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What is the function of the pelvic bone. Pelvic bone: structure and typical diseases, injuries, causes of pain. Typical diseases, prognosis

The pelvic bone is the largest bone structure in the human body.

In addition to the function performed by the pelvis, determined by the property of connecting with the lower extremities, it is entrusted with the implementation of a variety of functional tasks. Since one of the functions is to maintain normal support, the pelvic girdle is designed in such a way that in the female and male structure of the skeleton, it is characterized by the difference in the functional characteristics assigned to it.

Human pelvis anatomy

The anatomy of the human pelvis has clearly demarcated structures that interact with each other in various ways (from adjacent touch to direct dependence of one on the other). For each bone tissue, a certain function is predetermined, which must be successfully reproduced in order to exclude a malfunction of the entire system of the skeleton, soft tissues, tendons and muscles.

The hip bone plays a significant role in the functioning of both legs, the part of which is articulated close to the pelvis and is surrounded by the hip joint. Since the anatomy of the structure of the skeletal column and the adjacent bone structures of the female and male body are different, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the natural location and structure of the pelvis.

Pelvic bones

The bones of the pelvis of the human skeletal column are formed under the fusion of two components: two unnamed hip bones and a sacral region. Their strengthening occurs due to the ligamentous apparatus and the joint, characterized by low mobility. The exit and entry holes of the pelvic bone tissue are covered with muscle tissue. This is a rather important structural feature that allows the normal passage of the natural process of giving birth. Nerve fibers and blood vessels pass through the multiple lumens of the pelvic bone.

The structure of the pelvic bones is such that its anterior and lateral zones end in nameless bones. The posterior zone is limited by the sacrum and coccyx, which is the final structure of the spinal column.

Unnamed bones

The anonymous bones of the human pelvis are located somewhat apart, have three bone formations in their structure. At an early age before reaching the age of 16, the bone tissues are endowed with articular properties; subsequently, the lower branch is connected by the acetabulum. The pelvis is strengthened by muscle tissue and ligaments. The natural location of the anonymous bone implies the union of the iliac, pubic, ischial hard tissues.

The iliac is located in the region of the acetabulum, has a wing. Its inner surface is represented by a concave shape; intestinal loops are located in the adjacent space. Just below the unnamed border overlaps the pelvic opening. In the female body, this place is important for medical diagnosis during pregnancy.

The outer surface is dotted with three lines, to which the gluteal muscles are attached. The edge is presented in the form of a comb, which ends with natural structures. The iliac wings, characterized by the presence of inner and outer layers, play an important role in the structure of the skeleton. From the lower to the iliac, bone structures are important anatomical landmarks in medical practice.

Differences between the female and male pelvis

A distinctive feature of the pelvic region is the difference in the structure of the skeleton of the female and male body. Since the female pelvis involves the reproduction of offspring, it is the main participant in childbirth. Medical practice emphasizes not only clinical, but also X-ray anatomy.


The human pelvis is equipped with massive strong joints, provides the main function - supporting. That is why the strength of the pelvic bone tissue is quite important, which allows it to withstand increased stress. The part of the pelvic bone tissue that follows the pelvis consists of the thigh, knee pads, lower legs and feet.

The pelvic girdle assumes the following functions of this part of the skeleton:

  • support and movement (the entire weight of the mass of the upper body of a person is superimposed on the pelvis);
  • protective function involves the protection of the internal organs of the hip girdle.

Support and movement

The anatomical structure of a person implies the presence of a high-strength element in which the individual merge together, forming a strong massive bone. In its central part on the outer surface there is a depression called the acetabulum, which is articulated with the head of the femur. This place is the main point that takes on the pressure of body weight, as well as the epicenter of motor activity in the upper part of the human body.

Hence, the conclusion follows: the pelvic bone should have an optimally strong structure, large diameter, sufficient depth and a steep edge. In it, the pelvic bones grow together during the period of growing up (sciatic, iliac, pubic).

The human pelvis also functions as a movement in space. This function ensures a person's upright posture. Thanks to the pelvic bones, the skeleton axis is maintained and the correct distribution of the body weight load on the lower limbs.

Since the function of support and movement allows a person to carry out physical activity, in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it loses its effectiveness.


Since the human body contains many vital organs, the protective function is of great importance for their normal functioning. Thanks to the protection, the safety of the spine, the anterior abdominal wall, and other internal structures, consisting of their soft tissues, cartilage, tendons, muscles, is ensured.

The largest bone in the human skeleton is the pelvic bone. It plays a great role in the activity of the musculoskeletal system, uniting the body with the lower limbs. Its complex anatomical structure is due to its diverse functionality and enormous load, and it exerts pressure from both sides.

Anatomical features of the pelvic girdle

The hip region consists of a pair of hip bones that are flat. They contribute to the stability of the lower extremities, evenly distributing the load, which depends on body weight. The male pelvic bones are united in the pubic symphysis, and together with the sacral region and coccyx form the pelvis. At human birth, both pelvic bones are presented as three separate parts, separated by cartilaginous formations. Over time, they grow together, forming one integral bone, and their joint is called a deep hemispherical or acetabulum, which connects to the hip joint. Due to the origin of the pelvic bone, it is used to think of it as a three-piece bone.

Pelvic bones

Human pelvic bones are the most massive part of the musculoskeletal system, and the structure of the pelvic bone is determined by the supporting function. It consists of three different departments: iliac, sciatic, and also pubic. The fusion of these areas begins during puberty. This happens precisely in those areas where the pressure on the pelvis is maximum. One of these areas is the acetabulum, in which the head of the femur is located. So after the articulation of these parts, the hip joint is formed.

The iliac part of the pelvis, consisting of a wing and a body, is localized above the acetabulum. One edge of the wing is presented in the form of a comb, to which the abdominal musculature is attached. From the back of the iliac bone, its plane is combined with the sacroiliac joint

The pubic bone is located under the acetabulum on the front side. It is presented in the form of two bends that are connected at an angle. There is a cartilaginous layer between them. All of these elements form the pubic symphysis. It plays a very important role in childbirth in women: when the fetus leaves the womb, the cartilaginous tissue is deformed, due to which the pelvic bones move apart. This contributes to the normal birth of the baby. This fact explains why the pelvic bone in men is much narrower than in women.

The ischium is localized on the back of the pelvis, at the same level as the pubic, only on the opposite side. The bone structure of this section has a bumpy surface, thanks to which a person can take a sitting position. This area is covered with muscle and fat, which softens the position. In addition, the hip region consists of the coccyx and sacrum, creating an annular pelvic cavity.

Pelvic joint

The hip joint performs very important actions, thanks to which people are able to walk, run, jump or perform other manipulations related to this department. Its development begins during the period of gestation, when a tiny organism is just forming. After birth, the hip joint is cartilage that gradually hardens and then bulges out to form a stronger bone structure. This process continues until the adult human body is fully formed. After that, bone growth stops, but other processes - changes in shape, localization and structure - continue as before.

The head of the femur is covered with cartilaginous flesh, and the neck of the femur connects directly to the bone itself in the acetabulum. Outside, the plane of the joint is covered with strong tissue, and inside it is reinforced with several ligaments, which perform protective functions, helping to cushion the bones of the hip joint during movement, and also protect the blood vessels inside the joint from damage.

The strongest ligaments of the human body are considered the ilio-femoral, the diameter of which can be up to 10 mm. They perform very significant actions: braking, during pivoting or extension movements. The pubo-femoral ligaments act in a similar manner, but only in an extended position.

Main functions

The anatomy of the human pelvic bone is endowed with a complex structure and performs the following functions.

  1. Support - to support the spine.
  2. Protective - warns the internal organs of the hip girdle from external physical influences and damage: urea, intestines and reproductive organs. It is considered the most important function, as it protects the vital organs of the human body.
  3. The hip region serves as the center of gravity of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Hematopoietic - promotes blood production, due to the large amount of red bone marrow.

Since the main function of the pelvis is protection, if it is damaged, there are risks of complications associated with damage to the internal organs of the pelvic girdle. Therefore, injuries to the hip region most often entail serious consequences.

How to maintain the strength of the hip

The main method of hip prevention is body weight control. The larger it is, the greater the load on the pelvis. Experts calculated the load based on the weight category of a person. For one extra kilogram, there is a load of 2 kg more than normal when walking, 5 kg for lifting, and when running or jumping - 10 kg. Thus, obesity contributes to rapid joint wear and the risk of osteoarthritis. Therefore, playing sports prolongs the wear of the pelvic joints.

For pathological diseases of the joints or overweight, doctors recommend doing simple exercises, walking or cycling more. Swimming also has beneficial effects on joints. Moreover, in such sports, there is no pressure on the pelvic joints. In case of fractures, after the bones are already overgrown, doctors advise to gradually increase the load. This is done so that the joints get stronger and return to their previous values.

In people of retirement age, bones no longer have such strength and are more likely to be injured. Therefore, to increase their strength, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. A large amount of this element contains dairy products, grains and legumes, walnuts, green vegetables, fish, fruits. In addition, patients may be prescribed medications that contain sufficient amounts of calcium.

Based on the information described above, it can be noted that a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, sports or light gymnastics, contributes to the long-term functioning of the joints of the pelvic girdle. In addition, having enough calcium in the body to strengthen bone tissue will reduce the risk of injury.

The skeleton is ...

The skeleton is a deceased, long-dead ...

So answered Kirum N., 2nd grade student

Skeleton of the pelvic girdle and lower limbs

The skeleton of the lower limbs is formed by the bones of the pelvic girdle and free lower limbs.

The pelvic girdle, or pelvis, consists of three firmly connected bones: the sacrum, two massive pelvic bones (ilium and ischial), between which there is a third - pubic, fused together after 16 years. The pubic bones are connected to each other with the help of cartilage, inside which there is a slit cavity (the connection is called a semi-joint). The pelvis includes and coccygeal bone... Distinguish between large and small pelvis. The large pelvis is formed by the wings of the ilium, and the small pelvis is formed by the pubic, ischial bones, sacrum and coccyx. The pelvis has an upper (inlet) opening, a cavity and a lower opening, or outlet.

In the pelvic cavity are the bladder, rectum and genitals (in women - the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, in men - the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, vas deferens). The small pelvis in women is the birth canal. The female pelvis is wider than the male and shorter, which is of great importance for childbirth (the size of the male pelvis is 1.5-2 cm less than the size of the female pelvis).

The femur is the largest of the tubular bones of the human body. Patella (patella) has the shape of a triangle with rounded corners. It is adjacent to the lower end of the femur, is located in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle and is part of the knee joint. There are two tibial bones - tibial and peroneal. Tibia located on the lower leg from the inside and is much thicker than the peroneal.

The bones of the foot are subdivided into the bones of the tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges of the fingers. There are seven bones in the tarsus (calcaneus, supracalcane, or talus, scaphoid, cuboid and three wedge-shaped). There is a heel tuber on the heel. There are five tarsal bones (tubular). At the lower end of the tibia, there is a protrusion called the ankle and an articular surface to connect to the supracal.

The bones of the toes are shorter than the corresponding phalanges of the fingers of the hand, and the big toe has two phalanges (the rest are three each) and is not opposed, like in monkeys. The bones of the free lower limb are connected to each other with the help of joints, the largest are the hip, knee and ankle. The greatest movement is possible in the upper foot (ankle) and lower foot joints, since the foot performs mainly the function of support.

The bones of the foot are not located in the same plane, but form bends in the longitudinal and transverse directions: there are longitudinal and transverse vaults... The presence of arches protects (reduces) from jolts during various movements, i.e. the vaults function as shock absorbers when walking and jumping. In some people, flattening of the arches of the foot is observed (there are no arches in apes) - flat feet develop, which leads to painful sensations.

The anatomical structure of the human pelvis resembles a large bowl, which is formed by two pelvic bones, the coccyx and the sacrum. The muscles of the peritoneum, back and legs are attached to the pelvic bones. The abdominal organs located in the pelvic ring are protected by these bones and muscles from external influences.

General structure of the pelvis

The two large, unnamed pelvic bones come together in front of an area called the pubic symphysis or pubic symphysis. Actually the pubis is formed by their convergence. Below is the pubic arch formed by the angle below the pubis in front of the pelvis. As a rule, this arch is narrower in men than in women. Behind the pubic symphysis, the pelvic bone connects to the coccyx and sacrum. The junction is the flat, wide junction between the wing of the ilium and the sacrum and is called the sacroiliac. Below, behind the sacrum, is the coccyx - the lowest part of the spine, forming the back of the pelvic ring wall and representing the rudimentary tail.

Pelvic bone. Functions

The main function performed by the massive bones of the pelvis is supporting. This explains the atypical structure of the pelvic bone. It carries most of the load when the body is upright and allows you to transfer body weight to your legs with greater reliability. There are left and right unnamed pelvic bones. They are the largest skeletal structures in the human body and are the main elements of the lower girdle. It is they who bear the heaviness of the entire upper body. This provides two other important functions of the pelvic bones - efficient movement and upright posture. As a supporting element, the pelvis has a high strength and structure of such a shape, which makes it possible to protect the internal organs located in its cavity.

Pelvic bone. Structure

The strongest and largest supporting element of the lower girdle is formed by three separate bones, which are fused together. This is the ischium, ilium, and pubic or pubic. In childhood, until about sixteen years old, these three bones are connected together only by cartilage. With age, they grow together and form a single nameless pelvic bone.

Photos showing the bones of the pelvis clearly demonstrate the shape and structure of each element of the lower girdle. The upper part of the pelvic bone is formed by the ilium, the posterior lower part is the ischium, and the lower anterior part is the pubic or pubic.

Like other bones in the skeleton, the pelvic bone has areas to which ligaments and muscles are attached. There are specific roughness, protrusions, ridges and tubercles, which provide reliable adhesion of muscle fibers to the pelvic ring. So, for example, the sartorius muscle of the front of the thigh and the inguinal ligament are attached to the bony protrusion of the upper anterior iliac spine on the ilium. The top is formed by an extension called a scallop. This is a convex edge extending back from the protruding superior anterior iliac spine. There are two large projections on the ischium - the ischial spine and the ischial tubercle, which bears the main load when the body is sitting.

Just below the middle of the pelvic bone is the acetabulum, which is a bowl-shaped depression. It forms the part of the hip joint where the head of the femur is located. There is a large opening below the acetabulum. This formation of the pelvic bone is covered by connective tissue.

Causes of pelvic pain

If you experience any discomfort in the lower belt area, it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor. It can be not only a surgeon or traumatologist, but also a rheumatologist, oncologist and hematologist. Pelvic pain can have different causes. And in time to identify a specific pathology is necessary in order to protect yourself from a more serious problem - immobilization.

Ossalgias are specific pains provoked by various diseases from which the pelvic bone can suffer. These include injuries, infections, inflammation of the tendons and joints, and systemic diseases. The pain can increase both when the pelvic bones themselves are damaged, and structures adjacent to them - muscles, cartilage, tendons or fascia.

Also, the causes of ossalgia can be excessive loads on the pelvic region during exercise, various tumors, blood diseases, bone metabolism disorders, and taking hormonal drugs. Diseases such as osteomyelitis and tuberculosis destroy the tissues that form the pelvic bone. Photos of bones affected by these infections can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe consequences of infection and delayed treatment.

Pain in the pelvic bones during pregnancy

The monthly increase in the load on the pelvic area during pregnancy and the stretching of the uterine ligaments cause discomfort in many women. The uterus is fixed with ligaments that prevent it from moving forward and wandering. But the connective tissue of these ligaments is not very elastic, it does not stretch enough, although it is forced to do so by the growth of the uterus. That is why during pregnancy, the back, legs and pelvic area, including the pelvic bone, can hurt. Its structure in women and men is different, which is associated with childbirth. Pelvic pain can sometimes be troubling throughout the entire period of gestation, but pregnant women, as a rule, gradually get used to them.

One of the largest and most massive bones in the human body is the pelvic bone. It performs many functions thanks to which a person can walk, and indeed move. But not every person thought about its structure.

The structure of the pelvic bone

First of all, it is worth noting that the pelvic bone and sacrum together form a bony pelvis, without which a person simply could not exist.

Until about 16 years old, this human bone consists of three separate bones, which, after a while, will gradually grow together until you get one whole bone.

So, the pelvic bone consists of:

  • Iliac. It is the largest bone in the entire pelvis and is a massive body with a large depression. Thanks to this bone, the pelvic bone and the femoral head are attached
  • Pubic. This bone consists of three parts and is a kind of connector
  • Sciatic. This is the trailing bone, which connects to the pubic, and together with it forms the obturator opening

Thanks to such a powerful structure of the pelvic bone, a person does not experience any difficulties in movement.

  • The pelvic floor has several important functions, including:
  • Support. It is thanks to this bone that a person stands exactly in place. All the load, all the weight falls on her. Therefore, the likelihood of fractures and other injuries depends on how strong the pelvic bone is.
  • Protection. This bone protects many organs that are located in the lower abdomen from direct external influences
  • Traffic. The bones are connected so neatly that a person can walk calmly without falling or waddling from side to side

The structure of the pelvic bone is very unusual. But all its features can be noticed only when it has not yet grown together into a single whole, that is, until the age of 16.

Causes of pelvic pain

Often, people complain of unpleasant and painful sensations that occur in the pelvic area. There are many reasons why they might appear. It is customary to refer to the main ones:

  • High stress during training, as well as during simple sports. This happens when a person does a lot of squats and also lifts too much weight.
  • Tumors of a different nature. As a rule, tumors block the path for normal blood circulation, and also affect nerve endings, thereby provoking the appearance of unpleasant sensations
  • Bone problems, which can manifest as fragility, brittleness, etc.
  • Taking medications, as well as hormones that have a direct effect on the entire human body
  • Congenital disorders in the structure of the pelvic bone
  • Diseases of the circulatory system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive system
  • Long stay in the same position. This usually happens to those people who are forced to lie down due to health problems.
  • Pregnancy
  • Fractures

Quite often, discomfort in the pelvic area is triggered by an infection in the body, as well as a slight destruction of cartilage. It should be noted that if even a weak, but unpleasant sensation appears, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to find out the true cause of the discomfort, and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Pregnancy and pain

This is the most beautiful period in the life of any woman. But in most cases it is overshadowed by various painful sensations. The most common complaint of expectant mothers is pelvic pain.

It must be said right away that these pains do not indicate the presence of some kind of defect, they only indicate that the woman's body is gradually preparing for childbirth.
Painful sensations appear because every day the uterus increases in size, and it needs more and more space.

That is why the ligaments begin to stretch. But, as a rule, not all ligaments and tendons are designed to be stretched. And fast growth always brings discomfort.

Many women note that they only experienced such pain in the third trimester. They begin to appear especially strongly a few days before childbirth, when, as doctors say, "the bones begin to separate."

In this case, you do not need to do anything, you just need to wait and endure, since this is a completely normal physiological process. The only thing you can do is try to avoid sudden movements.

In the event that a person suddenly began to be bothered by unpleasant and painful sensations in the pelvic region, then an urgent need to visit a doctor. You should contact either a gynecologist or a traumatologist.

The pelvic bone is one of those bones that is under enormous stress every day. That is why, you need to carefully monitor your own, since any injury to the pelvic bone can lead, at best, to temporary immobility.