Repairs Design Furniture

Bolt in Bruke how to do. Anchor on wood. Varieties, mounting methods. Other methods of connecting wooden structures

I always want to do something that will be incomprehensible to others. Simply put the focus, over which you can break your head and how it is done in secret. It is to such puzzles and refers to the next handicap, which you can do yourself.

To do this, take a wooden board, approximately 200 x 70 x 30 and make two, three cuts in it, so that it turns out 3 or 4 spikes, protruding with a height of 40 mm. Something on the similarity of calculations with several teeth. After that, the extreme spike is lowered in hot water and cook it for 20 minutes.

In the process of cooking, wood is gained water and becomes elastic, so it can be compressed, but with great effort. Take the workpiece and insert the suprantic thorns in vice. Spray thorn, which becomes shorter and leave it for a day or two in the vice.

After that, we take out the workpiece from the vice and we turn the hole in it from the side of the shaking hole. Insert the bolt. We will boil the extreme spike in the water, where it is restored until the initial type.

The made craft can be polished and covered with varnish, so many will take her in hand and surprise to solve a riddle, how did the bolt come in the middle?

We all strive to surprise with something like that, of your loved ones, neighbors and friends. We have such a vein, although we try to straighten it, so it is not entirely ethical. But the desire to surprise, wins. Anyway, we offer you a product, looking at which there is something to think about.

We are talking about the iron subject, which can be a nail or bolt in a wooden product, with cutouts. When considering the question arises, how there it was possible to insert a bolt or a nail. On this occasion, you can organize a whole scientific conference.

Everyone will consider to consider the product with curiosity, checking whether the extreme part is cleared through which the iron part, nail or bolt, should be inserted through logic. And it is unlikely that anyone can guess that when cooking in water, wood becomes soft and if used, then such a focus is obtained.

For the manufacture of such a puzzle, a piece of boards is taken and four huge spikes are cut into it. Then the extreme spike dip in water and boil 20 minutes. After that, the spike is clamped in vice and compress. In this position, leave for a day or two.

After that, we take out the wood and scroll from the squeezed spike side, which holds the shape, hole. Insert a bolt or nail into the hole, then boil the extreme thorn again and it takes an initial form. Now everyone will think how a bolt got there.

2 a year ago

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1 year ago

Puzzle store: 🔥Kource on 100 bucks and puzzle bolt bolt: 🔥https: // 🔥 When on the channel🔥 in \u200b\u200bthis video I revealed the secret of the puzzle solution Impossible bolt and nuts a Do you learn to decide and get 100 bucks? This is the most difficult puzzle in the world. Subscribe My Instagram: Channel with triggers: Mail for commercial offers: [Email Protected] Production Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound "

11 months ago

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3 a year ago

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11 months ago

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5 a year ago

Ready jewelry rings for weaving: In this video, I will show how very simple and quickly make a beautiful chain from ordinary wire at home and without special skills. With such a chain, you can make a key chain, bracelet, collar, and also use it for the decor. For weaving the chain, we will need wire, nippers and any rod. It is very easy and simple !! You will find this video at: https: // V \u003d CL0CX ... Subscribe to My Channel: https: // ... I will be very happy to comments and husky. I also recommend to look at the channels of my friends: https: // ... and https: // ... Music: "Ice Flow" Kevin Macleod ( Licensed Under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http: // ...

6 a year ago

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Are the anchor bolts for wood? How to secure an anchor to a wooden beam or a wall massive product - lantern, chandelier or a hanging bed? What other ways can wooden structures connect? Let's deal with.

Varieties anchors

The word "anchor" itself is borrowed from the German language and literally means "anchor". Anchor is used for.

The following types of these fasteners can be distinguished:

A type Short description
Specific For hold, friction force is used. To maximize the fastening element, inserted into the hole, is drunk. For this purpose, it serves as a wedge stop with a carvings inside, a plastic dowel, etc.
Stubborn Fixation is ensured by the deposit of an extended or ribbed part of the fastener at the base. This is how the foundation anchors used to install massive equipment to reinforced concrete foundation are arranged.
Glue The clutch with the base is provided by the supply to the gap between the walls of the opening and the ribbed rod of the fastener of the adhesive composition (as a rule, the mixture of the synthetic resin with a hardener)
Molly Bolt This type of anchors are used to attach attachment equipment to hollow partitions with low mechanical strength (GVL, GKL, chipboard, hollow brick). When tightening the bolt, he cuts out the outer shell to the side, forming the focus with the large area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the partition

Useful: adhesive anchor can often be found under a different name - chemical.

And now let's try to analyze what type of anchors is what suitable:

  • Molly bolt requires the presence of a significant area inside the design. As a result, it can only be used for hanging out relatively light products on thin partitions from board, lining or chipboard;
Homemade wooden puzzles presented on our website:


Making another wooden puzzle, I'm trying to analyze the current technological difficulties that arise at the same time and find ways and methods of "improving labor productivity" ...

The entire experience gained by me allows you to boldly say: the main time goes to fit the glued parts - a sharpening file with a file or, on the contrary, a sticker pieces of a veneer to increase the thickness of any element. The reason for this is not enough (to put it mildly) high-quality source bars, the cross section of which, as I have repeatedly noted, should be as closest to the square. A permissible deviation, it seems to me, should be no more than two tenth millimeters.

Without having qualitative "precision" equipment for such sawing boards, I must be content with the usual old circular saw. Despite the recently installed "modern" saw blade with a small tooth, a number of problems remained - not enough high turns of the shaft, biodilled in a consequence of many years of wear (as-in no way, sailing real yachts had to build! And not one ...)

In general, no matter how try, and the bars are obtained very distant from the ideal. And, even if in a new stouch, it is possible to drink them to quite acceptable blanks in the sense of perpendicularity and length, multiple modular cube, then after gluing, the long and vigorous "reflecting file" is inevitable ..

At the same time, I have long remarked: if the source bars were quite high-quality, the puzzle is made of quite a bit of time. And vice versa.

In this regard, I once adopted the "world-historical" decision to make a manual electro-plant reysmaus from the manual electro-planer. No sooner said than done!

The main design idea of \u200b\u200bmy "Well and Hower" is pretty obvious - not to give the Ranking more than necessary. To do this, on a flat piece of chipboard of a suitable size, I fastened two guide pine bars, on the upper faces of which screwed the plastic strips on the upper faces, picking them up with a total thickness so that the work plane of the plane was parallel to them.

I do not know how other Rubankov (somehow never really looked at them), but my has a special ledge for planing angle (as the joiners say a quarter). Therefore, the guide bars had to do a different cross section, and then further align polystyrene and watman strips.

Before the start of planing, I measuring a caliper's smallest blank thickness and calculate the magnitude of the lining (a set of plastic strips of different thickness, as well as cardboard and watman). Guides do not give a planer to fall below a certain height, while in a few passes ruthlessly complaining everything that is above it, which is actually required ...

Already the first full test cycle (from the workpiece for the finished product) showed the complete consistency of my idea! The time spent on the manufacture of another puzzle has decreased at times! And it is right!

Also in this "production and technological block" represent a number of improvements of my stusl.

First of all, I installed a wide stubborn pad from a piece of laminated plywood on the left side, on which the segment of the aluminum profile is attached for the most dense fixation of the cut blank. The restrictive device redid the limit on the right side. Now it is a bolt M8 bracket, in which a long bolt rotates, also M8 with a locking nut. The bolt is inserted into plastic nozzles of various lengths in which a wooden billet rests.

Suts off the lump, filled the length of the caliper, twisted, if necessary, the screw to half turn, fastened the wrench, and - forward. With the song!

To often do not rebuild the stop, I usually drink the items at once to several puzzles, after selecting them under the billets of one section.

Bonding the parts on a flat surface with the use of self-made conductor-carbon-based polystyrene.

Homemade wooden puzzle "Quartet 8L2".

This is a double puzzle: of the four identical parts it is necessary to assemble either one "thickened" frame, or a kind of chain of two links. Wooden.

This puzzle is one of my students' loved ones in a children's art school. By the way, the task of assembling one thickened frame has a very beautiful solution with the central symmetry! It is necessary to place all four details in relation to each other and then simultaneously move them to the center ...

On the idea of \u200b\u200bthis puzzle, a similar puzzle "Pyramid from the balls" arrived at №9 of the magazine "Entertaining puzzles" of the Publishing House of Deagostini. This puzzle is told on our project.

In addition, I intend to poning some amount of so-called. Rope puzzles, not so long ago, quite successfully bought in the store "Everything for the needlework" of all sorts of different other wooden "jokes" - rings, balls, etc.

The case remained for small - to sit behind the 3D model of Autodesk 3D Max and develop its own original version of the pyramid details. The efforts were crowned with a certain result, which was even reflected on the website

My puzzle (in contrast to the deagostnevskaya mentioned) is only one solution option that confirms the program confirms.

Experience has shown that from the whole manifold made by me for a year and a half puzzles, children most like "miniatures", in which from three to four parts it is required to assemble the cube 3x3x3. A short change is just enough to quickly deal with one or two such tasks. As a rule, I advise children to do this in pairs - at first everyone disassembles his puzzle, and then change. Very comfortably.

In this regard (and on the numerous requests of students), I for some very short time, several similar puzzles made at once, which enjoy the continued success at my wards. All of them are about the same as the complexity of both manufacturing and solutions. I highly recommend everyone. Who reads these lines, make these puzzles, so to speak, for the home, for the family. In addition to the development of the volume-spatial thinking of your children and loved ones, the problem will disappear than to take the guests at the time while the plane is boiled dumplings (the pizza in the oven cools the vodka in the freezer - the need to emphasize) ...

I intentionally do not bring the solutions to these puzzles here in order not to deprive you pleasure to find it yourself. For reference: averaged record of our artist for the most difficult of them - 20-30 seconds. And you are weak?!

Homemade wooden puzzle "Three Easy Pieces".

As the name follows, the puzzle consists of three parts, according to the author - simple. At the expense of "simple", by the way, I would argue with him ...

Homemade wooden puzzle "CORNER LOCK".

In addition to the three parts of the intricate shape, another modular cube is attached to this puzzle, which, when the puzzle is assembled, is quite tightly clamped on the edge of the cube 3x3x3. For the decor you can paint it into another color.

Homemade wooden puzzle "Neat Cakes".

Unlike the two previous ones, this puzzle applies not to nodes, but to packaging puzzles. That is, it is advisable to make a box for her storage. In order not to lose the cakes ("Neat Cakes" means "neat cakes")

Homemade wooden puzzle "baby kid".

And now, anyone can visit the personal site of Leonid Mochalov, which presents a large number of original developments of this inventor. About some of his work was told on the project Photodreamstudio. .

Below is a description of the puzzle "Kid Kid" Leonid Mochalov.

Homemade wooden puzzle "Tom" s Little Box ".

In this cumor, the author, despite the minimum of funds, even managed to realize the ratio! It is clear that the level 2.3 is not so exemplary, but in a dead end, it can put a different unlucky amateur "all to take a bounce". NOT PALUCHITSA !!!

Our project was represented by the "Stand Up Cube" puzzle, which I called a real pearl of my collection of wooden puzzles.

From the moment she passed through my hands, I did not leave me a desire to create something similar. But still I do not understand how can you design a puzzle given gravity?! The program "Burrtools" does not provide such an opportunity. At least my knowledge of this program (a, more precisely, English) does not allow you to think otherwise ...

I had to resort to the old Dedovsky method - the acting layout in full size. Ipowed with a small reserve of brooms with a length of 1, 2 and 3 modules and began searching for a stable form from the resulting parts. For temporary bonding elements, first tried to use bilateral tape, but then switched to the glue "moment" - keeps perfectly, and if necessary, it is easily removed.

As a stable form, after some thought, I decided to take the cross. And do not look here for some analogies !!!

The main design was carried out in the Autodesk 3D Max program, and checking for stability, as I said - on a real layout.

Of course, to present a steady figure of a cross in the form of a set of some sufficiently complex elements, is not a difficult task if it also also to attract the "Burrtolls" to the help. But it is necessary to achieve the details to be simple (similar to, for example, the elements of Heine Cubes), and so that the desired figure has gathered in many ways, but a steady option was just one - here it was necessary to drink!

However, after a number of physical and mental efforts, the goal was achieved!

But the most interesting thing was still ahead!

After analyzing (now without any jokes), the elements of their kids in the program "Burrtools", I discovered the great joy and surprised that from these ten different parts, the total volume of 48 cubes, in addition to a steady cross, fold a large number of different figures, Including - block 4x4x3, which is perfectly suitable as a package!

So at that time, the most interesting author's puzzle "48 cubes" appeared on the moment!

Many figures invented by me have only one solution option, but even, for example, laying in the box, despite the presence of more than 20 thousand options - the matter is very and very complex. In addition to the "Cross", I discovered a few more "stable" figures. That is, this puzzle game can be safely used as a children's building designer!

View video of step-by-step assembly puzzle "Standing Cross":

Below are the drawings of some figures that can be folded from the details of my author's puzzle "48 cubes" indicating the number of possible options.

A separate series of tasks is an assembly of parallelepiped. I draw your attention to the fact that for the assembly of some boxes does not require the whole set of ten items!

The puzzle game "48 cubes" fully refers to the packaging, so it requires a box for storage. On our own author's experience, I know that folded all the details back into the box sometimes takes a lot of time, and remember at least one of the 23rd option of the solution, everything somehow does not reach (more precisely, the head). Therefore, the publish scheme of laying in a box of ten details of the puzzle "48 cubes".

Run ahead, I will say: somehow it happened that lately I gradually began to make my own, author's puzzles. And it pleases! The process went!

In the following issues, I will introduce project visitors Photodreamstudio. With several of your own, I will not be afraid of this word, truly cool, original and complex puzzles! See you!

Recently, I start seriously thinking about making my puzzles not only for myself (beloved), but also for sale (for money). The main television in this direction I intend to realize in spring, but now is ready, in principle, start something to do under the order. So write [Email Protected] !
As they say, if we go in price and timing, I will do and send.