Repair Design Furniture

Can essential oils be added to a humidifier? What essential oils are suitable for a moisturizer

The quality of the microclimate in the room depends not only on temperature and humidity levels. The sense of smell, that is, the sensation of smells and aromas, plays an important role. And here special place occupied by aromatic oils. It is most convenient to distribute their pleasant and healthy aroma with the help of spray devices.

Today there are models of air humidifiers in which essential oils can be added.

When can essential oils be added to humidifiers? What models climatic devices intended for this purpose? All these questions are of interest to many people. Another important point- determination of extracts of aromatic oils that are suitable for spraying in an apartment.

Essential, aromatic oils: their importance for indoor microclimate

Before considering the use of essential oils in a humidifier, it is worth understanding what it is, what beneficial and harmful properties it has. Aromatic oils are elements of a biological composition that can have a significant impact on a person due to their beneficial characteristics.

The following components can serve as ingredients in the production of aromatic oils:

  • Components various plants: flowers, stems, leaves, peel.
  • Fruits and their components: juice, pulp, peel.

Aroma oils are effectively used for the following purposes:

  • The need to normalize the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Improvement appearance hair and nails.
  • Strengthening concentration and improving the processes of brain, mental activity.
  • Physical and emotional relaxation.
  • Restoration of the immune system.
  • Restoration of the nervous system.

Despite all the positive properties of aromatic oils, it is important to apply them in a timely manner, to be careful in dosages and selection of specific extracts when mixing. Under certain circumstances, essential oils can harm the human body.

Aroma oils in some cases must be used very carefully

Cases when it is worth using aroma oils carefully:

  • Propensity to develop allergic reactions. You need to be especially careful when using extracts of sage and arborvitae.
  • The presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Pregnancy. Especially carefully use extracts of rosemary, cedar, sage and basil. It is better not to use these substances during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary.
  • Breastfeeding period. Substances inhaled with air enter the baby's body, many of them can be harmful to fragile health.
  • Disturbances in the work of the thyroid gland, kidneys. The presence of diseases associated with these organs.
  • Colds with fever symptoms.

Air humidifier and aroma oil

The positive possibilities of using a humidifier as a means of aromatizing a room are obvious. Atomization of moist air will allow you to evenly and dosedly distribute the desired aroma throughout the room. Let's see how things work in practice with parallel humidification and aromatization using a humidifier.

Can essential oils be added to a humidifier? Today, many manufacturers offer for sale models with the functionality of room aromatization.

They are commonly referred to as aroma moisturizers. The presence of the aromatization function does not depend on the type of device. Aromatization can be provided for ultrasonic, steam or "cold" models.

The principle of operation of such devices is simple. In the design, a special capsule or container is installed in front of the atomizer to accommodate aromatic substances. When water evaporates from temperature or ultrasound, essential oils also evaporate. Thus, the space of the room is not only moistened, it is saturated with aromatic elements and phytoncides. In "cold type" appliances, you can add water with soluble oils. But not all devices provide the ability to aromatize the room with oils.

What should I do if the humidifier does not have a compartment for an aromatic capsule or a container with essential oil? Any device must be used strictly for its intended purpose, so if the instructions do not indicate the presence of an aromatization function, you should not add aroma oils to the water container. Such arbitrariness can only harm your health and the health of the device.

The practice of adding water-soluble oils to the main water tank for steam and ultrasonic devices has a positive effect when spraying aromas around the room, but negatively affects the performance of the humidifier, reducing its effective operation.

Oils seriously pollute the main working units (membrane, filters), which over time makes it impossible to efficient work. It is almost impossible to remove oil deposits without disassembling the device. Therefore, if the device instructions do not contain the functionality of adding aromatic substances, you should not add oils.

When using a humidifier with essential oils, the device must be cleaned after each use. This requirement is due to the fact that the particles of aromatic oils remaining in the details create a favorable atmosphere for the development of bacteria and microorganisms. Without thorough cleaning and rinsing, all bacteria will get into the air of the room the first time you turn it on next time.

The calculation of the amount of aromatic oils when added to the humidifier should take into account the proportion of 5 drops per 15 sq. m. area of ​​the premises.

What aroma oils can be used in humidifiers

What types of scented essential oils are best added to a humidifier? The presence of a huge number of different natural extracts makes the task of selecting the optimal oil for adding to the climate device quite difficult. Therefore, it is worth giving a few proven options.

Orange aroma oil improves mood, gives a charge of vivacity

You can add the following aroma oils:

  1. Orange. The action of the extract improves mood, gives vigor, relieves anxiety and insomnia. Affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems of the body.
  2. Basil. Soothing and antibacterial action. Often combined with eucalyptus to enhance antimicrobial activity.
  3. Bergamot. Counteracting fungal formations, improves appetite.
  4. Eucalyptus (phytoncides). Antiviral effect.
  5. Lemon. antivirus effect.
  6. Lavender. Sedative, antidepressant effect, improved sleep. Great for nervous exhaustion.
  7. Chamomile. Anti-stress, calming, relaxing effect. With violations of the digestive system.
  8. Carnation. The strong expectorant effect that the extract causes is useful for wet coughs.
  9. Juniper. When sick respiratory system. Normalizes pressure.
  10. Mint, pine, fir. Relief of cold symptoms, prevention of viral diseases.

What combinations should you try when spraying?

  1. At bad dream- sandalwood, chamomile.
  2. With a weakening of attention and memory - pine, incense, spruce, orange.
  3. With stress - sandalwood, lavender.
  4. For general relaxation - sandalwood, lavender.

With the right approach, air humidification can be effectively combined with aromatic oils.

It all depends on the type of device. If it has the functionality of adding essential oils, its work will fill the room with a pleasant and healthy smell. Do not forget about the careful selection of specific types of extracts and their combinations.

A scented humidifier will create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. A few drops of healing ether will improve your mood, destroy pathogenic microbes and create a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation. For perfume, you can use mono-oils or compositions that are easy to mix on your own.

When fragrant or essential oils are added to a special tank, they are mixed with water and sprayed during operation of the device. The smallest water suspension does not irritate the bronchi, does not spoil furniture and interior items. The slight smell persists even after the humidifier is turned off. Candles, diffusers or oil lamps cannot provide such an effect.

Aroma lamps are economical: just add 5 drops for every 15-20 m2 of the room.

Strong concentration may cause headache or nausea.

Aromatic oils for a humidifier are best bought at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Pure esters are more useful than fragrant compositions from synthetic components.

Choosing the Right Humidifier

Not every humidifier is suitable for aromatic oils. Fragrances must not be added to steam or ultrasonic humidifiers. The smallest droplets of fat settle on the filters and membrane compartments inside the device, gradually disabling it.

If you want to flavor the air, but there is only a traditional humidifier, you can cheat a little: put a few drops on the steam atomizer, preventing it from getting inside the device. Hot moist air will be saturated with essential oils and aromatize the room without harming the mechanism.

More convenient for this is air washing, humidifying the atmosphere by cold spraying. The device does not create hot steam, the air is humidified by the rotation of the blades located inside the housing. Washing increases the level of humidity and cleans the air of dust, micromites and pet hair. Essential oils can be added directly to the water, updating them as the liquid evaporates.

Another popular type of devices for creating an odorous atmosphere are aroma humidifiers with a special compartment for oils or essences. They are easy to wash and no residue of fat remains on the walls.

To avoid mistakes, read the instructions. Do not use oils if it is forbidden to add foreign liquids to the water.

Install a fragrance humidifier in your bedroom or nursery. Top up with clean, filtered water regularly to keep the appliance running smoothly. To change the fragrance: pour out the liquid, rinse the tank and fill with fresh water. Mix the compositions in a separate bottle with a pipette and add to the moisturizer.

Advantages and disadvantages of essential oils

Fragrant or essential oils disinfect the air, purify it of dust and saturate it with healing phytoncides.

With regular use:

  • normalize breathing and blood pressure;
  • relieve chronic cough and runny nose;
  • improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves sleep and digestion;
  • improve mood;
  • strengthen the body's defenses.

Aromatherapy is not for everyone. Aroma oils are not recommended for people with severe allergies, pregnant and lactating women, patients with thyroid disease or autoimmune problems.

If nausea occurs headache, increased pressure or other unpleasant symptoms, then you should abandon the oils. Most often, the reaction occurs to the heavy aromas of sandalwood, ylang-ylang and rose. For pregnant women, oils of sage, basil, pine or rosemary are dangerous.

Popular fragrances and their impact

Choose fragrances according to your mood, personal preferences or ailments. The most popular aroma oils for a humidifier:

    • Lemon oil increases efficiency, enhances concentration, invigorates and refreshes. Indispensable in the cold season, effectively fights bacteria.
    • Sweet orange oil is a natural relaxant. Calms the nerves, stimulates brain activity and improves breathing.
    • Bergamot oil fights depression, boosts immunity and improves mood.
    • Eucalyptus oil protects against bacteria and viruses. Saturated with phytoncides, has a regenerating effect, tones and improves breathing. Useful for those suffering from asthma or chronic rhinitis.
    • Basil oil helps to focus, fights migraine attacks and spasms, and reduces nervous tension.
    • Peppermint oil helps to concentrate, invigorates, restores and relieves nausea. Useful for people experiencing constant overload. Improves the atmosphere and reduces the activity of viruses.
    • Lavender oil eliminates chronic insomnia, calms, relieves anxiety and sets in a positive way. Useful for people who are obese or on a diet. The bitter aroma reduces hunger and improves digestion.
    • Cinnamon oil provides a calming atmosphere, soothes, extinguishes conflicts and prevents skin diseases.
    • Sandalwood oil contributes to complete relaxation and the development of sensuality. Helps to fall asleep and is useful for constant nervous overload.

In addition to mono-oils, ready-made or self-mixed compositions are used in everyday life. Use a pipette to accurately dose the proportion. Store oil mixtures in dark glass bottles with tight stoppers.

The most successful compositions:

      • lemon + orange + mint;
      • pine + rosemary + sandalwood;
      • lavender + rose + petitgrain;
      • ylang + sandalwood + grapefruit.

Aroma oils for a humidifier create a relaxing, invigorating or romantic atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house. Aromatherapy affects the mood and well-being, turning the house into a fortress for resting body and soul.

Aroma oils are pure distilled extracts obtained from flowers, skins, stems, plant leaves or fruits. Essential oil is often used in aromatherapy and added to a humidifier, because many types of essences are conducive to physical and emotional relaxation.

Today there are many various types air humidifiers with various capabilities and functions: steam, ultrasonic units, atomizers, cold-type humidifiers. However, is it possible to add oils to a humidifier that not only aromatize the room, but also improve health?

On sale there are devices for humidifying the air with the function of aromatization, the so-called aroma humidifiers. Therefore, many are interested in the latter option, in particular its impact on overall well-being, mood and indoor climate.

The aroma humidifier is a household appliance that evaporates essential oils along with steam. When small water particles enter the air, they make the climate in the room more humid, and also fill the space with phytoncides, which are present in each essential product.

It should be borne in mind that in the case of using essential oils in a humidifier, it must be cleaned and rinsed after each use, since harmful heat-loving microbes intensively multiply inside.

However, before adding any essential oil should be aware of it useful properties and the harm it can cause to the human body.

Positive and negative properties of aroma oils

Even in ancient times, various ailments were treated with plant extracts. In our time modern science proved that these substances do have a beneficial effect on mental and physical health. Phytoncides contained in the essential product, when inhaled, enter the blood stream, so they have an immediate effect.

Essences are especially useful if you need to restore nervous system and improve mental and emotional state. Aroma oils added to the air humidifier have a beneficial effect on:

  • functioning of the respiratory and cardiac systems;
  • appearance of hair and skin;
  • brain function and ability to concentrate;
  • immune system, making the body more resistant to viral and bacterial infections.

For the most part, essential oil contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging and remove harmful carcinogens from the body. Therefore, plant extracts are often used as substances that optimize the activity of the body, which effectively fight many diseases.

However, do not forget about the negative properties of aromatic oils. An air humidifier that emits a rich vegetable smell along with steam, in addition to a positive effect, in some cases also has negative impact. Thus, the addition of a natural flavor can be harmful if the dosage is not observed and the extracts are not mixed correctly.

What harm can aromatherapy do?

Inhalation of healing vapors can have a negative effect when:

  • propensity to allergies (especially carefully you need to handle sage and thuja);
  • bronchial asthma (an attack can be sudden, so you should consult a doctor before the procedure);
  • pregnancy (special care must be taken when using rosemary, cedar, sage and basil);
  • breastfeeding (the inhaled aroma with mother's milk will instantly enter the baby's blood, which can have a negative effect on a fragile body).

Also, people who have disorders of the thyroid gland, kidneys or high body temperature, it is better to refuse a procedure during which an air humidifier with an aromatherapy function is used.

Popular fragrances for humidifiers

What essential oil can be added to a humidifier? There are many extracts used for aromatherapy: from the extract of the well-known chamomile to the essence of Asian bergamot:

It is necessary to add any oil to the air humidifier with the calculation of no more than 5 drops per 15 m2 of the room.

  1. Orange. Orange oil can improve mood, it gives vigor, removes anxiety and relieves insomnia. Also, the rich aroma of citrus fruits stabilizes the work of the heart and improves digestion.
  2. - It is a strong antispasmodic, antibacterial, sedative. Basil can be combined with eucalyptus to increase antimicrobial activity.
  3. Bergamot. is a powerful antifungal agent, and it also reduces fever, improves appetite and develops creativity.
  4. Eucalyptus. Phytoncides contained in eucalyptus provide a strong antiviral, antimicrobial effect. Also, oil can be added to a humidifier to repel various insects.
  5. Tea tree essential oil - has antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial action. Moreover, aroma oil actively fights against sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis.
  6. . The slightly tart, sweet-sour aroma of this citrus is an excellent antiviral agent. Just a few drops of lemon flavor added to a humidifier will relieve migraines, flu and other viral illnesses.
  7. Lavender oil calms, relieves insomnia, headaches, depression, and also helps to cope with nervous exhaustion.
  8. Chamomile. Known for its calming, relaxing, anti-stress effect. In addition, chamomile extract can be used to normalize digestion.
  9. Clove has a strong antibacterial effect. The spice is often used to get rid of a wet cough, as it has a strong expectorant effect.
  10. camphor oil. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, and camphor also has a slight analgesic effect.
  11. Yarrow. An excellent inhibitor of inflammatory manifestations, i.e. yarrow slows down the spread of infection in the body.
  12. Anise - has expectorant, antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.
  13. Juniper essential extract is a natural antibiotic, so it actively fights inflammation of the lungs and bronchi. Aroma oil also copes with apathy, relieves fears, cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  14. Peppermint. Fresh minty scent relieves symptoms colds due to its sedative and antiseptic properties.
  15. Pine aroma oil is an effective remedy for colds. Fresh coniferous smell restores lung cells, so it is used to prevent viral diseases.
  16. Fir - has a pronounced anti-cold effect. Fir is often mixed with various extracts.
  17. Aromatherapy using sage helps to restore the voice, stabilizes the emotional background, removes depression, heals purulent pathologies on the skin, activates blood microcirculation and increases blood pressure.

Optimal combinations of essential oils

Combining plant extracts is not only possible, but necessary. However, this should be done with extreme caution. So, in a humidifier it is useful to add a mixture of essential oils such as:

  • sandalwood, chamomile and petitgrain - relieves;
  • pine, frankincense, spruce, orange - to improve concentration;
  • sandalwood, ylang-ylang, lavender - fights stress;
  • pine, ginger fir, peppermint - to cheer up;
  • sandalwood, lavender, petitgrain, marjoram - for relaxation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting. If the device does not have an aromatization function, then aroma oil and other substances cannot be added to a container filled with water. The humidifier should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions for use. Otherwise, you can harm not only your own well-being, but also the “health” of equipment.

A pleasant indoor atmosphere is not only part of the concept of comfort and coziness, but is also a condition for maintaining good health and well-being. But not always, taking care of creating such an atmosphere, due attention is paid to air humidity. But this is one of the important indicators of a prosperous atmosphere.

Excessively dry air in the room leads to a decrease in performance, increases the possibility for the spread of viruses and infections, complicates the respiratory process, causes allergic reactions.

The humidifier provides real comfort and creates a healthy atmosphere in the home and office. In addition, a modern household appliance with the help of a fragrance can fill the house with pleasant and healing smells.

Why Do Humidifiers Need Fragrances?

We cannot immediately understand whether the air in the room is sufficiently humidified, we do not always compare the negative reactions of our body with this indicator. Let's smell it right away!

Everyone knows how a hospital or a bakery smells, what aroma freshly washed linen or brewed coffee has. Smell is one of the main characteristics of a room. Therefore, the ability of humidifiers to fill the space with pleasant smells is highly valued. This task is performed by flavors.

Due to the fact that humidifiers began to be equipped with them, not only water particles that increase humidity enter the air, but also useful material essential oils used in fragrances. Such substances - phytoncides - can cope with harmful bacteria, they can also rid the room of an unpleasant odor.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

An unpleasant smell will become a rarity in your apartment, subject to simple rules of conduct. household based on information about why unwanted odors appear in rooms.

Causes of bad odors:

  • Rare ventilation.
    Systematic ventilation helps to timely remove the smells of food, tobacco smoke, preventing them from penetrating deeply into the structure of home textiles and thus staying in the room for a long time.
  • Irregular wet cleaning and laundry
    Dirty clothes and underwear that keep the smell of sweat, curtains soaked with food, a pet toilet and much more do not add fragrance, but, on the contrary, become a source of an unpleasant odor.
  • Dampness
    Excessive air humidity is undesirable in rooms as well as excessive dryness.

Important! Dampness leads to the appearance of mold, accompanied by a characteristic smell that cannot be called pleasant.

Everyone can get rid of these reasons, remove non-aromatic odors. Filling your home with a pleasant fragrance is also easy. To do this, you need to use special oils - fragrant.

About the benefits and harms of aromatic oils

The fact that the smell can affect the well-being of a person has long been known. Specialists use these properties of essential oils, using them as therapeutic agents.

Useful features of various aromatic oils:

  • Use as antiseptics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents.
    Oils based on pines and cedars, geraniums and tea tree, junipers and lemons purify the air in the room, destroying pathogenic bacteria, microbes and viruses. And their use as a prophylactic will help the body not succumb to diseases even during mass epidemics.
  • Strengthening the immune system
    Plants such as chamomile, lavender, lemon, grapefruit, etc. have a beneficial effect on human immunity. Oils made on their basis also retain beneficial properties.
  • Medical and wellness products
    At correct selection smells can improve digestion and blood circulation, get rid of stress, reduce temperature and pressure, relieve pain, etc.

The serious possibilities of aroma oils made them full participants in the therapeutic effect on a person.

Important! The use of aroma oils is best done after consulting a doctor. A specialist, taking into account the characteristics of health, will help to make a choice of such substances that will not cause negative reactions.

However, essential oils can preserve not only useful, but also harmful properties plants. Applied to the skin, they in some cases cause allergies, irritation or severe burns. The use of such oils requires compliance with special rules.

Rules for the use of aroma oils

Important! You can avoid the unpleasant effect of using aromatic oils by using a quality product that is manufactured in compliance with all technological rules and purchased from an official distributor.

aroma oil- the product is delicate and gentle. These substances require careful attention to themselves, which allows them to be used without harm to humans.

Preliminary testing of a new aroma oil, careful recording of the body's reactions to this substance.

Thorough aroma cleansing- humidifier after each use of essential oils.

Compliance with the following proportion in the use of essential oil: for 15 square meters of area - 5 drops of the selected oil.

The use of essential oils only in humidifiers that have a special capsule for aromatic oils.

Popular Humidifier Fragrances

Nowadays, people have learned how to make essential oils based on a wide variety of plants. In this regard, buyers have a problem: how and what flavors are best to choose for humidifying the air. Let's look into this.

The choice of essential oil for household appliance directly depends on the purpose of use. After all, a light pleasant aroma will create any aroma oil. When filling a humidifier, the following properties of substances should be taken into account:

  • To improve mood, relieve stress, get rid of insomnia and stress - orange, lavender, chamomile;
  • Soothing - basil, lavender;
  • Antibacterial - basil;
  • Antifungal - bergamot;
  • For appetite - bergamot;
  • Antiviral - eucalyptus, lemon, meat, pine, fir;
  • To normalize the work of the digestive organs - chamomile;
  • When coughing - clove;
  • For diseases respiratory organs- juniper.

Important! Do not use aromatic oils for pregnant and breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, patients with bronchial asthma, thyroid or kidney diseases.

The fragrance for the humidifier can be filled not with one oil, but with a mixture of several substances. The following mixtures have a beneficial effect:

  • To combat insomnia - sandalwood with chamomile;
  • To strengthen attention and memory - pine, spruce, orange combined with frankincense oil;
  • To calm and relieve stress - lavender with sandalwood.

How to make a fragrance with your own hands

You can evenly distribute essential oil throughout the room not only with the help of a purchased humidifier. You can make an effective flavoring agent with your own hands.

Appointment homemade device will create conditions for the distribution of essential oils throughout the premises. To do this, you can soak various materials or create custom connections. Here are a few simple tips how to make your own fragrance.

Soda and oil

Materials: glass container, lid with holes, soda, aroma oil.

Production: fill a third of the container with soda. Add 10 cap. butter, mix well and close the lid.


Materials: sticks made of wood (from 20 to 30 cm), a glass container for them, vegetable and aromatic oil, alcohol.

Production: pour into a container a third of the height of the sticks vegetable oil, we combine aroma oil with it (per 100 g - 25 drops) and alcohol (2 tsp). After stirring, we put sticks in the container, with the help of which phytoncides will begin to spread throughout the room.

One or more special stones salt dough, exuding healing aromas, will become a real decoration of the room and useful gift for relatives and friends. We'll tell you how to make it.

Materials: flour, starch, salt, hot water, dye (food, gouache - optional), essential oil.

Production: salt (1 kg) with starch (5 tablespoons) is added to flour (600 g), mixed. hot water(200 ml) with the dye diluted in it is combined with flour and kneaded thoroughly. Pebbles are made from the resulting steep dough (you can use curly baking molds). We apply aroma to each stone - 2-3 drops of aroma oil. After the dough has completely dried and hardened, the stones can be laid out indoors or made up of compositions.

Fragrances can be made not only with the help of essential oils. Small bags made of natural fabrics, in which dry fragrant fabrics are laid out, also become excellent flavors.

Fragrances for humidifiers can not only make our lives brighter and more interesting. With their help, you will reliably protect your family from harmful bacteria and viruses, speed up the healing process, and make your home unique.

We have an ultrasonic, now it has begun to turn on, because. the child got sick, + bought a nebulizer, and caught myself thinking that this is the same humidifier, only the compressor is there instead of the membrane. Googled on the topic, what if you pour the same mineral water into a humidifier???? and that's what I found, I warn you right away - the words are not mine, taken from the forum. I pour “fruit nanny” from a bottle, it comes out a little expensive, but there is no plaque, from the filtered one the whole apartment is in bloom. Now I’m thinking whether this is harm or benefit to the child ... Share knowledgeable mothers with experience.

Can I add some additives to the humidifier?

Actually this is the question. One woman told me that when a child fell ill with bronchitis, they poured into a humidifier mineral water and everyone breathed it almost around the clock. They must have changed the nebulizer. I tried putting baking soda on it. somewhere a teaspoon, the whole apartment was in a fog. But now I dug up such information and thought about whether to throw it out at all.

You most likely have an ultrasonic humidifier. It sprays small particles of water that you breathe. If this water is poorly purified or has stood for a while, then all this dirt gets straight into your respiratory tract. Therefore, it is better to buy a humidifier with natural way humidification: 1.steam, which humidifies the air with hot steam. even when evaporating dirty water, you will breathe only air with H2O evaporated in it. Since water evaporates naturally, you also breathe only air with H2O evaporated in it.

Most likely it is. And it's not about poorly purified water. The fact is that the plate, which turns everything that has got on it, into the smallest dust (this is how the humidifier is arranged) - absolutely do not care what got on it - water, fine dirt, salt. Keyword: salt dissolved in water. It turns into dust and flies in the air. Mom, don't worry. Almost ALL users of ultrasonic humidifiers notice a whitish precipitate after a week everywhere - on shelves, TV, even on the computer's CD, its inside, tray!) What needs to be done: wash the humidifier weak solution soda, then wipe with vinegar, dry. Replace the filter if more than 2 months of operation have passed (expensive thing ... there is no way - just put it away, in the trash can of course). Fill with distilled water from a pharmacy. Turn on. There is no cough. A little more likely to cough, you can pour boiled water twice. A little more likely - because who knows what component of your water you cough on, suddenly boiling will not remove ... Ask - nifiga, so squirming every time? I will answer yes, because sooner or later the husband and child will also cough - aspiration of dispersed salt is a VERY BAD thing, I will not frighten further, and I don’t see much sense in humidifiers. Only ultrasonic ones moisturize a little, the rest are complete garbage, but ultrasound can cause serious harm: a kind of powder keg for the bronchi and lungs ... Thanks for the patience of the readers, I suffered in the morning ...