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The talisman of luck is the Wheel of Fortune. Amulet the wheel of fortune or the amulet of life Make the wheel of fortune yourself

From the very beginning of its existence amulet "Wheel of Fortune" meant the continuity of the current cycles. After all, our life path consists of both ups and downs. Consistency is rare, especially in the modern age. The wheel symbolizes constant forward movement, eternal development, progress.

Counters of specialized stores, Internet sites offer a variety of personal choices. Including, among this assortment, it is easy to find the “Wheel of Fortune” talisman.

But the amulet that you will feel, which you will make yourself will be stronger and more effective. A person puts his soul into such a thing.

A special good luck charm will be useful if its owner does not forget about it - communicate with the rainbow image, share your experiences. And treat with care: any damage can reduce the magical effect.

The meaning of the amulet "Wheel of Fortune"

Natural processes, energy transformations, the functioning of the human body - absolutely everything changes.

In ancient times, the image of the wheel was associated with the moment of birth and the moment of death.

The combination of force and energy is closed in a ring - their continuous interaction takes place. And thanks to its positive effect, biologically active flows are revealed, aimed at achieving the desired effect.

How to make a Wheel of Fortune talisman with your own hands

If you decide to make a special amulet with your own hands, wait until Wednesday comes - the third day of the week. This is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired result.

During this period, the energy of the Universe interacts with money energy: their lines intersect and merge into a single whole.

So, when you wait for the right moment, get to work. You will need:

  • A large cardboard or green sheet - you will draw your amulet on it.
  • Golden paint - for drawing the sign.

The quality of the selected materials is not so important. The main role will be played by the correct application of symbolism and faith in its energetic power.

You should pay attention to the proportionality of the figure: it is believed that it is this detail that turns the amulet into money.

The amulet with the image of the Wheel of Fortune will attract the energies of good luck and luck to you.

Draw a circle on paper or cardboard. It is best to use a compass (adhering to geometric principles, we increase the magical power of the wheel). Draw the symbol of Fortune inside the circle.

Concentrate - careful execution of all actions will endear the Goddess of Fortune to you. Say mentally or aloud:

“The wheel is spinning - Fortune returns to me!

When you finish the procedure, you should carry out the activation process. To do this, you must give a piece of your internal energy to the amulet.

Just take it in your left hand and start visualizing your prosperous future: you live in abundance, you are completely satisfied with your income, financial situation at the highest level.

At the same time, slowly move clockwise with the index finger of your right hand along the edges of the circle.


Numerology of success. Launch the Wheel of Fortune Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

10.1. Creating a personal wheel of fortune

Creating a personal wheel of fortune

The main business of your life

Any trifle can become.

You just need to firmly believe

What's more important is not the case.

Grigory Oster

If you, dear readers, followed our tips and wrote down the codes of your personal vectors, no difficulties are foreseen for you.

1. Open the Table of your personal VECTOR NUMBERS.

2. Take a piece of paper to draw the wheel spokes on it. No special arts required. Everyone can handle it.

3. Draw four cross lines as follows, as indicated in Figure 1.

4. From 4 lines there should be 8 spokes of the Wheel - vectors. We put down the numbers of the vectors under each spoke of our Wheel. For convenience, it is better to mark the numbers with a pencil, because then they will need to be replaced with the codes of your vectors. Just in case (for "dummies"), look again:

Figure: one

№ 1 - vector number of your life path;

№ 2 - vector number of your personality;

№ 3 - the vector number of your aspirations;

№ 4 - vector number of your possibilities;

# 5 is the vector number of your space;

№ 6 - vector number of your comfort;

№ 7 - vector number of your connection with the world;

No. 8 is the vector number of your identification.

It turns out as in Figure 2:

Figure: 2

5. Now we take vector numbers from our Table and substitute them instead of the corresponding numbers. For example (again for dummies):

instead of number 1, you should put down the vector number of your life path (suppose it is 3);

instead of number 2 - the vector number of your personality (let's say it's 5);

instead of number 3 - the vector number of your aspirations (suppose it is 7);

instead of number 4 - the vector number of your possibilities (let's say it's 11);

instead of number 5 - the vector number of your space (suppose it is 8);

instead of number 6 - the vector number of your comfort (let's say it's 4);

instead of number 7 - the vector number of your connection with the world (suppose it is 9);

instead of number 8 - the vector number of your identification (let's say it's 6).

Please note: the numbers of vectors can be repeated, because some numbers of your codes are also repeated.

Let's compose the Wheel of Fortune according to the assumed vector numbers. It will look like Figure 3.

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Capricious fortune has long been known for its unpredictability, and it is not without reason that it is depicted as a wheel. The wheel of fortune amulet is a dynamic symbol characterized by constant movement that changes black to white and back again.

What are talismans and amulets for, what is their meaning? Our entire world consists of conscious energy, which is one in essence. Whether it concerns the proteinaceous form of life, airspace, the kingdom of minerals or the animal world, energy fills all spheres of being with a single essence that gives life.

Minerals, stones and metal have the ability to accumulate energy in themselves and store for a long time, therefore, in most cases, they create an amulet or talisman. What does it do for a person? When creating an amulet, the magician fills it with his energy, sets the direction of his work.

At critical moments, when a person needs the help of an amulet, he takes this energy from him. For example, a person needs good luck in a certain business or protection - the amulet fulfills its "duties" and attracts good luck to him or protects him from failure, that is, unfavorable situations.

To curb unexpected changeability, to control its movement in their favor, create an amulet with the symbol of fortune. How can a symbol help? A symbol is a seal that provides the key to open the desired door, in this case the door to good luck.

The symbol tends to attract the required energy, expressed in this symbol through a combination of certain lines and other signs. The symbol speaks to the energy:

"Welcome here!"

It is a kind of magnet for attracting energy in our life.

Wheel of Fortune

The wheel symbolizes the rise and fall, up and down. What was at the height today may instantly be at the very bottom. What was below - can instantly reach transcendental heights.

Also, the "wheel" symbol also denotes the wheel, that is, the death penalty in the Middle Ages. In its sacred depths, this symbol carries the concept of life and death, and not just luck and failure.

In the cosmic aspect, this symbol reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cyclical nature of time, the cycle of life, the hierarchy of the world order.

In the Christian worldview, the wheel of fortune reflects two forces:

  • happiness and misfortune,
  • the devil and the guardian angel.

Amulet wheel of fortune - amulet of life

This amulet can be considered an amulet of life, because it protects from all negative manifestations in human fate, which opens the way to good luck. It does not replace luck, but contributes to its appearance in the creation of favorable situations and a happy chance.

The wheel of fortune is a companion for gamblers, business people, students, and all fortune seekers. Who doesn't need luck in life? Everyone needs her, especially in situations where everyone is against you. The wheel of fortune amulet will not allow dark forces to spoil the business, it will protect you from the negative manifestations of the surrounding space, and will protect you from envy and damage.

You can buy any amulet or talisman of good luck in stores, but it's best to make it yourself. When a person creates an amulet or talisman with his own hands, his energy permeates every part of the artifact, connecting with the material.

In this case, the artifact becomes part of the person himself, enters his aura. When creating an artifact, it is important to accurately reproduce the drawing, and the carrier material plays a secondary role.

The media can be anything:

  • wood;
  • a rock;
  • clay;
  • metal;
  • cardboard;
  • thick paper.

If you make an amulet from paper and cardboard (pentacle), then you can fill it with melted wax.

But it is also allowed to glue the artifact with tape so that the symbol does not rub off and the paper does not wrinkle. The artifact is activated by faith in its power.

There were times when a drawn symbol began to work immediately after its image on a simple sheet of paper.

How to make a pentacle

  • green or gold cardboard;
  • felt-tip pen in green or gold;
  • a green or golden candle;
  • the scent of cinnamon;
  • wax;
  • tweezers.

If you decide to depict the symbol of good luck on a golden cardboard, then draw it with a gel pen or a green felt-tip pen, and vice versa. Pick a full moon time and be alone. Light the cinnamon incense, light any candle (golden or green) and tune in to work.

I would like to warn you that you cannot use a compass to depict a circle - you need to circle any round shape such as a cup or saucer. The compass will pierce the paper, and the artifact will lose its magical integrity, which threatens to lose its properties.

So you got to work. Draw the symbol first with a simple pencil and then circle it with a pen. It is unacceptable to distort the proportions of the picture! Practice beforehand. Let the drawing be unprepossessing, but geometrically correct. Draw a drawing on both sides of the artifact, and then dip the cardboard in melted wax for a minute.

Pull the pentacle out of the wax with tweezers and let dry. Your pentacle of luck is ready, you can use it. Believe in its effectiveness and you will be lucky!

From the very beginning of its existence amulet "Wheel of Fortune" meant the continuity of the current cycles. After all, our life path consists of both ups and downs. Consistency is rare, especially in the modern age. The wheel symbolizes constant forward movement, eternal development, progress.

Counters of specialized stores, Internet sites offer a variety of personal choices. Including, among this assortment, it is easy to find the “Wheel of Fortune” talisman.

But the amulet that you will feel, which you will make yourself will be stronger and more effective. A person puts his soul into such a thing.

A special good luck charm will be useful if its owner does not forget about it - communicate with the rainbow image, share your experiences. And treat with care: any damage can reduce the magical effect.

The meaning of the amulet "Wheel of Fortune"

Natural processes, energy transformations, the functioning of the human body - absolutely everything changes.

In ancient times, the image of the wheel was associated with the moment of birth and the moment of death.

The combination of force and energy is closed in a ring - their continuous interaction takes place. And thanks to its positive effect, biologically active flows are revealed, aimed at achieving the desired effect.

How to make a Wheel of Fortune talisman with your own hands

If you decide to make a special amulet with your own hands, wait until Wednesday comes - the third day of the week. This is a prerequisite for obtaining the desired result.

During this period, the energy of the Universe interacts with money energy: their lines intersect and merge into a single whole.

So, when you wait for the right moment, get to work. You will need:

  • A large cardboard or green sheet - you will draw your amulet on it.
  • Golden paint - for drawing the sign.

The quality of the selected materials is not so important. The main role will be played by the correct application of symbolism and faith in its energetic power.

You should pay attention to the proportionality of the figure: it is believed that it is this detail that turns the amulet into money.

The amulet with the image of the Wheel of Fortune will attract the energies of good luck and luck to you.

Draw a circle on paper or cardboard. It is best to use a compass (adhering to geometric principles, we increase the magical power of the wheel). Draw the symbol of Fortune inside the circle.

Concentrate - careful execution of all actions will endear the Goddess of Fortune to you. Say mentally or aloud:

“The wheel is spinning - Fortune returns to me!

When you finish the procedure, you should carry out the activation process. To do this, you must give a piece of your internal energy to the amulet.

Just take it in your left hand and start visualizing your prosperous future: you live in abundance, you are completely satisfied with your income, financial situation at the highest level.

At the same time, slowly move clockwise with the index finger of your right hand along the edges of the circle.


When a person stubbornly moves towards a goal, but constantly feels that overcoming one obstacle, another one appears on his way, they say that fortune has turned away from him. Such people must certainly wear the Wheel of Fortune amulet.

Amulet meaning

The life of a modern person is like running in a circle. He goes to work every day, looks for opportunities to improve his financial situation, tries to control his destiny. In an effort to attract good luck, he seeks protection and support from the higher heavenly forces. One of the most powerful amulets that can help to find the long-awaited good luck and guarantees support in any enterprise is the ancient symbol of the Wheel of Fortune, or, as it is also called in Slavic mythology, the wheel of Perun or Kolovrat.

What is the meaning of the amulet? The symbol of the Wheel of Fortune has a very ancient sacred meaning: among the ancient Slavs, Kolovrat symbolized the sun, which is a circle. It is a symbol of life on earth, the cycle of nature, the change of seasons. The sun served as a source of energy, light. The ancient Slavs knew that nothing lasts forever, that after winter there will necessarily come spring, and after spring - summer, after summer - autumn, and again winter will come. They watched this eternal cycle and understood that this circle is inseparable, and the sun god is eternal, therefore they worshiped him, made amulets and talismans with his image.

Fortune-telling and prediction of the future during the time of the ancient Slavs was considered a very effective way to understand and, possibly, prevent impending problems and adversities. The most famous divination tool is tarot cards.

Ancient tarot cards

Tarot cards that have come to us from time immemorial also contain this sacred symbol. One of the ten most senior arcana is the Wheel of Fortune card. The meaning of the wheel of fortune is the possibility of change, constant movement, which indicates the inconstancy and changeability of fate, that our life is full of both white and black colors, that there is nothing eternal, and negative life moments are always replaced by a positive period, and vice versa.

The lasso Wheel of Fortune has two positions. If, during fortune-telling, the card lay down straight, then the lasso predicts quick and very serious changes in his personal life, but this will only bring a person joy and happiness, because the changes will be for the better. It is possible that your career will go up sharply or your love relationship will receive a new round of development, perhaps an unexpected proposal awaits you, and your life will change dramatically. If such a lasso fell, it can bring unexpected gains that will bring material well-being.

But we should not forget that everything in our life is changeable, and we should treat the suddenly fallen luck with great gratitude, try not to miss it.

If, during fortune-telling, the tarot card lies upside down, the wheel of fortune warns of the onset of a difficult period in life. The inverted card says that luck turns away from a person, you should be patient and endure all the hardships that fall on your shoulders. It is possible that a person does not deserve such an attitude of the mistress of fate to him, but not everything is subject to him, and therefore he cannot predict what awaits him in the future, perhaps this test will make him stronger and wiser in the future.

The lasso, which fell in such a position, says that everything is changeable: today you feel like a winner and those around you envy you, and tomorrow everything can change. And you are no longer the master of the situation, but only a pawn in someone's game called fate.

Purpose of the amulet Wheel of Fortune

So what if you can't catch your luck? This means that you need to call on the heavenly forces, enclosed in the Wheel of Fortune amulet. With this talisman, life will become successful, everything, whatever you undertake, will work out. If you have had problems in your family life, they will soon be resolved for the better. If there were problems at work, then they suddenly disappear.

The amulet will become an indispensable assistant, but only on condition that your thoughts are pure and bright, because the most important thing is faith. The talisman works if the person wearing it strongly believes in its help.

  • students, students of schools and technical schools, whose life is full of changes and luck plays an important role in it;
  • businessmen whose lives are subject to constant ups and downs;
  • people whose profession is associated with risk: they just need luck and luck;
  • of course, such an amulet can be carried with avid players.

Kolovrat - a symbol of masculinity

At the time of our ancestors, the symbol of the Wheel of Fortune was considered masculine, its meaning was closely associated with the god of fire and sun Perun, because for the ancient Slavs the sun was a symbol of life and procreation, originating from a man as the successor of the human race.

Often, men made themselves a tattoo depicting Kolovrat. The rays emanating from it were directed not clockwise, but as if moving in reverse. This direction is not accidental, because moving in the opposite direction is a purification of consciousness, an opportunity to start life anew.

Such Kolovrat means the Universe, a tattoo with a similar sign endows its owner with immense masculine strength and wisdom. When you decide to get yourself a tattoo with a similar image, it is better to bring a drawing or photo with an example of a pentagram. The master must understand what this symbol means to you and imagine what it looks like.

Why you need to make an amulet with your own hands

Like all talismans, it is better to make the Wheel of Fortune amulet with your own hands, because there is nothing stronger than human energy. Making such a talisman, you put your thoughts, dreams, desires into it. Impregnated with your energy power, the amulet will serve as a powerful helper in any business.

To start making an amulet, you need to spiritually prepare, mentally understand the meaning and purpose of the talisman, why you need this particular amulet. When you decide on a goal, your energy will concentrate on it, and the amulet will know its purpose.

You should start work in a good mood, when your thoughts are positive and your mood is peaceful.

If desires are vague, and thoughts are greedy, then you can only frighten luck, and it will never become your companion.

How to make the Wheel of Fortune amulet

If we turn to history, we will see that our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, made all amulets from natural materials. Only natural material is capable of being an energy conductor between man and the universe.

To make the Wheel of Fortune talisman, you can take a stone, wood or natural fabric.

First you need to decide on the image, for this you should take a sheet of paper and draw which of the ancient symbols you would like to see on it.


To make the Wheel of Fortune, you need yellow or green paper. At midnight, on the growing moon, you need to sit down at the table, light candles, draw a circle on paper. It is better to use a cup, not a compass, for this.

After that, you can cut a circle with scissors and apply a pentagram in its center. It is applied on both sides, because the wheel of fortune is a double-sided symbol. Mentally, you need to focus on your desire and say it to yourself, asking the higher heavenly powers to help. To enhance the effect of the amulet, you can hold it over the flame of a candle so that the wax hits the amulet.

Women can embroider such a symbol on linen, then take cardboard and glue or sheathe it, not forgetting that this talisman must have the shape of a wheel, and the pentagrams embroidered on it must be yellow or green.

The Wheel of Fortune amulet should always be with you. You cannot remove or ignore such a talisman for a long time, because, like fortune, he can simply take offense at you and turn the other side. Don't tempt your fate.

How to activate the amulet

An amulet for good luck requires special charging and replenishment of energy, for this it is required to make it at midnight in the young month, when everything strives to grow and gains strength. It is better to activate and make a talisman if you are alone at home: then your thoughts will be calm, and no one can catch you doing this and interfere with the sacrament.

It is better to take the candles from the church so that they are consecrated. Of course, this is more of a pagan ritual, but in our modern world everything is so closely intertwined that the line between the past and the present is erased, and a person believes in the united help of the universe and higher powers.

When the amulet is made, you need to hold it in your palm and direct all your thoughts to concentrate desire in it. The made talisman should always be with you.