint jogging can be a way to reach a flow.

The flow is a state in which tasks are forced to be laid out, but do not deprive motivation. The time as if slowed down, we are easily abstracts from everything that first distracted. Sign in it will help three simple steps.

1. Determine what distracts you

Household? Look for other places where you can work: a platform for a coworking or library. Feel uncomfortable in open space with high ceilings, it means that the university library is not for you. Distract the social network? Disable the Internet.

2. Have fun

This is a clear sign that you are in the stream. At the weekend, schedule work on projects that you are very interesting. The goal is to get the maximum pleasure. If you start losing the concentration, turn on the music, turn the spinner, perform the breathing gymnastics. Mark the options that help concentrate.

3. Make a list of techniques that help concentrate

It is necessary to form the relationship between the concentration state, the use of specific equipment and the task. These techniques should be in habit. When you find yourself in a distracting atmosphere, you can use these techniques to enter the stream state. Perhaps the way will be simple: for example, to make breathing gymnastics and listen to your favorite song.

Smells and memories

The smell is strongly affected by memory and emotions. Choose oils, herbs or aromatic candles to bind their odor with the stream condition. When notice that completely concentrated, inhale the smell of juniper, lavender or any other. Do it regularly. So you will create a connection between the smell and installation on productive work.

Music and mood

Music is also actively affected by emotions and motivation. Fast paced improves concentration and increases productivity, slow soothing melodies helps to relax.

Sport classes

Physical activity sets up the brain to the concentration. Exercises increase the neurotrophic brain factor - the protein necessary for memory and learning, reduce anxiety, improve the short-term memory and establish a hormonal balance. Even a small physical activity has a positive effect on chemical processes in the brain.

To learn how to enter the stream state, practice is required. Skill need to develop as any other. Keep concentration easier when you do what you like. The more often you will be engaged in your favorite affairs and stay in a state of flow, the easier it will be for you to enter it when it takes.